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46 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

This episode was filmed in September of this year. Did Kyle make it clear that her best friend died in May of 2022? I thought she implied that it was just a few months ago, but I may have misheard. Is this the first time we as viewers are hearing about this? Not that it is necessarily any of our business, and the family may not have wanted it discussed on the show, but it does seem like Kyle has kept a lot of her actual life off the show, from her friend's death, to her relationship with Morgan and her crumbling marriage.

I didn't know when this scene was filmed, but Kyle told the "therapist/life coach" her best friend took her own life on May 1st.  I think the grief is real.

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23 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

At least he knows the kids need socks... 🤷‍♀️

That happy family scene made me want to pull  my hair  out. The son was laying on the floor glued to a video on a phone while his dad put his shoes  on. That kid is 7, he should be able to put on his own shoes. The daughter, who is 3 or 4, was also glued to her phone the entire time while Mom went upstairs to retrieve the stuffed animal. 🙄

22 hours ago, janiema said:

Annemarie is a big asshole. I have a small esophagus too. They have tried stretching it a couple of times but that hasn’t really worked. I have known 2 other people with the issue. It does impact swallowing and digesting. We don’t need someone who is looking for camera time and sucking up to Kyle to be so dismissive. I hope she is one and done.

I think I have something similar. It doesn't happen often or severe enough to do anything about it medically. But sometimes when I'm eating it's like the food gets stuck in my throat. I'm not choking but it doesn't want to go down and it doesn't want to come up and I can feel the bile in my throat. Usually it just finally goes down and passes on its own but every once in a while I've had to make myself throw up just to get it to move. Rice  and red wine seem to be a bad combo for  me. I don't  believe that a medical professional would have never  heard  of this.

Annemarie comes across as extremely arrogant and  smug. Does anyone know where  she works? Is it an actual hospital or some kind of Beverly Hills cosmetic surgery clinic?


21 hours ago, tranquilidade said:

Erika always has to try to attack Sutton's sexuality and shame her as if she is inadequate as a woman.  That's disgraceful to do on any level with anyone.  This, coming from Erika, who could not keep an elderly man interested in her.

What struck me was that it never seems to occur to Erika that some people might  want to start a relationship based  on something other than sex. Most people in long term happy relationships also have a strong friendship. Also funny that  Erika only ever  mentions what the woman does to keep a man happy and never what the man does to keep the woman happy.


21 hours ago, KenyaJ said:

I can't stand Kyle, but I felt for her when she was discussing Lorene's suicide. Between that, her issues with Kathy, and her troubled marriage, her behavior this season makes all the sense in the world. But knowing she's going through a hard time makes her talk with Sutton as the Dinner from Hell (Pt. 2) that much more appalling. Sutton was explaining to her why she was emotionally off-kilter, and instead of empathizing with Sutton for also going through a hard time, Kyle acted like Sutton was being ridiculous for being upset about Christian's move to London and the impact it might have on her life. Just once I'd like to see Kyle extend to someone all the grace she expects others to extend to her.

I laughed so hard at the editors for Dorit yammering on during her conversation with Crystal. Well played, editors. Well played.

Kyle talking about  Lorene's suicide actually made things make more  sense to  me. For one, I also felt for her. Clearly it hit her hard. But I think that Kyle and Lorene as lifelong friends were probably a lot alike. And I think  that Lorene probably confided in Kyle about her marriage, her kids, her life, empty nesting, drinking, all of the same things Kyle is going through. And Lorene, for whatever reason, chose to take her own life. I think that was a huge wake up for Kyle, like she saw herself possibly going down that same path and not wanting to end up in  the same state. I think  that's why she keeps screeching about how she can't afford to get depressed now.

But she's also a complete asshole about it. She's not introspective about it, she doesn't see how hypocritical she is, how she's not being supportive of others who are also going through things. Kyle only ever  sees things through the lens of how it effects her.

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58 minutes ago, Jst2Wld said:

Always will be.

I can barely watch this shit show anymore. Get Erika and Kyle off the show AND the planet. 

And for me, Rinna’s absence has made even the worst stuff not as bad in comparison.  She was the one BHRH I truly needed to be gone.  So now that she is I don’t mind any of the others especially when they provide snarkable material (like Erika employing an Executive Assistant in her rented pool house) but I wish they were happier.

