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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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@Honey . . . Here are a couple of specific examples:

Did you see the episode where she's in the toy store with Jon and a couple of the kids?  She talks to him like he's a poorly trained dog.  "Stand right here.  Do not move."  Loudly, at the register, in front of a lot of people.

And in the episode mentioned recently about the camping trip with a couple of nannies, her "bodyguard," and the kids.  (You do know she was sleeping with the married bodyguard, right?)  She goes ballistic because (IIRC) someone ate STEVE'S pizza.  It's as though someone poured out his life-saving insulin.

And she and the twins were on the Today show a couple of years ago. The twins were "supposedly" free to say anything they wanted to say, and neither one of them would speak up to say how wonderful Khate is as a mother.  Reports from Today show staffers are that she took them into a private room afterwards and was screaming at them about how they embarrassed her.  Khate in this clip is how she always is when there's a camera on:  expensively coifed and made up.  Trying to be pretty on the outside while telling the world what she wants them to THINK.  But notice that she gets a dig in at Jon.

MANY people in the entertainment industry have reported that she is an absolute terror to work with - demanding, rude, and unappreciative.  Even Tony Dovolani on Dancing with the Stars was treated like dirt because he had the audacity - during rehearsals - of trying to tell Khate what to do.  He joked about needing therapy after working with her.

The fact that she has even shut her entire family out of her life (and the life of her kids) speaks volumes.  Once they were no longer useful to her, she dumped them.

  • Love 13

@AZChristian, I remember the episode where they were toy shopping. She treated him so badly and I was so embarrassed for him. At that point he was doing all of the work with the kids while she made them take 4 hour naps when he was at work. 

This forum isn't long enough to list all of the ways she's a horrible person but the latest is the worst. Sending the least favorite child away is bad enough but to then plaster his issues all over TV and magazines is fucking disgusting and there's absolutely no excuse for it.  Even if she had never done anything horrible before, that's enough to make her a disgusting bitch. 

  • Love 17
On 11/28/2016 at 1:21 AM, Maharincess said:

I can't believe she screamed no in his face over a damn sock.  

I can.  She's a horrible, horrible human being.  I've been watching clips online and am again struck at just how unpleasant and nasty a creature she is.  Jon takes entirely too much chiding for supposedly being the "bad" parent.  What I see is that he is 1000 times the better parent than Khate is.  And does she ever shut up?  She is so convinced that the planet is interested in what she has to say.  She's just awful.  Here are some more examples.  Frankly, someone needs to belt her in the chops and take her down a peg or two.  And I'm a pacifist!

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, Bronzedog said:


I hope Colin never sees the 12th birthday party for the sextuplets he wasn't invited to.


Right??? I mean, it's a tricky issue. Because it's not the other kids' fault he was sent away, and they still deserve a party. But she could have done something more simple and intimate. I'm sure they love their brother and are old enough to have the empathy to understand the situation. 

I just loved how she kept talking about how every year she has to "top" herself. Because I know it's not to please the kids. She keeps trying to "top" her previous parties so TLC can have something "interesting" to film. 

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10 hours ago, Boofish said:

My goodness those twins are *insert mean nasty comments here* I had to stop watching because I found myself saying some really foul things about two adolescent girls (well really just the one with the nasty attitude and 'stache but still ...)

Me too! I started envisioning what I would do if my daughter spoke to me that way...it wasn't pretty.   Mady is so damn smug. People say "oh she's a teenager"    Ah no she is a brat.   As a mother of multiples who are now 18 I realize Kate has to pick her battles, but I think she s losing the war with Mady.

I agree the party was for TLC. I really hope Kate and fam did something special for Colin.

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I'm going to defend Maddie a bit. I think she is very similar to Kate personality-wise, so yes she is obnoxious and unlikeable and a control freak. She is also 16, with the arrogance of a lot of 16 year olds, which makes things even worse. But I also think she is pretty perceptive, especially when it comes to Kate, maybe because they are so similar. I think she knew, as soon as Kate told her to decorate however she wants, that Kate really meant "Do it my way".  With 2 stubborn control freaks, there was bound to be a clash. I think when she criticizes Kate in her talking heads, her behavior and delivery is very off-putting, but she is usually not wrong in her observations. 

