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S11.E05: Episode 5

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I can't believe nobody's made any comments about this episode yet - I guess I'll start!

I've rarely disliked a CTM character as much as I disliked that awful woman with the paraplegic husband who was beating her children as well as her husband up with a dog chain.  Props to the actress for a very convincing performance as a complete psycho lunatic. 

I loved loved, LOVED the scenes with Nancy and Sister Frances when they were going through what the young girls had written for the suggestion box (apart from the seirous issue of poor Deborah - in my head she had her name spelled like mine - and the NSPCC).  It's wonderful that Sister Frances can interact with someone who's her age and isn't a nun.

And lastly, the goodbyes at the end - I know Helen George (Trixie) is pregnant, explaining her leave of absence, but is Nurse Crane coming back?  The actress did such a wonderful job in her scenes with poor Lucille after the miscarriage.

  • Love 15

I wanted to add a comment and then forgot about it.

The domestic violence and abuse story was awful, it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Seeing Nancy and Sister Monica Joan giggling in front of the tv set while Deborah watched with a stony face really brought home the damage done. And I appreciate how Trixie made the distinction between violence and abuse and how the writing in the following scene showed both. But I wonder if there really would have been enough financial and social support for a paraplegic single father like Mr Packer or if the show was a bit sugar-coating what was going on.

I keep enjoying the friendship between Sister Francis and Nancy. They make a great team. And Nancy's outfit for the lecture on menstruation was really cute. Shelagh was once again at fussy defcon level 1, but what else is new? Poor Timothy got caught between the lines when Miss Higgins put her foot down LOL!

Kinda surprised that Cyril and Lucille had not talked about her professional future once kids would arrive. They are normally folks who diligently plan for all eventualities. But since I also complained that they were written almost saintly perfect it was good to see them behave a bit more human. The scene between Cyril and the policeman was a stark reminder of everyday racism that could pop up any minute for them. Kinda impressed by the roses coming out of Fred's allotment. I was worried about Lucille's pregnancy last week and there we go :( Phyllis in tears crouching outside the bathroom door was really upsetting. They are midwives and seen this happening before but of course this was painfully different.

Not sure the bomb plot was necessary but this show has a tendency to overstuff its episodes. By Trixie (for now), I'll miss those strategically placed clip boards, tea cozies and the like. But you got a glorious walk of shame (and hopefully what came before was also glorious), those sparkly high-heels were great.

For a wonderful moment I thought we were finally getting that sidecar motorcycle road trip by Phyllis and Millicent! Alas, it was not to be!


Edited by MissLucas
  • Love 8

I've noticed that in many British shows when there's a bed scene, they sometimes show the couple wrapped up in single sheets like mummies with just bare shoulders showing to imply sexual activity has recently occurred. This is especially true when one or both of the actors involved doesn't have a camera- ready body or possibly because one or both are modest for whatever reason.   I wonder why they didn't do that for Trixie and Matthew.  Maybe the point was to show that she stays at his place so often, she keeps an overnight bag there with toiletries and pajamas.

The little girl who played Deborah is the voice of Peppa Pig.  

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On 2/18/2022 at 9:36 AM, MissLucas said:

I wanted to add a comment and then forgot about it.

The domestic violence and abuse story was awful, it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Seeing Nancy and Sister Monica Joan giggling in front of the tv set while Deborah watched with a stony face really brought home the damage done. And I appreciate how Trixie made the distinction between violence and abuse and how the writing in the following scene showed both. But I wonder if there really would have been enough financial and social support for a paraplegic single father like Mr Packer or if the show was a bit sugar-coating what was going on.

I keep enjoying the friendship between Sister Francis and Nancy. They make a great team. And Nancy's outfit for the lecture on menstruation was really cute. Shelagh was once again at fussy defcon level 1, but what else is new? Poor Timothy got caught between the lines when Miss Higgins put her foot down LOL!

Kinda surprised that Cyril and Lucille had not talked about her professional future once kids would arrive. They are normally folks who diligently plan for all eventualities. But since I also complained that they were written almost saintly perfect it was good to see them behave a bit more human. The scene between Cyril and the policeman was a stark reminder of everyday racism that could pop up any minute for them. Kinda impressed by the roses coming out of Fred's allotment. I was worried about Lucille's pregnancy last week and there we go :( Phyllis in tears crouching outside the bathroom door was really upsetting. They are midwives and seen this happening before but of course this was painfully different.

