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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Oh, fellow feedsters, I hate that this time of year has come again.  It's always so enjoyable to snark with everyone else who loves this stupid show as much as I do.  We probably won't get a season as good as this one for a good many years, but it's been fun while it lasted!  I can't believe how this cast we thought was a collective dud at the start of the season proved us wrong and kept the feeds lively and the ultimate outcome up in the air right until the end.  

See you again next summer!

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This has been such an odd season. I can't remember another cast that was so entertainingly volatile yet individually unmemorable. Looking at the purported Top 5 for AFP again, of course Kyle and Joseph are up there, in a "This is the best of what we've got" way.  I don't see many potential returnees in this lot.

Whoever wins, though, it won't be a worse outcome than Boogie. Or Dick.

As always, thanks to the feed watchers! And at least we don't have to go completely cold turkey this year, with Derex and Claire on Amazing Race. Hopefully I can hold my tongue around the Race fans who get snobby about BB (or as my friend and I jokingly call them, "Racists"). 

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Ahh, the end of summer: when the lights go out in the BB house, the ants cart off the last of the muffin crumbs, and cries of disappointment fill the air at 9:55 8:55 central). 

Things we have learned this season:

  • Good friends always carry charmin wipes
  • Soap is not just for faces
  • It takes approximately 9 weeks, 3 braces, 2 crutches and one scooter to recover from a twisted ankle. (4 calling birds optional)
  • Nubby muppet blankets can soothe the deepest anguish
  • When filling your pool floatie, always add one pound of air pressure for each second of anticipated sex

I look forward to seeing all you crazy masochists again next summer for more laughs, more lessons, and most certainly more disappointment. It’s been more fun than a drag through the mud from a homecoming float!

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jsm1125 posted a link to a great Entertainment Weekly article in the media thread where they interviewed the jurors. (Any heated arguments in the jury house (per spoilergirl) must have certainly been smoothed over since they had nothing but good things to say about Michael.)  

Here's the link:


Edited by Gemma Violet
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56 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

jsm1125 posted a link to a great Entertainment Weekly article in the media thread where they interviewed the jurors. (Any heated arguments in the jury house (per spoilergirl) must have certainly been smoothed over since they had nothing but good things to say about Michael.)  

Spoilergirl hasn't posted anything accurate as of late so anything she DID say about jury was likely fake/false (especially since we got NO Michael/Terrance fight like she promised and they were even hugging when they got in the house). I also don't buy SG having ANY sort of jury info. That would be TOO much involvement that SG would likely never have. 

*ETA: I do think it's time to officially discredit SG. She had some tea at the beginning, but her narcissism and Vegas-lite behaviour (Miss "I Do This For You" Spoiler Girl from years back) just make it hard to ever use her as an actual source.

But yes, sounds like things were mostly smooth in jury...but there's a Dr. Will interview going around where he said the roundtable was spicy, so it sounds like we'll get some arguments there.

Edited by Lady Calypso
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48 minutes ago, Gemma Violet said:

jsm1125 posted a link to a great Entertainment Weekly article in the media thread where they interviewed the jurors. (Any heated arguments in the jury house (per spoilergirl) must have certainly been smoothed over since they had nothing but good things to say about Michael.)  

Here's the link:


Interesting take from that is that Indy thinks Taylor played the second-best game, after Michael. And they all think Michael played the best game (if viewers agree, he may well get AFP). They all miss Ameerah. I think she’s likely to be asked back. (Loved Jasmine saying she had to step up and be the brains of the group after Ameerah left, because of course she did.)

1 hour ago, PhoneCop said:

 And at least we don't have to go completely cold turkey this year, with Derex and Claire on Amazing Race. Hopefully I can hold my tongue around the Race fans who get snobby about BB (or as my friend and I jokingly call them, "Racists"). 

Not to worry, I got your back over there. 😉

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1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

And they all think Michael played the best game (if viewers agree, he may well get AFP).

I have wondered about the change in voting for AFP. Really feels like they want to sweep everything under the rug re:Taylor bullying, it was never fully shown on the broadcast show & new voting favors casuals. We shall see. 

I'll say my farewells early, too. It's been another fun season - lots of surprises which is unusual for BB. I'll miss you guys, reading your posts and keeping us up to date on what's happening in the house. (I kept up with this thread while in Denmark, Sweden and Norway earlier this month.) Special kudos to @30 Helens for taking on the night shift as there was lots more activity then than during the day shift! I enjoyed writing about the house guests for you. I like to write so it was fun to practice description and dialogue and that kind of stuff.