Edited by Cosmocrush
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1 hour ago, WaltersHair said:

I wonder what brain child in production thought there would be actually support for esophagate? For it to be scandalous, there needs to a smidge of truth to the accusation and believable. None available that I can see.

It's also been bothering me that Kyle tried to accuse Sutton of have an eating disorder as if it was a dirty secret. Kyle says "Don't make me go THERE." That's exactly what an abuser says. Look what you did. You made me hit you.

I think this is something that Kyle has heard her whole life.  I think that Kyle and her sisters were horribly mentally and emotionally abused by their mother, but they just can't or won't understand that.  

I noticed that Kathy also talks that way - especially to Kyle, so it is a learned behavior.

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Many times on these HW shows the newcomer hitches herself to the wrong wagon not realizing editing and storylines could sway in another direction. Annemarie apparently thought Kyle was the beloved queen bee and if Kyle was attacking Sutton, then dammit she would too.  It would earn her brownie points.  So she snickers and acts all  superior alongside Kyle.  But this  season she’s picked the wrong HW to sidle up to.  Kyle is being particularly vile.  

Plus Annemarie is annoying…so far.  We might put up with vicious or narcissistic or ditzy…. But never annoying.  Bad for ratings.









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23 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Or $7 on some sites lol 

I hope House of Blues loses big on this EJ residency.  She has shown herself to be unkind, nasty, selfish and self-involved.  They decided to hire her when there are many more deserving and talented artists out there.  Good luck with that.

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1 hour ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I hope House of Blues loses big on this EJ residency.  She has shown herself to be unkind, nasty, selfish and self-involved.  They decided to hire her when there are many more deserving and talented artists out there.  Good luck with that.

Do you guys think there might really be another old wallet bankrolling this “residency”?  Didn’t he hear what happened to the last one? 

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On 12/13/2023 at 6:51 PM, RoseAllDay said:

Wait….AnneMarie is now giving medical advice about a condition she said she’d never heard of?

🤣These women.

   If I was AnneMarie’s employer I would be looking for her replacement. I know more than she does about these issues just based upon doing some basic research.

I hope she is a one and done

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18 hours ago, Maximona said:

California is a full practice state for advanced practice RNs.  APRNs can practice to the full extent of their training and education—which certainly extends to giving medical advice.

Key words “to the full extent of training and education.”

She’s opining on matters outside of her knowledge, and far outside of her educational attainment. Thus she should not be doling out unsolicited commentaries about matters about which she knows nothing.

She may know about her specific field. But as she has clearly revealed Sutton’s condition is well outside of her realm and scope.

She’s not an MD, and was acting like judge and jury. Sutton has an MD.

Sorry but this nurse was well outside of her realm.

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^ does their training extend to the correct way to conduct a medical appointment during a cocktail party, without any diagnostic tools?!


”It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense!” might mean you don’t understand Ms Newbie, not that you are being lied to.

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20 hours ago, Maximona said:

I personally like Kim's artwork.  Walls may or may not be the appropriate place for that artwork—depending on what room those walls are a part of.  But certainly, it's easy enough to have those walls repainted when Kim moves out.

Anne Marie was not technically wrong in anything she was saying to Sutton (full disclosure:  I'm an ER nurse) but I had to wonder, why was she saying it?  Nobody asked her. 

Sounds like Sutton has esophageal stenosis not esophageal stricture. Esophageal stenosis is like a fixed narrowing, and it can be congenital.  Esophageal strictures generally are a reaction to some underlying illness, and yes, alcohol can exacerbate the smooth muscle contractions that are causing the stricture.

But I would never, ever interject a medical opinion in a social setting with lots of people around.  It's just rude, one of those social gambits designed to extort attention—Look at how much I know!  Quite obnoxious behavior.

(I will venture medical opinions in smaller groups of people if I'm specifically asked.  But I always preface everything I say with, "Obviously, I don't know all the facts of your situation,"  and I end everything I say, "If you're really worried, you should see your primary healthcare provider.")

People drink alcohol and take antidepressants & gabapentin all the time, true.  But it's not recommended.  In the former case, because after its initially stimulating effect, alcohol is a depressant; in the latter, because both have sedating effects.

Well stated. The big difference between you two is that Anne Marie was insistent that what Sutton was stating “did not make sense” and this came across as an attack, not a willingness to explore her condition. 

