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S04.E05: Part 5


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Get this episode early because HBO knows that it doesn't matter who the killer is: the biggest threat to True Detective would be the Superbowl if it had its normal Sunday airing!

Well, it looks like Annie's case is going to to be down the obvious, but logical path, where it is going to involve this mining company and how its been polluting the water.  Still wonder if that will be the cause of hallucinations and why people keep seeing odd stuff.  But twist!  Hank was involved as well!  I guess that's on me for assuming Hank was just your run of the mill asshole.  It does sound like he wasn't the actual killer, but did admit to moving her body for the company (who was planning on rewarding him by making him chief, but Connelly inadvertently blew that up by transferring Danvers.)  Still have no clue how the scientists' deaths will be part of this.  Honestly, that case really went to the back-burner and Annie's seems to have been the main focus this season.

Anyway, Hank is totally dead though after killing Otis (for the company's boss) and was possibly going to put down Danvers as well, but Peter of all people ends up shooting down dear old dad.  A fitting end for that asshole, but I will miss John Hawkes next week (baring him showing up in the finale as a corpse.  Or, honestly, some kind of ghost/vision knowing this season...)

Navarro and Leah bonding over how much they currently hate Danvers was funny and kind of touching in a weird way.

I know that Navarro said that Connelly is involved as well, but I'm still unsure, unless he's a good actor.  He comes off more like he's buried his head in the sand and cares more about his political ambitions, and it's affecting his judgement when it comes to the case.  Then again, I was wrong about Hank, so I'm prepared to get more egg on my face next week.

Rose definitely gives me the vibe that she would help Navarro dispose of some bodies if need be!


Peter:  "I got kicked out of my house."

Danvers:  "Oh, man!  That's a bummer!  This is where a normal person might reflect on the part I played by being the world's most overbearing boss, but we all know my self-awareness is nonexistent, so hey, I have a shed you can crash in for now!"


Didn't realize this was only going to be six episodes and the finale will be next week.  Seems like a lot has to be covered.  Obviously, the two cases and seeing where the characters end up, but will we ever find out what exactly happened in the Wheeler case?  Or the flashbacks with Danvers and her husband/son possibly dying in a car wreck?  Or Navarro's war flashbacks?  Will there be more to why Danvers got booted from Anchorage?  That's a lot to fit into one episode!

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Wow, can't complain about this one being boring.

I knew it was trouble as soon as Liz took off her gun and holster while Otis was getting high in her bathroom.

Hank says he's not a killer but instead of just making Otis disappeared, he executes him in front of Liz, whom he would have killed next.

Like after being scammed on the Russian mail order bride thing, he no longer GAF?  Singing sad songs didn't soothe the heartbreak?  Liz should have hooked him up with Tinder, though maybe in some remote Alaskan village above the Arctic Circle, the ration of men to women is astronomical.

Damn, Danvers and Navarro didn't cover their tracks too well, didn't notice he was left-handed.  And Pete doesn't know about data security.

So Liz was always wary of Hank, who was obviously obstructing justice, stashing case files in his home.  How did she know to trust Pete in the first place?  Then she had him move into her shed rather than stay with Hank.  That place looked uninsulated and unheated!

The True Detectives had a moral dilemma here but they didn't deliberate too long.  They want to find the truth of Annie's murder and the Tsalal case.  Not sure if they're interested in brining people to justice though.

Yet of course, they're technically obstructing justice, destroying evidence by getting rid of Hank and Otis' bodies.  

So they're pursuing a truth in one case but hiding the truth in this new crime.  They really want to uncover the conspiracy so greater good and Pete doesn't deserve to go down?  Actually what Pete did was defensible, Hank would have shot Liz.

Navarro and Danvers to a lesser extent, want to know what happened to Annie K. -- and believe that will lead to finding out about Tsalal as well.  Navarro really obsesses over it but maybe I missed where Liz decided that Connelly is not going to blackmail her or stop her from pursuing the case.

Maybe when she realized Pete gave the game away about Wheeler, which they were using to try to make her back off.  She told Navarro that it's over, that they know about Wheeler, then went and got Otis, got smack for him to get intel, then called Navarro over to her place.

  • Like 11

Think this might be bleaker than the Christmas episode.

