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S07.E11: Drag Race Gives Back Variety Extravaganza

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3 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

Wait....so the winner of the 5th-8th placed queens gets $50000 but 2nd-4th get...nothing?

Right? And one person picks the final member (gee, who will twinner Monet choose?) AND a 3 star challenge - rendering most of the season pointless. I’ve long ago trained myself to watch each season as a variety show instead of a competition because the judging, random changing rules, and producer shenanigans would drive me crazy.

I wonder if they sandbagged Shea and, to a lesser extent, Monet to have a underdog to finalist arc. They may have picked the wrong horse though, since I don’t know that Shea is that widely beloved, but that may be just me - not a huge fan, and disappointed not to have Raja and / or Jaida in the top group.

Excellent season but this episode was an eye-roller for sure.

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Monet and Shea were the clear winners of the variety show. Monet has THAT as a talent and has kept it quiet until now?! There's a bold choice. Bravo, honestly. And Shea's entire presentation was slick as hell, with a great beat and tune.

I was disappointed in Raja and Yvie's showings. They could have been great but didn't quite get there. Both had strong emotional ties to what they presented, but Yvie's peaked early with the cool box reveal and Raja's one pose/expression throughout the number confused me instead of telling a story (not to criticize her cultural dance, which is completely new to me). I was rooting for them both but their personal stories afterwards were far more compelling.

...Jinx came off a bit smug this episode and I did not enjoy that. It happens to all of us some days but...that chat with Ru and Michelle didn't make her more likable and her song was literally all about "Me!"

I think I just hate it when the Ru Girls do songs bragging about themselves. It's a turnoff and sounds immature.

...except Shangela's AS verse, which was amazing and all about her growth and her deserved pride in that.

I doubt Jinx will win now, which bums me out...too many good lippers in the top. Hopefully either Raja or Yvie can win the other competition.

I've always wondered why they don't move to another stage for the AS finale. It seems so plain to finish an AS competition with no crowds and no bigger stage.

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11 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Yes, she doesn't remember that she blocked Jinkx first and Jinkx has been blocked twice.

AND admitted she would have blocked Jinkx earlier if Jinkx hadn't won the challenge, and said in confessional she would block her every time if she had to.

The Monet-Trinity alliance worked out well for Monet in the end, didn't it? This way she doesn't have to have any real drama over not picking Jaida.

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7 hours ago, Neeners said:

I've loved this season up until this point. I watched the sneak peek and got so mad about the 3 star shenanigans that I haven't watched the actual episode (yet). It feels so unfair to me. Geez I get too invested in this crap and have turned into a Grumpy Old Lady. LOL.

I have to agree with you, honestly.  It feels like a lot of work went into some queens getting their three or four stars, only to get pushed back to the also-rans because Ru likes Shea’s ass.  I don’t think going out there and lip syncing to your pre-recorded vanity track should be worth more than writing and delivering a roast or coming up with TWO stellar Snatch Game characters.

I mean, I don’t like Monet but she deserved to win this week for certain.  Wow!  And I understand Ru not giving another win to Jinkx, even though Jinkxy has arguably the best set of pipes in the history for this show.  Girl can SAAAANG!!!  But all that’s Ru’s choice, not mine, and I’m fine with the idea that my opinion doesn’t mean a thing.

I’m just not fine with a simple, brief performance counting for as much…or more...than Raja’s or Yvie’s or Viv’s entire season’s work.  I’m always the first to scream that it’s Ru’s show and she can run it however she wants, but the giveaway stars from earlier in the season (a consolation prize, basically, that nearly put Jaida into the finale over Trinity, who earned hers), the “Surprise!  You may have worked your padded ass off all season, but it all comes down to this single challenge…sorry not sorry.”, it all seems pretty unfair. And then Monet getting to decide all on her own whether Jaida or Trinity would make the finale isn’t fair, either…they should have had to either LSFYL for the spot, or have all the queens vote, or honestly, it shouldn’t have even mattered because there shouldn’t have been charity stars in the first place.