I do think, unfortunately, that as an adult she will be very similar to Kate. I respectfully disagree with Bronzedog however. I think that they are so alike that they clash most often, similar to a magnet where like charges repel each other. I could be wrong, but I could see Maddie as an adult storming out after an argument and then not speaking to Kate for a long time. Kate kind of set an example for her there with how Kate treats Jon.  Also, isn't Kate estranged from a lot of her family?  I could also see Maddie being the one to write the tell-all book, which would be one bitter "Mommy Dearest" book, but I'm sure very entertaining. 

Edited by EVS
  • Love 10


Ign ore ^ 'SPOILER' insert. I have absolutely no idea the reason for its appearance (its appearabce )?

Cannot believe Colin could not appear for ONE, ONE Birthday appearance! NOTHING !

There is soooo much that i wish to write but i will not. My disgust may prove unparalleled and i do not want cause to be 'reined in'.

Edited by BookElitist
  • Love 3

The amount of money Khate spent in that party store on stupid crap...she's so predictable, and so very, very shallow.  She thinks that the amount of garbage she buys, buys, buys means she is a good mother and that she loves her litter.

In the meantime, she's shipped Collin away, messes with her kids' being able to see their father, and is firmly convinced that she is the wittiest, most beautiful individual on television.  She thinks that everyone on the planet is interested in the clusterfuck that is Kate Gosselin.

Watch the movie Mommie Dearest and compare it to the clips that are available online of Khate.  I think you will find the number of similarities positively shocking.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, BookElitist said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Ign ore ^ 'SPOILER' insert. I have absolutely no idea the reason for its appearance (its appearabce )?

Cannot believe Colin could not appear for ONE, ONE Birthday appearance! NOTHING !

There is soooo much that i wish to write but i will not. My disgust may prove unparalleled and i do not want cause to be 'reined in'.

It may be in Colin's best interest not to participate in the filming of Kate's self-centered birthday circus. This party is not about the kids; it's about Kate. None of these children should be part of this mess. I hope adorable Colin is doing OK. 

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Well, Colin missed out on the People Magazine cover and now he's missed out on Kate's "favoritest party ever." The poor little guy.  I agree with whoever said upthread the party should have been a simple affair, but yeah, Kate had to have something for TLC.  And now the day long event is recorded for posterity so Colin can be sure to see what fun he missed.

By the way, that was the most boring episode ever.  Who thought watching a scavenger hunt would be entertaining?  And yes, Mady has always been like that, but when she was younger, Kate continuously made excuses for her:  "Oh, that's just Mady...she's a free-spirit."    

  • Love 3

I don't know and it is purely speculation on my part but Collin not even home for the party seems to me that he is not with them because something happened that threatened the other kids or Kate. Possibly a violent act. Like I said, pure speculation. Maybe to get Collin where he should be is for him not to be around Kate? Hmm.

  • Love 2

Well, she might be right about that.  When one of my sons was a teenager he lived for a summer in a therapeutic setting.  He had been getting violent and couldn't control his temper.  "Sending him away" was definitely the right thing to do for him and the rest of us.  Of course, I visited weekly and participated in family therapy sessions.  I wonder about Collin, but think him not being on TV is the best thing in the world for him (and would be for the rest of the kids, too).

  • Love 5

I admittedly have a soft spot for Mady. When the show first started I noticed she was articulate for her age and often hilarious in her observations. In a different home, she might have flourished. Instead, she had to deal with her twin being one of the favorites and her parent's pure dysfunction. I have some hope for her turning out alright. Maybe when she moves out on her own and with the help of a good therapist.

Edited by theironwoman
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Ina123 said:

I don't know and it is purely speculation on my part but Collin not even home for the party seems to me that he is not with them because something happened that threatened the other kids or Kate. Possibly a violent act. Like I said, pure speculation. Maybe to get Collin where he should be is for him not to be around Kate? Hmm.

I was thinking the same thing.  I haven't followed the Collin situation.  But to not even be around for a birthday suggested to me that he's not allowed "out" of wherever he is.  That's troubling.

2 hours ago, theironwoman said:

I admittedly have a soft spot for Mady. When the show first started I noticed she was articulate for her age and often hilarious in her observations. In a different home, she might have flourished. Instead, she had to deal with her twin being one of the favorites and her parent's pure dysfunction. I have some hope for her turning out alright. Maybe when she moves out on her own and with the help of a good therapist.