Not sure the bomb plot was necessary but this show has a tendency to overstuff its episodes. By Trixie (for now), I'll miss those strategically placed clip boards, tea cozies and the like. But you got a glorious walk of shame (and hopefully what came before was also glorious), those sparkly high-heels were great.

For a wonderful moment I thought we were finally getting that sidecar motorcycle road trip by Phyllis and Millicent! Alas, it was not to be!


I didn't realize it at first, but the cop in that scene was the same one in the scene in Episode 1 where Matthew found the baby in the chimney.


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wow how is Nonnatus house going to manage with the very sudden departure of 2 of the senior midwives? I thought Phyliss would end up staying when she found out that Trixie had to leave too. Why is the actress leaving the show? Also Lucille may need a few days off now too. Oh no, they are going to have to put Sr Monica Joan back in service and early draft Timothy!!


On 2/18/2022 at 10:36 AM, MissLucas said:

Shelagh was once again at fussy defcon level 1, but what else is new?


"jumble" sales are such a pain, everyone brings all their junk and someone else has to organize it. If Shelagh thought it was such a good idea, she should have had all the crap dropped at her house!! 


I wasn't quite sure what Phyliss had won, at first I thought it was the Irish Sweepstakes (I remember when my did won some money on that in the late 60's/early 70's), how he won it in Canada I have no clue, but at that time there was no lottery or anything like that is Canada. I wonder what the $5000 equivalent would be?

Today's show was too many plots as usual but they did put more time into the main plots.

  • Love 4

Scenes or parts of scenes they cut:

At the end of the first Cyril and Lucille scene, he puts his hand on her waist and she gently scolds him, "Cyril, me have to go to work.

Right before Sr. Hilda and Trixie talk outside, Nancy asks Sr. Hilda if it's okay if she delays the start of her midwifery rounds to which she answers "Ask and it shall be given unto you.  "Seek and ye shall find."  Nancy says she needs to get new plimsolls for Collette because she's outgrown hers and she needs them for school which starts tomorrow.
Sr. Hilda observes "Ah, the first day of school!"  "The joy never dims, nits by the end of the week and chicken pox within a fortnight."

After that scene with Mr. Packer and Deborah, Trixie runs into Matthew at the Council Office.  He asks her what she's doing there, and she replies she's there to get some help for that family she told him about. He asks if it's the fellow in the wheelchair. She says it's harder to get anything done from the District, but that she still plans to fight his corner.  Matthew teases her, saying she's like the Little Red Hen: "I'll do it myself and so she did."  Trixie answers, "Less of the little, thank you. I can be quite fierce if the need arises."  Matthew, looking rather sheepish, answers "I know."  Trixie giggles.

Right before the scene with Sr. Hilda and the teacher, she says "Go ahead, thrill me.  Is it nits or chickenpox this time?"

At the end of the scene with Mrs. Heslop and Dr. Turner, he says she can have her baby at the Maternity Home provided no complications arise.  Then he winks and smiles at her.

After the scene with Shelagh, Miss Higgins and Tim, we return to Trixie at the Packer home.  Mr. Packer is in his wheelchair and she's putting his feet onto the footrest.  He's out of breath and she tells him that unless he works towards new goals, he is going to plateau.  He says it's still better than being in hospital because he's with Glenda and the children. Trixie calls Glenda "a remarkable woman."

Right after Phyllis tells everyone she won 5,000 pounds in the premium bonds, Nancy is with Sr. Frances and she tells her that if it were her, she'd be running 90 miles per hour to Carnaby Street.  Then Sr. Frances shows her a poster board she made of the womb and tells Nancy that she made it so people in the back could see it. Nancy wonders if the Fallopian tubes looks out of whack, but they decide it looks like something a human being did and not something from a medical school covered in Latin phrases.  Nancy says they should dress plainly and Sr. Frances looking down at her habit observes that she always dresses plainly as these are the only clothes she has.  Nancy says it's too bad Sr. Frances can't come up on the Premium Bonds.

