TexasGal February 22, 2023 Share February 22, 2023 Quote The rift between Candiace and Gizelle continues as they address Gizelle's allegations against Chris; Gizelle opens up about her recent surgery and dating a younger man, but the ladies question her willingness to share information about her life. Airdate: 02.26.2023 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/
Stats Queen February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Shut up Mia, this is between Giselle and Candiace. Ashley, never know to be Deborah to be a liar. Well, you’re husband is one also, so maybe your lie radar doesn’t not work? 12 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7887990
Stats Queen February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Giselle has a sister? 2 4 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888076
Stats Queen February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 No Robin, people don’t have the right to retaliate however they want. No, physical violence is not right. 22 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888173
LaurelleJ February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 (edited) Wendy and Candiace are clearing. Gizelle and Ashley are truly the losers of the season and the reunion. Ya'll I'm sad. I think I'm aging out of RHOP (even though Candiace and I are the same age), because I still find it truly disgusting how these women are so excited to talk about someone cheating, someone's marriage isn't good, etc. I always go to married to medicine season 5 reunion. Those couples went at it, but when they found out Cecil and Simone were planning on divorcing, they said reunion be damned and all came together to save that relationship. RHOP could learn so much from them. It's hard to beat the claims that this show is not good for the culture. Anything for a check. Gizelle has been so horrible this entire franchise that I don't feel moved when she has a sad story to share. I saw someone say on twitter that Gizelle leans into the villain role because it's easier and better for her to be the villain than to truly be vulnerable. Please let this be Mia's last season. In my Nene voice: She's declassing the show. Lying and saying Wendy and Peter were together. Women like Mia and Gizelle are dangerous because they are willing to say anything. They have less to lose. Wendy has a lot to lose, so she has to tread carefully. Wendy you're winning girl, but that "you violated me to the core" was just a smidge much. Andy had a little smoke for Gizelle, saying you felt a way with Chris, listen to how Wendy feels. Gizelle's response, I don't like her. How old are you Gizelle? Gizelle was trying to be shady when she said the situation is different, because I feel like Candiace got beat up. That was a dig because Candiace has been destroying you during this reunion. I was happy when they started to address colorist, but the conversation wasn't as satisfying as I wanted. Not Gizelle trying to start an argument during the segment. She was determined to misunderstand Candiace, so Gizelle talking was pointless. I think they should have opted for a moderator. The biggest instance that the viewers (not me) were pointing to this season was Wendy being assaulted and still being called aggressive and antagonistic by light skinned Robyn despite having things thrown at her by light skinned Mia. They glossed over that. Maybe the seating chart makes more sense. If they had Gizelle, Ashley, Robyn, and Mia on the same couch that would truly be the losing couch. Edited February 27, 2023 by LaurelleJ Typos 18 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888310
Popular Post Sharper2002 February 27, 2023 Popular Post Share February 27, 2023 (edited) Where has this Andy Cohen been in the previous RHOP reunions? It seems like Gizelle realized the tables have turned when she told Andy they’d talk about it later (buddy buddy) and he said she would discuss it now. It’s like when you realize your boss that you’ve been friendly with is also going to hold you accountable. Who would have thought? If this reunion has done nothing else, it further highlights how mean spirited and bitter the GEBs are. Production is finally throwing back all of their hypocritical statements with footage. I can’t see Robyn coming back after this, but if she does then it’s open season on her home life. The colorism conversation was interesting. I’m glad it was finally addressed, but it’s such a nuanced topic and while the ladies acknowledged it, I doubt we’ll see any behavior change. I do feel bad for Wendy because she’s been completely maligned by this group and the way they reacted after Mia threw the drink on her was disgusting. Also, this brings me to why I cannot stand Mia. She just lies and throws out that Wendy gave Peter the cookies because she saw some damn cameras. She just throws whatever out there to see what sticks. I hope Jacqueline drags her and then she and her skeevy husband can get off my screen - preferably forever. Edited February 27, 2023 by Sharper2002 29 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888352
Maybeitsme February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Yes 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888436
Stats Queen February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 30 minutes ago, Sharper2002 said: Where has this Andy Cohen been in the previous RHOP Where has this Andy been for all the RH reunions across the entire franchise and all the years. It’s a pleasant surprise he actually showed up and did his actual job and did play favorites. I think there was so much bad feedback on these women this season on social media that he and Bravo couldn’t ignore it. 14 2 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888500
