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S17.E07: Around the World

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What. The. FUCK.

Thiago leaving is bullshit and the only reason he is leaving is because he had three shit routines in a row that were not at all choreographed for his massive talent.

Carter’s pants were so stupid for that dance.  He’s going next week so whatever.

FINE I didn’t hate Beau in the waltz ok leave me alone.

54 minutes ago, Tigregirl said:

Did JoJo raid Tyra Banks’ Dancing With the Stars wardrobe tonight?  WTH is on her shoulders?

It also got her face!  I hope they got the number of the glitter bomb that did the drive-by.

I was glad that she snapped back at Leah though.  Leah is over twice Jojo’s age and she’s making that known, and it’s rude.

Edited by mojoween
  • Love 6

I don’t like Leah as a judge but she was right about Carter who dances everything like the perkiest cheerleader in the squad. He’s not grounded, he’s way too muggy and the only person he’s into in that stage is himself. I get that Thiago has already been in the bottom so it’s clear the audience isn’t into him, but we lost the stronger and more versatile dancer. 

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Tonight is one of those nights I would’ve preferred both guys go home. I thought all the girls killed it. I would’ve sent Carter home over Thiago but they both have the same problem, they don’t really connect with their partners. I think outside of Keaton the guys are WEAK. Poor Ralyn, probably wishes she hadn’t went on and on about a crush on Keaton, who still has to be the odds on favorite to win. 

I think the audience voting would’ve worked better if they either did:

1. What they did in season 1 where the judges pick the bottom and then the studio audience could vote on who to save. 
2. They had the audience rank the dancers and use a point system. 

I think either of those would’ve been far more effective. 

And geez, the judging was really all over the place tonight. I don’t mind dissension, it’s not interesting when they just echo each other but Jojo was varying quite wildly from the other two. 

  • Love 3

Not surprised Thiago and  his partner were on the bottom…very weak choreography that neither were able to overcome.   I was surprised Waverly wasn’t in the bottom.  He and Carter had the same problem…not hitting the harder notes of the choreography, not being sharp.   

I thought Essence did great.  The judges liked Anna more than I did.  

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I wonder if the dancers feel as rushed as we do? Blink and it's over. Will we remember them well enough to follow their post-SYTYCD careers? Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but tWitch's talk at the end about family and bonds sounded as if he recognizes they're being treated as audience fodder.

Now can someone explain to me why it's such a big deal that Beau has a non-typical body shape for a dancer, when the same can be said for Keaton? We've also had gay contestants since Season 1. Exactly which boundaries are being broken?  

Edited by Mason
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I'm becoming convinced that the showrunners are friggin idiots.  Okay they have less  money, so why spend it on clown cosrumes for the judges?  Also, in the dance prep let's see some reality not this scripted bs every other reality show does ('we're going to have to brin our sexy") - those are the great moments.  And more of the choreographers.  I didn't realize that was Jonathan Platero in the teaching section because we saw so very little of him that who had time to recognize him?  And WHY on god's green earth do I need to see a camera shot swoop from the freaking studio ceiling when I'm trying to watch dance?

  • Love 2

Okay I've calmed down a bit now.  That was a pretty good show.  Thiago is unlikely to have been removed so fast in a bigger cast - it is pretty weird that he is out before Carter, Waverly or Beau I think.  I liked the dance alright, but more emotive music might have helped, as it did for...

Beau is being given gifts a bit.  He didn't get Bollywood or African Jazz (Yay! Sean Cheesman!)j He did a good job, but....

Waverly needs to do something to connect.  It doesn't help that yet again they aren't really lighting him well enough and the stupid distances they are sometimes getting away from dancers.  I want to see how he's reacting to hte music and I just don't.

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Anna/Carter: Honestly, I felt neither had impressive technique. Carter is totally generic. I liked Anna's facial expressions. (EDIT with judges' comments just for this one performance: What is Jojo talking about? Carter wasn't good, nor did he connect with Anna.)

