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S09.E19: Reunion Part 1

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So Alex McCord thinks Shannon was very calculating about everything she did this season & knew exactly what she was doing by putting out her marriage for our entertainment.  Believe this?


Alex inside source is almost verbatim what Tamra said a few days ago.  It is posted over on the Tamra thread.  I was a little disappointed in Alex.  From "Scary Night" at Tamra's, Heather was criticizing Shannon for putting her marriage out there when Shannon said she wished David would ask her to get away for the weekend.  So I think Alex is a little full of it this time.

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I actually do believe it. A number of HW's and HW couples go through marriage troubles on the shows, but never before has a new couple been introduced to viewers as maybe separating/contemplating divorce. We didn't even know them yet, and yet here they were crying on another HW's shoulder (who also didn't know them), and feeling sad and asking for sympathy. It was just so weird. And a lot of us (including me!) said this at the time. Plus, how did the season end? With Shannon and David "stronger than ever" and back in love. Color me shocked! So Shannon (undoubtedly aided by a producer) strategizing this plot point? I believe it.

Completely agree.  The fact that she started putting issues with her marriage out there first thing always troubled me. She never said that she hadn't watched the show before, as the matter of fact she acted like she had. For this reason, it seemed beyond strange for her to be so open and so nasty to her husband from the beginning. Then there was what appeared to be this resolution that I guess took place over lunch in PR? I have seen folks change on these shows, but generally when they do it is after the season, after they have watched themselves and read what the fans had to say about them. The fact that she made what appears to be a total and complete change in the way she viewed/treated her marriage after a conversation over lunch - a conversation that I would assume looked and sounded like other conversations they had had never rang true to me when it was happening.  It was also entirely too personal (while also fascinating) for me to believe they didn't plan it out in advance. 


My question is: was their marriage ever actually in any trouble? I always thought they/she was purposely playing this up for the cameras, but I am indecisive on whether or not I believe they had marital problems. On the one hand, Shannon was very believable in her hurt and anger, but on the other hand it is so hard to believe that anyone could legitimately be that pissed at someone all the time. 

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Jesus, enough of all the anecdotal evidence of men not preferring bangs. Some people like them. You don't. We get it.

Tamra threw Alexis out of her party. Heather asked the nut bag AKA Shannon to leave. Big difference. Shannon looked like an old fool. Wait until next season. She will be eviserated.

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I agree that David is attractive but I disliked his voice immediately. He does have funny coloring or something.


It's funny that Shannon's tagline is "The OC is full of secrets but I've got nothing to hide." Oh, but I think you do Shannon. I get a strong David-infidelity vibe from them. I did long before the reunion and the talk of him being a flirt and Shannon's downcast eyes, which were heartbreaking. I always had a thought about it in the back of my mind. David seems a little too cocksure and Shannon has the demeanor of someone who has been knocked down pegs and has low self esteem. Infidelity rings true here. Also why she was picking at him all the time. She is sad/angry at him and that is how she shows him, even unconsiously. I am 90 percent positive that I'm right. Shannon is looking hot now. If David is a cheater I hope she gets the confidence to leave him.



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Yeah, this gave me a really hearty belly laugh.  Who the fuck did Vicks ever think she was fooling with that crap she was busy "working" till midnite?  Who could she be selling insurance to at midnite or 2 in the morning?  As much as she got on Gretchen & Slade for their bullshit, Vicks spouted off plenty of bullshit of her own.


I got the impression the way she was talkin' bout Brooks, she's still with him.  Anyone else?

Oh yeah, I think she's still with Brooks as he seems to put up with her idiocy(IMHO), when no one else can.  I think Vicki has to have a man in her life to make her feel complete.  My opinion from watching her for many years on this show.  I don't think she could bear being alone; she'd fall apart and scream even more than she does now.

