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S13.E02: Unwise Surprise

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11 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Dorit is overplaying her hand with the handbag thefts. Fool us once shame on her. Fool us twice shame on us. Something is very off about her taking $10,000 in cash and stuffing it in her purse to go Christmas shopping. She doesn't have a credit card or a check book? The only thing that I can come up with is she was shopping some place where they would not take her check or bank card or she owned them money. Other than that if this did happen she has lost her mind.

I also am questioning this latest run-in with thieves and Dorit.

Was there a police report filed?  And, to me, the biggest question is why were there no reports of this on social media, or on the gossip websites?  They usually pick up on every little thing that happens to the Housewives.  It's surprising that there was no mention of this anywhere until now.

Edited by njbchlover
Edited to correct grammar!
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As @BusyOctober noted, Dorito said her handbag was stolen out of her CART.  Lol, $10k would go a long way at Target.  

I’m kind of surprised she isn’t robbed more…she had to see a surveillance camera to notice three men following her around the grocery store or wherever!   And doesn’t everyone know to strap their bag into the cart using the kid straps??

2 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

I also am questioning this latest run-in with thieves and Dorit.

Was there a police report filed?  And, to me, the biggest question is why was there no reports of this on social media, or on the gossip websites?  They usually pick up on every little thing that happens to the Housewives.  It's surprising that there was no mention of this anywhere until now.

Well I think she said the police viewed the surveillance video so there would be a report.  Besides don’t you need one to file an insurance claim?   



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23 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Isn't  there a limit you can withdraw before the bank is required to notify the feds? 

Quoting myself, because i looked it up:


Thanks to the Bank Secrecy Act, financial institutions are required to report withdrawals of $10,000 or more to the federal government. Banks are also trained to look for customers who may be trying to skirt the $10,000 threshold. For example, a withdrawal of $9,999 is also suspicious.


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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

And pretend I’m Richard Gere; except during the Berlin serenade, then pretend I’m Tom Cruise 😛 

No matter how much he tries to recreate the Pretty Woman movie, PK will NEVER, EVER, EVER be compared to the incomparable Richard Gere!  Perish the thought!!! 

PK's delusional if he's hoping for a comparison.

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6 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Yeah, Kyle is cold as ice toward him now — and he really isn’t much better.


5 hours ago, Ss55 said:

Kyle and Mo's scenes are so stilted and cringey that it's either very fake or there really is lots of tension.  She's acting like a hyped up weirdo.  "Lovebean" is being overused and sounds phony.  I personally think Kyle is feeling herself in some new role as the companion to a much younger country singer. Whether she's bi/gay or whatever, the timing of this new relationship and her sudden ambivalence to her marriage is not coincidental.  If she is just now realizing she's a lesbian I guess there are many thoughts weighing her down?  I'm assuming that'd be a lot to wade through as a middle aged woman with a family.  Or, she could be full of crap and this is totally for attention or ratings.  I just know I liked her better before.  There's a harshness to her now.

Yes Kyle is ice cold.. and very angry.  He must have cheated.  But she’s such a bad actress that it seems fake.. BUT she did say on some interview that she would never fake a breakup for the show since it is hurting the kids.

Which Two Ts in a Pod podcast did they talk about Mauricio’s cheating?  

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27 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

As @BusyOctober noted, Dorito said her handbag was stolen out of her CART.  Lol, $10k would go a long way at Target.  

I’m kind of surprised she isn’t robbed more…she had to see a surveillance camera to notice three men following her around the grocery store or wherever!   And doesn’t everyone know to strap their bag into the cart using the kid straps??

Well I think she said the police viewed the surveillance video so there would be a report.  Besides don’t you need one to file an insurance claim?   

Can one even make an insurance claim for a theft of a handbag in a store?



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10 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

Quoting myself, because i looked it up:


  23 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Isn't  there a limit you can withdraw before the bank is required to notify the feds? 

Quoting myself, because i looked it up:


Thanks to the Bank Secrecy Act, financial institutions are required to report withdrawals of $10,000 or more to the federal government. Banks are also trained to look for customers who may be trying to skirt the $10,000 threshold. For example, a withdrawal of $9,999 is also suspicious.