 I’m thrilled for Jinkxy and hope she wins it all.  She has grown so much since her season, and she just impresses the hell out of me.  #TeamJinkx all the way.

One last note…I haven’t exactly been The Vivienne’s biggest fan, I’ll be honest.  (I was firmly on Team Divina De Campo.). I have thought she was unnecessarily salty.  But considering the absolute fuckery of this episode, I can’t say I blame her.  And if it’s true that Shea has been pissing and moaning about favoritism towards Jinkx, she’s even worse than I thought…because who got three stars for a single unremarkable performance, hmmm?  I believe that would be Shea Coulée, not Miss Jinkx Monsoon.

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11 hours ago, lyric said:

Right? And one person picks the final member (gee, who will twinner Monet choose?) AND a 3 star challenge - rendering most of the season pointless. I’ve long ago trained myself to watch each season as a variety show instead of a competition because the judging, random changing rules, and producer shenanigans would drive me crazy.

To be fair, though, this is a trend that started over the last few All Stars seasons and was emphasized in 6, which remains my favourite of the newer AS seasons: it's now a showcase for showing at the queens at their best, and the compeitive aspect of the show has faded to the background. This generally works given the explosion of international formats, many of which run concurrently with AS and retain a traditional format.

1 hour ago, CraftyHazel said:

I mean, I don’t like Monet but she deserved to win this week for certain.  Wow!  And I understand Ru not giving another win to Jinkx, even though Jinkxy has arguably the best set of pipes in the history for this show.  Girl can SAAAANG!!!  But all that’s Ru’s choice, not mine, and I’m fine with the idea that my opinion doesn’t mean a thing.

While Shea's performance was excellent, Jinkx and Monet were my favourites in this episode. Both felt organic and natural, while Shea and (especially) Viv felt overproduced and canned. I'd be very curious to find out if anyone sang live; my money for that would be on Jinkx alone, as everyone else sounded a bit too polished. 

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I'm less pressed with the thought of a Shea victory because there's really no good way to end the season with this format. If production throws in a couple of showtunes for Jinkx, people will cry foul. If dance hits dominate -- clearly not a genre in Jinkx's wheelhouse -- people will cry foul. 

Production really should have switched up the last challenges and made the finale a combination of spoken-word lipsync and talent show to even the playing field for everybody. I get the fact that RuPaul increasingly wants to use these shows as tryouts for the Vegas revue and other touring companies, but it really does make for less compelling viewing.

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One day I hope to love anything as much as Ru loves arbitrarily changing up the rules of this show at the last minute to ensure maximum drama.

 Between the “no blocks!” and “it’s now three stars!” and “you must pick the fourth contestant!” and the “okay, now the bottoms are competing for 50K!,” I am just so, so, so tired of it all.  The show is inherently interesting as a competition without all the twists.

I call rigga morris on Shea’s win for the variety show.  It was a generic overproduced pop number that literally any queen with the ability to lip-sync to overproduced pop tracks and execute halfway decent choreography could do.  (See also: the basic premise of this show.)  It told me nothing about Shea, it gave me nothing about Shea, it sparked absolutely no emotion beyond “wow, she sure knows those words and is hitting her marks.”  

I thought the Viv’s was similarly over-produced but at least the lyrics felt like they were *trying* to be about The Viv.  

And I say this as someone who is not the biggest fan of original songs on the show, because the girls whiff it like a third of the time, but I thought the ones tonight were really stellar.

I love Raja but thought that dance was boring.

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Why no runway this week? I would rather have gotten more looks then gone through the tic-tac interviews again.  I will say that Monet's lipsync outfit is probably the best I've ever seen from her. The story behind Rajas dance was so beautiful/powerful! I hope she can win the miss congeniality lipsync contest or whatever that thing is.