And it’s the humans doing the worst of it (or so they’ve said). I tend to prefer when shows go the paranormal angle because the human aspect is always so banal and grim. I just hope they wrap things up in a satisfying way. I’m more invested in the interpersonal relationships and seeing where everyone lands so I won’t be too upset if they end up hand waving a couple of details. I really like watching Navarro and Danvers work together and enjoy the prickly relationship between the two, but the mysteries (Annie is intriguing, Tsalal is meh) just never grabbed me. 

And I felt for him, but Prior telling Liz that rooming with her would fast track his divorce made me laugh. Given his current circumstances, I’m guessing he’ll either quit or cut his hours? I won’t miss Hank at all but Prior clearly still cared for him despite everything, and he’s got a good heart, I don’t see him being able to shake off the shooting. His little moment with Leah was a nice respite, though. 

She was refreshingly level headed in this episode. Her conversation with Navarro was interesting and true but her talk with Liz seemed like it was cut off. They’re realistically complicated but Liz seems not to want to give or genuinely engage at all. Not sure why she thinks Leah is trying to stick it to her when it’s obvious the kid just wants to be involved with her community.  

I do appreciate that they’ve written Liz as an unrepentant asshole though (she’s got a heart but it’s a little charred). She’s more than competent but continues to dig a hole and it’s fascinating to watch. 

Navarro too, she’s a little obsessive and unravelled at the moment but generally she’s more stoic and measured (mostly) but that rage is definitely simmering just below the surface. I like that in the end she’s the one who got Liz and Prior back on track; what she said made sense, she’s good at her job when she’s allowed to be.

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Well....I caught myself thinking "why they go to the caves  in the middle of the night and don't wait till the sunrise?" "oh wait..." 😁

My biggest question for this series is how their houses are that warm where everyone seems to be just fine on plain t-shirts and underwear and sleeping half-covered?

Hank wasn't the brightest, was he? First the Russian bride, then go to kill the guy at his police boss' house.. I am surprised the villain-mines-lady gave him any assignment at all.

I also found the Anchorage coverup kind of stupid, I mean an avalanche killed them but they removed their cloths after it got them because of hypothermia? 
Is everyone in Alaska under the villain-mines-company pay roll or the cold has just frozen most of their brain cells? 

Edited by Zaffy
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Peter Prior is the ONLY true detective here. He’s the only one who does the police work - finding facts, connecting dots, checking backgrounds etc.

Kayla expecting Peter to change (because she wants the old Peter back) and Leah calling him “asshole” are absurd. Ladies, he is just doing his job because Danvers and Navarro are sh!tty investigators. 🙄

Peter has saved your ass, Liz. He does it by shooting his dad on the head. Then you leave him to clean-up the messes, expecting him to dispose the two bodies??!

“You clean, you clean good. Get Rose to help you.” F*ck you, Navarro. 🙄

The shooting is justified. If Ted Connelly is in on it, why not taking this one higher up? Is it really a good idea to cover up a murder of a known police officer without raising suspicion? Why is it so urgent that Danvers and Navarro have to go find the ice cave right now, in the middle of the storm? This manufactured urgency is contrived and bonkers. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Why wasting time on processing & scattering Julia’s ashes, on Leah the ungrateful little b!tch? Why Ted wants to have a conversation with Liz wrt police business at Silver Sky mine office, in Kate’s presence? Why is Kate calling Hank “Henry”? Why an experienced cop like Hank goes above and beyond to assassinate a junkie in another cop’s house?



Edited by Snazzy Daisy
  • Like 9
3 hours ago, Anela said:

Oh my god! 
I know he was involved in a cover-up, but Prior’s shooting was a clean one.  He was going to kill Liz.  

I got the impression he wasn’t going to kill her. Worse and more cowardly - I think he forced his own son to shoot him by pointing the gun at Liz. Pete Prior is characterized as kind, dutiful and self-sacrificing, especially in this episode, so Hank had to know Prior would do the right thing. The confession immediately before he raised his gun seemed like final words. 

Edited by RedInk
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Why didn't I like this ep? I've read complaints here and elsewhere about previous episodes, but I was liking this show until now.

Can't stand the mining co lady. Kate is it? Just evil. No layers. I mean, Hank wasn't a great guy, but he had complexity.

Maybe my problem with this ep is that while I was intrigued by the mysteries and wanted to discover what was going on, once things started to be revealed, they were underwhelming. Not sure what I expected or wanted.