If this story is true (and, to me, that is a HUGE "if"), I guess it's possible that Dorit and PK could have multiple accounts at several banks, so, she could possibly have gone and withdrawn a few thousand from two or three different bank accounts to total $10,000.00, without notice from any bank officials or having accounts get flagged.

However, I am still very suspicious of this whole story.  

I'm even more surprised that Dorit did not even mention the type of purse that was stolen, just because we all know how label-conscious she is.  Was it a Chanel bag, LV, Gucci, Hermes, or what?  Seriously - inquiring minds want to know more details, if for no other reason than to lend credibility to the story.

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23 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Dorit and PK's house was invaded last season and the robbers cleaned them out of all of Dori's expensive bags making of with the loot in a bedspread. So now Dorit thinks it's wise to take $10,000 in cash out of her bank to buy Christmas presents. 

And apparently she thinks it’s wise to be filmed wearing gargantuan diamond earrings and a gargantuan diamond ring

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9 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

The stupid male dancer scenes are up there with watching the housewives get waxed.  WHY do they think we want to watch it?  So gross, so boring.

If I understood that preview correctly, it looks like Sutton gets upset about Erica simulating receiving oral sex on stage during the show. I am team Sutton on that. Erica is just so vulgar. 

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From the vulture.com recap: 😂😂😂

Anyway, Kyle is driving Dorit to lunch, and Dorit asks if everything is okay with her and Mauricio, and Kyle gets icier than Jack Frost’s Prince Albert. She’s just kind of like, Yeah, no, I just needed my space to maybe have an affair with a lesbian country singer … I mean, I just needed some space. Dorit is asking so many unanswered questions that she finally just says, “If I ever ask you something you don’t want to talk about, just tell me to shut up.” Oh, Dorit, here is a preemptive “shut up” that you can use for eternity.

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I didn't  like PK's  surprise date one iota, I don't  think Dorit did that much. She's definitely  a control freak.

Kyle is acting  silly, telling  Mo's mom about tattoos. It all seems  disjointed. 

I still like Sutton and Garcelle  and the conversations  they have.

They should all go to LVPs restaurant in Vegas..

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55 minutes ago, Mar said:

If I understood that preview correctly, it looks like Sutton gets upset about Erica simulating receiving oral sex on stage during the show. I am team Sutton on that. Erica is just so vulgar. 

I'm hoping it's something more than Erika dancing onstage with strippers.

Because if it's not, that seems very "stick in the mud." And I like Sutton.

Edited by Surrealist
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10 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

I think so, but it’s been awhile. I had the same thought.

Given that it was clear Kyle didn’t want to talk much about it, to me it was a sign for Dorit to drop it, good friend or no. 

That's when I wished that Denise would have sat up in the back seat and demanded that Kyle just "tell the truth!!!"

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10 hours ago, Ss55 said:

Kyle and Mo's scenes are so stilted and cringey that it's either very fake or there really is lots of tension.  She's acting like a hyped up weirdo.  "Lovebean" is being overused and sounds phony.  I personally think Kyle is feeling herself in some new role as the companion to a much younger country singer. Whether she's bi/gay or whatever, the timing of this new relationship and her sudden ambivalence to her marriage is not coincidental.  If she is just now realizing she's a lesbian I guess there are many thoughts weighing her down?  I'm assuming that'd be a lot to wade through as a middle aged woman with a family.  Or, she could be full of crap and this is totally for attention or ratings.  I just know I liked her better before.  There's a harshness to her now.

In my opinion the lesbian thing is total bs, and the harder they try to point me in that direction the less I'm going to believe it.  So far they've argued incessantly about tattoos, and flashbacked to Kyle saying she'd never been with a lady.  Subtle, show.🙄

7 hours ago, politichick said:

Count me in. It looks like she's totally grossed out by the Magic Mike stuff, and I was, too, I must admit. And was Crystal also up there grinding? Yuck!

Haha my impression was that she was off to Magic Mike to find herself a man and was pissed that Erica was stealing all of their attention 😂

5 hours ago, hottesthw said:

Exactly why I think the opposite. The acting from both of them is terrible. She’s trying way too hard to be mad at the world. But at the retreat she’s STILL sobbing over her sister’s meltdown months earlier. But not a tear to shed over her husband of 27 years. Kyle isn’t capable of holding in her frog cry. We’ve all witnessed it for a decade now. 

