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S16.E33: Nominations #11

Tara Ariano

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I fucking hate Jeff and Jordon so this was mostly a nightmare of an episode to sit through. I didn't care for them at all in their first season and by the time of their second season (where it seemed so obvious that Grodner had all but promised 'Big' (yeah, not so much) Jeff that it was going to be a cake walk to the winner's circle) they were down right insufferable. Honestly, one of my Top 5 BB episodes is when Jeff gets booted out in a double eviction. Man, even though I quit smoking a decade ago, I could have smoked an entire carton of cigarettes basking in the afterglow of the big galoot's boot!


It's so hard to sit through these episodes when you've absolutely nobody to root for and that it's just come down to hoping that Frankie or Derrik get booted before the finale just to see the looks on their faces. The best part would be that if somehow Victoria won. She would somehow be the perfect winner for this most boring season ever of Big Brother. Great work there, Grodner.

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Yeah, I fast forwarded through all that crap. I don't understand the big deal that is Jeff and Jordan, but I'll tell you what...they've raked it in as far as reality TV, probably more than anyone. 


Someone mentioned in another thread, that was 3 marriages from Big Brother. I know Rachel and Brendan, but who else? 


Here's what I'm imagining happened in the Big brother board room:

Grodner: "Ok, obviously America is not a fan of Frankie. We've showed him in a bad light the last couple episodes, but God Forbid he wins the whole game. So what do we do?"

Grodner minion: "Let's do some sort of reset button. If they press it, the whole week resets and they have to start over. You KNOW they'll push it. They always do."

Grodner minion#2: "We make the HOH comp something we know Frankie should win. He's a dancer, right? Good balance. Yes, we'll make a comp where good balance is the key. Also, the balls he has to balance will be smaller than everyone else's, but hopefully nobody will notice."

Grodner: " Yes! Give him an easy win. We don't make it too obvious. I've done it before, especially for Evel Dick during his time. This is great! Give Frankie the HOH and then some moron will press the button, or they all will....hahaha! Then, tada!! Sorry, Frankie, you must step down from your position as HOH and we'll do Rock Paper Scissors between the two nominees to see who will be the new HOH. Of course Rock Paper Scissors is waaay to complicated and confusing for Victoria to play, so Cody will be the new HOH and let's get Frankie out of here."


How's that sound? Good? Can you tell I really want Frankie to get booted sooner rather than later and hopefully the Super Booer guy sneaks his way back into the audience. My black soul wants to see him trying desperately to fake a bubbly smile as his reputation and world crumble around him.


What does this game do to me?

Edited by aurora296
  • Love 3

I am not really a fan of Jeff and Jordan, I can take them or leave them, but I do really like love... I'm a total sap for that stuff.  Since what we have left to work with on this season is so lame and boring, I was quite thankful for all the time spent on the proposal.  It was incredibly sweet of him to surprise her, and bring in everyone she loves to celebrate, including her dog.  Seeing people who are truly in love makes me happy.  I want everyone to have a partner who is as perfect for them as Mr. Irritable is for me, it's what makes all the shit sandwiches that life serves up taste almost bearable.  I was grateful to see something on this season that was genuinely sweet and almost Frankie-free (I agree that him tearfully clutching the dog was gross, because everyone knows why he did it - CAMERAS LOOK AT ME!  LOOK AT ME! But truth be told, in that exact same situation, I would have also wanted to hug the dog, just because it was a dog).


I hope it's okay to say this here because I don't consider it any kind of spoiler now, but I had read that Caleb had seen the guitars standing in the corner and assumed that meant he was going to be asked to sing.  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Oh, Caleb.  This guy.


When they were humiliated and stammering about who should take the credit for the house being such a filthy sty, one of them should have just said, "We evicted all of our housekeepers."

Edited by Irritable
  • Love 3

The editing for Caleb during CountyWho? singer was pretty funny (His staring and the 'angels from heaven music.)  It was brief, but totally funny!


