TheCouchPotato October 24, 2022 Share October 24, 2022 (edited) I am finding this season a bit upsetting. Gizelle is taking all the suffering that so many women went through and belittling it for the sake of a story line. Chris needs to flip the script and claim harassment. For someone that is "uncomfortable," she has no issues embracing him and discussing his private parts. It's wrong and Bravo should give her the boot for trying to destroy an innocent person's reputation. Edited October 24, 2022 by TheCouchPotato 3 5 1 6 Link to comment
drivethroo October 24, 2022 Share October 24, 2022 (edited) Zapruder, part 2 Gizelle & Candiace (from previous episode): Producers asks Gizelle why she's telling Candiace this. Gizelle says if Chris is going around making the women feel uncomfortable, Candiace needs to know so Candiace can nip it in the bud or Chris will keep doing it.* Gizelle tells Candiace she wanted to talk to Candiace in light of Chris DMing Ashley. Candiace smiles. Gizelle tells her there was a situation where Chris made Gizelle feel uncomfortable. Candiace smiles. Candiace asks, what happened? Gizelle says at the reunion she and Chris were talking in the hallway when he asked if he could talk to her in her room. Gizelle said sure because her glam was in the room so come on. When they get to the room, her glam was gone and she felt uncomfortable.** Candiace asks Gizelle if Chris did or said anything and Gizelle says no. Candiace says right, because he wouldn't do that. Candiace asks, what happened? Gizelle says it was late and she really doesn't remember exactly what Chris said*** but she didn't want to be alone in a hotel room with a married man. Gizelle says she told Kal the next day what happened and Kal says Chris knew Kal was not in the room because Chris told Kal goodbye to him Candiace asks if it's Chris' time to be attacked and says he sees the other women as sisters Gizelle tells Candiace that Candiace cannot diminish how she feels Candiace looks at the camera and asks "is this what we're doing?" She picks up her bag and storms off. Gizelle smirks Candiace vents to the producer while the other cast members (particularly Ashley) wonder what's going on. Candiace leaves. *Why is Candiace being held responsible for Chris' "actions"? Was Ashley held responsible for Michael's actions? Was Ashley expected to apologize to the rest of the group for Michael's actions? **If Gizelle saw that her glam was gone and the room empty, why did she go in the room with Chris? ***Gizelle told Karen, Robyn and even Candiace that Chris said/did nothing inappropriate but in the same conversation with Candiace, claims she doesn't know exactly what Chris said but it made her uncomfortable. Make it make sense. Quote I am finding this season a bit upsetting. Gizelle is taking all the suffering that so many women went through and belittling it for the sake of a story line. In my personal experience, I have known women who either have done this or have threatened to do this. Which is why I don't think it's a bad idea for men to make sure they are not alone with women they are not married to or related to. Gizelle and Chris both agree nothing inappropriate was said, nothing inappropriate was done. But Gizelle "feeling" uncomfortable cannot be can't be argued with about your feelings, your feelings are what they are and your feelings can't be right or wrong. Should Chris apologize for making Gizelle 'FEEL" uncomfortable? Yes, to nip the bullshit in the bud. Apologize to Ashley, Gizelle and anyone else (Karen) in the group that he has made "feel" uncomfortable and let them know he won't be engaging in any contact or conversation with them without Candiace being present. They should be fine with this; if they're not, they're telling on themselves about the real motive behind this line of attack. Edited October 24, 2022 by drivethroo 2 5 Link to comment
DrSparkles October 24, 2022 Share October 24, 2022 6 hours ago, laprin said: The only options are: Chris Samuels, Chris Bassett, Michael Darby or Juan Dixon. If Chris Bassett was the person, Karen would have said so to confirm Gizelle’s feelings. I don’t think Juan is around these women very much and certainly doesn’t seem like he would give any of them a bear hug. This leaves Michael or Chris Samuels. My vote is Chris Samuels. OR KAREN LIED. 2 3 1 6 Link to comment
qtpye October 24, 2022 Share October 24, 2022 3 hours ago, byrd said: Naw, he wasn't looking at her at all. Mia is already walking this back on twitter. Caught in a bald face lie. Can someone who is on Twitter tell us what Mia is saying? Also, does anyone know if Ashley has bought a house as of yet? Link to comment
howiveaddict October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 11 hours ago, Bronzedog said: I’m pretty sure that almost everyone has been in a room alone with a married man sometime in their lives. Big deal. Get me my fainting couch and smelling salts, I'm going to have the vapers. 2 hours ago, qtpye said: Can someone who is on Twitter tell us what Mia is saying? Also, does anyone know if Ashley has bought a house as of yet? Don't know what Mia said, but Ashley, last week on WWHL said she was still living in the townhouse, but sleeping in her son's room. Mia told Robin that the lumps were in her butt. (Probably to shut Robin up) Maybe her butt implants are breaking apart and causing lumps. Or maybe its a lipoma. Sounds like she should go on Botched or Dr Pimple Popper. Most people I know that had a lump, would probably have their friends feel it and give their opinion of it. But, you can't feel something that is made up. She also mentioned some type of surface biopsy. If it was a swollen lymph node then they would do a needle biopsy as the lymph node is under the skin. I don't believe any of her bull shit. If Chris did watch Mia dancing, he was probably thinking, how dancing like that, how did she get a job dancing on the pole. 1 12 Link to comment
