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S02.E06: An Alien in New York


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Wow, that was good! Possibly my favorite episode. Really great emotional stuff from Ben, Mike and even the Octopus' death scene.

Harry with the precision snark strike on Sahar, responding to her vow of never getting married by declaring it good news for men everywhere. Mean but I howled nonetheless. I also got a good laugh out of "there's weed in my child's bedroom?!" followed by D'arcy's "I hope so!"

Vancouver did a decent job standing in for New York City, it's usually Toronto that gets that pinch hitting job.

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RIP 42: 🐙🧈🍴😢

I'm loving Harry and Asta in NYC! ISO Banksy Goliath! Any bets Goliath is Violinda the gallery owner? Or is she an Asta, i.e., Alien Companion? Hmmm. Wish it was next Wednesday.

Dammit Harry, share your pie for once!

Sheriff and Liv FTW. So amazing.

Edited by Ms Lark
Gallery owner's name is Violinda (according to Sara Tomko's twitter feed) not Violette.
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43 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

Wow, that was good! Possibly my favorite episode. Really great emotional stuff from Ben, Mike and even the Octopus' death scene.

Harry with the precision snark strike on Sahar, responding to her vow of never getting married by declaring it good news for men everywhere. Mean but I howled nonetheless. I also got a good laugh out of "there's weed in my child's bedroom?!" followed by D'arcy's "I hope so!"

Vancouver did a decent job standing in for New York City, it's usually Toronto that gets that pinch hitting job.

The last scene was Times Square. 

Great episode. So many emotional notes with so many characters.  And OMG they killed 42. 

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48 minutes ago, Ms Lark said:

RIP 42: 🐙🧈🍴😢

I'm loving Harry and Asta in NYC! ISO Banksy Goliath! Any bets Goliath is Violette(sp?) the gallery owner? Or is she an Asta, i.e., Alien Companion? Hmmm. Wish it was next Wednesday.

Dammit Harry, share your pie for once!

Sheriff and Liv FTW. So amazing.

I thought the gallery owner was Goliath at first, but then at the end when she talked about the painting he did for her, and about how he needed her, etc., I think she is/was his Asta.

I loved Sheriff Mike in this episode. The conversation with Liv was great, as everyone else has mentioned, but I also cracked up at his rant about mermaids.

I'm also really glad that D'Arcy apologized to Ben.

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The number 42 is especially significant to fans of science fiction novelist Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” because that number is the answer given by a supercomputer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.”  42 is the answer, but much of the time the characters are unsure of what the question is.  It is revealed to be "What is 6 x 9?" proving that perhaps the universe is off kilter.  Or something like that. 



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There must be something wrong with me because I was actually more moved by the death of the octopus than I was by the conversation between Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv. In fact I hit FF about a minute into the latter. I'm also disinterested in D'Arcy and Mayor Ben to the point of FFing their scenes as well. I find these non-alien subplots too peripheral and irrelevant. I'm here for Alan Tudyk and the crazy alien stuff, not the mundane marital problems of the Mayor and his flirtations with the local bar wench. 

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6 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

There must be something wrong with me because I was actually more moved by the death of the octopus than I was by the conversation between Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv. In fact I hit FF about a minute into the latter. I'm also disinterested in D'Arcy and Mayor Ben to the point of FFing their scenes as well. I find these non-alien subplots too peripheral and irrelevant. I'm here for Alan Tudyk and the crazy alien stuff, not the mundane marital problems of the Mayor and his flirtations with the local bar wench. 

While I agree with you about D'Arcy and Mayor Ben, I would suggest you try watching the conversation between Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv again. It really is worth it.  🙂

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

There must be something wrong with me because I was actually more moved by the death of the octopus than I was by the conversation between Sheriff Mike and Deputy Liv. In fact I hit FF about a minute into the latter. I'm also disinterested in D'Arcy and Mayor Ben to the point of FFing their scenes as well. I find these non-alien subplots too peripheral and irrelevant. I'm here for Alan Tudyk and the crazy alien stuff, not the mundane marital problems of the Mayor and his flirtations with the local bar wench. 

I feel you on this. Like did we really need a conversation about holding in farts? No, we did not. Dear writers please do better than that.

I will say though - the scene where Harry had to say he destroyed the medical records was a highlight.

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awwww 42, not a proper way to go, little guy.  nice episode mostly, lots of goofy moments. i prefer Harry not in the big city tho, just my opinion.

So the sheriff's got a heart, yay. I was afraid a moment there he was going to say his dad shot his friend, but as he was his partner later that made no sense. Liv as always supportive, nothing surprising there. 

LSD, well ok - I was almost exprecting H to idenitfy it exactly when he tasted it.

Eh Darcy, you are starting to sound desperate and losing the funny quality. Leave Ben alone and go back to being funny D.

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4 hours ago, Colorado David said:

Eh Darcy, you are starting to sound desperate and losing the funny quality. Leave Ben alone and go back to being funny D.