drivethroo February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 (edited) 1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said: I was happy when they started to address colorist, but the conversation wasn't as satisfying as I wanted. Not Gizelle trying to start an argument during the segment. She was determined to misunderstand Candiace, so Gizelle talking was pointless. I think they should have opted for a moderator. I think Wendy & Candiace probably wanted or were open to a moderator but the light skinned cast members didn't think it was necessary. They wouldn't have wanted to do a deep dive into how they benefit from the viewers' colorism. Candiace pointed to the viewers but excused the cast, probably out of respect to Robyn & Karen, but she shouldn't have. The most glaring example of colorism within the cast is "Wendy vs Mia," with the cast blaming Wendy for Mia assaulting her. I also loved how Gizelle blamed Wendy for why she doesn't talk about her life. No ma'am. Gizelle has been not talking about her life since before Wendy joined the cast. 1 hour ago, Sharper2002 said: The colorism conversation was interesting. I’m glad it was finally addressed, but it’s such a nuanced topic and while the ladies acknowledged it, I doubt we’ll see any behavior change. The people who benefit from it the most were the ones who brushed it off. I think Candiace knew it would be a lost cause to break it down about the colorism within the group so she chose the safe out and blamed the viewers (rightfully so in the viewers' case). Gizelle pretended not to know what colorism was and Ashley tried to claim no colorism was going on, people just don't like Candiace but switched to beauty pagaent answers when she realized it wasn't landing. 1 hour ago, Sharper2002 said: I can’t see Robyn coming back after this, but if she does then it’s open season on her home life. I think Robyn will be back and the producers are going to make her dance like Bobby Schmurda and she will have no choice but to dance on that table for her contract. The house, the hats and the podcast depend on her being on the show. If Juan also loses his job, that's not good. The Tubi movie she appeared in looks low budget so she probably got paid in Starbucks gift cards for that. Robyn will be back and production will rip her ass up next season and she will like it. Good night. 1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said: Please let this be Mia's last season. In my Nene voice: She's declassing the show. There's no logical reason for Mia to be on the show. (There actually wasn't a logical reason for Ashley to be on the show either). Gizelle, Robyn, Charrisse & Karen all knew each other because their kids were in Jack & Jill. Katie made sense because she was a local DC socialite (she was frequently in the socialite blogs of the early 00s). Ashley was the new girl on the scene who was supposed to be mentored by Karen. Monique was a young housewife who lived in Potomac. Candiace was introduced as being one of Ashley's associates on the pagaent scene & Wendy was introduced as one of Candiace's friends (who was known to Karen). I know Mia came on as Karen's friend but why would Karen be friends with Mia, an ex-stripper with a tough past? What makes any of us think Karen would befriend such a person? They didn't even live in Potomac when they first came on the show, they were in Baltimore. So why would Karen know her? While I'm sorta fine with Mia staying (she will share more than Gizelle), I'm also fine with her going too. Let me just add this about Gizelle feeling Chris made her feel uncomfortable and he needs to apologize for that. Chris (or anyone else) can only be held responsible for what he actually did. He cannot and should not be held responsible for Gizelle feeling uncomfortable without performing any action to make her feel uncomfortable. If YOU feel uncomfortable being seen in hotel rooms with married men, then you have a responsibility to yourself not to go to a hotel room with a married man or agree to. If some white person felt uncomfortable being in a room with someone black, should the black person apologize for making them feel uncomfortable? The black person didn't say anything or do anything, just their presence in the room made the white person feel uncomfortable? Robyn & the speaker: Robyn was upset Candiace wouldn't join her & the group in shutting out Wendy. That's pretty much all there is to that, since Candiace went on to compliment Robyn's hats and skincare line and compliment Wendy & Karen too. Robyn knew that but she was in her feelings because she thought her good friend Candiace would help her bully Wendy out of the group. Did Karen need a drink? Did she have dry mouth? Was she trying to keep her teeth in? What was going on with her mouth? Edited February 27, 2023 by drivethroo 17 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888624
Bronzedog February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Did we need to know that Robyn needed to change her tampon? No. I didn’t think we needed to know that either. 3 1 4 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888646
Steph J February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 51 minutes ago, Bronzedog said: Did we need to know that Robyn needed to change her tampon? No. I didn’t think we needed to know that either. In fairness, that's the only real thing Robyn has said about her life all season. I thought the colorism discussion was interesting for what it was (too brief, not really getting very far beneath the surface of the issue), but it kind of felt like Bravo was just checking a box so that they could say the issue had been addressed in the hopes it will never come up again. I noticed that this was the one subject where Mia sat back and shut up, waiting to see how the conversation played out, and then sort of timidly aligned herself with Ashley once Ashley got some praise from Candiace. 11 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888684
drivethroo February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 1 hour ago, Steph J said: I thought the colorism discussion was interesting for what it was (too brief, not really getting very far beneath the surface of the issue), but it kind of felt like Bravo was just checking a box so that they could say the issue had been addressed in the hopes it will never come up again. The problem with the colorism discussion is it's a two-tiered problem. There's colorism within the cast and production and there's colorism from the viewing audience. The viewers know, and the lighter skinned cast members know the lighter skinned cast members are favored within the cast, with production and with the audience. Candiace & Wendy know they can't really call out the cast & production on this issue. Calling out the cast is futile because all of them (except Karen) pretended not to know what was going on. Calling out production only earns a bad edit. Ashley quickly figured out the "who me?" act wasn't going to land so she gave some pagaent answers and addressed her statements to Wendy (and not Candiace, who has also been a recipient of the colorism criticism especially where Ashley is concerned). Karen allegedly claimed Wendy didn't have the "right look" for Potomac but Gizelle is the one who said this so who knows? Ashley knows full well she's benefitted from the colorism against Candiace. It's not "well Candiace is just a nasty person so that's why people don't like her." That may be, but Ashley ALSO is a nasty person but