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S13.E19: Reunion Part 2

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:


...A true friend would care about all this. Kyle didn't.

I don't think Kyle hates Sutton, and she has sadly treated other Housewives worse, but she is no friend to Sutton. 

How would Kyle like it if people were dismissive of her marriage falling apart just because she and Mauricio are loaded? I don't have a fraction as much money, and I do think Kyle has a blessed life regardless of what happens, but I still know money can only do so much for a broken heart. 


I don't think Kyle and Sutton have ever been "true friends".  They work together, Sutton rented one of Kyle's houses for a short while and that's about it.  Neither one of them seem to actually care about the other one.  

I think the women maybe weren't dismissive of Kyle's marriage but they sure wanted the details from her, keeping track of when she was wearing a ring on social media, etc. 

Frankly, I think all these women are ridiculous by definition of being a HW and often entertaining, although not as a much fun as this board, lol.    I don't expect them to be actual real friends although it's nice that some of them hang out off camera as well.  I've always assumed that Kyle, Garcelle, Crystal and Sutton's real friendships are with people not on this show.  Maybe Dorit, but I can't remember her mentioning a friend.  Erika clearly only has friends she's paying (or paying her) otherwise known as employees/johns).

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8 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I find the "nag" label, along with that tired old "even her husband can't stand her" trope, to be pretty sexist though, and a low-hanging-fruit kind of thing (plus, what does it say about a guy who is allegedly being nagged so much, yet he doesn't just make a decision to...not be?

PK's been in therapy with her, but all I hear from Dorit is everything she thinks PK is doing wrong.  I'm not saying he's perfect, but he looks like he's trying not to say how annoying she is on national tv, but he did tell her his point of view about her PTSD.  Whether she tries to understand his point of view, well, that's on her.  

When there are problems in a marriage, it's not usually 100% one person's fault (even if they did make a huge mistake.)  Sure, one person might be 80% of the problem with the other person being 20%, or it could be 70/30%, or 50/50, etc.  Each person has to own their part of the issues. 

Just from what I've seen of PK and Dorit in therapy, she seems to be doing all of the complaining.  I stand by my "nag, nag, nag" post and don't see it as sexist.  YMMV.  

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And, as usual, I will counter with the fact that we see like 12 minutes of their lives per week -- and far less of PK, who is shown exponentially less than the women. So, we really have no way of knowing what he's doing or not doing, and merely a tiny glimpse into what she's doing. Maybe he nags her. 

My comment wasn't about only your comment; there are others too, but mostly I mean the general societal attitude. But yeah, it is sexist though. Agree to disagree, whatever...it's all fine, I don't care.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Rewatching the episode, because I wanted to see Kyle using her middle finger towards the other couch, and I did. Very close to the end when they were getting to the almost wrapping up point, Kyle did an obvious middle finger salute while pushing her hair. 

Also the touching of the nose signal. I think they do that to an ally when they think someone from the other couch just handed them a false apology. I saw Dorit do it and Crystal too.

Now heres the crazy, juicy part. I think something much deeper is going on here between Kyle and Sutton. Psychic attack, throwing bad juju … whatever you want to call it. From Kyle towards Sutton. It seemed like the crystal Kyle brought and was holding, she kept rubbing it with her thumb from bottom to top where the top point was aimed at Sutton. Possibly attempting to send harmful energy. Bad thought forms. It’s a thing. Sutton seemed to come prepared for something just like this, a bad energy being amplified and thrown at her with Kyles attempts at crystal magic.
The eyes that were in Suttons jewelry on her necklace and bracelet (which she held her arm a lot with the bracelet facing Kyle like a shield).. well those eyes were Turkish evil eye symbols 🧿 meant for deflecting and protection from evil or bad energy. Often used to fend off the evil eye jealousy energy of others. 

WTF is going on with these two, and why did Sutton come, prepared to defend herself from witchery? 

We know next episode something happens with Sutton. Did Kyle get a boost from having her sister Kathy join her?

I think Kathy comes on as a big emotional supporter of Kyle where at the end of the show she reveals that Yes… she and Morgan are a thing. Then Kyle proudly blows away the audience and the world with her big “shocking” (we won’t be shocked) announcement, and “Wins the season” as top dog with her amazing news that will be on the lips and minds of every man woman and child on earth. Blowing away anything else that happened with anyone else on the show all season. Or so she thinks.

