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S03.E03: Gregory’s Garden Goofballs


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"That child does not have a child!" My god, Barbara burning Janine like that is too much.

And yeah, not surprised Ava sees Janine as a mole in the district. Of course she wants Janine to help out with the ASL teacher because the kid can't keep up with her zingers. But that is still incredibly sweet in her own way.

The absolute stink face that Nick gave Tariq when he called him TJ. Loved seeing him again. I absolutely loved Barbara's interactions with him. She had no patience with him at all and just walked away.

Loved that Gregory can't handle being the "cool" anything, let alone the cool teacher. Of course it's been Jacob's biggest dream and he's so jealous. And I loved Melissa and Mr. Johnson laughing in his face about having to deal with it.

2 minutes ago, JeanJean said:

I teared up when Tariq started calling Nick by his actual name and little Nick smiled.

And changed his name to Nick Sr., and wants to start a Parent Tariq Alliance.

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"Parent-Tariq Alliance" XD. 

Aw, I do like that Tariq is stepping up to be there for his girlfriend's son. Yeah, he might be a bit awkward about it at times, but he's trying and genuinely cares. Good for him.

And hey, he wasn't nearly as awkward as Gregory was tonight, so... Man, poor guy was having a bumpy time this episode. I do like the idea of students feeling comfortable just chilling in his room, but I also totally get why he wasn't sure how to feel about it. 

Also glad that they were able to get the interpreter. It was so sweet to see the student so happy with her, and to see Jacob happy to have her there as well. Again, some great interaction between Jacob and Janine this episode. I loved the bit with them talking on the phone while Janine was closing the blinds :p. 

And the running gag of Janine not knowing quotes from Taken was great, too. I liked her interaction with the district people this episode, it was good to see her figuring out how to deal with the hurdles and issues she had to encounter, and the support she was getting where possible. I hope we get to see more exmples of her efforts paying off, the way they did with the interpreter. 

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Am I the only one that can't get pass Josh Segarra (Manny) being the big bad in season 5 of Arrow but yet he's basically playing a goof ball in SheHulk and Abotts Elementary? I just see a really good villain every scene he's in...that's some acting to go from something heavy like the big bad in a season on Arrow to this comedy. 

Edited by Brown44
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6 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

"Parent-Tariq Alliance" XD. 

Aw, I do like that Tariq is stepping up to be there for his girlfriend's son. Yeah, he might be a bit awkward about it at times, but he's trying and genuinely cares. Good for him.

Yes, I really like Tariq because he seems to genuinely like kids.  Good for him.  He would make a great stay at home dad, and he wouldn't mind at all, lol.

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35 minutes ago, kathyk2 said:

I hated this episode I didn't laugh once. Tariq is so self centered I hope Janine doesn't reconcile with him. If Imani had an IEP Janine shouldn't have had to jump though hoops to get an interpreter.

Getting expensive services of any type for kids is almost impossible. I could definitely see the district putting up tons of red tape so they don’t have to pay. 

I really like when we see the “I’m here for the kids” side of Ava. I think it rounds out her character. 

  • Like 18

I don't find Tariq nearly as likeable as others do.

I certainly don't hate him, because he has some good qualiities, and he has no malice. But he's a selfish con artist/manipulator, and I don't think he cared much about Nick at all. If he did, he wouldn't have forgotten his name, and he would have noticed how much Nick hated being called TJ.

What Tariq cared about was a) forcing Nick into the role of his mini-me, b) enjoying the status of being a parent, and c) using "I do the parenting" as a justification for Nick's mother paying all of the bills.

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8 hours ago, irisheyes said:

Getting expensive services of any type for kids is almost impossible. I could definitely see the district putting up tons of red tape so they don’t have to pay. 

I really like when we see the “I’m here for the kids” side of Ava. I think it rounds out her character. 

I was pleasantly surprised by that. Sure she had motives, but I suspect deep down, that wasn't all. 

5 hours ago, JeanJean said:

Forgot to say, I loved Janine's multicolored woolen coat.

Me too! I want that coat! 

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Some reporter needs to take a look at the district’s beauracracy to get an ASL interpreter. Wouldn’t that be some kind of ADA violation to put up so many barriers to get a service? No wonder the parents threatening to go to the media got some action, but that’s not repeatable unless there’s a lawsuit that someone wins

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7 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I don't find Tariq nearly as likeable as others do.

