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S01.E02: Quarterfinal #2: Eddie Huang, Reggie Watts and Iliza Shlesinger

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Oh, god, this bunch is starting to annoy me. Iliza needs to chill and stop babbling, Reggie and Eddie need to speed it up.

Seriously, they don't know the only flying mammal?

Now I have Come Dancing in my head. (Not complaining.)

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4 minutes ago, chitowngirl said:

It’s going to be a LONG hour with this group…STOP TALKING!!!!!

I have already said "JUST PLAY THE GAME!" at least five times and we're not even halfway through.

(But I'll admit to being mildly amused by Reggie's random accents.)

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7 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

What’s up with that? Is that his “thing“?  He’s definitely committed to the bit. 

I don't know, but I just googled him and learned he was born in Stuttgart, Germany, and his mother is French, so I guess the German accent isn't so random...the French made sense for the category, at least (there was one clue about a German river but I think he started doing the German accent before that).

On the other hand, they're making me feel pretty smart...

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I’m generally a little annoyed at how they keep saying every little thing out loud, but yay for Iliza for calling out Mayim on that little pause before she says “that’s right”

ETA  And I am enjoying that they aren’t impressed with the “Austin” category. 

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Are we going to get a big-name player doing a category every game? We had Buzzy with fashion, now Austin with bartending (he looks so different with the short hair; I like it*)... will we get James with a gambling category? Who else? Matt with a computer science category? What would Brad do?

*I actually saw Austin on a CNN video earlier today; they were talking about his thoughts on the idea of giving a bonus for running a category.

They are so distracting I'm missing half the clues, and I still feel smart. (Though there are at least a few they probably would have gotten if they were paying half as much attention to the game as they are to trying to be funny.)

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Oh my gosh, I lasted about 20 minutes before I threw in the towel on this episode. To paraphrase Walk the Moon's song, one of the clue responses, Shut Up and Play the Game!

The good news was that Mayim didn't annoy me at all. 😄 She could hardly get a word in with these chatterboxes.

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5 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Anyone else bothered by Iliza talking about being friends with Mayim and is the winner?

I did cringe a bit - it looks bad even if there is no real conflict of interest. I think there were a couple of comments, with the first a bit vague and (IMO) it wasn't too bad, but the second comment about them texting often was not great.

I am under the impression that most TV 'celebrities' more or less all know each other, so it's not surprising to me that Mayim might know some of the contestants, but it might be better if they avoided pointing out a friendship with a contestant during the game.

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Being terrible at normal Jeopardy!, I appreciated knowing nearly all of these.

I wonder how Iliza Shlesinger would do in regular Jeopardy! if she got some coaching on wagering.
Eddie Huang and Reggie Watts didn't embarrass themselves either, IMO.


2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

yay for Iliza for calling out Mayim on that little pause before she says “that’s right”

I have tried to ignore Mayim's gaffes and inappropriate reactions, but I have now gone over to the dark side with her OTT, incredulous, negative reaction to Reggie Watts f'in' CORRECT response, even though the judges in her ear did at least quickly correct her and she admitted her error. 
Reggie's response (en français): tour Eiffel

I guess Mayim is unfamiliar with the French language.
Or maybe she's just too busy with her TV show and family to be doing this?


51 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Anyone else bothered by Iliza talking about being friends with Mayim and is the winner?

Part of me wondered if Iliza was faking the friendship.

Sorry. I'll get over this.😑

Edited by shapeshifter
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7 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I guess Mayim is unfamiliar with the French language.
Or maybe she's just too busy with her TV show and family to be doing this?

I didn't even catch what he said so I was a little confused when they gave it to him after the fact (didn't help that they were all still talking and laughing over each other when they did it).

And did I imagine it or did she tell Iliza on the first DD that she could wager up to $1000 before changing it to 'you can wager up to $600'? ($600 being her score at the time and $500 being the max value of a clue in the first round for this version.) Do they not do reshoots or edits for stuff like that in prime time?

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17 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

And did I imagine it or did she tell Iliza on the first DD that she could wager up to $1000 before changing it to 'you can wager up to $600'? ($600 being her score at the time and $500 being the max value of a clue in the first round for this version.) Do they not do reshoots or edits for stuff like that in prime time?

You did not imagine it, and it sounds like something was cut.
It was so weird I figured there were different rules for Celebrity Jeopardy! wagering????

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7 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

I wasn't familiar with Iliza but I'll definitely remember her now as one of the most annoying celebrities ever.

I've seen a few of her standup specials and she's been on To Tell the Truth a few times; I've never found her all that annoying but tonight was hard to take. She and Reggie (to a slightly lesser extent) seemed to think they were at a comedy club not playing a trivia game.