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Why would AnnMarie come on the show to be Kyle’s lap dog? The feigned confusion over esophageal strictures was ridiculous and could hurt her reputation as someone who should be an expert in airway protection. Esophageal dilations are incredibly uncomfortable, I don’t blame Sutton for trying to avoid that, and it is a fix for only a while, in time it needs to be repeated as alluded to about her brother. 
Garcelle was sweet with her son & his girlfriend although I was judging her for also ordering the truffle filet. I was always told to go cheap when someone else is paying when I was young. Not to speculate on a cast members kid’s sexual exploits but those two are clearly doing the nasty, and hopefully Garcelle has gifted this kid with a Costco sized box of condoms. 
Morgan is interesting. She’s playing Kyle like a fiddle. Kyle has stars in her eyes and is acting like a high schooler with a massive  crush on her. It’s embarrassing. It’s clear Kyle is in lurvvve. Her insane behavior with Mauricio cracks me up. The avoidant kiss. The petulant expressions & behaviors. He deserves every bit of it, you know he stepped out repeatedly and is in shock his wife has finally emotionally detached. The “I can kiss my wife whenever I want” smacked of his attempt at dominance in the situation. I’m not sure what Morgan will do, she’s in complete control & is clearly amused more than anything and knows all the exposure will help her. Kyle is quickly morphing into her. It’s comedy on the grandest scale. Also funny? Kyle dragging Kim out of her crayola home to prove she does have a sister who talks to her. She also talks to walls while coloring them, but who am I to judge?  I ate too much during lock down and am struggling to lose it now. Kim is the most lucid I’ve ever seen her though, and that is wonderful to see. 
Ah the Erika Jayne Vegas residency! Move over Celine and Cher, Miss Pat the Puss is about to take over the Mandalay Bay Hard Rock in all her Cunty glory for $7.00 seats and a free buffet coupon to Circus Circus. 

Edited by Crazydoxielady
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5 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

^ does their training extend to the correct way to conduct a medical appointment during a cocktail party, without any diagnostic tools?!

So what you are saying is AnnMarie could not even be bothered to WebMD it on her phone?

Sutton was right in her snark to AnnMarie saying "why am I having a doctor's appointment now?" Sutton knows what her issue is why does AM assume Sutton has not been to a specialist?


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17 hours ago, princelina said:


Kim is a nasty drunk and a nasty dry drunk when she's "sober".

This always cracks me up. I've seen NASTY drunks.... what I've seen of Kim pales in comparison but yeah I know..... It's just I've never seen it in any of the footage that was shown so that's where I'm at. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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16 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:


But when you live off alimony I don’t think that counts as “financially independent.”  I mean it’s not like they built a business together .  Her ex made a lot of money and hid a lot of investments that Sutton only found out about at the divorce.


I don't understand... Where's the rule book? So what counts? Is there a wiki page I can check to see where all these supposed definitions of requirements and approved methods are listed. 

How does one achieve the label (financially independent), create the labels, acquire the authority to bestow the label. It's just so mind boggling to me. How does one determine who rates and who doesn't. Seems pretty futile to break it down into anything absolute.  


Edited by Yours Truly
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5 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

^ does their training extend to the correct way to conduct a medical appointment during a cocktail party, without any diagnostic tools?!


It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense!” might mean you don’t understand Ms Newbie, not that you are being lied to.

I'm so sick of this being the veiled "your lying".

Sometimes I really wish I could be one these shows cause I'd be so quick to hurt some feelings.

"It doesn't make sense? Well honey I'm not surprised that it doesn't cause you don't strike me as the brightest bulb and unfortunately I can't help you in that area." 


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1 hour ago, Crazydoxielady said:

 Also funny? Kyle dragging Kim out of her crayola home to prove she does have a sister who talks to her. She also talks to walls while coloring them, but who am I to judge?  

Not crayola home....... LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! 

Spit out my coffee.... 

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57 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

This .....


Even BEFORE he deposits that money into her Account which he legally has to do because that's their divorce settlement that she EARNED for being IN their marriage from BEFORE they (yes they because she stayed home and took care of the house and kids and everything else HE wasnt)  made that money that is HER money and what she chooses to do with it is up to her... she could flush it down the toilet and it would still be HER money


she chooses to use HER money to run this store ... that would  be no different then someone investing in something then using that money to invest in something else ....

No one HAS to be impressed with her journey and that part I can understand but to go as far as invalidating her endeavors just doesn't track for me. 

I'm also shocked that in this day and age we are still not clear on what alimony represents in it's pure definition.  

