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S03.E10: Moving On Up And Partying On Down

Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Episodes happen in episode time.  Nothing that occurs after the episode was FILMED should be discussed in the episode thread. 

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1 hour ago, sadie said:

Those guys should be embarrassed and once she’s dead I hope they have at least a moment of regret for contributing to it.

They won't.  They're all just users.  They will have no regret, but if (when) she dies they will repost the video to their various 'channels' saying how sad they are about the queen!  All for clicks.  Their whole world is clicks.   

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I was cringing so hard when they had Gage in the hot tub. Sure, he was having fun splashing around, but babies can get overheated quickly. Plus, if he pooped it would contaminate the whole thing. Gross, gross, gross 🤮 

Not sure if the timelines are being manipulated, but they made it seem like Tammy went on this new downward spiral after finding out that Amy is moving. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was more screaming for attention.  Did anyone else think it seemed like she was on something when she was doing the talking heads towards the end of the show?  Tammy is so deep in addictive behavior it’s really hard to watch. 

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Tammy is the LAST person to criticize what anyone is wearing after wearing her tacky pink stripper top. Talk about boobs about to pop out, Amanda's robe covered hers just fine so not sure why she made that comment. And when Tammy said they never let her talk, she's the one talking/yelling the whole time! I thought Amy handled her tantrum at her house well, instead of getting pissed she just calmly let Tammy go off while hardly saying anything. Of course Tammy would probably say Amy was cutting her off the whole time not letting her speak. And no "thank you" when she handed her the bag of food. I love how shocked Tammy was when Amy said no one else fought with each other, she was the one doing all the fighting.

I kind of hate that Amanda apologized for standing up for herself, and like an angry toddler Tammy didn't even acknowledge her.

Her "friends" apparently are perfectly fine with contributing to and speeding up her death. Those party scenes were so cringey, Tammy trying to act all cool and young. Like, you're on oxygen and need both a wheelchair and a walker, drinking and vaping is not going to make you look cool, it just makes you look stupid. And the pizza was "slapping"? Lol what?? She says Amy is her best friend, yet when she's calling while they're partying Tammy says she "doesn't want to talk to that bitch".


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4 hours ago, Kbo said:

I was cringing so hard when they had Gage in the hot tub. Sure, he was having fun splashing around, but babies can get overheated quickly. Plus, if he pooped it would contaminate the whole thing. Gross, gross, gross 🤮 

When Whitney Thore got into a hot tub at a rented cabin, she “had” to pee in it and then expected her hangers-on to come on in. Maybe Amy can get Whitney to babysit with Gage in a hot tub - it’ll cut down on the number of rented tubs needing cleaning.

Edited by LeesburgLee
Cleaning up the wording.
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27 minutes ago, edie3 said:

And doesn't see realize those guys are using her to pay for the alcohol?

I’m sure somebody in the room does, even if it’s on the other side of the camera.  Production probably gave them a ride to the local Liquor & Vape store and subsidized the party.  I don’t think she cares, even if she is aware of it.

Attention, at any cost, is the obvious goal of someone who becomes a tv star after being recognized on YouTube for the glorious fact that she and her sister weigh 1,000 pounds, together.  If that doesn’t scream attention whore, I don’t know what does.

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7 hours ago, Kbo said:

Did anyone else think it seemed like she was on something when she was doing the talking heads towards the end of the show?

I said that exact thing to my sister as we were watching. Tammy seemed high. 

I saw the hot tub in the previews; I think they were just using it as a plunge pool. I don’t think the heat could have been on. My friends who have one do that in the summer. 

Tammy looks like she’s just getting bigger and bigger. It’s so sad. I didn’t really blame her for not going into Amy’s house because there were materials all over the place, like there would be when you’re having work done, but more importantly there just wasn’t any place for her to sit down. That definitely seemed like a production setup.

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I love how every time the family talks about what to do with Tammy, you hear Chris go "WARD. OF. THE. STATE.", and really what are they going to do with her? Amy is going to bring her to live with them & Tammy will be a thorn in Michael's side until she dies.

Why does Tammy talk about vaping like it's getting high? Or can you get high from it & I just never realized it? And when she said "I’d rather hang out with y’alll than my family any day" I thought, "maybe if you pay your family like you do these guys you would enjoy their company more" I can't believe what a bitch she was about Amy's house, if she was so sick & hungover, why did she get in the car?

I don't know if this has been discussed before, but where does Tammy get her clothes? Who sells clothing that large? And is each piece of clothing a load of laundry by itself?

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At first I liked the family friend, Rob, when he picked up Tammy to bring her home from TN, then immediately changed my mind about him when I saw he was setting up the partying at her house. 

A bit off topic since I don’t watch that often: has it ever been explained why Chris’s wife, Brittany, always wears a wide headband and her hair in a little ponytail? 

