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It's not considered a spoiler if it has already aired


Sure, but it had only been a few hours since it aired. Give a gal a chance to see the episode before a person puts details in threads other than the episode thread! Some people can't watch the show in real time.   :)



but if it makes you feel any better, you find out pretty much just like that in the episode (somebody simply saying that they broke up)


Wow. No wonder Michael Weatherly's ready to leave the show. The showrunners really aren't giving him much to work with, when they treat character details like sidenotes or afterthoughts.


No one (except maybe Harmon) is irreplaceable on this show, but Weatherly's successor has his (or her) work cut out for them.


Agreed. I do think once Mark Harmon is done, the show is done. There's no original NCIS without Gibbs. But Tony's definitely a main staple for me on that show too. It's going to feel really weird without him there. Kind of like when DiNozzo was still in agent afloat status so he wasn't in the office, and all the other characters kept looking over at his empty desk and missing him. That's how I feel it would be without Weatherly on the show. Like there's going to be an empty desk and it won't feel right if anyone else sits there.

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Wow. No wonder Michael Weatherly's ready to leave the show. The showrunners really aren't giving him much to work with, when they treat character details like sidenotes or afterthoughts.


Or maybe they broke the relationship up because they knew Michael was leaving.  No need to have that in the way of however they plan to end his whole storyline

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Or maybe they broke the relationship up because they knew Michael was leaving.  No need to have that in the way of however they plan to end his whole storyline


Very fair point.


They could have kept him in the relationship and had him leave for new opportunities because he wanted to fully commit to his relationship with her, too. (Which would certainly show a completed growth in his character from the beginning to this point.)


All I can say is, I hope they don't kill him off. I don't want a dead DiNozzo. It would break my heart.

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I also hope they cast carefully and find an actor who's really comfortable joining the cast at this point.  Not a big "name" per se, but not necessarily a newbie either.

Please, please...NOT a "big name".  Whenever a show casts a well-known actor to join a show, it spoils the chemistry and balance for the rest of the cast because the "big name" and his agent(s) get all sorts of special stuff written into the contract.  The "big name" gets guaranteed numbers of featured scenes, and special episodes revolving around his character and on and on...

Remember when Lawrence Fishburne joined Criminal Minds and in just a few weeks the rookie CSI had evolved into "Super Ray"? 

We don't need or want another "super" celebrity...but I'll even take a newbie if that person has the right charisma and talent to enhance the team and not "take over".

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I like DiNozzo but he's been trapped in the number 2 spot for too long - he has already been offered a spot as team-leader once and turned it down and he's starting to remind me of Riker who kept turning down commanding his own ship.

As for his replacement: I'm still bitter agent Borin turned down Gibbs' offer to switch agencies, maybe she'll change her mind now? Though I can't see her playing second fiddle to McGee and Bishop, damn.

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I think Tony is such an integral part that next year might the end of the show. While I'll miss him, I'm glad Michael is moving on. Tony should have made team leader long ago and Michael has been the 2nd lead for too long. I'd bet that he gets his own spinoff soon. As Gibbs would say, you don't waste good.


The way the CBS statement sounded I bet they already have a pilot they are going to pick up starring MW for next season.  Gossip, even before his development deal, has always been that the network was really high on MW and looking for future projects to extend his affiliation with the network. 


I think there is a good chance they know that NCIS is nearing the end and they are making a move for the future and decided to let the mothership end when Harmon leaves instead of tying MW to it until if declines and is cancelled. They probably, rightly, think that NCIS can turn in respectable rating until it ends as long as Harmon is around.  But I think they start dropping with MW leaving.


That's why I think DiNozzo won't get a spinoff.  They have a formula that they can use for that and I don't think MW makes a huge bump to any ne NCIS: City vs. any other named actor.  I think they are trying to use him to build something new for when NCIS and its spinoffs goes the way of CSI and its spinoffs.. 

Edited by ParadoxLost

I did not watch the last few Ziva years, but tuned in when she left. Were there any recurring characters during that time that helped with the team that could possibly take Tony's spot? 


I'd go for Stan Buerle in that case.  He was Tony before Tony, but we never saw that on-screen.  The only glitch is that McGee likely wouldn't be promoted to SFA.  It's not likely in show canon because Stan has probably moved past that professionally.  I just think it'd be neat to actually see something viewers have only heard about or briefly only seen in episodes.

  • Love 1

The way the CBS statement sounded I bet they already have a pilot they are going to pick up starring MW for next season.  Gossip, even before his development deal, has always been that the network was really high on MW and looking for future projects to extend his affiliation with the network. 