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15 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I didn't know when this scene was filmed, but Kyle told the "therapist/life coach" her best friend took her own life on May 1st.  I think the grief is real.

I can't imagine anyone would think Kyle's grief wasn't real. While other scenes like Sutton's party celebrating the 4th anniversary of her store were filmed in September (her store opened September 2019) the scene with the therapist could have been filmed anytime. In fact it appeared to me to be a staged session, since he certainly as a friend/life coach for 20 years would already know about her best friend's death and the never ending ups and downs with her sisters.

What I find odd is that, even if Kyle wasn't ready to talk about her friend's death on the show, she did post about it on Instagram in May 2022, and co workers and others including Kathy posted their condolences. So the other howives have certainly known for a year plus about Kyle's loss. Kyle stopped drinking in July 2022. And she shared in this episode that she stopped drinking because drinking depresses her and she can't afford to be depressed.

The death of Kyle's friend certainly brings more into perspective about the changes she has made in her life. What I find odd is that her co workers have gone on and on about her stopping drinking, and obsessively working out while knowing about the loss of her best friend. It obviously was off limits to bring up on the show, but certainly would have had a huge impact on Kyle. It is easier to see now how she has reassessed her life and her marriage (though I think that her friendship with Morgan, whatever it is, predates her friend's passing). 

I'm not a Kyle fan, and do think she has little sympathy for others going through their own forms of grief, but her friend's death does put a different light on her actions this season, at least for me. 

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26 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I'm not a Kyle fan, and do think she has little sympathy for others going through their own forms of grief, but her friend's death does put a different light on her actions this season, at least for me. 

this is why she is getting No sympathy cause unless its her she doesn't give it to anyone else ... she DRUG Lisa V after her bother and mom died DRUG her that season with accusations out the ass then said to her face "i had other things going on"  ... you cant do that then expect people to be like oh poor you when it happens to you .. you know what I am saying .. she made this bed

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5 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

this is why she is getting No sympathy cause unless its her she doesn't give it to anyone else ... she DRUG Lisa V after her bother and mom died DRUG her that season with accusations out the ass then said to her face "i had other things going on"  ... you cant do that then expect people to be like oh poor you when it happens to you .. you know what I am saying .. she made this bed

Oh, I didn't say I sympathize, I said I understand more her actions (stopping drinking, obsessively working out, being done apparently with her marriage to Mau, seeming to want to recapture her youth through Morgan, etc.) Which is why when important events in any howife's life are hidden from the viewer, one cannot get the whole picture of the "real" life of someone who is on a reality show. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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Just now, UsernameFatigue said:

Oh, I didn't say I sympathize, I said I understand more her actions (stopping drinking, being done apparently with her marriage to Mau, seeming to want to recapture her youth through Morgan, etc.) Which is why when important events in any howife's life are hidden from the viewer, one cannot get the whole picture of the "real" life of someone who is on a reality show. 

sorry I meant sympathy from others .. I didn't mean to imply you.. I am sorry ... She again did this to herself Hiding her stuff while using her sisters to deflect from what was going on in HER life and painting everything as rosy and great while attacking others about their marriages (hi Denise ) and ignoring one of her really good friends (at the time) Pain from losing not only her brother to suicide but then her mother shortly after by saying "i had other stuff going on"


shes a monster who expects to be treated like shes the victim and its catching up to her 

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Just now, Keywestclubkid said:

sorry I meant sympathy from others .. I didn't mean to imply you.. I am sorry ... She again did this to herself Hiding her stuff while using her sisters to deflect from what was going on in HER life and painting everything as rosy and great while attacking others about their marriages (hi Denise ) and ignoring one of her really good friends (at the time) Pain from losing not only her brother to suicide but then her mother shortly after by saying "i had other stuff going on"


shes a monster who expects to be treated like shes the victim and its catching up to her 

I am surprised that those who are supposed to be friends, like Dorito, are front and centre in calling out Kyle's not drinking, obsessively exercising, etc. But it does certainly make sense for someone like Sutton to be upset that Kyle is treating her badly, knowing what Kyle went through losing her friend, but apparently not being able to bring it up on camera. Now that Kyle has discussed it on the show, I wonder if the others will follow suit? 

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17 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

I didn't know when this scene was filmed, but Kyle told the "therapist/life coach" her best friend took her own life on May 1st.  I think the grief is real.