I certainly don't hate him, because he has some good qualiities, and he has no malice. But he's a selfish con artist/manipulator, and I don't think he cared much about Nick at all. If he did, he wouldn't have forgotten his name, and he would have noticed how much Nick hated being called TJ.

What Tariq cared about was a) forcing Nick into the role of his mini-me, b) enjoying the status of being a parent, and c) using "I do the parenting" as a justification for Nick's mother paying all of the bills.

Same. Tariq is probably my least favorite character next to Ashley (the aide).

  • Like 9
13 minutes ago, marceline said:
7 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I don't find Tariq nearly as likeable as others do.

I certainly don't hate him, because he has some good qualiities, and he has no malice. But he's a selfish con artist/manipulator, and I don't think he cared much about Nick at all. If he did, he wouldn't have forgotten his name, and he would have noticed how much Nick hated being called TJ.

What Tariq cared about was a) forcing Nick into the role of his mini-me, b) enjoying the status of being a parent, and c) using "I do the parenting" as a justification for Nick's mother paying all of the bills.


Same. Tariq is probably my least favorite character next to Ashley (the aide).

Agreed. Tariq is a [💩🤬🤡👺].
Kudos to the casting and/or actor for playing Tariq with perfect fake innocence, which initially hoodwinked season 1 Janine, and even in this episode seems to confuse Barbara as to whether or not Tariq is teachable/redeemable.
The writing for Tariq is stellar in the way it demonstrates his questionable character, which is just another example of why this show wins awards.

In case there are future PrimeTimer Awards, I'm noting Tariq on my list as "love to hate."

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Tariq Nick Sr

Ava believing in Janine and her ability to get things done

Janine knowing what PTA really stood for

What are my top 3 favorites things that happened. I love this show so much!!

Missed opportunity - Barbara  getting Maury Povich name correct. We all know she only recognizes M. Night Shyamalan

Edited by Boofish
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13 hours ago, Brown44 said:

Am I the only one that can't get pass Josh Segarra (Manny) being the big bad in season 5 of Arrow but yet he's basically playing a goof ball in SheHulk and Abotts Elementary? I just see a really good villain every scene he's in...that's some acting to go from something heavy like the big bad in a season on Arrow to this comedy. 

I'm glad I never watched Arrow. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen the actor before. I think he's doing a great job as Manny.

And I'm glad Tariq is back. He has A LOT of bad qualities, but he often overcomes them to show kindness or goodness. And man, is he funny!

Barbara: So you'll be here.
Tariq: Yeah, twice a day for the rest of the year, or until, you know, I find a job or meet somebody else.
Barbara: [pause] So I'll be seeing you every day.
Tariq: Why, you don't think I could meet somebody else?

Tariq: May I have a word with you, Your Honor?
Ava: You may approach the bench.

Loved that he tried to steal Play-Doh. And took the Lunchables. 

Loved Mr Johnson saying he was going to get his holy mop water.

Why do I feel that he's going to actually get some money from the Nigerian Prince?

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11 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I don't find Tariq nearly as likeable as others do.

I certainly don't hate him, because he has some good qualiities, and he has no malice. But he's a selfish con artist/manipulator, and I don't think he cared much about Nick at all. If he did, he wouldn't have forgotten his name, and he would have noticed how much Nick hated being called TJ.

What Tariq cared about was a) forcing Nick into the role of his mini-me, b) enjoying the status of being a parent, and c) using "I do the parenting" as a justification for Nick's mother paying all of the bills.

I think that is a testament to how well this show is done. Tariq is all of those things and then some yet a lot of people still love him and find him charming. Me being one of them.

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5 hours ago, DanaK said:

Some reporter needs to take a look at the district’s beauracracy to get an ASL interpreter. Wouldn’t that be some kind of ADA violation to put up so many barriers to get a service? No wonder the parents threatening to go to the media got some action, but that’s not repeatable unless there’s a lawsuit that someone wins

That really took me out of the story. Surely she isn’t the only deaf child in Philadelphia. I’m in what I’m sure is a much smaller school district than that, but there are cluster schools for kids with various special needs. If that’s an accurate representation, then that’s inexcusable!

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Mrs. Howard's continued exasperation with Tariq's antics. 🤣 And naturally he eats Lunchables. But if he doesn't work and basically stays home all day, why is he even packing a lunch for himself?

