Tara Ariano August 15, 2014 Share August 15, 2014 Nominations for eviction are revealed. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 LOL! TY BB!! (and Cody!) Caleb. *shakes head* You actually think the BS is still a thing. You really are that dumb. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298077
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Derrick is King of Stupidity in this thing. As in, everyone else is stupid and he's not (in this game). Frankie trusts Derrick 100%? Wow. That's just. Wow. ETA: I need to invest in ear plugs. Because each time Victoria moves her mouth, dogs howl! That whole glass-shattering pitch she feels the need to achieve, like when she gets excited over Ariana Grande; that's just got to go. Edited August 18, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298088
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Cody, save your angst, kid. You fully and irrevocably handed your balls to Derrick, and his wishes, in your HOH week. And now you got to live with it pal. Enjoy that big rainbow flavored piece of suck. ETA: Keep telling yourself that, Christine, that its "just for the game". Just like Zach said. "touching Cody is not 'for game'." Edited August 18, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298112
luvlee2003 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Donnie is a G. That's all. Actually one more thing- Christine got a pretty bad edit tonight. 'twas nice. Edited August 18, 2014 by luvlee2003 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298179
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 1 against 3, and he still smoked 'em! You're my guy, Donny. 13 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298182
retiredviewer August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Yea for Donny! He won for himself even with the B***h Christine helping the other team! 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298183
shelley1234 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I cracked up at the BOTB....and mainly Caleb screaming when he ended up touching Donny as he and Cody were trying to move along the wall. Donny is amazing....basically beating 3 people all on their own. I wish Donny had a better social game so that he could go to the end in this game. Christine and Cody sitting in a tree.....much to the probable dismay of her HUBBY. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298190
Guest August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Donny was helped a lot by Cody and Caleb deciding to search as a team and not go back until they had two bones for a majority of the competition. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298199
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) This episode could be the labeled the 'Cody/Christine Lowlights Hour'. I thoroughly enjoyed - and what it could mean for them in terms of consequences, both in the house and out - every last bit. Edited August 18, 2014 by iRarelyWatchTV36 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298202
NYGirl August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I can't breathe. I was holding my breath and cursing Christine in my head throughout the whole competition. I'm so glad Donny won. These guys think they're so smart and don't even realize Donny is so onto them. What's going to happen next week when they need to nominate someone?? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298205
duskyliterati August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) So, Christine how exactly is flirting with Cody helping your game? He's done nothing other than lay around, mainly cuddling with you. And Donny busy 'sipping tea' while going 'that's none of my business.' Ha!! Edited August 18, 2014 by duskyliterati 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298212
Dewey Decimate August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 So sad to watch Donny unpacking, then his continued realization that, basically, everyone is against him. He smoked that comp, against the three skittle dingus stooges. God bless him. There was something so poignant and sweet when Zach congratulated him and Donny said "thank you, Zach." Dunno why, it just struck me as so gracious and polite in the face of shit. I'd love to see those two team up. Speaking of which, what the hell was up with the low-rent shitty BotB comp? Donny and Christine's tops didn't match, and where the hell was Zach's host outfit? FU, BB - it's the first time he's hosted a comp (right?), and I frickin' wanted to see him in something dorky and/or adorable. (*Confessions of a slightly embarrassed Zach fan club member) 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298214
Bluegirl547 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I love the fact that Christine practically won the challenge for Donnie by handing Caleb not one, but TWO of the wrong bones. Hilarious! 12 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298218
Guest August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I don't know, I kind of appreciated the torture of putting them in a big black box so Derrick and Frankie had no idea what was happening. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298220
mojoween August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Even Donny's bragging is polite. So glad he's safe for the week. I didn't understand why it was such a big deal for everyone to agree Victoria was safe, but then tell Donny she's a target? Why did everyone agree on her safety while they were drawing Skittles? The show WENT THERE with Cody and Christine. Delicious. So we saw TA get their mission, but not the actual deployment? God, BB, TA sucks enough as it is. No need to draw it out on multiple nights. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298229
Katesus7 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I honestly don't know what to think about this whole Christine/Cody touchy feely thing. I don't believe it's cheating, but I sure as hell don't believe it's strategy on Christine's part (I no longer believe she knows what the word strategy means) and I do think it's pretty inappropriate. Donny was awesome tonight. I guess Christine could think strategy means what Caleb seems to think it means, which is throwing a comp to keep yourself on the block, because in a game based on lies, and in an alliance with members who have already targeted each other more than once, putting yourself in a position relying on the Veto and for your "true" allies not to make another Wednesday night switch is fantastic strategy. But I also have to laugh at Zach for being so pumped at not being nominated. When if he had just agreed to the original plan his ass could be 100% safe right now. Because Donny is awesome. Favorite part of the episode? Frankie and Derrick telling Donny he was nominated because of a skittle. Donny nodding and leaving. Derrick and Frankie: "He's not buying it". Ya think assholes??? In summary, Donny is awesome. 8 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298231
