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Jeopardy! Season 39 (2022-2023)

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Oh, Kit.

It did surprise me that no one recognized Gene Kelly. Side note: There are times when Only Connect shows a picture of someone I know but don't recognize because they use a different photo than the ones I'm used to seeing in US media.

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Like so many of you I got Gene Kelly and CSN while thinking I know I’m older, but why wouldn’t people know them considering how popular they were. I gave a whee at Kit Carson. I got the two above as well as Ra, legion, and tis. FJ was an instaget. Finally a FJ after a long drought (although the T40 has been superb) 

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9 hours ago, Bastet said:

I'm not familiar with it, but, yep, the Search function brought it right up -- there's an archived version (linked to in page one of the single thread) from when it was a multi-thread forum, and an active single-thread topic for it.

Well, thanks!  I must have mis-spelled something when I did the search myself.  Appreciate this!

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The CSN clue was a little before my time (born in '75) and I'm not familiar with the song it referred to.

6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

My take on Cris is he appears to be somewhat of an introvert. As such, he may feel uncomfortable when praise is being lavished upon him— like when Ken talks about his winnings and how great he’s doing. We’ve had other contestants present similarly (Jackie Kelly comes to mind). A serious face during gameplay could also just mean he’s focused.

I was thinking the same thing. He strikes me as an introverted sort; maybe a little shy..

I saw some comments on Facebook calling him smug and arrogant and I was like, "really? I don't see that at all." But then it's Facebook so of course you're going to see comments like that just because some people like to be jerks for the hell of it.

1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

(although the T40 has been superb)

So much pie!

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I think Cris comes off as a pretty nice guy, and I suspect he does feel somewhat uncomfortable when being praised for winning.  And you do often get close to the other contestants, and it can sometimes feel a little awkward knowing that you won and they didn't.  I mean, you're happy that you won, but you can also empathize with the people who didn't, and there's an undercurrent of regret to it.

As for who's the best dancer, look up The Nicholas Brothers on YouTube, and get back to me. 😀

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19 hours ago, Bastet said:

Cris has reminded me of someone since his very first appearance, and still does, but I've never figured out who (none of the posted suggestions have been it).  Maybe it's someone I know rather than a celebrity he's reminding me of, but whoever it is just will not come to me.  I'll probably figure it out on his last episode.

Same here, so I suspect it's someone in the media (actor or not).

16 hours ago, PaulaO said:

Packerbrewerbadger I assume you are from Wisconsin. Yes, those TS made me cry, although Fred Astaire is the best dancer.

I preferred Gene's more athletic style.

15 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I laughed out loud at the Kit Carson shout-out! 

Me too, then had to explain it all to my husband (I've explained the Kit Carson thing to him before, but it's in one ear and out the other - fair enough since I do a fair bit of that myself).

12 hours ago, zoey1996 said:

She had just been to her 46th class reunion at William & Mary, per her interview, so unless she was much younger when she graduated, 22+46 would make her late 60s. I'm older than that, I didn't get it because a) I never saw Xanadu and b) I might have recognized a much younger Gene Kelly, but not this older version.

I'm the same age as Jeri. Maybe she just didn't like old musicals. I'm not a big fan myself, but I took a film class or two and as a result I was very familiar with him - and I don't think he looked that much different as an older man.

2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Like so many of you I got Gene Kelly and CSN while thinking I know I’m older, but why wouldn’t people know them considering how popular they were. I gave a whee at Kit Carson. I got the two above as well as Ra, legion, and tis. FJ was an instaget. Finally a FJ after a long drought (although the T40 has been superb) 

I read "whee" differently...so I was childishly amused for a second.

59 minutes ago, MrAtoz said:

As for who's the best dancer, look up The Nicholas Brothers on YouTube, and get back to me. 😀

True enough - they are great. But they all are, in their own ways.

I ran Olivia Newton John - I don't know why. I liked some of her songs, but was never a "fan" sort of fan. I did reasonably well in the other categories (my reasonably and yours may differ 😉).

I also got FJ, so I'm pleased with my performance.

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Cris seems like a nice guy, but I have never seen him clap for another player when they get a daily double.  And yet most of the players who know they are probably going to lose, will clap for him. 

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6 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

Cris seems like a nice guy, but I have never seen him clap for another player when they get a daily double.  And yet most of the players who know they are probably going to lose, will clap for him. 

I noticed that particularly last night.  I think I even heard middle guy congratulate Jeri on it but no applause from Cris.

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49 minutes ago, Trey said:

I noticed that particularly last night.  I think I even heard middle guy congratulate Jeri on it but no applause from Cris.