I will say that - ugh, this pains me terribly - Frankie was correct in his Christine assessment when breaking it down for Cody.  I was kinda surprised that the boos were so..prominent...when heard from inside the house.  I don't recall them being that loud.  Editing trick to amp up for the viewing audience?  It seemed like they were much louder than I remember.  But it also was a good opportunity for Cody to do some damage control with the confirmation that they didn't sleep together.  Caleb's 'she wouldn't let you go anywhere without following you/always keeping an eye on you' was also deliciously ironic.


The reset seems so pointless.  It's a do-over from the HoH - so does that mean that both comps will be replayed with the same people, and Derrick sits out?  Or do they get different comps?  However, I wanna see Frankie figure out that his HoH win is now null and void - pleaseohpleaseohplease can we get a Chima-style meltdown and have him get ejected when he breaks shit finding out that his amazing comp win didn't serve to get him out but only to put neon on his big, bright shiny target?  Please?

  • Love 1

Many people change a 'tt' from two 't' sounds into one 'd' sound... people do the same on 'mittens'. I had a friend who was obsessed about making sure everyone she knew said Mitt-tens instead of midd-enz. Pronunciations and people's millage will vary...


In this instance, the HGs are pronouncing the word Buh-un, with their tongue doing no work until the "n", (a glottal stop in the middle of the word). When I hear people pronounce it this way, it sounds, (to me), like they're trying to be cutesy.  The dictionary has only one pronunciation of "button".

Buh-un sounds like baby talk to me, too, but I think it's far more common in the north than the south or mid-west, so it's weirder to some of us.

Cody is working on Caleb levels of dumb.

Yep. I was amazed that it took him so long to guess why they might be booing Christine. His first thought was that she might have been talking bad about him behind his back. Poor dumb Cody thinks everybody loves him as much as his daddy does.

Caleb is growing on me. His awe over the country singer and Jeff and Jordan was kind of adorable. While Frankie pretends to be excited over everything, Caleb sincerely is. I also think he's put up with Frankie's excessive hugging and touching quite well. You can tell it makes him a little uncomfortable but he tries hard to hide it. I think underneath all the bragging and delusions he's a pretty nice guy.

  • Love 2

I was over on TWOP for many years and avoided getting back into the fray. I can't stay out of it following the despicable behavior of Frankie Grande. I know his whole existence is to get attention from any and all cameras, probably including traffic cameras. I still don't have a clue why TPTB think everyone wnats to see and hear him almost the entire episode. Don't they at least have researchers who check out forums like this to get the pulse of the audience? Guess not.


What really got me angry were the remarks about Victoria. Let's see if the show has class enough to get him to apologize to her and her family. Forget it. I'm awake now.


I just know that TPTB will be banging on Frankie's door to get him on the next all stars season. Not that they'll have to but I'm sure they'll want him back as much as he'll want to return.. Doesn't that show contempt for the audience?

Edited by MRMO
  • Love 4

Caleb is growing on me too.  When he walked into the SR and said, "where's my pants", I thought DAMN, he looks fine, he looked better than the infamous Naked Cowboy in Times Square!


Not only can I not stand Frankie primming and surprised, happy face for the cameras - I also can't stand Victoria's constant glances into the mirrors EVERY second!!  I'd love a DE this week and get rid of both!

Ugh. I FF'd half of that episode. I didn't loath Jeff and Jordan on their season(s), but I find it the height of fame-whoredom to propose to your girlfriend on the set of BB and make the bulk of an episode, which belongs to a season you're not even on, about you! Just so douchey. Quit wasting my time and get off my TV. 


And then it was just too much Frankie. Frankie wins HOH. Again. I can't really hate on him, he is good at comps. But I just can't stand him! I found it interesting that he was very against pushing the button before he won HOH. Then suddenly he was all, "We HAVE to do it. If we don't, we'll look like losers". In my mind, that makes it seem like he thinks being HOH is going to safeguard him from whatever the button unleashes. But I think it will be exactly the opposite. Perhaps Julie already specified what the button does and I was zoned out, but my guess is that it just re-sets everything that has been done. So he wouldn't be HOH. His noms wouldn't stick. Etc. I just wonder who will be allowed to compete. Does Derrick still have to sit out? Or does Frankie now have to sit out? Or is everyone competing? 