Waverly/Essence: Ah, a new choreographer for Bollywood! Essence's movement seemed rushed and incomplete at times, but I loved the face she was giving yet again, and I enjoyed her quite a bit. What a great character. Waverly just fades into the background.

Beau/Jordan: Yeah, Beau's very much going to be a very good broadway actor. I don't mind his presence on the show, performance is still dance artistry. Jordan connected much better with him than with Waverly. Not a routine that was scant on technique for Beau either, although not quite rich.

Ralyn/Keaton: I just don't know what to think of this routine, but I thought they both executed the movement fairly well, Ralyn a shade better.

Thiago/Alexis: I thought Thiago had crisp technique, but I haven't been a fan of his expression in his duets. Alexis was good yet again, a strong dancer.

Bottom 4: Would have had Anna, Carter, Jordan and Waverly in the bottom. Definitely don't think any girl performed badly this time, just felt Anna was the weakest. Would have kicked Carter and Waverly though.

From the ones who were actually in the bottom, Carter and Jordan would have been the choices for me.

Edited by displayname
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I was so excited this show was back. Even with all the manipulations of the past I'd missed watching some truly wonderful dancing. And then I hit tonight and the gaslighting was just beyond belief. As if I'm not supposed to believe my own eyes, but instead just follow along with the judges like a good little duckling, like the studio audience clearly do when they vote.

That was some next level BS tonight, sending Thiago, of all people home. He was far and away the best dancer on this season. In fact, he was one of the best dancers they've ever had and they treated him like excrement. First they saddle him, the most technical dancer they have, with the total mismatch of Essence, the least technical woman on the show, so he cannot show what he can do in his own style the first week. That dance was clearly dumbed down for Essence to be able to perform. And even given that, it was not nearly as bad as the judges would have had us believe. They both showed plenty of emotion in it, especially Thiago. And how, how the hell did we wind up with Thiago, of all the dancers, getting the "technical but unemotional" edit? What horse hockey. Then, he shone in Essence's style, even though the choreography was somewhat lacklustre.

And tonight, Thiago and Alexis clearly had one of the best dances of the night. I knew it was over when the judges inexplicably decided that was the one dance of the entire evening they were going to pan. Insanity! I agree that the choreography wasn't especially outstanding, unfortunately (see the end as the music builds to a crescendo, and the choreography — doesn't), but Thiago and Alexis made the absolute most of it. This was no cutesy dance where they could gaze longingly into each other's eyes — what the hell more connection did they expect? I thought the connection was evident not only when they looked at each other, but when they extended their beautiful matching lines.

This, this dance got panned when there was that awkward salsa (to this day, I can't remember a single thing he did), and it had no right to be as disconnected from one move to the next as it was when he is a ballroom specialist; that lacklustre African jazz (choreography was great, execution was lacking); and that horrible Bollywood (why the hell is Waverly still here? He's been terrible in everything to date). The only other really good one of the night was actually Beau and Jordan's beautiful Viennese Waltz. I have to hand it to Beau, he seems to bring out the best in everyone he dances with and can find the chemistry. Definitely the best she's been on the show.

And this after Virginia was completely stunning last week, essentially dancing with a lamp post (sorry James fans, I love him too, but he couldn't keep up and wasn't long for the show — he just didn't have the training). She had an amazing core strength and incredible stretch and toe point and but got no recognition for it, just dumped. 

But Thiago was really something special and I feel so cheated. I think I'm out for the season. I feel like we're watching some terrible teen movie where everyone goes ga ga over the conventionally attractive quarterback and we're supposed to pretend he's the best thing since sliced bread, when he's about half the dancer Thiago is.

Not once was Thiago given credit for his incredible strengths, or really given a chance to shine. I still thought he shined anyway, and I hope he knows how special a dancer he is and that this is just utter stupidity.

This show has pulled some gaslighting before, but never have I seen them deliberately get rid of their best dancer this early in the game. Big mistake. They've lost this viewer at least.

