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S06.E22: Reunion Part 2

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Her careful expression while the clips of Mario dissing her were aired smacked of prep to me. But YMMV.

I think she prepped, too (as opposed to the post that speculated that her answers to Andy's questions showed she thought she could wing it). And her uncomfortable smile in the clip you mention was part of her strategy of denial. I just don't think she had a plan in place if Andy didn't accept her "no comment" reply; hence her disastrous performance.

  • Love 5

When I'm wrong I'm wrong. I really thought once the publicity died down those two crazy kids would work it out and go back to doing whatever the hell dysfunctional thing it was that kept the Singer family humming along. I guess we'll be seeing dating Ramona next. I really want a double blind date with her and Carole. Two of the most awkward conversationalist ever pretending to show interest in other people. I would open a fresh bottle of Ramona Pionet for that.

  • Love 6

Word to your entire post. I have no idea why any of the other ladies would be blamed in any way for this. With the exception of Lu, did anyone say anything except something supportive (Carole: all couples who have been married a long time go through a rough patch). 


Outside of Lu, the gal who could've been the nastiest was Heather. Sure, she stood up for her awesome husband by making it clear that Ramona was wrong in the things she said about him, but she could have said so much more. She could have gone there with regard to the absurdity of the comparison Ramona dared to make between Jonathan and Mario. She could have pointed out that her husband was at home with her and their kids, while Mario was out fucking some 35 year old between Ramona's nice sheets in the Hamptons. I think she could have gotten away with going there, and the audience would have applauded her. She could have used it as a way to illustrate how Ramona tends to like to build herself up by making other people feel small.  She did it with Lu and her marriage, and she did it with Mario and Jonathan.  


All of the girls were kind to Ramona in this regard, and are getting very little credit for it. 

The idea of the show is the interaction between the women NOT the women and Andy.  If the Mario cheating issue was so important why didn't LuAnn bring it up?  No, she waited until Andy brought it up.  I don't think the Mario issue was all the important to the other women as I don't think they have spent much time with him.   They may have been kind towards Ramona-by saying nothing but a far kinder approach would have been to say something about the rumors and the toll it takes on a person.  "It is not the words of my enemies but the silence of my friends," type deal.


Heather may have felt Ramona's comments about Jonathan were wrong but they weren't lies.  Jonathan comes off very mild-mannered,  It was Ramona's observation.  Perhaps if Heather wasn't always doing the talking for the two, Ramona could see another side.  Kristen and Heather both think Ramona is wrongs for not getting to know them better.  Maybe if they were nicer to Ramona on her own turf Ramona might be interested in getting to know them.  Most of the time they are wanting to dress Ramona down.


I went back and read the blogs Heather's anger stems from Ramona cutting her off during her monologue of the start of Yummie Tummie.  What Heather failed to realize is no one gives their history of their company on the show (thank goodness in the case of Cindy Barshop) and two other RH had already launched undergarments lines (Jill and Bethenny) so it wasn't exactly news to Ramona or the viewers.  Heather was also upset that proper deference wasn't given to the recent passing of her father.  No one had met Heather's father and they seemed to mumble appropriate responses.  The last thing was Heather's son who had had a liver transplant years earlier and continues to battle failing health. So while Heather was able to get all these things out about herself she came up short as a receiver.

  • Love 1

The idea of the show is the interaction between the women NOT the women and Andy.  If the Mario cheating issue was so important why didn't LuAnn bring it up?.

The idea of the show is the interaction of the women for the entertainment of tv viewers.. Andy is the host and moderator of the reunions; therefore, it's his responsibility, not LuAnn's, to raise topics and ask questions. And notice that many of those questions are often sent in by fans.

  • Love 14

I think it's clear that the public humiliation part of Mario cheating is worse than the cheating. It can't be a coincidence that she called it off a day after the story went public. And that's the second time she's done that. And all that makes sense - going by her "everything's great" m.o.


I was completely wrong on this.  I thought Ramona and Mario would work things out now that she took him back and he supposedly dumped the crazy mistress.  I'm a little bit shocked that Mario was so bold to be snapped out in public with the mistress (especially while the Reunion shows were airing).