I felt pretty icky having this deceased person's tragedy be fodder for HW's.  Kyle should know better.  FF that scene.  As well as the Anne Marie family scenes.  It was a pretty short episode for me.

Kyle offers nothing to the show (in my opinion) these days.  She is nasty and her story, real or made up, is not entertaining to me.  But honestly, her nastiness has been jacked up about 1000%.  She is also being WAY too judgmental about those still drinking.  She has been sober about 5 minutes in the grand scheme of things.

Making Sutton's health issues an issue and laughing at it is also a huge problem.  All I want to do is shout a huge fuck you to the ones doing it.  They need to remember, like they have, viewers have gotten older and may have some health issues.  We totes want to have our issues be laughed at 🙄.

edited to add:  I also FF Erika.  A no talent wanna be bankrolled by another old codger.  Not watching her 'special'.

Edited by Natalie68
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22 hours ago, Mar said:

Erika at the store event: My hands are chilly but I have a warm heart.

unfortunately, I was eating a sandwich at that moment and literally started choking on it.

Do you need your esophagus stretched?  :) 


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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I can't imagine anyone would think Kyle's grief wasn't real. While other scenes like Sutton's party celebrating the 4th anniversary of her store were filmed in September (her store opened September 2019) the scene with the therapist could have been filmed anytime. In fact it appeared to me to be a staged session, since he certainly as a friend/life coach for 20 years would already know about her best friend's death and the never ending ups and downs with her sisters.

What I find odd is that, even if Kyle wasn't ready to talk about her friend's death on the show, she did post about it on Instagram in May 2022, and co workers and others including Kathy posted their condolences. So the other howives have certainly known for a year plus about Kyle's loss. Kyle stopped drinking in July 2022. And she shared in this episode that she stopped drinking because drinking depresses her and she can't afford to be depressed.

The death of Kyle's friend certainly brings more into perspective about the changes she has made in her life. What I find odd is that her co workers have gone on and on about her stopping drinking, and obsessively working out while knowing about the loss of her best friend. It obviously was off limits to bring up on the show, but certainly would have had a huge impact on Kyle. It is easier to see now how she has reassessed her life and her marriage (though I think that her friendship with Morgan, whatever it is, predates her friend's passing). 

I'm not a Kyle fan, and do think she has little sympathy for others going through their own forms of grief, but her friend's death does put a different light on her actions this season, at least for me. 

Thing is I don't believe that her co workers are actively or deliberately ignoring that aspect. I think they are pointing out the big changes Kyle has made to outline her marital issues for the shows and her storyline for this season. We as the viewers are putting this information so closely together because this information is being shared with us in such a compact way that we end up drawing these conclusions.  

The women don't want to come right out and point to Kyle's marriage or ask the direct question so they are dancing around reasons that they feel can justify their curiosity. The excess working out, the lack of her wedding ring and yes her not drinking. Her friends death can most certainly be a reason and mostly like is for her behavior but doesn't mean it's the only thing so I think the women are just utilizing ALL the changes as a way to get to discuss her marriage. 

I don't think they are being purposely obtuse about Kyle's loss I just think they feel there more's contributing than just that plus they've been able to witness what's changed SINCE her friends death and maybe they are referring to some additional behaviors that are very recent. Plus, if Kyle's revelation about not wanting to feel depressed is new to them then I don't see how they would have known that her stopping drinking was because of that. 

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On 12/14/2023 at 7:49 AM, snarts said:

the constant Mo's cheating rumors

There has to be more than rumors for the ANGER she is throwing at him.

On 12/13/2023 at 8:51 PM, ZettaK said:

Why is she a fraud? She is a nurse anesthetist, not a woman who married an older, rich guy, and got lucky in the division of marital wealth after a divorce. She was also a competitive athlete in college.


On 12/14/2023 at 5:40 AM, Maximona said:

California is a full practice state for advanced practice RNs.  APRNs can practice to the full extent of their training and education—which certainly extends to giving medical advice.

She was either pretending to not know what Sutton was talking about, faking that she didn’t know in order to mock Sutton for Kyle’s benefit or she actually doesn’t know, which.. I don’t know what’s worse.

Either way is messed up for a medical professional.  And honestly she comes across as a complete idiot.


On 12/14/2023 at 6:39 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

The way BOTH Richard sister smirked as Sutton was being attacked tells you everything you need to know about the Richard sisters 

They are both the WORST!!!