I think there is a good chance they know that NCIS is nearing the end and they are making a move for the future and decided to let the mothership end when Harmon leaves instead of tying MW to it until if declines and is cancelled. They probably, rightly, think that NCIS can turn in respectable rating until it ends as long as Harmon is around.  But I think they start dropping with MW leaving.




Hence my "Magnum, PI" speculation earlier. And remember, CBS is working on a new Star Trek series. He would be great in that show as well.


Or maybe they broke the relationship up because they knew Michael was leaving.  No need to have that in the way of however they plan to end his whole storyline

I wonder if this "sudden" breakup with Zoe was done to facilitate a cleaner transition into Tony's realizing that his one true love is Ziva,(or Jeanne??) and leaving  NCIS to be with her.


Not me! I'd rather Tony finally get his own team and just leave for that. I'd rather he leave due to career advancement than any "wuv" reasons.

I concur. I would like to see him advance or something and that is why he is leaving, instead of Ziva drama. I do think it is very probable that the writers (and a lot of fans) want him to walk into the sunset with Ziva.


For me, while Tony is an integral part of the show, I do not think it really is that much of a game changer. I just hope they find a replacement that has chemistry with the team.

I only see this as a game changer because I associate NCIS with Tony's humor at lot of the time.  McGee has his humorous moments, and Jimmy is mostly there for laughs and awkward moments and Abby is Abby.  Mostly though the characters, Vance, McGee, Bishop, and especially Gibbs are on the whole more self-serious than Tony has been.  That's just how I see it.  That's not a slam against the rest of the characters.  Tony's disparagingly called the comic relief, and while I see him as more than that, the comedy is the biggest draw of the show for me.  Might be wrong, but Tony's absence makes the tone of the show change, especially since he was there from the beginning.  How big of a change it ends up being all depends on who else is brought on in the next season if they go ahead with a season 14.  

Edited by Betweenthisandthat
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The DiNozzo character is the lightness that keeps the show from being dark and heavy..even when the story strays that direction.  He is the one that balances the team.  To pull this transition off and keep the show viable the Tim McGee character is going to have to massively evolve. He has grown a lot but unfortunately as a stand alone character he is rather boring.  It is very rare that he has ever been put into situation where he had to carry the scene and I am not at all convinced that Sean Murray can do that on a week to week basis

  • Love 3

Talking about ST, this would be as if Riker left TNG.... of Spock left TOS

Riker tried to leave but ended up staying because he would rather be second-in-command under Picard than have his own ship.  Spock retired to the science academy.


But TOS only lasted 3 seasons and TNG was on for 7.  I'm surprised Michael Weatherly lasted this long with a character that never grew other than in millimetres. Even Mark Harmon wanted more and become the EP for New Orleans.  DiNozzo is still acting like a buffoon too often, still the frat boy, still unable to keep a permanent relationship.  Weatherly is too young to want to stay stuck in that forever (although David McCallum seems quite happy to keep doing what he is).


I hope they give him a good write-out.  Something like moving on to lead his own team and then getting in touch with Ziva again. Make everyone happy, well at least most of the viewers.

The only pro here is that I probably won't have to see Senior after this season ever again.


I agree, DiNozzo as a character has remained too stagnant for too long and I can understand why MW might want to move onto other things. In real life, even if an NCIS agent preferred to remain second in command (which I could see, theoretically, not everyone has the leadership skills or the desire to be the team lead), I don't think his life otherwise would be as stagnant as DiNozzo's has. The writers seem to have never wanted to age Tony or Abby. Gibbs and Ducky are still interesting even if stagnant because they're old enough that they have enough history to keep them interesting. Like how the two young Ducky eps have been hugely popular (here, at least). Tony's schtick has gotten old IMO because his character now has to be what, like 40? and he's still written to act 22 most of the time.

  • Love 2

And now I wish for a spin-off with young Ducky (obviously the spin-off with Agent Borin takes slight precedence).

It sounds as if they will ease off DiNozzo's departure like Ziva's by a couple of episodes with interesting guest stars. I think that method worked quite well so I'm looking forward to seeing seeing a couple of familiar faces again.

Blind Item: Which Drama Is Plotting an Actor's Improbable, Surprise Return?


Kate is being mentioned as a possible choice, and it could make sense.  Glasberg has always seemed to like Kate, and her return could certainly be called improbable.  Speculation is that Tony is critically injured and Kate comes to him as a vision/dream.  It wouldn't necessarily mean that Tony would have to die.  He could, but he could also recover and decide to leave NCIS.  I'd love to see Kate return, and I think it'd be a great nod to series history.  Kate was also there, when Tony was on death's door in SWAK.