I'm hoping that Janine's first-hand experiences at the district will give her some clarity when and if she returns to Abbott as a teacher. Government bureaucracy is notoriously slow and unyielding so I'm wondering whether seeing it in action close up will temper some of her enthusiasm and/or make her a little more jaded. 

Loved seeing the success she finally experienced with Imani though. It may have gotten a little dusty in my house. 

Curious to see how long Gregory maintains his status now that he's making them stand outside in the freezing cold to tend to his garden. Also, I went to Catholic rather than public school but the idea of kids having free reign over the school during their lunch period was bizarre to me. If I wasn't at my regular table in the cafeteria during lunchtime, one of those nuns would have noticed my absence. I think the library was the only other "acceptable space" during that period. 

  • Like 5
13 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

Curious to see how long Gregory maintains his status now that he's making them stand outside in the freezing cold to tend to his garden. Also, I went to Catholic rather than public school but the idea of kids having free reign over the school during their lunch period was bizarre to me. If I wasn't at my regular table in the cafeteria during lunchtime, one of those nuns would have noticed my absence. I think the library was the only other "acceptable space" during that period. 

I went to Catholic school and we ate lunch in what used to be the old church (which was used for all sorts of things) and after we had recess outside. If the weather was not good or too cold (we did go out in the winter), we stayed in the gym. 

Later in public HS, you had your lunch break and that was it. And  you pretty much stayed in the lunchroom. 

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I thought Tariq popping was as much about trying to see Janine (and what she's up to) as bond with Nick.  After all, who was handling the transportation before the mom met Tariq?  Presumably, they are several months into the school year.

The actor is hilarious, but Tariq is a bum and will (might?) always be. 

Gregory's "advice" and the emotional fallout was entertaining.  I felt for him as a fellow introvert, but working as a teacher is a choice.  Hopefully, he can decompress and recharge at home! Tyler James continues to make great use of his side-eye. I also suspect him being one of the few black male teachers is part of why the students were drawn to his classroom. 

Janine's bureaucracy journey was well done - funny yet poignant.  She and her writing team do a great job balancing the comedy and authenticity. 

Manny dressed like one of Nino Brown's crew from New Jack City had me chuckling throughout the episode.  


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2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

That really took me out of the story. Surely she isn’t the only deaf child in Philadelphia. I’m in what I’m sure is a much smaller school district than that, but there are cluster schools for kids with various special needs. If that’s an accurate representation, then that’s inexcusable!

I think with deaf children, a lot of times the parents will send them to specialized schools for the deaf, where everyone uses ASL and the majority of teachers are deaf as well.  Also, due to cochlear implants, there are less deaf children using ASL so she might be the only one in the district (or one of many few).

One of my kids is in a special needs class and its been my experience that while the individual aides and teachers are very dedicated to the students, the schools and districts overall don't really make them a priority.  

Edited by Snapdragon
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"You cannot allow the Parent Tariq Alliance to happen"

Very glad that Janine managed to get the ASL translator, and that she is still managing to dress like an actual adult! It does seem like the district people are genuine in wanting to help, but hampered by red tape, which is where I suspected that this was going to go. I have been stuck navigating massive amounts of bureaucracy before and, oh yeah, I know the feeling of not getting the thing you want done completed because someone lost their stamp. 

Tariq and Barbara are truly the scene partners I never knew I needed. Tariq does have a weird kind of charisma but how he manages to get so many women is truly beyond me. Tons of bits between them cracked me up, but I think my absolute favorite was when Barbara just starred at him in disbelief of his stupidity and walked away. 

Still so happy to see this show back, it always makes me smile. 

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3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

She must be getting paid well, that coat, while not too outrageous, is still expensive for someone who was struggling to pay bills not that long ago. 

Janine's wardrobe doesn't bother me. She could be buying clothes at thrift stores or websites that sell used items. She has to have nice clothes if she's in an office instead of a classroom.

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2 minutes ago, kathyk2 said:

Janine's wardrobe doesn't bother me. She could be buying clothes at thrift stores or websites that sell used items. She has to have nice clothes if she's in an office instead of a classroom.

Good point. I have a Clothes Mentor near me that sells name brand stuff at great prices. I could tell her wardrobe look more polished and professional which befits her new position. 

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WornOnTv showed that coat retailing for $189, but marked down to $49. If Janine got it on sale, that's really reasonable. I think it's totally in character for Janine to get things on clearance, or otherwise discounted. For sure that's how my family got clothes, and Janine doesn't seem like someone who would be clueless about bargains.

