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S05.E03: First Date, Second Thoughts

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14 minutes ago, ethalfrida said:

And Ella’s mom is a big downer. No wonder Ella’s self esteem is zeroed out. But I seriously do not want to know about her vibratorie stash.

From here and ever forward, that drawer on the nightstand for women everywhere is designated the Vibratory. Or, if you're classy as fuck, the vibratoire (like a repertoire). Thank you EthalFrida. Truly, you have changed the world today. So let it be written...let it be done. 

Edited by Uncle JUICE
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4 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And that poor, poor horse she was riding.

Maybe Ella’s horse can get together with the one Whitney Thore rode and they can commiserate.

50 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Not an argument, but how is this racist?  She has a preference.  She is allowed that, isn't she?  Part of the intrigue/attraction for her is the culture which is okay too.

If Ella’s behavior isn’t fetishizing and racist, what is? She already got dreamy while talking about watching samurai movies (not Chinese) and anime (also not Chinese) and seeing “their” different physical characteristics. And “the culture” doesn’t exist. She is conflating the distinct cultures of multiple different countries.

4 hours ago, Uncle JUICE said:

Does it seem like "banter" when the two of them are talking about how to drive a car, and Caleb's like "I can put you down there to work the pedals"? I think I have a real hard time hearing banter in other accents, so I can't understand how Alina was responding to that. Made me feel gross though. 

I could not believe Alina still managed to gaze at him with Disney eyes after he said that. I caught a deleted scene where he showed off a sling he purchased to wear on his back and carry Alina (think babybjorn carrier, but a backpack style), and if she’s happy being carted around in that, well, maybe these two really are meant for each other.

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Is the red haired fellow that accompanied Elaina a friend of would he like to be her boyfriend 

Seemed a bit jealous in coming attractions.


6 minutes ago, Meowwww said:

Lifelong horse person here.  
She had a good seat, good hands, good center of balance on her horse.  Nothing poor about that horse, she’s a good rider and it’s obvious to me she’s been riding for a long time. 
I taught riding lessons for many years. Even a skinny little person with no seat, hands, or balance can be more painful and jarring to a horse than a heavier person who had riding skills. 

I thought about that too when I saw her ride.  Sometimes I've seem a horse with two riders so there's that!

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2 hours ago, Persnickety1 said:

His bitching about his arm getting tired from pushing her wheelchair, etc., was just rude as hell.  Then that awkward ride to the hotel where he barely spoke to her and started yawning and looking out the window.  I knew he was going to claim he was just too tired and go to bed, which he did.

Geez, I missed all of this. What a major piece of miserable work he is. I actually liked him at first, holding out hope that he wouldn't disappoint. He's just so pathetic. His parents, who I remember to be fairly decent in a prior episode, will see what kind of guy he really is, if they already hadn't known. This will be a new low. Caleb should feel total shame about his integrity and lack of character, but of course he won't. Even if he discovered he's not attracted to her or it's dawning on him how much work is going to be involved, HOW HARD IS IT TO BE NICE?

Mike and X: He seems like a nice guy who deserves so much better. X is a user and has no qualms about letting everyone know. X has absolutely nothing to offer to anyone as far as I can see. Poor Mike, somehow the stars aligned so that this is the person he met.

Edited by Breedom
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So disgusted with Caleb.  He was acting like a petulant child who didn't like his Christmas present.  What a rude, nasty little man he is.  And there was sweet Alina.  She was so happy and excited, just to be snubbed by this creep.  What the hell is wrong with him, like seriously?  Alina is nice, funny, outgoing.  How about just enjoying her company because she's good company, asshole? Also, he has the nerve to complain that she brought her friend along to help her, but then he can't stop bitching about helping her himself?  Can't have it both ways, asshole.  I'd love to hang out with Alina in Turkey; she sings about her pussy having wi-fi, I'm sure she's a lot of fun.

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@Mrs. Hanson I agree about Hamza, what a douche. Alina gets the lion's share of my sympathy but I'm carving out a bit for Memphis. She may have a bad picker but she does not deserve a creep like Hamza. On the scale of Tunisian Love Rats, he's right up there with Mohammed for loathsomeness. What a shit.  