pasdetrois October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 (edited) Quote Ashley doesn’t need a house that big. Don't forget the freeloader(s).and nannies. Cash offer is what sellers want. Immediate payment with no hassles. To me there's no mystery about a new home for Ashley. She already explained that she will be a minority partner in an LLC. If Michael wants access to the children, she can't move too far away = traffic is murder 24/7. She's trying to leverage the situation (the divorce) to her advantage, but Michael has outfoxed her. I'm questioning whether the house that Ashley looked at is really in Arlington. Ashley appeared to be driving through a newish subdivision of cookie cutter McMansions, and I don't think there are any in Arlington. Arlington is infamous for lack of land to be developed Old houses get torn down, and replaced one at a time, or the foundations are kept to preserve the setbacks, but no one is building entire subdivisions. Unless it's below Crystal City, in Potomac Yard (the new Amazon 2nd HQ area)? It looked like Ashley was driving in Fairfax or Loudoun County. Edited October 25, 2022 by pasdetrois 2 3 Link to comment
Sweet-tea October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 (edited) 19 hours ago, drivethroo said: Basically all Gizelle has is "how she feels," which can't be disproven and viewer sentiment as well as Andy and some of the other cast members will be against Candiace for "not believing women" and disregarding how Gizelle 'feels'. It reminds me of Crystal’s story about Sutton on RHOBH. Crystal mentioned Sutton’s “dark” comments but couldn’t specify. She just reverted to feeling uncomfortable and how that was her “truth.” I find it hard to believe Gizelle of all people was intimidated. She can hold her own against anyone. She is setting up Chris and some of the others (Ashley) are glomming on. The dramatic way she went about telling the story made it obvious to me that this is a set-up, probably producer prompted, and her storyline for the season. Agree about over-served. Just admit you drank too much! Karen’s hugging story and her comment to Ray about other men finding her attractive made me laugh. She’s got a high opinion of herself. I doubt she’s walking down the streets and heads are whipping around. Sheesh. Most of these women are narcissists. JMO, but I didn’t like Giselle’s flowered jumpsuit. Ugh. Maybe it looked better in person though. Mia is a liar and attention-seeker. Something is off with her. Robyn looks really good in the TH in the green outfit. Were there other husbands on three years ago that we’ve forgotten about? I don’t think it was Chris or Michael. Maybe it was Monique’s husband. He’s a big guy. Perhaps he had a few too many and didn’t realize his own strength. I could see Karen not saying anything to Monique. I had a friend’s husband hit on me at a party once. I dismissed him and never told my friend. He was drunk and I didn’t want to hurt her feelings over something stupid. Edited October 25, 2022 by Sweet-tea 8 Link to comment
pasdetrois October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 (edited) 25 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said: I doubt she’s walking down the streets and heads are whipping around. Unless it's to look at her wonky booty. There was a brief camera shot in the latest episode where she appeared to be wearing Depends. Or perhaps her Spanx were traveling. Edited October 25, 2022 by pasdetrois 4 Link to comment
Rlb8031 October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 Also, I'm going to point out that after that conversation, Gizelle came and sat outside with the group and when the ladies questioned her, she played very coy and most certainly did not bring up what she and Candiace talked about. Then when people were asking why Candiace was leaving Giz volunteered "her stomach was bothering her" which was a bald-faced lie. She knew exactly why Candiace was upset and why she left, and seemingly could hear at least some of the conversation. She knew she was wrong but didn't want anyone to say that to her or to take Candiace's side (which Wendy certainly would have). 1 5 Link to comment
ZaldamoWilder October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 15 hours ago, Rlb8031 said: See, I've been thinking differently this whole time. My take is that Michael is going to buy the property before the divorce and move Ashley and the kids in. As part of the divorce, he'll sell her the property at something below market (something affordable based on just her HW salary). Because he knows he's going to take a loss on the sale, he'd rather use the bank's money than his money. That way he's out less than if he did an all-cash deal. That's why he's even mentioning refinancing. This is part of his long-divorce strategy and will also reduce what he has to pay in child support going forward. He's going to use this as a credit to reduce that monthly number. 1 4 Link to comment
LaurelleJ October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 13 hours ago, qtpye said: Can someone who is on Twitter tell us what Mia is saying? She deleted the tweet already but of course screenshots. Remember the cliff hanger at the commercial break where Mia said to Robyn that she had something to add to the Chris conversation? Someone wrote to Mia that whatever she has to add is a lie, you lie about everything... And Mia replied LOL, prolly, I don't remember. Chris replied to that and said not cool at all. In a now deleted tweet, Mia said Nope. I felt stares for sure but not in an inappropriate manner. Honestly felt insecure because I was so skinny, pale, and frail from being sick. Nothing but love and respect for you and Candygal. So sorry for even saying it. blame it on the margarita. 1 1 3 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 10 hours ago, pasdetrois said: Don't forget the freeloader(s).and nannies. Are you suggesting her mother might be a freeloader? I see a nanny opportunity for Mother Ashley. About 30 some years ago when my sister moved from Baltimore to Virginia for a job she rented part of an old house in Arlington, the house was once a speakeasy (she had two outside doors in her bedroom, in case the cops raided the patrons could exit quickly), she had a big yard and lots of trees, I wonder if those old houses were torn down to make way for a neighborhood of McMansions. Ashley needs to get her own attorney and draw up a separation agreement before she buys anything with Michael (and really shouldn't before the divorce judgments, settlements, etc...), he did not make his money by not being clever. 7 Link to comment
Rorysmom October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 36 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said: Ashley needs to get her own attorney and draw up a separation agreement before she buys anything with Michael (and really shouldn't before the divorce judgments, settlements, etc...), he did not make his money by not being clever. Yep. Michael doesn't respect Ashley, and he will not work in her best interest ever. He doesn't want her to do or be well. I hope for better, but she will always be behind the 8-ball with him. 7 Link to comment
