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Emily throws a pool party and Tamra brings a surprise guest; Gina works through personal issues with her ex; Heather and Emily make peace; Shannon discovers that Heather may be discussing her relationship issues with John Janssen.

Original air date 2023.07.26

Reminder:  Episodes happen in episode time.  Only discuss things known as of the time that the episode was filmed.

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Tamra is So concerned for Jenn that she repeatedly humiliates & beats her over the head about how much her boyfriend sucks and she’s a big, fat liar/then, invites all the other women to do the same. But it’s because she Loves her and wants better for her. Talk about an abusive relationship. And Heather swans in to take a few swings as well.  What is she supposed to do? Dump him and cry her eyes out while clutching Tamras ankles, thanking her? She’s obviously staying with him, Move the F on! 

Then, Shannon acts like her relationship is off limits?! But Tamra Loves you, Shannon. She just wants better for you….

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1 hour ago, WaltersHair said:

Against my better judgement, I watched this mess. All I can say is that Heather donning a scuba condom to do the slip and slide was almost worth it. Almost.

Tammy Sue is 55 and officially a senior citizen. She is evil and needs to be stopped.

Tamra is in great shape and very fit, imo, but I seriously NEVER EVER want to see her bare breasts again.  Such a pathetic attention-grab!!  I'm surprised she hasn't created an "Only Fans" account yet!

I wonder if Heather has some type of body dysmorphia.  She always seems so much more covered up than the rest of the women, with the exception of Shannon, who we all know suffers from her own body image issues because of her weight gain.  I think that Heather may think that she's too thin or not curvy enough or something, so she covers everything up.  That full length bodysuit was ridiculous!  Personally, I think, most of the time, Heather is dressed extremely well (with the exception of the logo overloads) and age appropriate, but she's very "buttoned up".  

Edited by njbchlover
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1 hour ago, Jel said:

Why is Heather so desperate for tamra’s friendship? It’s pathetic.

It's for the show and it's out of Fear.  Heather's MO has always been to make sure she isn't the one who is on the hot seat.  There's always been rumors of Terry having affairs.  But notice they have dodged it on the show.

When Heather first "quit", she claimed she wanted to spend more time with her family.  But Tamra gossip to the press that she was actually going to be demoted.  And once Heather was out, she had cut off everyone.

Edited by escape
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38 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

Nose hairs are important. Nose hairs act as a filter that prevents viruses, dust, pollen, and allergens from entering your lungs.   

Exactly!!  But, I do know several people who do get their nostrils waxed, like Shane and Emily did.

I don't think I could stand that pain!  I just can't imagine sticking a small ball of hot wax in my nostril and have someone rip it out with a tweezer!!  

It's not that difficult and much more beneficial to your health (and nose) to just trim what needs to be trimmed and neatened. 

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Why does it seem like Tamra’s big mouth is on WWHL far more often than any of the other OC HW’s?  I want to hear from the non-screeching, sane ones once in a while. 

Listening to her trying to justify her behavior with a rewrite of history gets so damn old.  She takes accountability for nothing.  EVER.  

Emily is such a good sport, she just allows Tamra to spew her nonsense, knowing full well we’ve just seen the footage that debunks Tamra’s every word.  Tonight’s doozy was “that’s why I drank so much”, saying that she was afraid she wouldn’t be accepted back into the fold.  Well, Genius - guess what WON’T help your plight for acceptance…🙄

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Does anyone  really care that Matt and Gina get on so very well. I'm okay with her saying it, and I believed her, no need to bring Matt around,  he didn't  look like he wanted to be there.

As soon as I saw bikini , I knew we'd  see Tamra with her top off, same pair of breasts we've  seen before. Vicki now wears crotchless  panties, I guess she's  really whooping it up now. 

They need to move on from Ryan and Jenn, and I call BS on Tamra being in tears about everything . It was  a throw away episode,  except for learning Gina uses jarred sauce ! Huge eye roll.



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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

I did NOT need to know that Shane and Emily enjoy butt sex!  Or watch Shane watch Emily getting said butt waxed. 😬

I’m going to need a bigger glass of wine to finish this episode. 😜

Or nose waxed. 

Honestly, the first five minutes made me wonder why I was watching. That…was gross. There’s obviously no low to which this show won’t stoop. I’ve come to expect TMI about sex lives, though. The shock wore off a long time ago.

Of all the HWs episodes I’ve sat through, from start to finish, this was one of the worst. Franchise is truly circling the bowl. 

3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Nose hairs are important. Nose hairs act as a filter that prevents viruses, dust, pollen, and allergens from entering your lungs.   

Yes! My thoughts exactly. I had no idea nose waxing was a thing — what some people won’t do for vanity. 🤦‍♀️Just trim ‘em in the privacy of your bathroom if they bug you that much.

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1 hour ago, dancingdreamer said:

Does anyone  really care that Matt and Gina get on so very well. I'm okay with her saying it, and I believed her, no need to bring Matt around,  he didn't  look like he wanted to be there.

As soon as I saw bikini , I knew we'd  see Tamra with her top off, same pair of breasts we've  seen before. Vicki now wears crotchless  panties, I guess she's  really whooping it up now. 