What I heard Rob say to Jeri was "thank you", as in, glad you kept it away from Cris.

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29 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

What I heard Rob say to Jeri was "thank you", as in, glad you kept it away from Cris.

That's what I heard as well and perceived it the same way.

As for the Crosby, Still & Nash question I got there eventually as I always think of them as Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young.

And thanks to FJ for letting me get 1 right this week.

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We aren't big Cris fans.  We have only ever not watched the show twice because of a contestant and he is one of them.  I wish him well as he keeps on winning and will just tune back in when his streak is over.

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17 hours ago, ECM1231 said:

Is it me, or does Cris sometimes seem uncomfortable? It's almost as if he's embarrassed that he's winning. He doesn't smile much.

Cris is an account manager. If that's the job I think it is, the work is primarily direct contact with clients/customers--phone calls, problem solving, travel, meetings, entertaining, and gift giving. It doesn't seem like a good job fit for a shy person. Cris is a bit of an enigma. 

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22 hours ago, Browncoat said:

These people made me cry, too, not knowing Gene Kelly and Crosby, Stills, and Nash!  

"Suite: Judy Blue Eyes" has been my earworm today. Not complaining about that. 

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

We aren't big Cris fans.  We have only ever not watched the show twice because of a contestant and he is one of them.  I wish him well as he keeps on winning and will just tune back in when his streak is over.

Just curious… Why? I can see not being drawn to his low-key demeanor, but I can’t see anything actively annoying or obnoxious about him.  I mean, it’s not like he’s waving his tiny little hands around or anything… 

To be clear: I’m not criticizing or asking you to change your mind, I’m just curious what you find off-putting about him.

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43 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

Cris is an account manager. If that's the job I think it is, the work is primarily direct contact with clients/customers--phone calls, problem solving, travel, meetings, entertaining, and gift giving. It doesn't seem like a good job fit for a shy person. Cris is a bit of an enigma. 

People can be one way at work and a different way outside of it. There have been plenty of famous people who could give amazing performances on stage then be shy and reserved when living their day to day life. I'm a Queen fan so the first person I thought of was Freddie Mercury the other was Prince. Those are drastic examples though it happens with everyday people too.

I know episodes are taped in advance. Having said that I thought of this thread today when they were introducing the contestants and got to Cris...😸

Edited by Jaded
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57% / 60% / 59%

Not a great game… In J! I missed one in Historic Quotations and Hit the Spot, two African Lakes & Rivers, and three in everything else. In DJ I missed one in It's Epic, Honorary US Citizens, and Old Tech (I still have my iPod!), two 80s Albums, three in Word History, and four Fish. Had to think for a bit but I got FJ. (Based on "dreams" and the dates, I figured the resident was Freud but it took me a second to remember what city he was from.) My only TS was guppy (really by default because it was the only "G" fish that came to mind), but I did get all the DDs.

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FJ was an instaget.

I didn't get any missed clues.

I got the entire category of quotations right and the entire category of words wrong (although some were quitr obvious once they gave me the answer).

24 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

(I still have my iPod!)

I never even got around to getting one:)

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I cannot stand fish. I don't like looking at them, I don't eat them, I don't keep them as pets, I don't visit aquariums, I avoid the fish section of the pet store and the seafood section of the grocery store. For many years, I couldn't even feed my cat wet food that contained seafood. Alive or dead, I will avoid fish at all costs. I ideally would have stopped watching for the entire category, but they didn't even have the decency to do it in order, it was interspersed with other categories so I kept catching glimpses of the fish because I couldn't look away fast enough. Ugh.

Instaget FJ, but I was also visiting my Austrian neighbour last night and she specifically referred to Vienna as the city of classical music. I had no idea who the 'dreams' part was referring to, though.

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I just "played" via the archive during halftime, and had a much better game than last night!  I missed two in rivers and one in fizz, but got everything else in the first round.  Epic is not my genre, and it showed; I missed all but one in that category.  Other than that, though, I did well in DJ.  I ran albums and old technology (that my iPod is old technology is tripping me out) and got all but one each in the rest.

FJ took some pondering, but then it came to me and I thought, "Duh, why did that take me so long?"

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I GOT A GEOGRAPHY FJ!!  Sorry to yell, but that almost never happens. Although I guess it was less a geography get than a good guess on classical music, confirmed when I realized “dreams” must be referring to Freud.

I can’t believe I never noticed this before tonight, but Cris has a very… interesting game stance. It looks like he’s standing at a urinal. (I don’t even want to think about how he practiced buzzer technique.)

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It wasn't the greatest game for me, and when the FJ category came up I literally said "Oh great! Unless it's Vienna, I'll never get it!" And then.... LOL.