9 hours ago, Mason said:

Exactly which boundaries are being broken?  

This. I ask that every time JoJo points it out. Also: we’ve had so-called “untrained” winners (read: “street dancers” Cyrus, Russell, and Fik-Shun and I’m so glad that tWitch pointed out that of course hip-hop has technique), so Beau isn’t even breaking the “less experience” barrier.

It was nice to see a different Bollywood choreographer who didn’t talk about how supposedly offensive it would be to get the hands wrong. tWitch was right to point out they needed to be more precise, but it certainly wasn’t offensive. Speaking as a white girl who spent three years in a Bollywood dance troupe with an instructor who never once told us our hands were offensive. Trained Indian dancers (it’s not all Bollywood) do have beautiful hands.

That salsa, though: granted, my only salsa experience is five lessons at a local dance studio, but I didn’t feel like there was much salsa in the choreography. And Carter’s idea of “down” was “crouching low.” It looked weird and I think he really is the weakest of the remaining male dancers.

I don’t disagree with Thiago’s departure because every week I think “There’s a Thiago?” but I would have booted Carter first.

  • Love 5

Kind of surprised Thiago went,.  I got the feeling the judges didn't really like Thiago, and wonder if he has a bit of an attitude that they saw in the prelims?  I would have sent Carter. Agree with all the comments about how rushed everything is. It's like fastest to the finish. I really felt for Keaton having Ralyn fawning over him. 

As for the judging, I don't think I like Leah Remini very much. I think JoJo knows a lot as does Twitch. While they do give some constructive criticism,  I kind of find it like RuPaul's All Stars right now, where everyone's a winner baby.

  • Love 3

Surprised the judges sent Thiago home instead of Carter.  I thought for sure that the latter was a goner since he was the one that I would have chosen to be at the bottom.  Too smiley and not sexy for salsa.  I agree with Leah and Twitch here.  I know Leah does salsa dancing for fun.  It was mentioned when she was on DWTS.

Agree with Jojo that I thought Thiago and Alexis' performance were fine.  I was even thinking that the way they danced was how Waverly and Jordan's dance should have looked last week.  Maybe since it's Broadway, Twitch and Leah thought it should look more cheesy like what Beau and Anna did during the first week.  Get rid of Leah!!

Jordan was beautiful in the waltz but all the women were really good last night. 

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I’ve not been a fan of either Thiago or Carter, but I can’t believe they booted Thiago over Carter! Carter can’t shake his cheeriness, and I find his dancing awkward and clumsy and not developed enough for this show. Thiago grew on me a little.

I’m not surprised Jordan left. I couldn’t keep my eyes away from her in the lead-up episodes and I’m bummed she’s gone, but she seemed very professional and not the type to goof a little to be interesting enough for viewers to root for. The waltz was lovely.

i think Beau gets the “not typical body” stuff because he’s apple-shaped. Keaton’s big, but his build reflects fitness more than Beau’s. Joshua Allen was also a football player with a build like Keaton’s.

There’s been some really beautiful makeup this season. But I hope whoever put Thiago and Alexis in those awful colored suits (looked like olive and purple on my screen) got a talking to.

  • Love 3

I must say, while my money's still on Keaton, I think I prefer all the women apart from Ralyn to him. Anna is a very interesting performer, and I hope to see her shine in the next episode.

I wish we had more time with this lot. I think there's a lot of good quality to this batch of dancers, and we've had some good choreography so far this season. We didn't really get to know the dancers yet, I guess due to the budget cuts which also stamped out the solos we usually got by the time we got to the top 10. I hope, starting with the next episode, we get solos so we can see their personalities (and I think solos are where Keaton might lose out to the women).

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20 minutes ago, Electruck said:

But I hope whoever put Thiago and Alexis in those awful colored suits (looked like olive and purple on my screen) got a talking to.

