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S03.E12: So Long, Farewell


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Well, I loved (almost) everything about it. I never stopped loving this show, and I’m sad it’s over.

I like so many of the random callbacks like the “Shut up, Thierry Henry” in the beginning. The tickets being under female country singer names. The ussie guy. The crowd chanting Wanker. I love a show with good continuity! I guess that’s the benefit of keeping it to 3 seasons. The writers can remember what they wrote before!

I cracked up at the flight attendant thinking Ted, the nicest guy in the world, was an asshole for not getting off the plane with Beard.

It always bugged me so much that Ted lived so far away from his son. In the end Ted chose Henry, which is what he should do.

Loved seeing Ted do the dance! 

I wanted them to win the League Championship! That’s my main complaint. I was so very happy to see Colin kiss his fella.

As a UNC fan I’ve always loved Ted wearing Carolina blue Jordans, and then tonight “Play Hard. Play Smart. Play Together” was a direct Dean Smith quote. My Carolina heart could barely handle it. I think Trent’s book being named “The Richmond Way” was a Carolina reference too. 


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1 hour ago, SHD said:

Such a dumb throwaway thing that made me laugh: When the “ussie” guy said “Wicked!” and Ted replied “Kinky Boots” - responding to one title of a Broadway musical with another. 

Ted’s only note for Trent - change the title. “It’s not about me. It never was.” The show was always about Ted’s ability to effect change in those around him. Which is why I never minded the episodes where Ted was not the focus. We were always seeing his influence, even if he wasn’t present.

The Kinky Boots throwaway line was hysterical.

I couldn't agree with your second paragraph more -- I wasn't bothered by Ted being a background character this season as so many others were -- that was the entire point of everything Ted brought -- that it wasn't about any one individual, it was about the team. Of course he became more of a background character -- he'd done the work to build up the others and the team -- this season was the time to let them shine.

His book note to Trent was the overarching theme of the entire third season -- "its not about me -- it never was." 

Agree with everyone else about Nate and Jack's storylines taking up too much time and wish Roy and Keeley were endgame, but overall, I'm content. 

And of COURSE Rebecca's reconnection with hot boat dude was a Rom-Com meet cute. With this show, how could it have been anything else??

Even though Ted going back to the states was end game, I was really hoping that Ted was going to change his mind and bring his kid and ex-wife to London.  

Futbol is life! 


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Confirming that I am clearly the world’s biggest sucker for sappy, happy endings because I sobbed through this. Putting the believe sign back together piece by piece-sobbing. McAdoo scoring-sobbing. Rebecca and Ted in the airport-sobbing. Rebecca meeting Dutch guy at the airport- sobbing. Colin getting to kiss his fella- sobbing. Etc. etc. 

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57 minutes ago, Capricasix said:

The Tedbecca shippers on Twitter are losing their minds 😄😄😄

To be fair, we weren’t wrong in that Rebecca did everything (without revealing feelings)a romantic lead would do to get Ted to stay and he didn’t go for it.  He even told her she was acting like she was in a romcom chasing him at the airport.

I also don’t have male friends spend the night and find them walking around the kitchen in their underwear the next morning, so I guess Beard doing made it seem normal Ted was doing it.

I found her story overall to be pretty pointless. And I find Ted’s story of a return to Kansas alone to Michele and Henry depressing. I can’t help but think that Jason’s own personal life changed the direction of the series. So many of the Ted/Becca things in season 1 were things Jason and Olivia experienced that she’s talked about in interviews. They’ve also been in a custody battle that has forced him to return to California vs where he’d like the kids to live.

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1 minute ago, Sailorgirl26 said:

And of COURSE Rebecca's reconnection with hot boat dude was a Rom-Com meet cute. With this show, how could it have been anything else??

And OF COURSE it happened at the airport. What a cute twist to the typical romcom ending.

I like the callbacks when Isaac took the free kick. First Jamie handing the ball to Dani and then Dani handing the ball to Isaac, who tried to give it to Colin, who refused to take it. Then Isaac seeing the greyhound mascot (look out, little doggie!) Finally Isaac kicking the ball through the net, with the power he used when he did the corner kick during the Dani/Isaac exchange in practice. Great scene!

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1 hour ago, Capricasix said:

The Tedbecca shippers on Twitter are losing their minds 😄😄😄

To be fair I understand better how they feel now. 😅 I cannot get over that they broke up our favourite couple off-screen in between seasons, made us think they got back together (and let us think that for a week), and then ended the show with them still broken up. I'm actually surprised at how gutted I am!