Right after the scene with Sr. Julienne, Sr. Frances and Nancy, there's a scene of Cyril in the Buckles' shop asking Fred if any of his post has been sent there accidentally as he is expecting to hear about a job and the bill from his wedding suit and a card from Lucille's aunt had been sent there accidentally. Fred says no, but he will be upstairs with it should that happen.

Right after the scene of Trixie at the Packers, there's a scene of Shelagh and Miss Higgins arguing because Shelagh wants Tim to take some jumble over to Nonatus House and Miss Higgins says he still has work to do for her.  Patrick overhears them and tells Shelagh to come with him.

Right after the scene with Sr. Hilda, Dr. Turner and Deborah, we see Deborah at Nonnatus House watching a children's show with Sr. Monica Joan, Sr. Frances and Nancy.  Everyone is laughing, but Deborah, who is lying on the floor, is solemn.

After the scene of Trixie and the WPC, Phyllis tells Lucille that Mrs. Heslop is in labor and that time it's not heartburn.  Lucille says she likes Mrs. Heslop and her husband is sweet.  Phyllis says to make sure Mr. Heslop doesn't get in the way and that men in a delivery room are like dogs in a cinema, something that she will never get used to. She then tells Lucille if it turns into a long haul to send for her.

There's a scene with Lucille and Mrs. Heslop with Mrs. Heslop saying she wishes she hadn't been so hard on Terry since all he wants is to see the baby being born.  Lucille tells her that she can't worry about him having a good time, that she has work to do, and so does Lucille.  She calls it "her task and her privilege." She says that for the next few hours the only thing that matters are Mrs. Heslop and the baby she is giving birth to. Then she says she's going to take a chance to "spend a penny" herself.

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Well that was pretty good! The actor that played the abusive Mom/Wife was very convincing.Poor hubby and kids-I was glad when they took her away. Poor Lucille:( I thought she was very brave to keep working with the mom who was giving birth even though she knew she was bleeding and about to lose the baby. When Nurse Crane started to cry-that got me right in the feels. I think they are going to have to hire some more midwives-Nurse Crane is off on her trip and Trixie is off to Italy-they will be short-handed for sure. And where were those boys finding the bombs? Hopefully they show the Army guys so they can stop that from happening again.

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So... does nobody at Nonnatus notice that Trixie is staying over at Matthew's? (As implied by her sneaking back into the house...) I guess my real  question is-- shouldn't somebody notice? And say something? I know she's not a nun, but I would still think there were certain moral standards at that time. And that quarters are tight enough that people would notice if one of their housemates was repeatedly absent overnight.

My other question-- was there really no one else besides string bean Tim to send out to drag the fully grown man (and his wheelchair) up the stairs?! Yikes!

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On 2/18/2022 at 7:31 AM, katisha said:

I loved loved, LOVED the scenes with Nancy and Sister Frances when they were going through what the young girls had written for the suggestion box.

Me too! I know they were doing serious and important work, but it had kind of light-hearted slumber party feel to it. I am confused about something in this plot. Sister Julienne asked them to give a lecture on the topic. Why was she surprised that Nancy and Sister Frances would be showing the girls sanitary pads and similar products?  

34 minutes ago, Maisiesmom said:

And where were those boys finding the bombs? Hopefully they show the Army guys so they can stop that from happening again.

My guess is homes were built after the war on top of them, and with the demolotion and new construction occuring, they are turning up again at ground level. Where I went to College in the U.S, it wasn't unusual to find unexploded WWI ordiances due the College's involvement in the war effort during the war. 

The story about domestic abuse was horrible and heartbreaking. He is going to be an amazing father to his kids. 

Could someone explain Nurse Crane's financial windfall? At first I thought it was a savings bond, then it seemed more like the lottery, but the ticket had been purchased years or decades before. Thanks to anyone who can help explain this. 

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7 minutes ago, Sarah 103 said:

s. Could someone explain Nurse Crane's financial windfall? At first I thought it was a savings bond, then it seemed more like the lottery, but the ticket had been purchased years or decades before. Thanks to anyone who can help explain this. 

Premium Bonds is a program that people invest in as a savings plan from what I can tell, and, after a number of years, with interest accumulating; there is a drawing and various bond holders get cash prizes out of the proceeds.

