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S01.E03: Chapter Three - The Streets of Mos Espa

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Ahhhhhh, Stephen Root!!!! I feel like he's got a lot of that Fuches character from Barry here: up to no good but needs to manipulate others into doing the dirty work.

Hah, the delinquent youth of Mos Espa ride space Vespas.

Boba's flashback meeting with the Pykes is a classic example of "this meeting could have been an email". Too bad the Tuskens (probably) don't have whatever Star Wars' equivalent of email is.

Goddamn, when they first used the establishing shot of the bacta tank bed in this episode, I thought "man, that's a vulnerable position. Good thing as a crime lord he has guards, right?" AND THEN HE DOESN'T. Black Krrsantan just walked on in there! Did he disable or kill the guards? I mean, the plucky teens are the first ones in to try to save Fett. But NO, the Gamorreans are there! And Fennec is too! So there just weren't any guards! And then some of the teens have ranged weapons and still walk into backfist range! (BTW, Fett is not a particularly notable fighter without his gear.) The only person in this whole crew who can be counted on for competent violence is Fennec.

(Also, what's up with that bacta tank? The Last Jedi showed off a bacta tank in portable inverted-diving-suit form and more generally, Star Wars has held the conceit that technology has mostly been static for thousands of years (The Old Republic is basically at exactly the same level of technological development). And TLJ's context was of ragtag rebels on the run, so it's not like this was super fancy tech only available on Coruscant.)

Krrsantan jogging off the premises was sad for his mystique. Then again, basically scoring a tie with the plucky teens -- before Fennec and the Gamorreans came in for the go-ahead score -- is embarrassing too.

Hoooooooooly crap, Boba's had two assassination attempts by now and he's voluntarily getting into eating range of the rancor given to him by the Twins who he doesn't even trust???? Ned Flanders would be a more competent crime lord. Like, if Danny Trejo's character wanted to kill Boba, this couldn't get any easier for him.

Wait, does Boba really walk all the way into town?????? I assumed he drove or flew at least part way, but the image of the teens on their bikes suggests otherwise.

And then Baby Crime Lord makes another unforced error when Fennec threatens the majordomo and then they allow him to leave behind an armored door!!!!!! And then it's up to the plucky teens to get the majordomo? Boba has a jet pack!!! And Fennec is a renowned sniper with her sniper rifle on her and a target less than 50 meters away!!! ... and then Boba actually did use the jet pack!!!!

Edited by arc
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For a supposed badass bounty hunter, he gets his ass handed him a lot. How does he expect to rule when his approach is to just to hope people follow him. Having a teenage biker gang as guards doesn't do much to make him look like a crime lord. These are criminals they don't play nice. If Boba wants to be nice to everyone then maybe he should kill water guy and do that. He is not a crime lord. 

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They made me love this Tuscan tribe only to kill them off the very next episode. How naive am I for not having expected that so quickly.  Boba giving people a chance sure saved him in this episode when those teenagers he had just hired actually came to his aid.  Why is he not protected 24/7? Especially when he is in that tank. How could that Wookie just walk in like this?

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6 hours ago, absnow54 said:

Disney: If you loved Baby Yoda, get ready to meet Baby Rancor!

Bunch of hipsters on vespa speeder bikes. 

I am going to start referring to them as the Power Rangers because of the colors of their speeder bikes. 

They looked like something out of a cheap movie about a post apocalyptic world, circa 1984. 

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1 hour ago, Rushmoras said:

You know what would have been awesome?

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If the rancorn and the rancorn trainer were a part of the plot to off Boba Fett, and the rancorn trainer was spewing nonesense about how they can be tamed, and once Boba's back would have been turned - wham, major injury! Alas, Boba got a new doggy, how cute.


I am not convinced that isn't the plan of the Hutt twins actually. 


The other thing weird about Bobba's bedroom set up is not only is his security rather lax ( don't they remember Leia sneaking past all the hung over occupants and thawing out Han ) but the bacta tank set up makes no sense. The one Luke is in after the wampa attack is verticle; here its horizontal and spills water everywhere whenever he gets out. Seems rather messy and wasteful in a place where water is precious. 

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Stephen Root!!  Danny Trejo!!  Two unexpected introductions into the Star Wars universe, although, really, I should have known Trejo would pop up at some point thanks to Robert Rodriguez's involvement with the show.  I wonder who else in his gang might show up next (won't lie: my first thought was Salma Hayek as a Tw'lek)?  But they fit their roles well.  Root would definitely be some kind of scummy water salesman who would hike up prices to just make a few extra bucks.  And if anyone could train a rancor, it would be Trejo!