  • Love 2

I was completely wrong on this.  I thought Ramona and Mario would work things out now that she took him back and he supposedly dumped the crazy mistress.  I'm a little bit shocked that Mario was so bold to be snapped out in public with the mistress (especially while the Reunion shows were airing).

According to the articles I have seen, Ramona kicked Mario out of the house the last week in July when she found out he was still seeing this loony girl. He moved in with a friend.  After that time is when the pictures were taken. My assumption is that after she kicked him out, he decided there was no need to hide the affair any longer. 

  • Love 1

I, too, was hoping Ramona and Mario would figure it out and stick together. Mario probably figured out, now he has had time away from Ramona, that she is CRAZY. He is probably running for the hills. Watching Ramona dating...scary. We definitly need Bethany and Jill back.  Did you hear that Andy????  


Oh, sweet baby jeebus, we're going to have to watch her out DANCING again, aren't we?  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 8

No malice? Not when she was hammering away at Lu for not singing? Telling her she was afraid because there was no auto-tune, or that she had heard that Heather was better than Lu? No malice at all? She didn't just throw this out as a thoughtless comment. We saw her mocking Lu's singing earlier when Mario was practicing at home, saying that she couldn't wait to watch Lu try to sing. Then she was just relentless to her, even when it was clear that Lu was getting upset. How about when she told a crying Kristen - to her face - that she was a terrible hostess? That she had done nothing for the trip and should be thanking Ramona for taking control? Again, not just a spur of the moment comment - she had been saying the same thing to others since they arrived.


I'm not sure what it could be called - Malice, bitchiness??  Being the most miserable person in almost every single room she walks in, to the point where she is never happy unless she is making someone else feel small? Whatever it is, it ain't pretty. 


Agreed.  Ramona is stealth with razor-sharp accuracy under the guise of "Whaat?  What did I say?" (while batting and blinking those big crazy eyes).  I have a relative who is exactly like Ramona.  Exactly.  She tears people down emotionally to build her self up and get a temporary "high" or burst of self-esteem?  It gets emotionally exhausting rather quickly.  And don't even get me started after she has a few drinks under her belt.  Oy!

  • Love 7

Andy always asks the wrong questions, which drives me nuts. He should not host these reunions. I don't say that because I dislike him, on the contrary I love me some Andy Cohen. He shouldn't host because he is too close to the drama. He knows who is a bitch or hard to work with, he knows who asks for ridiculous things in their contracts or drives production nuts. He has seen a lot of the unedited footage. We should have someone who just watches the show, keeps up with the press and peruses the popular forums to see what the audience is thinking.

He really blew it on the Ramona deal IMO. I know there has been a lot of discussion about whether or not Ramona is or is not obligated to talk about her marriage, but I don't think that is the point. The point is that Ramona has been shown to be a bit of a hypocrite and should be specifically questioned as to this charge. She can say she doesn't want to open her family to anymore scrutiny. I am actually OK with that. What she needs to be asked about is her past statements about other people, and why she thinks her situation is different. Why she thinks her child deserves more compassion than someone else's child. The question he should have asked is this: "your family has been in the press a lot, and this must have been hard for you, since of course you would want to shield Avery from such talk. Having found yourself in this situation, do you have any regrets about the role you have played in the past in bringing other folks marital issues into the conversation?" Simple. Don't make her talk about her marriage at all. Let her pretend they are allegations. The point is there is speculation and she doesn't want anyone to give that speculation any air. She doesn't need to be made to feel badly about anything Mario has done. She needs to be reminded and made to feel badly about her own past behavior.


Detroit, I wish I had more votes to love you with.  You put into words so articulately what I had no idea was even bothering me.  



I wonder what the people on the board who thought Aviva's RHOA reference racist think about this?  To me, this sounds every bit as much racist as what Aviva said.  And I do not believe Heather to be one, but I did a wow on that comment from her.



