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S01.E10: Sins of the Father

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8 minutes ago, CatfishMan said:

That was awful. 

That said, people really think Dexter is dead? Didn't he even say in the narration at the end "if I'm really dead"?

If there is interest and budget, he will be back. Not sure if there will be interest though. 

That was the letter he left to Hannah not his actual final words. Also, of course he could come back. But, following Harrison would be the more likely scenario. They wanted one last go at an ending for Dexter himself. The boss at Showtime said to let Dexter get away at the end of the series because he was going to wait out it until Hall wanted to play ball. But, I think this concludes Dexter's story. Not the universe per se.

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I was kind of wishing Angel could have shown up, that Harrison had not been the one to kill Dexter - Angela could have shot him -  and Angel could have taken Harrison home with him to finally have a life with a parent/guardian who is not a sadistic serial killer.

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I binged the whole season this week to be ready for the finale tonight. I haven't read the previous episode threads, but reading this one it sounds like the consensus is that it's not well-liked. I will chalk this up to the advantage of binging vs watching weekly, because I thought overall the season was very good! It definitely helped get the stink out from the last couple seasons of the original.  I tend to over-analyze and bemoan shows that I watch weekly as well, so I try to binge only now. 

My complaints are that I wanted more Angel in the finale. A scene of him getting some closure or something would have been great. And Deb was pretty pointless as I didn't really see the point of her coming back. But I thought the trajectory of the season was great and satisfying, and was shocked they would actually kill off Dex at the end, given how successful this is for showtime. I love Clancy Brown in everything and he was in vintage form here. I don't know how well a Harrison spinoff would work, but as a single season show, I greatly enjoyed this.

Edited by TheRabbi
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11 hours ago, aghst said:

Not that she would have let him go but she had far more energy, far more revulsion, to Dexter than to Kurt.

Yes, but she wasn't sleeping with Kurt. This was personal for her, which reminds me: Having the girlfriend of the suspect interrogating him seems like improper procedure, a little conflict of interest? OTOH, who else was going to do it, in that station full of bumblers?

6 minutes ago, TheRabbi said:

A scene of him getting some closure or something would have been great.

What sort of closure? He has no idea Dexter is responsible for Deb murdering Maria, and doesn't know about the BHB.


7 minutes ago, TheRabbi said:

but as a single season show, I greatly enjoyed this.

I liked it better than I liked the last few seasons of the OS, but that's not saying a whole lot.

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This was a much better ending than the original series! I’m honestly surprised they actually killed Dexter, I expected him and Harrison to get away or he would have to kill Harrison, because I thought for sure this would not just be a standalone season! Finally Dexter’s secrets and true nature have been revealed to everyone and he’ll forever be know to the world as the Bay Harbour Butcher. I think a lot of what people are nitpicking about were either explained in show or don’t actually matter. 

I do think something got cut with the podcaster. Her suddenly being dead in the previous episode came out of nowhere and really had no relevance to the rest of the story.

Edited by Cotypubby
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45 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

This was a much better ending than the original series! I’m honestly surprised they actually killed Dexter, I expected him and Harrison to get away or he would have to kill Harrison, because I thought for sure this would not just be a standalone season! Finally Dexter’s secrets and true nature have been revealed to everyone and he’ll forever be know to the world as the Bay Harbour Butcher. I think a lot of what people are nitpicking about were either explained in show or don’t actually matter. 

I do think something got cut with the podcaster. Her suddenly being dead in the previous episode came out of nowhere and really had no relevance to the rest of the story.

I don't think anything was cut. Yes. It deviated from the usual Kurt M.O. but he's still a killer like Dexter is a killer. He couldn't let her go while thinking she was on to him. It was also used as a shock point. Remove her from the narrative long enough to almost forget about her until her fate is revealed. They wanted the reveal to be her in the box. Anymore set up would have ruined the moment. Even if one assumed it earlier or once you saw the boxes. The intent was to hold off on it.

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

But at least he managed to ruin one final life before departing this Vale of Tears. Now Harrison is a murderer too, with his father's death on his hands. 

"Open your eyes and look at what you've done!" Clever, working in the words Dexter said at the first murder we saw him commit in the OS.

Two lives - Logan's and Harrisons.  I think breaking out of jail was poorly justified and rashly executed.  There's no way he could have ever gotten away after that.

