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S18.E11: Airing the Dirty Laundry


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2 hours ago, KateHearts said:

Just the emphasis on her "getting all the support she needs" and being treated gently for the first time in her life in SLC made me think that she is a little more fragile than has been shown in the past.

I remember Truely’s scenes as a young child ( around the time of her kidney issue).  She always seemed quiet, somewhat shell shocked by her large loud family.  I think she is cognitively fine, but dances to the beat of her own drum ( her clothing choices for example)  is introverted and is most comfortable with just a few quiet people around her at a time.  Hence Mitch saying she needed fewer voices right then. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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9 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I think the point of that was for Truely to feel out how to balance on the bike.

I agree with you, but I think that would have been better accomplished by her sitting on the seat with her feet on the pedals and Mitch pushing the bike along...she is really not going to learn to balance on the bike with her feet on the ground.  The fact is that she seems to be a very timid child and I think Kody's treatment of her during her first attempt to learn to ride a bike was very damaging to her self confidence, plus having compromised eyesight probably didn't help.  I kind of feel sorry for her - she is seemingly quite awkward and I suspect it is hard to find your place in this large group of people, not to mention one that is as fractured as this family is now.  

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53 minutes ago, RoxiP said:

Although Truley was tip-toeing to reach the ground her feet easily reached the pedals when she was seated on the seat and when you are "walking" your bike you generally don't plant yourself on the seat (or at least I don't).  Now I'm going to look at other riders and see how they manage it.  I fear that if she hasn't learned to ride a bike at age 12 she probably isn't going to - unless that calm guy (Mitch?) takes her out by herself and practices a lot of patience with her...without cameras and an audience (although they were well meaning).

Asuelu from Samoa (on 90 DF) learned to ride a bike in his 20s, although he complained it hurt his "boohole." 

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On 10/29/2023 at 8:57 PM, Adeejay said:

Two weeks ago, we heard about Janelle and Kody celebrating Janelle’s birthday, which is in May. Tonight they celebrated Truely’s birthday which is in April. I am extremely confused about the show’s timeline. They seem to be going backwards.

This family has been gaslighting us from the beginning, with their happy family storyline, so now the producers are in on the shenanigans.  The farthest-from-reality reality show.

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1 hour ago, RoxiP said:

I fear that if she hasn't learned to ride a bike at age 12 she probably isn't going to - unless that calm guy (Mitch?) takes her out by herself and practices a lot of patience with her...without cameras and an audience (although they were well meaning).

This is exactly what I hope actually happened...Mitch took Truely aside and said "look, when the cameramen, boom operators, producers and directors leave, we'll sneak out to practice and we'll be going on a bike ride around the block before dinnertime."

I think she was doomed to fail just by having herself filmed - what 12-year old wants a huge group of people watch her when she's trying to learn something that clearly scares her, not to mention gives her flashbacks of her unhinged father yelling at her?  Being 12 is hard enough as it is.  Too bad Christine decided that filming her kid was more important than her kid's self-esteem, because I 100% assume that it was Christine's idea to film it in the first place as another way to stick it to Kody.

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I still have to read some of the comments but I'm sure we all noticed how Ysabel seemed to be disassociating at Truely's sad birthday party...at one point when Ariablelbleowrq was launching herself into Truely, Ysabel was looking down at her with a completely blank look on her face.  Meanwhile Day'un was basically asleep on the couch and Breanna looked angry and irritated.  What a fun place to have a party!  Good job, Dark Queen and Father of the Year!  Happy birthday, Tracy Teresa Truely!

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2 hours ago, laurakaye said:

It was awful watching it the first time, and even more so in the flashback.    I need a fade-out scene at the very end of this entire show, showing us Kody picking Robyn up from her first shift manning the french fryer at McDonald's, dejectedly getting into the car with her eyebrow stencils melted down her cheeks and her hair full of fry grease splatter.

No way would Crybrows get a job! Those grown girls are going to find themselves working to support mama & Kootie in the manner they are accustomed to. And Dayton better watch out or his earnings will be contributing too. I would not be surprised to see the devil couple go to Crybrows' kids if their cash flow goes away.

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I thought the feet on the ground thing was to allay her fears of falling - "see? You can catch yourself! Look how easily your foot is firmly on the ground! You're in control!" Agree with the poster upthread that knee/elbow pads would also have helped.

I understood where Christine meant by "you're going to fall, everybody falls!" but this is why you generally learn when you're 6 or 7 because the older you get, the scarier falling gets.  At 7 you're lighter, lower to the ground, and usually scraped up from something or other (at least if you play outdoors, which perhaps she never did). At puberty? Totally different sets of fears. 