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On 3/6/2024 at 7:18 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Kyle is so full of shit she insinuated it then got Dorit to talk about it but then Teddi her bestie was going on her POD and Andy’s wwh and was mega phone hey Sutton’s a drunk .. she can’t keep claiming her hands are clean when she has her minions do her dirty work 

The narcissist uses flying monkeys to do her bidding. Kyle is no different. I was so irritated listening to Kyle I turned it off for a while. Not looking forward to guard dog Kathy coming on. 

And I don't believe Kyle is not on Ozempic or wasn't when she lost the weight. Perhaps she went off it after, and that's how she's now stating that she's not on it. She's playing with words. I watched the special about it on Hulu and it was said that half the women in LA are on it. An exaggeration but the point was it is all the rage for women in the industry. Anyone notice how now skinny Erika was quiet during that part? 

Kyle's lips did look weird, as did those two pieces of hair hanging down. I wanted to slap her when she mocked Sutton. She is such a mean girl. 


Edited by Sweet-tea
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1 hour ago, bosawks said:

I think I should stop watching this show, my dog is channeling his inner Dorit minus the spit curl…..



1 hour ago, bosawks said:

I think I should stop watching this show, my dog is channeling his inner Dorit minus the spit curl…..


lol!   I still can’t  believe it took her HOURS to get ready and wear that!  She didn’t even need to do her hair except for the spit curl.  Did she really need a glam squad for that? 





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1 hour ago, SassyCat said:

Rewatching the episode, because I wanted to see Kyle using her middle finger towards the other couch, and I did.

I noticed that too.  I wasn't sure if it was intentional or not but knowing that I wasn't the only one who saw it, I'm going with your explanation!

1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

So, we really have no way of knowing what he's doing or not doing, and merely a tiny glimpse into what she's doing. Maybe he nags her. 

Yeah, there are 2 sides to every story.  It just seems like this past season he's doing everything he can to stay away from the house, which is sad for the kids.  Dorit would drive me nuts though.  Hopefully they can figure it all out. :) 

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I really wish that Sutton would number one, stop apologizing to Kyle, and number two, come armed with solid examples. Make Avi watch all of the episodes and take notes for her then quiz Sutton on the  bullet points. And when Kyle knows she has no defense against something and then flips the conversation to "well you  did it first/did the same thing to me/knew I was going through a hard time and that would make it worse/me me me me me" Sutton  would calmly say "I'm happy to discuss that with you later on. Right  now though we're talking about this issue. Let's stay focused."

I also wish that Garcelle or the others would jump in when  Sutton  is getting blamed  for something they actually did. For example, Kyle's ring. Garcelle is the one who asked if it was a make up gift from Mo. On a side note, when Kyle started going on about maybe she just liked the ring and bought it for herself, how come no one pointed out that when a woman buys a ring for herself because she likes it, a happily married one doesn't ditch her wedding ring and replace it with the one she bought for herself because it was pretty. She puts the new ring on a different finger.

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9 minutes ago, ww92 said:

When Kyle started going on about maybe she just liked the ring and bought it for herself, how come no one pointed out that when a woman buys a ring for herself because she likes it, a happily married one doesn't ditch her wedding ring and replace it with the one she bought for herself because it was pretty. She puts the new ring on a different finger.

Excellent point.


There was also some press showing Kyle’s tote bag. It used to have the initials KRU on it. She started carrying a tote with no U.









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2 hours ago, SassyCat said:

Now heres the crazy, juicy part. I think something much deeper is going on here between Kyle and Sutton. Psychic attack, throwing bad juju … whatever you want to call it. From Kyle towards Sutton. It seemed like the crystal Kyle brought and was holding, she kept rubbing it with her thumb from bottom to top where the top point was aimed at Sutton. Possibly attempting to send harmful energy. Bad thought forms. It’s a thing. Sutton seemed to come prepared for something just like this, a bad energy being amplified and thrown at her with Kyles attempts at crystal magic.
The eyes that were in Suttons jewelry on her necklace and bracelet (which she held her arm a lot with the bracelet facing Kyle like a shield).. well those eyes were Turkish evil eye symbols 🧿 meant for deflecting and protection from evil or bad energy. Often used to fend off the evil eye jealousy energy of others. 