spunky October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said: She deleted the tweet already but of course screenshots. Remember the cliff hanger at the commercial break where Mia said to Robyn that she had something to add to the Chris conversation? Someone wrote to Mia that whatever she has to add is a lie, you lie about everything... And Mia replied LOL, prolly, I don't remember. Chris replied to that and said not cool at all. In a now deleted tweet, Mia said Nope. I felt stares for sure but not in an inappropriate manner. Honestly felt insecure because I was so skinny, pale, and frail from being sick. Nothing but love and respect for you and Candygal. So sorry for even saying it. blame it on the margarita. I saw her trying to moonwalk her way out of getting what I call "The Bassett Double Team Special". Both she and Gizelle are making a mockery of real SA survivors. I saw somewhere that Gizelle was upset because Candiace said she's dead to her and that affects her daughters. As if her, Ashley's and Mia's lies don't affect Chris' children. Someone mentioned his ex-wife could use this situation to get full custody of his children. 12 Link to comment
Crazydoxielady October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 Mia is on my damn nerves. The lies! The lies!! The producer shade of showing Chris NOT looking her way had me roaring. Robin looked so much better in the flashbacks with her blonde hair. This red shade and cut is not it sis! Juan was not having that conversation on camera, much like him driving off last year, he just booked it out of the room. Hilarious. I agree, Charrise looks terrible. The implants just make her look heavy set. I LOVE Watch What Crappens Ben and Ron imitating both Charrise and Zen Wen with their accents. Zen Wen can just throw that 300K into the trash. Peter has a continually losing track record. But being that I can't stand her, go ahead! Waste your money! Last year's story line was her surgically enhanced body and candles. This season it's how booked and busy she is and hair loss. As a person who actually lost her hair for a year due to chemo in 2017, please know my eyes are rolling into the back of my head as I listened to her bemoan her hair. Candiace is still a big baby, but I don't believe this Chris crap either. Then there was the drama of her injecting herself. I will never like this girl, she goes right into the gutter when she goes after people and is so mean spirited. And I am not sorry, when she said re: Gizelle "neck" and "ankles" I said to the TV screen "NOSE!" I'll see myself out! 3 5 Link to comment
LaurelleJ October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 20 minutes ago, spunky said: I saw her trying to moonwalk her way out of getting what I call "The Bassett Double Team Special". Both she and Gizelle are making a mockery of real SA survivors. I saw somewhere that Gizelle was upset because Candiace said she's dead to her and that affects her daughters. As if her, Ashley's and Mia's lies don't affect Chris' children. Someone mentioned his ex-wife could use this situation to get full custody of his children. Yes to all of this, absolutely. It's all fun and games for a TV check but these allegations have real world consequences. I don't blame Candiace one bit. Gizelle went wrong when she attacked Chris' character. There's a difference between a person making you feel uncomfortable vs. a situation making you feel uncomfortable. It's understandable that Gizelle would feel uncomfortable with being in a hotel room alone with a married man, because people talk. If she saw one of her castmates coming out of a room with a man who wasn't their husband she would talk. The problem is that she is trying to make it seem like Chris orchestrated the situation on purpose and that he is the bad guy, yet cannot provide any details on what he said or did that made her feel uncomfortable. She said he was a sneaky link. What's maddening is that he's a nice guy, so he will probably acknowledge and apologize for the situation being uncomfortable, so Gizelle will feel like she won. Not today neck. Not today ankles. 2 9 Link to comment
Ss55 October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 59 minutes ago, Crazydoxielady said: Robin looked so much better in the flashbacks with her blonde hair. This red shade and cut is not it sis! Juan was not having that conversation on camera, much like him driving off last year, he just booked it out of the room. Hilarious. I love the auburn shade in her TH's but not in the regular footage - I loved the blonde look too. I know others always view Juan as dismissive and maybe he is but I think he is just 100% not willing to air their personal stuff on camera, so I think it's funny when he shuts down and is like "I'm out." He must like the HW money though, so he can't really have it both ways, though he sure does try. 2 5 Link to comment
drivethroo October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 2 hours ago, Rorysmom said: Michael doesn't respect Ashley, and he will not work in her best interest ever. He doesn't want her to do or be well. I saw that when he fired her from the restaurant. Ashley was working hard to make the restaurant a success but after he snatched it from her, she hasn't done anything since. 1 hour ago, spunky said: I saw somewhere that Gizelle was upset because Candiace said she's dead to her and that affects her daughters. Well now she knows how Karen felt when Gizelle said something about Ray being 6 feet under or Ray being dead before her looks would fade. 1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said: There's a difference between a person making you feel uncomfortable vs. a situation making you feel uncomfortable. Gizelle suggested on camera with Robyn that Chris was trash talking Candiace, she felt Chris was "trying it" with her and Chris was sneaky. She didn't say any of that to Candiace or Karen. 2 4 Link to comment
Mr. Miner October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 Ashley reminds me of Sheree. On a TV show looking all dumb and shit. 6 3 Link to comment