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28 minutes ago, kassa said:

I thought the feet on the ground thing was to allay her fears of falling - "see? You can catch yourself! Look how easily your foot is firmly on the ground! You're in control!" Agree with the poster upthread that knee/elbow pads would also have helped.

I understood where Christine meant by "you're going to fall, everybody falls!" but this is why you generally learn when you're 6 or 7 because the older you get, the scarier falling gets.  At 7 you're lighter, lower to the ground, and usually scraped up from something or other (at least if you play outdoors, which perhaps she never did). At puberty? Totally different sets of fears. 


Yeah, wait till you're old!  Terror! LOL. 

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On the subject of Truely and the bike lesson. I wonder if she does not have good spatial awareness. Christine mentioned long ago that she prefers to be alone in a large family and how she was worried about her. Truely doesn't seem like the other rough and tumble Brown kids and we very often see her with a book (which is great to see!) .

I grew up navigating my world with difficulty judging distance and I can only see clearly about 3 inches from my nose. I most likely needed glasses very very young but found ways to navigate and I wasn't found out until 4th grade. However, I grew up outside. In the woods, hiking, on a bike, on a horse, climbing trees. Yet inside, I often ran into doorways and walls because I couldn't judge the distance. Glass table tops with no solid frame are a nightmare to me, I just can't see them.

When the bike even moves under her she has such a strong reaction...it makes me wonder if she has trouble even being aware of what she can do. When she said that she wished she would have learned when she was 5 years old I wonder why she didn't. She would have been in the cul de sac then, with the big round pavement. I wonder if she was encourage to not do anything overly physical after her hospital stay.

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On 10/29/2023 at 7:50 PM, Emmeline said:

When Robyn was giving birth to Solomon, I think it was very strange that Kody said several times.“he looks like my boys”.

Why is Robyn making that face when she says Truely is turning 12?

Kody’s adopted children are 24, 20 & 18.  The oldest son is living outside in an RV.  The evil step sisters are still in the house.  

This is the 2nd time in a thread I have mentioned her (although the last was RHBH), Daily Dose of Dana on Youtube was hilarious this weekend.  She did a recap of SW and her imitation of Robyn was epic.  She used to be a casting person for reality shows and her husband works on Dancing with the Stars.  

Edited to add:  Her Robyn face while holding sharpies up for eyebrows during the 'Truly is 12' talk made me howl. 

Edited by Natalie68
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8 hours ago, vibeology said:

Because teenagers are disgusting sex monsters with hormones. 

This was practically a clip show. 

I think Kody is on Christine's kids birth certificates because he had to sign off on Ysabel's surgery. We saw him snap at Christine when he was signing the different documents on his truck whatever season that was.

My favourite thing is figuring out the self-film set ups. At first it was Robyn walking around with her phone. Then they must have had two phones on tripods to get different angles but of course the kids kept crossing in front of one of the cameras. Plus these aren't interesting people and they've all gotten too camera savvy. They won't give anything because they don't want to be criticized. And I don't blame the teens and young adults; who would want to be torn apart online for something they said at that age? I blame the boring as hell adults who signed up for this show but can't be bothered to produce any content. Why have we not seen Kody and Robyn have a one-on-one conversation about anything going on in their lives for the past few years? There are two adults who live together; they should have the easiest time producing relevant content since they don't have to come up with an excuse to meet up and yet they're the two where we get the least.

The twin announcement was self-filmed too. I had been quick to assume Robyn was pushing for it to keep the camera crew out of her house but now I really think that its TLC cheaping out. Why pay crew when you can buy a few tripods and hand them to each household? I really think its to the detriment of the show to go this route. Without a crew and producers there, these are dull people who give the bare minimum. Only having one or two cameras in fixed positions means we're missing things and because its self-film, who knows what's getting deleted before it goes to TLC. TLC has a hit and they are trying to get the most out of it for as little as possible but I think its going to kill the show. There is still drama there but there need to be producers and cameras in the homes way more often to catch it.

I really have to wonder how much time she spends around kids her age. Part of that was covid but Robyn seems to keep her at home all the time. If she never socializes, she's never going to develop social skills. And maybe we're just not seeing the times Ari is socializing with kids her age because those parents won't consent to filming but she strikes me as a kid who needs to go to the park and run around with some other kids.

And the family is desperate for the $ that comes with the show so they seemingly will consent to anything.

Ari and socializing don't go hand in hand.  Sadly, she needs something more of a  feral description of what she does.  They've treated her like her behavior is cute for far too long.  Hint.  It isn't.  