she doesn't get nearly the vitriol Candiace gets. Ashley's mouth is so nasty, Katie packed up and left the cast trip and was never seen again until this season. Ashley has also described Candiace & Wendy in violent, aggressive language but never described Robyn this way and Robyn crossed state lines to roll up in Ashley's face for talking about Juan. Ashley knows the receipts could've been pulled out on her which is why she quickly made her acknowledgment about colorism. In fact, Robyn has been physically aggressive with 3 cast members (Ashley, Monique, Wendy) and Mia has been repeatedly physically aggressive with Wendy and we don't see the viewers who scream Candiace needs her ass beat screaming for Robyn or Mia to get their asses beat. Props to production for repeatedly showing flashbacks of Robyn running up on Monique tonight. A deep dive into the colorism of the RHOP audience would be more than most people could handle because IMO there's specifically 3 groups of people who cheered the violence against Candiace and I will just leave it at that. Robyn was mute on the issue because she knows she benefits greatly from colorism. The person who needed to be slapped for their "huh whatya talkin' about? what's going on? I don't understand" act is Gizelle. Girl, you understand. Basically the light brights (minus Karen) thought they could malign & abuse the darker skinned girls without consequence this season because many in the viewing audience also didn't like the darker skinned cast members. Unfortunately for them, it backfired. Based on how bad the GEBs & Mia came across on this reunion, next season will be a GEB + Mia takedown humilliation season. Gizelle will take it like a champ but Mia & Robyn will be going through some things. 12 1 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888766
Chatty Cake February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 How stupid. Let’s trash each other, take a break to discuss colorism for a few minutes and then go back to trashing each other. Why is Andy bending over backwards for Candiace? She doesn’t let anyone else talk she just yap yap yaps over everyone. I’m sick of her. I hope Jacqueline and the Sneaky Link acting outraged liven things up next week but I doubt it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888807
eXiled February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 They made quick work of dispatching the Inappropriate-Chris and Happy-Eddie narrative. Candiace is right (save for her uterus comments): Gizelle used her supposed discomfort as a storyline. I'm so glad that shit backfired. At a function about fifteen years ago, a young man asked me to step into a room so he could tell me something. I told him that he was free to tell me right where we stood. After he insisted that we go somewhere else to chat, I stood my ground. Until this day, I still don't know what he wanted to tell me. Gizelle could have chosen to decline Chris's invitation. She doesn't strike me as a people-pleaser, you know? The first episode (where Giz shot down Wendy) shows that she's not above sidestepping anything she thinks is out-of-bounds. Gizelle will continue to come for her castmates' marriages as a way to remain relevant. Meanwhile, I would rather have watched her efforts to save/revive EveryHue or learn more about Reasonably Shady. Mia is a dangerous pathological liar. Does anyone truly believe Wendy slept with Peter "Peach" Thomas? I'm so happy Karen clamped her foot on Robyn's neck when Rob tried to act like Karen needed to intervene between Mia and Wendy. I used to let Robyn slide because she was the more likable of the two Bandits, but she's really shown her ass this season. Hell, even Andy admitted that Robyn rolled up on Wendy during the argument Charrisse got in the middle of. Andy usually stans for his faves, but he was tougher on the Bandits than I've ever seen him. The colorism debate was a waste of time. People who benefit from it will never see it. Just like people who benefit from racism will never see it. The audience that picks and chooses who they perceive as aggressive even as the women perform the same behaviors probably won't see that their perceptions may lie in colorism/racism/featurism. Andy's change-up is because the VIEWERS came through this season, y'all. You can tell that Bravo heard us. The PRODUCERS earned their paychecks too. I'll end on these infamous words by our prestigious, prodigious Dr. Wendy: "We all showed each other our vaginas. It was tequila!" 6 9 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888861
Mr. Miner February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Candiace and her dwindling reads ain't shit! 3 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888868
bosawks February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 I have to confess that at this point if anybody decides to do these shows I automatically question the happiness of their relationship and the validity of their bank account irrespective of the shadiness that others try to bring..... 7 3 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888878
pasdetrois February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 12 hours ago, Sharper2002 said: Where has this Andy Cohen been in the previous RHOP reunions? Andy's franchise is slipping in ratings, so he's pivoting his moderator style to appeal to all the viewers who have begged him to hold the housewives accountable. 11 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888943
bichonblitz February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 36 minutes ago, pasdetrois said: Andy's franchise is slipping in ratings, so he's pivoting his moderator style to appeal to all the viewers who have begged him to hold the housewives accountable. I hope he applies this to Orange County, Bev Hills and NJ. They need to be held to some serious accountability. I'm tired of Candiace's slick mouth and her ugly words. I know she's pissed about the way her husband was treated but grow up and use your words like an adult. 4 3 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7888999