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2 hours ago, marceline said:

Could someone explain to me the whole drama around Da'Von buying a chain? So many of the pop culture references go over my head and I don't have kids so I also miss the parenting stuff.

What's the big deal about a boy buying a chain?

I believe what the issue was was that the boy was wearing a chain that the girl didn't like so apparently the girl and Melissa (who was involved in this, for some reason) had been giving hints that he should get a new chain that the girl would like instead.  He was saying in front of Gregory how him getting this chain for himself would be a present for his girlfriend and Gregory said that that was a bad idea (unaware that this was what the girlfriend actually wanted), since on the surface, it does just seem like a selfish gesture.

Honestly, I was bothered by how much the teachers were getting involved in the romantic relationships of middle schoolers.  I'm with Gregory on this one.  Those kids are too young for relationships and should be concentrating on other things.

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An ASL interpreter would be needed at all times. ASL is a language, which you really can't learn quickly (like any language, it takes years to become fluent). So brining in a teacher to teach everybody is not going to work. The on ly thing that will work is to have the ASL interpreter on site with the student all the time. And each Deaf child would need their own interpreter to be with them. 

It's very common for accessibility needs to be denied, not only by schools, but also by other entities, with excuses, bureaucracy, and other forms of sandbagging. It's wrong. Itr's illegal. But it happens all the time. 

I like that the show devoted at least a little time to airing the problem. 

  • Like 7
35 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

Honestly, I was bothered by how much the teachers were getting involved in the romantic relationships of middle schoolers.  I'm with Gregory on this one.  Those kids are too young for relationships and should be concentrating on other things.

I agree.  I didn't like the teachers getting involved in the "puppy love" relationships of youngsters.  Even though Melissa's involvement didn't surprise me, I was surprised (and disappointed) about Barbara.

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26 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

Honestly, I was bothered by how much the teachers were getting involved in the romantic relationships of middle schoolers.  I'm with Gregory on this one. 

I was really irritated that Melissa was yelling at him for daring to tell an eighth-grade boy that he shouldn't buy a gift for himself for his girlfriend's birthday.

Melissa's students are pretty young. It's absolutely disturbing that she's "managing the love lives" of eighth grade girls. That sounds like the kind of thing that she should be banned from getting involved in.

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Wasn't part of the difficulty Janine was having getting the ASL interpreter because the district wasn't willing to hire a full time employee?  Once the parents came in as advocates, the district did the right thing.  

As a retired middle school teacher, I had to giggle when one of the boys said, "We can fart, though?"  Typical middle school boys.  😄

I would guess the older kids at Abbott might have a bit more freedom during lunch than the littles.  In real life, they would probably tell the assistant in charge of the cafeteria that they had the teacher's permission to hang out in his classroom.  

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21 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:


Curious to see how long Gregory maintains his status now that he's making them stand outside in the freezing cold to tend to his garden. Also, I went to Catholic rather than public school but the idea of kids having free reign over the school during their lunch period was bizarre to me. If I wasn't at my regular table in the cafeteria during lunchtime, one of those nuns would have noticed my absence. I think the library was the only other "acceptable space" during that period. 

I attended public school.  You stayed in the lunchroom / outdoor lunch area or went to the library for lunch.  You didn't get to wander the school, or hang out with random teachers.  This was mostly because the school had two different lunch periods, and they didn't want students disturbing the classes that were in session or leaving lunch trash all over the school.   

Edited by txhorns79
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Eh. I didn't take any of the kids' "romances" seriously and I don't think Melissa and Ms. Barbara do either. To me it was just a further demonstration of how involved in these kids lives they are and how much they care about them. 

Contrasted with Gregory whose mission it seems is to teach and run every day. 

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I'd have to guess that the school was required to make *some* accommodation for Imani, and that's why she had a speech-to-text tablet. While not the best they could do for her, it was an accommodation, so they could claim they offered an accommodation.

Look at it from the flip side -- if a school paid for a FT (or even part time) salary for *one child,* there would be plenty of taxpayers who would be up in arms about the district's allocation of funds. It's a damned if you do/don't situation.

I love that Janine's creative problem-solving worked out. 

Not a huge fan of Tariq but he looked good. And I enjoyed his dynamic with Barbara -- lots of potential there for conflict and growth. 

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