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S16.E26: Live Eviction #10 / HoH Comp #11

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This ice bucket thing pisses me off. We're in a major drought here in California and I see "celebrities" wasting all of that water while we get fined if we water a plant.

At the start of the show as they were standing on stage, it looked like Nicole forgot to put her pants on. She looked ridiculous.

I'm thrilled that Jocasta didn't come back. I got so sick of her preaching and assuming everybody believes the same as her and wants to hear that shit.

Edited by Maharincess
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Julie's makeup was quite unfortunate tonight-very drag queen.

Victoria resembles Nia Vardalos to me.

When Zach said his game was in Frankie's hand, I assumed "game" is his pet name for his dick.

Christine continues to get a William's edit. Julie's question above why it was so hard to find a bone was pretty pointed, considering she threw it. Only thing better would have been if they showed her hand off a bone to the enemy..

At the very end, Nicole asked about have-nots, and so.done (Victoria?) Said she and Christine. Are they having have-not comps and, not airing them???

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I'm thrilled that Jocasta didn't come back. I got so sick of her preaching and assuming everybody believes the same as her and wants to hear that shit.



Her teeth appeared to be chattering during that Jury Competition.  I assume she was speaking in tongues again.  Maybe Christine was correct and she didn't do it right.  Obviously God didn't hear her--or couldn't understand her.

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how can Donny convince someone to go outside the majority if he's too afraid to do it himself?​



I don't think Donny's afraid to go outside the majority, if he thinks it will work, or that it even has a chance, but he's sensible enough to know that being the lone outside vote doesn't get him anywhere.  No reason to make the target on his back even bigger if there's zero chance of a payoff.

I went back and froze the last shot of the jury competition.

  • While Hayden had the dot closest to the center, he only had three dots on the board, which was the fewest, so he was out.
  • Zach came in third with four blue dots on the board.
  • Nicole (black dots) and Jocasta (yellow dots) both had five dots on the board, but Nicole's closest dot was just a smidgeon closer to the center than Jocasta's.
Anyway, so glad Nicole won. I was really worried when I heard Jocasta was in the lead, but thankfully 'twas not to be. Zach would have been fun, but I don't think he can be counted on to devise and execute anything tactical for longer than the time it takes to make toast. I am prepared, however, for Nicole to make up with Christine and then watch both of them do nothing to get in the way of the Derrick machine's march to victory.

God yes. How scary was it when Jocasta's mouth curled up and she started muttering? I don't know if I could have withstood the shrieking and moaning had she won.

She was either talking in tongues, praying rapidly, or trying to clean something off of her teeth. I can't decide.

This ice bucket thing pisses me off. We're in a major drought here in California and I see "celebrities" wasting all of that water while we get fined if we water a plant.

They did catch it in a pool, so it could be reused to water a plant. Or, even better, the houseguests! They wouldn't know if they were showering in recycled water.

At the start of the show as they were standing on stage, it looked like Nicole forgot to put her pants on. She looked ridiculous.

She was mocking the way she looked in those shorts at the end of the broadcast (behind the credits). She was doing an exaggerated runway walk and commenting on how dumb they looked. It was cute.

I forgot to add, brava, Julie! That was hysterical.

Oops, I wrote blue for Jocasta's dots instead of yellow, so I fixed it.

Edited by Kris117
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The fact that the show made sure to show us Donny's promise, but not show Zach telling him to vote with the house, makes me wonder if the show is attempting to make Donny seem less likeable.

I'd say absolutely not. I expect Donny did it to support Zach's game.

Look at the situational context:

1. Zach knows he's going home; to the other Detonators as a whole, the choice between Zach and Cody is a no-brainer.

2. Donny is the only person in the House talking to Zach.

3. The Detonators suspect Donny and Zach may have connected strategically

(which they have - at the moment, anyway)

, but they don't know it for certain.

4. Zach is about to walk out the door, but there's a significant chance he will return as a buyback in fairly short order.