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I don't know if I believe that Shannon completely fabricated and engineered the marriage issues story line.  1) I don't really Alex's opinion. and 2) I'm sure the producers interview new cast members ahead of time and ask them about their family life, marriage, job etc..so if Shannon said anything about the marriage not being 100%, the producers exploited that and she went along with it.  Maybe being interviewed about the marriage issues made she realize what was wrong and took that opportunity to fix....


honestly, this is sounding way too positive for a HoWife so maybe I;m completely wrong, LOL!!!

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I don't know if I believe that Shannon completely fabricated and engineered the marriage issues story line.  1) I don't really Alex's opinion. and 2) I'm sure the producers interview new cast members ahead of time and ask them about their family life, marriage, job etc..so if Shannon said anything about the marriage not being 100%, the producers exploited that and she went along with it.  Maybe being interviewed about the marriage issues made she realize what was wrong and took that opportunity to fix....


honestly, this is sounding way too positive for a HoWife so maybe I;m completely wrong, LOL!!!

I think the marriage problems were probably real, and that this was what Shannon was going to be about. She didn't hide it on camera or off. I think the problem came in when she sort of flipped the story. After talking about it so openly with everyone, she became upset to find that others were talking about it.  Heather came closer to breaking the 4th wall than I have ever seen her do at the reunion. She was apologizing for repeating the info in the text, and then said something like "I didn't think it was that big of a deal at the time". I think what she was saying was that everyone knew that they were having issues because Shannon had told everyone this was the case. She wasn't trying to hide it certainly on camera and had discussed it with them off camera.


At the end of the day she is reality gold. Anyone who is willing to show so much of the ugly underbelly of their life is going to be willing to go places on the show that others might be reluctant to go. She played it very well, whether planned or not. She is not responsible for the ugly way the others behaved and it all made her look better in the end. She will be fine next year as well. It will be the next year that she will be in trouble. The 3rd season edit is the motherfucker.  

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This is actually a pretty interesting point. Vicki IS from a fairly small and isolated area as far as diversity is concerned. And, then she picked up and moved to Orange County, which again, is not know for it's diversity or culture - no offense to current OC residents.


Vicki is what I call willfully ignorant. What I mean by that is that she went from one area with little to no diversity, and willfully moved to a much more affluent version of the same. Diversity is not on Vicki's radar because she simply isn't surrounded by it and because she is a total narcissist. 

It doesn't excuse her behavior at all. But, it is what it is. As long as she chooses to be willfully ignorant, she will continue to have these gaffes. 

I'm not offended, but I do think people outside of OC probably think we all live in Coto or Newport, at least in part thanks to this show. We actually have one of the largest Asian communities in the US, the infamous Little Saigon. We also have a healthy hispanic population and definitely a strong gay population,


I agree that Vicki is a narcissist, as most of these women seem to be, and that she chooses to remain ignorant because she really can't be bothered to be any other way.  


I was a bit surprised to read that she let her house go on a short sale. While that won't affect her credit like a straight out foreclosure would, it will prevent her from financing another home for at least 4 years. If the property was valued at a bit over $500,000 and assuming she owes more than the property is worth, quite frankly a mortgage of that size should be workable for a women with her much touted business success. I have a good friend that sells insurance in the OC and she makes a very good living, without the 

TV exposure that the Vickster has.


It seems that the vast majority of these women really do live their lives in some smoke and mirrors Universe.

Lizzie was similarly bashful about it on WWHL and then admitted she didn't like talking about it out of respect for Christian's feelings, which I buy.

I might have bought that too if she hadn't emasculated her husband on national television is what I do believe was the nastiest thing I have ever seen one of the howives, or anyone for that matter, say to a spouse.


She's worried about his feelings. Yeah. That ship has sailed.

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Maybe not.  I think it's unfortunate a lot of women strongly believe this & are insecure cuz of it or stick with long hair to the grave -- or as long as they can, merely cuz they think that's the only kinda hair that gives straight men boners.  It's not.  My point is most straight men are likely to be pretty open to women having various hairstyles -- not just the Marcia Brady/Kyle Richards long curtain hair look. There are tons of super hot actresses & models men dig, who have various hair lengths, styles & textures.  Patti Stanger is full of crap & I strongly disagree with whoever said men don't like bangs cuz a few of her friends don't like bangs.  That's completely ridiculous to me.