I found this explanation online and also that this is the most popular savings product in the UK.


What are Premium Bonds?

NS&I Premium Bonds are a savings account you can put money into (and take out when you want), where the interest paid is decided by a monthly prize draw. You buy £1 bonds and each has an equal chance of winning, so the more you buy, the more your chances improve.

It seems like the majority get a very small return, but, some people have gotten millions.

I tried to convert the money, 5000 pounds sterling in 1969 would be worth about 39,000 today.  Converted to dollars and it is over $50,000 in today's money.  No wonder Phyllis was so excited.

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This was a tough episode for me to watch, and I cried more than usual.

I had a miscarriage early in a pregnancy many years ago, and seeing Lucille sitting on the toilet having those horrible cramps (I called them "mini-labor") brought back memories of that day.

And that bitch of a mother could have been played by my female birth vessel, but it would have been typecasting.  Seeing the sad look on that little girl's face and the fear on the little boy's . . . those were memories I wish I could forget.  The only difference was that the FBV didn't bully her live-in boyfriend.  She just gave him free access to me and my three brothers and pretended she didn't know what he was doing.

Reminders of those things make me feel so happy and blessed for the life I have now, but I can still get emotional/angry when the memories pop up.

I'm so happy for Phyllis and her long trip!!!!  It's not like she's buying a house in Majorca and retiring from being a nurse.  I think she'll be back.

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Just now, LittleIggy said:

What are Jaffa Cakes?

The cookie/biscuit that the little girl brought her paralyzed dad. Its orange cookie,  basically, with a chocolate topping and under the chocolate topping is a little dollop of orange jam filling. So yummy. Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Jaffa-Cakes-Biscuit-Covered-Chocolate/dp/B000LRIG6W/ref=sr_1_5?crid=5XD2EKT0OZ7X&keywords=jaffa+cakes&qid=1650252836&sprefix=jaffa%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-5

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1 hour ago, Kenzie said:

Could someone explain this to me. 

Allotment of what? Were flowers portioned out?

An allotment is like a community garden.  It allows families with no garden/yard space to rent (through the local council) a small personal plot of land to plant and grow veg and flowers.  I'm not sure how prevalent they are any more.


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9 hours ago, Maisiesmom said:

When Nurse Crane started to cry-that got me right in the feels.

I remembered she cried like that when she accidently hit the little boy with the car.  I was very moved by her then, but I  thought it was a little too much over Lucille's miscarriage.  I know they're an empathetic bunch, but even so,  I was afraid for a moment that she thought Lucille was going to die.

When Nurse Crane was telling Sister Julienne that the money was a burden to her, I felt Sister J's temptation to say, "Well, I guess you could give it to us."

The violent mother was terrifying, I was scared of her from her very first scene when I just thought she was controlling.

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8 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

Sister Julienne asked them to give a lecture on the topic. Why was she surprised that Nancy and Sister Frances would be showing the girls sanitary pads and similar products?  

I think it was because the girls were so young.  I could not believe it when they said the lecture was usually given to 16yos.  Loved the scene with Sr Frances and Nancy reading the questions.  It's cute that they have someone their own age to have fun with, even if they are so different from each other.

All I could think about was parents getting hysterical (no pun intended) about what their children were being taught.

8 hours ago, Rootbeer said:

Converted to dollars and it is over $50,000 in today's money.  No wonder Phyllis was so excited.

That's pretty exciting!

2 hours ago, caitmcg said:

£5,000 in 1967 is equivalent to £96,565 in 2021, according to the Bank of England. 

Wow!  Even more exciting!  That's a fortune!

Lucille tending to the birth while she herself was in the middle of miscarrying broke my heart.  As did the abused children.  Lots of kleenex needed for this episode.

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48 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Lucille tending to the birth while she herself was in the middle of miscarrying broke my heart.

There's something very touching about all Lucille's scenes even though I only understand about half what she says.

I've decided that if I was having a baby I would chose Lucille as my midwife.  I think it would be nice to be called precious.

Who would you all choose?

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I've decided that if I was having a baby I would chose Lucille as my midwife.  I think it would be nice to be called precious.