Given these circumstances, Donny has two options with his vote:

A. Vote to evict Cody - a nice gesture symbolically, but (a) ultimately meaningless against the Detonators voting bloc, and (b) an action which would confirm a Donny/Zach alliance to the Detonators.

B. Vote to evict Zach - an action which keeps a Donny/Zach alliance in doubt.

IF Zach had won re-entry, which option do you think would have given Zach more leeway in worming his way back into the Detonators, should the opportunity arise?

Especially if Zach planned to stay true to Donny and act as a double agent?

Unfortunately, we don't get to find out. But it was a good bit of strategy, IMHO.

The problem for me was you couldn't see the shorts. It just looked like she had on a shirt and boots.

...and this is a problem exactly how...? ;)

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The racists got a few boos last year.  Not enough.


Julie's makeup was quite unfortunate tonight-very drag queen.

She looked a lot like Wil's YouTube parody of her last night.  I did love her joke at the end, "How's my hair?"


I have a dream that Donny, Nicole and Derrick will turn on the others and take them down.  Christine first.

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For once I wish these people would just be forthright about why they nominate people. So now Frankie is saying Zach had to go up because he didn't want to sit beside Donny and throw the comp. Ummmm, I'm pretty sure Cody did his fair share of whining about it as well. 


Victoria is such an immature little brat. She would rather tear up her own hat than let someone else wear it? And, according to Zach, she had given it to him anyway. She just seemed like a 5-year-old during the entire thing. She is not cute or funny at all. And the fact that THAT was "the most satisfying thing" she's done all summer speaks volumes about her game play. 


Oh, but did anyone else think she looked disappointed that Derrick didn't give her a full pat down?


Sad to see Zach go. I love how Donny always has something positive to say about each person who leaves the house. I would have been happy with either Nicole or Zach coming back, so I'm satisfied. But let's see what she can do with this chance. 

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I have a dream that Donny, Nicole and Derrick will turn on the others and take them down.  Christine first.


I'm not sure I see Derrick working with those two. Right now he has Cody and Victoria, and those are the perfect two to take to the end. Cody is definitely more likable, but he has basically done nothing all summer. I can't see either of those two winning over Derrick in a final two. Donny and Nicole - I'm not so sure. 

At least Zach seems to understand that the way he played the game basically shot himself in the foot. I assume he was going for camera time and trying to be entertaining, while at the same time hoping someone would take him to the final two because no one would vote for him to win because he'd been such a jackhole.


I didn't understand why Victoria would destroy the hat instead of just taking it back if she wasn't going to show Zach she'd destroyed it, but then she did it during the farewell video, which I thought was a great move. Didn't know she had it in her! Go on with your bad(ish) self, Vic! Hee!


I'm glad Nicole went back in. Jocasta would've been useless, and even Hayden wouldn't have been much use probably. And Zach openly said he'd throw the HoH and didn't know who he'd put up. He'd probably try to get back into the alliance, so Nicole is probably the only person who will actually do something useful.


Still, I don't care WHO gets HoH this week as long as Frankie gets evicted next Thursday. I seriously can't take any more of his over-the-top theatrics. Especially during the live show where he KNOWS he's on camera, and he always sits straight up on the edge of the couch overreacting to every single thing Julie says. If his sister gets her Twitter followers to vote Frankie the Fan Favorite I will be so mad. That prize is Donny's to win. That would be the one time I would accept producer shenanigans this season. If Frankie beats Donnie and the producers are all like, "No way. We've changed our mind. Frankie's a horrible monster. Give Donny the money." 

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Victoria is such an immature little brat. She would rather tear up her own hat than let someone else wear it? And, according to Zach, she had given it to him anyway. She just seemed like a 5-year-old during the entire thing. She is not cute or funny at all. And the fact that THAT was "the most satisfying thing" she's done all summer speaks volumes about her game play.