I've suspected Heather actually has poofy, frizzy, curly hair naturally.  This Cleopatra 'do is really best suited for those with naturally straight hair.  The reason Heather's looks kinda oddball is probably cuz her stylist had to flat iron the fuck out of it & it just doesn't look right.  Vicks has said she straightens her hair.  And her hair did look pretty dead straight at the reunion, but it did look fairly nice.  Now how would Vicks look with bangs?  Well, like Heather, if they're not so severe, and maybe sorta side-swept, maybe not bad.  Heather's stylist sucks.

Vicki has bangs now.

Edited by Higgins
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From the first time I saw Terry I felt like he could easily lick his nose.... ick, I know. 


And I cant believe no one (that I've read) has mentioned the fact that Heather has had her lips DONE and  waaay too done.  I knew something beside the new hairdo was off about her, so I went to my trusty dvr and checked out how she looked in the hoedown episode.  Small upper lip, normal bottom lip.  Going back to rewatch the reunion episode it was obvious she'd had them done. Especially the upper one.  Wonder if she decided to get bangs to distract attention from the huge upper lip with wiiiide V inbetween the top lip?  It made her so sour looking when she was listening to Shannon.  Much more puckered than normal.  It's that new lip.  


I noticed that oddly shaped upper lip too with the big V too!

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Maybe not.  I think it's unfortunate a lot of women strongly believe this & are insecure cuz of it or stick with long hair to the grave -- or as long as they can, merely cuz they think that's the only kinda hair that gives straight men boners.  It's not.  My point is most straight men are likely to be pretty open to women having various hairstyles -- not just the Marcia Brady/Kyle Richards long curtain hair look. There are tons of super hot actresses & models men dig, who have various hair lengths, styles & textures.  Patti Stanger is full of crap & I strongly disagree with whoever said men don't like bangs cuz a few of her friends don't like bangs.  That's completely ridiculous to me.


I've suspected Heather actually has poofy, frizzy, curly hair naturally.  This Cleopatra 'do is really best suited for those with naturally straight hair.  The reason Heather's looks kinda oddball is probably cuz her stylist had to flat iron the fuck out of it & it just doesn't look right.  Vicks has said she straightens her hair.  And her hair did look pretty dead straight at the reunion, but it did look fairly nice.  Now how would Vicks look with bangs?  Well, like Heather, if they're not so severe, and maybe sorta side-swept, maybe not bad.  Heather's stylist sucks.


Who are these "straight males that don't care about hair" that you have come across?  The style of the long hair doesn't matter, but very few men I've come across seem to be open to anything that isn't medium length to long hair .  They aren't as open as you think. You, as a gay male, might be more open, but I've never met a straight guy who loved short hair on women.


On Heather's hair, I agree.  I didn't think her hair looked shiny and healthy.  I saw what looked to be hair with a lot of breakage caused by over use of a flat iron.  I personally don't think that woman is attractive at all even without the bangs.  You have to load her down with a ton of cosmetics before she even looks like there's an attractive feature. With what appears to be cheek implants and a very bony face, she looks like the joker to me.


If you don't believe me, do a google search on studies performed.




From the article:


"This one, unfortunately, is true: Men prefer longer hair.

According to studies, men are generally more attracted to women whose hair flows past their shoulders. In one study, women's images were digitally altered to give them short, long, and medium-length hair. Men rated the same faces as more attractive when they were attached to more hair. In another study, long and medium-length hair improved male raters' evaluation of female subjects' health."


.For me personally, I wear my hair medium length because that is the most flattering cut.  Short hair makes me look like a pinhead!

Edited by sasha206
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I just watched part 1 of the reunion a second time and have picked out a few of the quotable quotes from the brain-dead divas


Heather: (about her new bangs) "you know what? gotta be in it to win it" (or be married to a millionaire plastic surgeon with a jaw the size of Chicago)


Tamra: "Eddie wouldn't touch Lizzie's Kentucky fried titties with a ten-foot pole"  (wanna bet?)