I'm hoping we meet up again in January/February for another Celebrity Big Brother and be surprised about how nice or how horrible the celebrities are! And then next summer to meet and snark on a new set of house guests.

Regarding Taylor, no matter the outcome of tonight, I think she will have a lot of good stuff happening for her post-BB. I hope she is pleasantly surprised once she is out of the house on how much people like her and were cheering for her. She presented herself well on the show and I think she will have a lot opportunities due to her abilities and personality, not from just being on BB.

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7 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Regarding Taylor, no matter the outcome of tonight, I think she will have a lot of good stuff happening for her post-BB. I hope she is pleasantly surprised once she is out of the house on how much people like her and were cheering for her. She presented herself well on the show and I think she will have a lot opportunities due to her abilities and personality, not from just being on BB.

That's what I keep telling myself, that whether she wins or loses, whether she goes out 3rd, gets 2nd or wins, she IS now a Big Brother Legend, forever being part of the elite BB players forever remembered. Whether you agree with that or not, she WILL be a name people think of when they think Big Brother. And she WILL have the most opportunities out of BB post-season. 

So she will very likely more than make up for the $750k she might lose out on. And, ultimately, she'll be ok. 

*Her and Michael are the only two that will likely be considered BB Legends from this season. Taylor for being a fan favourite and probably getting a LOT of AFP votes; Michael for being a comp beast and beating records.

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Honestly, fantastic season and what really helped was this finale, bringing it full circle.

From probable first boot to winner of Big Brother 24. The first black woman to win, especially exactly 20 years after a black woman lost, and doing it with a smile on her face and resilliance and poise surrounding her.

I hold this as a top three season for me, even despite the beginning weeks. The fact that Taylor's Karma hit all of those people and then some, and hitting Monte right at the end (easy win, my ass; how's that near unanimous LOSS, MONTE?) and having Taylor making history along the way? Amazing, I couldn't have asked for a better ending.

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On 9/19/2022 at 11:17 AM, pennben said:

My fantasy ending is that Monte wins final HOH & decides the best way to put Taylor further in ‘her place’ is to sit beside him at final 2 so he can show his righteousness when he is named winner & further prove his ‘superiority’ to her, only for her to win & step out of the house without a glance at him. 

Is this real life, or just a fantasy……..!!!!!!!!!

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Before too many abandon the board for the year, thank you to all who are masochistic enough to watch the feeds and tell us what's happening so the rest of us don't have to watch.  And thanks to those who commented throughout the season.  I'll see many of you on the Survivor and Amazing Race pages.  Out of habit, I will continue to check here for a week or so, but I want to express my gratitude while there are still some folks around.  Peace to all!

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3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Special kudos to @30 Helens for taking on the night shift as there was lots more activity then than during the day shift! 

Aw, thanks, Lamb! Back at you. I am really going to miss your wakeup recaps with my morning coffee. (Or let’s face it, my afternoon coffee. My schedule is weird.) 

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“Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye 
Cheerio, here I go, on my way
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye
Not a tear, but a cheer, make it gay
Give me a smile I can keep all the while 
In my heart while I'm away
'Till we meet once again you and I 
Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye

Goodbye everybody, I'll do my best for ye”

Summer is officially over 💥

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11 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

Oh, fellow feedsters, I hate that this time of year has come again.  It's always so enjoyable to snark with everyone else who loves this stupid show as much as I do.  We probably won't get a season as good as this one for a good many years, but it's been fun while it lasted!  I can't believe how this cast we thought was a collective dud at the start of the season proved us wrong and kept the feeds lively and the ultimate outcome up in the air right until the end.  

See you again next summer!

Delurking for a minute to acknowledge allll if this! I appreciate my summers spent with @Callaphera, and her wit, even though I wonder why she’s no longer on my housewives forums. @Nashville for his on point accuracy. @30 Helens for her accurate story telling of the BIG STORIES! @Lamb18 for pin pointing the start of every day (Even in Norway). And, @peachmangosteen, for being the my cynical self! You all allow me to be who I am, which is @PhoneCop but a white middle aged woman. Like @PhoneCop, I have dreamed of being in THE HOUSE… but I’m too old and too basic, but just know that I would shout out to all of Y’all every time I could! Julie be damned. Y’all’re my queens! Thank you for being you and giving me such joy!!! 