I totally agree with this. She looked like an idiot and big deal what an accomplishment, others are actually playing and giving a damn about the game sweetie. I agree with the poster she looks like Nia Vardolos but I also think she looks and talks like a thinner Artemis from Its Always Sunny From Philadelphia.

How moronic are Victoria and Christine in their goodbye messages tonight and previously? Are they that fucking stupid that they don't grasp they at talking shit to jury members that will be voting for the prize money?

Edited by Petunia13
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If his sister gets her Twitter followers to vote Frankie the Fan Favorite I will be so mad. That prize is Donny's to win. That would be the one time I would accept producer shenanigans this season. If Frankie beats Donnie and the producers are all like, "No way. We've changed our mind. Frankie's a horrible monster. Give Donny the money."

I also hope Ariana doesn't try to rally her troops to subvert what is supposed to be a process designed for fans of the show, but that's most likely a pipe dream.

Maybe - just maybe - TPTB could insert a caveat on the voting, to balance effect on the vote from people who don't contribute to the show's ratings. A "voter registration" cutoff could be one example. Something along the lines of, "Votes will only be counted which originate from CBS.com accounts created two weeks or more before the Finale". This would prevent non-watchers from introducing a voting element which would alienate viewers who actually support the show, by contributing to its ratings.

It wouldn't be a bad business decision for CBS. If they allow a group of non-viewers to introduce an element which alienates their core audience base, it's liable to negatively impact the show's bottom line - an effect which could linger long past after this one season.

ETA: Hey, there's precedent already. Voter registration cutoff screening happens in general elections all the time. :)

Edited by Nashville


"Votes will only be counted which originate from CBS.com accounts created two weeks or more before the Finale". This would prevent non-watchers from introducing a voting element which would alienate viewers who actually support the show, by contributing to its ratings.

What would prevent Ariana from a week of tweeting "don't forget to register to vote!"



How moronic are Victoria and Christine in their goodbye messages tonight and previously?

Zach would NEVER vote for Victoria, but I agree with this post in general. Neither of these women seem to realize they are trying to get votes from the jurors.

Edited by Skittl1321
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Later, Julie closes out the show by undergoing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, delivered by The Millers star Will Arnett. Her shock at the frigid dousing is almost as great as mine upon learning that The Millers is still on.

I've seen speculation elsewhere that there was no ice in the bucket and the water wasn't even cold. If that's true, doesn't it go against the main premise of the challenge?

What would prevent Ariana from a week of tweeting "don't forget to register to vote!"


Nobody said they have to advertise the screening.... ;)

Zach would NEVER vote for Victoria, but I agree with this post in general. Neither of these women seem to realize they are trying to get votes from the jurors.

To steal a quote from The Bard of the Beard: "Have these people never watched the show before?"

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Christine continues to get a William's edit. Julie's question above why it was so hard to find a bone was pretty pointed, considering she threw it. Only thing better would have been if they showed her hand off a bone to the enemy..


I loved this!  It was actually kind of an asshole move on Julie's part.  She knew Christine would basically have to lie, and Christine knew that Julie knew she was lying, and all it did was make Christine look like a lying liar who lies.  It was awesome. 

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It wouldn't be a bad business decision for CBS. If they allow a group of non-viewers to introduce an element which alienates their core audience base, it's liable to negatively impact the show's bottom line - an effect which could linger long past after this one season.


It would be a bad business decision for CBS if they are trying to suck up to Ariana Grande, which they are.


Hilarious that Julie could not even remotely see the returning juror challenge winner.  Thanks Zach for declaring a winner or we might have watched that thing spin all night.

It looked to me like Julie was waiting for an official word from someone. You're right that it was an easy call; both women had five disks and one of Nicole's was practically centered on the ring that the two innermost of Jocasta's had barely reached. The producers probably did a freeze-frame to make sure they were counting the disks properly, but it was easier to see which was closer to the center with it spinning.



