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S01.E07: Art Teacher

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I love this show, seems to be getting better every week.

But, would Janine really want anything to do with this obnoxious Sahar (Sarah, but pretentious, right?)?  Maybe better to have no friends than that one.  That Sahar thought destroying those books Melissa was so thoughtful to buy was an ok think to do? ugh.   

Loved Barbara and Jacob having something to bond over and enjoy.  Greg being helpful even if he doesn't really want to garden was sweet.


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That was so cute, I loved Barbara and Jacob bonding over plants and Sidney Poitier, Greg secretly saving their plants, Janine saving the day by selling the art to pretentious art people, Janine telling her "friend" Sahar to get out, Melissa giving her a huge, it was just such a sweet half hour. 

I loved Melissa taking her earring out before Janine got her out of the classroom, and then angrily pacing around in the background while Janine and Sahar were arguing. "I know your name is Sarah, I saw it on your birth certificate collage!"

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56 minutes ago, cinsays said:

I love this show, seems to be getting better every week.

Loved this episode. I think it was the best one so far.

2 hours ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

When Melissa took her earrings off after Zahar used her books to make her ugly art project, I wish they hadn't cutaway from the confrontation. When they picked it up later in the hall, Melissa's anger felt really diluted. Of course, I didn't want Melissa to punch the Art Teacher in front of the kids, but I was hoping for her to at least lunge at her. After destroying all of the books Melissa bought, Zahar deserved to get zat azz whooped!

Yes. When a woman takes her earrings off you know someone is in deep shit.


3 hours ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Love that Greg, Mr. Above-It-All short-term substitute teacher, is slowly being pulled into the web of Abbott Elementary more and more every week. How ironic that he hates gardening but felt compelled to save Barbara and Jacob from themselves and save the plants from Barbara and Jacob.

All the characters are just written so well.  I feel like I'm really getting to know them.  


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Jacob's half-sob when he was talking about gardening without Barbara took me out! He tries so hard.  

20 hours ago, BAForever said:

Barbara and Jacob bonding was a great second plot story.

It was!

10 hours ago, LydiaMoon1 said:

Poor Jacob. I knew as soon as he brought in that grilled zucchini that it was all going in the trash. 

Same. Watching poor Barbara try and eat that chicken nugget was a trip. She's still chewing, I bet.  

I'm glad Janine got the hug from Melissa.  I want her to have friends and burn those orthopedic shoes. 

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23 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

After seeing these photos, I think the issue with Janine's clothes is not that they don't match, but rather that they are shapeless and too big for her. Clothes that fit well pretty much always look good. She's a tiny person wearing huge clothes.

I was hoping Melissa would get at least one jab in on Sahar.

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I think I liked the B-plot with Barbara, Jacob and Gregory more than I liked the A-plot.

I enjoyed Barbara and Jacob's blooming (ha!) relationship they played off each other so well.  And Gregory was a cherry on the top.  I loved his last line "A real man gets to the root of the problem.  Now go pick up that hoe'  😅

I also liked the little message they slid in there about the lunch workers and the school lunches sometimes not being as nutritional as they could.  The lunch worker was great.  I cackled when he Rafiki'd the baby zucchini.

Another good Melissa episode.  Again, I cackled when she took off her earrings and handed them to someone named 'Niecy' to hold.  There was always a Niecy  amongst a group of girls.  I have a cousin named Niecy! Melissa was straight up street!  telling Janine to 'you better get your girl' ha!  I love Melissa.

I was not impressed with Sahar (nee Sarah).  Ugh.  So pretentious.  I could see why Ava was impressed by her.

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I was looking hard at Janine's clothes because you all said last week that they were problematic, but I still don't see it, except I really hate "power clashing". I've noticed it happening more and more IRL, but it's just not for me.

Loved this episode. Is this the first time we've seen Melissa seem relaxed and happy and enthusiastic about something? I know it's the first time we've seen Barbara and Jacob bond. I love gardening, so it made me happy that they chose that for the thing to make both characters like.