Pondering that was about the only interesting thing about last night. Oh, and how easy it is to flatter Victoria with BS. She was just grinning like the Cheshire Cat at the realization that she's the final girl standing on BB16. Like it's some big honor she worked her ass off to get. She is so delusional. Derrick is smooth, but it's almost too easy with these idiots. 

  • Love 1

This seems to happen every season, but it never fails to make me sigh and roll my eyes when the houseguests suddenly seem to realize that a particular houseguest has been winning tons of competitions and could be a real threat and they should probably try to evict them. Because they always come to this realization WAY too late in the game and when it's more difficult to get that person out. The time to get Frankie evicted was weeks and weeks ago. Now there's fewer people in the house, and he's going to keep winning Vetoes and you're never going to be rid of that little monster. Sigh.


We had to fast-forward through the country music singer's performance because we don't know who he is and don't care for country music. NEXT. Although it was hilarious to see Caleb's mooning over him and the editors having fun with the music. Much better than Frankie doing his usual LOOK AT ME, CAMERAS freak-out of excitement. Ugh.


I really don't want Frankie to win this season because he's horrible, but mostly I just want him evicted because I want to see  how loudly the audience boos him. I mean, if that was the reception Christine got, can you imagine how they'll react to Frankie? It would be GLORIOUS.


I'm trying to look on the bright side that the reset button basically means that while everything that happened this episode or will happen in the next one is a complete waste of our time, it at least means that we'll get to see a new HoH comp and hopefully it won't be one so clearly geared for Frankie.


Oh, but I did enjoy Caleb's brilliant strategy for Frankie being HoH was to walk around in his underwear going "Have you seen my pants?"

I didn't mind seeing Jeff and Jordan.  They should take the opportunities provided by this show for all they can.  Rob and Amber made a career out of it...I say take the money and run.


I actually am feeling more for Caleb now.  I know he was bad about Amber and he has some other less than desirable traits, but he has essentially been loyal, his expression while watching the singer was endearing, as is his delusion that it's still the bomb squad running things.  I wouldn't be upset if he won.


Ghoulina~ you are correct, it's a Rewind button, which takes everything back this week.  Derrick is, again, not eligible to compete for HOH.


ETA: http://www.inquisitr...w-it-will-work/

That was the author's conclusion, but "all of the players who were eligible...Thursday" only clarifies that Frankie will be able to compete again; it doesn't say anything about Derrick. If Julie had said "only the players..." it would mean that Derrick is not eligible.



I still don't have a clue why TPTB think everyone wnats to see and hear [Frankie] almost the entire episode.

Sometimes a bit of celebrity status seems to rub off on others in a family, but TPTB haven't figured out that the Grande's aren't the Kardashians.

A Big Brother alumni couple makes it offish.http://previously.tv/big-brother/decent-proposal/"> Read the story

@dolphincorn already beat me to it, but it bears repeating - the absolute best line in the entire recap (referring to the Jeff/Jordan engagement):

Personally, my greatest joy in the moment is realizing that it must be igniting flames, FLAMES on the side of Rachel Reilly's face.

Caleb is growing on me too. When he walked into the SR and said, "where's my pants", I thought DAMN, he looks fine, he looked better than the infamous Naked Cowboy in Times Square!

That was my favorite part of the show.

I agree, AND try to make Cody look bad in front of America. I can't stand to even look or hear Frankie.

Cody has done a good job of that all by himself. Frankie trying to explain it to him, didn't make him look any worse. This was something that the guys tried to explain to him more than once. Cody is clueless and chose not to stop. He is just as responsible as Christine but gets the pass because he's single, male and cute.

I hate Frankie but talking to Cody was one of the he did I liked this season.

Edited by LGGirl
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That was the author's conclusion, but "all of the players who were eligible...Thursday" only clarifies that Frankie will be able to compete again; it doesn't say anything about Derrick. If Julie had said "only the players..." it would mean that Derrick is not eligible.