Tamra: (screaming voice)  "THAT'S MY O-PIN-ION!!" 


Vicki: (regarding the comment Brooks made about beating her and calling her a whore)  "We all get a hall-pass at least one time". 


Heather: (regarding ordering Shannon out of her house) "I didn't kick you out of my house, I asked you to leave". (duh)


Just my own personal opinion but, for a bunch of women that probably don't have more than a couple of hormones to rub together between them, they all still act like 15 year old raging hormonal teenager princesses. It makes me realize how lucky I am that I'm not rich, not famous, not glamorous and not ambitious. At least I am not caught on camera saying stupid shit that I do say once in a while then have it replayed for millions of people to see how dumb I can be sometimes.


Totally agree.  I'm trying to give them a bit of a break knowing that they have to create some sort of drama so the semantic arguments are par for course, but still.  I can't imagine being so desperate for fame that I would subject my family to these ridiculous antics.  While I guess there will always be those people in the world that flock to celebrities, even if they are reality show ones, I can't imagine running a business and having this type of dirty laundry airing.  

Edited by sasha206
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I agree that David is attractive but I disliked his voice immediately. He does have funny coloring or something.


And he never blinks.


If David is a cheater I hope she gets the confidence to leave him.


If he's a cheater (still cheating), I hope she can leave him.  If he's cheated in the past, I hope they can move on together.  I like them as a couple and I think their family is adorable.

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Are they going to stretch the reunion out to 3 parts?  If yes, that's so ridiculous. Also, I hope there are only two parts so I can stop watching and posting about this ridiculous show. I am ashamed of myself for caring the tiniest bit about these howives!!!!

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My question is: was their marriage ever actually in any trouble? I always thought they/she was purposely playing this up for the cameras, but I am indecisive on whether or not I believe they had marital problems. On the one hand, Shannon was very believable in her hurt and anger, but on the other hand it is so hard to believe that anyone could legitimately be that pissed at someone all the time.


I've told this story on that other board but I think it may give some insight into what I think happened with Shannon's story.


I friend of mine was working with a well known radio show physiatrist here in LA. They were putting together a TV show based on "conflict" issues to shop around but they didn't have much of a budget for it so non union me was asked along with my boyfriend to act out a "conflict." We decided how we were going to approach it and in front of the cameras boyfriend tossed in something very real and it hit me in the gut. Shit got real in a supposedly fake role play.


So Shannon may or may not have planned to use her marriage as a story line but I do think "shit got real" in a way she didn't intend.

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I still don't understand why David lost 25 pounds. He may have had a very slight middle aged male stomach, but only very slight. 


Maybe he did it for health reasons, high blood pressure, cholesterol...?


I don't get it either.  The loss of weight makes him look unhealthy in my opinion.

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I agree that Vicki is a narcissist, as most of these women seem to be, and that she chooses to remain ignorant because she really can't be bothered to be any other way.  

Imo, Vicki isn't really stupid or ignorant.  I think she thinks it's cute to act the part of 'dumb, fun blonde'.  All the whoo-hoo'ing, the ignorance about the simplest concepts, the wide eyed deer-in-the-headlights look she often gets. Even occasionally pretending you're a dumbass isn't cute on a 22 year old, certainly not cute on someone 30 years older.  Donn often struck me the same way. They should get back together.  Match made in heaven.


Also she's aware that her feigned ignorance buys a lot of passes for her bad behavior.


ETA:  LOL, Jeanette - David, Vicki, Donn - wide eyed and bushy tailed.

Edited by ryebread
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I still don't understand why David lost 25 pounds. He may have had a very slight middle aged male stomach, but only very slight. 


Maybe he did it for health reasons, high blood pressure, cholesterol...?

I think it's the TV curse.  People see themselves on TV and decide that, compared to actors, they look heavy.  A lot of reality TV people have lost weight after they first see themselves.  To me, he looked healthy.  Now he looks a bit gaunt.  As long as he's happy and healthy, it's not my concern.  It just takes the glisten off the eye candy for me.  