For me, it would be a toss up between Lucille (I too have trouble with her accent at times, but it always "sounds" soothing, whatever she might be saying!) and sweet, kindly Sister Frances.  

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, Haleth said:

All I could think about was parents getting hysterical (no pun intended) about what their children were being taught.

I did wonder at the ease of this discussion and how the school was completely cool. I remember getting this lecture in fifth grade and it was a huge deal with permission slips etc. I also distinctly recall the "what about period pain?" question and one fiftyish female teacher declaring that pain during menstruation and PMS "were all in your head".

I realize now she was a) dealing with menopause and b)the disappearence of her own late teen daughter so perhaps they should have chosen instructors more wisely. I'd already read "Are You There God, Its Me, Margeret" so I was ok but it wasn't a healthy lecture.

The abusive mom was horrifying but honestly I was a little annoyed at how long it took everyone to catch a clue. I did like Sister Frances and Nancy giggling over the questions and Nancy's joking about how waiting on the lecture had done nothing for her in stopping her from being a teen mom.

6 minutes ago, labresq said:

I feel like I'm the only person feeling shocked at seeing that Trixie and Matthew are sleeping together.  Totally shocked. 

I mean, its not as though she can get pregnant *again*, now can she? ;) More seriously, I was a little annoyed if only because I remember in prior seasons that she was a bit prissy and proper over how she wasn't a free and easy girl.

Lucille's plot was sad and well done, I just... its kind of a "of course she miscarries"

The bomb plot seemed kind of tacked on and honestly the abusive wife plot wrapped up super quick with paralyzed dad suddenly able to dress himself and get down the five stories of his apt building with no assistance.

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28 minutes ago, labresq said:

I feel like I'm the only person feeling shocked at seeing that Trixie and Matthew are sleeping together.  Totally shocked.  


By the late 60's, a woman in her 30's like Trixie, was more likely than not to be sexually active.  Even those with strong religious backgrounds had premarital sex more often than not back then.

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15 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I did wonder at the ease of this discussion and how the school was completely cool. I remember getting this lecture in fifth grade and it was a huge deal with permission slips etc. I also distinctly recall the "what about period pain?" question and one fiftyish female teacher declaring that pain during menstruation and PMS "were all in your head".

I worked with a woman whose sister taught 4th grade at a Catholic school.  We were asked to present the topic of human sexuality to the kids in her class.  We talked briefly about menstruation, fertility, egg and sperm.  The only rule from the nuns was to try to use the proper terminology for everything and to answer their questions honestly.  We gave our lecture and, at the end, placed a shoe box in the back of the classroom and gave all the kids a piece of paper for their questions.   We got asked about blow jobs and condoms and all sorts of stuff that you wouldn't think 10 year olds would know.  This was 25+ years ago, BTW.

Our favorite of the written questions was 'How does he get his panic in her Virginia?'  Priceless.

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2 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I've decided that if I was having a baby I would chose Lucille as my midwife.  I think it would be nice to be called precious.

Who would you all choose?

I may be in the minority but I do not like when Lucille calls women "precious" - it would drive me nuts. I would pick Phyllis for sure. She can call me "lass" all day long.

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42 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

The bomb plot seemed kind of tacked on and honestly the abusive wife plot wrapped up super quick with paralyzed dad suddenly able to dress himself and get down the five stories of his apt building with no assistance.

I thought the “skittles” plot was funny (although it was a serious situation) with Fred lamenting the kids didn’t bring him a complete set. Careful what you wish for! 

I took the wrap up of the abuse story to imply that the wife was doing nothing to help him find his way. In her sick mind, he could do no more than languish in that bed and endure her beatings. As to his mobility, the elevator must have been repaired and I guess we’re to assume he’s getting his physiotherapy. 

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3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

I remembered she cried like that when she accidently hit the little boy with the car.  I was very moved by her then, but I  thought it was a little too much over Lucille's miscarriage.  I know they're an empathetic bunch, but even so,  I was afraid for a moment that she thought Lucille was going to die.

When Nurse Crane was telling Sister Julienne that the money was a burden to her, I felt Sister J's temptation to say, "Well, I guess you could give it to us."

The violent mother was terrifying, I was scared of her from her very first scene when I just thought she was controlling.