Boofish February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 2 hours ago, eXiled said: They made quick work of dispatching the Inappropriate-Chris and Happy-Eddie narrative. Candiace is right (save for her uterus comments): Gizelle used her supposed discomfort as a storyline. I'm so glad that shit backfired. At a function about fifteen years ago, a young man asked me to step into a room so he could tell me something. I told him that he was free to tell me right where we stood. After he insisted that we go somewhere else to chat, I stood my ground. Until this day, I still don't know what he wanted to tell me. Gizelle could have chosen to decline Chris's invitation. She doesn't strike me as a people-pleaser, you know? The first episode (where Giz shot down Wendy) shows that she's not above sidestepping anything she thinks is out-of-bounds. Gizelle will continue to come for her castmates' marriages as a way to remain relevant. Meanwhile, I would rather have watched her efforts to save/revive EveryHue or learn more about Reasonably Shady. Mia is a dangerous pathological liar. Does anyone truly believe Wendy slept with Peter "Peach" Thomas? I'm so happy Karen clamped her foot on Robyn's neck when Rob tried to act like Karen needed to intervene between Mia and Wendy. I used to let Robyn slide because she was the more likable of the two Bandits, but she's really shown her ass this season. Hell, even Andy admitted that Robyn rolled up on Wendy during the argument Charrisse got in the middle of. Andy usually stans for his faves, but he was tougher on the Bandits than I've ever seen him. The colorism debate was a waste of time. People who benefit from it will never see it. Just like people who benefit from racism will never see it. The audience that picks and chooses who they perceive as aggressive even as the women perform the same behaviors probably won't see that their perceptions may lie in colorism/racism/featurism. Andy's change-up is because the VIEWERS came through this season, y'all. You can tell that Bravo heard us. The PRODUCERS earned their paychecks too. I'll end on these infamous words by our prestigious, prodigious Dr. Wendy: "We all showed each other our vaginas. It was tequila!" Agreed. What they failed to get everyone to acknowledge (sans Ashley) is they may not be colorist but their popularity and favor with the fans (albeit not their fault) could be rooted in unconscious colorism and all they just refused so what was the point. I'm so glad everyone including Andy paid Mia dust with the "I got receipts you slept with Peter." Mia is a bounced check. I can we as a collective agree - across all franchises - to stop with the 1. Being mad someone repeated something you said on camera 2. Stop accusing people of using their life situations as a storyline. Ummm so yeah that's the point of the show Lord bless that first communion bun on top of Gizelle head. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889054
JustbeingReal February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 I thought Robyn looked very pretty. Gizelle should just be a friend of,a side character since she doesn't want to share her story. Maybe she thinks just showing her daughters is enough? Candiace gives Robyn too many chances imo. Robyn isn't a friend like that to Gizelle. Mia is a bad friend to Jacqueline. I think she might be a hater. I don't blame Wendy for telling Mia exactly how she felt about the drink toss. This is the reunion they're supposed to put it all out there. I'm not sure if its colorism but Candiace and Wendy are definitely the most mistreated. Ashley gets away with a lot. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889071
drivethroo February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 The problem with Robyn/Candiace and Robyn/Wendy is their friendships werent shown on film. Robyn is apparently the only cast member who will stay in touch and support people’s projects outside of the show. Robyn still checks in on Katie too. That’s why Candiace and Wendy were so upset because Off Show Robyn is different from On Show Robyn. Robyn knows this, which is why she was triggered by Candiace saying in the Live “all these hoes are fake, none of them are real.” it’s time for Robyn Dixon to get real about her life. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889081
bichonblitz February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Why do people say Gizelle doesn't share her life? We see her with her children. We have watched her home reno. We witnessed several of her failed relationships. We had her dad on the show several times. What more do we need to see? It just so happens her life is not that interesting. Is Robyns, Karens or Wendy's? Not any more than Gizzy's. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889090
TV Diva Queen February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Candiace just sitting there popping off at the mouth when ever she felt like it remind me of the two old men MUPPETS that sit up in the balcony. Just STFU and wait your turn candice. Why does HER dress get basically a whole couch - and her dress is giving me Cookie Monster vibes anyway. So maybe she should tone down on the Muppet comments. 3 2 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889093
bichonblitz February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Just now, TV Diva Queen said: Why does HER dress get basically a whole couch - and her dress is giving me Cookie Monster vibes anyway Who ever is in charge of wardrobe approval should have told her that dress isn't going to work. Find something else. 4 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889095
flummoxd February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 They took a commercial break near the end that showed the rhop cast posed in pink and white dresses, from a previous reunion. Although blue is my favorite color, I immediately felt a sense of visual relief from the hideous outfits and clashing hues of this year’s costumes. Why did Robyn, Wendy and Candiace all have weird, stiff false fronts attached to their chests? Enjoyed the editing where someone on the opposite couch was praising accomplished Professor Wendy and the camera focused on her, showing about 9 feet of sexy, shiny leg topped by two huge boobs a-poppin’, the very image of academia. 1 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889133
flummoxd February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 And as far as colorism goes, it’s hard for me to feel Candiace has been mistreated over the years for any reason other than her bratty behavior and often cruel comments - no other Potomac wife has to be literally restrained on the regular by her spouse, although she’s behaved better recently. Even her mom hasn’t needed to purse-wallop her lately. 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889144
tvfanatic13 February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 Why is Karen even there? She has not opened her mouth once. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889157