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On 10/30/2023 at 10:01 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:


I enjoyed seeing how Maddie not talking to Kody seems to actually hurt him.  They were once so close and I think that is causing him to question what is happening.  But only briefly, of course.  It is due to Covid, right.   But Maddie lives a couple of thousand miles away.  Whay did Covid have to do with her deciding to no longer reach out to Kody?  Did his doctor tell him you can catch Covid over the phone or something, so that explains Maddie not fulfilling her obligation to initiate contact with him?  Because it's HER job, of course. Never his.  

TLC needs to stop with the endless dog abuse commercials.  I can't take it ... that's why I stopped watching RuPaul. I had to change the channel one too many times and just never went back.

Catching Covid over the phone while talking to nonRobyn children was on the list of Covid Protoculls Robyn typed up, er, I mean Kody came up with.

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On 10/31/2023 at 9:00 AM, kassa said:

Kody will be working three shifts at McDonalds before she gets a job, and she'll complain about having to pick him up because they only have one car and it's not like she can be home all day without one.

Double applause for this comment!  I loved the mental pitcher of Rob'em working at the local fast food joint, but hell will freeze over before the evil queen lifts a finger.

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On 10/30/2023 at 3:30 PM, Natalie68 said:

Well, it was leftover night! <joke>.  That Ari is a barnacle isn't she?

I apologize if it’s been mentioned but on a FB page they were discussing the $20,000 worth of art Robin and Kody have as investments hanging all over up to the ceiling. I enlarged one piece and it looked like crap like some Chinese assembly line paintings. I know something about art and although the person in the know ( insider of some kind ) referred to them as prints I could tell they were on canvas. My point is their collecting as an investment while long term partners get screwed in this marriage and children with no insurance to say the least is not very Christian like.   Even if the surreal art is worth $6,000 each now there’s no guarantee it’ll be so in years to come since it’s not oil on canvas but giclee on canvas.  Real Art needs to be insured and the home insurance dilemma now they are just stupid.    Haul them over to the big lot amongst the forrest and good luck.  I went to artist site was able to put one they have of deer/trees/ hunter in my basket for $6000 plus. It came in 2 sizes. Their life is a surrealist joke. 
It made  me sad to hear one son say we’re adults we don’t need fathering. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

I apologize if it’s been mentioned but on a FB page they were discussing the $20,000 worth of art Robin and Kody have as investments hanging all over up to the ceiling. I enlarged one piece and it looked like crap like some Chinese assembly line paintings. I know something about art and although the person in the know ( insider of some kind ) referred to them as prints I could tell they were on canvas. My point is their collecting as an investment while long term partners get screwed in this marriage and children with no insurance to say the least is not very Christian like.   Even if the surreal art is worth $6,000 each now there’s no guarantee it’ll be so in years to come since it’s not oil on canvas but giclee on canvas.  Real Art needs to be insured and the home insurance dilemma now they are just stupid.    Haul them over to the big lot amongst the forrest and good luck.  I went to artist site was able to put one they have of deer/trees/ hunter in my basket for $6000 plus. It came in 2 sizes. Their life is a surrealist joke. 
It made  me sad to hear one son say we’re adults we don’t need fathering. 

This was thoroughly discussed about a month ago in the “Spoilers, Speculation and Social Media” thread

it starts around page 88

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Commenting about the horribly sad "birthday party," a snack size meal on plain paper plates with small paper cups of drinks makes it look like a thrown together last minute oops Truely is in town and on her way over.  Her birthday was last week so lets blow up some balloons and put out a little food and call it a party. 

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2 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

It made  me sad to hear one son say we’re adults we don’t need fathering. 

To be fair, the fathering they've had since they were teens and older was biased, skewed, and hurtful. The sons don't need THAT kind of fathering except as examples of what not to do with their own kids.

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43 minutes ago, altopower said:

To be fair, the fathering they've had since they were teens and older was biased, skewed, and hurtful. The sons don't need THAT kind of fathering except as examples of what not to do with their own kids.

Kody could have been the best father on the planet with the best intentions ever (I don't think either are true but bear with me for the hypothetical) and he still couldn't have been a good father to 18 kids. There are just not enough hours in the day. I don't care how many times he wrestled with the boys in Christine's garage or peeled bark off branches. He just wasn't there.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

Commenting about the horribly sad "birthday party," a snack size meal on plain paper plates with small paper cups of drinks makes it look like a thrown together last minute oops Truely is in town and on her way over.  Her birthday was last week so lets blow up some balloons and put out a little food and call it a party. 