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1 minute ago, shapeshifter said:

It was so weird I figured there were different rules for Celebrity Jeopardy! wagering????

I wondered if the rules were different for a second and then after she answered I double checked the clue values the next time they showed the board and realized Mayim probably just misspoke. Unless they're doing live to tape why would they not fix that?

I was wondering how long ago these were taped; this game isn't in the archive yet but it says the tape date for last week's game was September 11. So I guess they have less time for editing, but still.

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After a surprisingly enjoyable first week, this took a steep dive. I described it as Toddler Jeopardy: with clues for toddlers, played by toddlers. Seriously, production, next time please remove the sugary snacks from the green room.  I couldn’t even watch the whole thing, I got so annoyed.

Like @ams1001, I have seen Iliza Schlesinger in other candid appearances and found her entertaining, maybe even charming. Here, I just wanted to stuff a gag in her mouth and put her in timeout.

This episode also proved to me that Mayim is really terrible at ad libbing. Someone (Iliza?) made a comment about how no one is allowed to talk when Mayim is on at their house, and she always gets the last word. Perfect set up for Mayim to say something like “That’s also the rule at my house!” Mayim’s actual response? “<giggle>”. There’s no hope.

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1 hour ago, Grizzly said:

Anyone else bothered by Iliza talking about being friends with Mayim and is the winner?

Since Iliza and all of the celebrities are playing for charities they support and not that they run or have any way of profiting from, not really? Jeopardy! is going to donate the same total dollar amount regardless of the scores from each game and the only thing that depends on the scores is which charities get more money. 

1 hour ago, ProudMary said:

After reading @shapeshifter's post above about Mayim, I'm glad I dipped out early as those would definitely have bothered me. I'd have been yelling at the screen.

I paused the recording and shouted until I had it out of my system before I let it play and was relieved to see they ruled in Reggie's favour immediately. 

On one level I was maddened by the chatter and the slowness in choosing and I had to pause several times to rest but on another I was rooting for Reggie and his accents and accepting that the looseness and frivolity are a feature of the celebrity version. Iliza telling Mayim how terrifying her pauses are! Everyone jumping on Mayim for not recognizing Tour Eiffel = Eiffel Tower! Iliza talking herself out of Tasmania! Everyone complaining about the Austin clues!

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58 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

On one level I was maddened by the chatter and the slowness in choosing and I had to pause several times to rest but on another I was rooting for Reggie and his accents and accepting that the looseness and frivolity are a feature of the celebrity version. Iliza telling Mayim how terrifying her pauses are! Everyone jumping on Mayim for not recognizing Tour Eiffel = Eiffel Tower! Iliza talking herself out of Tasmania! Everyone complaining about the Austin clues!

Reggie's accents that went in and out even in the same category amused me! But I am now 1/6 on knowing who any of these 'celebrities' are, from this week and last. Except I did see Iliza on Celebrity $100,000 Pyramid a few weeks ago, so, 2/6?

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The very first answer in the "Helpful Internet Acronyms" category was about CMV. CMV is an abbreviation not an acronym. Acronyms are abbreviations that are pronounced as a word i.e. scuba (self contained underwater breathing apparatus). Watching the rest of the episode, none of the answers are acronyms. The whole category is mis-titled.it should be "Helpful Internet Abbreviations"

Edited by acapelladude
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6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Reggie's accents that went in and out even in the same category amused me! But I am now 1/6 on knowing who any of these 'celebrities' are, from this week and last. Except I did see Iliza on Celebrity $100,000 Pyramid a few weeks ago, so, 2/6?

I knew Iliza from her standup comedy; I knew Andy because he's a big enough name to have filtered into my consciousness (not a regular Conan watcher, though). I recognized Eddie and Reggie once they were introduced, and Simu only because he's done the late night rounds recently. Ego I had never heard of but current SNL people have to be otherwise famous or go viral for me to recognize them.

I felt a little bad for Austin that they kept calling him weird (I know they were joking around but still). I had mixed feelings at the beginning of his run but I ended up liking him a lot. Facebook recently gave me a 'memory' of a post I made about the then-current Jeopardy champ growing on me, and I checked the date and it was indeed Austin. 

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10 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I wondered if the rules were different for a second and then after she answered I double checked the clue values the next time they showed the board and realized Mayim probably just misspoke.