It figures the producers would find some way to manipulate towards their favored outcome since no one's being eliminated, but damn, that was some B.S.  giving Shea a totally arbitrary win/finale spot for unknown reasons (why steal it from Jaida??)  Jinx is still the only top four who earned her spot via the rules up to this episode, so she better be the winner. 

Edited by Glade
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20 hours ago, lyric said:

Right? And one person picks the final member (gee, who will twinner Monet choose?) AND a 3 star challenge - rendering most of the season pointless. (...)

Excellent season but this episode was an eye-roller for sure.

I completely agree. I feel like I've just watched what at this point is one of the most unfair episodes in Drag Race history. But I voiced my fears about Shea getting to the finale last week, and I evidently manifested them. There's nothing to add to what some of you already said, except that if I was Shea, I wouldn't be so proud of getting into the finale like this. I'm speechless. My beloved Raja was robbed!! 

If the idea was from the beginning to have all eight queens make it to the finale, why have Legendary Legend stars in the first place? Especially when in the end they didn't matter one bit. Just give a cash tip reward to the winner of each episode and then have them all lipsync against each other in one big final Rulapalooza! It would make more sense.

9 hours ago, davidcalgary29 said:

While Shea's performance was excellent, Jinkx and Monet were my favourites in this episode. Both felt organic and natural, while Shea and (especially) Viv felt overproduced and canned. I'd be very curious to find out if anyone sang live; my money for that would be on Jinkx alone, as everyone else sounded a bit too polished. 

I can't know for sure but it seemed to me that Monet sang live, too. 

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On 7/22/2022 at 4:37 AM, Fake Jan Brady said:

Wait....so the winner of the 5th-8th placed queens gets $50000 but 2nd-4th get...nothing?

Theoretically the 2nd-4th already won some money from winning along the way. So, not nothing.

I was super bored by Shea and The Vivienne's performances. They were crisp, but uninteresting. To a lesser extent, ditto Jaida and Trinity. I was also underwhelmed by the lack of variety in the variety show. Jinx was my favourite. I like that kind of number, and appreciated she went for funny.

If they wanted to do extra stars this time, I would've preferred there be a mini challenge for one, and then maybe two for the maxi challenge. Something! Mix it up. Don't just hand 'em out in a big ole chunk. Although to that point, they set this up themselves to be waaaaay too many close-to-ties by doing the hand-out stars earlier in the season. So the stars have sort of always been not entirely real. Plus if they wanted to ensure a particular final 4 they didn't need to tack on points value at the end. They could've just picked winners in the last couple episodes - when the tops were pretty close - based on who would make it work out the way they wanted. But clearly, they wanted the whole "it could be anyone!" factor at the end. So they did it this way.

Even without twinner aliance, Monet could've used the reasoning Trinity would've had one more star if not for the block and chosen her that way.

I am also assuming the bottom-four mini-prize was always planned and just not announced.

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Ugh. I won’t even bother calling shenanigans because it’s RuPaul’s show and Ru can/will do whatever she wants, but this really sucked. I’m fine with Monet being bumped up because she did well all season and had a truly stellar performance this week, but I have to assume that Shea’s saltiness was far beyond anything that had been hinted at to bump her from the bottom to the top for that completely meh auto tuned lip sync. I’m also fine with Trinity being in the top because she was fantastic all season and would have been in the top had she not been blocked (same as Jaida should not have been in the top based on a gifted star), but still not happy with the outcome. Sadly, my beloved Jinkx likely doesn’t have a chance in a lip sync contest against these queens unless Ru does actually want Jinkx to win and throws in more spoken word and songs that lend themselves to kooky interpretations. 

The Viv’s bitter, frozen face had me and my daughter howling when she discovered she was on the bottom.

Edited by rlc
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I'm not mad that Monet picked Trinity, I have a soft spot for the Twinners and I also think Trinity's body of work this season warrants her a spot in the final. 

However, I also think the lip sync should've been between Trinity and Jaida for that spot, as opposed to having the queen with the most stars pick to break the tie. 