I think it was more than merely the author's conclusion. Julie's initial statement was that all the HGs got to play for HOH during the rewind.  Then, she issued an update, which said, "All the Houseguests, who competed last night, will play for HOH all over again.  Sorry for any confusion. Chenbot malfunction.  What the bleep #%€?¥!?”]"    If she wasn't referring to Derrick, there would have been no need for clarification.  


Or, am I missing something?

Edited by Overwhelming No

BB Rewind Button, per Julie:


"If that button is pressed, next week's live vote will stop live on the air, the two nominees will immediately come off the block, the game will rewind and the entire week will be replayed.  That means next week's nominees could go from being on the block to becoming head of household."




Ahh, ok I see she was interviewed, here's what I found:


Julie  clarified to explain that all Houseguests who previously competed in the HoH competition could compete again on Wednesday night’s Rewind. 


Another find, she also said:


If the rewind button gets pushed, the two nominees next week come off the block and we immediately rewind the game one week. That means all house guests play for HOH all over again.


I guess we'll just have to wait until Wednesday.


here's her interview: http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/09/05/big-brother-julie-chen-chistine-boos/

Edited by JerseyGirl


The time to get Frankie evicted was weeks and weeks ago. Now there's fewer people in the house, and he's going to keep winning Vetoes and you're never going to be rid of that little monster.


Ironically, he's been good at physical competitions, but not question-and-answer ones. Because he's so delusional he thinks he knows shit he doesn't.


That said, I'm going to be generous here and give Frankie the benefit of the doubt that his tearing up at the Jeff and Jordan music video was genuine, just because he wasn't jumping up and down and twirling around like a demented windmill like he usually does when he's getting attention. It also cracked me up when they cut to Cody and HE was tearing up too. LOL.


But, yeah - this is one pointless freaking week.

  • Love 1
Victoria is the women's champion :)


Hah! I loved that little snippet of Derrick's smooth social game. I was waiting for him to jump up off his bed and tell a pumped up Victoria to go take a victory lap around the house to celebrate her "accomplishment".



Caleb's 'she wouldn't let you go anywhere without following you/always keeping an eye on you' was also deliciously ironic.


And double hah! I hadn't put that together but yeah pot meet kettle.

Edited by Wandering Snark

Oh Victoria:

"If I didnt drop my balls...."

"I mean if I didnt fall off the shovel."


So, there was a chance, Victoria, of you winning?  You make me smile :)


Anyone who doesn't believe the Diary Room sessions are scripted (or at least prompted) just needs to look at any DR Victoria does before or during a competition. Every time she says something like, "I HAVE to win this one" or "I totally have a chance" or something like it, even SHE doesn't look like she believes the words coming out of her mouth! :-D

This is Frankie we're talking about.  He was SO excited about going to bed early the night they all decided to turn in early.  He was SO excited to get a Swiffer.  He's SO excited about every damn thing that goes on and jumps up and down with mouth wide open at every. little. thing. I'm sure he had no idea who Brett was, but it gave him an excuse to draw attention to himself.  Gotta get that camera time, doncha know.  And why on earth does he get so many more DRs than anyone else?  Damn you to hell, Grodner, for forcing that piece of shit on us every freakin' episode!




One of my favorite Jeff and Jordan moments in their first season was the squirrel conversation.....too cute!


The squirrel conversation is a favorite of mine, too.  It is the only one I remember!  


I agree with everything you said!


The one good and honest thing Frankie has said was to Cody about the booing for Christine.  

Edited by wings707

Paper Tree....Thanks for the welcome. I'm looking forward to the usual snark. As with every season, the show provides plenty of material.


Caleb approaches self parody. Whether he's making up his own one liners or delivering those written for him, he seems to be having a good time with it all. Still his Amber obsession is creepy.


If Frankie actually apologizes to Victoria and her family I'm sure it'll be oh so sincere. I wonder what the parents of his sister's bublle gum fans think of her vile half brother?


I know Victoria came into the house thinking she's be the hot babe. I'm sure she didn't think she would end up being comedy relief. Through it all there is something very likeable about her.

  • Love 1


The one good and honest thing Frankie has said was to Cody about the booing for Christine.