panthergirl13 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Frankie's "letter from home" was more product placement for Ariana Grande? How touching. (Every time I hear her name I think it's a new coffee drink from Starbucks.) Can you imagine what that house SMELLS like at this point? 10 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298234
Skittl1321 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I liked that Christine was inadvertently sabatoging the other team by helping them. However if she uses them for seeing, I really hope TA doesn't hide her glasses. That's not the same as a hat. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298236
mojoween August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Oh also I was highly amused at Derrick asking Frankie ("the gay guy," which what does that have to do with anything) for advice why the two remaining women were with Cody at the hammock instead of at the couches with them and Frankie drily says "because we're voting them out one by one." 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298238
shelley1234 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I want Frankie sent packing because he is vile and then I might never have to hear the name Ariana Grande again. Whoever goes home this week, I hope that they are the one to come back into the house....and just busts up this alliance. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298243
Guest August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) I liked that Christine was inadvertently sabatoging the other team by helping them. However if she uses them for seeing, I really hope TA doesn't hide her glasses. That's not the same as a hat. As someone who needs glasses/contacts that Frankie had that idea makes me think he is scum. Edited August 18, 2014 by ParadoxLost Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298244
Morbs August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I thought that was a pretty funny joke by Frankie about taking her glasses. He was just being absurd. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298250
RedheadZombie August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I don't understand why Christine was allowed to give bones to Cody/Caleb. Have we ever seen a HOH or veto comp in which players helped someone else? If not, why is it suddenly ok? I loved how guilty Christine appeared when the lights came on and she was with the other two. How obvious. Did Donny find one bad bone? I'm not calling shenanigans, but I love the thought that maybe production knew Christine was throwing, and placed good bones along the perimeter of the room, and informed Donny. I'm sure that's not what happened, but I wouldn't have minded a bit if it did. Somebody stated in the feeds thread that all letters are written prior to the show airing, otherwise it's too easy to speak in code and give hints. That's obviously not true since Arianna knew that Frankie won BOB on his own. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298258
Nashville August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I didn't understand why it was such a big deal for everyone to agree Victoria was safe, but then tell Donny she's a target? Why did everyone agree on her safety while they were drawing Skittles? Because the Detonators wanted to sandbag Donny good and proper, and Victoria has been put up so many times as a "weak partner" to lose the BotB comp that simply nominating her is a red flag for her partner. The idea was to (a) assure Donny he wasn't being targeted and (b) put him up with a supposedly "strong" partner (Christine) to further reassure Donny, so he might not try as hard if he thought he wasn't their target. After which Christine would throw the comp. Unfortunately, Donny chose not to cooperate with their plan. :) 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298260
Skittl1321 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I'm confused what Derrick really thinks re: Donny. I think he is lying in the diary room. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298268
NYGirl August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 But you know..if they really wanted to get rid of Donny why not just backdoor him? Putting him up gives him 2 chances to save himself. Not that I'm complaining because I'm rooting for him. It's just sometimes I think it's better if he were voted out and in the jury house..collecting money with no stress. Does anyone know if they get paid while not in the jury house? Is he losing money by staying? You do know eventually he's going to be voted out..the odds are against him. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298284
Wandering Snark August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I loved the, literally, wide eyed DR by Donny about Christine and Cody and how he felt about it. I love that Donny totally boned The Detonator's (+ Caleb) by winning all alone. He covered about four times the space with his approach while the guys were all huddled together searching and re-searching the same area. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298311
mojoween August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I missed Cody slapping himself in his sleep on Thursday's show so I appreciate the editors putting it at the end of the previouslies. Christine's voice when she is trying to be slick is annoying. Her inane chatter inside the box was so obnoxious she might as well have just told Donny she was throwing it and saved my ears the damage. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298324
Tiggertoo August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Go, Donny! That was impressive. And I'm so glad we got a segment on Christine/Cody. Of course, it's just strategy. Yeah, I don't think so. It seems like we don't get as many family segments anymore. Who have we seen? Donny's family and Nichole's small town. I think that's it. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298351