Oddly enough, I had read somewhere that Kathy was a witch.  Allegedly, there are lots of witches in Hollywood, and I am confident that it a real thing.  Also, oddly enough, as soon as Kathy walked out and Sutton had whatever episode she had, my mind went immediately to the Kathy witch rumor.  

I'm not saying that Kathy or Kyle are witches, I have no way of knowing.  We don't run in the same circles (haha) nor would I want to.  All I am saying is what I said, and I do find it all very odd, especially now that you bring it up.  


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6 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I thought part 2 was boring . I almost fell asleep. F listening to Dorit go on and on. It is strange that the one of men holding a gun to her head then gently sets the the phone down by the gate.  I was tired of looking at her in that awful outfit too. 
Kyle is so full of herself. She never shuts up. We’re never going to get a break from her.

OMG, I agree!  At one point I checked to see if it was 2 hours….so slow.  

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2 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

And I don't believe Kyle is not on Ozempic or wasn't when she lost the weight. Perhaps she went off it after, and that's how she's now stating that she's not on it. She's playing with words. I watched the special about it on Hulu and it was said that half the women in LA are on it. An exaggeration but the point was it is all the rage for women in the industry. Anyone notice how now skinny Erika was quiet during that part? 

Kyle's lips did look weird, as did those two pieces of hair hanging down. I wanted to slap her when she mocked Sutton. She is such a mean girl. 


Thanks for mentioning the Hulu documentary. I just watched it. Some of the subjects said almost exactly what Kyle said. Priorities change, feel you deserve better. 

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1 hour ago, Shannah Banana said:

Oddly enough, I had read somewhere that Kathy was a witch.  Allegedly, there are lots of witches in Hollywood, and I am confident that it a real thing.  Also, oddly enough, as soon as Kathy walked out and Sutton had whatever episode she had, my mind went immediately to the Kathy witch rumor.  

I'm not saying that Kathy or Kyle are witches, I have no way of knowing.  We don't run in the same circles (haha) nor would I want to.  All I am saying is what I said, and I do find it all very odd, especially now that you bring it up.  


No. I have no doubts Holly-wood (what is used to make magic wands) is rampant and filled with practitioners of the dark arts. The goal is power and wealth. Look where it all congregates. I have not heard that about Kathy, but am not at all surprised. Look at the power and wealth in that family, and they’re such nice upstanding people. 

On a past episode, long ago, I saw the reading material Kyle brought with her on a plane ride. It was the Kabbalah. Thats quite deep reading material for someone like Kyle who can’t focus enough to even read a longish news article. So, I knew then she was dabbling, or interested in dabbling. She also made sure the books title was seen. Signaling.

Hollywood is an evil place. Chuck full of narcissistic selfish psycho people who love to manipulate and do not care about how they acquire their power and wealth or who gets hurt or used in their quest and thirst for it. Its become extremely obvious and in-your-face lately. Just look at how the Superbowl is ramping up their demonic symbology for so many years now, for example. 

Victimized People are finally starting to talk about it now, too. Of course they are labeled as crazy.

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21 minutes ago, SassyCat said:

On a past episode, long ago, I saw the reading material Kyle brought with her on a plane ride. It was the Kabbalah. Thats quite deep reading material for someone like Kyle who can’t focus enough to even read a longish news article. So, I knew then she was dabbling, or interested in dabbling. She also made sure the books title was seen. Signaling.

I knew Kyle must have been into the Kabbalah, at least at some point, and to some degree, because she use to wear the red string around her wrist.  

Everything you said I agree with and understand.

They always come across as wonderful upstanding people, the one's you would least likely suspect.

Speaking of crazy, I was a bit surprised that you posted what you did because of the "crazy" factor and I almost didn't post what I did because of the same, but this will be my last season of BH's and so it doesn't matter.

Finally, and since the inception of Bravo, they have run me off.  I will finish this season and after that, sayonara suckers!  I will miss the commenters though but not Andy or his house of famewhores.  The only reason I watched this season was because Peacock sent me a deal in my email...1.99 for a year.  Yes, 1.99 for a year and I binged watched most of the season.  Now, I wish I had kept the 1.99, I don't think it was worth even that :)

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Oh no, y’all aren’t crazy for writing about all the evils of Hollywood in general, and these sisters in particular.