I will give the show some credit for Dexter running through the forest again, as they showed in the pilot episode.  That symmetry at least was nice. 

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59 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

he’ll forever be know to the world as the Bay Harbour Butcher.

No, he won't. Even if Angela has suspicions after her Google and podcast investigation, no one can prove he had anything to do with that unless Harrison spills the beans. He has no reason to do that and it would just be hearsay anyway. "Yeah, kid. Your dad told you he was the Bay Harbour Butcher? Sure, he was."

JMO, but I think this should have been 2 seasons, or just more episodes. Everything happened at breakneck speed, which really messed up any suspense and anticipation for me. Not exactly "edge of your seat" stuff. Blink and you'd miss some major plot point.

And what was the point of sticking Angel in there for 30 seconds, and telling us he was "on his way". I wanted to see what happened when he got there and Angela had to tell him, "Oh, right. Oops. I just killed him. Sorry you wasted the airfare. Nothing to see here. Bye."

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The only reason for this ending was that they wanted Dexter to die but the surprise was that it was Harrison that killed him.  For 8 seasons, Dexter got himself out of much tighter spots than the one he was currently in. So basically in one hour long episode we got the downfall of Dexter.  For me, it was  wrapped up just to be wrapped up a little to quick.  

Angela at best still only had circumstantial evidence. Even LaGuerta only had her suspicions that Dexter was the BHB and Angel discounter her suspicions.  Debbie killed LaGuerta but the official police report showed otherwise. Dexter panicked but he really had no reason to panic. Now the only provable thing that Angela had on Dexter was killing Logan.  


I’m not quite sure why Angela allowed Harrison to run. It could be that she thought that the shooting was justifiable or she just wanted him out of her and Audrey’s life.  Harrison has the blood of his father on his hands but to Harrison’s mind he killed his father because he took the life of an innocent person. 

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11 hours ago, BooBear said:

I just can't get over Harrison last week calling Dexter a hero for saving thousands and within seconds deciding to kill him -- KILL HIM -- KILL HIS DAD - because his dad killed Coach without any idea of the circumstances. 

I mean Harrison was longing to be with his dad from the start of this series and now they are close and wammo.. Harrison is happy to shoot his dad in a matter of minutes?

Nope not buying that.

For me the only way to save this is to have the parts with Logan's death and after all be a "waking dream" that we have seen Dexter have before -like when he imagined Deb shooting him - but I am guessing Michael Hall is done.

There was one key difference - Harrison was given that jacket and the little 'Hey, glad your OK', he's got a girlfriend....he had a sense of belonging and ties at an early age. 

Harry spent so much time 'grooming' Dexter as his own personal killing machine that the flashbacks in the original series never led us to believe Dexter had that well-rounded a life in his early years.  So perhaps Harrison had enough humanity to recognize Dexter's 'code' had an air of convenience to it he was giving a hard pass to?


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The ending was decent, but the season as a whole was just silly and filled with one plot contrivance after another. I agree it seems like they had the ending written and then backed into the rest of the series, and didn't necessarily worry about consistent character development, or logical storytelling. I am mostly disappointed there were no real twists as to Hannah and Harrison's backstory.  It must have simply happened how he said it happened, which was a let down for me personally.


I think Angela felt sorry for Harrison but mostly just really wanted him out of town.


I did love how Harrison pointed out that Dexter's motivation really had nothing to do with saving the world from bad people.


I kind of liked evil Dexter gaslighting Angela though. Mostly because it enraged her and Angela is annoying.

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And, most of all, how dumb is Angela? She found those bodies in a warrantless search of Kurt's home. They are so illegally obtained and no court would ever let him be tried, much less convicted, on those bodies.

This is a loose end, and it might be hard to make out of case for "exigent circumstances," (i.e., emergency situations where a warrantless search would be deemed legally permissible) since everyone there was, you know, pretty dead already. However, Kurt had been duly arrested before, presumably after suitable warrants might have been obtained, so I suppose there’s some slim chance that those warrants could still be good? But I'd cut Angela a bit of slack since she was pretty shaken up after having to confront Dexter, and then in addition to that, he dumps this Kurt story on her that's central to gruesome crimes that had haunted her for 25 years.  That's some significant stress that might at least temporarily override adherence to good policing.