Nothing.  Because the word ghetto refers to a tangible environment inhabited primarily by people who have economic disadvantage in common and subsequently the area itself is or becomes economically disadvantaged.  Sort of like the name given to the formerly thriving neighborhoods where Jews lived by the thousands during the pre Holocaust period while awaiting their fate.   Unlike Aviva's direct and indirect implications with regard to behavior that referenced an all. black. cast.  and other really ignorant ass shit she's said, use of the word ghetto as a standalone isn't race specifc.  Hope that helped. 

  • Love 10



I would love to see Bethany back. Hell bring back Jill.


I can't believe I'm saying this but I want Beth and Jill back too (in SMALL doses, and I mean SMALL).  Not as a "friend of the Housewives" a la LuAnn (where she's paid a little and on screen basically full-time) but have Beth and Jill on just enough to shake things up.  Aviva and Kristen be gone! 

According to the articles I have seen, Ramona kicked Mario out of the house the last week in July when she found out he was still seeing this loony girl. He moved in with a friend.  After that time is when the pictures were taken. My assumption is that after she kicked him out, he decided there was no need to hide the affair any longer. 


Well, Mario will never learn.  He's obviously addicted to the crazy.  He swapped out one bat-shit female for another.  Idiot deserves everything he gets.  I hate a lot of what Ramona does but I do feel sorry for her because she did take Mario back and try to save her family to no avail.  Ramona can hold her head high and say she tried to do all that she could to save her marriage.

  • Love 4

Detroit, I wish I had more votes to love you with.  You put into words so articulately what I had no idea was even bothering me.  




Nothing.  Because the word ghetto refers to a tangible environment inhabited primarily by people who have economic disadvantage in common and subsequently the area itself is or becomes economically disadvantaged.  Sort of like the name given to the formerly thriving neighborhoods where Jews lived by the thousands during the pre Holocaust period while awaiting their fate.   Unlike Aviva's direct and indirect implications with regard to behavior that referenced an all. black. cast.  and other really ignorant ass shit she's said, use of the word ghetto as a standalone isn't race specifc.  Hope that helped. 


So when she said "ghetto" and ended the sentence with "Holla" than she must've meant the Jewish ghetto.  

  • Love 3

So when she said "ghetto" and ended the sentence with "Holla" than she must've meant the Jewish ghetto.  


I'm certain Heather's the only person who can clarify that for you.  


You asked what anybody who thought Aviva's references were racist thinks of Heather's comment and for my part, I answered.  But for the record, "holla" also isn't race specific.

  • Love 10

^Yeah, I could take Bethenny in small doses....like the above post, smaller than a "friend of". More like a a few cameos. Any more of Bethenny and she will grate on my nerves quickly. I am not sure about Jill....I feel like she would think she "won" if asked back, even for one episode. lol


I assume Mario is grateful he can be out and about with his new crazy lady. I really think he has grown to loathe Ramone for whatever reason--he has had no shame in humiliating her. That's not quite typical in a man/woman who truly cared in some way about his former SO or even cared about the situation and how they appear. He's gone balls out. Interesting. 


Over Ramona, over the show, over pretending he cares. 

Edited by diorella78
  • Love 4


Maybe if they were nicer to Ramona on her own turf

I really object to this.  No one owns the show.  No one.  No one forces Ramona to be a cooze to other women.  No one.  Seniority is a basis for nothing excepting perhaps promotion in certain government or union projected jobs.  It's not conceptually applicable to this at all.  Ramona's consistent choice to be a snide, whack bitch to other people and to try and demean their spouses is all on her.  The fact that she's been on the show longer is totally immaterial.


So now Ramona's filing (...again), after Mario/Kasey were shown together (....again).  Is it the betrayal, or that the betrayal is (....again) public?  I know what I think: that Mario has cheated since, probably, Avery was a toddler, and she looked the other way until she managed to fuck someone as batshit as she.  Divorce is really painful and awful.  But I'm fine with shrugging my shoulders: I know she'll be treated much more kindly than Ramona has treated those around her.

  • Love 3


Well, Ramoana just made an official announcement on her Facebook page. She stated she has decided to move on with her life without Mario, she tried to make the marriage work and it didn't. She owes Andy an apology.