Yes! Those costumes were so ugly and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a contributing factor for that team being in the bottom. It might not be fair but I really think the song choice and costuming can play heavily into how the audience reacts to a routine. Thiago and Alexa’s broadway routine might’ve been technically good but I didn’t care for the song or the costumes so it’s harder to emotionally connect. I wish the bottom dancers could dance for their lives; I think Thiago might’ve survived if he pulled off another solo like his audition. 

I still love Keaton, he’s fun to watch and rises to all the challenges he’s given. 

Edited by desertflower
  • Love 8
4 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Ugh to Waverly and Essence not just not being able to pronounce euphemism, but not understanding what the word meant.  

Ugh I know. It's not like it's even a big SAT word. I just never think it's as cute as kids think it is when they don't know words. Yes, I'm old.

They're really leaning into this "you're not connecting" line. In a bygone era, they would have protected Thiago. I'm thinking of Jenna, who was in the bottom week after week, and Nigel would chastise the TV audience for it and week after week they'd save her. I'm not sure why they let him go. Did they not want to have the final 4 guys all be contempo/jazz guys? He kind of left me cold, but I thought for sure he'd be final 3. I feel like they're pushing for a Keaton/Beau final 2 guys. 


Yes! Those costumes were so ugly and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a contributing factor for that team being in the bottom.

Yes, and add Carter's white shoes and ripped skinny-jeans look for the salsa. It was not a good look.

Carter is very theme-parky to me. 

Edited by bourbon
  • Love 5

Keaton is a beautiful dancer, but it really surprises me how sinuously he can move, because he looks … doughy.  Joshua never came across as doughy, to me anyways.

I think it’s because Keaton has not a whiff of a tan and had that unfortunate facial scruff again.

I wonder what Jordan had.  I’m guessing not COVID unless they don’t do the 10 day quarantine.

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I rewatched Thiago’s audition to remind myself what I liked about him. After seeing him in three routines, I got it. That audition was a specific character choreographed down to the facial expressions. When it came to different choreography, different characters, Thiago was just going through the motions. Everything he did left me bored.

Carter is a total cheerleader. He needs a role in Bring It On 16: The Bringing is Brought or something. I agree that the women are so much better than the men. Jordan knew she was a goner. I could see the tension in her face. I felt bad for her. 

The costuming this episode looked like it was bought at a dollar store.

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4 hours ago, Electruck said:

i think Beau gets the “not typical body” stuff because he’s apple-shaped.

If I were he, I'd be wanting JoJo to shut up about my body and focus her comments solely on my growth. Who wants their defining feature to be fruit-like (in both senses of the word.) 

To be fair, I feel that way when the leading comment about the other dancers are "you were just beautiful" unless there was something specific to the choreography that accentuated it. 

4 hours ago, desertflower said:

 It might not be fair but I really think the song choice and costuming can play heavily into how the audience reacts to a routine.

There's literally no time for them to react to much else. 

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4 hours ago, mojoween said:

I wonder what Jordan had.  I’m guessing not COVID unless they don’t do the 10 day quarantine.

On American Idol, one of the contestants got a positive Covid test on like a Saturday and then travelled to Las Vegas to meet Carrie Underwood a couple days later. And then, subsequently, Carrie Underwood got Covid lol. Anyway, yea, they don't do 10 day quarantine so she probably had Covid.

  • Useful 1
21 hours ago, Tigregirl said:

Did JoJo raid Tyra Banks’ Dancing With the Stars wardrobe tonight?  WTH is on her shoulders?

I thought Jojo had taken a giant step forward in disassociating herself from the "big bow" look and then this happened.  She may not have been wearing a bow, but she was sure dressed up to look like one.

To me it seemed like Alexis and Thiago were given a very Fosse-esque jazz number but missed all the nuances that made his choreography iconic.  It should have been sharp, mischievous and playful and it just wasn't.  

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7 hours ago, bourbon said:

Carter is very theme-parky to me. 