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I don't get it either.  The loss of weight makes him look unhealthy in my opinion.

He's teetering on gaunt.


Maybe  men are like women, in that, once they hit middle age they have to choose:  Face or ass

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I have seen photos of Vicki when she and Donn were newlyweds and she had that adorable, dimple-cheeked, pouffy-hair cuteness. But now that she's older, it just looks sad and pathetic. She's getting on my nerves with her screeching and 'woohoo's'. I think it should be illegal at her age.  I would recommend a punishment fitting her crime like forcing her to wear granny underwear, or being forced to watch Amish Mafia three hours a day, or only allowed to purchase clothes from Target, or not allowed to posses any blemish concealer.


or any.  I'll take underwire bra for $400 Alex. 



He's teetering on gaunt.


Maybe  men are like women, in that, once they hit middle age they have to choose:  Face or ass


Dammit man, I was eating.    He really should've chosen ass.  As it is I wasn't expecting there to be anything interest to look at back there.

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I have a theory about Shannon.  According to earlier reports Shannon by-passed the normal audition process as apparently she knew someone in production.  What makes for a good producer is being able to seize on a weakness or strength of one of these potential HWs.  With Shannon I think they certainly saw a wealthy middle-aged HW who felt she was undervalued.  The production person had probably been around the Beadors and what they called "banter" realized would be reality TV gold.  I believe Shannon nit-picked David to death, not because she cared about the minor offense but because she felt he would not come off well on camera.  Things like chomping on chips, eating with his mouth full, not buying enough wine-clearly you can see a fully stocked wine cellar in their home's for sale photos. 


So after a couple months of being in these contrived situations I think David's e-mail had to do more with him moving out during filming because it was a stressful and negative experience.  I believe Shannon told her line producer, who suggested she bring it up with Tamra.  By all accounts the original disclosure of the David e-mail was over the phone.  Who knows by the time it was re-enacted for the cameras, David and Shannon could have made up.  I do believe that Tamra was ticked at Heather telling the group of outsiders because I think Tamra wanted a "intervention moment" with Shannon, where the other women (except Vicki) would confront Shannon about her drinking, sad soul (never a compliment or an empathetic term) and bad marriage.  I feel as if Tamra got the rug pulled out from under her because she wanted to be able on camera, to talk about David being a flirt, to further undermine Shannon's confidence and destroy any likeabilty David had garnered.  At this time she pretty much had Danielle, Lizzie and Heather on board.


Once the went to PV, the Beador marriage had changed and Shannon and David seemed to b more on board with the Vicki position of work it out and stay together.


By the time they reached Lizzie's party there was only one way for Tamra to take center stage  and that was to bring up the "take the Beadors down" comment. I think Terry did say it and far more.  I don't think Tamra could have predicted that David was going to stick by Shannon no matter what happened.  So in spite of her grabbing Shannon's face and chasing after Shannon, Tamra was short changed-Shannon didn't get physical with her.  Why that issue hasn't been raised at the Reunion is beyond me.


With little left of the season, the Beador marriage apparently back on track there wasn't much else for Tamra to attack.  She been outed as a liar and Heather as a mean Heather.  Post-season, Tamra once again starts rumors, because after all she is the beacon of truth and the darling of the producers, to try and quash any popularity that Shannon and David have gathered over the season.  So did someone probably mention that marriage break up scenes make for good ratings-probably and it would not surprise me if it were Tamra.