I can forgive that mis-speaking, as it's not typical for her to do a game where the maximum clue value on the board is $500.  She's accustomed to saying "You can wager up to $1,000" in situations where the contestant has less than that, so it's hard to blame her for saying that reflexively.  I too didn't understand why they were limiting Iliza's wager to $600, until I remembered that the maximum clue in that round was $500.  It is curious that they didn't edit it, though, unless they were trying to preserve the spontaneity of the contestants' back-and-forth.

I also can't blame Mayim for not recognizing Reggie's "Tour Eiffel" as a correct answer, because I didn't either.  Reggie with his put-on accents got my vote for Most Annoying Contestant.

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21 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:

I also can't blame Mayim for not recognizing Reggie's "Tour Eiffel" as a correct answer, because I didn't either.  Reggie with his put-on accents got my vote for Most Annoying Contestant.

Okay. Sure.

I was impressed with the correctness of Reggie's accents, given that he said he had not lived in those countries since he was a child, but some of us have an ear or voice for mimicry and accents, which can lead to a career in acting or comedy or even teaching or other public work.
And where else but on Jeopardy! can Reggie flaunt this talent? 
But, yeah, Reggie probably did get way too carried away with the accents, even for a Celebrity version of a game show. 

Still, this was the moment when Mayim's penchant for belittling the contestants when they give incorrect responses finally got to me:
Until now, I'd been trying so valiantly to make excuses for her behavior in my mind, but, dammit, I'm human too.  

And this is a game predicated upon participants not always giving correct responses. Why essentially declare them to be inadequate as contestants when they do so? It feels like the Mean Girls version of Jeopardy! I don't recall any of the other guest hosts doing that. 
Some have said Alex could be a bit this way, so maybe it's her enthusiasm for admonishing incorrect responses that is getting to me. It's a style of teaching I have always abhorred, and don't want to watch it for entertainment. It's certainly not edifying in any way.

I am still ready and willing to forgive Mayim if she has finally learned her lesson and will never again belittle contestants, or at least find a way to quickly undo her astonished reaction to a Triple Stumper with some kind of "can't know everything" remark——since she is unlikely to ever rise to Ken's ability to point out the nuance between the player's misapprehension of the clue and the correct response——although, I must admit, Mayim occasionally does a good job at pointing out how a response did not fit the category.

But I suspect it's not possible that Mayim will stop exploding with amazement at the contestants' failures.  
So, as with my ex-spouse, I will probably hold my own tongue for as long as I can again, until there comes a time when, as others have, I need to decide to live a life without her on my Jeopardy! screen.
Maybe after next week?

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Didn't enjoy this one as much as last week's episode but it was okay.  All the OTTness is pretty much what I expect from a celebrity game show.  I thought Mayim did a good job last week but not so much this week.

I've heard of Eddie Huang but not the other two.  Reggie was enjoyable with his very good accents and the woman comedian was okay if a little too chatty.

They all had some major wrong answers but were also very sharp in some of the categories.

My main complaint is that one hour is just too long for me. I will definitely keep watching.

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Well, there's always someone who stands alone outside the crowd. Today it's me. Here's what I emailed to a friend after the show:

"I watched Celebrity Jeopardy at 7 and laughed so hard and so loud. It was funnier than any sitcom or any show EVER anywhere, and I did LOL several times, and I mean LOUD. I didn't know any of the celebrity players and I don't like Mayim Bialik but I tell you, it all came together into the biggest laugh fest of my life. The bar category was given by a former Jeopardy multi-show winner, one who was kind of controversial (you liked him or you did not) during his run, and he got some shade thrown on him that about made me fall on the floor, it was so funny."

That episode ranks 10 thumbs up from me, best thing I've seen on tv EVER. And while I might smile at something funny, I NEVER LOL. Until last night.

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25 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Well, there's always someone who stands alone outside the crowd. Today it's me.

I watched it this morning and yes, despite being everything I dislike about Celebrity Jeopardy, I found my self laughing a lot! I didn't know any of these people but I did enjoy watching them and was several times surprised at the answers that they did know.

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The specific combination of players must make a big difference in how they approach the game.  If nobody else is cutting up, you may not be inclined to, but if everyone else is, you may think you should join in.  I preferred the more straightforward approach of the first game - this time, everyone was just too affected, try-hard, and frankly obnoxious for me.  Oh well - maybe next game will have a different flavor again.

I liked seeing the "hungry i" (always rendered that way) come up.  I've been learning about its history in SF recently.  The i booked a lot of jazz and folk musicians as well as all the big standup names of the 50s and early 60s.  After that scene withered away around 1970, the proprietor sold the name to a strip club operator, which used it until recently.  I heard they used to get confused visitors who hadn't been in town in a while!