LaurelleJ October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 44 minutes ago, drivethroo said: Gizelle suggested on camera with Robyn that Chris was trash talking Candiace, she felt Chris was "trying it" with her and Chris was sneaky. She didn't say any of that to Candiace or Karen. Gizelle is dead wrong for doing that. That's why I said there's a difference between a person making you feel uncomfortable vs. an uncomfortable situation. I am really interested in the timeline. I know they show things out of order a lot, but I want to know the order in which Gizelle had her individual conversations with Robyn, Candiace, and Karen. That timeline will be very telling. If Gizelle had the sneaky link convo with Robyn BEFORE she told Candiace, Robyn probably told her to dial it down, but they already had what Gizelle said on camera so they would obviously use it. Then to Candiace and Karen, she watered it down to say the situation made her feel uncomfortable, hoping that was the narrative they would go with. If Gizelle had the sneaky link convo with Robyn AFTER talking to Candiace, then she felt that she needed to put more sauce on the story, and that's foul. 1 1 4 Link to comment
byrd October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 20 hours ago, DrSparkles said: OR KAREN LIED. O it could have been Jamel Bryant , she said 3 years ago. 1 2 2 Link to comment
byrd October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 5 hours ago, LaurelleJ said: She deleted the tweet already but of course screenshots. Remember the cliff hanger at the commercial break where Mia said to Robyn that she had something to add to the Chris conversation? Someone wrote to Mia that whatever she has to add is a lie, you lie about everything... And Mia replied LOL, prolly, I don't remember. Chris replied to that and said not cool at all. In a now deleted tweet, Mia said Nope. I felt stares for sure but not in an inappropriate manner. Honestly felt insecure because I was so skinny, pale, and frail from being sick. Nothing but love and respect for you and Candygal. So sorry for even saying it. blame it on the margarita. are you freakin kidding me Mia Lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Link to comment
spunky October 25, 2022 Share October 25, 2022 3 hours ago, LaurelleJ said: Yes to all of this, absolutely. It's all fun and games for a TV check but these allegations have real world consequences. I don't blame Candiace one bit. Gizelle went wrong when she attacked Chris' character. There's a difference between a person making you feel uncomfortable vs. a situation making you feel uncomfortable. It's understandable that Gizelle would feel uncomfortable with being in a hotel room alone with a married man, because people talk. If she saw one of her castmates coming out of a room with a man who wasn't their husband she would talk. The problem is that she is trying to make it seem like Chris orchestrated the situation on purpose and that he is the bad guy, yet cannot provide any details on what he said or did that made her feel uncomfortable. She said he was a sneaky link. What's maddening is that he's a nice guy, so he will probably acknowledge and apologize for the situation being uncomfortable, so Gizelle will feel like she won. Not today neck. Not today ankles. From the way they're both dragging Gizelle on Twitter, her great grandchildren will be waiting on an apology. Chris has admitted that his mouth is even more reckless than Candiace's. 1 hour ago, LaurelleJ said: Gizelle is dead wrong for doing that. That's why I said there's a difference between a person making you feel uncomfortable vs. an uncomfortable situation. I am really interested in the timeline. I know they show things out of order a lot, but I want to know the order in which Gizelle had her individual conversations with Robyn, Candiace, and Karen. That timeline will be very telling. If Gizelle had the sneaky link convo with Robyn BEFORE she told Candiace, Robyn probably told her to dial it down, but they already had what Gizelle said on camera so they would obviously use it. Then to Candiace and Karen, she watered it down to say the situation made her feel uncomfortable, hoping that was the narrative they would go with. If Gizelle had the sneaky link convo with Robyn AFTER talking to Candiace, then she felt that she needed to put more sauce on the story, and that's foul. Chris said on Twitter that Gizelle's accusations become worse as the season progresses. 4 3 Link to comment
sATL October 26, 2022 Share October 26, 2022 (edited) 14 hours ago, LaurelleJ said: Yes to all of this, absolutely. It's all fun and games for a TV check but these allegations have real world consequences. I don't blame Candiace one bit. Gizelle went wrong when she attacked Chris' character. There's a difference between a person making you feel uncomfortable vs. a situation making you feel uncomfortable. It's understandable that Gizelle would feel uncomfortable with being in a hotel room alone with a married man, because people talk. If she saw one of her castmates coming out of a room with a man who wasn't their husband she would talk. The problem is that she is trying to make it seem like Chris orchestrated the situation on purpose and that he is the bad guy, yet cannot provide any details on what he said or did that made her feel uncomfortable. She said he was a sneaky link. What's maddening is that he's a nice guy, so he will probably acknowledge and apologize for the situation being uncomfortable, so Gizelle will feel like she won. Not today neck. Not today ankles. This could also hurt Chris professionally. Sounds like he is running front of the house now in the restaurant, He said his goal is to make people feel welcome and comfortable. The restaurant industry - at his level - is a small crowd. If people find out about this mess, it wouldn't be a good look for an upscale restaurant, where he does have work in small groups, or 1-on-1 with potential clients. Edited October 26, 2022 by sATL 1 9 Link to comment
blixie October 26, 2022 Share October 26, 2022 Quote Candiace is still a big baby, but I don't believe this Chris crap either. Then there was the drama of her injecting herself. I will never like this girl, she goes right into the gutter when she goes after people and is so mean spirited. Yeah and I still have a problem with her throwing the knife at Ashley, the salad incident with Mia, and if course the one with Monique I think she played her part. She talks more shit than a little bit, and not be accountable for it all, but that's what was kind of impressive about her reaction here, it's the first time she calmly walked away from the bait being thrown. For as wrong as I think she is most of the time, she is completely on point re: how she handled the Chris stuff, first with Ashley though she struggled with that, perhaps because it felt more classically messy/shady, and because as she said she forgot what Gizelle is like, but she recognized productions hand and cut it off. Good for her in this one case. 2 8 Link to comment