With respect, I disagree about this. I've been through the divorce mill and it's not a fun thing for a hundred reasons (and don't get me started on the whole deadbeat dad subject).


Let's keep in mind that this is, despite the quasi-claims,  a scripted show with preplanned plot twists and mucho editing to either show the cast in good or bad lights. I'm no fan of Ramona's--I find her crazy as a drunk skunk and not all that nice to most people when she's not on a tear. However, when Andy asked her about her marriage, asked and asked again when she repeatedly  and reasonably civilly said she wouldn't discuss it, then clearly became pissed when she wouldn't drag out the dirty laundry on herself and her soon to be ex, I think he crossed a line. The fact that she's a cast member doesn't mean she has to go places she clearly felt seriously uncomfortable with. She'd likely already decided to refile and I see no reason why this was fodder for public consumption until she choose it to be.


Luanne's marriage was on the riocks for how long before it was laid to rest-- a couple of years? I don't recall Andy pushing her against a wall about it before she was willing to talk. There's a difference between entertainment on a fake reality show and people's real lives.


'Just saying.

  • Love 3

I'm certain Heather's the only person who can clarify that for you.  


You asked what anybody who thought Aviva's references were racist thinks of Heather's comment and for my part, I answered.  But for the record, "holla" also isn't race specific.


Right.  Ghetto isn't race specific, but when Aviva made that comment, Heather certainly jumped to the conclusion that race is what she meant because she asked that in her blog "race or socio-economic."  I think we all pretty much know where Heather was going with it.  It's just she's much more likeable than Aviva and therefore we'll all give her the break of oh, she meant ghetto as in multi-cultural ghetto!  Holla!


For the record, I think what they BOTH said was shitty.  Maybe not racist, but it was shitty.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 3

I have decided to move on with my life without Mario. I tried my best to make my marriage work. I am excited for the new chapter in my life.


Looks like those pictures of him canoodling with the infamous Ms. Dexter did the trick.


WHOA ! She must have called her attorney today and filed.

Okay as badly as Ramona handled those questions on Reunion Part #2, ....that Mario is really, really a shit. I feel for Ramona.


Couldn't the horny shithead at least lay low and waited until the reunion was done airing and the New York Housewives' season was officially over, thus allowing Ramona and Avery a little down time from the press and public eye scrutiny ?! Wait, and being that its summer Avery is out of school, so she is around too.


As he looks so casually dressed in that restaurant photo with his whore girl, ...I suspect they must have been out at the Hamptons playing around. Goddamn him. 


But I have to agree with this, that Mario swapped one crazy for another. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 2

Right.  Ghetto isn't race specific, but when Aviva made that comment, Heather certainly jumped to the conclusion that race is what she meant because she asked that in her blog "race of socio-economic."  I think we all pretty much know where Heather was going with it.  It's just she's much more likeable than Aviva and therefore we'll all give her the break of oh, she meant ghetto as in multi-cultural ghetto!  Holla!


For the record, I think what they BOTH said was shitty.  Maybe not racist, but it was shitty.


I can't speak to why Heather reached the conclusion she did but *I*, me, Zaldamo, think Aviva is a racist because unlike Heather, what she has said has been specifically about race.  As pointed out in other posts, her references were not contained to a cast that is just volatile, that has been shown to be true across the franchise, she has on more than one occasion linked and associated negative stereotypical behavior  with an all black cast and that makes it solely about race.    That's what makes that shitty.    Heather is more likeable to me but it's because she's not an asshole.   Mileage, et. al.


edited because at and an mean two totally different things.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 6

I can't speak to why Heather reached the conclusion she did but *I*, me, Zaldamo, think Aviva is a racist because unlike Heather, what she has said has been specifically about race.  As pointed out in other posts, her references were not contained to a cast that is just volatile, that has been shown to be true across the franchise, she has on more than one occasion linked and associated negative stereotypical behavior  with an all black cast and that makes it solely about race.    That's what makes that shitty.    Heather is more likeable to me but it's because she's not at asshole.   Mileage, et. al.


I get what you are saying.  Thanks for the response!