I'm a little confused about the Wheeler case. The guy was left-handed. The photos of his girlfriend had been flipped to show that it was a right-handed person who hit her? Who flipped the photos? But the photo of Wheeler's supposedly self-inflicted gunshot wound wasn't flipped? I'm sure this makes sense, but I obviously misunderstood. 

The only part I liked was the beginning where we see the cremation process. I'd never seen the entire process before, so that was interesting. 

If this is the extent of Rose's involvement in the storyline, what a waste. She was one of the most interesting characters (and actors) in the show, but what was the point of her? Maybe she'll figure more significantly in the final ep.

I'm still interested in finding out what happened to Annie and the scientists. 

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Pete Prior and Leah are definitely like cousins that grew up together. I guess her father met Liz when he moved farther into the light, hoping to give Leah a broader view of the world? I wish there were more episodes, but the slow character moments are deeply moving. She offers him a cheeto, the closeness of those moments. Navarro’s watching the cremation and hugging the warm urn to her chest, hell, Navarro beating Leah. Navarro has real anger issues, but she also looks like she has a longer relationship with Leah than we have been told. I’d like the opportunity to find out more about the relationships, but I think we have started to get to the point of piecing them together. I’mj guessing when Liz was sent to this town it wasn’t just exile professionally, it came with a lot of memories from when her husband and son were alive.  Pete shooting Hank felt like a moment that could harden Pete, like Liz was hardened. Her hugging him afterwards, her begging him not to shoot Hank, made it look like Liz thought so, too. She isn’t without self knowledge or empathy, she is just is walled over. She would die to protect pete, and although she never told Leah she was right, she went to the cemetery and then decided to continue the investigation. 

They returned to the Dyatolov pass incident with the avalanche explaination. (My personal favorite is that the sound around the mountain drove the Russian climbers crazy). they went out to see the last sunset. I assume that the company is protecting their interests and has groomed Eccleston’s character as their politician in their pocket. 

The story is just getting good and it will soon be over. 


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1 hour ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

Peter Prior is the ONLY true detective here. He’s the only one who does the police work - finding facts, connecting dots, checking backgrounds etc.

He was tech-savvy enough to get into Annie's cell phone almost immediately, and he single-handedly uncovered the truth about Tsalal's funding. Yet he's dumb enough to use his son's birthday as his password for his work laptop? That was a pretty big contrivance.

Also, did he have a document saved on hs laptop with the title "The Reasons Why Wheeler Couldn't Have Killed Himself?" Or was Hank so brilliant that he figured out clues like the victim's photos being flipped, in the very brief time that Peter lived with him?

  • Like 14
59 minutes ago, Affogato said:

Navarro’s watching the cremation and hugging the warm urn to her chest

I loved that. First off, when the woman warned her that the urn was hot, that was a fantastic detail. Navarro hugging the urn was beautiful. Like I said, this whole sequence was my favorite part of the ep.


Navarro beating Leah.

What? When did she beat Leah?

  • Like 9
8 hours ago, aghst said:

Liz should have hooked him up with Tinder, though maybe in some remote Alaskan village above the Arctic Circle, the ration of men to women is astronomical.

When I was growing up in Alaska decades ago, straight single women had a response when told that (very real) way-more-men-than-women ratio:

Yes, the odds are good--but the goods are odd.

Grateful this episode picked up the plot pacing, but I am disappointed that it looks like the scientists' death is going to be attributed to a "slab avalanche," which is apparently a loose translation of deus ex machina.

I'm not Googling, and I've never heard of such a thing, but ok, fine. Yet another creepy, evocative setup with a fairly pedestrian/made-up payoff.

Jodie Foster is just amazing in this. Kali Reis' part is equally if not more meaty, and though she is often competent, she is not up to this role's range and depth, which, admittedly, asks a lot of an actor. I wish she were, because her character is the core of this show.


Edited by Penman61
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3 hours ago, RedInk said:

I got the impression he wasn’t going to kill her. Worse and more cowardly - I think he forced his own son to shoot him by pointing the gun at Liz. Pete Prior is characterized as kind, dutiful and self-sacrificing, especially in this episode, so Hank had to know Prior would do the right thing. The confession immediately before he raised his gun seemed like final words. 

Agree.  I thought for a second he was going to shoot himself, but no - of course he would prefer to have his son have to shoot him.  Revenge for his son being closer to Liz than to him.