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9 hours ago, acapelladude said:

The very first answer in the "Helpful Internet Acronyms" category was about CMV. CMV is an abbreviation not an acronym. Acronyms are abbreviations that are pronounced as a word i.e. scuba (self contained underwater breathing apparatus). Watching the rest of the episode, none of the answers are acronyms. The whole category is mis-titled.it should be "Helpful Internet Abbreviations"

That's frustrating, because they used to do that all the time on the regular series - have a category called acronyms and then fill it with clues about initialisms - but the last time they did one it was correct.  I thought they'd learned the error of their ways, but apparently not.

I loved Reggie's "Fuck Shit Stack", then hadn't seen him in over 20 years until an appearance on Fast Foodies, where he cracked me up again.  I know Eddie from cooking shows, and have some of Iliza's specials on my watch list but haven't seen them yet, so I was rooting for Reggie out of greatest familiarity, but then Eddie announced The Innocence Project as his charity and I was rooting for him.  But good for Iliza and her charity.

This game was the loosey-goosey style I expected from this series; obviously the extent of that is always going to depend on the contestants (and what the producers encourage).  The way they laughed at themselves and each other throughout was entertaining.  I especially loved Eddie and Reggie's reaction to Iliza talking herself out of the Tasmania answer, and Mayim's "I think you have literally texted me that" when Iliza couldn't come up with what ICYMI stands for.

Iliza adding "southern" to CA in the comedy club clue in her head and thus being so certain her answer of Hermosa Beach was right also cracked me up.  As did Reggie randomly switching to a German accent and his commitment to all things French.  And Mayim's "Friendly reminder: Please buzz if you know the answer".  Plus the chorus of "I knew it" when the Moby Dick response none of them rang in on was revealed. 

I cannot stand Austin, so Reggie's response to his category being introduced, and Eddie's reaction to that, had me howling.  Every moment of their forays into that category amused me.

I got all but one each in the first two rounds (even in an easier game, I'm hit and miss with pop culture, and I didn't know the Justin Timberlake or WandaVision clues).  As regulars of the J! forum know, I am utterly awful at religion/mythology categories, but in this one I managed to know/correctly guess all but one.  That was one of only two clues I missed in the third round (I also, like the contestants, didn't know Zombieland).  And FJ was an instaget, so I continue to love how well I do in these dumbed-down games.

On a shallow note, I liked Reggie's glasses and the neckline of Iliza's dress (but not the dress as a whole).

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47 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

The Kingston Trio, for one.

Absolutely!  Oh to have had a ticket for these shows in 1958 when they shared the bill with Tom Lehrer...


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I got happy too soon last week when I knew all three participants.  I’ve never heard of these three.  And based on their performances, I hope I never hear of them again. 

I know they’re supposed to be “on” but there’s on and there’s full-on manic. And the clues would have been too easy for a Kids’ Tournament.  Even if they were kindergartners.  

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47 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

I know they’re supposed to be “on” but there’s on and there’s full-on manic. And the clues would have been too easy for a Kids’ Tournament.  Even if they were kindergartners.  

The first game had a good balance of being "on" and actually playing the game. Last night was just chaos.

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That was hard for me to watch. I like when players are loose and having fun, but they need to, you know, play the game. Simu, Ego, and Andy hit it just right in the first game, but these three…it really did feel like a parody.

Does Eddie have a medical condition that requires the sunglasses? Because if it’s just his “thing,” it was kind of rude.

I actually like Mayim; she was one of my top two for the permanent gig. Ken was my other choice, so I’m satisfied. Mayim isn’t as smooth yet but I think she’ll get there if she’s given a chance. 

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On 10/2/2022 at 8:51 PM, SomeTameGazelle said:

Since Iliza and all of the celebrities are playing for charities they support and not that they run or have any way of profiting from, not really? Jeopardy! is going to donate the same total dollar amount regardless of the scores from each game and the only thing that depends on the scores is which charities get more money. 

I paused the recording and shouted until I had it out of my system before I let it play and was relieved to see they ruled in Reggie's favour immediately. 

On one level I was maddened by the chatter and the slowness in choosing and I had to pause several times to rest but on another I was rooting for Reggie and his accents and accepting that the looseness and frivolity are a feature of the celebrity version. Iliza telling Mayim how terrifying her pauses are! Everyone jumping on Mayim for not recognizing Tour Eiffel = Eiffel Tower! Iliza talking herself out of Tasmania! Everyone complaining about the Austin clues!

I laughed and applauded when Iliza said that Mayim's pauses were terrifying.