Mario is the vice president of Classic Medallics and Frederick Singer & Sons. The company was first founded in the 1940s under the name of “Frederick Singer & Sons” by Mario’s grandfather.


Lordy lordy  a Ramona dating show!!  I would watch it. First episode bringing Fabio back to see if the sparks are still there. I think he is available.

  • Love 2

One of the many things that bugs me about Ramona is her shoulder shrug.

The way she shrugs and says "well I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way." or shrug, "sorry, If your feelings were hurt".

Someone pointed it out way up thread, and I thought, yes! That damn shrug, is like her way of saying, well fuck you, and here is an insincere apology.

  • Love 5

If this show got back to basics with some original cast members, it might have a chance in hell.  Jill, Bethenny, Luann (as a full-timer) plus three newer ladies, Heather, Carole and possibly Kristen.  No more psycho bitches like Kelly and Aviva.  No more Sonja (she needs professional help and time away from the camera to get her life sorted.)  Go to Fashion Week, go to Dubai, keep it light-hearted. 

  • Love 3

If this show got back to basics with some original cast members, it might have a chance in hell.  Jill, Bethenny, Luann (as a full-timer) plus three newer ladies, Heather, Carole and possibly Kristen.  No more psycho bitches like Kelly and Aviva.  No more Sonja (she needs professional help and time away from the camera to get her life sorted.)  Go to Fashion Week, go to Dubai, keep it light-hearted.

I like your cast. But no way are Bethenny and Jill coming back. Radar Online makes. shit. up.

  • Love 1



Nothing.  Because the word ghetto refers to a tangible environment inhabited primarily by people who have economic disadvantage in common and subsequently the area itself is or becomes economically disadvantaged.  Sort of like the name given to the formerly thriving neighborhoods where Jews lived by the thousands during the pre Holocaust period while awaiting their fate.   Unlike Aviva's direct and indirect implications with regard to behavior that referenced an all. black. cast.  and other really ignorant ass shit she's said, use of the word ghetto as a standalone isn't race specifc.  Hope that helped. 

Wow, talk about articulate!  I love it when I read a post and learn something from the smart people who make up our community. It makes me feel better about the fact that I love to watch such trash on TV. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 8

It'll be interesting to see if Ramona learns anything from all this -- if we get another season and she's part of it.  I won't pretend to feel sad about the Singer situation. They are both smug and unlikable jerks -- or at least they play ones on tv.  And the new flame looks like something out of central casting, nightmare edition. Shocking to see a photo of KD with my beloved Phillip Seymour Hoffmann.  


Too bad for Avery but she'll survive and will be better off, one supposes, with these two away from each other.  I can only imagine what it's like to be chez Ramona when she's unhappy, really angry, and not getting her way.  I won't say she deserves any of this but some kind of life smack down has been a long time coming.  And Mario shacking up with a ding-a-ling would be perfect vengeance.


I have some minor minor issues with Heather but I've never liked her so much as when Andy asked the question about whether Ramona's travails might excuse her behavior this season and Heather was quick to say Hell No!  That was pretty great and right on target.  She then went on to say that R. had never bothered to get to know Jonathon -- that she was insular, only interested in her world, and selfish.  Bingo -- Heather's best moment by far.  And spot on. 


It'll also be fascinating to see if Ramona can really keep her mouth shut, as she did at the Reunion, when and if the divorce gets rolling and further sordid details begin to leak out.  And if the young woman decides to go for that baby for real next time around. 


Totally ironic too that her great, big, enduring love for the Hamptons seems to have been the undoing of her breathless sexy love marriage.  She might have been better off with that family vacay cabin in the Berkshires or the Poconos or West Virginia.  Lie down with fame whores, you're going to wake up with fame whores. Or at least your slimy hubcab will. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 5

Mario is the vice president of Classic Medallics and Frederick Singer & Sons. The company was first founded in the 1940s under the name of “Frederick Singer & Sons” by Mario’s grandfather.


Lordy lordy  a Ramona dating show!!  I would watch it. First episode bringing Fabio back to see if the sparks are still there. I think he is available.




But isn't Fabio ... gay?