So much this. I grew up in the Orlando theater/theme park scene, and we call them "Kids of the Kingdom." They're the dancers who perform in front of Cinderella's Castle and are just so over the top it's ridiculous. Not a fan.

I don't get Beau at all. He's fun, he's a good performer, but he is NOT a dancer. I almost feel like they're exploiting him, and it's uncomfortable to watch. The choreographers are choreographing down to him (there was very little waltz in that "Viennese waltz") and the judges keep gushing about how he's breaking boundaries. What boundaries exactly? They've had people without traditional dancer bodies. They've certainly had plenty of gay dancers. It's not fair to the far better dancers who were cut, and it's really not fair to him either. I know it's America's Favorite Dancer, not America's Best Dancer, but I think he's the first they've ever had who literally wasn't an expert in ANY style. The whole thing just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

I can't stand the whole new format. It feels rushed and it feels incredibly overproduced. And I HATE that the studio audience votes, and the judges get one commercial break to decide who to send home. The judges on this show have always tried to throw different dancers under the bus, but when "America" votes, there are enough votes to overcome the judges' shenanigans. I feel like the studio audience feels obligated to vote for whoever the judges are gushing over that night...and to NOT vote for whoever the judges decided should go.

Speaking of the judges, I'm losing respect for Twitch, who I've always loved. Jojo and Leah are awful, and I feel like he's sliding down to their level. I think what's really missing is an actual judge. Someone who's judged dance before, either as a DanceSport judge or as a professional choreographer. This trio is just out of their depth, and it's making me really miss Nigel and Mary and even Mia. I don't particularly care what they "like." I have eyes and a dance background. I can decide what I like. I want someone to point out what was executed correctly and what wasn't.

Ugh. I was so excited for this show to come back. And I'll see it through. But I really hope they make some serious changes for next season. I'm finding myself more frustrated than anything else.

  • Love 12

Bummer, no group dance.

I finally got to watch the dances (and the behind the scenes) and skipped all the judging.  I thought all the dances were wonderful, very entertaining.  It would have been difficult for me to pick who goes (of course I know nothing about dance) because they all charmed me.  Fun show!

Jordan is the Rockette, right?  I get her and Alexis mixed up because they are both bland personalities, but they do dance beautifully!

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I will miss Thiago. I don't really get the criticism about not connecting, personally - to me, there is sort of an automatic connection there as long as my eyes are happy, and given that my knowledge of dance pretty much begins and ends in how much grace and what appears to be technical ability I see, I did connect with Thiago. Both he and his movement register as beautiful to me, and I'd have been happy to see more of him. Carter did nothing for me, and I was sure that he would be the one eliminated.

Did anyone else think that Thiago looks a bit like a very young Desi Arnaz? It just occurs to me that I once had a crush on Desi Arnaz, Jr, back in the early 70's when I was 13 or so. Maybe there's something in his smile that I'm responding to.

I suspect that Beau and Keaton will be the last guys standing, which I'm actually OK with, though if that is the case, Keaton should win. They have both shown pretty steady growth, I think, but no one could say that Beau is the better dancer, and even if the competition is for "favorite dancer", I can't see the question of actual technique being so immaterial. 

As far as the girls, they are all good, and I haven't really formed any strong preferences for one over any other yet. This season is flying by at such a rate that I may not ever get there.

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I'm disappointed about Thiago. I thought he should definitely have been kept over Carter who does absolutely nothing for me. As for the girls, I agreed with their selection, although I thought Jordan did a wonderful job tonight. 

I'm just sad we lost our best technician. That red jacket dance in the auditions was spectacular and I remember watching it three times because I thought it was so good. 

  • Love 6
50 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I will miss Thiago. I don't really get the criticism about not connecting, personally - to me, there is sort of an automatic connection there as long as my eyes are happy, and given that my knowledge of dance pretty much begins and ends in how much grace and what appears to be technical ability I see, I did connect with Thiago. Both he and his movement register as beautiful to me, and I'd have been happy to see more of him. Carter did nothing for me, and I was sure that he would be the one eliminated.