She also cried when Barbara died.  

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11 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

The cookie/biscuit that the little girl brought her paralyzed dad. Its orange cookie,  basically, with a chocolate topping and under the chocolate topping is a little dollop of orange jam filling. So yummy. Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Jaffa-Cakes-Biscuit-Covered-Chocolate/dp/B000LRIG6W/ref=sr_1_5?crid=5XD2EKT0OZ7X&keywords=jaffa+cakes&qid=1650252836&sprefix=jaffa%2Caps%2C169&sr=8-5

Yuk. Raspberry or cherry might be good, but orange? That’s just wrong. 

12 hours ago, Sarah 103 said:

Why was she surprised that Nancy and Sister Frances would be showing the girls sanitary pads and similar products?  

Having to deal with menstruation “old school”, she may have thought the newer supplies would be out of reach/too expensive for the Poplar residents, or unfamiliar to them. She gave the impression she viewed them as an extravagance, rather than necessities. I do remember for at least 5 years following my hysterectomy, giving the feminine hygiene aisle a happy raspberry as I buzzed right past with my shopping cart (the expense)!

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6 minutes ago, Daff said:

I thought the “skittles” plot was funny (although it was a serious situation) with Fred lamenting the kids didn’t bring him a complete set. Careful what you wish for! 

Oh it was funny, it just seemed totally unrelated. 

32 minutes ago, jpgr said:

I may be in the minority but I do not like when Lucille calls women "precious" - it would drive me nuts.

You're not alone. The "precious" thing sometimes feels condescending. Lucille is just a little too spot on perfect across the board for me. Put another way, I am not shocked in the slightest that she easily delivered a baby while undergoing a miscarriage herself, because Lucille is that perfectly together. I also know from watching interviews that both her and Cyril's island accents are a put on which makes it more grating. 

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

When Nurse Crane was telling Sister Julienne that the money was a burden to her, I felt Sister J's temptation to say, "Well, I guess you could give it to us."

LOL. I thought Phyllis might sign it over to the nuns. It's a huge amount of money, though, and I'm glad she's using some of it to treat herself. 

3 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Who would you all choose?

Phyllis. I love her caring yet no-nonsense approach. I don't need to be called "Precious" (in fact, I'd hate it—I would just need someone to tell me what to do and that I can do it.

19 minutes ago, Daff said:

I took the wrap up of the abuse story to imply that the wife was doing nothing to help him find his way. In her sick mind, he could do no more than languish in that bed and endure her beatings.

By keeping the husband bed bound, the wife also stayed in complete control of the situation.

7 minutes ago, Daff said:

she may have thought the newer supplies would be out of reach/too expensive for the Poplar residents, or unfamiliar to them.

I thought they covered all the bases: pads, belts, briefs, tampons. What else is there? Period cups have been around since the 1930s, but they've only recently become widely popular.

The bomb stuff was kind of silly. I'd have been happy if they'd cut that entirely and put in the other scenes.

That picture of Violet they use to tell us more about CTM is coming freaks. me. out. She looks like her Madame Tussaud's wax figure.

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14 hours ago, Blackie said:

I thought Phyliss would end up staying when she found out that Trixie had to leave too.

I totally expected that, too.

I imagined the letter from the Portofino Godmother reading: "Dearest Goddaughter, I hear they've run out of things to hide you behind, so you might as well come and stay with me until your Blessed Event."

And it broke me up when Phyllis cried outside the bathroom door. She was roommates with both Barbara and Lucille, so she was close to both of them. I hope she has a BLAST in her motor-coach tour of Europe. (Though really, on a bus for 6 weeks with a bunch of strangers...could end up fraught.) And I'm VERY glad Miss Higgins didn't go. We've seen that she can be very fussy about her routines.


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1 hour ago, labresq said:

I feel like I'm the only person feeling shocked at seeing that Trixie and Matthew are sleeping together.  Totally shocked.  


1 hour ago, Rootbeer said:

By the late 60's, a woman in her 30's like Trixie, was more likely than not to be sexually active.  Even those with strong religious backgrounds had premarital sex more often than not back then.

I wasn't shocked, per se, but the whole thing was framed very oddly, and, as I mentioned in my previous post, I do wonder about the "house rules" for overnight stays.