Yeah I think this is where I am on this too.

2 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

BUT she did say on some interview that she would never fake a breakup for the show since it is hurting the kids.

As if breaking up on camera and having a lesbian relationship with a girl younger than Farrah wouldn't bother them at all.  They're all adults - at some point they can be told:  "Look!  We're pretend divorcing for a season or you learn to clean your own toilets!  Which is it?" 😁

2 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I'm even more surprised that Dorit did not even mention the type of purse that was stolen, just because we all know how label-conscious she is.  Was it a Chanel bag, LV, Gucci, Hermes, or what?  Seriously - inquiring minds want to know more details, if for no other reason than to lend credibility to the story.

Haha when we find out it was a cheap bag from Target then we'll know it was a set-up! 😃

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I'm finally caught up with both episodes now and ugh. So much of the same with some annoying new bits.

I give Erika 5 minutes into the new episode next week before she's breaking her Lent promise to not fight with anyone. 

Dorit is still so annoying and narcissistic with some rare funny/insightful moments. 

Crystal remains so pretty and so boring. Bring back her brother, the Chinese Justin Bieber. I want to hear more about his failed engagement. 

I hope Sutton doesn't have such a stick up her ass but I'm wary of the previews at the strip show.

Still love Garcelle. 

Kyle is just hard and mean and I feel like there is an undercurrent of blind rage just below the surface. I wonder what truly happened? She is so mad and spinning around like a top, it's unsettling. The fact that she acted like a teenager angry with her boyfriend around her kids and in front of Mauricio's parents was disturbing. It's like she's so angry she doesn't care who she hurts. Like Kyle or not, but I feel like she has always tried to protect her family and now it's like she doesn't even care. 

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14 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

PK went out of his way to make sure that Dorito knew who the singer was. Berlin was the original singer of Take My Breath Away in the 1986 movie Top Gun. 

It shocked me to learn that they were also responsible for the song, “Sex (I’m a…)”.

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12 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Levi's never went out of style.* They're my favorite; I still have some from college -- they've grown up (and old!) with me!

*Though probably not a long-term staple for someone like Dorit.

Jenna Effin Lyons wore Levi’s to the RHoNY reunion. 

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2 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I'm hoping it's something more than Erika dancing onstage with strippers.

Because if it's not, that seems very "stick in the mud." And I like Sutton.

I'm not positive exactly what it's going to be, but I was reminded of Ramona losing it over Leah dancing provocatively on RHONY. 

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2 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I'm hoping it's something more than Erika dancing onstage with strippers.

Because if it's not, that seems very "stick in the mud." And I like Sutton.

If I saw the preview correctly, what Erika was doing on stage with the strippers wasn't what I would call "dancing", unless you include the horizontal mambo as an actual dance. 

I'm no prude, but I'm right there with Sutton if that what gets her upset. That is something that I really don't need or want to see.

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11 hours ago, KristenR said:

I thought the cash was the gift. (Not that she was using cash to buy gifts.) Housekeepers, nannies, gardeners, assistants, etc. They would all probably get cash gifts.

Not that I want to defend Dorit. But her exact words are as follows.

I took out $10,000, so I could have some money for Christmas gifts. I had my handbag in the shopping cart. When I got to the register, I realized that my handbag was gone.

So I think we could interpret it your way. Also, it’s possible that she had a shopping cart, not because she buys Christmas gifts at Target or Walmart, but because she was grocery shopping?

I think it’s terrific that most of us do NOT want to give the Kemsleys the benefit of the doubt.

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Do we think Kyle's new attitude may come from the fact that she thinks this is finally her moment to shine on the show? Like there is no LVP, this is no Rinna, Erika Jayne's stock has plummeted, so she finally thinks she has attained full Queen Bee status?

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3 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

Do we think Kyle's new attitude may come from the fact that she thinks this is finally her moment to shine on the show? Like there is no LVP, this is no Rinna, Erika Jayne's stock has plummeted, so she finally thinks she has attained full Queen Bee status?