Boofish February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 37 minutes ago, flummoxd said: They took a commercial break near the end that showed the rhop cast posed in pink and white dresses, from a previous reunion. Although blue is my favorite color, I immediately felt a sense of visual relief from the hideous outfits and clashing hues of this year’s costumes. Why did Robyn, Wendy and Candiace all have weird, stiff false fronts attached to their chests? Enjoyed the editing where someone on the opposite couch was praising accomplished Professor Wendy and the camera focused on her, showing about 9 feet of sexy, shiny leg topped by two huge boobs a-poppin’, the very image of academia. What's wrong with being smart and sexy? 9 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889185
drivethroo February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 3 hours ago, bichonblitz said: I'm tired of Candiace's slick mouth and her ugly words. I know she's pissed about the way her husband was treated but grow up and use your words like an adult. As opposed to Mia, who commits violence and Robyn & Gizelle who not only cheered it on at the time, but doubled down on defending Mia's violence on last night's show? 49 minutes ago, Boofish said: What's wrong with being smart and sexy? Not a thing. Wendy and her body was looking good last night. Gizelle looked disheveled, Robyn looked like she had a wide body & Karen looked like Madame. 1 hour ago, flummoxd said: And as far as colorism goes, it’s hard for me to feel Candiace has been mistreated over the years for any reason other than her bratty behavior and often cruel comments - no other Potomac wife has to be literally restrained on the regular by her spouse, although she’s behaved better recently. This statement right here is an example of the colorism. Ashley has turned her vicious mouth on every single cast member except Gizelle ...Ashley's mouth literally caused a cast member to quit in the middle of the show...yet we don't see similar complaints about Ashley. We don't see people calling for Ashley's ass to get beat. Ashley is FARRRR more slick, nasty and vicious than Candiace but we don't see those calls. Production pulled receipts on Robyn being restrained from being aggressive with 3 different cast members but we don't see "Robyn needs her ass beat, where's Monique?" with Robyn. Brown complected Monique was demonized by the cast as a disgrace to the black race for beating up Candiace but lighter complected Mia was cheered by those same cast members for assaulting darker toned Wendy and was encouraged by Gizelle last reunion to put her hands on Candiace. Even the calls and cheers for Monique to come back and beat somebody up is colorist because it assumes because she's unambiguously black, she's violent. The only person on this cast who is either trying to get up and fight somebody or urging people to fight is fair skinned Robyn. The main drama in season 1 was lighter skinned Robyn & Gizelle being miffed brown toned Katie was running around calling herself Jewish & biracial...even though Katie is Jewish and biracial. (To be fair, Katie was blasting them for appearing the way they do but calling themselves "black," ...which was colorist against Robyn & Gizelle) I have also seen black fans of the show be xenophobic against Wendy online. Honestly the issue is too deep to addressed by the cast or crew of the show. Viewers of the show need to hold the cast and crew accountable for the colorism (which is why it was even addressed last night ---viewer outrage) but viewers of the show also need to hold themselves accountable for the colorism they show to the cast, whether the objects of attack are Candiace and Wendy or if they are GEB + Ashley. 7 1 4 2 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889287
Boofish February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 16 minutes ago, drivethroo said: As opposed to Mia, who commits violence and Robyn & Gizelle who not only cheered it on at the time, but doubled down on defending Mia's violence on last night's show? Not a thing. Wendy and her body was looking good last night. Gizelle looked disheveled, Robyn looked like she had a wide body & Karen looked like Madame. This statement right here is an example of the colorism. Ashley has turned her vicious mouth on every single cast member except Gizelle ...Ashley's mouth literally caused a cast member to quit in the middle of the show...yet we don't see similar complaints about Ashley. We don't see people calling for Ashley's ass to get beat. Ashley is FARRRR more slick, nasty and vicious than Candiace but we don't see those calls. Production pulled receipts on Robyn being restrained from being aggressive with 3 different cast members but we don't see "Robyn needs her ass beat, where's Monique?" with Robyn. Brown complected Monique was demonized by the cast as a disgrace to the black race for beating up Candiace but lighter complected Mia was cheered by those same cast members for assaulting darker toned Wendy and was encouraged by Gizelle last reunion to put her hands on Candiace. Even the calls and cheers for Monique to come back and beat somebody up is colorist because it assumes because she's unambiguously black, she's violent. The only person on this cast who is either trying to get up and fight somebody or urging people to fight is fair skinned Robyn. The main drama in season 1 was lighter skinned Robyn & Gizelle being miffed brown toned Katie was running around calling herself Jewish & biracial...even though Katie is Jewish and biracial. (To be fair, Katie was blasting them for appearing the way they do but calling themselves "black," ...which was colorist against Robyn & Gizelle) I have also seen black fans of the show be xenophobic against Wendy online. Honestly the issue is too deep to addressed by the cast or crew of the show. Viewers of the show need to hold the cast and crew accountable for the colorism (which is why it was even addressed last night ---viewer outrage) but viewers of the show also need to hold themselves accountable for the colorism they show to the cast, whether the objects of attack are Candiace and Wendy or if they are GEB + Ashley. Always a pleasure when the professor steps in class and gives her take on the events *insert applause here* 4 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889310