When  they were putting the food on the table I heard Kody say each one gets 1/2 of a piece of chicken we only bought 6 peices. So there are 9 people sitting down at the table and you have 6 pieces of chicken? This tells me that this was a thrown together "party" with a box cake mix and a few candles that Ari was grabbing at before the cake was cut. Do they live so far out in the sticks that neither Robyn nor Kody could drive to the store and get a store bought birthday cake and a couple of extra chicken breasts?  I am amazed that Kody and Robyn had this filmed. I would have been mortified at that cheap display. 

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1 minute ago, Orcinus orca said:

I don't think those two know how to be mortified.  Every thing they do is perfect in every way, dontcha know.

Bingo!! They have no clue how terrible that. "Birthday Party" looked. Guess they. figured it was only for Truely so no need to spend any extra for food or a gift... It's Christine's fault they have to treat Truely this way!

I feel bad for Truely, she has to realize this was just an afterthought with no real thought given to her or the party.

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On 10/31/2023 at 8:16 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Boy, I don't know.  I'm a proficient bike rider and tried a tandem bike once and it was awful.  Like, so bad I happily went back to riding my own bike, where I have to do all the pedaling myself, and I'm lazy.

LOL!   I was wondering whether to mention that sitting co-pilot on a tandem bike requires a whole new learning curve. 


It's a shock to learn right off the bat that all the balancing/steering/pedaling micro-twitches you've taught yourself are basically irrelevant when you're the back half of a bicycle built for two. 


(It's fun, though, once you get the hang of it.)

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On 10/30/2023 at 11:01 AM, Celia Rubenstein said:


The scene of Janelle in the car with Kody acting all coquettish, petting her hair and saying she "just wants them to be easy" for the night still pisses me off.  It's nice for her to get a free, fancy dinner from Robyn's husband, but her self-serving temporary "truces" with Kody only decrease the incentive for him to make peace with "her" sons.  I mean, he seems to want Janelle back (for whatever reason).  I wouldn't be giving him the time of day (much less hope of a reconciliation) until he got squared away with my kids. 

Just the way Kody says you won't get my love until I get your obedience  respect, I would be saying you don't get my  time until you show consideration for my children. 





That part with Janelle in the car with Kody on her b-day bugged me too. She said she was bored sitting at home so why not just go out on the town with the narcissistic, selfish asshole that has abandoned her and her kids and hurt them tremendously!! Her decisions make no sense to me. How can all of that just be wiped away like nothing?? Because she doesn't want to sit home bored?? I don't get her way of thinking at all.  You teach  people how to treat you, and she's letting him know it's okay to abandon their  kids and treat them like they don't matter or exist, because she would rather gobble up the few little crumbs he throws her way.  Makes no sense to me at all. That "party " for Truely was horrible!! I bet it was the producers idea to have it in the first place. Ysabel knows that it was an afterthought by the look on her face. Sobbyn and Kody make it so obvious. How hard would it have been for Sobbyn to tell one of her adult children to run to the store and get more food. Anytime extra people would be over my house unexpectedly and it was dinner time, I would send my husband to get more food or I would make sure all of the kids had food before me and my husband. Kody and Sobbyn don't want to be inconvenienced in any way since the party wasn't for one of Sobbyn's kids. They put zero effort into anything pertaining to the non Sobbyn kids. It didn't show a mountain full of gifts for Truely,like Sobbyn's kids always get. I didn't even see one gift. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Sobbyn had gifts for her kids even though it wasn't their birthday just so they wouldn't feel left out.  Sobbyn's daughters always have that miserable look on their faces whenever they're around any of Kody's other kids. I'm glad Ysabel goes with Truely when she visits them so she's not all by herself and feeling uncomfortable.  I would do the same thing. Ari is soooooo obnoxious and annoying!!  She is going to get worse and worse. There's nothing at all cute about her behavior. She's already a terror thanks to Sobbyn and Kody. The only reason why Sobbyn wants Meri to stay in Flagstaff is to keep the show going.  Sobbyn and Kody know nobody wants to watch only  them two and their "special " children. They don't want the show to end. Sobbyn knows damn well Kody has been done with Meri for years. She just plays stupid and confused thinking we are dumb enough to fall for her innocent act,  like Kody did. 

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7 hours ago, Absolom said:

Commenting about the horribly sad "birthday party," a snack size meal on plain paper plates with small paper cups of drinks makes it look like a thrown together last minute oops Truely is in town and on her way over.  Her birthday was last week so lets blow up some balloons and put out a little food and call it a party. 