I think that Kyle was always the Queen Bee. LVP left the show in 2019.

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I saw commercial for Fresh Smelling Gain Laundry Detergent featuring the song Take My Breath Away. The commercial was just as bad as PK’s lame ass evening. It had people smelling their towels and laundry 😄😄

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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

It shocked me to learn that they were also responsible for the song, “Sex (I’m a…)”.

I’m sorry. What song are you referencing? I’m not into popular music. 

42 minutes ago, BucFan said:

I saw commercial for Fresh Smelling Gain Laundry Detergent featuring the song Take My Breath Away. The commercial was just as bad as PK’s lame ass evening. It had people smelling their towels and laundry 😄😄

😂😂 They were probably hallucinating it was Chanel. 

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11 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

And doesn’t everyone know to strap their bag into the cart using the kid straps??

No, I’ve never seen or heard of that, but I always wear a bag with a shoulder strap  when I go shopping so my hands are free. 

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37 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m sorry. What song are you referencing? I’m not into popular music. 

It’s a very old song.

Hmm… Please use YouTube search: Berlin Sex (I’m a….)

It’s so different from that cringy ballad Take My Breath Away, which I hate as much as Lady in Red. 

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5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I took out $10,000, so I could have some money for Christmas gifts. I had my handbag in the shopping cart. When I got to the register, I realized that my handbag was gone.

So I think we could interpret it your way.

I can see your point but who in their right mind puts $10,000 in their purse and goes to the grocery store or any store for that matter and just plops it in a cart? I do not for one minute buy this. 

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1 minute ago, 65mickey said:

I can see your point but who in their right mind puts $10,000 in their purse and goes to the grocery store or any store for that matter and just plops it in a cart? I do not for one minute buy this. 

Oh, no. I would never do that. I was just analyzing Dorit’s words and trying to be neutral. If I have over sixty dollars in my wallet, I fuse my bag to my body!

She and PK have such a suspicious history. I wonder why authorities have not been able to build a more lifestyle-changing case against them.

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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Hmm… Please use YouTube search: Berlin Sex (I’m a….)

It’s so different from that cringy ballad Take My Breath Away, which I hate as much as Lady in Red. 

Take My Breath Away was definitely Berlin's sell-out song.  They had previous hits like the afore-mentioned "Sex (I'm a....)", "No More Words", and my personal favorite "The Metro".  Teri Nunn looked great!

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I don't think Kyle or Mo are faking anything. I suspect that Kyle is angry at Mo and the world for mostly the reasons she said on the show: the situation with Kathy; the fact that he's working more; she's reaching a certain age and stage of her life where she's taking stock, etc.

Now I also think that it is possible that she found out he cheated or something like that, and that explains why it seems like a switch was flipped between this season and all of the other seasons. But even based on what we've seen on the show, I can see the factors that are leading to their problems. 

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On 11/2/2023 at 8:43 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

I think what seems so weird is that we have gone 13 seasons with our Marriage is AMAZING and not a hint of this animosity that seems to be going on ON camera now ..like we never saw her openly hostile towards him and everything was hidden away  ... which begs two questions is Kyle just that good at hiding this shit or has this really been their marriage the entire time and they were fake for 13 years 

It's also possible that people can get fed up or that people change.  It doesn't mean that things were fake before.  Millions of people get married and divorced.

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20 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

 "I withdrew the $10,000 to go Christmas shopping" 

I don't believe it was your intention, but this is misleading.  You should only put quotation marks around what someone said verbatim.  Quotes do not belong around personal interpretations of what someone said.  The actual quote is:  "I went to the bank. I took out $10,000 so I could have some money for Christmas gifts."  I agree with the other poster that the money was the probably the gift. 

21 hours ago, KristenR said:

I thought the cash was the gift. (Not that she was using cash to buy gifts.) Housekeepers, nannies, gardeners, assistants, etc. They would all probably get cash gifts.

I also think the cash was going to be the gifts.  

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14 hours ago, heatherchandler said:


Yes Kyle is ice cold.. and very angry.  He must have cheated.  But she’s such a bad actress that it seems fake.. BUT she did say on some interview that she would never fake a breakup for the show since it is hurting the kids.