Crazydoxielady February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 (edited) I put a photo up on the media thread with a photo of Juan cuddled up with his new boo thang at the laundry mat. Next season: “Laundry-gate!” We can’t make this stuff up folks! Robin needs to be fired. I can’t listen to another lie or excuse for being with a man who is actively dating. And how classy of her to let us all know she needed to change her tampon! She still bleeds! Woot woot! Candiace has lost me as she goes on and on at Gizzy Gizzy was uncomfortable. Periodttt. Chris and his blaccent can also get lost. All the media training in the world can’t stop Candiace from talking down to people and acting superior. The Instagram live that Candiace did shows her real thoughts. Also her making fun of Giselle’s uterus? So not funny. Such a low blow. Candiace is no spring chicken. I get very sick of the younger cast members taking cheap shots at the older ladies age. Do they not think they will be there one day? I’d be happy as I’ve said for years for her to be off the show. Wendy is such a phenomenally beautiful accomplished woman with such grace and intelligence. It irks the other ladies to the point of excluding her. Edited February 27, 2023 by Crazydoxielady 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889327
Mr. Miner February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 For a while now Candiace has implied that the GEB's and Ashley were colorists. Last night her cast mates weren't colorist, it was the audience. Candiace is just upset that her vile fucking reads on people took more criticism than Robin putting her finger in Ashley's face. Candiace ain't shit! 1 1 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889356
Yogisbooboo64 February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 20 hours ago, Sharper2002 said: I can’t see Robyn coming back after this, but if she does then it’s open season on her home life. Yup....I'ma need this to happen, and now with the new pic of Juan with the girl in the laundry? Yeah, Karen needs to go allllllllllllllll in on her ass if she's there next season. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889574
Chatty Cake February 27, 2023 Share February 27, 2023 5 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said: Candiace just sitting there popping off at the mouth when ever she felt like it remind me of the two old men MUPPETS that sit up in the balcony. Just STFU and wait your turn candice. Why does HER dress get basically a whole couch - and her dress is giving me Cookie Monster vibes anyway. So maybe she should tone down on the Muppet comments. She is a muppet her damn self isn’t she? 9 hours ago, Mr. Miner said: Candiace and her dwindling reads ain't shit! I read that her reads are rehearsed and possibly written by someone else. 5 hours ago, flummoxd said: And as far as colorism goes, it’s hard for me to feel Candiace has been mistreated over the years for any reason other than her bratty behavior and often cruel comments - no other Potomac wife has to be literally restrained on the regular by her spouse, although she’s behaved better recently. Even her mom hasn’t needed to purse-wallop her lately. Yes! I can’t believe they are still bringing up Monique. Candiace pressed charges, Monique did also and it was thrown out of court. Candiace will pull out tissues squares and cry about being triggered when she pulled a knife on Ashley and screamed as Chris held her back. The ladies feelings on certain issues depends on who is involved. Robyn and Gizelle admitted they didn’t care that a drink was thrown on Wendy because they don’t like her. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889583
Emmeline February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 We are down 2 reunion episode and Karen has done nothing more than make the stank face. Is someone on the panel passing gas or perhaps forget to use deodorant? I also can’t stand that big ass mole. Why she never got rid of that thing is beyond me. I would rather have a scar than that thing. She’s no Cindy Crawford. 3 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889730
Chatty Cake February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 I like Karen. I hope she goes for even more wicks next season. 1 1 1 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889771
Ms.Lulu February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 9 hours ago, JustbeingReal said: I thought Robyn looked very pretty. Gizelle should just be a friend of,a side character since she doesn't want to share her story. Maybe she thinks just showing her daughters is enough? Candiace gives Robyn too many chances imo. Robyn isn't a friend like that to Gizelle. Mia is a bad friend to Jacqueline. I think she might be a hater. I don't blame Wendy for telling Mia exactly how she felt about the drink toss. This is the reunion they're supposed to put it all out there. I'm not sure if its colorism but Candiace and Wendy are definitely the most mistreated. Ashley gets away with a lot. In the cross chatter that episode Gizzelle offered to sleep with Andy so that he could experience sex with a woman. He said no, HR issue, but that would be a story line! 4 1 1 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7889978
JAYJAY1979 February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 Robyn does her job well as a side-kick... but she should have brought a bit of her life onto the show instead of keeping it off camera. Gizelle needs to go because she doesn't offer anything except cause drama... and Ashley has that covered. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890076
Marley February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 Mia sucks and needs to go. She just says shit and can’t stop lying. I really doubt Wendy would get with Peter how gross. Karen is being weirdly silent. The top of her dress is weird too it’s making her neck look odd. Gizelles gloves look stupider every time I see them. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890272
ZettaK February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 12 hours ago, drivethroo said: As opposed to Mia, who commits violence and Robyn & Gizelle who not only cheered it on at the time, but doubled down on defending Mia's violence on last night's show? Not a thing. Wendy and her body was looking good last night. Gizelle looked disheveled, Robyn looked like she had a wide body & Karen looked like Madame. This statement right here is an example of the colorism. Ashley has turned her vicious mouth on every single cast member except Gizelle ...Ashley's mouth literally caused a cast member to quit in the middle of the show...yet we don't see similar complaints about Ashley. We don't see people calling for Ashley's ass to get beat. Ashley is FARRRR more slick, nasty and vicious than Candiace but we don't see those calls. Production pulled receipts on Robyn being restrained from being aggressive with 3 different cast members but we don't see "Robyn needs her ass beat, where's Monique?" with Robyn. Brown complected