islandgal140 October 26, 2022 Share October 26, 2022 On 10/24/2022 at 2:57 PM, drivethroo said: The condo is actually way larger than it appears on camera; Michael just confined filming to the living room, kitchen and bedroom area. It has a large rooftop deck with views of downtown DC ---they filmed on the rooftop deck in Season 1. Michael likely didn't want to purchase any property with Ashley so she wouldn't have any claim to it in a divorce. My main problem with that condo is that it looks like it hasn't been renovated since it was owned by a cocaine dealer (who got high on his own supply) in the 80s. DATED! 8 2 Link to comment
laprin October 27, 2022 Share October 27, 2022 On 10/24/2022 at 1:12 PM, drivethroo said: Last week I thought Chris was guilty. Guilty of what? Gizelle hasn't even been able to point to anything specific. She "felt" uncomfortable. Chris can't be held accountable for how she feels only how he behaves. Did he touch her inappropriately? No. Did he say something inappropriate? No. Did he leave the room immediately when she asked? Yes. This is all according to Gizelle. What did Chris do wrong? He merely asked to have a private conversation with someone he thought was a friend. 1 1 9 Link to comment
StillHere October 27, 2022 Share October 27, 2022 On 10/24/2022 at 5:26 PM, TheCouchPotato said: I am finding this season a bit upsetting. Gizelle is taking all the suffering that so many women went through and belittling it for the sake of a story line. Chris needs to flip the script and claim harassment. For someone that is "uncomfortable," she has no issues embracing him and discussing his private parts. It's wrong and Bravo should give her the boot for trying to destroy an innocent person's reputation. Bitch has been trying to destroy reputations and families for years (see also: Chris Samuels). But she's good a Company Girl. Ain't gonna happen anytime soon. 6 Link to comment
TheCouchPotato October 27, 2022 Share October 27, 2022 39 minutes ago, StillHere said: Bitch has been trying to destroy reputations and families for years (see also: Chris Samuels). But she's good a Company Girl. Ain't gonna happen anytime soon. She's a terrible human being. Hoping her girls stay sweet and do the opposite of her. 3 3 Link to comment
lasu October 27, 2022 Share October 27, 2022 I've never minded Gizelle. Usually her messiness amuses me. And I really cannot say exactly where my line is, but I sure as hell know when something crosses it, and what Gizelle is doing absolutely crosses it. I don't give a shit what Candace has done; it's not her reputation they're going after. I do think (especially based on Robyn saying G said something at the time) that Gizelle did not mean to end up alone with Chris, and she felt uncomfortable when she did. I can believe both of those things are true, no problem. But I do not even the teensiest bit believe that Chris had any nefarious intentions, and he didn't scheme to get her alone. Gizelle could have legitimately felt uncomfortable, but Chris is responsible for those feelings. This is actually the incredibly rare occasion I would advise giving a shitty apology - "I'm sorry you felt uncomfortable." Normally I'm super opposed to apologizing for someone's feelings to your actions versus apologizing for your actions, but in this case, Chris did nothing wrong. I guess I should be grateful they are going such a dumb route with this. It would have been SO EASY to cast doubt on Chris. Just say there are rumors about what he does with groupies at the W. Couple that with Ashley's dumb story, and I personally would have gone, "hmmh." I would have been much more likely to believe that Chris has cheated/would cheat with randos he meets out and about than he would with one of his wife's co-workers who clearly LOVE to spill everything. I don't think Chris is a stupid person, and he would have to be insanely stupid to give these women something real to work with. On 10/24/2022 at 5:27 PM, drivethroo said: In my personal experience, I have known women who either have done this or have threatened to do this. Which is why I don't think it's a bad idea for men to make sure they are not alone with women they are not married to or related to. I cannot disagree with this strongly enough. If you have personally known women who actually did this, as you say, you should have reported those women. Someone who just thought about it? Well, I think about murdering certain people, but I don't, so that doesn't even count. And I personally have NEVER known a woman to threaten or actually do this. On the other hand, I know literally dozens of women who have had negative experiences with men behind closed doors, ranging from inappropriate comments to rape. Also, if you are talking to men in the workplace, advising a male manager to never be alone with a women at work is discrimination, so that will actually lead to a REAL lawsuit. As an EA who has had primarily male bosses, if they had been advised to never be alone with me, I would have been unable to do my job. I would have been out of a career. But my point is at the end of the day, women still have far more to fear from being alone with men than the other way around. Yes, someone women make up stories. We're witnessing this on the show. But that number is miniscule compared to the women who actually experience sexual harassment, assault, rape, etc. 1 1 3 8 Link to comment
ZettaK October 27, 2022 Share October 27, 2022 So, this is the new trend. To claim it's your truth despite facts....Gizelle took back most of what she claimed originally, and it's about how she "feels" now. And I'm sure Gizelle won't let go because that's her storyline for the season. Ashley is totally dependent on Michael, and he will try to compensate her as little as possible in the case of a divorce. 7 Link to comment
Sweet-tea October 28, 2022 Share October 28, 2022 (edited) On 10/25/2022 at 10:47 AM, Crazydoxielady said: And I am not sorry, when she said re: Gizelle "neck" and "ankles" I said to the TV screen "NOSE!" I'll see myself out! I didn’t understand the neck and ankles comment. What did she mean? When I first saw Charisse I thought she had gained a lot of weight, but maybe it’s the too large implants? This is one of the reasons I won’t get them. Edited October 29, 2022 by Sweet-tea 1 Link to comment