Personally, I think that was nothing more than Frankie hamming it up for the cameras - again. Cody may like to play dumb as part of his game strategy, but NO WAY is he simple enough to require an explanation of the booing from people who by definition don't know any more than him about it - and surely not from FRANKIE of all people.

  • Love 1

I like Jordan (Jeff not so much, but whatevs), but come... on that was dumb.


Things that make me want to poke out both my eyes and eardrums while watching BB:

Frankie speaking

Victoria's DRs

Frankie mugging for the camera

Caleb being delusional

Frankie existing

Derrick's dumb game and everyone buying it

Frankie being delusional

Cody thinking he's cute

Frankie thinking he's cute


That's it for now.

Very funny Reminds me of a list of 50 people i most hate by truman capote . . . . every other name was billy graham.


Yes.  It's not Buh-un,  It's BUTTun,  you BUTTholes.

I see it being pronounced:  bu'on


even those of us who pronounce it "correctly," pronounce it "butt'n"


I'm afraid I don't pronounce the T's in button either, must be a regional thing.

i think it's an age thing . . . i hear all kids pronouncing it bu'on

  • Love 2

Personally, I think that was nothing more than Frankie hamming it up for the cameras - again. Cody may like to play dumb as part of his game strategy, but NO WAY is he simple enough to require an explanation of the booing from people who by definition don't know any more than him about it - and surely not from FRANKIE of all people.


This did cross my mind but my conclusion, Cody is slow.  His look was so genuinely blank that it gave me pause.  I don't often pause. 

  • Love 1

This did cross my mind but my conclusion, Cody is slow. His look was so genuinely blank that it gave me pause. I don't often pause.

Yeah, but c'mon - he works in SALES, for crying loud. HB* factor aside, if he was THAT slow he'd be eating government cheese and living in a van by the river.

* HB = Handsome Bubble

Edited by Nashville

Although I'm a complete cynic about love and marriage (having had more than two and less than four marriages/divorces myself), I got a little misty during the Jeff and Jordan retrospective. Then again, I was probably just nostalgic for those old seasons where every single move wasn't manipulated by production, and even brainless boobs could have an independent thought.


In the "olden days" it would have been POSSIBLE for the hamsters to decide not to push that buh-un. Now it's so obvious that production makes sure they know what is expected of them (probably by using Frankie...you know, "Grodner's Player").

I don't think Cody was looking blank so much as he was trying to look innocent. Like "nope I can't see why anyone would boo her because after all we didn't do anything wrong even if it looked funny"

Just want to add that as a raging heterosexual female, the "fuck, marry, kill" game has never been easier or more clear. Fuck Cody, marry Derrick, kill Frankie. Anyone of these three things on my to-do list would make me happy, but all three....sigh....

  • Love 3

Yeah, but c'mon - he works in SALES, for crying loud. HB* factor aside, if he was THAT slow he'd be eating government cheese and living in a van by the river.

* HB = Handsome Bubble



Ha ha ha!  That would be down by the river, just so you know.   His job title is sales account executive.  Loosely translated, manager at Foot Locker, perhaps?



Edited by wings707

Caleb is growing on me too.  When he walked into the SR and said, "where's my pants", I thought DAMN, he looks fine, he looked better than the infamous Naked Cowboy in Times Square!


I had a Eureka moment.  This!  This is why the American male loves dim-witted bleach blondes with huge implants.  I get it!  One of life's mysteries solved.

  • Love 2

I don't think Cody's slow, he just pretends to be because it works and makes it seem like he shouldn't be held accountable for his actions. It's unfortunately something that I used to do at the beginning of a relationship to see what I would get away with, it's surprising but most of the time I wouldn't get called out for anything until my current gf who calls me out on my shit all the time which I love and respect. He spent a lot of time bragging about his previous job, women requesting him, "loser" husbands getting upset and jealous and that they called him a homewrecker. He knows what he does, he had left her alone, saw she got paranoid and went back to cuddling and touching to get her "in line", very manipulative, even his family said he was using her. When I look at him I see someone vain, that is very aware that his looks will let him get away with things which is why he's always propping himself up (looks-wise) and calling others ugly.