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2 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

What I find odd is that, even if Kyle wasn't ready to talk about her friend's death on the show, she did post about it on Instagram in May 2022, and co workers and others including Kathy posted their condolences. So the other howives have certainly known for a year plus about Kyle's loss.

The fact is that while we find some women more likable than others, having some "mean girl" in you is necessary to be on one of these shows and they all have it.

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On 12/14/2023 at 9:53 AM, Marley said:

Kim scribbling on the walls does not seem normal to me. Something seems up with her she seemed all over the place and not right. Not sure if mental or substance but she’s coming across crazy so far on the show. I wish her the best tho.

Kim, Kyle and Kathy are all fucked up tho in different ways because their evil mother who they seem to paint as a saint.

Kim drawing on her walls is weird, very weird.  She did not look well.  She was in a scene in Paris in Love (I only watched 1 episode I swear!) and in it she’s meeting Paris’s baby.. she’s wearing a weirdly placed baseball hat, and she said it was because Kathy told her that her hair looked bad.  It probably did, since it looks like she’s balding.. but still!!  Kathy is mean.

These sisters are all so cruel to each other, and to others!  They feed on cruelty.  Maybe they shouldn’t be in each other’s lives.

Edited by heatherchandler
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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I felt pretty icky having this deceased person's tragedy be fodder for HW's.

Agreed. Unless she got permission from her friend's family to talk about the suicide on reality TV, she is using another family's pain for camera time.

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30 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Agreed. Unless she got permission from her friend's family to talk about the suicide on reality TV, she is using another family's pain for camera time.

Taking notes from the TMCFR.

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A friend of mine who’s been in the hospital for a while looks like she won’t make it. She’s a friend I’ve known my entire life and grew up with. We haven’t been close in many years, but she’s someone I always cared about and thought the world of. It is weighing on me heavily, and it’s just heartbreaking.

A lot of this hits close to home. I’m not saying Kyle’s grief exudes everything, but my heart still goes out to her for her pain. To suddenly lose a best friend to suicide is so traumatic. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

Kim drawing on her walks is weird, very weird.  She did not look well.  She was in a scene in Paris in Love (I only watched 1 episode I swear!) and in it she’s meeting Paris’s baby.. she’s wearing a weirdly placed baseball hat, and she said it was because Kathy told her that her hair looked bad.  It probably did, since it looks like she’s balding.. but still!!  Kathy is mean.

These sisters are all so cruel to each other, and to others!  They feed on cruelty.  Maybe they shouldn’t be in each other’s lives.

I admit, I have watched most of Season 2.  I have no shame!  Paris and Nikki have their hands full with Kathy.  There is a vulnerability I hadn't seen in Paris before.  Ok, maybe I have some shame 😂.

None of the K sisters are likeable.  They ARE cruel.  They learned from their VERY cruel mother who sounds like she may have had some sort of personality disorder.  I can't imagine treating my sisters the way they have treated each other.  

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32 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

😂None of the K sisters are likeable.  They ARE cruel.  They learned from their VERY cruel mother who sounds like she may have had some sort of personality disorder.  I can't imagine treating my sisters the way they have treated each other.  

I'm guessing Big Kathy had one of the Cluster B personality disorders.

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30 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

None of the K sisters are likeable.  They ARE cruel.  They learned from their VERY cruel mother who sounds like she may have had some sort of personality disorder.  I can't imagine treating my sisters the way they have treated each other.  

My armchair-psychologist take on this is that the Richards sisters had a pretty messed up childhood, and Kim responded by turning to alcohol, while Kathy responded by marrying rich and lording her power over others. (FWIW, I do not think Kathy is a nice person.) I would guess that, for a long time, Kyle's solid marriage and the energy she threw into raising her girls, as well as her self-perceived role as Kim's "caretaker," helped her to keep her shit together. But now, Kyle's marriage is on the rocks, her youngest is almost out of the house, and her best friend just died by suicide. I think she is legitimately spiraling. I really don't think this is an act for the show. And, yes, I know Kyle can be an asshole. I've been calling Kyle an asshole since she stole Brandi's crutches! But I still feel compassion for what she's going through. It's still very hard to watch. 

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I admit, I have watched most of Season 2.  I have no shame!  Paris and Nikki have their hands full with Kathy.  There is a vulnerability I hadn't seen in Paris before.  Ok, maybe I have some shame 😂.