Boba at least increases his gang a little bit thanks to the recruitment of... a bunch of vespa driving, street hipsters, who have implanted themselves with a bunch of droid parts?  Yeah, I did not see that coming either.  Definitely kind of goofy to put it mildly, but I guess any help is better than none right now, since Fennec, two Gamorrean bodyguards, and a prissy droid voiced by Matt Berry can only do so much.  I know Sophie Thatcher is probably the bigger name right now due to Yellowjackets, but it was also cool seeing Jordan Bolger (Ezekiel from The 100) as the other main street kid.

Boba sparing and releasing Krrsantan means he'll probably come back to assist right when Boba and the gang need him the most.

Aww, they already killed off the Tusken Raiders!  It never helps to be friends with the leads in Star Wars, I see.  I guess the rest of the flashbacks for now will be about Boba getting revenge for them.

I guess some of it could be his age and not fully being at 100% yet, but Boba really needs to brush back up on his fighting skills because he has been getting his ass handed to him a lot.  And even looking past that, it still feels like he doesn't have a good grasp on the whole crime lord thing.  Still think Fennec would actually be better in charge.

That was a strangely slow speeder chase sequence.  I guess no one wanted to accidentally hurt the town-folks, but it was just odd.  Did feel bad for all of the droids who had to keep their heads on a swivel though.  Poor guys get no respect for their well-being!

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10 hours ago, Msample said:

here its horizontal and spills water everywhere whenever he gets out. Seems rather messy and wasteful in a place where water is precious. 

I don’t remember the previous episodes too clearly, but I thought Boba’s tank drained into a bacta reservoir instead of just spilling it everywhere.

The look of the space Vespas really undermined the supposed plight of the scooter gang. They’re thieves because of circumstances? I unno, looks more like they’re thieves to support their scooter hobby. Those things looked too fancy and esp too bright and new for a desperately poor street gang. I appreciate the pops of bright color in what has been a pretty dull show, color-wise, but these particular scooters for these kids shouldn’t have looked like that.

Boba getting a days-late (?) lecture about the org chart of the criminal outfit he took over is actually of a piece with all the other ways he’s been an incompetent crime lord. That should have happened before he took visitors offering congratulations and tribute.

Edited by arc
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1 hour ago, paigow said:

Antonio Banderas and Enrique Iglesias will show up as mysterious allies for Boba carrying guitar cases...

I totally got a Desperado/Once Upon a Time in Mexico vibe tonight. I'm still waiting for Cheech Marin to show up, he's on every Robert Rodriguez does.

I would totally be Boba Fett with the Baby Rancor. Poor little guy, just needs some love ❤

I'm assuming the Tribe isn't totally wiped out, they just moved on but Boba will go on a vengeance trip.

Krrsantan was pretty badass. He took on Boba Fett, 4 Cyborg Punks with weapons and Shannd and only ended up getting trapped. Plus he but Boba Fett, j actually jumped when he did.

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40 minutes ago, paigow said:

The flipside of this observation is how Maximus Spartacus Wookiee failed to kill Boba within 30 seconds

That’s on him. This was an assassination attempt on a sleeping Boba. There’s no honor in that. So why not just do a headshot from point blank range? Or snap Boba’s neck without waking him up?

Everyone in Mos Espa is super bad at crime. Maybe this is because this is a backwater planet so crime rejects go here after flunking out of the big leagues.

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1 hour ago, arc said:

Everyone in Mos Espa is super bad at crime. Maybe this is because this is a backwater planet so crime rejects go here after flunking out of the big leagues.

So why is someone scarier than the Hutts coming for Boba? Mystery Boss could have taken over when Jabba died instead of waiting so many years. 

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The Hutt twins are amusing; I especially get a laugh out of the tiny fan.   Can we have the Fennec show with Danny Trejo and Baby Rancor?  The Hutts can pop in to make trouble. 

Boba still isn't interesting and yes, why didn't have have guards??  Did the semi-badass Wookie disable them?

Gang of insolent youths is lame, with their shiny bikes and super clean looks.  If they've been living on the mean streets of Mos Espa, they should look a little worn.

Boba still seems surprised that his authority is questioned.  He thought he would just sit in the big chair and that would be it?  He had to prove himself with the Tuskens, he has to do the same here.   Of course the Tuskens get killed.  Probably the finale will be Boba wiping out the thugs who killed the Tuskens.

I am a little curious about why he sleeps in the tank, though I wouldn't be surprised if they explained it and I missed it.

I just realized that Trejo said the Rancor imprints on the first human it sees, which it why it had the blinders on.  So I guess it will imprint on Boba.  I felt kinda bad, poor Rancor.  What's its natural habitat?  Maybe it doesn't want to live in a dungeon.