Considering all we've seen of Trxie's relationships/ views on sex previously, including her very big decision whether or not to go away with Christopher just a few seasons ago, it felt a little odd for her to spend the night with Matthew without comment. (Although it dawns on me that Trixie doesn't really have anyone to comment to anymore...) And from the way she was trying to sneak back into Nonnatus without anyone hearing/ seeing, it seems like it would have been frowned upon there. Yet it then becomes a regular thing, judging by the later scene with the two of them in bed? (Which was just oddly staged, with both of them fully clothed and lying on the bed, over the covers, with a good gap between them... like, I get Covid regulations, having to stage around George's pregnant belly, etc., but to me the scene would have looked less odd if the two were snuggled up on a couch or even sitting up in the bed.)

  • Love 12
1 minute ago, MissLucas said:

For me it would be toss between Phyllis and Sister Julienne - when push comes to shove -ahem- I'd pick Sister Julienne. 

Same here. She's done the work. She's been there for it all!

As for Trixie spending the night with Matthew, that was definitely the "walk of shame" she was doing when she quietly came back to Nonnatus (and even took off her shoes). Probably a "don't ask, don't tell" situation and of course Trixie uses birth control! 

Matthew now seems to realize he needs to woo Trixie, and that helps. But of all her suitors, I liked the dentist best. They both liked nice things and good times, and both were medical professionals. But he had to go back to his loveless marriage "for the sake of the child." Yuck.

Edited by kwnyc
More thoughts
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1 minute ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Which was just oddly staged, with both of them fully clothed and lying on the bed, over the covers, with a good gap between them... like, I get Covid regulations, having to stage around George's pregnant belly, etc., but to me the scene would have looked less odd if the two were snuggled up on a couch or even sitting up in the bed.)

I assumed the scene happened in part because they could hide Trixie's pregnant belly under a well placed pillow! :D

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4 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I assumed the scene happened in part because they could hide Trixie's pregnant belly under a well placed pillow! :D

Which they could still have done on a sofa, or if she was sitting up in the bed (or they could have just showed her from the shoulders up). Heck, even putting them under the covers of the bed (still with pajamas on, and snuggling up to the well-placed pillow if need be) would have looked more natural to me than the way it was staged!

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All the usual paraphernalia surrounding getting your periods was well represented, but at that time I think most might have thought tampons could be omitted, because they are inserted rather than worn.  I got my period at age 10 in 1961 or ‘62, and that was considered young.  Even when you know what to expect, getting your first period can be upsetting and embarrassing.

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3 minutes ago, MissLucas said:

For me it would be toss between Phyllis and Sister Julienne - when push comes to shove -ahem- I'd pick Sister Julienne. 

Both are favorites of mine.   I also didn't think Phylis and Lucille were close friends and was surprised at Phylis crying over miscarriage, but maybe because she was the only one who knew Lucille was pregnant. Lucille would be my last choice, I have never warmed up to her. There is something about Lucille than rings arrogant, not sincere and/or condescending to me - just my opinion. I am not to the point of fast forwarding through her scenes, but close to it.

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57 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

My initial thought as well but then I ate one.... :D

I love orange flavor with chocolate!

1 hour ago, jpgr said:

I may be in the minority but I do not like when Lucille calls women "precious" - it would drive me nuts. I would pick Phyllis for sure. She can call me "lass" all day long.

Phyllis all the way for me!  I can do without Saint Lucille.

23 minutes ago, dargosmydaddy said:


I wasn't shocked, per se, but the whole thing was framed very oddly, and, as I mentioned in my previous post, I do wonder about the "house rules" for overnight stays. ...  Yet it then becomes a regular thing, judging by the later scene with the two of them in bed? (Which was just oddly staged, with both of them fully clothed and lying on the bed, over the covers, with a good gap between them... like, I get Covid regulations, having to stage around George's pregnant belly, etc., but to me the scene would have looked less odd if the two were snuggled up on a couch or even sitting up in the bed.)

That was so awkward.  As has been pointed out, there were a number of ways they could have been positioned to hide the pregnancy that looked more natural.  I'm glad they are showing Trixie in a sexual relationship.  She does not need to be a perpetual virgin at her age.

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