  • Love 10

Tammy in the van at Amy's new house was revolting.    She was obviously hung over, but seemed drunk too.    If the scenes showing the amount of booze, and she really consumed what was shown, then she's not just partying.     With her other health problems, she's apparently not concerned about living much longer.   

  • Love 11

This family.....the very definition of  co- dependency.   Tammy is addicted to food/booze.   Family is addicted to Tammy and her chaos.   Nothing changes if nothing changes.

A lot of individual miracle work will have to be done to even begin to help this family.

Thankfully Gage looks like dad.   Not sure if that's a good thing.   Kinda the lesser of 2 evils  🤭🤐

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34 minutes ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Tammy in the van at Amy's new house was revolting.    She was obviously hung over, but seemed drunk too.    If the scenes showing the amount of booze, and she really consumed what was shown, then she's not just partying.     With her other health problems, she's apparently not concerned about living much longer.   

She's too concerned with feeling good in the moment. Instant gratification.      A very un-adult attitude.   She clearly has the brain of a 12-13 yr old

  • Love 12
8 hours ago, edie3 said:

If she is 600 pounds and drinks 10 shots or 10 drinks with 1.5 ounces of liquor her blood alcohol level would be around 0.088%.

The partying apparently began after Amy and Michael moved out.  I have certainly 'overindulged' with alcohol a time or two (or a hundred) in my life.  Watching her mix all those different alcohols together came very close to making me vomit, no joke.

Like many of you, I'd rather they cut Tammy loose and let's watch the show without her.   She's moved beyond the typical reality show train wreck, which of course could simply be how they've edited the footage.  Even so, at this point and it's turned a corner into truly disturbing and uncomfortable.

  • Love 18

This episode was painful to watch. Tammy is awful, no way around that, but her self destructive behavior is sad. Her siblings can't help her, she doesn't want help. Tammy is willing to sacrifice her life for "fun" and what she considers "being happy for once." At this point, I don't think TLC should be filming the demise of Tammy ( I know TLC interested in the $$$, but still...)

Watching Tammy's last few scenes, it was obvious she was high or drunk or hungover, maybe all of the above. She will be dead soon and as much as her siblings verbalize this I don't think they are prepared for it, especially Amy. What a sad, sad situation and the filming of it just doesn't seem right to me at this point. I don't think I can watch anymore.

  • Love 10
23 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I really don't understand Tammy's complaining that no one lets her talk.  All she says is "None of your business", "I don't feel like it", "I don't know", "leave me alone", etc.  She never really SAYS anything!

Her view of events is so different then how they actually take place. I hope she watches herself and sees how things really happened.  Everyone was standing around that van waiting for her to come inside or say what was wrong and she didn't say anything.  She never said she had a hard time breathing, all she did was sit like a baby and say she wanted to go home.    She's so frustrating. I had to take care of my mother (who I never got along with)  in her last days and she had a very similar way of remembering, and acting. I can completely relate to what these people are going through, this show triggers me.

I also agree that at this point we're watching Tammy self destruct, it's sad and they shouldn't continue filming her.

  • Love 15
35 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

The partying "friends", OMG.  What did they think/how did they feel when they watched this episode?  What did their family's think about them taking advantage of this woman in this way?  Maybe they have no conscience, but what about the production crew?  How did they feel filming this?  If I were a part of this crew, I would have a hard time sleeping at night, wondering what my life has come to that I do this for a living. 

This! To me it’s worse than the bullying she endured as a kid. At least bullying is apparent what it is, it’s straightforward. This is so much worse to me as they make Tammy complicit in the ridicule under the guise that they’re all friends. They are duping her, making fun of her and they’ve gotten her to participate not understanding they aren’t laughing with her, they’re laughing at her, and she’s paying the bill to do it. IMO this is far worse than bullying. Shame on all of them. 

  • Love 20

Every time Tammy has fun she says it’s “for once.”   Um what about the previous “for once” times?

They finally showed her eating (pizza) so maybe her contract doesn’t bar it.





8 hours ago, GaT said:

Why does Tammy talk about vaping like it's getting high?

Some folks vape pot rather than nicotine.

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I’d like to mention it’s also painfully obvious that even though Amy had bariatric surgery, ZERO time is involved talking about or seeing her at least put forth effort to at least maintain if not make progress with her own weight loss and/or healthy lifestyle goals…until the previews show her going to her doctor and giggling like a schoolgirl that she might already be pregnant.  So to sum up, neither sister has a healthy attitude towards their obesity situation and the carrot for Amy to get approved for surgery or give too shits about her weight/healthy behaviors is “if I lose weight I could get pregnant and it would be healthier for the baby” then as soon as she gets a positive pregnancy test, it’s all out the window.  Tammy, apparently is allergic to carrots, therefore, neither carrot nor stick.