On 10/3/2022 at 9:08 AM, saber5055 said:

Well, there's always someone who stands alone outside the crowd. Today it's me. Here's what I emailed to a friend after the show:

"I watched Celebrity Jeopardy at 7 and laughed so hard and so loud. It was funnier than any sitcom or any show EVER anywhere, and I did LOL several times, and I mean LOUD. I didn't know any of the celebrity players and I don't like Mayim Bialik but I tell you, it all came together into the biggest laugh fest of my life. The bar category was given by a former Jeopardy multi-show winner, one who was kind of controversial (you liked him or you did not) during his run, and he got some shade thrown on him that about made me fall on the floor, it was so funny."

That episode ranks 10 thumbs up from me, best thing I've seen on tv EVER. And while I might smile at something funny, I NEVER LOL. Until last night.

Until I got to your post, I was thinking I was the only outlier. I guess I don't look at Celebrity Jeopard as a "real" game, but just entertainment. And I am entertained enough that I don't get too annoyed with Mayim (though the 1,000 vs 600 clue thing was confusing). Then again, I'm also apparently an outlier because I liked Austin - though that first clue of his was wierd.

When it comes to the celebrities - I only knew Andy Richter in the first one (though it did turn out I knew the winner because I'd seen his movie). I did know the three celebrities, at least tangentially, in this one. I just enjoyed the complaints IIsla made about wagering (which would be my downfall), and when Reggie forgot to use his clicker because he thought the clue was his when he picked the category.

Anyway, I was entertained, and it really helps not to think of it as a serious competition. And it's also more fun that I get more of the answers. I almost didn't record the shows, but now I'm glad I did.

Edited by Clanstarling
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2 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Then again, I'm also apparently an outlier because I liked Austin - though that first clue of his was wierd.

Austin posted on Twitter that he was getting some shade on this episode and he was loving it, and he loved being a category. Good time was had by all involved, including Austin. But yeah, that first clue was weird but I'm glad it was -- it made for some hilarious follow-up comments.

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The only part of this I enjoyed was when they were dissing Austin (not a fan)...and then they had to screw that up by being complimentary toward him at the end.  Oh well, at least that way they managed to achieve total train wreck status for the show, instead of just 98%.  

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On 10/2/2022 at 5:37 PM, SoMuchTV said:

ETA  And I am enjoying that they aren’t impressed with the “Austin” category. 

Joking or not, I thought the celebs were incredibly disrespectful. I am surprised that this passed into the edited episode. 

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That is a slogan for the city, but they definitely were not liking the category. Due to their random board hopping, they did land first in a weird and badly written clue (too long and not clearly worded), but they were going after Austin the person too. That's one thing that gets me when too many comedians get together. Their "cleverness" can get a little mean spirited as they try to up each other. That's what I felt this group was doing.

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Given that Austin (I like him) was given plenty of shade in the Jeopardy forum it wasn't too surprising. I don't recall it as being hugely mean spirited, just comedians riffing. The initial question was indeed weird. Austin is accustomed to it, and given what @saber5055 posted, has a good sense of humor about himself.

Now, if he hadn't already been battle forged, I might have felt differently.

Edited by Clanstarling
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I thought this episode was so annoying.  Unlike other celebrity versions of game shows where there's time to be funny and to riff (like "To Tell the Truth"), "Jeopardy" has always been a little more stolid to me.  Contestants, whether they are celebrities or not, should take the game seriously.  Producers should only hire celebrities who agree to do that.  No one should be pulling a "schtick" during their time on "Celebrity Jeopardy," so I thought Reggie was completely obnoxious.  This is their chance to surprise the world by showing us they are smarter than we may know them to be, not to yuk it up at the expense of the game.

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1 hour ago, Genius said:

Unlike other celebrity versions of game shows where there's time to be funny and to riff (like "To Tell the Truth"), "Jeopardy" has always been a little more stolid to me.  Contestants, whether they are celebrities or not, should take the game seriously.

100% agree.  DD and I were having the same conversation yesterday.  I can tolerate, to a degree, the silliness that goes on at Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, because WoF is a fairly silly show.  But Jeopardy is not a game that lends itself to endless giggles and wisecracks, and to have D-list comedians try to turn it into their personal audition tape is irritating, to say the least. 

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14 minutes ago, meowmommy said:

But Jeopardy is not a game that lends itself to endless giggles and wisecracks, and to have D-list comedians try to turn it into their personal audition tape is irritating, to say the least.

YES!  For me, it's the same as "$100,000 Pyramid."  Imagine trying to be funny during rounds of that game?  Your non-celebrity partner would hate your guts.  You can be "funny" during non-game time, like commercial bumpers or your intro.  Otherwise, respect the game or don't let them on.

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