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I agree with the poster who named Shannon as the MVP of the season.  Her storyline really engaged me whether it was manufactured or not.  OC is getting old -- what are we on the 8th or 9th season by now?  Shannon and David were a breath of fresh air and their problems seemed real -- you know, marriage troubles, alcohol use, depression -- these are things that people can easily relate to rather than the same boring, freeze-dried manufactured cat fights that the Housewives are known for.  I also like someone coming on the show who can give Heather a run for her money. Everyone else is afraid if Heather -- even Tamra and Vicki. They seem very intimidated by her even as they gently mock "miss fancy pants."  See, I think Shannon has almost as much money and better taste than fancy pants plus she's a lot more likable because she is willing to show vulnerability and human flaws.  Fancy Pants always has to be Miss Perfect -- you know, the richest, prettiest, smartest, skinniest girl in class who married a wealthy doctor who worships the ground she walks on. Barf.  


Don't get me wrong -- Shannon can be hella annoying (I hated the way she nagged David earlier in the season) but overall I really dig her.  And Iove that she's a little nutty with the New Age hobbies and crystals. She's more like a real person with good and bad qualities.  Unlike the others who are really more like cartoon characters at this point.  One thing I can say for sure: I don's miss Gretchen and Slade.

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From the clip posted upthread, Alex McCord addressing why she doesn't like the Beadors:


LOLOL.  Whoo boy.  Alex, did you even WATCH yourself on RHONY? 


I think she and Simon take the prize for the silliest and most pretentious couple on any of the franchises. Ever.

Johan, Francois and the French au pair agree ! But you know, it's always nice to be photographed.

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what I loved about this season is that I compare notes with two other friends on Facebook every Tuesday morning and it's like we are watching different shows! They both are pro Dubrows while I am firmly in the Shannon and David camp. I can't see what they like about Heather and Terry AT ALL but yet they think they are the ones that are by far the richest, most sophisticated and intelligent couple ever to be seen on RHOOC. And all the rest of the housewives are just jealous. I can't wait for next week!

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Oh yeah, I think she's still with Brooks as he seems to put up with her idiocy(IMHO), when no one else can.



Isn't that his job?  Doesn't Vicki sign his checks?  ...and he loves being on the teevee, walking the occasional red carpet, party invitations, luxury cars, dining at the best places, and having SugarMama buy him whatever he wants.  A creepy grifter like Brooks probably counts his lucky stars every night that he isn't moving from flophouse to flophouse.

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Vicki has bangs now.


I noticed she kinda does, doesn't she?  But I was wondering how she'd look with Heather full-on bangs.  Might look kinda cute on her.  Right now Vick's "bangs" are swept to the side & not as severe as Heather's at the reunion.  I think it looks pretty good on her.  She clearly doesn't have the same stylist as Heather cuz her stylist is good.


He does have funny coloring or something.


I know what you mean.  His coloring looked off.  Can't put my finger on it, but just didn't look like his natural coloring.  That & the apparent weight loss made him look gaunt & kinda sickly.  Now I don't know if it was tanning or bad lighting, but David didn't look so great to me.

I read a study wherein women with bangs have a better chance of being the victim of terrorism than finding a man.


If ya got bangs & money, ya can buy a man, right?  Patti Stanger has bangs & she got a man.  Vicks sorta has bangs & she got a man.  Is there a pattern here?  Idk.  Discuss among yourselves please . . .   :-)

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Fancy Pants always has to be Miss Perfect -- you know, the richest, prettiest, smartest, skinniest girl in class who married a wealthy doctor who worships the ground she walks on. Barf.  

She'll never allow herself to get 'messy'.  Which, sorry folks, brings me back to her reunion bangs. Her new hairstyle looks wrong because it's too perfect.  Too sharp on such a sharp, hard angled face.  If she would allow herself to be less than perfect, her hair would literally fall into place and look better.  Fluff it out, lighten it up, put a few messy layers into it.  But she won't because every.single.hair has to be in it's place.  Always in all ways. Just like every single detail of her life.  She's tighter than a frog's ass in water.  Heather thinks her hair is perfect but to me, this is bang perfection.  Have we ever even seen Fancy Pants in a Messy Ponytail?


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 ...and he loves being on the teevee, walking the occasional red carpet, party invitations, luxury cars, dining at the best places, and having SugarMama buy him whatever he wants.  


Like new teeth.

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She'll never allow herself to get 'messy'.