TexasChic August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Did Donny find one bad bone? I'm not calling shenanigans, but I love the thought that maybe production knew Christine was throwing, and placed good bones along the perimeter of the room, and informed Donny. I'm sure that's not what happened, but I wouldn't have minded a bit if it did. I think Christine kept getting them and giving them to the guys, which is poetic justice. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298353
Eolivet August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I'm confused what Derrick really thinks re: Donny.I think he is lying in the diary room. Yeah, that was pretty disingenuous. Does he think America has no ears? We could hear him lying to Donny. And shut up, Cody a.k.a. "Mr. Irrelevant." Now I know why he doesn't do DR sessions. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298360
parisprincess August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 If Derrick and Frankie are wondering why Donnie wasn't buying what they were selling, its pretty damn clear to me.......they are the world's worst actors! How they can stand there and tell their ridiculous lies, knowing he's on to them, and not feel embarrassed and stupid is beyond me. If I was lying to someone and thought for one minute that MAYBE they didn't believe me, my face would be beet red. Christine is as smart as Caleb when it comes to throwing competitions. She couldn't have been more obvious if she had just sat down and refused to do it like he did. I think it's pretty cool that Caleb is in an alliance with himself. Long live the Bomb Squad! 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298367
TexasChic August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I'm confused what Derrick really thinks re: Donny. I think he is lying in the diary room. Yeah, for a second there I was like, wait, what? Derrick wants to keep Donny safe? This is new. Then I realized he was talking about the stupid TA thing and his lie about being loyal to it. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298373
North of Eden August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) Oh,hey did you hear Frankie is Ariana Grande's brother? Shocking I know! Anyway each episode I keep hoping this will be the episode where someone buys a clue and realizes that Derrick has been running/manipulating the whole game. Well,the time is here at last in hopes that someone will wake up and smell the coffee and t hey get him out this week...chances are almost zero of course but I'm hoping. Him being in control of the game like he is sucks the fun out of it...just like a few seasons ago where Dan (who I detest) was completly controlling everythiing.Derrick has an unfair advantage because frankly his line of work for him to be sucessful at it requires you to be sneaky and decietful and that gives him a huge leg up on his mentally challenged fellow house guests. Christine's denials asside I had to LOL at her husband having to sit there and watch his wife fawning over a young stud. Strategy....riiiiiiight. Edited August 18, 2014 by North of Eden 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298375
Turtle August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 The cluelessness of these houseguests was highlighted by their willingness to draw freaking Skittles to see who went up on the block. Everyone else had to nominate two players when they were HoH and risk "blood on their hands", but not one of them thinks to say "Hey, Derrick and Frankie, you need to just decide", and force them to show their real alliances? Just so dumb. Sure, you risk going on the block by not playing along, but you also risk going on the block by agreeing to let them choose freaking candy out of a filthy hat! So happy for Donny. When he fell to his knees after winning, I almost cried. I had no idea I was that invested. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298385
Cherry Cola August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Go Donny, Go Donny! So glad ge won! Christine is just an idiot. I loved that they showed all the flirting and hugging and rubbing that is going on with C and C. So inappropriate. Derrick and his whisper annoy the shit out of me and they show him saying the same thing over and over again. Ugh. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298461
Joimiaroxeu August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Derrick has an unfair advantage because frankly his line of work for him to be sucessful at it requires you to be sneaky and decietful and that gives him a huge leg up on his mentally challenged fellow house guests. Plus he's probably had training in how to read and manipulate people. I don't think it's necessarily an unfair advantage (because if he had a jerky personality they probably would have voted him out by now) but I think some of his housemates will think it is when they eventually find out. Out of whatever passes for "fairness" in this game, I think production should arrange for that bit of info to be revealed by dropping a few hints in the DRs. Let's see how Derrick can handle having his cover blown. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298491
iRarelyWatchTV36 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 If Derrick and Frankie are wondering why Donnie wasn't buying what they were selling, its pretty damn clear to me.......they are the world's worst actors! How they can stand there and tell their ridiculous lies, knowing he's on to them, and not feel embarrassed and stupid is beyond me. If I was lying to someone and thought for one minute that MAYBE they didn't believe me, my face would be beet red. Derrick can at least lie somewhat ok, being an undercover cop in the past, but Frankie - in that instance, anyways - was a stuttering mess! I think he actually had a momentary 'morality attack' about lying to the good guy in the house, and he was basically tripping over himself in the process. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298519
PaperTree August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I think the only way Derrick can lose now is if his cover were blown somehow. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298526