I’m not sure if I can watch anymore, either after last night’s episode.  It’s gone waaaaaaay past the original premise and I agree with the others here that it has crossed a line, for me.  I might laugh at the cover of the National Enquirer, but I ain’t buying it.

Edited by kicotan
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10 hours ago, GaT said:

Amy is going to bring her to live with them & Tammy will be a thorn in Michael's side until she died.

When Amy was describing the house, she should never have told her that she had an extra bedroom. Because now, I will bet anything she will guilt Amy into moving her in to Amy’s house.

7 hours ago, suev3333 said:

This family.....the very definition of  co- dependency.   Tammy is addicted to food/booze.   Family is addicted to Tammy and her chaos.   Nothing changes if nothing changes.


  • Love 19
2 hours ago, kicotan said:

I’d like to mention it’s also painfully obvious that even though Amy had bariatric surgery, ZERO time is involved talking about or seeing her at least put forth effort to at least maintain if not make progress with her own weight loss and/or healthy lifestyle goals…until the previews show her going to her doctor and giggling like a schoolgirl that she might already be pregnant.  So to sum up, neither sister has a healthy attitude towards their obesity situation and the carrot for Amy to get approved for surgery or give too shits about her weight/healthy behaviors is “if I lose weight I could get pregnant and it would be healthier for the baby” then as soon as she gets a positive pregnancy test, it’s all out the window.  Tammy, apparently is allergic to carrots, therefore, neither carrot nor stick.

I’m not sure if I can watch anymore, either after last night’s episode.  It’s gone waaaaaaay past the original premise and I agree with the others here that it has crossed a line, for me.  I might laugh at the cover of the National Enquirer, but I ain’t buying it.

None of them have the slightest interest in nutrition or learning how to eat for health.  Amy doesn't care about being healthy or reaching her goal weight, she just wants to stay mobile and have babies.  

Yeah Amy admitting to Tammy that she has a spare room was a poor choice that may come back to bite her.

"Queen" "TamTam" was depressing to watch.  She's just as nasty and abusive to her family as ever and her "friends" don't care about her.

Edited by Caoimhe
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7 hours ago, cynicat said:

The partying apparently began after Amy and Michael moved out. 

But they haven't moved out yet, they're just renovating at this point. Maybe Tammy's rebellion is an attempt to show them how she will act when she's left alone and guilt them into letting her move into the spare bedroom. I predict it's going to happen. 

Did anyone notice that after the partying scene they cut to a commercial for the show "Moonshiners"? 

Edited by magemaud
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3 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Every time Tammy has fun she says it’s “for once.”   Um what about the previous “for once” times?

Some folks vape pot rather than nicotine.

Amy does the "just this once" thing with food that she shouldn't be eating, so maybe everyone in the family does it, we just don't see it. I've been wondering about that ever since we found out that Amanda had the bariatric surgery. She's smaller than she was, but she certainly isn't even average weight, she's still fat.

I didn't know that about vaping, that explains a lot.

1 hour ago, Kid said:

When Amy was describing the house, she should never have told her that she had an extra bedroom. Because now, I will bet anything she will guilt Amy into moving her in to Amy’s house.



1 hour ago, nokat said:

So much this ^^^. She let Tammy know she has an extra bedroom.

Yeah, as soon as Amy said "4 bedrooms" I thought "NOOOOOOO, don't tell her that!" I bet they have the room all ready for her. That is if she ever gets out of whatever facility she's in.

  • Love 9
27 minutes ago, GaT said:

Yeah, as soon as Amy said "4 bedrooms" I thought "NOOOOOOO, don't tell her that!"

If they were smart they would buy an inaccessible place.   They can visit her at her place or one of the siblings’ homes.   One of the reasons I live in the city is because my relatives are afraid to live in the city lol.

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I just wanted to say that I am proud of Amy for at least having the sense to buy a house.

I know Michael works and she is on disability and gets some TLC income.  A while back somebody said that it was $3000 per episode, but I think that was for season one, so maybe that's more now. I'm not sure what city they live in, just that it's rural Kentucky, so houses don't cost a fortune and are more than reasonably priced. 

It's clear she wants to do better for herself and at least takes the steps to do so and I'm really happy for her.

In terms of her weight, she knew she wanted another baby, so didn't try very hard to follow the diet, I'd put her at about 300 pounds, but I think once she has the second, she will make more of an effort to eat a healthier diet.

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2 hours ago, GaT said:

Amy does the "just this once" thing with food that she shouldn't be eating, so maybe everyone in the family does it, we just don't see it. I've been wondering about that ever since we found out that Amanda had the bariatric surgery. She's smaller than she was, but she certainly isn't even average weight, she's still fat.