I've seen speculation elsewhere that there was no ice in the bucket and the water wasn't even cold. If that's true, doesn't it go against the main premise of the challenge?

I immediately noticed that there was no ice. Nor did Julie act like the water was cold. It's possible that the intent was there, but they let the bucket sit around under the hot studio lights too long. At least it was water; they could have leveraged the ALS challenge into another football promo by putting something else in the bucket.


If that's true, doesn't it go against the main premise of the challenge?

Isn't the intent of the challenge to raise money for ALS? I don't recall (though I wasn't paying a lot of attention) of Julie or her husband mentioning the money CBS will be donating.  If all they are doing is dumping buckets of water, then it doesn't matter if it was cold or not; it doesn't do anything for ALS research.

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According to the challenge, you have to dump ice water over yourself within 24 hours or donate to ALS.  As it has worked out, most that do the ice water dump are also donating money to the charity for research.  The recent donations to the cause have been HUGE, and primarily attributed to the challenge.  The ice water videos, are, in turn, bringing more awareness to the cause in many different venues.  It's all good!  I'm sure that both Julie and her husband will donate as well.


Sometimes, it is all good and cynicism should be checked at the door.  This ALS challenge is one of those times.

Edited by pennben
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It would be a bad business decision for CBS if they are trying to suck up to Ariana Grande, which they are.

Depends - to quote Donny, "It's a numbers game."

1. BB16 is currently running approx. 6.5M viewers, overwhelmingly in the 18-49 age demographic which is the primary prime time slot target.

2. Ariana currently has 17.6M Twitter followers, but it's questionable* (a) how many of them are aged below that all-important 18-49 bracket, (b) of that percentage, how many are watching BB16, and (c ) of THAT percentage, how many are watching solely because of this season's Ariana association and will not translate to regular viewership next season.

3. The 6.5M is pretty close (season timeline-wise) to corresponding BB viewership in the previous two seasons**, so the Ariana factor has not translated into a significant increase in viewership.

So, which group is BB Production and their CBS overlords more concerned about ticking off? The ~6.5M rank-and-file viewer membership, or the percentage of a percentage of age demographic-relevant BB-watching followers Ariana brings to the table?

Again - I don't know the answer to that. But if *I* can think of it, you can bet your bottom dollar someone at CBS has a department full of number crunchers working on it.

* I looked for hard numbers, but couldn't find them.

** It's actually a little below, but BB15's rating ran anomalously higher than usual for the BB series, and skew the average a bit. Can't imagine why. :P

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Depends - to quote Donny, "It's a numbers game."


Indeed, it is. At this point, Big Brother's ratings are essentially fixed.  They are what they are, and if they survived last season, and they did, they will be what they will be, even if Frankie wins fan favorite.


An Ariana Grande special concert would bring in HUGE numbers for CBS.  Sure, it is a one-off thing, but it would be huge advertising dollars.  In the coveted demo.


BB will be back next season to the usual ratings.


It is a no brainer for CBS to suck up to her via her brother:  You give my brother fan fav on Big Brother, I'll give you a massive ratings win for a night during sweeps.  Massive dollars that night, more to follow because you won that night during sweeps.


Just speculating here.....

Edited by pennben

Yeah, when Zach said he had no idea who he'd target in the house, my jaw just dropped.  Either he really is just a clueless doof who just thought his role in the house was to cruise around and cause occasional trouble, or he was just so emotionally overwhelmed last night (or

his mind was so clouded by the pain meds he's taking for his eardrum

) that he just couldn't think straight.  I did notice during the farewell messages that he mouthed "love that guy" during Donny's message.  I think that's pretty much word for word what all the evictees have said when they've seen Donny's message.

Julie's husband definitely got hit with a LOT of ice when he did the challenge yesterday (and boy did he look cold when that water hit him!).  Julie, maybe not so much ice (or cold).  However, taking 60 seconds of valuable prime-time broadcast network time will certainly "spread the word" about the charity and the event, especially to viewers who may not be as into YouTube and the Internet as the rest of us are.  