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What an incredible season. I fell asleep last night and dreamed that Monte won. Woke up to the best surprise ever. Every year I obsess over this game and get disappointed in the end, but NOT THIS YEAR!

Thank you, thank you, thank you feedsters for all your recaps, snark, and hilarity this summer. It’s been well worth staying up to the wee hours of the British morning to keep up on this incredibly addictive show with you all. I feel like we are getting a 20 years late reward. 

See you all next year!

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So, some post interviews have started to come out, and some funny tidbits so far:

  • Turner asked who he should vote for during commercial. The only reason why it wasn't a clean sweep was because they felt like they couldn't tell him, so he guessed on who everyone was voting for and voted wrong. The thought of him just simply voting the wrong way is hilarious.
  • Monte was still in shock that he lost to Taylor (which, to me, is a testament to how poor his game ended up being; he thought he had an easy beat in Taylor but completely misread her position in the house)
  • Monte also thought that voting him over Taylor was a BIG MOVE, as he talks in a post interview about Terrance not voting him. He even gets salty that he didn't get votes from Kyle (because of the Pound), Indy (not sure why), Joseph (guess he thought they had a closer relationship than Joseph/Taylor, which...ok I DID worry about that), and Michael (also thought Michael might lean Monte for a while).
  • With regards to what Monte had been saying about Taylor in the final weeks, his excuse was "I don't remember what I said, but sorry it was offensive to people." LOL, not surprised this was his response.
  • He talks about taking Taylor over Turner; he says nothing about taking Taylor as a bad move, but talks a lot about wanting to take Turner far and then feeling threatened by him. Still not realizing that he made a costly mistake in underestimating Taylor's threat and thinking she was a goat. 
  • Taylor thought it would be a 5-4 against Monte (with Monte winning).
  • There was also apparently a Jury Pack by the end of the roundtable that if Taylor got to F2, she was winning. So the F3 results didn't REALLY matter.
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55 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:
  • Turner asked who he should vote for during commercial. The only reason why it wasn't a clean sweep was because they felt like they couldn't tell him, so he guessed on who everyone was voting for and voted wrong. The thought of him just simply voting the wrong way is hilarious.

Sheesh, Turner was a follower to the very end. He should just vote for the person he wanted to win, not worry about voting with the jury.

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18 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Turner voting for the wrong person because he thought everyone was voting for that person is so on brand. He can never have his own opinion. 

Lol.  He also mentioned he didn't want to be seen as a bitter juror.  Here's the interview:


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Oh man, I'm stuck back on work travel again, so I didn't get to watch the finale, but experiencing it with you guys is almost as good.  Nay... I say...  It is even better.

I'm going to miss y'all.  Thank you so much to all the feedsters who also feed us lurkers.

See you in the other threads!

Until next year...

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...and so begins the weaning. I know I said earlier that I'm glad this wasn't another 97-day season (maybe those are a thing of the past, like Survivor isn't going back to 39 days), but it does make the ending seem more abrupt. After three months of checking this thread early every morning, the first week after a season always makes me feel like Wile E. Coyote when he's run past the edge of the cliff but gravity hasn't kicked in because he hasn't looked down yet. 

Oh well. At least I have Jill Rodrigues in the Duggars-adjacent thread for year-round trainwreck watching.

Strange not to have @Nashville around at the end of all things, but I'm sure he had fun. Hopefully he still has his hearing.

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9 minutes ago, PhoneCop said:

Oh well. At least I have Jill Rodrigues in the Duggars-adjacent thread for year-round trainwreck watching.

Is she the one that has the husband that looks like Shrek? Sells Plexus and looks like she hasn't removed her eye makeup once in the last twenty seven years?

I lurk in the fundie snark circles on Reddit.

eta: Sorry, y'all. This totally wasn't top of the page worthy.

Edited by Callaphera
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38 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Is she the one that has the husband that looks like Shrek? Sells Plexus and looks like she hasn't removed her eye makeup once in the last twenty seven years?

The one and only!



I suppose Jasmine's ass-wiping pales next to things like Jill's ghoulish funeral selfies, but context is everything.

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Was... was that actually a good ending?

I know I'm behind - I swear, my life always seems to fumble the finale ball as of late - but this ending? Was awesome.

Thank yous to my fellow nutbars for making this another fun thread. I consider you my BB family and I love you all ❤️

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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