I think that's what Amy sees as her goal - the surgery will keep her from being Tammy's size, but she only has to "behave" enough to reach Amanda's size and live a happy fat life. It will be awesome if Chris really does stick with it and attains a fit condition. I was so glad he got to ride the roller coaster. When you're on a long diet it's those "I couldn't do ____ before, now I can!" moments that keep you focused for the long haul. 

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I don't know.  Amy seems to see having another baby as her "goal".  and it should be her weight loos as a "goal".  She messed up the first time believing if she lost weight she could have a baby.. and she did.. WRONG.  and Tammy.  JFC; vaping, drinking, and eating pizza (yes, my Dr. told me Pizza and Chinese food are the worst.. but i still crave them.)_   I haven't had Chinese for 6 years.  Pizza?  YES.  When I am getting older I'm not eating a salad for dinner and that's it.  You only live once.. FOR ME.  Not for Tanny.. she is going to die.. and i see it sooner rather than later.  Amy.. STOP TRYING TO HAVE KIDS.. Just lose some weight and take care of Gage.  You are blessed already (with Gage; not Tammy)

  • Love 7

Just like when Amy and Chris told Tammy they were approved for surgery, I don't think Tammy even said congratulations. She barely acted excited talking with Amy and even in her confessionals, she was stumbling over her words trying to say she was proud of her. She really cant be happy for anyone else about anything positive -- not life changing surgery, buying a house, not even a vacation.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, GaT said:
7 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

Some folks vape pot rather than nicotine.

I didn't know that about vaping, that explains a lot.

That was my first thought when I saw her vaping but currently marijuana is illegal in Kentucky (except for medical reasons, and then it can't be smoked) so I don't think they would have shown that. Of course, when the cameras aren't rolling...

Edited by magemaud
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4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

If they were smart they would buy an inaccessible place.   They can visit her at her place or one of the siblings’ homes.   One of the reasons I live in the city is because my relatives are afraid to live in the city lol.

I live in a place family likes to visit in the winter.  Thankfully none of them are over 600 lbs and need to be pushed.

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4 minutes ago, magemaud said:

She IS wearing a headband! Now, I'm really confused. They were married in 2016 so Chris's kids are from another relationship? 

You're right! I thought that was a hair clip because the headband blended in with her hair color. You can still see her hairline, & it's high. I just have no idea why she wears it. I found this article about her, & they must have had their kids before they got married because their daughter is old enough to be living with a girlfriend, & their son Brandon is old enough to be married & have a child (which, unfortunately died). This confuses me even more because it sounds like she's a devout Christian, which doesn't work with the whole "children before marriage" thing.

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1 hour ago, GaT said:

You're right! I thought that was a hair clip because the headband blended in with her hair color. You can still see her hairline, & it's high. I just have no idea why she wears it. I found this article about her, & they must have had their kids before they got married because their daughter is old enough to be living with a girlfriend, & their son Brandon is old enough to be married & have a child (which, unfortunately died). This confuses me even more because it sounds like she's a devout Christian, which doesn't work with the whole "children before marriage" thing.

Chris has 2 adult children, a boy & a girl, from a previous marriage. He stated this at the beginning of season 2 when we 1st 'met' him. 2nd wife Brittany is much younger than Chris. Again his words from season 2, ep 1 presumably.

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19 hours ago, GaT said:

I love how every time the family talks about what to do with Tammy, you hear Chris go "WARD. OF. THE. STATE.", and really what are they going to do with her? Amy is going to bring her to live with them & Tammy will be a thorn in Michael's side until she dies.


I think it’s pretty difficult to get an adult declared a ward of the state. People have to jump through lots of hoops to get guardians appointed for elderly people with severe cognitive decline. I’m not so sure the family can just wash their hands of Tammy and think the state will step in and take over. Maybe if the family stops enabling her she will agree to go back to a rehab or medical facility when she finds herself on her own. 

Edited by Ria
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On 1/17/2022 at 4:02 PM, Kbo said:

I was cringing so hard when they had Gage in the hot tub. Sure, he was having fun splashing around, but babies can get overheated quickly. Plus, if he pooped it would contaminate the whole thing. Gross, gross, gross 🤮 

I was thinking if someone had peed in in and Gage was in it.  Was it just family. 
I remember Whitney Thore saying she always pees in a hot tub.


3 hours ago, Anonysaurus said:

Just like when Amy and Chris told Tammy they were approved for surgery, I don't think Tammy even said congratulations. She barely acted excited talking with Amy and even in her confessionals, she was stumbling over her words trying to say she was proud of her. She really cant be happy for anyone else about anything positive -- not life changing surgery, buying a house, not even a vacation.

Amy sized Tammy up pretty well in s1: "If it's not for Tammy or about Tammy you (she) don't care". 

  • Love 12
Message added by PrincessPurrsALot,

Episodes happen in episode time.  Nothing that occurs after the episode was FILMED should be discussed in the episode thread. 

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