Did anyone else think that Thiago looks a bit like a very young Desi Arnaz? It just occurs to me that I once had a crush on Desi Arnaz, Jr, back in the early 70's when I was 13 or so. Maybe there's something in his smile that I'm responding to.

I suspect that Beau and Keaton will be the last guys standing, which I'm actually OK with, though if that is the case, Keaton should win. They have both shown pretty steady growth, I think, but no one could say that Beau is the better dancer, and even if the competition is for "favorite dancer", I can't see the question of actual technique being so immaterial. 

As far as the girls, they are all good, and I haven't really formed any strong preferences for one over any other yet. This season is flying by at such a rate that I may not ever get there.

Now that you mentioned it, I do see a comparison between Thiago and Desi.  I will miss Thiago too.  Just like you, I saw beauty in his movement.  And maybe, his red jacket audition is causing me to not be impartial but I connected with him.

Like I posted above, I also thought that Carter would go before Thiago since he was the one that I knew would be at the bottom.  However, I do wonder if TPTB wanted Thiago to be the one to go home so that they could have different genres for the guys.  Since they let Lord Finn go last week, if they would have let Carter go this week, then all the guys left would have been contemporary. 

Agree that the costume department did a disservice to some of the dancers.  Costumes for the Broadway were not good.  Essence had a beautiful costume while they dressed Waverly in a dark costume that made him seem disappear like a background exerciser.  He should have had some bright colors someplace.  When you watch him dance though, he was good and far better than what he did last week.  He had more technical moves than Essence but that girl has presence.

Wish America could vote.  If I was in the studio audience, my eyes are so bad that I wouldn't see facial expressions unless they were very animated or little nuances unless I was sitting close.  So I'm sure some people in the audience are the same.

This season is going by so fast that all the eliminations each week will be tough.  Miss the group dance this week.

  • Love 4
15 hours ago, blackrose602 said:

I can't stand the whole new format. It feels rushed and it feels incredibly overproduced. And I HATE that the studio audience votes, and the judges get one commercial break to decide who to send home. The judges on this show have always tried to throw different dancers under the bus, but when "America" votes, there are enough votes to overcome the judges' shenanigans. I feel like the studio audience feels obligated to vote for whoever the judges are gushing over that night...and to NOT vote for whoever the judges decided should go.

I think everything is pre-taped, so there's as much time as needed for the show to get its ducks in a row. 

If I had to guess, I'd say the show will have public voting for the top 4.

I mean, I disagree that Jojo really knows what she's talking about when it comes to some of these things. Literally why did she think Carter was good at the Salsa?

I agree that Leah is useless, but I actually find myself agreeing with her the few times she gives advise about performance. I'd like them both to go next season (no way Leah will be back anyway). Hopefully tWitch with a different pair will feel more comfortable with giving better criticism.

  • Love 1
On 6/30/2022 at 11:49 AM, desertflower said:

Yes! Those costumes were so ugly and it wouldn’t surprise me if they were a contributing factor for that team being in the bottom. It might not be fair but I really think the song choice and costuming can play heavily into how the audience reacts to a routine. Thiago and Alexa’s broadway routine might’ve been technically good but I didn’t care for the song or the costumes so it’s harder to emotionally connect. I wish the bottom dancers could dance for their lives; I think Thiago might’ve survived if he pulled off another solo like his audition. 

I still love Keaton, he’s fun to watch and rises to all the challenges he’s given. 

Thiago is a gorgeous technician and I'm surprised with those gorgeous eyes of his that he had difficulty connecting with the audience.

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On 6/30/2022 at 11:49 AM, desertflower said:

 I think Thiago might’ve survived if he pulled off another solo like his audition. 


Thiago most certainly would have survived if he were able to perform a solo. I think of the sharp contrast in solos from Thiago who has superb technique to Beau who really has so little technique to speak of. What is happening to this show? I know it is all about the "favorite dancer" but the favorite usually is a great dancer too.