There are rabbit holes within rabbit holes about all this stuff, and I’ve read some very dark stuff.  Kyle is great friends with Jamie Lee Curtis….ok I’ll stop now about that. 
  Kyle is so inherently narcissistic and a complete victim at the same time.  I hope she & Morgan go off into the sunset and off this show. 

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1 hour ago, Shannah Banana said:

Speaking of crazy, I was a bit surprised that you posted what you did because of the "crazy" factor and I almost didn't post what I did because of the same, but this will be my last season of BH's and so it doesn't matter.

I am at the point where I couldn’t care less about appearing or sounding crazy. Too many people for too long have held their tongues and it just empowers the scum to continue. People would have to be blind if they say they haven’t noticed the evil that has been progressively being pushed and placed right in front of our eyes and implicated into our lives. More and more every day. 

Its the poor kids who are harmed the most and there is nothing more important than protecting the innocents at this point. Who is going to do that if nobody does anything to stop it.

Evil prevails when good men stand by and do nothing.

50 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Oh no, y’all aren’t crazy for writing about all the evils of Hollywood in general, and these sisters in particular.

There are rabbit holes within rabbit holes about all this stuff, and I’ve read some very dark stuff.  Kyle is great friends with Jamie Lee Curtis….ok I’ll stop now about that. 
  Kyle is so inherently narcissistic and a complete victim at the same time.  I hope she & Morgan go off into the sunset and off this show. 

Yep. Did you get a load of the artwork on Jamie Lees wall that was recently talked about in other circles? 
Sick fuckers

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On 3/7/2024 at 11:09 AM, Natalie68 said:


I am not sure why we have to put a time limit on grief.  No one is privy to all the details.  All of these people were very important to Sutton.  I am 55 and when I was 14 my best friend was murdered.  It still affects me.

My oldest sister died right in front of me 15 years ago. I still miss her so much sometimes it hurts. And my sweet dad died in 2021. I had been taking care of him for six years. He had Lewy Body dementia. Some days I will remember something out of the blue and feel overwhelmed with sadness and loss. My mother died six months later. You are right. It never really goes away. 

On 3/7/2024 at 11:42 AM, Mar said:

Last August is when this music video with Kyle and Morgan was released. If Kyle was so worried about people talking about her marriage, why would she do this? And she is currently being interviewed everywhere possible about her marriage. I think she doesn’t know how to live without media attention.


Totally agree. If you don't want your relationship with Morgan to be talked about, don't do a video like this. Total PR opportunity for Kyle. She wants people talking about her. That is her life. I doubt she would know what to do otherwise. 

On 3/7/2024 at 1:15 PM, angelamh66 said:

Funny how Dorit didn't enjoy that speculation but is just fine speculating about Sutton's alcohol use. 

I was mentally applauding Sutton when she came right back at Dorit, remarking that she didn't know how many "carcasses" Dorit went through a night. Bravo! 


Just from what I've seen of PK and Dorit in therapy, she seems to be doing all of the complaining.  I stand by my "nag, nag, nag" post and don't see it as sexist.  YMMV.  

Dorit is exhausting. I don't blame PK for wanting a break from her. And it does seem like she uses her PTSD as an excuse sometimes to justify her obnoxiousness. 

Can someone with talent at Photoshop post a picture of Dorit in that red dress but with her hair down and normal looking? I wonder if the dress would be ok without the ridiculous hood. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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Both Kyle and Dorit are exhausting in different ways. Most of Kyle's conversations are like this:

Wonder Woman Vintage GIF

Her tactic seems to be responding to comments without addressing them. Sutton says Kyle insinuated that Sutton had a drinking problem, and Kyle hits back with, "I never said those words!" Ugh. I guess Sutton is a better woman than I am, because I would have given up talking to Kyle a long time ago.

Dorit in her Our Lady of Perpetual Suffering garb loves to explain unnecessarily. She just had to tell us that the Pretty Woman dinner was mirroring the movie. And that words matter.

Erika's special just seems only slight more unnecessary than her Vegas residency. Do that many people really like her? She met with the victims so that they could understand her, not so that she could understand them. And that tells us everything about how Erika sees things.

Oh, look Doctor 8.4999 is still here. Good for her.

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8 hours ago, SassyCat said:

Yep. Did you get a load of the artwork on Jamie Lees wall that was recently talked about in other circles? 
Sick fuckers

Oh yes I’ve seen it.  Sick indeed. 
And all these women bowed to her when she was on the show. 