Exactly, Truely might not have picked up on how crappy and ridiculous the party was but to me Ysabel looked like she was well aware of what Kody and Robyn were up to with their 6 pieces of chicken and a box of cake mix.  🙄

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I will never understand why, during COVID, the Brown family didn't start doing weekly or monthly Zoom calls. Everyone else was doing them! Lots of families dealt with different COVID protocols or family members that were more susceptible. But there were ways they could have maintained their family bond during pandemic that it seems like they simply chose not to do. COVID was just an excuse for everyone to distance themselves the way they wanted to do for several years.

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6 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

I will never understand why, during COVID, the Brown family didn't start doing weekly or monthly Zoom calls. Everyone else was doing them! 

No kidding. My family started doing them even though we had been living in three different cities to begin with. Now that you mention it, I wonder why we stopped.

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13 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

COVID was just an excuse for everyone to distance themselves the way they wanted to do for several years.

Bingo.  Kootie and Sobbyn didn't give two hoots about the rest of the clan.  This was a great excuse to keep making up rules to alienate them and then to gaslight everyone about how they refused to communicate and respect him and his big fat binder of does and don'ts.

Covid was a blessing for them.

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13 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

That part with Janelle in the car with Kody on her b-day bugged me too. She said she was bored sitting at home so why not just go out on the town with the narcissistic, selfish asshole that has abandoned her and her kids and hurt them tremendously!! Her decisions make no sense to me. How can all of that just be wiped away like nothing?? Because she doesn't want to sit home bored?? I don't get her way of thinking at all. 

I am wondering (giving J the benefit of the doubt here) that that was an excuse.  I really wonder if she had been trying really hard not to piss K and R off in order to try and get her $$ back that she sunk into the house/property.   

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13 hours ago, ladyscorpio said:

That part with Janelle in the car with Kody on her b-day bugged me too. She said she was bored sitting at home so why not just go out on the town with the narcissistic, selfish asshole that has abandoned her and her kids and hurt them tremendously!! Her decisions make no sense to me. How can all of that just be wiped away like nothing?? Because she doesn't want to sit home bored?? 

She knew they need to film. The anniversary gave her an excuse to film with Kody and without Robyn and maybe have a more candid discussion in the restaurant itself without the tape rolling. I imagine opportunities to speak with Kody without Robyn present are pretty rare.

47 minutes ago, Nancybeth said:

I will never understand why, during COVID, the Brown family didn't start doing weekly or monthly Zoom calls. Everyone else was doing them! Lots of families dealt with different COVID protocols or family members that were more susceptible. 

We never really did zoom as a family, but I remember sitting in cars two spaces apart, rolling down the windows and chatting from there (with masks on). Pulling into a driveway and chatting to someone on the lawn (with masks on).  Dropping groceries at my mom's condo door and standing 20 feet away to chat when she opened her door.  People who wanted to see each other definitely saw each other!

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I even visited my mom in memory care outside masked and distanced after the first two or three months.  When home tests became available then we were able to be closer together outside.  I was talking to the grandkids on Facetime weekly.

I saw my children and grandchildren outside.  By Christmas, we quarantined for ten days and then gathered in one house as a family.  

There were so many things they could have done if they'd wanted to maintain contact.  Kody was flitting around doing as he pleased.  They had the nanny in who most likely wasn't following all the ridiculous rules.  It was indeed an excuse by Kody and Robyn to cut contact and try to put unnecessary demands on certain family members.  

It was just another game of dance monkey dance.


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41 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I even visited my mom in memory care outside masked and distanced after the first two or three months.  When home tests became available then we were able to be closer together outside.  I was talking to the grandkids on Facetime weekly.

I saw my children and grandchildren outside.  By Christmas, we quarantined for ten days and then gathered in one house as a family.  

There were so many things they could have done if they'd wanted to maintain contact.  Kody was flitting around doing as he pleased.  They had the nanny in who most likely wasn't following all the ridiculous rules.  It was indeed an excuse by Kody and Robyn to cut contact and try to put unnecessary demands on certain family members.  

It was just another game of dance monkey dance.


I remember back in 2020 seeing videos of people constructing plastic sheet walls so they could still hug their loved ones who weren't living in their households. People saw each other when they wanted to, either over Zoom or with a window or space between them. This was filmed in April 2022, and Kody is still using COVID as an excuse. By that point, the world was still cautiously opening up. I traveled internationally in February 2022, and while we were very careful, we had no issues. I'm not intending to downplay the risks of COVID, not at all, but this is a clear case of "if he wanted to, he would." COVID didn't stop him from going on his Victoria's Secret sprees, so I'm not inclined to believe it stopped him from seeing the kids he wanted to see.

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