sATL October 28, 2022 Share October 28, 2022 (edited) 3 hours ago, Sweet-tea said: When I first saw Charisse I thought she had gained a lot of weight, but maybe it’s the too large implants? This is one of the reasons I won’t get them. I think its a little of both. bad store-bought boobies and added on a few extra post-menopausal lbs. Hope she doesn't pull a muscle bending over tying shoes.. AND she needs to get a different wig/weave. her face shape doesn't accommodate a straight middle part, close to the face jet-black thick/heavy add-on hair. I guess the men she's been dealing with post divorce told her .... Edited October 28, 2022 by sATL 1 3 Link to comment
Rorysmom October 28, 2022 Share October 28, 2022 (edited) 4 hours ago, Sweet-tea said: I didn’t under the neck and ankles comment. What did she mean? When I first saw Charisse I thought she had gained a lot of weight, but maybe it’s the too large implants? This is one of the reasons I won’t get them. She was pointing out G's figure flaws. Fat ankles and neck. Edited October 28, 2022 by Rorysmom 1 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty October 29, 2022 Share October 29, 2022 Remember the Spring Fling Karen had and Katie was there, I thought she looked unwell, too overly animated, too thin, just something was off well it seems she has checked in to rehab the other day, she is trying to kick adderall and booze for a change. Interesting that she is on adderall, I hear there is a shortage, now we know why. 3 4 Link to comment
Crazydoxielady October 29, 2022 Share October 29, 2022 23 hours ago, Sweet-tea said: I didn’t under the neck and ankles comment. What did she mean? When I first saw Charisse I thought she had gained a lot of weight, but maybe it’s the too large implants? This is one of the reasons I won’t get them. She is making fun of Gizelles neck and ankles. It has been said before that Gizelle has both a thick neck and thick calves/ankles. Candiace's go to is to attack someone's looks. So I was being fresh, since she was making fun of Gizelle's neck and ankles, I got petty and said "nose" in regards to Candiace's rather large one. Yes, I think Charisse has gained weight, and then with her massive new boobs, it's just giving "heavy set" to me. 1 2 Link to comment
Sweet-tea October 29, 2022 Share October 29, 2022 (edited) 52 minutes ago, Crazydoxielady said: She is making fun of Gizelles neck and ankles. It has been said before that Gizelle has both a thick neck and thick calves/ankles. Candiace's go to is to attack someone's looks. So I was being fresh, since she was making fun of Gizelle's neck and ankles, I got petty and said "nose" in regards to Candiace's rather large one. Yes, I think Charisse has gained weight, and then with her massive new boobs, it's just giving "heavy set" to me. Thanks for clarifying. Hasn’t she also made fun of Ashley’s forehead? I think it’s so low to attack another woman’s looks, especially someone who is a friend or coworker. It reminds me of childhood bullying. I’m sorry to hear that about Katie but not surprised. She hasn’t seemed well in a lot of the footage I’ve seen of her on this show. Edited October 29, 2022 by Sweet-tea 1 1 3 Link to comment
pasdetrois October 29, 2022 Share October 29, 2022 41 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said: I think it’s so low to attack another woman’s looks, especially someone who is a friend or coworker. It reminds me of childhood bullying. Candiace isn't smart enough or mature enough to handle conflict. She behaves like a 13 year old. 2 Link to comment
eXiled October 29, 2022 Share October 29, 2022 Candiace is too thin-skinned to be talking about what she perceives as other people's flaws. If Ashley had talked about the lopsided wigs Candiace wore during her first season, she would have combusted into nothingness. She needs to grow up. I find it fascinating that Candiace was raised by someone whose job is bettering the mental health of others, yet she has no idea how to have a difficult conversation without going low. I've seen her walk away when she cares for or respects someone (Monique). I've even seen her avoid them (Karen). But she seems to have a tough time pivoting during a tough talk and pulling out of it without things going all the way left. 3 Link to comment
spunky October 29, 2022 Share October 29, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, eXiled said: Candiace is too thin-skinned to be talking about what she perceives as other people's flaws. If Ashley had talked about the lopsided wigs Candiace wore during her first season, she would have combusted into nothingness. She needs to grow up. I find it fascinating that Candiace was raised by someone whose job is bettering the mental health of others, yet she has no idea how to have a difficult conversation without going low. I've seen her walk away when she cares for or respects someone (Monique). I've even seen her avoid them (Karen). But she seems to have a tough time pivoting during a tough talk and pulling out of it without things going all the way left. Dorothy is literally the reason why Candiace is the way that she is. Candiace said on her podcast that Dorothy never had emotional intelligence as a mother. Dorothy always made negative remarks about her growing up including making fun of Candiace's depression and anxiety. Both Chris and Candiace have acknowledged that Dorothy is the reason why, Candiace is delaying becoming a mother. She's terrified of doing to her children what her mother did to her. She also said not receiving love from her mother is why she's so clingy with Chris, he gives her the love and affirmation that she wished for as a child. Edited October 29, 2022 by spunky 1 1 1 1 3 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid October 30, 2022 Share October 30, 2022 On 10/24/2022 at 1:07 PM, tvfanatic13 said: While I think Mia is a liar, the editors showing Chris NOT looking at her is not evidence that he didn't stare at her other times. But I don't like Mia and I am team Chris all the way. She already took this statement back about him … 2 Link to comment