I'm a Mady fan too.  I have 13 year old twin daughters and so I guess I relate to Mady and Cara.  And I think Mady has Kate's number.

  • Love 1
On 11/30/2016 at 8:12 PM, bethster2000 said:

The amount of money Khate spent in that party store on stupid crap...she's so predictable, and so very, very shallow.  She thinks that the amount of garbage she buys, buys, buys means she is a good mother and that she loves her litter.

In the meantime, she's shipped Collin away, messes with her kids' being able to see their father, and is firmly convinced that she is the wittiest, most beautiful individual on television.  She thinks that everyone on the planet is interested in the clusterfuck that is Kate Gosselin.

Watch the movie Mommie Dearest and compare it to the clips that are available online of Khate.  I think you will find the number of similarities positively shocking.

Kate didn't spend a dime of her own money on the crap (much of which she should have left over from what they bought for previous parties like bowls, etc) at the party store.  When they go shopping like that on the show, TLC / the production company pays.  The same as on the next episode when she over-filled 3 shopping carts at Costco and spent $1300 on supplies that would take yearsss to use; TLC paid.

The predictable, shallow, and disgusting Kate comes into play when she doesn't look at prices and throws package after package of the same things into her cart as if money is no object, and it isn't, because she's not spending a dime of her, or her kids', own money.  

I agree she thinks she's showing everyone what a good mother she is with the amount of money she's shown spending on the kids, but she's really not fooling anyone anymore.  The joke is on her; viewers caught on to her games years ago.   The similarities between Mommie Dearest and Kate are chilling.  It's a shame the media hasn't picked up on it and pointed them out. 

Edited by rayndon
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Mady for sure is snotty and mean girlish and while that might not be the best behaviour, I cannot say it is unusual at that age.  Teenagers are hormonal and everything is life or death.

Even with Mandy talking of the boys finishing last she mostly thought it would be due to the friend driving and Kate knowing the places not that the boys were dumb, she complimented them in being smart.  That is different from Kate's sometimes anti-boy attitude. 

Collin not being there is probably what is best for him.  Who knows, maybe he was offered to join and he declined or his doctors said no.  While a little has been said about him being in care, from my knowledge his specific care and his condition have not been disclosed.  Probably enough was said to stop the speculation on if he was or wasn't on the show.  While they could just cancel the show as probably a better option, it does seem they are handling Collin as respectfully as possible considering the show is continuing.

I am a parent, most parents I know try to think of new creative, fun parties each year.  You never want to do what another kid did without a year or two in between.

7 hours ago, rayndon said:

Kate didn't spend a dime of her own money on the crap (much of which she should have left over from what they bought for previous parties like bowls, etc) at the party store.  When they go shopping like that on the show, TLC / the production company pays.  The same as on the next episode when she over-filled 3 shopping carts at Costco and spent $1300 on supplies that would take yearsss to use; TLC paid.

The predictable, shallow, and disgusting Kate comes into play when she doesn't look at prices and throws package after package of the same things into her cart as if money is no object, and it isn't, because she's not spending a dime of her, or her kids', own money.  

I agree she thinks she's showing everyone what a good mother she is with the amount of money she's shown spending on the kids, but she's really not fooling anyone anymore.  The joke is on her; viewers caught on to her games years ago.   The similarities between Mommie Dearest and Kate are chilling.  It's a shame the media hasn't picked up on it and pointed them out. 

Unfortunately there are many dumb ass people who are still fooled by Kate and make excuses for her, just check her Twitter.  I am stumped that some people can't see it because it's all out there but sometimes people are in denial maybe and can't/won't see what's in front of their own faces. 