So why did she have such a hard on to punish Dexter?

Because it's personal. He deceived her and she's also mad at herself for failing to detect anything after intimately being with him for a while. She's supposed to be detective, so in her mind, so how could she have been so blind for so long? This is not just a supremely personal betrayal, it's an indictment who she is.



I’m not quite sure why Angela allowed Harrison to run.

Because the alternative – bring down Harrison too - is worse. Angela doesn’t know Harrison was complicit in Kurt’s murder (though she might have excused that too if she had known about it). All Angela knows is that Harrison shot Dexter and that Dexter was the BHB, and killed at least two people in Iron Lake, including Logan just minutes ago. She knows the evidence for all of this is weak (other than for killing Logan) and that a trial could easily ruin more lives – like hers, her daughter’s and certainly Harrison’s. As far as she knows, the guilty party is now dead, and justly so. Her choice to let Harrison run is almost a selfish, Dexter-like rationalization of ultimate right and wrong wholly outside the law. 

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8 minutes ago, ahpny said:

This is a loose end, and it might be hard to make out of case for "exigent circumstances," (i.e., emergency situations where a warrantless search would be deemed legally permissible) since everyone there was, you know, pretty dead already. However, Kurt had been duly arrested before, presumably after suitable warrants might have been obtained, so I suppose there’s some slim chance that those warrants could still be good?

Kurt is an arson suspect... going to another of his properties to question him is reasonable... finding tire tracks and following them to a hatch where he might be hiding leads to Ben Stone / Jack McCoy "Inevitable Discoveryso a search warrant is rendered moot....

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6 hours ago, Triviatrish2 said:

That is what I initially thought, but, why was there blood?  Did Dexter grab his gun and point it back to Logan? I reran it several times, and still couldn't decide.

All the blood is from Logan hitting the bars with his face.  Logan could only shoot directly over his right shoulder...Dex knew this and leaned away.

Edited by paigow
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12 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I do think something got cut with the podcaster. Her suddenly being dead in the previous episode came out of nowhere and really had no relevance to the rest of the story.

I think it was just a case of "Ain't nobody got time for that" the way there was no time to flesh out other characters or develope plots.  The speed was dizzying, i.e. Everyone loves Harrison, everyone hates Harrison and then everyone loves him again.

I didn't think Dexter could be any more of a vile piece of crap until he stood there manipulating his mixed-up kid, "The way you cut Ethan, broke that kid's arm? You are just like me - a sociopathic, amoral serial killer - so come on. We'll run away and do it together." The kid was going to do it until he realized Dex had murdered an innocent person to save his own worthless hide. I was expecting Dex to say, "Do what you gotta do", because it worked before for him and Hannah, too.

Dexter knew Angela really had nothing on him that could be proven, so killing Logan really made no sense except to give Harrison justification to put him down.

Harrison driving off into the unknown was rather unsatisfying. He's a kid with no family or support of any kind. Where is he supposed to go?

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I don't buy that Harrison is normal or not like Dexter.  He clearly has his own demon, unless the writers want to pretend that he didn't say he's mad and wants to hurt people.

Harrison saw Dexter kill Kurt, didn't flip on Dexter.  It wasn't until Logan is killed, a murder he didn't witness, that he flips.  Don't know about that.

And what of the oil billionaire in the frozen tundra?  What the hell was that about, without any payoff?

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19 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I have to laugh at Molly calling Matt overprivileged (he was of course) while she walked around with the biggest self entitlement in the whole town.   

I was kind of rolling my eyes at the return of snippy Harrison - 3000 miles away from my friends and Audrey. Because Los Angeles wouldn't have 40 million Audreys and no friends. 

Angela is a crack detective now because Dexter scratches his chin and she listened to a podcast. The evidence against Dexter is massively circumstantial. tbh, Dexter framing Kurt was way more logical. Especially in light of Kurt looking like he fled. Wouldn't Dexter be given a chance to pay bail to get out than be stuck in the cell? I'm just having a hard time after nine episodes that Angela is actually effective at this point.



Dude, it took her 6 episodes to figure out that Dexter is the Bay Harbour Butcher. That is already miles better than Deb or the other detectives at Miami Metro, Doakes included.