I didn't like the 3-star twist because it allowed a 1-star to leapfrog over the queens who had a much stronger showing throughout the competition. Trinity and Jaida should've rounded out the final 4 with their 3-stars, add to the rumors that Shea was complaining bts, I just don't think Shea deserves it. 

I've really enjoyed this season and the vibe with these queens. This twist at the end was kind of a bummer. 

Edited by funnygirl
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On 7/22/2022 at 8:12 AM, lyric said:

Right? And one person picks the final member (gee, who will twinner Monet choose?) AND a 3 star challenge - rendering most of the season pointless. I’ve long ago trained myself to watch each season as a variety show instead of a competition because the judging, random changing rules, and producer shenanigans would drive me crazy.

I wonder if they sandbagged Shea and, to a lesser extent, Monet to have a underdog to finalist arc. They may have picked the wrong horse though, since I don’t know that Shea is that widely beloved, but that may be just me - not a huge fan, and disappointed not to have Raja and / or Jaida in the top group.

Excellent season but this episode was an eye-roller for sure.

Yes!  In the name of drama, this whole competition was rendered pointless.  What a shame!  To give out 3 stars for one performance (not even a runway to influence the decision) is invalidating all the other challenges that came before.  I was so happy to watch this season until now.  I'm always disappointed with All Stars because the winning/eliminations are not based on merit or how a particular queen did, but on a social game, and now on a whim.  I'm still happy I was able to see these wonderful queens bring their A games this season, but again the ending is ruined for me.  

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I have heard Shea express sadness/disappointment in the last few weeks at only earning one star, and I've heard her say she wasn't doing as well as she expected to beforehand, and that she had started to make peace with the idea that she wouldn't be in the Final Four. I haven't heard her whining or complaining about anything. And honestly, that's been a relief to me since I like Shea but her All Stars win did feel a little like she was on a crusade to get what she "deserved." I think Shea has come a long way since then, and she seems a lot more relaxed and mature to me now.

That said, I tend to dip in and out of Drag Race watching depending on my tolerance level for the shenanigans, so I understand if the sudden 3 star prize makes everything feel like rigga morris. I'm in the club that watches for the quips and the looks and the lip syncs, and Ru can do what he wants with the crowns.

15 hours ago, Glade said:

Why no runway this week? I would rather have gotten more looks then gone through the tic-tac interviews again.

With this group I would've rather gotten more talent. This was a really slight episode; they probably could've fit in runway and made everybody do a second act.

Jinkx has been getting on my nerves lately, but if she wins it'll definitely be deserved. I hope Jaida takes it home for the bottom girls.

I may be wrong, but I feel like Shea has been complaining since she lost season nine. Then the All Stars title was practically handed to her, all she had to do was show up. She’s a fabulous queen, but Ru acts like she owes Shea money!  I wish there were fewer producer shenanigans, even though, yes, it’s a reality competition and them’s the breaks.

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From what I've heard, the complaining wasn't aired.  It was to production and then on Twitter.

Other things I've heard:

  • Raja read Michelle, saying she wasn't qualified to judge
  • Shea, and possibly Monet, threatened to quit because they perceived 'favoritism' when they didn't win and Jinkx did 
  • Yvie yelled at production while completely naked
  • Everyone thought Jinkx was the biggest threat.

From Reddit, Roscoe's Tavern, and Twitter.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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I call bullshit on this entire contrivance.

Look, I appreciated the format of the season, where nobody leaves and everyone gets the appreciation they deserve. There are no duds in this bunch.

But if you’re going to upend the entire points system with a last minute twist, why have points at all? Why not just keep everyone at the same level until the final episode, when Ru decides, based on whatever capricious Ru-logic, who prevails? That’s what always happens anyway.

Despite my annoyance at this episode, I did love this season, and I’m glad that nobody is actually out yet. This isn’t the final 4 I wanted, but it’s the one I get, and I can live with it.