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57 minutes ago, marcee said:

Someone in another forum mentioned a callback to Shandy's Starf*cker app - but I missed it. Anyone catch it?

One of the magazine covers while Ted was browsing in the airport showed that Shandy had launched the app. Another showed that Zava had decided to unretire and was joining the Los Angeles Football Club.


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2 hours ago, SHD said:

Such a dumb throwaway thing that made me laugh: When the “ussie” guy said “Wicked!” and Ted replied “Kinky Boots” - responding to one title of a Broadway musical with another. 

I think the first comment I ever made on this show here, back in early season 1, was about this exchange:

Someone else:  "Cheers!"

Ted:  "Night Court!"

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Watched it on my lunch. No it’s wasn’t HIMYM awful, but the Roy and Keeley stuff was close. Like what the fuck show? It really didn’t fit with the first two seasons. While Roy talking to Dr Sharon is absolutely something I wanted to see…that should have happened in episode 5 or something. Not at the end. And we never got anything much from Keeley’s feelings on it. It was just not a well done “I choose me” ending that I can’t imagine this is where they intended it to go all along. It seemed like at the end of last season there were a lot of people who suddenly hated Keeley and Roy and the writers thought that was the prevailing opinion, but didn’t want to completely undo everything so they went with this nonsense of a story.

They weren’t the whole show so it’s not ruined as a whole because most every else worked on some level, even if it wasn’t perfect. It does certainly bring the series as a whole down a bit, every wonderful about them seems to be for nothing. Happy endings are cliche, but they work because non-happy endings that don’t piss people’s off are hard to do.

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1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

Maybe I watched too late and was tired. Maybe I was too sick with this horrible cold I have. Maybe I just am devoid of joy. But I hated most of this episode.  It seemed as if they went full-on parody at some points.

Same, and I was neither sick nor tired. Complete shit ending to a mostly shit season. It has retroactively ruined the rest of the series for me. Like almost HIMYM/GoT levels of ruined. S1 &2 was some of my favorite TV ever and I have no desire to watch any of it again. These last two episodes felt like they were written with no connection to the previous 10 episodes. Then to make it feel somewhat relevant to the series and cover the fact that there's no actual substance, they cover it in callbacks to the earlier (and better written) seasons. Chat GPT probably could've written a better final season.

Sudeikis being a KC fan and, based on how the KC Royals 2014-2015, and Chiefs 2019-2020 seasons went, I had a feeling they were going to go with the almost win it all ending and I hate it. I get it, the lead up in the almost win it all seasons was exhilarating and the 2014 Royals run probably goes down as more exciting than the year they finally did win it, but I still hate it. We already did this in real life, let us have the full fairytale damnit! Maybe it would've worked and been more fun if, I don't know, maybe they actually showed some of the excitement in the winning streak rather than just a throw away line?

And the whole Roy/Keely/Jamie thing has me still chasing my eyeballs across the floor. God that was stupid. Keely went through a complete character assassination this season and I felt like this was some hack job edit to make her look like a strong, independent woman cause somehow being in a relationship is a sign of emotional dependence? I don't understand how we go from heavily implied hot makeup sex to "we're just friends" to a forced love triangle with no lead up.

I really withheld criticism on this season cause I had faith they had a plan for tie it up and stick the landing but it's painfully obvious that Sudeikis was in over his head as show runner and Bill Lawrence was the one responsible for most of the magic. 

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35 minutes ago, jynni said:

Sudeikis being a KC fan and, based on how the KC Royals 2014-2015, and Chiefs 2019-2020 seasons went, I had a feeling they were going to go with the almost win it all ending and I hate it. I get it, the lead up in the almost win it all seasons was exhilarating and the 2014 Royals run probably goes down as more exciting than the year they finally did win it, but I still hate it. We already did this in real life, let us have the full fairytale damnit!

Keely went through a complete character assassination this season.

Sudeikis was in over his head as show runner and Bill Lawrence was the one responsible for most of the magic. 

Yes! to the team winning the whole fucking thing! If you're going to clutter the finale with callbacks, don't undermine one of the more important ones.

What they did to Keeley reminded me of the character assassination of Cordelia in Angel.

I also think losing Bill Lawrence was huge, and Brett Goldstein may not have had his head fully in the game. He has significant creative control over Shrinking, so the work is likely more satisfying.

The series isn't ruined for me. I will rewatch the first 2 series and a handful of series 3 episodes, but the mishandling of so many characters and plotlines will affect my enjoyment.