Well, there's no way she could get that messy look naturally.  Her shit stylist flat ironed the fuck outta her hair to get that look.  That's why it looks so severe.  You're absolutely right tho.  A much better stylist woulda worked more on her hair to get a slightly (or more than slightly) messier look, which woulda looked a billion times better.  But would that have been Heather's style -- to have a messier look?  Kinda doubt it.

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Alex McCord was never the brightest Housewife. She derides Shannon for placing too much emphasis on "pretentious" considerations like cotillion when one of her most famous moments on the NY franchise involved her defending her footwear because, "they're Louis Vuitton!" And she was epically put in her place by the Countess during that entire exchange, too.


The entire premise that Shannon devised the narrative arc we saw play out with her and David presupposes that she is apparently some sort of calculating mastermind. Just a couple of episodes ago, however, she was "unhinged," "crazy," "off the rails."

I never saw any evidence of that; to me, the normal reaction to finding oneself in a Rod Serlingesque inversion of reality where a co-worker can assault you by repeatedly grabbing your face in front of numerous other co-workers yet you get diagnosed by a woman with a theater degree as needing an ambulance would include distress, astonishment, and are-you-fucking-kidding-me anger. But the two notions are mutually exclusive, in my opinion.


I do think Shannon approached her time on the show with shades of the poor-little-rich-girl syndrome that seems to be a recurring theme on this franchise in which, despite the leisure and financial opportunity to do basically anything they want with their time, various wives still find something to complain about, that something usually being their husbands. Heather did it last season. And there were precursors to her storyline, too. Shannon probably thought she would be able to situate herself as a sympathetic/neglected/underappreciated spouse. To me, it seemed she was initially operating under the misapprehension that the sine qua non of the show were the individual lives of the cast rather than nightmarish free-for-alls in a Kafkaesque loony bin where two women who don't know the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus try to gaslight you.




Jesus, enough of all the anecdotal evidence of men not preferring bangs. Some people like them. You don't. We get it.

Tamra threw Alexis out of her party. Heather asked the nut bag AKA Shannon to leave. Big difference. Shannon looked like an old fool. Wait until next season. She will be eviserated.


I don't understand how this is even still a point of contention for Heather when she herself, on footage that was broadcast nationally, described her own actions as, "I had to kick her out of my house."

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what I loved about this season is that I compare notes with two other friends on Facebook every Tuesday morning and it's like we are watching different shows! They both are pro Dubrows while I am firmly in the Shannon and David camp. I can't see what they like about Heather and Terry AT ALL but yet they think they are the ones that are by far the richest, most sophisticated and intelligent couple ever to be seen on RHOOC. And all the rest of the housewives are just jealous. I can't wait for next week!

So you're friends with Satan and his bride?  j/k

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David is handsome and likable but his skin is the color of Silly Putty and his eyes bulge out like Barbara Bush's. Wonder if he has Graves Disease (thyroid condition) like she had?  Still, he's one of the best husbands across the franchise, squeaky voice and all.  If only Miss Terry's late brother were still alive -- would be funny to see a visit from Quiet Riot heavy metal lead singer Kevin on the show.  Imagine him (a notorious womanizer/coke head) hanging out with Fancy Pants?

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Still not messy....



Another example of her need for robotic perfection:  remember the 80's party?  The one where Vicks went ballistic on the ne'er do well Slade?  Yeah, that one.  Well all the other ladies, did the 80s proud.  Dressed like dime store Madonnas or Valley Girls.  They weren't afraid to look ridiculous for the occasion. But not Miss Fancy Pants.  She went as one of Robert Palmer's Addicted to Love girls.  Eye and lip liner so sharp it could kill a man.  Hair slicked back so tight there was no need for Botox.  Apparently practiced perfection is her schtick but I wonder if she's as demanding of her children as she is of herself.  She must be a riot in the bedroom.

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I don't understand how this is even still a point of contention for Heather when she herself, on footage that was broadcast nationally, described her own actions as, "I had to kick her out of my house."