  • Love 4

This is the first season of BB where I don't actually dislike anyone in the cast, even Frankie.  I've enjoyed the season, but we're at that time of the year where the contestants are few, the drama is low, and the decisions to be made are fairly straightforward.  It must be tough for the Producers to fill 3 hours a week now. 


Having said that, I've always been a HUGE fan of Jeff and Jordan, so I really enjoyed their engagement party and wish I'd seen more of it.  The squirrel conversation was a favorite of mine, too.  Years ago, my girlfriend at the time casually asked me one night what animal I would like to be.  I immediately said squirrel.  Not being a BB fan, she asked why in the world would I say that.  I told her because they have bushy tails and live in neighborhoods and stuff.  She thought I was crazy! LOL  We broke up soon afterward.


Caleb STILL believes that the Bomb Squad is alive.  Does he not know about the Detonators?  Or did the Detonators disband and return to the Bomb Squad?  Caleb and I are both confused.


Does Victoria REALLY believe she's a strong player, or does she know she's just being carried to the end and is at peace with that?


CODY: "Christine and I are just friends!  She can't kiss nearly as well as my daddy does."

Edited by Gregg247
  • Love 2


Buh-un sounds like baby talk to me, too, but I think it's far more common in the north than the south or mid-west, so it's weirder to some of us.

Yeah, I have lived in New England all my life.  I can only think of 2 people I know that pronounce it "but-ton" with the T sounds.  Everyone here just says "buh-in" without the T sounds.  

  • Love 2


Caleb STILL believes that the Bomb Squad is alive.  Does he not know about the Detonators?  Or did the Detonators disband and return to the Bomb Squad?  Caleb and I are both confused.

Caleb doesn't know about the Detonators really.  He was told about it a little bit, but not the complete truth.  And it got glossed over and he dismissed it.  He really does believe he has been running things all season.  He doesn't realize that it has been Derrick.  


Does Victoria REALLY believe she's a strong player, or does she know she's just being carried to the end and is at peace with that?

She knows she's not, but she was hoping to get 2nd place with Derrick getting first place.  She even told him that if he was going to get voted out, she'd rather ask if she can go in his place because she wants him to win it all so badly.  

I want them to do a montage of Cody's absolutely disgusting sniffing and swallowing of his nose snot.  It is non-stop and I want to gag every time he does it.  I literally have never met anyone that does that - kid or adult.  

  • Love 1
Caleb STILL believes that the Bomb Squad is alive.  Does he not know about the Detonators?  Or did the Detonators disband and return to the Bomb Squad?  Caleb and I are both confused.


Caleb never knew about the Detonators, but it doesn't really matter. They dropped him in name only. He's still been making major decisions with them all this time and members of the new alliance are being considered for eviction before he is. 

Years ago, my girlfriend at the time casually asked me one night what animal I would like to be.  I immediately said squirrel.  Not being a BB fan, she asked why in the world would I say that.  I told her because they have bushy tails and live in neighborhoods and stuff.  She thought I was crazy! LOL  We broke up soon afterward


.I'm sitting here laughing like crazy, wondering what must have been going through your girlfriend's mind when you pulled a Jordan on her! 

"[Caleb] really does believe he has been running things all season. He doesn't realize that it has been Derrick."

And in Christine's exit interviews she has been saying that "hands down, Frankie is running things."

To me, both these statements highlight the brilliance of Derrick. We viewers are privy to facts and insights and confessions that the other houseguest aren't. We know Derrick is running this game from the beginning but he is so silky smooth that different houseguests think other players are totally in charge. I hope neither the button nor any other last-minute productions wrinkles cost this man the game. He thoroughly deserves the win.

(Edited because I clearly can't figure out how to use the quote system)

Edited by Rbonnie
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I want to add that it doesn't mean a thing to me that Derrick has an advantage by having undercover experience. Everyone brings their skill set to the game, whether it's big muscles, a cute face, or being a coach. You use the talents you have been born with or developed in life to help you get further in the game.

Saying Derrick has an unfair advantage because he knows how to blend in is like saying Caleb has an unfair strength advantage, or Frankie can balance better than others. You use what you got!

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