As for Cris not clapping - some people just aren't natural spontaneous clappers. He also might not want to shift his hold on his buzzer.  I'm not a huge fan of Cris, but I don't think it has anything to do with disrespect.

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6 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I think Ken was making fun of the My Pillow Guy when  he said "the bears" while acknowledging that correct response.

I'm not sure if it's a regional thing.  It might be in Minnesota too, but being from Wisconsin, I've always heard "the bears" said that way since long before the my pillow guy.

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3 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

I'm not sure if it's a regional thing.  It might be in Minnesota too, but being from Wisconsin, I've always heard "the bears" said that way since long before the my pillow guy.

I believe it's an SNL thing.

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20 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I think Ken was making fun of the My Pillow Guy when  he said "the bears" while acknowledging that correct response.

No, he was referencing the recurring SNL sketch Bill Swerski's Super Fans: Da Bears. Bears fans are sitting around a table drinking beers and eating Polish. The boys give toast to "Da Bears," in their strong Chicago accents. There are multiple sketches, one of which one of the guys has a heart attack while eating the Polish. The other guys smack him on the chest to bring him back to life, then they all salute "Da Bears" with their beer mugs. Make note, it's DA Bears, not THE Bears. Chicago, dudes, Chicago! (She-KAW-go)

Here  is a story and a Thanksgiving Da Bears video that should clear up any questions.

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7 minutes ago, SierraMist said:

Thanks, all, for setting me straight.  I feel silly.  I always thought it was a rivalry thing between the Packers and the Bears.  I know Wisconsinites said it a lot.

Well, there's always Aaron Rodgers, who shouted "I OWN YOU!" last time he was in Soldier Field. So there's that too!

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On 12/2/2022 at 7:03 PM, 30 Helens said:

Just curious… Why? I can see not being drawn to his low-key demeanor, but I can’t see anything actively annoying or obnoxious about him.  I mean, it’s not like he’s waving his tiny little hands around or anything… 

To be clear: I’m not criticizing or asking you to change your mind, I’m just curious what you find off-putting about him.

Because it's no longer the typical Jeopardy game of three contestants. It's The Cris Show, with two people standing by, watching him mechanically responding to one clue after another. 

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1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

Because it's no longer the typical Jeopardy game of three contestants. It's The Cris Show, with two people standing by, watching him mechanically responding to one clue after another. 

I like Cris.  I can't wait each day to see him win again.  If he annoyed me, I guess I'd think otherwise, but I love to see someone likeable (in my opinion) dominate the game.  

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In a way, I find it more exciting when a dominant champion is playing, because you have the suspense of wondering whether this is the day they get defeated. Especially in matches like some recent ones, where Cris has come very close to being defeated.

But generally speaking, I don’t care who the contestants are as long as nobody is being overly annoying and I get to play along. And the geography clues are kept to a minimum. 

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On 12/2/2022 at 11:00 AM, MrAtoz said:

As for who's the best dancer, look up The Nicholas Brothers on YouTube, and get back to me. 😀

They were extraordinary  - and they tipped their hat to (enter the ladies!) Eleanor Powell as one of the most gifted dancers ever:

 “Eleanor Powell was one of the very greatest, period, bar none,” said Fayard Nicholas of the Nicholas Brothers dance team, who understood greatness. “Not one of the greatest woman—one of the greatest, period.” Dynamic and versatile, Powell danced with a melodist’s sensitivity to the essential musicality of tap. “She was a musician,” Nicholas said, using the word tap dancers tend to reserve for their highest praise.


I'm enjoying Cris's run - his skill aside (a big aside!) I like the smile that fleetingly appears when Ken announces his running total at the end of the game (his serious face briefly dissolves into a delighted grin - as if Cris can't help himself upon hearing the amount - then returns to neutral).

Edited by film noire
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I don't pay attention to any of the players. I don't even recognize 90 percent of them when they come back for tournaments. I just concentrate on the clues and if I can answer them. I even ignore the scores so don't care if a game is a runaway.

I was thinking Friday though, I hope one of the other players would find the DD so maybe I'm starting to notice Cris.

Meanwhile, I don't find anything off putting about him. He's just a normal guy, not a trained actor or thespian. I remember once being in a corporate film, I was to represent my department in the video. Every time I turned to face the camera to say my lines, I froze up and couldn't speak. And that was just at my place of work, not on the Jeopardy! set in front of zillions. And big GIANT cameras.

So I cut Cris and everyone else who appears on this nationally televised game show a HUGE bunch of slack. Everyone is entitled to be what is most comfortable for them, not for us.

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23 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

I'm still upset at the ipod being called "old technology".