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4 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

I lost track of the "Believe" sign somewhere in season 3. Wasn't it taped together and rehung at the beginning of the season? When and by whom did it get ripped into so many pieces for the jigsaw re-assembly?

Isaac goes to touch it before playing West Ham and it falls in two (then he touches Jamie to see if he has powers 😂). Trent finds the surveillance footage to see that it was Nate. Beard and Roy show the footage to the team during halftime and they lose their minds in a flurry of red cards. When they get back to Nelson Road, Ted gives a speech that Believe is more than a sign and rips it up. Apparently, after that, the boys each took a piece instead of it being thrown away. 

I never paid attention to that spot above the door to notice it was missing until last night but I assume it was. 

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On 5/31/2023 at 10:33 AM, mrc12671 said:

The only real gripes I had were having a song from The Sound Of Music (I HATE The Sound Of Music.  It's not some male macho thing as I love musicals...I just HATE The Sound of Music.  I know, me and Christopher Plummer, party of 2) and, while I get it from a dramatic perspective to give Ted the final moments of the final montage, there's just no universe Ted isn't at Coach Beard's wedding (Just like, if there's any old ER heads like me, there's no universe Doug Ross isn't at Mark Greene's funeral.)


ER fan here, just watched a few the other day when I was bored and I agree, Doug was there. Sometimes you just have to write it for them. And Doug went to Doctor's without Borders for a year until Carol met with him again, not a hosptial.

Beard after all he said about Ted would have wanted him there but maybe he didn't mention it to him until then and getting another ticket would be expensive.

It is odd with TIU and other shows, how the writers seem to write quickly to end a series and tie things up, off to something else.

Being around in the 70's I didn't see that with other shows, the last one was usually a big deal. Now with streaming, it's hot and cold. I remember ER and MASH were watched by millions and people still talk about it.

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I've been on the fence about Season 3 and if I'm honest, the finale was just ok. I was resigned to Nate so his story was ok but still wondering why we had to have Jade. Beard and Jane was also a plot I never liked. I thought the musical number was too corny and cheesy and definitely did not make me cry.

I would have preferred to have Ted stay in the UK and bring Henry there to live but Jason Sudeikis is done so Ted had to go back to Kansas. I think the whole season suffered from lack of Bill Lawrence, Brett Goldstein's new stake in "Shrinking", and possible drama from Sudeikis/Wilde breakup. It just didn't seem to have the same heart.

Too many scenarios took place off-screen: Roy/Keeley breakup, Nate quitting West Ham, team vote to get Nate back, and Ted telling Rebecca he's leaving. 

After reading what I just wrote, I think I was just underwhelmed by this season and the finale was not enough to right the ship.

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It makes no sense that Ted wouldn’t be at Beard’s wedding. He would’ve been Beard’s Best Man even. Ted has just presumably made millions as a Premier League Manager, he probably doesn’t even need to work.

So many wasted storylines and time this season. Rupert’s fall should’ve come mid way through the season. Jack’s story should’ve been eliminated all together, I get wanting to show a lesbian storyline but it went no where (like most of the relationships on the show). Shandy showed us how unprepared Keeley was for the corporate world. If Rebecca is a billionaire why didn’t she just fund her and continue to mentor her in the first place? Why did we need to see Keeley outside of Richmond? So Roy (who it appeared she took back 2 episodes ago) and Jaime could fight over her in the end again?!

I feel like the whole Beard’s wedding thing was just a middle finger to marriage in general from the writers (I’m looking at Jason) we get it, she broke your heart, it doesn’t mean it can’t be mended. But to have Beard marry his abusive girlfriend was bizarre.

And most of all, why show Ted and Rebecca as mirrors of each other for three years, why the dumb signs placed against the biscuit boxes, why the 12 texts etc in Amsterdam, why the music lyrics of “let her into your heart” right as she texted him if it was for him to say, thanks and bye?  Just show them eating biscuits or not, they really didn’t need to interact. 

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Was it perfect, no. As discussed on the show it doesn't have to be. There are still some things I didn't like, the whole Nate arc and Keeley's side story. Other then those I enjoyed this finale and actually cheered when Richmond won. Even if they didn't get the title.

I'm glad Roy asked for help and is seeing Dr. Sharon. Rebecca found her Dutch guy again, sold shares to the fans and started a girl's league with Keeley. If she can fund Keeley and buy first class tickets out of habit she doesn't really need 2 billion dollars. 

I guess Keeley went with the Kelly I choose me route. 