If given a choice between admitting I said or did something terrible and apologizing for it and claiming I can’t remember (a.k.a. black out drunk), I’ll opt to apologize.  If you’re in your 40s or 50s and having that much trouble remembering things you did and recently watched on film, you need to see a neurologist immediately.

Well, if there were no editing monkeys involved in the “Aviva, you can be vile.”  “No, I never said you were vile” conversation, it’s pretty clear to me that Ramona simply defaults to denial whenever she is challenged.  She wasn’t drunk (I assume), the time period between the 2 statements was a minute or so, there is no way she could have “forgotten.”  She said it and then almost immediately denied saying it.  She is also delusional to think people believe this garbage.


Oh wait, am I getting this confused?  Is True Faith Ramona's line or Mario's?

I think it is both, on the show it looked like Ramona suddenly came up with the concept, but I recall seeing an article indicating it was in the planning stages before RW.  And Mario’s family business does not only religious items but sports trophies too.

I remember reading on some site that one of the former interns posted and she did get credit in school for managing Sonja's social media--she does have a website and she does other things online.  

I saw one person on her Linked In profile said she was Ramona’s personal assistant and intern for a year in 2011.  She talked about the RW filming, as well as some other stuff and “assist with personal tasks.”  She went to some college I never heard of in NYC that focuses on fashion.  She did a very large number of internships.  I read another article (what did we do before Google?!) saying Sonja showed up at a premiere for I think RW with 3 interns, all of whom were needed to put on her lip gloss.  Who in the heck can’t put on their own lip gloss?!?!


If students were getting college credit in the past, I wonder if this season is the end of that gravy train.  I can’t imagine that Sonja is actually making the arrangements since she can’t arrange herself out of anon-existent toaster oven box, but the kids could have managed it.  Pretty easy and just fake the updates to the school about what they are doing.  As long as the school didn’t double-check in person, they have one less class to manage. 

I'm not trying to excuse her (so hopefully we can avoid that debate) but I can really see the abusive childhood in the way Ramona talks to people. She has zero tact. Even when she's being nice she displays a very rough style of speech, poor listening skills, and a real self-centered lack of perspective. This is all stuff that she's described in her father. He was hostile, controlling, angry, always had to be right. So while I do think Ramona can have a mean streak a-plenty, I also think she's just talking the way she heard grown ups talk when she was a kid.

All this may be true, but at some point Ramona has an obligation to try to get over this.  She has money and time; she could be in therapy.  Clearly at this point she doesn’t think she needs to change anything (her ridiculous wine in the bedroom conversation with Mario this season).  I have no idea if she ever tried therapy, but if she devoted herself to not being like her fathe rshe could manage it.

  • Love 3

I cringed for Ramona during the Hamptons/Berkshires conversation.  By trying to pose as a sophisticated person, Ramona merely exposed how completely unsophisticated she is (flashbacks of her pride at appearing at the Learning Annex).  She doesn’t seem to realize that real affluence means being able to do what makes you happy – not merely what other affluent people are doing.  Or were doing when you first saw Working Girl back in the 80s.   An apartment on the upper West/East side (I can never remember which is better).  A summer home in the Hamptons.  The “correct” schools for her child.  And because she was so desperate to arrive, once she did arrive at those places, it never occurred to her that anybody might have moved past it.  I mean, I like Molly Simms as much as the next gal, but if she’s the hottest invitation of your summer in the Hamptons...


Say what you will about Sonja and LuAnn, when they talk about Saint Tropez, I believe they lived/visited there.  Ramona, on the other hand, likely picks her vacations out of her travel agent’s Big Book of Manhattan Luxury Package Escorted Tours.


Money can't buy you class... elegance is learned, my friend.  But you have to be willing to learn.

Edited by kassa
  • Love 9
Say what you will about Sonja and LuAnn, when they talk about Saint Tropez, I believe they lived/visited there.  Ramona, on the other hand, likely picks her vacations out of her travel agent’s Big Book of Manhattan Luxury Package Escorted Tours.