Darcy belongs in a different program. In another program I would praise how real she is and how sorry I feel for her. Top athlete whose dreams are killed by an injury, stuck in her little hometown and reliving her past hoping for a different outcome. She brings me down. The rest of the show makes me feel good. Even when I feel bad like when poor 42 is killed. Or the sheriff opens up to Deputy Liv. Even those moments don't depress me like Darcy does.

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No, not 42! I hadn't even realized how attached I got to him until he was gone! Then of course it cuts to Harry eating him while crying with a glass or red wine, this show is so great. I also fully fess up to tearing up when the Sheriff told Liv about what happened to his partner, knowing he was also his lifelong best friend just makes it even worse. This season seems like its finally really getting into gear. 

Aww Goliath has his own Asta in New York. 

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Watching Harry interact with 42 these past few episodes has given me a new appreciation for octopuses--they have always creeped me out, seeing them up close in aquariums, television science programs, etc.  They aren’t so bad after all--even have a sense of humor :) Just the other day when I was shopping at the wharf in San Francisco, I saw a bejeweled ceramic octopus on display, and I told my daughter, “Look, there’s 42!”  

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3 minutes ago, alvajon said:

Watching Harry interact with 42 these past few episodes has given me a new appreciation for octopuses--they have always creeped me out, seeing them up close in aquariums, television science programs, etc.  They aren’t so bad after all--even have a sense of humor :) Just the other day when I was shopping at the wharf in San Francisco, I saw a bejeweled ceramic octopus on display, and I told my daughter, “Look, there’s 42!”  

You know that is a CGI and rubber Octopus. A real Octopus would have escaped out of the tank 5 minutes after you put it in there.

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On 3/6/2022 at 2:56 AM, alvajon said:

Watching Harry interact with 42 these past few episodes has given me a new appreciation for octopuses--they have always creeped me out, seeing them up close in aquariums, television science programs, etc.  They aren’t so bad after all--even have a sense of humor :)

If you’re a Netflix subscriber, you might want to check out the documentary My Octopus Teacher. I suspect it will deepen your appreciation at least tenfold.

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Such a good episode. I was waiting for someone to reveal they were an alien or knew Harry was, which the show didn't seem to hide, but still liked how it happened. Anytime Asta has more to do, I'm good. Her reactions are the best. I love the actor. And the evil real Harry plot could be interesting. 

I don't want more interactions between the mayor and Darcy, but I'm glad she apologized for kissing him and seemed to mean it. She did just seem to want to be his friend. He's not happy in his marriage, and at first I thought Darcy shouldn't have encouraged him to put up the wall hanging (I get why Kate didn't want it up, but then, I have a University of Florida gator figurine on my mantel, which is otherwise decorated with items that work together and have a certain feel to them). But then I realized if I were talking to a longtime friend and they told me about the wall-hanging, etc, I'd probably say, "Screw that. Hang it!" I want Darcy to get it together and I hope this closed a chapter and they're just friends in the town who run into each other sometimes, and Kate and Ben work out or don't on their own. 

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On 3/9/2022 at 4:44 PM, possibilities said:

I was really surprised by the mayor's unhappiness in his marriage. I can't decide if it's a retcon or if I just missed it for my own oblivious reasons. What do others think?

I could see it as being the case that both partners have a lot of highs and lows in the marriage.

Ben is portrayed as kind of a simple, easy-going, wussy guy. On some levels, Kate probably appreciates that. But at the same time, Kate is also kind of frustrated with how vanilla he is. The BDSM stuff that she's into where he's a dom doesn't strike me as fitting with his personality.

Kate has been portrayed as a more take-charge, Type A person who clearly has been showing frustration this season with the notion that to be with Ben she gave up a lot of her own ambitions as a person and a professional. 

A summary of what happened last season brought up a couple of other things: 

There was that thread where Ben and Kate were setting up for a serious talk with Max that led him to think that they were planning to get divorced. Now of course, they only wanted to breach the news about possibly sending him to boarding school. But for a kid, even as precocious as Max, to suspect that his parents might be getting divorced probably means things were sometimes bumpy.

There was also the thing where Mike suggested that Ben act all alpha for his anniversary dinner with Kate and that went awry. 

So I can buy that however much love they have for each other, Kate's got resentment over having compromised her life and hooked up with a wimp, and that got pushed to the side in the afterglow of Ben going alpha and beating up the government people at the end of last season, and Ben's got resentment for his big-city wife demanding more of him than he'd prefer to give and trying to mold him into someone he's not. 

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I was soooo glad that neither the major and Darcy nor the sheriff and Liv kissed. That trope is tired. Boring! This is way more interesting.

Actually his being dom As a fantasy and her being submissive is exactly right, that’s how fantasies work.

i do think she likes him to be more take charge and that she’s a bit disappointed when he always caves.

in another note- what did it mean when she broke the case a few episodes back?

im just glad the NY number wasn’t the women in people luring Harry to Times Square.

midnight cowboy shows the guys wandering around Times Square too. 

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