They need to move on from Ryan and Jenn, and I call BS on Tamra being in tears about everything . It was  a throw away episode,  except for learning Gina uses jarred sauce ! Huge eye roll.


It bothered me a lot to hear her describe the domestic violence as “isolated”. It was like she was trying to rationalize it somehow. Good for them that they’re able to get along, but don’t trivialize DV like this. It only takes one “isolated” event to hurt or kill. If she wants to knock the charges down to misdemeanors, that’s her call. But it was DV that Matt answered to.

IMO, she needs to process her feelings about that, and not the affair. 

Gina grates. Period.

Edited by RoseAllDay
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Just from that one scene with Vickie that we saw last night I am dreading her return. These women seem to think we want to hear about their sex lives but Vickie is the worst.  How long will her current man hang around before she drives him away with her never ending need for attention?  Vickie is just a few years away form Medicare. No one wants to see her boobs hanging out of her blouse and hear about her crotchless panties. 

I'll give Heather credit for keeping certain things private and not subjecting us to seeing certain parts of her body waxed. For that I am grateful. 

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I don't know about this season, the HW's are doing what they do every season, they all have a role to play, the Tres Amigos are back, Tamra is topless, Heather is still fancy pants but has the real estate porn, Taylor is like watching paint dry, Gina is trying to help her ex, (the man that she had charged with a DV but now wants him to be able to earn money so she is back tracking on that charge?), Emily is still the straight talker, etc...but do we need the same old, same old?  Even Peri was bored by this crew and went inside to watch tv, lol.

My question to Jenn is why isn't her retort to Tamra, "stop talking about Ryan, your gym had to close and my yoga studio is doing really well so suck it Tammy!"

At least we are not watching Mother Tammy and her incredibly odd fuck boy.

Gina could publish a semi homemade cookbook, it would be, "jarring!"


Edited by Baltimore Betty
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Just because someone is over 50, doesn't mean they can't dress or be sexy. However, there has to be a better way to appear attractive and alluring than telling everyone you're wearing crotchless underwear or waxing your ass on tv cuz your husband loves butt or having your boobs on full display.  I've never met up with a friend and immediately started telling them how cute or hot they look or talked about sex with my husband. But maybe I'm just out of touch.

Shane did make me laugh when he told Emily she'd be the fastest on the slip & slide 'no friction'

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4 minutes ago, Pi237 said:

Vickie’s face in her talking head! Who dis???  Heathers starting to look like the most natural. 

I’ve not been Heather’s biggest fan this season, but I have to say I thought she looked quite pretty at the pool party. I liked her hair. There is a lot to be said for her “chic modest” look, I think.

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4 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Gina justify the DV charges just so Matt can get a job and pay child support is bothersome to me (cuz we all know that's why she's helping him, I'd have more respect for her if she just said it) 


I met a woman who helped her ex-husband get a high paying welder position at with the company where she worked.  She straight up said it was to her kid's benefit that he had a good job re: support.   BUT there wasn't any DV in that situation. 

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1 minute ago, Pi237 said:

Me too! That was hilarious!! how they didn’t just bust out laughing is beyond me. you can go into any group of children and they’ll make that noise at you for free for hours

I thought when Jenn told the therapist to lead them I thought it was going to be a group sing along...is that what passes for therapy in the OC because if it is, I have a bridge I'd like to sell them, lol.

Gina's therapist pulling imaginary bad vibes out of her throat last season was funny, who knew Marcel Marceau was on to something with his mime!

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15 minutes ago, snarts said:

The slide continues. 99% on Tamra, IMHO. She's unbearably predictable and over the top obnoxious. They were stupid to bring her back. 

The other 1% of blame goes to Emily. No one, I repeat, no one, wants to watch you get your asshole waxed...


That had to have been one of the lowest moments in HW history. Who agrees to film something like that? Is the money that good? That whole scene genuinely made me question why I was watching. C’mon, Andy. Do better.

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Obviously Tamra thinks it's ok to yell, scream and throw things at people as long as she apologizes for it once she sobers up.  She's been doing it all season and did it again this episode with Jenn. Tearfully apologetic to her for throwing the napkin in her face. I wish one of them would tell her that her fake apology is not acceptable! But nooooo Tammy Sue gets away with her crap again. 

I see no chemistry between Tamra and Shannon. Shannon is pretending everything is ok for the show. 

Somehow women near 60 sitting a table downing shots doesn't have the appeal it did 10 yrs. ago. It's been done and it's borderline embarrassing (for them). The tres amigas are so yesterday! 

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15 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Nose hairs are important. Nose hairs act as a filter that prevents viruses, dust, pollen, and allergens from entering your lungs.   

That's exactly what I was thinking.  Maybe trimming the occasional stray hair that is sticking out, but why would you stick wax up your nose to remove all of the hair in the nasal passage?

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17 hours ago, WaltersHair said:

Against my better judgement, I watched this mess. All I can say is that Heather donning a scuba condom to do the slip and slide was almost worth it. Almost.