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Bobba probably would get a better return on his investment if he hired Krrsantan rather than a gang of space vepsa riding cyborg youths.

Danny Trejo! you knew he'd show up eventually as this is a Robert Rodriguez joint. I do love the little details about the twins, the tiny fan and mopping the brow with a live rodent.

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24 minutes ago, raven said:

I am a little curious about why he sleeps in the tank, though I wouldn't be surprised if they explained it and I missed it.

It is a Bacta tank. Bacta is a healing liquid. A combination of constant clone cellular degeneration and combat wounds require daily treatment. Especially because he recently spent years without it in the desert...

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11 hours ago, wlk68 said:

I am going to start referring to them as the Power Rangers because of the colors of their speeder bikes. 


Haha. My husband said they looked like Power Rangers too. They belong on a different Disney+ show. Between all the different bad guys and the split timeline, I was confused several times. I will need to rewatch this episode.

I thought Boba would not have the traditional problems of clones because he was both first generation and unaltered? The first generation always have less physical problems and as he was unaltered, he would not have the later degeneration caused by the rapid growth the clone troopers did. Is Star Wars canon not entirely consistent about cloning technology or am I not remembering correctly? I just don’t see bring a clone as reason for that much bacta tank use. Is it possible Boba has a bacta tank addiction like some people have plastic surgery addiction?

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6 hours ago, roctavia said:

We've been trying to decide of Danny Trejo telling the baby rancor "don't worry, he'll be back" is an ominous warning that this is some kind of double cross.... or just that Baby rancor now thinks Boba is it's papa.

Same here! It definitely could go either way.

I'm not sure what to make of this episode. If this is really the last we'll see of that Tusken group, it was a very anticlimactic arc. Same with the twins- if they are actually leaving Tatooine after two brief appearances, I'll be very disappointed (I'll miss that tiny fan!). The new teenage street gang was fun, but super goofy and not threatening at all. And I know nothing about the Pykes, so I have no strong feelings about them arriving in Mos Espa. It just felt like a weird reshuffling of characters and plot lines before the story has really gotten started.

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5 hours ago, paigow said:

Mystery Boss could have taken over when Jabba died instead of waiting so many years. 

I’m gonna headcanon that Bib may have lacked the (underworld/political) power of Jabba, but was savvy enough to keep the crime machine running. Boba takes over and is almost impossibly naïve and bad at this. So in my headcanon the majordomo was sent with instructions to provoke Boba and see what kind of crime boss he would be, and Boba mostly failed that test. Thus, as per this episode, the inciting incident that brought in the Pykes was the mayor offering the territory.

Which reminds me, it seems like Boba’s acquired territory is basically only Mos Espa. He even tells the watermonger that if he doesn’t like Boba’s way, he can move to Mos Eisley. So, given that, why did the Twins come from off world? Why did the Pykes? Shouldn’t there be a daimyo of Mos Eisley who would either want to take over the newly unstable town of Mos Espa, or at least suss out the new guy and verify all prior arrangements with his predecessors are still in force?

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2 minutes ago, arc said:

I’m gonna headcanon that Bib may have lacked the (underworld/political) power of Jabba, but was savvy enough to keep the crime machine running...

Bib was The Outer Rim equivalent of Neville Chamberlain... He appeased the 2 strongest competitors by splitting the region into thirds... If Bossk had been around then, Bib would have died 

11 hours ago, arc said:

The look of the space Vespas really undermined the supposed plight of the scooter gang. They’re thieves because of circumstances? I unno, looks more like they’re thieves to support their scooter hobby. Those things looked too fancy and esp too bright and new for a desperately poor street gang. I appreciate the pops of bright color in what has been a pretty dull show, color-wise, but these particular scooters for these kids shouldn’t have looked like that.

Yes, a poor street gang because they spent all of their money on new colorful Vespas with way to many mirrors and an addiction to being a cyborg through enhancement by robotic attachments. Their actions in the episode suggest that none of them thought to add some extra CPU power by using A.I. from a cybernetic brain. Are they more Scarecrow than Tinman?

I never understood why the Tusken Raiders were so upset that the train drove through their desert, it is a big desert, and the train was only there for 10 seconds, hide behind a sand dune so that they can't shoot at you and the Tusken Raiders would have been fine. It is not they didn't have advanced warning that the train was a comin'.

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15 hours ago, Msample said:

I am not convinced that isn't the plan of the Hutt twins actually. 

I don't think that they are going to go that route, considering that Mandalorian never went such routes also, and this is just Mandalorian two point o. If they wanted it, they could have done that already. Nah, this is a legit gift from two space-slugs. "Sorry for trying to unsuccessfully kill you, please accept our rancorn, he can be like a space horse, if you want to. We are moving away now, because it costs money to have animatronic dolls of such size for so long".