Barbara earnestly saying she was supervising nutrition cracked me up. 

I knew the food from home wasn't going to be allowed, but I wish it didn't have to go into the trash. 

The cook and the janitor are a little too similarly characterized, for me. They make each of the teaching staff very distinct. Give the support staff more distinct beats, please.

I sometimes worry I might be too much like Jacob. So it was nice that this week Barbara was on his side.

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I am an elder millennial, and my father loved the “video stores”, and always wanted me to see the movies he saw as important of the ‘60s and ‘70s. Because of him, I saw Lilies of the Field, as he saw it as important to my upbringing. He is still alive, but his mind is less so, and god damn if this episode did not speak to my heart. 

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10 hours ago, mrsbagnet said:

After seeing these photos, I think the issue with Janine's clothes is not that they don't match, but rather that they are shapeless and too big for her. Clothes that fit well pretty much always look good. She's a tiny person wearing huge clothes.

My problem with Janine's clothes is actually all of the above. Her clothes are big and shapeless AND they clash. She always looks like she dressed in the dark after raiding the donation box on the corner.

11 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I wonder if the Quinta Brunson and the writers read comments about her outfits and decided to joke about it. 

I highly doubt that Janine's wardrobe is a reaction to the audience. The show has been very deliberate about Janine's wardrobe from the very beginning. A character's clothes, along with their actions, tell us who they are.  I think a poster said last week that they thought that Janine dresses like her ideal of a teacher. I wouldn't be surprised if, at some point, we find out that she's actually dressing like her favorite teacher from her childhood (who just happened to be 50 lbs. heavier and 5-inches taller).

8 hours ago, DearEvette said:

I was not impressed with Sahar (nee Sarah).  Ugh.  So pretentious.  I could see why Ava was impressed by her.

So could I. After meeting Janine's boyfriend and best friend, she seems less like a Philly girl to me and more like she was actually raised on the Island of Misfit Toys. Her awkward phase is lasting a really long time.

Edited by LydiaMoon1
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22 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Even though she was a volunteer, I don't understand how Janine could bring Zahar in without getting approval from Ava, the principal. 

Jacob went up 20 notches on my "like" meter when he mentioned Sidney Poitier.  I loved Barbara's expression. 

Well, probably in real life, there'd be all kind of hoops for Zahar to jump through before teaching, possibly even as a volunteer. Referrals, background checks, fingerprints...

I love this show. It's amazing how being grounded in a believable reality really makes a show better.

Edited by JeanJean
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Is there a Marshall's or TJ Maxx in Philly?  If so, I'm pretty sure Janine could find some more suitable, affordable clothes.  I know clothing (for teachers and students) is more casual that it was in my ancient school days, and the other teachers on the show dress like the ones I see in my neighborhood.  I think Janine just like to dress wacky because that's her persona.

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5 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

I feel like Janine's clothes are a little bit "favorite teacher" and a little bit "this is what I can afford."  As a new teacher, just starting out, she's buying supplies to supplement her classroom and teaching aids for her lessons. This probably doesn't leave a lot of money left so I'm assuming she's getting what she gets from the thrift stores which may not give her a lot of options size wise. 

I'm going with Sahar did do all the things to be a volunteer, but Ava just didn't pay attention. There's probably a memo sitting on her desk about it that she's never read. 

As for Janine and Sahar, I kind of get it. For some people, it's hard to make friends and you find yourself holding onto a friendship longer than you should because it's better to have one not great friend than have no friends at all. While Janine is a lovely person, she severely lacks self confidence and that's what enables a person to make friends more easily. She definitely has a doubt about what she brings to the table in terms of friendship so she clings to the few friends she has because she doesn't feel like she deserves better friends or feels like this is the best she can do. 

Could be another reason why Janine is still with her loser boyfriend. She lacks the confidence to know she deserves better. Sadly, I related so much to her "friendship" with Sahar. 