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My biggest question for this series is how their houses are that warm where everyone seems to be just fine on plain t-shirts and underwear and sleeping half-covered?

I thought the very same thing!!  How do those people run around in t-shirts in the middle of winter?  And you definitely have the covers pulled up to your nose at night.  Or is that just me? LOL

Edited by DesiJF
  • Like 3
1 hour ago, peeayebee said:

I loved that. First off, when the woman warned her that the urn was hot, that was a fantastic detail. Navarro hugging the urn was beautiful. Like I said, this whole sequence was my favorite part of the ep.

What? When did she beat Leah?

When she found her at the protest.

5 minutes ago, DesiJF said:

I thought the very same thing!!  How do those people run around in t-shirts in the middle of winter?  And you definitely have the covers pulled up to your nose at night.  Or is that just me? LOL

I think there would be flannel pajamas, heavy robes, and piles of covers.  

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There was another trooper who was beating Leah before Navarro stopped it. Did Navarro continue to beat Leah? I didn't think so.

46 minutes ago, Penman61 said:

When I was growing up in Alaska decades ago, straight single women had a response to that (very real) way-more-men-than-women ratio:

Yes, the odds are good--but the goods are odd.



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The cremation process was interesting.  I didn't know it required a double burn or that the first step left balls of whatever (ew).

Why would Prior shoot his dad in the head?  I thought cops were trained to aim for the body.  There would have been a chance of survival and possible testimony for the case.  I know, TV show reasons.

And Danvers offers Prior the use of her unheated shed?  Does she want to kill him?  Better he should move into one of the cells at the station.

Edited by cdnalor
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9 minutes ago, cdnalor said:

The cremation process was interesting.  I didn't know it required a double burn or that the first step left balls of whatever (ew).

Why would Prior shoot his dad in the head?  I thought cops were trained to aim for the body.  There would have been a chance of survival and possible testimony for the case.  I know, TV show reasons.

And Danvers offers Prior the use of her unheated shed?  Does she want to kill him?  Better he should move into one of the cells at the station.

Well he was aiming directly at Liz. If he shot Hank, Hank could still get a shot off. Why he didn’t is an interesting question. 
i’ve  slept in houses in rural Wisconsin where the second floor isn’t heated and lived in an uninsulated attic one winter. I’ve gone winter camping.  Maybe the  shed had a heater. It had electricity. 

  • Like 5
5 hours ago, RedInk said:

I got the impression he wasn’t going to kill her. Worse and more cowardly - I think he forced his own son to shoot him by pointing the gun at Liz. Pete Prior is characterized as kind, dutiful and self-sacrificing, especially in this episode, so Hank had to know Prior would do the right thing. The confession immediately before he raised his gun seemed like final words. 

Oh, that is worse.  I thought he was going to take his own life, until he aimed at Liz.  That poor kid.

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12 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

Why is Kate calling Hank “Henry”? Why an experienced cop like Hank goes above and beyond to assassinate a junkie in another cop’s house?

I missed when she called him Henry, but that’s probably his real name. Hank is a nickname. People tend to switch over to actual names when they want someone’s serious attention. 

Hank grabbed Liz’s gun to aim at the junkie, so I think he was trying to frame Liz. 

10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I'm a little confused about the Wheeler case. The guy was left-handed. The photos of his girlfriend had been flipped to show that it was a right-handed person who hit her? Who flipped the photos? But the photo of Wheeler's supposedly self-inflicted gunshot wound wasn't flipped? I'm sure this makes sense, but I obviously misunderstood. 

The autopsy report must have said that he shot himself with his right hand. There would have been an internal investigation, so Liz probably flipped the other photos so they pointed to him being right handed as well. I do wonder if Liz is covering for Navarro. I feel like there’s more to the story, so hopefully we find out the truth. 

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I don't have time to leave a longer response right now, but I just have to say - I know barely any time has passed since the Tsalal corpiscle (not even a week, right?) - but man.  If there was a team-up with Hilary Swank, Jeff Perry, and the staff of "Alaska Daily," they would get layers upon layers of answers.  Despite the lack of detective work between Danvers, Navarro, and elder Prior and without forcing younger Prior to neglect his family.  It would take some time, but it would get done.