Monique was demonized by the cast as a disgrace to the black race for beating up Candiace but lighter complected Mia was cheered by those same cast members for assaulting darker toned Wendy and was encouraged by Gizelle last reunion to put her hands on Candiace. Even the calls and cheers for Monique to come back and beat somebody up is colorist because it assumes because she's unambiguously black, she's violent. The only person on this cast who is either trying to get up and fight somebody or urging people to fight is fair skinned Robyn. The main drama in season 1 was lighter skinned Robyn & Gizelle being miffed brown toned Katie was running around calling herself Jewish & biracial...even though Katie is Jewish and biracial. (To be fair, Katie was blasting them for appearing the way they do but calling themselves "black," ...which was colorist against Robyn & Gizelle) I have also seen black fans of the show be xenophobic against Wendy online. Honestly the issue is too deep to addressed by the cast or crew of the show. Viewers of the show need to hold the cast and crew accountable for the colorism (which is why it was even addressed last night ---viewer outrage) but viewers of the show also need to hold themselves accountable for the colorism they show to the cast, whether the objects of attack are Candiace and Wendy or if they are GEB + Ashley. It was sad to see the women still not supporting Wendy regarding Mia's assault. Interesting comment about being xenophobic against Wendy (on top of colorism). I thought about it too. I also remember some viewers claimed they didn't "understand" the accents of the Miami HWs in the early seasons. Only a couple of older parents had an accent, by the way. The younger cast members were born in the U.S. 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890322
pasdetrois February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 (edited) 14 hours ago, ZettaK said: It was sad to see the women still not supporting Wendy regarding Mia's assault. She's heartbroken that no one really objected to it happening. Idiot Gizelle got all lawlerly and tried to diminish the incident by comparing degrees of assault, but having a drink tossed in one's face is shocking and demeaning. When no one comes to your defense, it's upsetting. Classy Robyn told Wendy to beat Mia up off-camera. Meanwhile Wendy tries to buddy up with a show partner - this season it's Candiace - and it never works. She's an outsider to the rest of the group. Candiace simply cannot shut her big mouth, yapping like an irritating hyena throughout the reunion. I've always thought that she plans the shade she delivers in her talking heads. She can't do it in real time because she goes into high emotion at the first sign of conflict and loses control. Why was (probably drunk) Karen there? The Bravo shows are so cynical and formulaic that no one believes the tortured, producer-driven romantic pairings between franchises. Edited February 28, 2023 by pasdetrois 9 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890438
MaggieG February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 I don't believe a word coming out of Mia's mouth. I'm glad everyone laughed off her Wendy slept with Peter accusation. I just remembered during the show how Mia went on and on how Peter was family and when Andy asked her about their relationship, she was just "oh, he's friends with G." Sigh, Ashley still trying to save Deborah with "I've never known her to be a liar and editing could have played a part." Gizelle is just the worst. She wants everyone to be on her side regarding the whole Chris made her uncomfortable thing and when Andy brings up Wendy getting a drink thrown in her face and how that made her feel, Gizelle can't even muster an ounce of sympathy and just says "I don't like her." This is a woman with 3 young daughters. Also, I didn't buy her whole "I don't understand" the whole colorism conversation. Isn't your father a civil rights activist? Your ex and your children are dark skinned. It's very ignorant on her part and it's clear that she didn't want to hear anything Candiace had to say 8 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890503
eXiled February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 8 hours ago, ZettaK said: It was sad to see the women still not supporting Wendy regarding Mia's assault. Interesting comment about being xenophobic against Wendy (on top of colorism). I thought about it too. I also remember some viewers claimed they didn't "understand" the accents of the Miami HWs in the early seasons. Only a couple of older parents had an accent, by the way. The younger cast members were born in the U.S. You and @drivethroomay be correct in that assertion. I've witnessed it several times on the internet. Some viewers have basically said that they don't like Wendy because she's not African-American and thinks too highly of herself. I saw the same kind of nastiness surrounding Nigerian-American OG, a woman who was featured in a few seasons of Basketball Wives. I got the same vibe when the cast turned against OG when she verbally defended herself (more eloquently than many of those hoodrats could ever hope to muster). Puerto Rican Evelyn Lozado got to throw bottles, run across tables, and threaten anyone she thought she could bully, and people thought it was the cutest thing. Meanwhile, OG, who rarely raised her voice, calmly let it be known she could beat all their asses, and suddenly, she was aggressive. And don't let me get started on Tami Roman, who assaulted a few people, yet, no one was afraid to film with her. I hate that Wendy appears to be alone. It's so bad that she extended an olive branch to the thug who assaulted her. Not even Candiace is a real friend to Wendy (especially since I always get the impression that, if Ashley were to stop throwing her under the bus, Candiace would LOVE to be Ashley's friend). Wendy definitely tore her own ass, but in my opinion, not more so than some of the others who were easily forgiven. What makes Wendy so different? Why can Karen tell the world about Gizelle's supposed visit to Sing Sing (code for mental ward) and her rumored incurable disease, yet Gizelle has no problem laughing with Karen like nothing happened? Meanwhile, Wendy defends her marriage, and she becomes a pariah. Something ain't right. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890549