I want to hang out with Yvie so much. I’m going to miss that laugh. And just when I think I couldn’t love Raja more, she adds another layer. Class personified.

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I don't think I minded the "3 star twist" as much as others, because I've sort've gotten used to shows having a way to make sure all of the contestants are still contenders for the end. (So like how the prize totals keep rising through the rounds of Beat Shazam and many more examples). 

I do think the tie should have been decided with a lip sync since that's the traditional decision maker in the overall series. 

As for the 2 lip sync extravaganzas we're getting next week, I'm not surprised now that it is announced. It keeps all 8 involved in the final episode (and hopefully means we'll have less filler since it will be 6 lip syncs in total). 

I suspect all 8 queens will be getting some prize money depending on their overall ranking. So while the Top 4 are going for the quarter million prize, even the 3rd/4th placed Queens will probably still get over 50k that the 5th will get. 

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I thought only Jinkx and Monet were good but that’s because they are the only ones that can sing. I thought I would love Raja’s dance but it was kind of boring. I never really understand making people who can’t sing, sing. You can improve acting and comedy skills but there isn’t a lot you can do if you can’t sing. I really dislike the three stars for one performance thing and I’m hoping Jinkx can somehow pull this off. My favorites besides her are Jaida and Raja.

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On 7/24/2022 at 2:10 AM, 30 Helens said:

But if you’re going to upend the entire points system with a last minute twist, why have points at all? Why not just keep everyone at the same level until the final episode, when Ru decides, based on whatever capricious Ru-logic, who prevails? That’s what always happens anyway.

RuPaul has been expertly trolling viewers to ratchet up interest the show for years, and he's certainly not going to stop now since this approach clearly engages many people.

EDITED because I just re-read my post, which seemed to direct ire at the viewing audience instead of at Production -- where it most certainly belongs.

Edited by davidcalgary29
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5 hours ago, davidcalgary29 said:

RuPaul has been expertly trolling viewers to ratchet up interest the show for years, and he's certainly not going to stop now since this approach clearly engages many people. I find it fascinating that people expect this show to be some type of meritocracy, and then have their pearl-clutching moments when Ru decides to screw around with the audience with some capricious fuckery. Just because he can.

I understand your point and all of these shenanigans do increase engagement on social media.  I'm one of those viewers that is putting far too much importance on the title and prize.  I would love to see it go to someone who has won a lot of the challenges and displayed excellence throughout the competition.  I actually think all of the queens brought such a high level of talent and drag excellence this year and loved that we were able to enjoy them every week.  My preference would be to split up the winnings to all- which is a ridiculous notion in a competition show.  I just have to accept that the decision rests with Ru and hope that the queens are happy with their season and have increased opportunities.

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I don't think the tomfoolery is all that bad when you take into account the charity stars. Jinkx and Trinity were the strongest competitors in terms of challenge wins and both made the top 4 despite having been blocked. Jaida's original top 4 placement was luck of the draw from Jinkx giving her a charity star, so I don't see it as her unfairly losing the lead so much as competing from where she would have been anyway (and I'm sorry but she has long since milked the last drop from the cow that was "Look over there").

Shea and Yvie both only won a single challenge and were even except Yvie had the other charity star. The "real" twos were just barely ahead, there was no obvious leader among them. In the end, Shea got lucky and Viv got unlucky, having been most affected by the block. Monet deserved that win and even if she had only won a single star it would have still put her up with Trinity and Jinkx. 

Yes, it would have been fairer to do a lipsync but I don't think the results would have changed much. The final spot was always going to be a wildcard. As much as The Viv's moping has bugged me, she did get shortchanged the most. 

I just watch all iterations of Drag Race now with JImbo's sage advice running through my mind: "I don't ever try to make sense of RuPaul's Drag Race...it has nothing to do with any of the queens beyond whatever the powers to be want it to be". And always remember to be on vacation, and somewhere between breakfast and lunch, and have a manservant crawling on your floor to do your bidding.