Also, this show absolutely does not deserve to be nominated for any awards for Hair and Makeup.  Not because the hair and makeup they've done has been bad, but because of the seemingly conscious decision of I have to assume Issa Lopez to have zero sign of Navarro's beatdown in episode 5.  I gave them some benefit of the doubt last episode because Navarro had her beanie on and I thought, "maybe that's covering the serious cuts," even though there was very little swelling and bruising shown.  But in episode 5, Navarro looks totally normal even without the beanie.  People have tiny whiteheads that make longer and more obvious appearances than Navarro's fight wounds. 

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That's fine, but slab avalanches don't happen IN FLAT AREAS, which is clearly where the scientists were found. Also, like other avalanches, there would have been plenty of obvious recent evidence that an AVALANCHE had just happened; they even have a geology teacher to help with that. Also, an avalanche would NOT have resulted in the corpsicle; the bodies would have been strewn AWAY from each other, not intertwined like they were playing Arctic Twister. Finally, did the victims have time to REMOVE AND CAREFULLY FOLD THEIR CLOTHES as the avalanche approached?

I’m all-capping here because I'm getting frustrated with this show's writers not doing their one job: Make me suspend my disbelief. It's just lazy, and I guess they're counting on us not paying attention...to a crime mystery story. <sigh>

Edited by Penman61
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6 hours ago, Penman61 said:

That's fine, but slab avalanches don't happen IN FLAT AREAS, which is clearly where the scientists were found. Also, like other avalanches, there would have been plenty of obvious recent evidence that an AVALANCHE had just happened; they even have a geology teacher to help with that. Also, an avalanche would NOT have resulted in the corpsicle; the bodies would have been strewn AWAY from each other, not intertwined like they were playing Arctic Twister. Finally, did the victims have time to REMOVE AND CAREFULLY FOLD THEIR CLOTHES as the avalanche approached?

I all-capping here because I'm getting frustrated with this show's writers not doing their one job: Make me suspend my disbelief. It's just lazy, and I guess they're counting on us not paying attention...to a crime mystery story. <sigh>

I don’t think we are meant to believe the avalanche story. 

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12 hours ago, pezgirl7 said:

The autopsy report must have said that he shot himself with his right hand. There would have been an internal investigation, so Liz probably flipped the other photos so they pointed to him being right handed as well. I do wonder if Liz is covering for Navarro. I feel like there’s more to the story, so hopefully we find out the truth. 

I guess where my confusion started was when Peter told Danvers that Wheeler was left-handed, she responded, "I didn't know that." I first took that as her saying that until Peter told her, she didn't know. But maybe she meant AT THE TIME she didn't know that. But still, who knew he was left-handed? When did Danvers and Navarro learn this? 

I don't know if Peter explained this more clearly and I wasn't paying close attention. Is this clear to everyone else?


9 hours ago, sweetandsour said:

I don't have time to leave a longer response right now, but I just have to say - I know barely any time has passed since the Tsalal corpiscle (not even a week, right?) - but man.  If there was a team-up with Hilary Swank, Jeff Perry, and the staff of "Alaska Daily," they would get layers upon layers of answers.

I miss that show. I wish it hadn't been cancelled.


  • Like 5
7 hours ago, Affogato said:

I don’t think we are meant to believe the avalanche story. 

LOL I'm embarrassed to say that this didn't occur to me; I was careening ahead on a sled made of dudgeon. You might be right! :)

I'd have to look at the scene again, but I guess I'd wonder why there wasn't any pushback, i.e., "Well, that's Anchorage's story, and we know it's bs" or whatever. Also, ISTR Liz accepting the avalanche explanation pretty convincingly? Need to rewatch...

Edited by Penman61
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2 hours ago, Penman61 said:

LOL I'm embarrassed to say that this didn't occur to me; I was careening ahead on a sled made of dudgeon. You might be right! :)

I'd have to look at the scene again, but I guess I'd wonder why there wasn't any pushback, i.e., "Well, that's Anchorage's story, and we know it's bs" or whatever. Also, ISTR Liz accepting the avalanche explanation pretty convincingly? Need to rewatch...

I don’t think they had much choice, she was ordered to stop investigating. Case closed. If she continues, consequences. She considers and decides to investigate un a clandestine fashion. 

  • Like 9
17 hours ago, sweetandsour said:

I don't have time to leave a longer response right now, but I just have to say - I know barely any time has passed since the Tsalal corpiscle (not even a week, right?) - but man. 