I loved this episode. Damn, Sahar was insufferable. I got so pissed when she made that art installation out of the books Melissa bought. I don't blame Melissa for getting pissed. I'd be taking my earrings off, too.

And I loved watching Jacob and Barbara bonding over a love of gardening and the late Sidney Portier. 

But my favorite moment was Janine wearing that goth like cape selling the art to the pretentious hipsters. I laughed so hard I snorted.

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On 2/9/2022 at 11:13 AM, bluegirl147 said:

Yes. When a woman takes her earrings off you know someone is in deep shit.

Also known as a "hold my purse" moment. You GO, Melissa. Though, if she's really South Philly Italian, she'd probably be Angela or Connie. ;-)

The installation was beautiful..."Sahar" is not without talent, but definitely without empathy, compassion and generosity. 

Edited by kwnyc
Additional thought
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I lwas so surprised, but I loved when Melissa was saying she didn't understand why Janine was ever friends with Sahar, and basically said Janine is so much better than Sahar. I never really thought M liked Janine at all, but not only didn't she blame Janine for Sahar's behavior, but she actually showed appreciation and respect for Janine directly. She was almost out of character this week, not only then, but also when she was so excited about the Peter Rabbit lesson. 

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I feel like Melissa and Janine turned a corner and bonded because of the Courtney business.

I feel like this show really reinforces that whatever perceived personal discord we might see, gets trumped by the characters' regard for the children.  Everyone may get exasperated by Janine but they see she is coming from a place where she deeply wants to help the children.  So that earns their respect.

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On 2/9/2022 at 6:02 PM, BAForever said:

Am interested if any posters here are teachers/former teachers. Taking this to small talk. Join in!

I’m a teacher at a Title 1 school & this is all so real & relatable to me. I looked up the writer to see when she left Education & was SHOCKED that it wasn’t her background. How can she be so accurate?! It’s perfect! She has the system down & has nailed the part of idealistic new teacher who can solve all the problems with relationship-building and ingenuity 😜 

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16 hours ago, Neiman said:

Loved the episode, but in the back of my mind, I kept waiting for them to be told they couldn’t serve the veggies due to health regulations. Shame the substitute didn’t just join them. 

I think if the veggies are prepared in the kitchen they would be ok. One of our local schools has a garden. I'm not sure if the garden itself needs to be inspected.

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One of the worst parts of the art installation is that clearly Sarah (we've seen her birth certificate collage!) did the work without the kids. The kids got almost nothing except 75 destroyed books out of it. Sarah's privilege was screaming too, when she said she would just create a personal grant to buy books she thinks they should read, versus the ones the kids like and have had good successes with previously.

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On 2/12/2022 at 3:40 AM, possibilities said:

I was so surprised, but I loved when Melissa was saying she didn't understand why Janine was ever friends with Sahar, and basically said Janine is so much better than Sahar. I never really thought M liked Janine at all, but not only didn't she blame Janine for Sahar's behavior, but she actually showed appreciation and respect for Janine directly. She was almost out of character this week, not only then, but also when she was so excited about the Peter Rabbit lesson. 

I think the pilot established that both Melissa and Barbara love their jobs and the kids, but they've come to accept the limitations that come with teaching in an underfunded school with a bad administration in charge. I could see her being touched by the kids' art projects and even keeping one that a kid made for her. I could also see, for all her tough exterior and bluster, that she believes in encouraging people. In the episode with Courtney (the disruptive kid), I think Melissa would have helped Janine if Janine hadn't insulted her. 

On 2/12/2022 at 2:35 PM, Harvey said:

Why does Gregory not like Jacob? He tries so hard to be nice to him.

Although now that I think about it, Gregory is very standoffish with everyone. Jeanine is the only one he seems to like, and that is only because the show is clearly setting up a possilbe slowly budding romance between them.