   I could take this to the Kyle thread so the episode thread doesn’t get derailed, but with respect to the Reunion, yes, it appears that Kyle is casting….something….towards Sutton. 

Edited by Starlight925
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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yea Kyle’s excuse are I did that BUT .. then deflects and makes it someone else that is wrong and waves away her own bad behavior cause .. you made me .. she’s mentally fighting like a 2 yo 

Thinking about this this is probably what Big Kathy taught her girls .. it’s a mental abuse tactic that people use ..

t’s your fault because you MADE me do this .. If you hadn’t done that then I wouldn’t have to have done this .. it’s YOUr fault for making me hurt you .. I’m not the bad person you are for doing something to me I’m just “reacting” 


totaly excusing the behavior and choices they could have made and blaming you 

so instead of talking accountability like she wants everyone else to and saying I’m sorry I did that ina genuine way then asking for an apology for their behavior it’s just fuck you it’s your fault 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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16 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

She's playing with words.

There are multiple versions of these drugs, and if they deny Ozempic it means they are taking a different, similar drug. Erika did something similar when she claimed she had found better hormones; there's a drug that works that way but I can't remember the scientific explanation.

At least 30 public figures have suddenly lost significant amounts of weight during the same time period. One can almost predict who will be next. As police detectives would say, there are no coincidences.

They can do what they want with their bodies, except some of them are greedily and selfishly purchasing drugs that are meant for diabetics and are in short supply. That's the main reason they are afraid to admit using the drugs to lose weight.

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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Thinking about this this is probably what Big Kathy taught her girls .. it’s a mental abuse tactic that people use ..

t’s your fault because you MADE me do this .. If you hadn’t done that then I wouldn’t have to have done this .. it’s YOUr fault for making me hurt you .. I’m not the bad person you are for doing something to me I’m just “reacting” 


totaly excusing the behavior and choices they could have made and blaming you 

so instead of talking accountability like she wants everyone else to and saying I’m sorry I did that ina genuine way then asking for an apology for their behavior it’s just fuck you it’s your fault 

Kyle to a T!  Also, with all the shit Sutton has shared this year, re how she still has issues with the end of her marriage and her dad's suicide, to name just two huge things, Kyle has the fucking gall to say all she shared was getting a horse and a dating coach.  The gaslighting of it all! 

Kyle, with her "just be honest--just BE HONEST!" mentality, certainly goes by the 'one set of rules for thee, another for me' mindset.

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1 hour ago, pasdetrois said:

There are multiple versions of these drugs, and if they deny Ozempic it means they are taking a different, similar drug. Erika did something similar when she claimed she had found better hormones; there's a drug that works that way but I can't remember the scientific explanation.

At least 30 public figures have suddenly lost significant amounts of weight during the same time period. One can almost predict who will be next. As police detectives would say, there are no coincidences.

They can do what they want with their bodies, except some of them are greedily and selfishly purchasing drugs that are meant for diabetics and are in short supply. That's the main reason they are afraid to admit using the drugs to lose weight.

I take it for Diabetes (well to keep me from getting it.  I always laugh because yes I have lost some weight with it but I have been on it almost a year and lost what the Hollywood types in a month. 

And it is annoying when I get down to almost the last day because of the back order

  • Hugs 7
11 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Yea Kyle’s excuse are I did that BUT .. then deflects and makes it someone else that is wrong and waves away her own bad behavior cause .. you made me .. she’s mentally fighting like a 2 yo 

And it works! No one presses her when she does this crap. Everyone starts talking over each other & then, it's: "lets move on"



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7 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

There are multiple versions of these drugs, and if they deny Ozempic it means they are taking a different, similar drug. Erika did something similar when she claimed she had found better hormones; there's a drug that works that way but I can't remember the scientific explanation.

At least 30 public figures have suddenly lost significant amounts of weight during the same time period. One can almost predict who will be next. As police detectives would say, there are no coincidences.

They can do what they want with their bodies, except some of them are greedily and selfishly purchasing drugs that are meant for diabetics and are in short supply. That's the main reason they are afraid to admit using the drugs to lose weight.

Kyle's actually been extremely explicit in her denials - denying both Ozempic and several other drugs by name, and also explicitly saying she hasn't taken any weight loss drugs, period. 

