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Fashion Police - General Discussion

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I know the show is mainly there to bring snark and fawning (depending on the celebrities connection to E!)  but it can be hard to listen to the FP comments when they look so ridiculous themselves, such as the capris that Brad was wearing and Guiliana's wings.  I always liked looking at the clothes but I admit Joan's labored 'jokes' were wearing on me so I'm hoping Kathy can breathe new energy into the show.

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I like Kathy, but it is obvious she doesn't know anything about fashion or care. about fashion.  Joan could be very crude and I know a lot of people didn't' like her, but she understood fashion enough to talk about it. Kathy could only say "she likes stuff that looks crazy". Since Kelly does nothing but say she would "die for" every dress and Guilana often seems too reticent to speak up, we are only left with Brad to actually discuss fashion. I don't think Kathy is going to go over as host.

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I really liked Kathy in this -- she wasn't pretending to be Anna Wintour but was able to express her own opinions and make her jokes. It seemed like there was more content without all of Joan's tired schtick in there, so the pacing was better for me.


Brad vs George, I don't care. I liked George fine and Brad seems cool as well. I also enjoy G and Kelly, so the show is definitely back on my playlist. There's another episode next Monday -- is that going to be its regular slot now?

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There's another episode next Monday -- is that going to be its regular slot now?


Yes, as they were saying good night, they mentioned that they will now be on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. EST  -- I actually enjoyed watching on Friday nights but I guess with the DVR, I can watch it whenever !!!


I enjoyed Kathy Griffin - did not think those words would ever come out of my mouth !!!   

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I like the new Fashion Police so far.  It felt like it was more about the fashion and less about setting up Joan Rivers to make a long drawn out joke. Don't get me wrong, Joan was alright but sometimes the jokes were too forced & too long and truth be told sometimes too crass and vulgar. Dear heavens, the worst of it was all the panelists forced laughter. George being the worst and the fakest. I really like the new guy also, although he doesn't need to bring up the fact that he is gay every 5 minutes. It also felt like we got to see a lot more of the looks than before which I liked. It seemed like the show writers trolled the internet for comments because a lot of the stuff that was said from the commentators I felt like I had been reading about since the show aired. In particular, Amal's gloves looking like vet insemination gloves.


The show definitely felt a bit more sedate, which was probably appropriate given that this was the 1st show after Joan's death. I was surprised that Kathy didn't annoy. I usually find her so annoying. Like a manic squirrel on crack.  However, she found some chill and let other people talk.  The one think I don't know about is Kathy and fashion. I have never seen her as fashionable or caring about fashion, but she appears to know what she does and doesn't like. Time will tell but I'm in.

Edited by islandgal140
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I didn't think Emma stone looked good. The top was so bulky it made her -- a wisp of a person! -- look like she had no waist and did nothing for her breasts. Same problem Lupita N'ongo had with that coverlet of flowers that was trying to pass for a top. Lena Dunham's dress that everyone liked? Looked like mis-folded and wrinkled origami. Did nothing for her figure.


I don't much care for white evening gowns anyway, but Kate Hudson's dress was too skimpy for me. Viola Davis and Allison Williams looked pretty but I honestly didn't see anyone who really wowed me.


And however old you are, all those workouts stood you in good stead, Jane Fonda.

Edited by lordonia
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I thought Brad talked way too much for his first show. He ran the whole show. George was more on the sidelines and Brad should be too. He mentioned that he was gay 45 times. He needs to tone it down. I guess they didn't write jokes for Kathy? Joan had all kinds of dumb jokes written for her. I didn't notice that with Kathy. 

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I agree with all of you who like this version even better than the last.  Love Joan but her making a joke with EVERY dress was exhausting.  I like the low key aspect and never thought I would say I like Kathy either but I did last night!  I like Brad, always have so he is a winner and of course G and Kelly are favorites of mine.  Love the new set, too.  

Just adding my voice to the chorus of "Love Joan, but Kathy was fantastic." The show had terrific energy. Kathy's devilish smiles to the camera were pure gold. As a straight guy who wouldn't have watched this show at all if not for his wife who wanted to see it, I know fashion about as much as I know particle physics. But I do know when I'm laughing.

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And however old you are, all those workouts stood you in good stead, Jane Fonda.

I agree she is 77. And I was disappointed the did not show her or Dame Helen Mirren, who is 69. Both of them looked amazing! They put many women, some half their age and even younger to shame on that red carpet. Edited by Texasmom1970
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I saw Kate Hudson live and her makeup was, indeed, distracting. It was too dark.


Well, Kathy and Guilana agreed with me that Kiera Nightly and Amal Clooney fell into the worst-dressed category.