Fixed link

Edited by Ohmo

If they brought Kate back for anything other than a flashback or a dream sequence (like Gibbs with Mike Franks), I would be pissed. Not because I didn't like Kate -- she was fine -- but because she's dead and buried. We even saw her in the coffin. To have her mysteriously pretending to be dead all this time, through Ziva's run, through Bishop's run, through all the changes in NCIS, would be really ridiculous and I would be so annoyed with the writers and showrunners for trying to pull that in the eleventh hour of the show. She shouldn't come back as an alive character. Nothing would explain it enough for me. It's been too long.

  • Love 5

I think the actor quit because Don Bellisario was creating what she thought of as a hostile work environment.

The way Sasha said it, in the season one dvd, she wasn't used to working on shows that made it through the pilot and told him she wanted out. Bellisario then had to rewrite the finale. And then Sasha was shocked when she read that he'd killed her off.

Yes, he was notorious for long hours and last minute script changes, which led to Harmon ousting him off as show runner after the fifth season, but other actors from his other shows have nothing but good things to say about him.

The way Sasha said it, in the season one dvd, she wasn't used to working on shows that made it through the pilot and told him she wanted out. Bellisario then had to rewrite the finale. And then Sasha was shocked when she read that he'd killed her off.


As an addendum to this story, which has admittedly become lore, so I expect the truth is in here somewhere.  However, we may not know where that truth is.  Anyway, I've always heard that DPB was irritated at Sasha not only for having to re-write the finale, but for leaving period.  That's why he took a flamethrower to all things Kate---so Sasha couldn't come back.  I think Glasberg really likes Kate (and always has).  I can completely see him trying to bring the character back.  I don't think anyone is theorizing that Kate is coming back alive, though.  The prevailing thought is the Franks-esque scenario.


Yes, he was notorious for long hours and last minute script changes, which led to Harmon ousting him off as show runner after the fifth season, but other actors from his other shows have nothing but good things to say about him.


The difference there, though, is that Scott Bakula, Tom Selleck, and David James Elliott/Catherine Bell all became big names on DPB's shows.  Mark already was an established name with a big-ass resume of things that had zilch to do with DPB.  I think the reason this didn't happen before Mark is the other actors didn't gain enough leverage against DPB to do anything until late in their series runs.  So, at that point why kick up a fuss and poison any future opportunities by getting into it with a guy who still had pull in the industry?


Mark Harmon didn't need DPB to become a big star.  He already was one before NCIS began, and I think he didn't like what he saw.  He had enough power and credentials in his own right that I don't think anyone on any previous Bellasario show had.  Mark was never as "beholden" to DPB as many of his other series stars might have been.


Plus, at the time this all went down, Bellasario was kind of "riding off into the sunset."  He hasn't done anything of great note since, so I'd expect people to still say nice things about DPB, especially if he helped make their careers possible.  No sense piling on the guy.  Just let him fade from the scene quietly, which is what has happened.

  • Love 1

True about Mark Harmon. And I didn't mean to imply anything negative about him because I do so love him!

But I also like DPB, and the great shows he gave me! And everyone has said he was not a laid back sort of guy- he was gruff and whenever he came in set on JAG, everyone would be nervous and uptight, according to David Jamee Elliot.

True about Mark Harmon. And I didn't mean to imply anything negative about him because I do so love him!


Oh, I know.  I simply meant that NCIS was in a unique situation (at least unique in my awareness of behind-the-scenes events) of an actor's "street cred" hammer  being as big or bigger than the EP's hammer.  Usually, the EPs win that type of battle because they had a hand in "building" the career of the actor in question.  Mark came into the situation on fairly even footing with DPB, and then gained even more footing to oust DPB.


Another thing I find interesting is that Mark saw something in NCIS to cause him to use his hammer.  Just because you have something doesn't mean you're required to use it.  I mean, JAG was 10 seasons, but many DPB series were between 5-7 years.  NCIS was in between years 4-5 at the time.  Mark could have rode it out 1-2 more years, and the series might have called it a day at year 7.  That's a perfectly reasonable run for a TV show, but Mark decided to use some of his celebrity "capital," and look where we are.  That doesn't mean I agree with every storyline decision, but I'm impressed at Mark's ability to see potential longevity.  DPB could have continued to drive the car at 90 miles an hour for 5-7 years instead of the three cars (for the three parts of the franchise) that are still on the road now.  Mark's not responsible for the creation of all three cars, but they would have been far less likely if the first car had been driven off the road into a ditch.

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