Edited by mrspidey
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I am probably in the minority but I hated the ending but enjoyed the season overall.  I didn't mind the ending of the original series either as I want him to get away and keep killing other bad guys (and I am ok with the occasional good guy collateral damage. This isn't real life but an absurdist fantasy drama). 

I think Dexter is interesting and the way Hall plays and most importantly narrates him is extremely entertaining so I am very bummed he died. I don't get why actors hate their roles so much especially their career defining ones but I guess some get sick of them. Harrison Ford is another. I doubt he would have came back for Force Awakens if they didn't kill him off.  If that were me, I would only have come back if my character lived or at least left to interpretation if they survived but I am not an actor.

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18 hours ago, ShadowHunter said:

That being said I don't care for them teasing a Dexter/Angel reunion and not actually doing it. It was cool seeing him again but I wanted him to have a confrontation with Dexter. So in typical fashion this show dropped the ball again.

True, but I chalked it up to filming due to covid and keeping the actors separated.

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1 hour ago, mrspidey said:

Dude, it took her 6 episodes to figure out that Dexter is the Bay Harbour Butcher. That is already miles better than Deb or the other detectives at Miami Metro, Doakes included.

I guess there must not have been Google just 10-15 years ago.


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18 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

 What has happened with the producers of tv shows lately?  Must have lost their minds! Total BS!  I hope they aren’t planning on a show with the son 🤣 Pitiful.   I’m embarrassed for Michael C. Hall. First they run a show into the gutter, then they bring it back to rub it in excrement.  Farewell, Dexter.  😒

I wish I could disagree with any of that, but I don't.


18 hours ago, aghst said:

Oh did that come up on the original show, what LaGuerta thought of Doakes as the BHB?

She never believed it was him and trying to prove it was Dexter is what got her killed. Quinn was on track to find out as well - he had video of Dex and Lumen dumping bags in the water -  with Liddy's investigations, but stopped because of Deb.

Thinking about  those scenes with Dexter and Doakes in that cabin shows what absolute dreck this show turned into.

16 hours ago, Ailianna said:

No way any BHB victims have tox reports. Most of the blood will have gone into the water but even with bodies that go into the water whole (like a drowning victim), the water gets into the body's fluids and tissues and dilutes things so much you can't get any reliable toxicological readings.

The bodies were all brought up, many of them already decomposed, but they turned into jelly before the ME could start to examine them after Dex turned off the a/c.


19 hours ago, aghst said:

Yeah she's been trying to find the killer for 25 years.  Dexter figured it out in like 10 minutes.

I'm surprised he didn't taunt her with that, how there was serial killer operating for a quarter of a century in that small town and no one, including Angela had even the slightest inkling at all. He had no need to escape. There wasn't even any proof he killed Matt, although Angela seemed to think that seeing someone of Dexter's build - as he said, completely average -  who scratched his chin the same way was enough evidence for a conviction of murder. Maybe she never finished reading that book. 😏

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Dexter could have even copped to being in the forest and just said 'I lied because I was worried you'd jump to conclusions, as you literally are right now. I saw him shoot the white deer on native land and freaked out and bolted.' 

It's just jarring she's doing all this police work now, when over the last whatever years she's been on the force she couldn't seem to uncover any clues like many of the missing girls were at the truck stop before they disappeared or someone saw Kurt giving the girls a ride beforehand either. 

I don't necessarily agree with the creative decision to kill him off, but if you're making the decision from the get go, this could have been more tightly plotted. I assumed they also decided that Harrison would be the one to do it. I get that you need the scales to fall from Harrison's eyes to get to that point, but then you're having him slice his friend and break the kid's arm; so it's kind of playing it both ways. It might have sold better if Logan was chasing them through the forest as they were escaping, and Dexter was going to kill Logan, but Harrison shot Dexter instead, basically for the same reason. It's a hard sell that Harrison is impacted so much from Logan that he'd shoot Dexter with all the deliberation without seeing Dexter like that with his own eyes. 

Angela could even have been running into a lot of roadblocks because Kurt was an important person in town, but kept at it because she knew something was up. She leapt to Kurt when they found the body in the cave from out of nowhere. When finding out Jim was Dexter, the next move would have been to call Angel not listen to a podcast.