None of the K sisters are likeable.  They ARE cruel.  They learned from their VERY cruel mother who sounds like she may have had some sort of personality disorder.  I can't imagine treating my sisters the way they have treated each other.  

Ok I’ve maybe watched more than one episode.. I am ashamed! 😢

I agree - they totally learned the weird push/pull “ love you, now I don’t talk to you, maybe I will, maybe now I won’t” craziness from Big Kathy!



59 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

I'm guessing Big Kathy had one of the Cluster B personality disorders.

Probably.  And the strangest part is the absolute reverence they have for this horrible mother who they acknowledge would pit them against each other.  And taught her girls to trap men and marry rich, etc.  But they are apoplectic if anyone dares to speak ill of this monster of a mother. 

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On 12/13/2023 at 9:02 PM, janiema said:

Annemarie is a big asshole. I have a small esophagus too. They have tried stretching it a couple of times but that hasn’t really worked. I have known 2 other people with the issue. It does impact swallowing and digesting. We don’t need someone who is looking for camera time and sucking up to Kyle to be so dismissive. I hope she is one and done.

Are you at higher risk for acid reflux with this? Are there some foods you have to avoid? Sincere questions from the medically ignorant.

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2 hours ago, ladle said:

My armchair-psychologist take on this is that the Richards sisters had a pretty messed up childhood, and Kim responded by turning to alcohol, while Kathy responded by marrying rich and lording her power over others. (FWIW, I do not think Kathy is a nice person.) I would guess that, for a long time, Kyle's solid marriage and the energy she threw into raising her girls, as well as her self-perceived role as Kim's "caretaker," helped her to keep her shit together. But now, Kyle's marriage is on the rocks, her youngest is almost out of the house, and her best friend just died by suicide. I think she is legitimately spiraling. I really don't think this is an act for the show. And, yes, I know Kyle can be an asshole. I've been calling Kyle an asshole since she stole Brandi's crutches! But I still feel compassion for what she's going through. It's still very hard to watch. 

Watching Paris in love 2 Kathy basically explains that she lives in denial .. that she likes to pretend everything is ok and will ignore whatever is wrong till it "goes away" everything has to be a pretty picture basically it just has to "look" perfect its the illusion of perfection that she wants and the projection to others  (watching it really was super interesting) 


Kim just mentally broke and turned to booze and pills to numb whatever it was that was hurting her and in that she gave up any of her own urgency in her life 


Kyle likes Control  thats why "taking care of Kim" was her thing she could control her life control what she was and wasnt doing ...


Kyle dragging Kim out like some show pony to show Sutton I have a sister proved that Sutton got under her skin .... Kim looked really bad here and 100% drawing on random walls isnt normal thats like some regressive mental shit that should be looked at by a professional 

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13 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

I was judging her for also ordering the truffle filet. I was always told to go cheap when someone else is paying when I was young. Not to speculate on a cast members kid’s sexual exploits but those two are clearly doing the nasty, and hopefully Garcelle has gifted this kid with a Costco sized box of condoms. 

Same here!!! I would NEVER order a higher-priced menu item, especially if my boyfriend’s mother was treating me.

Would you mind sharing with me what you observed that leads you to conclude that Jaid and Ashlyn have been physically intimate? I have a 14-year-old son. I need to know what clues to watch for!

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It’s no secret that I now officially hate Kyle and am embarrassed that I kind of liked her during the earlier seasons. 

So forgive me if I am being too critical and soulless. But when she was tearfully explaining how she had thought Lorene was so “together,” and, in her Will, she had even directed Lorene to care for her children, handle her money, etc., I half-expected her to sob, “Can you imagine if my children were living with her, when she took her own life?!?”


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9 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

physically intimate? I have a 14-year-old son. I need to know what clues to watch for!

Purely speculation but it’s the inability to take their hands and eyes off each other. My first real boyfriend and I were the same way and eventually he “wore me down.”  Looking back I know it was way too early. 

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On 12/14/2023 at 3:15 PM, Surrealist said:

I tend to believe those who talk about sex as much as Erika does aren't actually getting any, or much.

The sex talk on these shows is offputting to me. These women are crude. I heard the same on Potomac's last episode. If men were talking like this about women we'd think they were pigs. 

I cannot stand Erika. I fast-forward through the scenes that focus on her. 

I was surprised to hear about Kyle's friend. I believe she is grieving, but I still suspect her anger is because she caught Mauricio cheating. 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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