I completely missed Lana Del Ray.


I didn't care for either Emma Stone's or Jennifer Lopez's outfits. JLo is starting to look the same at every event.

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So glad Amal Clooney was'nt ass-kissed! Something about her is so phony. Now, maybe someone like Biana Jagger back in the day, could work some gloves, but they would have been impeccably fitted(and probably purple). She is either too arrogant to listen to her stylist, or someone wants her to look foolish. Lana Del Ray looked high as hell too in that awful dress. Jennifer Lopez is starting to look like a female impersonator, an exaggeration of sexiness which is sad b/c I've seen her looking spectacular when she dresses appropriately. Kind of suprised by Emily Blunt who usually brings it, Kate Hudson looked OK but she's starting to wear the same style dress alot. A lot of the heavy hitters were'nt there though:no Theron, JLaw, Bullock, Diaz, or Halle Berry. They always look good. Julianna Margulies looked blah, Kerry Washington must have been doing someone a favor by wearing that dress, and her hair looked like crap.

Watched only because of Kathy Griffin, I wanted to see how she would do.  A little disappointed I was hoping she would bring more snark.  However, I cannot fathom how other three can have the balls to criticize how anyone dresses or looks.  Kelly Osbourne?  Really, going to get one someone about their hair?  Bitch please!  Yeah, her do and color are so classy.  And she sucks at fashion too.  Giuliana Rancic has someone else design her stuff for HSN (like most celebrities do) so what makes her a fashion guru...besides the fact that she's a living clothes hanger...look out Karen Carpenter someone's looking to join you soon.


Brad the stylist should find a stylist of his own.


I won't be watching again.  Miss you Joan, they should have killed this show when you died.

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I actually really liked the show and they talked more about fashion then they have in years.  I thought Kathy did just fine and to be honest I didn't miss the constant vulgar jokes.  I appreciated that they toned it down.  Looking forward to being a weekly viewer.   Someone needs to feed Guiliana a cracker.  She's definitely killing herself and looks horrible.

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Really?  I didn't think it was nearly funny enough.  Kathy seemed so toned down.  She was more like how she was on her talk show (not a good thing) rather than how she was on her reality show or her standup stuff.


I can find photos of the fashion all over TV and the internet, but I like Fashion Police for the irreverent and funny take on the clothes.


I liked Brad I guess, and I have never really gotten excited about Kelly.  Giuliana is a good sport at least.

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I was a little disappointed with this show.  Kathy did not look comfortable at all. In fact she looked frozen. And, she wasn't as funny as I hoped she would be.  I'm hoping as she gets more comfortable, she'll loosen up some.


New guy, I was ok with him until I saw his pants, and then it was really hard to take him seriously for judging anyone else's fashion.


Hopefully, as they get more into a groove with the show, things will loosen up and flow better.


But, I did miss Joan.

I loved Julianne Moore's dress--it was actually one of my favorites--I think the color was perfect for her complexion and haircolor.    I also liked Naomi Watts look a lot.


I was fascinated with Claire Danes dress but while it was an amazing dress, it was not flattering to her figure or coloring, unfortunately, and might be too intricate for the camera on the red carpet.   


Jennifer Lopez looked like she was wearing a stage costume--I fully expected a quick change into another outfit right in front of us.


I think Amal might have been using the gloves to hide bony hands---she is super thin and I've noticed her hands look older--so maybe she's trying to start a trend.   Her dress was nice and appropriate for her role at this occasion.   

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Wow, I'm gobsmacked, but I think I'm back on board. I liked Kathy, she was funny without going on and on about cooches like Joan used to, Joan would waste so much time being doubled over with laughter over her own gross jokes. I liked that Kelly and Giuliana's amazeballs opinions got dialed down, and I thought Brad actually had some good moments talking about fashion.

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What was the joke or whatever it was when Kathy mentioned to Guiliana that she missed Brody?



Brody is a character from Homeland, the show that Claire Danes stars in. He was killed last season. I was surprised Giuliana didn't know that, or didn't process it in time. I've never seen Homeland but Brody's death made the entertainment news, which, you know. Giuliana is a part of.

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I like Brad from what I know of him and like his personal style.  I have always loved Kelly and Guilianna.  


You don't have to be educated in design to critique fashion.  I do it all the time from my couch.  And I am good at it, too!  


Kelly has an outrageous style of dressing and like it or not she is on top of what is going on in the fashion world.  


I like the toned down atmosphere of this new cast.  I am not a Griffin fan but she did just fine.  I don't think she is all that witty but I found it refreshing that she did not over do it.  Love Joan but she was exhausting on this show.  