Overall, I'd say that Julie's possibly-warm-"ice"-bath should lead to a LOT of additional charity dollars.  Good for her, good for her husband, and good for CBS.  Plus, it was the funniest part of the show last night, so good for us viewers, too!

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According to Julie, the ice had mostly melted while the show was going on, but that meant the water was even colder.


I don't see Ariana doing any kind of concert special for CBS (unless she's already with CBS label?).  Maybe some walk on on a sitcom or something.  But I honestly don't think there's be an actual quid pro quo -- too much room for backfiring.  Most likely she just said she'd appear in the audience at the finale if he were in the final two, or something like that.  Adds pressure, but nothing necessarily crooked.


Is it giving Zach too much credit to think he might have been guarded because he doesn't know what he saw, so he'd rather get in the jury house (or eventually out in the real world) and compare notes before openly calling out somebody that may have been loyal to him all along?  If so, it was the loss of an opportunity -- by throwing a name out there, like Frankie, or Derrick, the audience reaction would have given valuable information.  

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Is it giving Zach too much credit to think he might have been guarded because he doesn't know what he saw, so he'd rather get in the jury house (or eventually out in the real world) and compare notes before openly calling out somebody that may have been loyal to him all along?


Yes, unfortunately, I think it is. Zach hasn't really been shown to be the type to play his cards close to his vest. He's very emotional and reactionary and just lets it all out. I am guessing he honestly just hadn't thought about it at that point. 

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I did notice during the farewell messages that he mouthed "love that guy" during Donny's message.  I think that's pretty much word for word what all the evictees have said when they've seen Donny's message.



For me, the best part is that Donny is completely sincere and just a nice guy. To me it doesn't seem like he is just doing it/saying things for a possible jury vote. He is just great. 

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I saw the ice water challenge from Julie's husband this afternoon and thought, "Will they have time to do that on live TV?"  Then I remembered that he was Pres. and CEO of CBS and realized that the BB producers would be more than HAPPY to make time for that to happen! LOL  That was really fun to see.


Just my opinion, but I do not think that water poured on Julie was ice water. I know a lot of people who have done the challenge & they all had ice in their bucket, much like her husband. Even if that water was just ice cold w/o the cubes, she would have still screamed & jumped, not just stand there calmly.


I, too, was so relieved Jacosta did not get back in-I could not believe when she was in the lead, then started her stuttering tongue talking to herself.  I was glad it was Nicole, even tho I would have liked to see Zac, but I am afraid that unless she gets HOH right away, she will get put on the block first thing.


ETA: Sorry! Was just voted onto our HOA board, so have those initials on the brain, changed to HOH

Edited by alegtostandon

More water gets wasted in a courtesy flush.



Nigel on So You Think You Can Dance just wrote a check on screen, while doing his own version of the ice bucket challenge-- dropping some ice cubes from a bucket into his highball.  He claimed cardiac issues.  I think he's a wuss.  He could've done warm water.  But good for him for writing a check on screen instead.  


I think CBS has already given the FF prize to Frankie, just by feeding him funny lines.  I was pretty sure he didn't come up with the Brokeback Mountain one.  Then Cody referred to The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight, a 1971 movie I strongly doubt he's ever heard of.  


Then I realized the reason so many contestants over the years use "myself" incorrectly in the DR (as a subject, e.g., "Donny and myself want to evict Frankie...") is because a writer of the DR segments uses it incorrectly and the contestants are literally reading them.

Then I realized the reason so many contestants over the years use "myself" incorrectly in the DR (as a subject, e.g., "Donny and myself want to evict Frankie...") is because a writer of the DR segments uses it incorrectly and the contestants are literally reading them.


That's so true. 


Watch their eyes during the DR segments -- in the early part of Thursday's episode, during Zach's DRs you could clearly see his eyes move back and forth as he was reading off a cue card or a monitor.

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