Which Two Ts in a Pod podcast did they talk about Mauricio’s cheating?  

The "faking" accusations are getting annoying to me.  While anything's possible, Kyle is the face of the show, the glue of the show and a staple.  She's been in the first chair for years at the reunion.  With the exception of Dorit's questionable home invasion, this isn't a cast that has resorted to pulling stunts or having to come up with a "storyline" every year.  Their wealth, connections and friendships are the storylines.  The major events that we've seen all of these years were things that organically happened.  It's implausible and super far-fetched to me that all of a sudden Kyle would fake marriage issues.  The viewers have speculated that Mauricio has cheated for years and put so much stock in Allison Dubois but now that things have come to a head based on what people speculated about, it's fake?  

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50 minutes ago, Talented Tenth said:

I don't believe it was your intention, but this is misleading.  You should only put quotation marks around what someone said verbatim.  Quotes do not belong around personal interpretations of what someone said.  The actual quote is:  "I went to the bank. I took out $10,000 so I could have some money for Christmas gifts."  I agree with the other poster that the money was the probably the gift. 

I also think the cash was going to be the gifts.  

the cash wasn't gonna be the gift she said she got the money out to buy christmans presents ....My PERSONAL opinion, I 100% believe that she is doing something shady this is the 3rd time she has been robbed she gets robbed every year and then somehow they pay off a huge lump some of money to someone .. that's why everyone is saying this seems SUS .. I am sorry no one is that unlucky NO ONE no one gets robbed EVERY year ... i mean i also believe that the feds are wise to this esp with the headlines ...also if she did give cash out as a gift it would still need to be reported for tax reasons how convenient she now doesn’t have to … I am sorry I believe Dorit is a lying liar who lies and this is coming from personal experience of being robbed ONCE myself

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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11 hours ago, njbchlover said:

If I saw the preview correctly, what Erika was doing on stage with the strippers wasn't what I would call "dancing", unless you include the horizontal mambo as an actual dance. 

I'm no prude, but I'm right there with Sutton if that what gets her upset. That is something that I really don't need or want to see.

Thank you! I'm no prude, either, but it was seriously so very gross, tacky, and just plain eww! My eyebrows raised. LOL

As someone else here noted, they were simulating oral sex. Not at all shocked that Sutton was appalled. And stupid ass Kyle is mad about leaving the venue because Sutton is upset. Who's forcing her to leave? 

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2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Take My Breath Away was definitely Berlin's sell-out song.  They had previous hits like the afore-mentioned "Sex (I'm a....)", "No More Words", and my personal favorite "The Metro".  Teri Nunn looked great!

My favorite

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Kyle has reverted to being the teenager she was never allowed to be when she was an actual teenager. She's a rebel, don't you know! Hell, even her tattoos are the poor quality, immature type a teen would get. You are richer than god, Kyle, get yourself some good ink not line drawn hearts and moons. Her flouncing and pouting around, complete with eyerolls and muttered asides, are familiar to anyone who has ever known a teenager. Kyle has never been the smartest or most mature person of the bunch, but she was mollified by her financial privilege, having the "hottest" husband (which I have never gotten as I see Mo as mouth breathing average at best), and swanning about on TV. 

I will say, and know that I posted this on some thread LAST season, that I noticed Kyle being much more abrupt with Mo and at that time wondered if there was trouble in paradise. It's a tale as old as time; she poured a lot into her family, now the girls are either out of the house or reached an age of more independence, menopause is knocking or full on, her husband is finding his fulfillment in work (and perhaps side dalliances)and has less to no time to partake in housewives shenanigans, and where does that leave Kyle?  And without alcohol to numb the pain......This episode brought it all home.

Edited by Juneau Gal
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15 hours ago, Surrealist said:

I'm hoping it's something more than Erika dancing onstage with strippers.

Because if it's not, that seems very "stick in the mud." And I like Sutton.

Wasn't  Erika on her back , with her legs open. I'd  of left as well, she goes too far

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11 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

What can I get you?

Water would be beautiful.

I’ll get you some beautiful water.

Water would be beautiful....water would be everything...