drivethroo February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 1 hour ago, eXiled said: Not even Candiace is a real friend to Wendy (especially since I always get the impression that, if Ashley were to stop throwing her under the bus, Candiace would LOVE to be Ashley's friend). Wendy definitely tore her own ass, but in my opinion, not more so than some of the others who were easily forgiven. I always say to have a friend, you have to be a friend. Robyn is known to be supportive of the cast (off camera). Reportedly she's the only one who would consistently go to Candiace's shows and give her support. Reportedly Ashley & Candiace hung out a lot between season 6 & 7. We haven't heard of Wendy hanging out with Candiace off camera or vice versa. So maybe Wendy should try to cultivate a deeper friendship with Candiace off camera. Can't fault Candiace for feeling closer to Robyn & Ashley than Wendy if the only time Candiace really sees Wendy is during filming and an occasional pop up at an event but Candiace is actually spending a lot of time off camera with Robyn & Ashley. I think with the revelation of this season Candiace won't (or shouldn't) be trying too hard with Robyn or Ashley. 8 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890658
eXiled February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 9 minutes ago, drivethroo said: I always say to have a friend, you have to be a friend. Robyn is known to be supportive of the cast (off camera). Reportedly she's the only one who would consistently go to Candiace's shows and give her support. Reportedly Ashley & Candiace hung out a lot between season 6 & 7. These shows are so fake they can barely be called "reality." Wendy was introduced as a friend of Candiace's (the same way Mia was introduced as Karen's friend). Now I wonder how well Wendy and Candiace really knew each other before the show. Or if they knew each other at all. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890681
drivethroo February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 2 minutes ago, eXiled said: These shows are so fake they can barely be called "reality." Wendy was introduced as a friend of Candiace's (the same way Mia was introduced as Karen's friend). Now I wonder how well Wendy and Candiace really knew each other before the show. Or if they knew each other at all. Askale was introduced as "Robyn's friend" and they only had like maybe 2 scenes with each other. By the end of Season 6 and even when she was shown in Season 7, Askale was tagged as "Candiace's friend." If Jacqueline is back for Season 8 she will be tagged as "Candiace's friend" too. I doubt Candiace & Wendy knew each other well at all. Candiace was brought on as Ashley's friend but they didn't really know each other. This is why Mia never should've been cast, much less brought on as "Karen's friend" because it's highly unlikely such a woman would be friends with Karen. It would've made more sense to say Gordon & Ray were friends and Karen was being nice to their friend Gordon's wife by bringing her around the group. 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890694
qtpye February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 (edited) 6 hours ago, MaggieG said: Gizelle is just the worst. She wants everyone to be on her side regarding the whole Chris made her uncomfortable thing and when Andy brings up Wendy getting a drink thrown in her face and how that made her feel, Gizelle can't even muster an ounce of sympathy and just says "I don't like her." This is a woman with 3 young daughters. Also, I didn't buy her whole "I don't understand" the whole colorism conversation. Isn't your father a civil rights activist? Your ex and your children are dark skinned. It's very ignorant on her part and it's clear that she didn't want to hear anything Candiace had to say Didn't Gizzy also supposedly work for the NAACP before she came on the show? Edited February 28, 2023 by qtpye 1 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7890993
Chalby February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 I feel that if Mia is lying about Wendy and Peter, she needs to be fired. When she blurted that out, I immediately thought "Hmm, Wendy would rather have sex with Peter than Eddy?" NOT. If it is true, Wendy needs to go. I'm finding that since COVID people feel they can spew any conspiracy theories they want, even when they know it's a lie. Mia showed her true colours when she turned on her friend. I didn't mind her before, but she needs to go. And it's about time Giselle's feet were held to the fire. She rarely shares her personal truth, and she's manipulative, eg: Chris. I still prefer Robyn's messy life and I just like her as a person. I would have been hurt by Candace's live IG and Candice needs to acknowledge her semantics are just as messy as Giselle's. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7891026
qtpye February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 5 minutes ago, Chalby said: Mia showed her true colours when she turned on her friend. I didn't mind her before, but she needs to go. Yep, Mia, you were definitely implying that Jaqueline slept with your husband for money and that she would not have shit, if not for your generosity. However, Jaq, how do you have enough money to hire your sister as a nanny but need G to provide a downpayment on your Porsche? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7891033
Chalby February 28, 2023 Share February 28, 2023 6 hours ago, eXiled said: You and @drivethroo what makes Wendy so different? Why can Karen tell the world about Gizelle's supposed visit to Sing Sing (code for mental ward) and her rumored incurable disease, yet Gizelle has no problem laughing with Karen like nothing happened? I agree with you and I have what a theory. Wendy is a high profile person who was seen as delivering facts due to her careers. As well, she knows when something is a lie. The problem is Wendy will not let an issue rest if she doesn't hear the other people retract their words/lies. These housewives will never admit to purposely exaggerating what's going on with the others. if Wendy cannot speak her truth in her talking heads, while ceasing talking with the others about old arguments, the audience will want her gone. Wendy forgets that we know what happened! Her need to have the others acknowledge she was assaulted is a waste of her energy if the others won't play. She forgets we saw and we'll remember for her. We will hold the others accountable. 10 minutes ago, qtpye said: However, Jaq, how do you have enough money to hire your sister as a nanny but need G to provide a downpayment on your Porsche? I doubt Jackie needed anything, but a nanny is a whole lot cheaper than a Porsche. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/137218-s07e19-reunion-part-2/#findComment-7891047
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