I know the show is trying to establish Gregory as the sardonic outsider who's really a good person deep inside, but all they've done, in my opinion, is show that he's a douche and unlikable. Gregory might not like Jacob precisely because Jacob's trying so hard to be nice to him. Who knows, maybe Gregory also thinks Jacob is trying to show how "enlightened" he is by having a Black friend.  

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On 2/13/2022 at 11:02 AM, RedInk said:

I’m a teacher at a Title 1 school & this is all so real & relatable to me. I looked up the writer to see when she left Education & was SHOCKED that it wasn’t her background. How can she be so accurate?! It’s perfect! She has the system down & has nailed the part of idealistic new teacher who can solve all the problems with relationship-building and ingenuity 😜 

Her mother is a teacher:   https://www.seattletimes.com/entertainment/tv/quinta-brunson-talks-viral-videos-and-the-mother-daughter-bond-that-inspired-abbott-elementary/

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 2/9/2022 at 8:10 AM, LydiaMoon1 said:

Although she redeemed herself in the end, this is the first episode where Janine felt a little pathetic to me. First, it was her broke bum BF. Now, we meet her so-called best friend Zahar, who would leave her standing outside while she went inside and partied... and Janine thought that was okay? Do better, Janine.

I'm glad she's making real friends at Abbott Elementary.

When Melissa took her earrings off after Zahar used her books to make her ugly art project, I wish they hadn't cutaway from the confrontation. When they picked it up later in the hall, Melissa's anger felt really diluted. Of course, I didn't want Melissa to punch the Art Teacher in front of the kids, but I was hoping for her to at least lunge at her. After destroying all of the books Melissa bought, Zahar deserved to get zat azz whooped!

Barbara and Jacob bonding was cute.

Love that Greg, Mr. Above-It-All short-term substitute teacher, is slowly being pulled into the web of Abbott Elementary more and more every week. How ironic that he hates gardening but felt compelled to save Barbara and Jacob from themselves and save the plants from Barbara and Jacob.

Poor Jacob. I knew as soon as he brought in that grilled zucchini that it was all going in the trash. He meant well, but that's a big no-no.

The cook was nasty though, should have told him to take it back home and why. Not funny spending all that time cooking as a good deed to see someone dump it in the trash. 

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On 2/13/2022 at 8:31 PM, Ailianna said:

One of the worst parts of the art installation is that clearly Sarah (we've seen her birth certificate collage!) did the work without the kids. The kids got almost nothing except 75 destroyed books out of it. Sarah's privilege was screaming too, when she said she would just create a personal grant to buy books she thinks they should read, versus the ones the kids like and have had good successes with previously.

I’m not sure what you mean by her “privilege,” but I’ve seen examples of art on display in schools that were exclusively created by the teacher and not the students. I’ve also seen projects featuring pages from library books, although they were older ones rather than new books. Overall, I didn’t care for the show’s art teacher character, but I found her to be an adequate representation of personalities that are actually in public schools. I think it’s okay that she wanted to do something different in terms of projects, but not a good choice to use those particular books. If they wanted to keep doing the styrofoam plate bunnies, there was no need to get the art teacher involved.

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On 2/9/2022 at 10:18 AM, Empress1 said:

From South Philly? Run. Melissa can fight.

Right? I love Melissa, she'd be so fun to hang out with. But yeah, I would absolutely NOT want to piss her off, no. I actually gasped when she learned what became of her books. I'm glad that Janine stood up to Sahar at the end, and I liked Melissa making it clear in her own way that Janine deserved better.  

Barbara and Jacob bonding over gardening, and other things,, was so cute and wonderful. Their shared love of bossa nova music made me want to see an episode where they take some kind of dance class outside of school for some reason :D. 

LOL, Gregory. "I hate gardening so much." Poor guy :p. I love that he still remembered everything he was taught about gardening, though :D. 

Agreed with the others here, this was definitely among my favorite episodes thus far, if not my favorite :). 

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