Kris117 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) LOL! TY BB!! (and Cody!) Caleb. *shakes head* You actually think the BS is still a thing. You really are that dumb. And he thinks he started it! And runs it. He didn't say that tonight, but he has on previous episodes. Oh also I was highly amused at Derrick asking Frankie ("the gay guy," which what does that have to do with anything) for advice why the two remaining women were with Cody at the hammock instead of at the couches with them and Frankie drily says "because we're voting them out one by one." I loved that answer, too. Unfortunately, the only woman who seemed to notice that they were being voted out one by one was Nicole (and Amber before her towards the end of her stay). Victoria is back to being BFF with Derrick in spite of everything that happened last week, and Christine doesn't realize she's the expendable one in the Detonators. Dumb bunnies. This was a wonderful episode—maybe my favorite so far. SkittlesGate was funny, but watching Frankie and Derrick explain it to Donny was even funnier. Then the BotB was better still! When Frankie and Derrick won HoH again, I had expectations of yet another week with everything going the Detonators way. But no, for once there are two of them on the block. O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay! Edited August 18, 2014 by Kris117 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298564
Never Again August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) "O Frabjous Day! Callooh! Callay!" I'm chortling in my joy! Edited August 18, 2014 by Rbonnie 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298578
PreBabylonia August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Him being in control of the game like he is sucks the fun out of it...just like a few seasons ago where Dan (who I detest) was completly controlling everythiing. Well, not really the same. I found Dan highly entertaining. Only thing I disliked about him was the DR - almost deafened me there. Oddly, other would-be manipulators have copied the DR shouts but neglected to employ strategy and wit. I'm hoping that Donny, our hero, can manage to damage Derrick's smooth path to winning. Not that I would want anyone other than Donny to win, although I think that's quite the longshot. Other than Nicole or Hayden coming back into the group, I suppose Zack would be my pick from the remaining HGs. I'm just going to be happy if we can see some shakeups though. I hope that BB will never, ever, do the double HOH again. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298660
LGGirl August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) After this episode, I want Frankie off my TV screen more now than ever. He ruins the show for me. If Derrick was such a great detective, he'd have Danny snowed. He doesn't. The rest are just stupid sheep. Calling out Christine and Cody was glorious. A married woman committed to her husband would never be all over another man. Not for $500,000 either. ETA: Donny is just awesome. Edited August 18, 2014 by LGGirl 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298661
Sunarku August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Redhead Zombie, I was thinking the same thing when Frankie read his letter. Not only was it an Ariana Grande promotion, it let Frankie know that his single-handed BOTB win made the broadcast show, and he could reasonably deduce that it was a heroic portrayal. And, when the other hamsters heard it read, I'm sure they got the message. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but BB sure wasn't trying very hard to keep game-influencing info out of that letter. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298745
shelley1234 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Plus he's probably had training in how to read and manipulate people. I don't think it's necessarily an unfair advantage (because if he had a jerky personality they probably would have voted him out by now) but I think some of his housemates will think it is when they eventually find out. Out of whatever passes for "fairness" in this game, I think production should arrange for that bit of info to be revealed by dropping a few hints in the DRs. Let's see how Derrick can handle having his cover blown. I know that production does things in the game, but if they actually leaked his job which he is doing a pretty gosh darn good job of hiding, I think that would be going too far. Derrick is playing a great game, mainly because he is surrounded by idiots and sheep, but if BB threw a wrench in that I would be pretty pissed. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298956
JerseyGirl August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 What sparked Christine to say in that she was flirting with Cody a little too much? None of the houseguests said anything to them directly. Did production say something to her? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298971
panthergirl13 August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 I'm confused what Derrick really thinks re: Donny. I think he is lying in the diary room. The DR is all scripted now. That's why, even when the entire house has already decided who is going home, you have people in the DR saying they are 'undecided' or thinking about voting the other person out. The production shenanigans have really ruined this show for me. I firmly believe the contract these people sign makes it very clear that the outcome won't be 'pure'. (in not so many words, of course) It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the BotB was manipulated to allow Donny to win. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298974
Wings August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 (edited) The FCC does not allow game shows with prizes to rig an outcome. Sure they play with their minds, plant seeds and engineer the DR talks for the show. The DR talks would be boring if they were not styled to some degree. They ask them to speak in that loud tone of voice and ask them questions to answer that we will be interested to hear. I doubt Donny would have commented on Christine and Cody cuddling had he not been asked. Since they want to create suspense for those who do not get the feeds they ask for ambiguity. I have no problem with that. I sometimes wish they would manipulate more when it comes to helping a favorite of mine like Donny! Edited August 18, 2014 by wings707 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-298998
WiCkedWitCh August 18, 2014 Share August 18, 2014 Big Brother is not considered a game show and therefore does not fall under the FCC rules for game show interference. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/13219-s16e24-nominations-8-botb-comp-8/#findComment-299063
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