I'm usually not the person to notice these things, but it's been several weeks in time since the show started.  It started before the complete darkness, a week before Christmas, and this last episode was set on New Year's Eve.  It's been a full week since Navarro was in the fight (Episode 4), and you'd expect some of her wounds to have closed and her bruising been reduced.

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I don't understand, given that the bodies were found so long ago, the reason why the forensic scientist who couldn't make it due to weather was only just then called in. But the whole series is heaving with plot holes, as far as the police procedural and detective elements go. They focused way too much energy and screentime on sideplots, family elements and dramas, and pointing ghosts.

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11 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I guess where my confusion started was when Peter told Danvers that Wheeler was left-handed, she responded, "I didn't know that." I first took that as her saying that until Peter told her, she didn't know. But maybe she meant AT THE TIME she didn't know that. But still, who knew he was left-handed? When did Danvers and Navarro learn this? 

Ah yea, that’s confusing. I thought when he asked her “Did you know…” he was talking in past tense and meant Did you know when you shot him that he was left handed? Hopefully they clear things up, but with only one episode left, I’m not hopeful. 

On 2/10/2024 at 1:25 PM, cdnalor said:

The cremation process was interesting.  I didn't know it required a double burn or that the first step left balls of whatever (ew).

That was weird, and I’m not sure factual. I was curious too, so I looked it up. Apparently normally you get a pile of ashes, but they’re still sort of skeleton-shaped. Then they get ground up and put in an urn. But the baseballs looked like an odd unnecessary intermediate step.

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38 minutes ago, pezgirl7 said:

Ah yea, that’s confusing. I thought when he asked her “Did you know…” he was talking in past tense and meant Did you know when you shot him that he was left handed? Hopefully they clear things up, but with only one episode left, I’m not hopeful. 

I wondered about the reversed photos. If they were post-mortem, flipping them wouldn’t help as the autopsy report would contradict the photos. And if they were from a prior assault (I think they were, as her eyes were open IIRC), once again, the autopsy might still contradict them. It wasn’t stated how she was killed and if she was beaten first.

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I may…may…rewatch this before the last episode. I don’t know if I will have time, but I’m not sure I will want to rewatch after the end, so if I want to make sure the details make sense (or don’t) now is the time.  I suspect the strongest emotional note will be the relationship between Navarro and Danvers, a hate to love thing. I’m not sure  both will survive. 
kate runs the miningg company and promised Hank the job of police chief for covering up Annie’s death. Connolly is the mining company’s sponsored candidate, who is supposed to rein in Danvers, if she needs it. The spiral is maybe a native warning that you are on thin ice. In any case, off to the mines. I don’t think we have enough time to enter carcosa but maybe they will hint at it. 

Edited by Affogato
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14 hours ago, kay1864 said:

That was weird, and I’m not sure factual. I was curious too, so I looked it up. Apparently normally you get a pile of ashes, but they’re still sort of skeleton-shaped. Then they get ground up and put in an urn. But the baseballs looked like an odd unnecessary intermediate step.

I think that was creative license or Navarro hallucinating.   There's an excellent documentary titled A Certain Kind of Death (on YouTube) about people who die without anyone to make burial arrangements.  For the indigent who are unclaimed after a period of time, they cremate.   First was the cremation process, then it cools and is raked into a pan and put through a grinder type of thing before being boxed.   Ask A Mortician goes into much more detail about exactly what happens at each step: 



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On 2/10/2024 at 3:27 AM, aghst said:

Damn, Danvers and Navarro didn't cover their tracks too well, didn't notice he was left-handed.  And Pete doesn't know about data security.

I didn't understand the significance of this. From what I could gather, Danvers flipped the evidence photos, but why? Because Wheeler was left handed? The photos we saw showed a right-handed slap/punch across the face. And so what if Wheeler was left handed? I'm left handed but I could shoot myself with my right hand. Doesn't prove a thing.

The whole conversation cracked me up anyway because of this trope Danvers employs about "asking the right question." "Ask the question. Ask the question. Ask the real question. OK, stop asking questions."

I have zero hope this is going to end in any kind of satisfying way, the show is clearly more interested in character study than detective work.