I thought Kathy did just fine and to be honest I didn't miss the constant vulgar jokes.  I appreciated that they toned it down.

In general, I agree, but I was skeeved out by "what position would you do her" comments.  Kathy threw that out and then wouldn't let it go until she got some responses.  I know celebrities are in the public eye, but having some stranger announce on television what position they would 'do you' is just creepy.

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I thought the show was boring.  I watched the first ten minutes of it and I was bored out of my mind.  I hate Kathy Griffin.  I think she's a horrible person and that she's not funny, but she was extremely toned down.  And she looked totally out of place.


I don't know who that guy is, but after seeing what he had on, he shouldn't be talking about anyone's clothes.  Kelly and Giuliana continue to be useless.


They should've let this show go when Joan died.  Or they should've brought in a whole new cast.  Of course they had to replace Joan.  But don't just take out George.  Get rid of Giuliana and Kelly, too, and then add some people whose fashion opinions are actually worth something and they're not afraid to call out the celebrities.

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I was pleasantly surprised and will watch the next episode whenever it is.  I liked that everybody got to speak instead of just Kathy and I've never seen Brad before but I thought he was well-spoken.  I also appreciated the quick segments showing each host's full outfit with credits-- I used to have to freeze-frame that info on the previous incarnation.


As for judges dressing more poorly than their targets, it's true but then again, I've found in my own experience that the more expensive the hairstylist, the scarier his/her personal 'do...

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I disliked both Jennifer Lopez's gown and Kate Hudson's.  I'm not a fan of that horrid wide plunge that shows so much of the breasts.  A deep V to show off great cleavage?  Sure, but this current trend is not at all flattering.  JMO.


My favorites were Naomi Watts (That snake necklace!!!) and Amy Adams.  I thought they both looked perfect.


My choice for worst dressed was not even featured at all on Fashion Police and it surprised me because she was a nominee:  Rosamund Pike.  That Vera Wang gown she was wearing was ill-fitting.  It looked as if it needed to be yanked upwards to sit at the proper level.  Very unflattering.

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Was George let go from the show or did he opt to leave?  I watched this episode just to see how they handled things without Joan.  I'm not a fan of Kathy Griffin, so I don't plan to watch anymore episodes.  She lost me years ago with her "suck it Jesus" comment at an awards show.  There are some things you just don't say, and that crossed a line for me.   YMMV.

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My favorites: Jessica Chastain and Anna Kendrick

Nice: Emma Stone, Lorde, Kate Hudson and Naomi Watts


Horrible fitting: Rosamund Pike, Lena Dunham (too boxy), Claire Danes (I think the color of the dress did her no favors either)


Just plain bad: JLO (too much - the dress and the big hair), Lana Del Ray, Keira Knightly (they kept giving her a bye because she's pregnant, but NO, there have been some fierce looks from pregnant ladies in the past)


Amal Clooney - the dress was fine, but she should've ditched the gloves and had her hair pulled back.

Somehow I don't think Amal Clooney gives too much of a shit about any of this. I think she was there as supportive wife; I get the sense she's different from the other ladies in his life in that she knows this goes with the territory of being with GC, but it feels like she's with him in spite of it -- which may be part of the reason she made the cut to Mrs. Clooney.


There was a whole mess of bad stuff going on -- Taryn Manning, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kiera Knightly, Rosmunde Pilke, etc. but J Lo was especially jarring to me. I know she's in fabulous condition, and I know she can wear just about anything and look good in it, but that doesn't mean she should. I also thought Jennifer Anniston was dull dull dull, which is kind of appropriate to me because I find her to be dull dull dull. And what the hell with the makeup? Some of these ladies looked really orange or fake-baked.


For me, Helen Mirren and Jane Fonda were outstanding and the rest kind of ranged from underwhelming to craptastic.

I just caught the full episode of Kathy's and Brad's debut. My take was that Guliana was doing all of the heavy lifting and Kathy was adding her two cents worth. Kathy was just fine. I agree that she doesn't have Joan's fashion savvy (Jennifer Lopez?) but then she didn't try to fake it by coming across as more of an expert than she is.

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Was George let go from the show or did he opt to leave?  I watched this episode just to see how they handled things without Joan.  I'm not a fan of Kathy Griffin, so I don't plan to watch anymore episodes.  She lost me years ago with her "suck it Jesus" comment at an awards show.  There are some things you just don't say, and that crossed a line for me.   YMMV.