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Agree here that 1) I invest way too much headspace to the outcome of this show and 2) the Shea vault to the top 4 was ridiculous. I'd rather they had done a 2-star round and then had all the 3-star queens lipsync it out for the final two spots (Jinx and Monet having 4 stars). It also means Monet has more stars than Jinx even though Jinx won so many more times. So, I am curious how this will go. Jinx is the obvious winner from a technical standpoint but I don't put it past TPTB to "shake it up" in the name of drama.

That being said, I loved this season. It was so refreshing to see the pressure of elimination removed and the queens just getting to enjoy themselves for the most part. I watched the first episode of Canada yesterday and it felt really awkward to see the cattiness of the traditional format. 

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What kind of horseshit was that Ru? Shea has underwhelmed ALL season. She does not deserve to be in the Final 4. 

Why is it when all the queen are out on the stage at once, they have them divided 5 on one side and 3 on the other instead of 4 and 4? Just throws me off.

Jinkx and Monet were the clear winners.

Raja could have done anything and called it a Balinese dance. I wasn't that impressed. 

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I don't care for Opera so Monet's performance was meh to me. I heart Yvie so much that I had a tear in my eye when she explained how her condition is slowly robbing her of the ability to perform as she wants to. Also loved Raja's performance. Still Team Jinkx for the crown. 

Yeah I know it's Ru's show and she and the producers always pull shenanigans but awarding presumptive challenge winner Shea with just the right amount of stars needed for the finale was pretty shitty, even for them. 

I am that level of petty that I now want to see whoever lip syncs against Shea use rose petals as they're performing. 

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18 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

Updated Current Twitter like count @RuPaulsDragRace 

TeamTrinity:   7473

TeamShea:     8513

TeamMonet:   14.6K

TeamJinkx:     54.9K

On Instagram, Jinkx has more votes than the other three queens combined…about 50,000 more!!  

Many of the comments under Shea’s photo are about how ridiculous it is that she is even in the top four.  IF it’s true that she threw a fit and wound up in the finale as a result of that, it sure didn’t win her any new fans.  



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On 7/23/2022 at 2:07 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

 I'm always disappointed with All Stars because the winning/eliminations are not based on merit or how a particular queen did, but on a social game, and now on a whim


This, though I honestly wasn't too upset this time. I'm rooting for Jinx. And this was clearly always going to be an "everyone wins" season.

I've enjoyed watching. The title means nothing. Still pulling for Jinx to win it though.

I mostly feel badly for Yvie, who always wore killer lip sych outfits and almost never got to do the number and show them off.

And now she's saying her illness is taking its toll...so this was an important platform for her to make a statement while she can.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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On 7/23/2022 at 5:58 AM, stormy weather said:

If the idea was from the beginning to have all eight queens make it to the finale, why have Legendary Legend stars in the first place? Especially when in the end they didn't matter one bit. Just give a cash tip reward to the winner of each episode and then have them all lipsync against each other in one big final Rulapalooza! It would make more sense.

I like this idea.  They could still give out the Legendary Legends stars throughout the season and then use the stars to rank the girls in March Madness-style bracket.

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10 hours ago, Pallida said:

Various reviewers over the years have essentially said “it’s not drag if you’re not wearing heels”

*cough cough* MICHELLE. I swear, she's been the worst about setting drag into this little box, in my opinion. If you look at the earlier seasons it wasn't so much about outfits that cost a ton of money. She rips apart queens that don't spend. She's softened a smidge since she had her implants taken out but ugh. I hope the rumor about Raja is true. 

I'm not happy, but I'm not surprised about the outcome. Ru does like her twists and turns. I don't think it's very fair, but here we are. I've been Team Raja and Team Jinkx. There will be an all out mutiny if Shea wins it all. As sour as The Viv has been, she's not really wrong in this case. She got shafted. 

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