It's been brought up that Angela was all gung ho because she was more mad at herself for being deceived, and I totally buy that. Any decent defense lawyer should be able to get at her for lacking objectivity. I'm surprised Dexter did throw that in there. For being 'in tighter spots', and I get with Angel coming up he might have been worried, but Dexter had Kurt in his back pocket and could have kept playing that card effectively. Run out the clock and basically Angela and the townsfolk kind of run them out of town based on how it played out. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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1 hour ago, LGGirl said:

I predict a series with Harrison fighting his demons with Dexter haunting him. 

If that happens, I won't be watching. I hate Harrison and can't see him as a lead character. Also, MCH playing the current Debra role, I think not.

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25 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

It's just jarring she's doing all this police work now, when over the last whatever years she's been on the force she couldn't seem to uncover any clues like many of the missing girls were at the truck stop before they disappeared or someone saw Kurt giving the girls a ride beforehand either. 


Yeah if Kurt used the exact same MO to lure the girls, with all of them going through the pitstop, it's inexcusable that she didn't catch on.

There must have been plenty of witnesses.  She had all these "Missing" posters but couldn't find one witness who saw the at the truck stop?

Maybe the case wasn't prioritized but what else was going on in this sleepy town before Matt Caldwell's disappearance?

Too bad Google didn't have images from security cams at the truck stop and the bus stations of these girls and Kurt talking to them.  Otherwise, Angela would have cracked the case 10 years ago!😆


I know, small towns don't have cameras everywhere in the public like big cities do, right?  Yet Dexter got away with all those murderers in Miami just 10-15 years ago.

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4 minutes ago, preeya said:

If that happens, I won't be watching. I hate Harrison and can't see him as a lead character. Also, MCH playing the current Debra role, I think not.

They could go full Star Wars with Ghost Deb, Ghost Dexter, and Ghost Harry.

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1 minute ago, aghst said:

Yeah if Kurt used the exact same MO to lure the girls, with all of them going through the pitstop, it's inexcusable that she didn't catch on.

Not so much 'catch on' as we weren't shown her really doing any legwork at all. I can buy many of the townspeople not wanting to talk because of Kurt's prominence, and certainly if she came in to talk to him, he'd likely say, 'well we get a lot of travelers; this is a hub for people driving to Montreal.' You don't need a whole episode, just a couple of scenes and maybe a throwaway line from Logan to Dexter. That doesn't seem like a lot of heavy lifting if you're plotting out the show. 

I guess for the notorious serial killer of all time to actually get caught, you need a massive amount of coincidences to break against him. First being not moving to a large city to blend in. 

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34 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I don't necessarily agree with the creative decision to kill him off, but if you're making the decision from the get go, this could have been more tightly plotted.

I completely agree with this. I have zero problems with the last 30 min of the season- the noose tightening around Dexter's neck, him realizing what a toxic person he is (although I don't see how Lundy was Dexter's fault), Harrison ultimately deciding to put him down, etc.- but the overall plot was full of holes and suspension of disbelief, retconning things from the original series, the characters' personalities and motivation changing based on how the story lines went- just overall incredibly sloppy writing.


They should have just cut out the Matt Caldwell stuff completely, and skipped right to Dexter and Kurt being mutually suspicious of each other, on each other's radar, and each putting the other one on Angela's radar through their little serial killer pissing contest.


I think the writers wanted the large reveal of the victims' trophy heads, with at least one recurring character as the shock, and just really didn't consider a reasonable way to concoct how 30 some women could come across Kurt in a way that created no suspicion. And they wanted to bring back a few familiar faces from the original series. And they wanted to keep the audience guessing on whether Harrison was evil but ultimately make him redeemable. So, with these choice scenes in mind, they backed into a 10 episode arc rather sloppily.

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6 minutes ago, Tatum said:

They should have just cut out the Matt Caldwell stuff completely, and skipped right to Dexter and Kurt being mutually suspicious of each other, on each other's radar, and each putting the other one on Angela's radar through their little serial killer pissing contest.

I think they actually needed this. Matt 'got away with it', which fits Dexter's m/o, and then he killed the white deer, which was a big no. Having not killed in 10 years, he relapsed. You could argue if he is more precise with Matt like he had been in Miami, this might have all been avoided, and you still have Kurt and Dexter knowing the other is off, but not quite sure what to do about it. 