I'm also glad Ted was at the litte party at the end with his kid. I don't want Ted with Michelle again but I hope she dumped the unethical doctor. 

I'm surprised we didn't get a Trent Crimm narration like they did with his article about Ted in season 1. It wasn't about just Ted, it was about how positivity rubs off on a people and that was the Lasso way. 

I haven't watches sports since the 90's Chicago Bulls. So who knew I'd like a show about sports. I'm glad I watched and will miss this sometimes cheesy, sometimes heartfelt, sometimes humorous, sometimes annoying, sometimes cringe and sometimes emotional show. 

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I’m still processing. After a season of meandering, sometimes maudlin episodes, the tonal shift and pacing in this one was almost jarring. Fast paced, and light, it just felt more season 1 to me but chaotic? So many wonderful small and large callbacks! I enjoyed it, with reservations.

I never expected Ted to end up anywhere but Kansas. Henry is his home. I suspect that Michelle was set up with Dr. Jacob because then she can be seen as less culpable and having been taken advantage of? He's clearly gone now. I kind of assumed she and Ted were co-parenting and seeing where things land. Ted accepting that he doesn’t need to be a perfect parent and that he needs to risk loving his son was his journey. He’s been so out the door emotionally with the team this year, I was like is this the character or Sudeikis being bored? Had Ted even spoken privately with any player all season before last week, with Jamie on the sideline?

I wasn’t the biggest fan of Rebecca’s Amsterdam interlude from a reality standpoint, but I did love seeing how it brought out the real Rebecca that Sassy alluded to in season 1. So for that reason, I was cool with Dutch Pilot Guy and daughter showing up. Their chemistry was real. Rebecca deserved her fairytale. And, oi, romcommunism.

Selling the 49% to the fans, Mae and PB&J's pride -- again, good on you, Rebecca!

I loved seeing Jamie be the superstar Ted told him he could be if he played for all the right reasons. “Sky’s the limit.”

Isaac tearing the net. Nate’s decoy play. Colin and Michael.

And sappy predictable, yes, but the Believe sign puzzle, The Beautiful and the Damned, and the Kintsugi. Loved.

Roy with Sharon, and she a full-time employee, it appears, YES.

I’ve expected all season that Rupert would pull a Karate Kid and demand to “swipe the leg.” I thought that would play into Nate leaving. Certainly didn’t expect it to happen on the pitch but. Rupert being “wankered,” by the fans and Sassy! was a fitting exit. Lol at the cape of darkness.

Lots of cringe, as well, but I've been listening to Ed Sheeran's fantastic contribution to the soundtrack, A Beautiful Game, and I'm going with positiviteh today.

Edited by Kabota
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7 hours ago, Jeddah said:

As a UNC fan I’ve always loved Ted wearing Carolina blue Jordans, and then tonight “Play Hard. Play Smart. Play Together” was a direct Dean Smith quote. My Carolina heart could barely handle it. I think Trent’s book being named “The Richmond Way” was a Carolina reference too. 

As an NCSU fan, I've loved the Valvano poster in Ted's office since episode one!!

Sorry, absolutely couldn't resist, I'm just being cheeky, I promise. And I'll fully admit I was hoping they would have Ted run around the field trying to find someone to hug, a la Valvano after the '83 championship. Even though I'm a State fan, I do have a ton of respect for Smith unlike some *other* former head couches 'round here. 

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1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

For me, Ted Lasso is one of my absolute favorite literary tropes.  The trope where the outsider comes into a closed system (a family, a community, a team etc.)  and acts as an agent of chaos and change.  They typically make the people inside that system examine themselves, see themselves in a way they never had before, learn about themselves,  and evolve and end up in a happier and better place.  Ted is 100% that and in the end succeeded for what it was. And for that I feel like the finale was a success.

I love this take!

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Watched it again with my husband and knowing Roy and Keeley didn’t end up together ahead of time made me hate it less. Still really dumb and unnecessary. 

But moving on…Everything with the team was great, and that was what always made the show great. I wish they won the whole fucking thing, realistic or not. But Colin got to kiss his fella so that was worth it. Loved all the callbacks too. Didn’t love that Nate never really had to deal with the consequences of his actions. And I would have loved if Dr Sharon had been more involved all season. With Nate, With Roy. I think I’m just disappointed that they could have had a better season that didn’t waste time on KJPR. 

I did love that Rebecca realized that the team was her family. Her, Keeley, Sassy, yet another thing we should have had more of.  I did laugh so hard at the very gleeful “wanker” chant by Sassy. 

Overall it ended well, but could have been better. 



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