Remember way back in one of the very first seasons, Kyle and Mo participated in a charity bike race for cancer. I don’t think it was a century ride, but it was a longer distance. It just about took her out. She and Mo both were not in shape for it. 
Now she is claiming she has always worked out and this exercising is not new to her. Please. 
She is in her mid-50s, smack into menopause. She has not slimmed down as much as she has, which is a lot because she has always been a short, stockier person, through diet and exercise alone. I applaud her commitment to both, but she’s been assisted by medicines and/or surgeries. More power to her. She has altered her face beyond recognition from her early years and looks great, though she needs to lay off the lips. I think she’s now moved on to lipo, cool sculpting, whatever. 

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14 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

Remember way back in one of the very first seasons, Kyle and Mo participated in a charity bike race for cancer. I don’t think it was a century ride, but it was a longer distance. It just about took her out. She and Mo both were not in shape for it. 
Now she is claiming she has always worked out and this exercising is not new to her. Please. 
She is in her mid-50s, smack into menopause. She has not slimmed down as much as she has, which is a lot because she has always been a short, stockier person, through diet and exercise alone. I applaud her commitment to both, but she’s been assisted by medicines and/or surgeries. More power to her. She has altered her face beyond recognition from her early years and looks great, though she needs to lay off the lips. I think she’s now moved on to lipo, cool sculpting, whatever. 

I get where you're coming from. I have people in my life who struggled for years with their weights despite working out and dieting. Then they get on the weight loss drugs and bam, drastic weight loss. 

I think it's possible Kyle is being truthful though. For one, Kyle has never been an overweight person. I believe Kyle has always been active and watched what she ate to varying degrees. However, she's now super into fitness. When she's on vacation, she's more interested in working out than in drinking. Kyle consumed a lot of calories from alcohol alone before. I wouldn't be surprised if Kyle has more help than she's letting on. She certainly has the means and has had plastic surgery multiple times, so I'm sure she's open to lipo and cool sculpting. Paul Nassif even did some procedure on her "love handles" season 1 or 2. However, I think it's possible she went from a healthy, active lifestyle to the accountability lifestyle of Teddi. She did admit to a breast reduction (after Andy blurted it out), so that's probably part of why she looks smaller too. Kyle had a good point in that despite how little she is, she looks strong and athletic. Erika on the other hand looks unnaturally thin and waify to me. Erika is taller and has a leaner build than Kyle, but still. I'm more suspicious of the "hormones" she said she used. She looks very bony, and that's on camera. It's crazy that she is even thinner in actuality than how she looks on the show. 


Edited by RealHousewife
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I’ve been thinking about the rift between Kyle and Dorit. I think it’s possible that Kyle became very worried about her break up with Mauricio and new relationship with Morgan. There are a lot of people in this country that have some kind of problem with bisexuality.  After Rinna got the boot, anyone could be next and Kyle wanted to make darn sure that it wasn’t her. I don’t think Kyle realized what a dud AnneMarie would turn out to be. So, she needed to protect herself.  So, she decided to point out that Dorit was not really a friend, had no storyline, and that people were tired of listening to her. 

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On 3/8/2024 at 4:11 PM, StevieRocks said:

I still can't get over the fact that that ol' busted geriatric broke-down stripper got her own show. WHO is going to watch that? There isn't even a story there. Your thievin' wax figurine/cadaver huzzbin thieved a bunch of money from some of our society's most vulnerable and wronged people, who trusted him to represent them and make them whole, and he thieved their money to fund his geriatric, twerking succubus's stripping "dreams." The end. 🙄

I hate that she got a special. I don’t even think she needs to be on the show anymore. I thought her vegas run was a flop?

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Although I’m not a particular fan of Sutton, she’s been the main target for a good few seasons and survived it all to become a fan favourite. ( I would’ve quit to be honest.) 

Kyle is understandably frustrated by this.  Things are not going her way any more. The only HW who probably would stick by her is dim Dorit and she’s severed that apparently.  

Erika’s Mae West I’m no angel routine has grown old.  And she’s a friend to no one.  Kyle is a fool if she thinks she gives a fig.

Although I like Garcelle, she has no real story of her own and she often doesn’t speak up when I think she should.

I thought this RHOBH franchise was failing but apparently the ratings are up. 

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