Kurt realizing it was snowing ash out, and somehow leaping to checking the incinerator to find the screws AND then thinking Dexter did it is a huge leap. Knowing Dexter and Matt had bad blood and just being suspicious is a lot more believable. Then, you can still have him try to tip off Angela while Dexter lurks around to find out about the girls. 

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On 1/8/2022 at 11:56 PM, Glade said:

I'm glad Harrison won't be prosecuted for shooting a serial killer fugitive trying to kidnap him.   But making him leave town seems more like 'get away from my daughter' then helping him.  He's what, 16 years old, no family, no place to live, few resources...how's he going to finish high school, find a legal way to get by, go to therapy?  It's sad, and I hope he truly isn't like his father in the end and can find healthy role models. 

If the producers and Showtime so desire, this sets up a spin-off show about Harrison.  They couldn't have done that if he'd stayed in Iron Lake.

My conclusion was that Dexter wanted to die, and it was the reason for him saying he'd never felt love before.  He was done with running and the lies and having Harrison kill him was the ultimate act of love in his fucked up logic.  

Edited by Rammchick
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5 hours ago, ahpny said:

Her choice to let Harrison run is almost a selfish, Dexter-like rationalization of ultimate right and wrong wholly outside the law. 

I think that was the intent but, it didn't work for me. I really would have preferred Harrison setting himself apart from Dexter by not running and facing the future.


31 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Not so much 'catch on' as we weren't shown her really doing any legwork at all

I didn't have a problem with it so much because they were runaways/transient. No one cares about them, sadly, not enough to spend money looking. Same as no one cares about prostitutes going missing.

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I wish I knew what kind of report Angela would make. Sure, she could say Dexter fired the shotgun at her, so she fired back and killed him -- which would be a clean shooting. But for that to work, Dexter would have to have the same kind of bullets in him as those in Angela's gun, and that's not necessarily the case. (Sorry to sound so wonky, but it's bugging me.)

Overall, I liked this series except for the last episode. The story sent Dexter off the rails -- not unlike Danerys in Game of Thrones -- for the sake of a quick denouement. What if Harrison had refused to fire the shotgun, or at least hesitated long enough for Angela to arrive at the scene? That could show Harrison breaking free of whatever "dark passenger" might inhabit him. It would also, IMO, have been a lot more plausible. 

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But for that to work, Dexter would have to have the same kind of bullets in him as those in Angela's gun, and that's not necessarily the case.

I don't know jack shit about guns and ammo but I know that Harrison shot his father with a hunting rifle and Angela, as a cop, would have a revolver. I'm pretty sure they use completely different types of ammunition. So that part really didn't make any sense to me either, unless Angela was going to say she found Dexter shot in the woods with the gun next to him, which we saw her wipe clean of fingerprints.

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On 1/9/2022 at 1:29 AM, Penman61 said:

Wait, exactly how did Logan die?


On 1/9/2022 at 1:30 AM, lizzbert said:

Dexter broke his neck.



8 hours ago, Triviatrish2 said:

That is what I initially thought, but, why was there blood?  Did Dexter grab his gun and point it back to Logan? I reran it several times, and still couldn't decide.



8 hours ago, paigow said:

All the blood is from Logan hitting the bars with his face.  Logan could only shoot directly over his right shoulder...Dex knew this and leaned away.

Dexter grabbed Logan and started choking him. Dexter says “I don’t want to hurt you”  Logan went for his gun, shot it and the bullet ricocheted and hit Logan in the head. You can see the bullet wound before Logan drops. Then Dexter says “Damn it Logan, you should have listened to me”. I actually don’t think Dexter meant to kill him at all. 

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3 hours ago, Rammchick said:

My conclusion was that Dexter wanted to die, and it was the reason for him saying he'd never felt love before.

I doubt it. Nothing, aside from killing, was ever more important to Dexter than preserving his own hide, no matter who he had to eliminate or ruin, including Deb, in order to do that. I think he never thought Harrison would pull the trigger.

3 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I didn't have a problem with it so much because they were runaways/transient. No one cares about them, sadly, not enough to spend money looking. Same as no one cares about prostitutes going missing.