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Another way the show has played into white savior/“mighty whitey” tropes is how Boba managed to take out four of the Nikto biker gang at Tosche Station last episode with his nascent gaffi stick martial arts he learned from the Tuskens, and meanwhile the actual Tuskens got killed (or were captured, or had to flee) vs more of those same Nikto bikers. It ends up implying he’s significantly better at wielding the hooked club-stick than the Tuskens themselves.

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14 hours ago, greekmom said:

Did Boba also burn his tusken staff when he did the fire pyre for the dead tuskens?  I thought yes, but my bf said no.

That stick belonged to Chief Tusken. Boba still has his own when he walks away the next morning.

14 hours ago, arc said:

Another way the show has played into white savior/“mighty whitey” tropes is how Boba managed to take out four of the Nikto biker gang at Tosche Station last episode with his nascent gaffi stick martial arts he learned from the Tuskens, and meanwhile the actual Tuskens got killed (or were captured, or had to flee) vs more of those same Nikto bikers. It ends up implying he’s significantly better at wielding the hooked club-stick than the Tuskens themselves.

Per bar fight trope, only one guy drew a blaster - Boba shot that guy, then broke his musket when he used it as a club.

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Awww who's a cute little Rancor? The Rancor is one of my favorite Star Wars creatures, they're like space Pitbull's, naturally sweet animals that are sadly abused by horrible people and forced to fight so people associate them with violence, so now we get a Rancor AND Danny Trejo! It was also cool seeing Sophie Thatcher from Yellowjackets here, even if she and her street gang are hilariously generic cyberpunk street punks. Did they all loose their jobs as mooks when Griff's Tannen was defeated during Back to the Future 2? 

I cant believe they killed off the whole Tuskan Raider tribe in the flashbacks, those were my favorite parts of the show. Boba really needs to up his game, he is getting his ass kicked a whole lot for a supposedly badass bounty hunter turned war lord? No wonder every idiot on the planet is coming for him. I know I've said before that I am not a huge Boba fan, and while I do like the show, I cant help but think of the billions of Star Wars characters I would rather see getting a live action show. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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Way too much set up in this episode.  There is good stuff.  The Black Krrsantan fight, Bob's beginning to assemble a crew, Stephen Root is always a welcome addition to any show or movie but it feels like they are still pushing off story progression. 

I'm surprised the Tusken backstory was wrapped up so quickly after last episode. 

Nice to see Danny Trejo but the rancor stuff felt too long.

The weakest of the three episodes and it still has issues to work out bit O look forward to the remaining episodes.

20 hours ago, KeithJ said:

That chase scene was so lame.  It felt like they were going 10 mph if not slower.

Yes, if you can't do a fast chase here, why do a chase at all?

Edited by benteen
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5 hours ago, arc said:

Another way the show has played into white savior/“mighty whitey” tropes is how Boba managed to take out four of the Nikto biker gang at Tosche Station last episode with his nascent gaffi stick martial arts he learned from the Tuskens, and meanwhile the actual Tuskens got killed (or were captured, or had to flee) vs more of those same Nikto bikers. It ends up implying he’s significantly better at wielding the hooked club-stick than the Tuskens themselves.

Boba beat the guys at the station with the stick because he caught them by surprise and was in among them.  Blasters/guns actually work really well if you stand off at a bit of a distance and shoot your targets.  And the blasters of the biker gang would have been much better than the antique weapons the Tuskens were using. 

5 hours ago, paigow said:

That stick belonged to Chief Tusken. Boba still has his own when he walks away the next morning.

And Boba still has his gaffi stick when he takes out all those stormtroopers in the S2 episode THE TRAGEDY on THE MANDALORIAN. 


The one thing that surprised me about his stick is that it as least part wood. I always thought they were scrap metal. 

19 hours ago, Athena5217 said:

I thought Boba would not have the traditional problems of clones because he was both first generation and unaltered? The first generation always have less physical problems and as he was unaltered, he would not have the later degeneration caused by the rapid growth the clone troopers did. Is Star Wars canon not entirely consistent about cloning technology or am I not remembering correctly? I just don’t see bring a clone as reason for that much bacta tank use. Is it possible Boba has a bacta tank addiction like some people have plastic surgery addiction?

Generally, all clones are going to have accelerated degeneration because you are starting with adult chromosomes with shorter telomeres. Even without accelerated aging Boba would still have a shortened lifespan unless the Kaminos found away around that problem. It is unlikely they would have any incentive to solve that problem. 

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