This for me too.  In fact, what is with these people who out right lie or won't admit they are wrong in the face of the frickin' video evidence?  Does it not register with them that they are being taped?  Or maybe they just can't keep their stories straight; it's harder to remember a lie than the truth I guess.

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Alex McCord was never the brightest Housewife. She derides Shannon for placing too much emphasis on "pretentious" considerations like cotillion when one of her most famous moments on the NY franchise involved her defending her footwear because, "they're Louis Vuitton!" And she was epically put in her place by the Countess during that entire exchange, too.


The entire premise that Shannon devised the narrative arc we saw play out with her and David presupposes that she is apparently some sort of calculating mastermind. Just a couple of episodes ago, however, she was "unhinged," "crazy," "off the rails."

I never saw any evidence of that; to me, the normal reaction to finding oneself in a Rod Serlingesque inversion of reality where a co-worker can assault you by repeatedly grabbing your face in front of numerous other co-workers yet you get diagnosed by a woman with a theater degree as needing an ambulance would include distress, astonishment, and are-you-fucking-kidding-me anger. But the two notions are mutually exclusive, in my opinion.


I do think Shannon approached her time on the show with shades of the poor-little-rich-girl syndrome that seems to be a recurring theme on this franchise in which, despite the leisure and financial opportunity to do basically anything they want with their time, various wives still find something to complain about, that something usually being their husbands. Heather did it last season. And there were precursors to her storyline, too. Shannon probably thought she would be able to situate herself as a sympathetic/neglected/underappreciated spouse. To me, it seemed she was initially operating under the misapprehension that the sine qua non of the show were the individual lives of the cast rather than nightmarish free-for-alls in a Kafkaesque loony bin where two women who don't know the difference between a dictionary and a thesaurus try to gaslight you.





I don't understand how this is even still a point of contention for Heather when she herself, on footage that was broadcast nationally, described her own actions as, "I had to kick her out of my house."

What is interesting is when Alex gave her commentary on the episode about Cotillion she mentioned she had attended Cotillion.  Given the number of events her two boys were enrolled and the bragging about the number of languages they spoke it was a little pot calling kettle black. So I think Alex does like to swim in the pretention pool on occasion.  I always thought the purpose for the Cotillion mention was to maybe show the Beador girls as being well rounded.  They are obviously enrolled in sporting activities so I took this as another side of busy high income suburbia children. Shannon gets them massages and Cotillion, David coaches their sports teams and takes the overseas trip.  I actually would not mind seeing what the Dubrow children are involved in.  I am thinking the Dubrow children could use some acting lessons because their scenes are just so unbelievable.

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Who are these "straight males that don't care about hair" that you have come across?  The style of the long hair doesn't matter, but very few men I've come across seem to be open to anything that isn't medium length to long hair .  They aren't as open as you think. You, as a gay male, might be more open, but I've never met a straight guy who loved short hair on women.


Well, I wasn't referring to super short hair.  My guess would be most men wouldn't prefer that at all.  I just think the idea that men only like super long Kyle Richards curtain hair seems dumb to me.  Anyhoo, Miss Terry really didn't look thrilled with Heather's 'do.  Altho I think that had more to do with that he thought it was covering up his handiwork.  Btw, your implication that my opinion should not be considered, or easily dismissed, because I am gay is extremely offensive.


It's interesting to me how some women just don't get it.  I may be gay, but I get it.  Straight men like women.  It's more than about hair.  Yeah, most will say they don't like short hair, but there's a ton of styles they'll find hot.  Fact is they're mostly dumb about hair & really don't know what they like -- altho a pixie cut probably won't do.   A good friend of mine is one of the top stylists here in NYC & he says a lot of it is just about changing it up -- but not too much, altho sometimes a big change is a good thing.


I mean look at Tams.  She's stuck with a style she's had since 1986.  She'll be 80 years old and still trying to look like a high school cheerleader.  Man, she looked so fuckin' weird at the reunion.  The hair, the face -- it all looked weird (yeah, I'm using that word -- fuck off, Aviva).

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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