Tammy Sue is 55 and officially a senior citizen. She is evil and needs to be stopped.

Heather should have gone for full scuba gear (or at least full snorkeling gear).  She may have been covering up most of her body from the brown water, but her face was exposed to that disgusting sludge.  The pool must have been a mess too. Yuck. 

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All their behavior is so juvenile and so worn out.  Screaming and drinking like idiots.  Bragging about the sex they have.  (Just imagining Vicki makes me sick.)  Throwing themselves down to slide  on their old implants--hope that works out okay.    The  Heather friend is like an ad for plastic surgery gone bad (yikes her face).   And  all this concern for Jen is so clearly fake.  It looks to me like this was one way for Tamra to get the  Heather friend into the filming to possibly get on the show.     Tamra was so vicious and mean to Jen and used her until she figured out she could move on the Shannon and John.  


I loved when Taylor said she was sick of Ryan and didn't even know him.


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18 hours ago, Thumper said:

Oh ick.  Vickie and Tamra.

Why does Shannon hang with them.

It boggles my mind why Shannon would want to be friends with Tamra after some of the things Tamra has done to her.  It started in Shannon's first season when Tamra was creating conflict between Shannon and Heather and playing both against each other.  And then Tamra was as much a part of Shannon's gaslighting as Heather was.  Why in the world does Shannon trust Tamra to be a good friend?  She'll get burned again soon enough.  I guess Shannon is desperate to keep her orange.

And Tamra, yeah, you were really subtle about bringing up Shannon's and John's relationship, weren't you?  We all knew that wasn't going to be the case the second you told Emily you were going to broach the subject with Shannon at your lunch.

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19 minutes ago, la patineuse said:

It boggles my mind why Shannon would want to be friends with Tamra after some of the things Tamra has done to her.  It started in Shannon's first season when Tamra was creating conflict between Shannon and Heather and playing both against each other.  And then Tamra was as much a part of Shannon's gaslighting as Heather was.  Why in the world does Shannon trust Tamra to be a good friend?  She'll get burned again soon enough.  I guess Shannon is desperate to keep her orange.

And Tamra, yeah, you were really subtle about bringing up Shannon's and John's relationship, weren't you?  We all knew that wasn't going to be the case the second you told Emily you were going to broach the subject with Shannon at your lunch.

Truly Shannon should not be on this show. Tamra, with Vicki's help, leads Shannon into a conversation about how her relationship is going with Heather. Then oh so innocently asks if Shannon ever confides in Heather. Then when Shannon says, yes, she's told Heather some things, all Tamra does is give her a smirk and now Shannon is freaking out that Heather revealed all to Tamra and Tamra may say it on tv and her relationship will be ruined. 

Tamra was truly evil there (and I'll admit, smart). But come on Shannon, you've been on this show how long and you're going to let her play you like that? If Heather told Tamra things Shannon confided in her, that's wrong of Heather. But clearly Heather didn't do so on camera. It's also possible that Heather has barely said anything to Tamra and Tamra is just letting Shannon believe she did. 

Either way Tamra is using the threat of something coming out on camera to freak out Shannon. And she's doing it solely to drive a wedge between Shannon and Heather. 

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2 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

Lisa Rinna has her asshole bleached on RHoBH several years ago.  So the bar was already set pretty low. 😄

Oh, gawd…I remember that. 🤢

The time when Jeana and Vicki tricked Vicki’s coworker into getting a wax, and then stood outside the closed door and laughed while she yelled is positively quaint compared to what they show now.

Edited by RoseAllDay
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19 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Gawd, I hate Tamra. She is at her most interfering, shit-stirring worst tonight.

She needs to shove the faux concern about “so-and-so not being a good friend” bullshit. She pulls this crap every year. All she wants are people at each other’s throats, while she sits by acting like Little Miss Innocent. 

Almost as bad are the rest of these women, salivating while watching Jenn and Amin from a distance, wondering if they should go over, then pulling up seats one by one as if they’re ringside at a boxing match, and then wandering off after figuring out that it’s none of their business. 

News flash, girls: NONE of this is NONE of your business, especially since neither Amin nor Jenn have been particularly close friends with any of you, other than — you guessed it — the shit-stirrer Tammy Sue. 

Bringing back Tamra is absolutely killing this show. This was not entertaining to watch. 

You would think she’d learn by now.

I hate watching anybody get set up like that. Fuck you, Tamra, and you too, Vicki, for being excited about whatever dirt is about to spill.

No wonder relationships don’t last long on these shows.

Tamra, Heather Amin, and Jenn were close friends. I will add something about Jenn and her relationship on the Media thread because I assume it's a spoiler. 

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3 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Watched it and came out with a big MEH ……. The only thing that struck me odd is how Tamra and that one lady seem to be so super invested in a relationship that ISNT theirs .. it’s just weird 

My theory is Heather Amin really, really wanted Ryan and if she can’t have him, no one can. I also think Tamra would love to be asked to have a dalliance with someone, not necessarily go through with it, but would love to be chased. That’s why she has jumped on what Ryan via Heather supposedly said and will ride that into the dust with utterly no concern for the truth or who she hurts.  

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