On 6/30/2022 at 12:51 PM, mojoween said:

Keaton is a beautiful dancer, but it really surprises me how sinuously he can move, because he looks … doughy.  Joshua never came across as doughy, to me anyways.

I think it’s because Keaton has not a whiff of a tan and had that unfortunate facial scruff again.

I wonder what Jordan had.  I’m guessing not COVID unless they don’t do the 10 day quarantine.

Keaton does have a marshmallow abdomen but so do a couple of the girls. This group, on a whole, is not the usual types of dancers with dancer's bodys. Nigel would not have agreed to some of these top 12.

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I'm sorely disappointed in how the judging and elimination of the dancers is going this year. Some of the very best trained professional level dancers are going home (both Jordan and Theago were both incredible and beautiful dancers and should not have gone home- and I think they performed and connected beautifully!) while someone like Beau remains. Yes  Beau does love dancing & has some style and works hard, but I feel he should not even be in this competition as he's not on the same level as most of the other dancers. I fault the judges for putting him in the top 12 and also for not educating the audience more about what is good technique and how essential this is to dancing well, and really pointing out  who the really good and strong & beautiful dancers are! It's almost as if good technically beautiful dancing doesn't matter at all, just "Connecting".  Sadly the show is not as much about who is the best dancer anymore but rather about political correctness and inclusivity and "barrier breaking"  and these being more important than how good a dancer is.  Maybe it's also partly the  fault of the shorter format this year that the show seems to  have really gone down hill, but I'm really sad that one of my favorite shows has become only week after week of disappointment. I also really miss Nigel and Mary. They truly knew how to critique and point out and highlight talent and give praise where it was due!. 

Carter and Anna:

Thought Anna did a great job for someone who doesn’t do ballroom. She is likable. Carter left me completely cold- he should have been a stronger partner.

Waverly and Essence:

I liked Essence better in this dance then in previous weeks, but she needs to work on her face. Of course Leah complimented her on her face, which makes sense because she’s useless. Waverly needs a stronger frame for his long limbs.

Beau and Jordan 

Meh. Jordon is a stunning and well trained dancer, but considering that Beau is supposed to be Mr Personality, I’d like to see more than that constipated look on his face. I remain completely unimpressed by Beau and I’m sad that he will likely win.

Keaton and Ralyn

This dance showcased Ralyn’s strength well, but I didn’t have strong feelings otherwise. Keaton is a strong partner. The stuff about the crush was not cool.

Thiago and Alexis

I hate this not connecting BS- they were technically strong.

The wrong two went home. Beau, Carter, and Waverly should have been gone before Thiago. I knew Jordan wasn’t connecting because of repeated ‘you’re not connecting’ critique, but I think she has a good career ahead of her.


  • Love 3

Around the time Mucinex introduced the "Mr. Mucus" character, there was another brand that had mucus-colored figurines (letting loose floodgates) but they were worse than Mr. Mucus because they were unclothed and glistening.

If it weren't for the spangled parts, the Broadway outfits could have subbed in for the floodgate-mucus-figures.  Shudder.

Giving up on the judging making sense--I like Essence for her smile, and Beau because he seems so kind and mature when he consoles the eliminated folk and the other criers.  I mean, I'd want a better dancer than Beau to win, but if he does end up winning, I'll just look on the bright side.  


Unpopular opinion but I thought Beau was fine in the VW.  Both he and Jordan were elegant especially Jordan.  She did so well with three hours practice.  I thought the weakest dance last week was the salsa.  But I also think Jonathan/Oksana's salsa choreography is like Dorian Sanchez' disco choreography.  Just because you can put lifts doesn't mean we don't want to see more salsa or disco.  Plus we don't want to injure the kids with some of their lifts.  Jonathan/Oksana are not as bad as Dorian but they do tend to put too much emphasis on lifts.

ETA - Carter looked like an awkward duck doing salsa as well as a cheerleader.

Edited by realdancemom
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