Oh no, what will she do now....I believe it was Mario's thing organizing their yearly summer trip to Capri and Positano. lol. I guess they didn't go this year. She might just look in that Big Book of Manhattan Luxury Package Tours now....lol


The good old days.... 

Edited by diorella78
  • Love 1
The other women were ridiculously kind given Ramona's attitude...


Not only would I understand the Countess being peeved, but I think Heather has a right to be as well. I'd have a hard time holding my tongue if I were here. Ramona trashed her husband as "vanilla" and compared him to her amazing husband, who every woman wants to bang as soon as he enters the room. Maybe if she would mind her own fucking business, people wouldn't be so hard on her. But yea, I agree they were kinder than they needed to be.

  • Love 10

I cringed for Ramona during the Hamptons/Berkshires conversation.  By trying to pose as a sophisticated person, Ramona merely exposed how completely unsophisticated she is.

Listing those so-called high class destinations was so cringe-worthy. It made her look like such a nouveau-rich pretender trying desperately to fit in. It also dated her. Palm Beach? Yea, maybe if you're Bunny Melon or Donald Trump.

As you and the Countess put it:

Money can't buy you class... elegance is learned, my friend.

Ramona trashed her husband as "vanilla" and compared him to her amazing husband, who every woman wants to bang as soon as he enters the room..

And how's that working out for Ramona just about now? As the Countess said - karma's a bitch.

  • Love 6

I really object to this.  No one owns the show.  No one.  No one forces Ramona to be a cooze to other women.  No one.  Seniority is a basis for nothing excepting perhaps promotion in certain government or union projected jobs.  It's not conceptually applicable to this at all.  Ramona's consistent choice to be a snide, whack bitch to other people and to try and demean their spouses is all on her.  The fact that she's been on the show longer is totally immaterial.


So now Ramona's filing (...again), after Mario/Kasey were shown together (....again).  Is it the betrayal, or that the betrayal is (....again) public?  I know what I think: that Mario has cheated since, probably, Avery was a toddler, and she looked the other way until she managed to fuck someone as batshit as she.  Divorce is really painful and awful.  But I'm fine with shrugging my shoulders: I know she'll be treated much more kindly than Ramona has treated those around her.

My reference was to Heather confronting Ramona at Ramona's own home.  Hence, the use of the word-her own turf.  Quite honestly if it weren't for the show I highly doubt either Heather or Kristen would be invited and if they had been invited would have been shown the door after chewing out the hostess.  Especially, Heather who came guns a blazing and called the hostess a bitch.


Seniority might not mean much to you but why do the cast with more years on the show make more money?


There is no shortage of breaches of etiquette on this show but subtly ends up on the cutting room floor. 

I have a question that is totally off topic and random, but since no one else I know gives two shits about this show, I bring it to you people.  


It's the deal about Harry. If I am to understand things, Harry and Aviva were married up until 6 or 7 years ago (Harrison is 10).  Everyone seems to not only know Harry, but to have known him for a long time.  Heather stunned me on WWHL the other night, because she mentioned the fact that she knew Harry way back before she joined the show.  How did all of these people know Harry for such a long time, yet never have met Aviva before? Even socially? Ramona almost started crying (kidding, kidding) when they were in Miami last year and the dinner conversation turned to Harry.  She said she was very uncomfortable talking about him because they had been friends forever.  Has any of this ever been explained? 

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The idea of the show is the interaction of the women for the entertainment of tv viewers.. Andy is the host and moderator of the reunions; therefore, it's his responsibility, not LuAnn's, to raise topics and ask questions. And notice that many of those questions are often sent in by fans.

Oh to get the ego that is Andy Cohen off the screen at the reunions!  I cant imagine how a bulldog of a host, such as say Rosie O'Donnell, would throw some hard ball questions at the ladies and not let them 'shudder down'.    Now THAT would be a show.

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motorcitymom65:  It's a puzzlement, isn't it?  


Maybe they met in that way that folks meet in Cafe Society, NYC -- and other places -- without ever really being true friends and socializing at home.  You know, meet on the street or at the occasional bar or event without really getting to know one another.  I can also see Harry compartmentalizing the hell out of his female pals. 

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