Someone cared about them. Mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers, friends, boyfriends, etc. No way could all those girls disappear with zero repercussions or investigations. Gary Ridgway preyed on and killed at least 50 runaway girls and prostitutes and the police never stopped looking for them and for him.  Angela may have decided, "Oh, well. what can I do?" as she mournfully gazed at their pictures but other police would have been right there and would have caught Kurt. Hiding crimes is increasingly difficult these days, unless you live in Iron Lake where no one, not even the cops see, hear, or know anything. Angela didn't even know what transpired in her own police station since her own officers kept things to themselves.

48 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Could the gun be traced back as the one that Dexter bought for Harrison? 

I guess Angela could say that it was probably Kurt who sneaked back and shot Dexter to shut him up, but with Harrison's gun?

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10 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:
4 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

I didn't have a problem with it so much because they were runaways/transient. No one cares about them, sadly, not enough to spend money looking. Same as no one cares about prostitutes going missing.

Someone cared about them. Mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers, friends, boyfriends, etc. No way could all those girls disappear with zero repercussions or investigations.

The problem is that clearly, Angela cared because it was personal, and she had all those pictures up on the board. Yet seemingly was doing zero until she happened to find her friend while investigating something else. I would concede she's short on resources, but that doesn't preclude her pounding the pavement whenever she has a spare minute. She didn't have any theory or compiled any information like - all the girls were traveling alone, etc. Literally all of them talked to Kurt at some point. You don't need a lot of resources to pick up the phone. 

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I’m sorry but are we really supposed to believe that Harrison would really shoot his own father dead when he was just hugging and bonding with him right before?  Sorry, not buying it.  at all. He could have just turned him in if he was afraid of letting a known killer go free, and thus made an example out of him.  

And I’m sorry but I really don’t think there was enough evidence to nail Dexter for murdering anyone (except maybe Logan) yet the writers had him panic and bust out of jail.  (Dexter never panics).  But lets say there was enough evidence.  We totally missed out on a Batista / Dexter confrontation which would have been awesome, Doakes getting his name cleared, and Dexter getting a lethal INJECTION to end the show.  That would have at least been believable.  I’d settle for predictable and believable over a surprise ending that doesnt make sense.   

And what the hell was Angela doing in the woods all of a sudden anyway (in the last scene)? She just showed up out of nowhere with no reason whatsoever to be there.  Dumb. Not believable. 

And to the person who said that Logans own bullet ricocheted and killed him?  I saw no evidence of that but now i want to look again.  I thought logans blood came from dexter pulling him into the bars face first. 

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10 hours ago, paigow said:

Kurt is an arson suspect... going to another of his properties to question him is reasonable... finding tire tracks and following them to a hatch where he might be hiding leads to Ben Stone / Jack McCoy "Inevitable Discoveryso a search warrant is rendered moot....

Despite what we all learned from L&OU, that's just not true. They can't search for him to talk to him. They can't go into his home to arrest him without a warrant, and they can't use snow tracks to a *wood pile* in upstate NY in winter as probable cause for evidence of a crime. The wood pile was far enough from the house to make driving over reasonable and her only evidence is vague statements from a suspect in holding who won't go on record. Sure, she was upset. Which is why she should have stayed the hell away from that interview.

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2 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I would concede she's short on resources, but that doesn't preclude her pounding the pavement whenever she has a spare minute...You don't need a lot of resources to pick up the phone. 

Yes, and it's not like Iron Lake was crime-ridden, demanding all her time. It seems she didn't even know about the drug dealers in her midst.  She could have used the time she spent chasing and stopping Dexter in her taxpayer-funded police car so she could get her kink on to make those phone calls, or even some of the time she spent schmoozing consulting with Podcast Gurl and making a useless road trip to maybe ask a few questions and possibly find out if anyone saw the girls and who they were with. Someone surely saw them.

Too bad Deb couldn't haunt her, where she might have done some good and tell her how she (Deb) used to find some time to go door-to-door asking questions.  I guess Dexter never mentioned these procedures to Angela. It was hardly in his best interests to make her a better cop.

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10 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

She leapt to Kurt when they found the body in the cave from out of nowhere.

Not really. When Kurt rather suspiciously claimed Matt was alive, that conveniently called off the search when the cave would have been the next place to look.

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