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On 2/10/2024 at 12:41 PM, Affogato said:

i’ve  slept in houses in rural Wisconsin where the second floor isn’t heated and lived in an uninsulated attic one winter. I’ve gone winter camping.  Maybe the  shed had a heater. It had electricity. 

Omg winter camping?  I cannot imagine!  I froze sleeping in an uninsulated home in Wisconsin.  

I figure there’s a space heater in the shack, there would have to be!


48 minutes ago, MrPissyPuppy said:

I think that was creative license or Navarro hallucinating.   There's an excellent documentary titled A Certain Kind of Death (on YouTube) about people who die without anyone to make burial arrangements.  For the indigent who are unclaimed after a period of time, they cremate.   First was the cremation process, then it cools and is raked into a pan and put through a grinder type of thing before being boxed.   Ask A Mortician goes into much more detail about exactly what happens at each step: 



I think the Ask a Mortitian is the same person who wrote the book “Will My Cat Eat My Eyeballs,” and that goes into allll the details of cremation.  The book is not as good as “Stiff,” which I bought after watching Six Feet Under, but it’s informative.  I like info like that.


I am wondering if the writer of this season is a first time writer.. it’s a good story overall, I think.  But you really have to know what you are doing with so many people and plot lines/holes.  I hope it wraps up well but I’m not sure it will.  

  • Like 5
2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I didn't understand the significance of this. From what I could gather, Danvers flipped the evidence photos, but why? Because Wheeler was left handed? The photos we saw showed a right-handed slap/punch across the face. And so what if Wheeler was left handed? I'm left handed but I could shoot myself with my right hand. Doesn't prove a thing.


It would be very unusual for someone to not shoot with their predominate hand.  Especially since their story was that he'd already shot himself before they got there, so it's not like he was reaching for the gun with the only free hand he had available.  Same with punching, in most cases, you're going to use your predominate hand.  So either Danvers or Navarro shot Wheeler, then after the fact they realized he was left handed, so it would be suspicious if he shot himself using his right hand.  So they flipped the previous evidence photos, then claimed all the other files were lost in a flood (whether they set up said flood or there had been a recent one in the evidence room, I don't know), so any documentation of him being left handed would be erased from the case.  The guy was a known abuser so probably no one felt a need to look into it until Prior.

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On 2/10/2024 at 3:42 AM, thuganomics85 said:


Anyway, Hank is totally dead though after killing Otis (for the company's boss) and was possibly going to put down Danvers as well, but Peter of all people ends up shooting down dear old dad.  A fitting end for that asshole, but I will miss John Hawkes next week (baring him showing up in the finale as a corpse.  Or, honestly, some kind of ghost/vision knowing this season...)

Rose definitely gives me the vibe that she would help Navarro dispose of some bodies if need be!



I think that Hank wasn't going to shoot Danvers, but (correct me if I'm wrong),  I think that he used her gun to kill Otis.  My guess is that he intended to frame Danvers for the murder of Otis.  His plan was foiled when Navarro and Pete came upon the scene.  It seems to me that he then decided to commit" suicide by cop" when he aimed the gun at Danvers essentially forcing Pete to shoot him.   He apparently thought that death was going to be a better option for him than spending the rest of his life in jail (if the mine boss didn't get to him first).  

Yeah, they're going to have to tie up a lot of loose threads (and hopefully solve both mysteries) next week.  I hope that our  3 heroes all survive at the end.  

And does anybody know if there is a soundtrack list for the music?  At the very least does anybody know the name of the song that Hank was singing when his son came to the house?  It sounds familiar but I can't come up with the name of it.  

Edited by 12catcrazy
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1 hour ago, Snapdragon said:

It would be very unusual for someone to not shoot with their predominate hand.  Especially since their story was that he'd already shot himself before they got there, so it's not like he was reaching for the gun with the only free hand he had available.  Same with punching, in most cases, you're going to use your predominate hand.  So either Danvers or Navarro shot Wheeler, then after the fact they realized he was left handed, so it would be suspicious if he shot himself using his right hand.  So they flipped the previous evidence photos [snip]

First of all, while I am predominantly left-handed (I write and use a fork with my left hand), I shoot right-handed and I also play tennis and baseball right handed. It's not unusual.

Second, I do not understand why Peter had all this info on his computer. Presumably this was a closed case. I remember him asking Danvers about it in a previous episode, did it pique his curiosity enough to pull up old files? And how would Hank know to go looking on his laptop for this info?

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