My mileage varies. I thought that line was hilarious, but then I have a hard time conceiving of a god without a sense of humor. As for the show, I'm willing to give it time to find its feet and for the cast to gel. The first one was okay, maybe not as funny as the ones with Joan but not as mean spirited either.

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I thought Lana del Rey looked like a Jersey girl on her way to the prom circa 1985.

I don't think Amal cares that much about red carpets and best/worst dressed lists, but I do think she thought she was working it with those lumpy, prostate exam ass gloves. We won't be seeing them again.

From last night, they criticized Angelina Jolie's dress to the Critic's Choice Awards. While I agree with Brad that it looked like something Erica Kane would wear, I thought she looked nice. Giuliana said she liked the dress for Helen Mirren and that it made her look too matronly, but I thought she looked like a movie star. The sleeves were a little much, but I think her hair and makeup could've given her more presence. But the dress looked pretty.

And I know Kristen Stewart has a bad case of resting bitch face but she needs to get over it. She always looks like she got some bad dick the night before and then the dude stole money from her. Bitch perk the hell up...even just for a little bit! Damn.

Edited by 27bored
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I concur with most of you here- I was getting tired of Joan and didn't mind Kathy all that much, surprisingly.  RIP and all- no malice intended- but I felt that the majority of Joan's jokes were really out-dated and I was sick of the hoochie jokes.  I am not a prude, but I just don't think 100 such jokes are needed in a 42 minute show.  The jokes were meant to shock, but since she did so many of them they were anything but shocking.  On the other hand, Joan did know a lot more about fashion itself.  Kathy can still learn, though.  I think she'll get more comfortable as she settles in.  In the past I haven't liked Kathy. Her sense of humor is just not my cuppa, but I can appreciate someone who just likes something or doesn't and sticks with it.  I think having more of a lay-person relates more to people like me who aren't into capital-F Fashion.  I just like what I like and don't like what I don't. 


The one thing I was hoping they would do away with were the unnecessary guests.  The guest last night was ok (Wendy something-or-other from a show I don't watch), but I just really don't see the purpose for these guests.  Since I don't tweet or instagram or hashtag in any way, shape or form I didn't like the new "game". 

I love clothes and I hate fashion, so I had always wondered how I ended up watching the Fashion Police on a fairly regular basis -insomnia doesn't explain it all...


Now, I know it's because of Joan Rivers. Yes, I gasped at some of her jokes (OMG, the Heidi Klum/nazi one. I just couldn't believe it). But I didn't feel there was an agenda behind those jokes, less a political one, nor the will to truly hurt people -the concept of the show being hurtful in the first place, of course, since it's about judging people on their appearance. J.Rivers wasn't shy about her biases, she also made fun of herself. I didn't agree with her all the time, far from it, but I felt that she gave her real opinion, without filter but without directives.  And I felt that she knew fashion had rules, but didn't care as long as she loved a piece/look.


Is K.Griffin supposed to be outrageous? She sounds quite bland so far (Edited: I felt she was trying above all not to offend anyone and filtered herself too much as a result.). Maybe she isn't comfortable yet in her shoes. But Joan Rivers had imo much better taste in clothes in general. At least, I agreed with her more (so far, again).


Yet, my main beef is George's replacement. If I hear the guy say once more that "so and so has a special relationship with so and so's stylist"...Grr! It's like he's name-dropping without even actual names. I find him very annoying, and I couldn't disagree more with his taste. Moreover, I find it distasteful to replace a gay guy with another gay guy, as if they were interchangeable.

If he stays, I think I'll have to find another guilty pleasure. (Edit: He's also new, and it isn't just him, so that was too harsh. I just miss the OTTness, I guess).

Edited by Happy Harpy

I've never particularly been a Kathy Griffin fan but IMO she really hit her stride on tonight's episode of FP.  I laughed out loud 4 or 5 times.  Her comment about Jennifer Aniston's necklace looking like the scar from a triple bypass had me rolling!  That was Joan worthy!  She seemed much more relaxed tonight.  

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I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way but it seems to me that on the awards' show episodes of FP now, they seem to show fewer red carpet gowns than they used to when Joan Rivers was the host.  Perhaps just my perception.  Anyway, a couple of my favorite gowns from the SAG Awards carpet were not mentioned on tonight's FP.  My favorite gown of the night was that lovely pink gown worn by Felicity Jones which Kelly gushed over, but two of my favorites were not even mentioned--for bad or for good--and that was Viola Davis, who actually won her SAG category.  You'd think that would get her a mention!  My other favorite was Emelia Clarke's (GoT) gown.  


The FP panel used to do Best Dressed/Worst Dressed Nominees prior to actually naming Best and Worst Dressed.  I miss that.

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