Aww, speaking as a boomer whose experience with many "new" technologies that are now not just old, but obsolete, I feel you. I mean, the floppy they showed wasn't even the first version - which was huge in comparison!

Though, I thought "of course it's old technology!" (I've come to accept the pace of technological changes)

Edited by Clanstarling
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I'm such a Luddite, when the Old Technology category was announced, I had the fleeting thought I might wind up still having everything asked about, but, while I knew them all, the iPod is the only thing I still have.  I had no idea they were no longer being made.  I guess most people just keep music on their smartphones instead now (I don't have one)?

As for getting sick of contestants on a long winning streak, it's rare for me.  I got kind of sick of Ken, and I definitely got sick of James, but that was more about his annoying fans - including Alex - than him.  But, generally, I don't care who's playing because I watch for the clues, not the contestants.  It's nice when I really like a champ, such as Julia or Amy, and I do enjoy when people seethe with totally disproportionate vitriol over the latest female champ and she just keeps winning.  But the contestants are never a factor to the point I'd watch or not based on who's playing.  (I don't give a shit who's hosting [other than someone patently offensive, like Dr. Oz or Mike Richards], so playing?  Nope.)

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

As for getting sick of contestants on a long winning streak, it's rare for me.  I got kind of sick of Ken, and I definitely got sick of James, but that was more about his annoying fans - including Alex - than him.  But, generally, I don't care who's playing because I watch for the clues, not the contestants.  It's nice when I really like a champ, such as Julia or Amy, and I do enjoy when people seethe with totally disproportionate vitriol over the latest female champ and she just keeps winning.  But the contestants are never a factor to the point I'd watch or not based on who's playing.  (I don't give a shit who's hosting, so playing?  Nope.)

I didn't watch Friday, but I missed the mental challenge/stimulation. So, I'll work at adopting Bastet's attitude toward the game from now on.

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On 12/1/2022 at 9:09 PM, Prevailing Wind said:

For me, that would be cilantro,

More olives and cilantro for me! 😁

Friday's game was pretty good for me.  I ran 4 categories (Body Language, Fizz-ics, It's Epic & Old Technology), got all but one clue right in 4 others (African Lakes & Rivers, Hit The Spot, Their 80s No. 1 Album & Honorary US Citizens) and got 1 TS correct (Finland).  I only got Finland because of Mystery Science Theater 3000 - one terrible movie they ran was based on the Kalevala and apparently it stuck in my mind.

And FJ was so easy I almost thought I must be wrong.

On 12/2/2022 at 10:20 AM, ams1001 said:

The CSN clue was a little before my time (born in '75) and I'm not familiar with the song it referred to.

Philistine!  To not know Suite: Judy Blue Eyes!  (Just kidding, but I absolutely love that song.)  Edited to note: I wonder if you might recognize the song if you heard it but maybe don't know the title?

Edited by proserpina65
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On 12/2/2022 at 8:00 PM, Browncoat said:

Instaget FJ because of the classical music part.  If they'd just said "City of Dreams" I never would have gotten it.

The only TS I had was guppy.

I almost said guppy, then didn't.  Oh well.  And yes, it was the classical music part that gave me Vienna, although the dream part did make me think of Freud, so I probably still would've gotten it.

On 12/3/2022 at 2:24 PM, ams1001 said:

I believe it's an SNL thing.

Da Bears!

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On 12/3/2022 at 8:06 PM, annzeepark914 said:

Because it's no longer the typical Jeopardy game of three contestants. It's The Cris Show, with two people standing by, watching him mechanically responding to one clue after another. 

They should ring in faster, just like any other game with a returning champion.  That's usually what makes the difference.

Honestly, I am the biggest proponent of not liking a contestant for whatever reason you don't like them, so if Cris makes you not watch, I get it.  There've been contestants who I disliked so much that I only looked at the archive during their entire runs.

23 hours ago, Clanstarling said:

Aww, speaking as a boomer whose experience with many "new" technologies that are now not just old, but obsolete, I feel you. I mean, the floppy they showed wasn't even the first version - which was huge in comparison!

Though, I thought "of course it's old technology!" (I've come to accept the pace of technological changes)

I'm not a boomer, but am Gen X.  A lot of the things which were a big deal when they first came out during my youth are long gone, so I understand completely.  Still, an 8-track player in a car?  Those things were fairly sensitive, so didn't they skip a lot?

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7 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Still, an 8-track player in a car?  Those things were fairly sensitive, so didn't they skip a lot?

I don't remember them being sensitive, but there was a giant "ker-chunk" sound when it switched tracks (sometimes in the middle of a song).  Good producers could time songs better.

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