Sweet jeezus, could she not just ask for a glass of water?!  She irritated me with the over-the-top way she greeted Sutton and then immediately again with the freakin' water request.  If we never ever see her again it will still be too soon.  Plus her shoes didn't go with her outfit.

I think the biggest change in Kyle is one year of sobriety.  Not having alcohol to dull things can change EVERYTHING.  She could focus on her girls, buy a never ending parade of new shit, produce terrible shows, fight with her sisters, and have many margaritas to take her mind off of any unhappiness with her life.  Now her girls are grown, the terrible show was canceled, she's still buying new shit, the margaritas are gone...and she's left with a big empty house and a husband who works 24/7 and most likely cheats. She's PISSED and nothing will take the edge off of it now.  Whoever called her a teenager nailed it, IMO.  She never learned how to be an adult so she's an asshole teenager with a million grudges and millions of dollars.  Let me pull up a chair 'cause this shit show should be entertaining! 

The private plane, the Berkin bags, the $3k bday gifts...these people are LOADED (or at least pretending to be) and that is what I'm here for.  After NYC and OC it feels so good to have a cast with multiple WEALTHY people...back to the eye porn, please (that is in reference to material goods, Ericka, I'm not looking for actual porn, ya grifting moron). 

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1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said:

the cash wasn't gonna be the gift she said she got the money out to buy christmans presents ....My PERSONAL opinion, I 100% believe that she is doing something shady this is the 3rd time she has been robbed she gets robbed every year and then somehow they pay off a huge lump some of money to someone .. that's why everyone is saying this seems SUS .. I am sorry no one is that unlucky NO ONE no one gets robbed EVERY year ... i mean i also believe that the feds are wise to this esp with the headlines ...also if she did give cash out as a gift it would still need to be reported for tax reasons how convenient she now doesn’t have to … I am sorry I believe Dorit is a lying liar who lies and this is coming from personal experience of being robbed ONCE myself

I don’t think that she would need to report the cash gifts anywhere. As far as withdrawing the $10,000 in cash, that would be the bank’s responsibility to report.  I don’t know that insurance covers a loss of cash. But I agree with you. Getting robbed every year does sound suspicious. Perhaps the thief (if any) thought they were just stealing an expensive bag labeled “Chanel”. 

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22 minutes ago, janiema said:

I don’t think that she would need to report the cash gifts anywhere. As far as withdrawing the $10,000 in cash, that would be the bank’s responsibility to report.  I don’t know that insurance covers a loss of cash. But I agree with you. Getting robbed every year does sound suspicious. Perhaps the thief (if any) thought they were just stealing an expensive bag labeled “Chanel”. 

And the people who stole from them are never caught .. it’s just the odds of this happening year after year to the same people  have to be astronomical IF it’s real.. like is it the same 3 guys all all the times are they calling their theif buddy’s going well If you need a SUPER easy mark there’s always PK and Dorit? Again this is my personal opinion on this .. I’m just not buying it anymore 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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I’ve watched this show, knowing full well it was a joke, for years and occasionally commented about it here.  After watching the first two episodes of this season I’ve decided to walk away.  I’ve gone from laughing at these women to being disgusted with them.  My time is worth way too much to continue to stoop to the level of being interested in any of them even if just for the entertainment value.  Pfffft….

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37 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And the people who stole from them are never caught .. it’s just the odds of this happening year after year to the same people  have to be astronomical IF it’s real.. like is it the same 3 guys all all the times are they calling their theif buddy’s going well If you need a SUPER easy mark there’s always PK and Dorit? Again this is my personal opinion on this .. I’m just not buying it anymore 

Eventually they might find it difficult to get insurance.

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39 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

And the people who stole from them are never caught .. it’s just the odds of this happening year after year to the same people  have to be astronomical IF it’s real.. like is it the same 3 guys all all the times are they calling their theif buddy’s going well If you need a SUPER easy mark there’s always PK and Dorit? Again this is my personal opinion on this .. I’m just not buying it anymore 

I’m actually gonna apologize and admit that I was wrong … wow that is crazy … it CAN happen .. now do I believe it .. I’m sorry I still don’t just something seems off about it .. but it CAN happen 


Edited by Keywestclubkid
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