qtpye October 30, 2022 Share October 30, 2022 On 10/29/2022 at 7:56 AM, Baltimore Betty said: Remember the Spring Fling Karen had and Katie was there, I thought she looked unwell, too overly animated, too thin, just something was off well it seems she has checked in to rehab the other day, she is trying to kick adderall and booze for a change. Interesting that she is on adderall, I hear there is a shortage, now we know why. Katy is a beautiful woman but she looked awful. I was actually a little scared for her and am happy that she is getting help. On 10/29/2022 at 12:42 PM, spunky said: Dorothy is literally the reason why Candiace is the way that she is. Candiace said on her podcast that Dorothy never had emotional intelligence as a mother. Dorothy always made negative remarks about her growing up including making fun of Candiace's depression and anxiety. Both Chris and Candiace have acknowledged that Dorothy is the reason why, Candiace is delaying becoming a mother. She's terrified of doing to her children what her mother did to her. She also said not receiving love from her mother is why she's so clingy with Chris, he gives her the love and affirmation that she wished for as a child. I remember there was a scene with Candiace and her sister where Dorothy called. Dorothy asked if the sister is still fat and started cackling like a witch as if that was the funniest thing ever. Dorothy ain't shit. 1 3 4 Link to comment
drivethroo October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 On 10/25/2022 at 1:58 PM, LaurelleJ said: I know they show things out of order a lot, but I want to know the order in which Gizelle had her individual conversations with Robyn, Candiace, and Karen. Robyn says Gizelle came to her with this as they rode home in the van after the reunion. Gizelle decided to make it her storyline when Robyn told Gizelle that Ashley told Robyn that Chris "slid into her DMs." After Gizelle decided to make this her storyline, she told Candiace. She then ran and told Karen after she told Candiace (remember, she said it had been 7 whole days and Candiace had not called her to apologize) to get Karen on her side, knowing Karen is a survivor of sexual assault. On 10/27/2022 at 1:52 PM, lasu said: And I personally have NEVER known a woman to threaten or actually do this. Having separate men's and women's bathrooms is discrimination. I'm sorry but I don't subscribe to "believe all women all the time." Listen to their stories--yes, but check the facts, then decide. That's based on MY personal experiences and observations. If other women don't like me for that or decide to block me or whatever, I actually don't care. If Gizelle was so concerned about the "optics" she never should've agreed to speak with Chris in her hotel room PERIOD (whether glam was there or not). They could've gone off to the side in an open hallway. If she's so concerned about "optics" she shouldn't be speaking with Chris without Candiace or somebody else present anyway. If Chris asks to speak with her and she's concerned about "optics," let me grab Robyn, let me grab Kal, the boom mic operator etc. If Chris is on the up and up, he won't mind if there's a 3rd person there. If his intentions was to talk shit about Candiace and he can't do that freely with an audience there, then maybe he'll think twice about talking shit about his wife with other people. This also goes back to what many of us have said since last season, Chris needs to stop playing Get Along Gang with women who do not like his wife. On 10/29/2022 at 9:30 AM, Sweet-tea said: I think it’s so low to attack another woman’s looks, especially someone who is a friend or coworker. It reminds me of childhood bullying. I certainly hope some of this energy is shared towards Karen, who made fun of Gizelle's stovepipe legs (and fat vagina) or Monique, who made comments about her sagging neck, or Gizelle, who's made commentary about Candiace's nose, or Charrisse, who called Candiace a little girl. Yes, Candiace has attacked the looks of her castmates but her castmates have also attacked the looks of other castmates too. Spread the condemnation all around. 1 1 7 Link to comment
LaurelleJ October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 18 minutes ago, drivethroo said: Robyn says Gizelle came to her with this as they rode home in the van after the reunion. Gizelle decided to make it her storyline when Robyn told Gizelle that Ashley told Robyn that Chris "slid into her DMs." After Gizelle decided to make this her storyline, she told Candiace. She then ran and told Karen after she told Candiace (remember, she said it had been 7 whole days and Candiace had not called her to apologize) to get Karen on her side, knowing Karen is a survivor of sexual assault. The most important conversation in this timeline is the actual conversation on camera that she had with Robyn about Chris being a sneaky link trying to see if she was with it. I want/need to know if she had that conversation with Robyn before or after she told Candiace and Karen. That's the telling part. 1 Link to comment
Hiyo October 31, 2022 Share October 31, 2022 Quote I cannot disagree with this strongly enough. If you have personally known women who actually did this, as you say, you should have reported those women. Someone who just thought about it? Well, I think about murdering certain people, but I don't, so that doesn't even count. And I personally have NEVER known a woman to threaten or actually do this. On the other hand, I know literally dozens of women who have had negative experiences with men behind closed doors, ranging from inappropriate comments to rape. Also, if you are talking to men in the workplace, advising a male manager to never be alone with a women at work is discrimination, so that will actually lead to a REAL lawsuit. As an EA who has had primarily male bosses, if they had been advised to never be alone with me, I would have been unable to do my job. I would have been out of a career. But my point is at the end of the day, women still have far more to fear from being alone with men than the other way around. Yes, someone women make up stories. We're witnessing this on the show. But that number is miniscule compared to the women who actually experience sexual harassment, assault, rape, etc. A-fucking-men to all of this. 3 Link to comment