  • Love 4

I can understand why Kate felt she had to be so regimented with the kids when they were younger. Keeping 8 kids fed, clean, clothed, and healthy can't be easy. But as I watched the episode, it seemed to me that Kate treats the sextuplets as if they're much younger than they are. At 12, they should have a bit more freedom, IMO. The scavenger hunt was a good idea for a birthday party, I think, but instead of making it an activity that would require driving around (which necessitated an adult for each team), why not make it more local? Break the group into two or three teams, give each team a list and a cell phone, and send them off to find the things on their list. At 12, they are certainly old enough to do that in their neighborhood. (Actually, scavenger hunts are quite popular in my own neighborhood, and several times I've answered the door to find a group of kids participating in a scavenger hunt looking for a "blue paperclip" or some other small, but odd, item). I also noticed she still refers to the sextuplets as "the little kids." Time to retire that. Oh, and one more comment....I'm surprised so many people have mentioned Mady and her attitude because I noticed Mady has become considerably more cooperative and chilled out, while Cara seems to have taken over her role and is now the difficult, mouthy one!

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

 Oh, and one more comment....I'm surprised so many people have mentioned Mady and her attitude because I noticed Mady has become considerably more cooperative and chilled out, while Cara seems to have taken over her role and is now the difficult, mouthy one!

That's how I see it too. Maybe not that Cara is more difficult but she seems to be the more moody one.  I used to dislike Mady a lot but I love her snark now.  She gets it - she knows how things work around her house and she knows what she can get away with.  The fact that one of the kids can snark at their mom and get away with it just entertains me for some reason.  

And the reason they can't send all those kids off with a list and a phone is because they need approval of places to film.  All of those places Kate has a personal relationship with and they got free advertising in the process.  

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I think another reason why Kate can't do a neighborhood scavenger hunt is because her neighbors hate her.  She made it known to the locals when she moved in to that TLC mansion that she would not tolerate any "drop in's" or Welcome Wagon type of goodwill.  Now I'm sure in the beginning some people may have wanted to check out the kids, Kate, the house out of curiosity, or to be near a TV 'star'.  I get that Kate needed to keep the looky-loos at bay.  However, she's been there for many years and rumor has it that she is a very difficult neighbor (shocker!).  She supposedly complains about property lines, noise levels, commercial vehicles going through the neighborhood (cable, electric,plumber etc - not 18-wheelers). I can imagine Kate treating her neighbors like serf, and acting as if she were the sole owner of the entire "realm".  Kate definitely is one who believes she is Queen of all she surveys.

  • Love 10
On 12/5/2016 at 0:22 PM, gunderda said:

That's how I see it too. Maybe not that Cara is more difficult but she seems to be the more moody one.  I used to dislike Mady a lot but I love her snark now.  She gets it - she knows how things work around her house and she knows what she can get away with.  The fact that one of the kids can snark at their mom and get away with it just entertains me for some reason.

It seems like Cara has always been the twin who takes the back seat and lets Mady run the show.  Many, many twins have that dynamic.  I bet if you got Cara alone, she'd talk your ear off, and not be that moody.  At the same time, I bet there's a part of Cara that's more than happy to let Mady be the one to take all the shots at mommy dearest.  

5 hours ago, Alapaki said:

It seems like Cara has always been the twin who takes the back seat and lets Mady run the show.  Many, many twins have that dynamic.  I bet if you got Cara alone, she'd talk your ear off, and not be that moody.  At the same time, I bet there's a part of Cara that's more than happy to let Mady be the one to take all the shots at mommy dearest.  

I haven't watched any of this nightmare for years, but I have some theories about Cara.  She was always so close to Jon as they were both athletic, etc.  I think that Kate probably worked hard to insert a wedge between Cara and her dad.  I know Jon was a jerk after the divorce and I'm sure there was plenty of fodder.  But I also think it is probably very depressing, etc., for Cara to not have her dad in her life.  Even if by her "choice". 

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How does this does this crap manage to keep coming back every few months. I checked out after the infamous 3 part RV trip breakdown where everybody tore each other apart.  I watched the Scavanger Hunt and the New Orleans episode which I didn't even finish due to boredom. Completely boring and uninteresting. Kate is still a screeching miserable bat and these kids now teenagers and preteens are WAY past their cute stage and are no longer fun to watch anymore.

TLC put this crap out of it's misery.

  • Love 4

I tuned in out of curiosity after reading about Collin in the tabloids. It was concerning to me that in every scene he seemed to be quietly participating on his own; I never saw any of his siblings (or Kate) talk to him. I think the only time he spoke was when they went around the table and shared their favorite part of the trip. I'm not sure what's going on with Collin, but it worries me that he seems so distant from his family. And Kate has only furthered this distance by continuing to film without Collin.

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