lasu November 1, 2022 Share November 1, 2022 22 hours ago, drivethroo said: Having separate men's and women's bathrooms is discrimination. No, you're conflating segregation with discrimination. If the bathrooms are the same, who is being discriminated against? Women who have access to a bathroom, or men who have access to a bathroom? It would only be discrimination if, say, women had a luxury bathroom and men had an outhouse. 22 hours ago, drivethroo said: I'm sorry but I don't subscribe to "believe all women all the time." Listen to their stories--yes, but check the facts, then decide. That's based on MY personal experiences and observations. I don't think anyone believes all women all the time. That's not what #believewomen means. I literally don't think a single poster has said Chris was wrong and had shady intentions, despite that being what Gizelle is telling us. "Believe women" does not mean believe them no matter what and ignore all evidence. It just means *start* from a place of believing, which historically hasn't been the default. 23 hours ago, drivethroo said: If other women don't like me for that or decide to block me or whatever, I actually don't care. Since this is part of your response to my quote, I don't dislike you or plan to block you. I just disagreed with you, it doesn't mean I hate you personally. But I think it's important to push back on things you disagree with, and I mean this when it's coming my direction as well. 22 hours ago, drivethroo said: If Gizelle was so concerned about the "optics" she never should've agreed to speak with Chris in her hotel room PERIOD (whether glam was there or not). They could've gone off to the side in an open hallway. If she's so concerned about "optics" she shouldn't be speaking with Chris without Candiace or somebody else present anyway. If Chris asks to speak with her and she's concerned about "optics," let me grab Robyn, let me grab Kal, the boom mic operator etc. If Chris is on the up and up, he won't mind if there's a 3rd person there. If his intentions was to talk shit about Candiace and he can't do that freely with an audience there, then maybe he'll think twice about talking shit about his wife with other people. I do agree Gizelle should have been clearer about her own boundaries and taken more agency to enforce them. Lots of people are ok being alone with a person of the opposite gender and don't give it a second thought, so there isn't any reason Chris should have "known better," so to speak. She said yes, thinking her glam was there, so essentially it's chaperoned. This is within her comfort zone. When she got there and saw the room empty (which is not in her comfort zone), she could have easily said, "Oh, wait, I'm not super comfortable being in here alone, nothing personal. Can we go to [other quiet place to talk]?" If someone objects to that, well, I'm thinking you REALLY don't want to be alone with them! But she's blaming Chris and making it a character flaw, that he's somehow a bad person, for not reading her mind and knowing she wouldn't be ok being alone in the room with him. Which is utter bullshit. 2 3 5 Link to comment
Mother of Odin November 2, 2022 Share November 2, 2022 On 10/24/2022 at 7:54 AM, Baltimore Betty said: Ashley absolutely should have her own real estate agent, (someone who is working for her and has her best interest), and lawyer, she should have a formal separation agreement before she buys a house with Michael or agrees to anything financial, where are her friends, can't they tell her how she should lawyer up, Michael is not stupid, I bet he has a lawyer. If Ashley does buy a house who is going to do all upkeep, the lawn, etc...all those things cost money. Ashley has a nice salary being on RH, if she is not careful she might have to pay spousal support to Michael. If she and Michael share custody of the kids she won't be getting any child support but didn't she make a big deal about a post nup, what was in it, do we know? Realistically Ashley should move to Gaithersburg or Rockville, there is more or just barely affordable housing, we know not all the HW's live in Potomac. Gaithersburg? No, she can move to Loudoun. Link to comment
Mother of Odin November 2, 2022 Share November 2, 2022 On 10/24/2022 at 11:05 PM, pasdetrois said: Don't forget the freeloader(s).and nannies. Cash offer is what sellers want. Immediate payment with no hassles. To me there's no mystery about a new home for Ashley. She already explained that she will be a minority partner in an LLC. If Michael wants access to the children, she can't move too far away = traffic is murder 24/7. She's trying to leverage the situation (the divorce) to her advantage, but Michael has outfoxed her. I'm questioning whether the house that Ashley looked at is really in Arlington. Ashley appeared to be driving through a newish subdivision of cookie cutter McMansions, and I don't think there are any in Arlington. Arlington is infamous for lack of land to be developed Old houses get torn down, and replaced one at a time, or the foundations are kept to preserve the setbacks, but no one is building entire subdivisions. Unless it's below Crystal City, in Potomac Yard (the new Amazon 2nd HQ area)? It looked like Ashley was driving in Fairfax or Loudoun County. There are McMansion subdivisions in Arlington too. 1 Link to comment
pasdetrois November 3, 2022 Share November 3, 2022 (edited) 13 hours ago, Mother of Odin said: There are McMansion subdivisions in Arlington too. I think Ashley was driving through a planned recent "build all at once" subdivision. Arlington's original subdivisions were mostly completed by the 1970s, and now the McMansions are replacing these old houses one by one. Indeed there are some Arlington subdivisions (now referred to officially by their civic association names) that have a lot of these replacement McMansions; about half of my 1920s - 1940s subdivision is now McMansions. There has also been a lot of condo/townhouse development in the transportation corridors. But the main thing that caught my eye about Ashley's drive-through was the relatively large lots and wide streets, which are rare in Arlington. Edited November 3, 2022 by pasdetrois 2 Link to comment
ZettaK November 3, 2022 Share November 3, 2022 On 10/29/2022 at 9:30 AM, Sweet-tea said: Thanks for clarifying. Hasn’t she also made fun of Ashley’s forehead? I think it’s so low to attack another woman’s looks, especially someone who is a friend or coworker. It reminds me of childhood bullying. I’m sorry to hear that about Katie but not surprised. She hasn’t seemed well in a lot of the footage I’ve seen of her on this show. It is especially low because Gizelle and Ashley are attractive women. Link to comment
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