  • Love 11

Please enlighten me because I don't know.  Did Alina ever show Caleb her whole body or say how tall she was? I must have missed it. I do know they've been communicating for a time.  I think just about everyone knows about little people because of all the shows today and there are different types of dwarfism.  I wonder if he ever put thought into what she was like from the waist down - her disability, what she required and, yes, even being intimate.  Idk, but I wonder if meeting up with males like her woukd be easier? At least they would know how she feels and what it's like.  Guessing being her companion would be like a caretaker or not?  She was nervous about this at the start so I wonder why she's even a bit surprised.

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1 hour ago, Uncle JUICE said:

From here and ever forward, that drawer on the nightstand for women everywhere is designated the Vibratory. Or, if you're classy as fuck, the vibratoire (like a repertoire). Thank you EthalFrida. Truly, you have changed the world today. So let it be written...let it be done. 

Thank you so much for the giggles. (still smiling...)

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1 hour ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

If Ella’s behavior isn’t fetishizing and racist, what is? She already got dreamy while talking about watching samurai movies (not Chinese) and anime (also not Chinese) and seeing “their” different physical characteristics. And “the culture” doesn’t exist. She is conflating the distinct cultures of multiple different countries.

I don't see it as any different than a Francophile.  

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Where to start?

Gino and Jasmine: Did it ever dawn on you to maybe change your clothes before you went out to dinner? You know, have a shower, and smell fresh? Make a decent impression? The restaurant may have been show shenanigans. It sure was empty. Of course, healthy Jasmine had a vegetarian wrap and Gino had a burger with American cheese. Jas, if you do marry him, he will not be eating veggie meals and you will have to cook meat or he cooks his own food. The jealousy was over the top. Americans tip a lot. Minimum wage is low and tips make up a server's income. Gino stupidly probably didn't look up tipping and service in Panama and no, he was not having a thing with the server. It is what he is used to. The hat in the restaurant was also poor manners. Going back to the hotel or airbnb suite - Jasmine changes in to a sexy little nightgown and stinky Gino crawls in to bed with his clothes on? And hat on? Ugh. Both of them can annoy themselves with their little annoying laughs. Maybe Gino will run, maybe Jasmine will earn every dime she gets.

Mike and Ximena: Mike seems like a nice guy, but way too naive. He is also in a transactional relationship. It is unlikely a hot girl would want him in his own city. He could probably attract someone cute, but that girl does need to know that he takes care of two relatives. Some may be okay with it in that it will be part of his life and therefore their life, and some will not. They have their own job too and don't want two full time jobs. Even a simple dude would recognize some of Ximena's red flags - he's furnished most of her apartment, helps out with the bills, etc. Uh, where was this type of guy when I was younger? She got pregnant at either 14 or 15 from a 'one night stand'. Hmmmm. And then fell in love with some dude who is in jail, had a second kid and is most likely looking at Mike as a short term sugar daddy. Have a nice life while baby daddy #2 is in jail. Hopefully Mike will figure out that he is being used as a walking ATM, Ximena probably does not love him. If he is okay with that; fine. Otherwise, enjoy the two weeks and go home single.

Ella and Johnny: Her wanting a red-head, green eyed dude is not the same as Chinese Johnny. She seems to be a pick and choose whatever Asian stuff from various countries that you like and has created her own culture. Japanese Samurai, Japanese Anime. And Johnny is from China. I don't know if she is racist or just has things mixed up and comes across in an odd manner. She does seem somewhat accomplished, but I don't see Johnny as the ride a horse rancher type. She does ride well, though. She would be better off finding a dude at one of her anime or cosplay conventions or hang around sites that attract those people. Again, one can be a larger size but still dress in a flattering manner. Johnny does want to change her - to eat more healthy - that should phrase in to him making her some of his favourite dishes - those could be healthy. People are who they are and you accept them for that. Trying to change someone may work for a short time but they will take off.

Memphis and Hamza: Again, a language barrier and a cultural barrier. Hamza and his friend joking around about Memphis was a bit odd. She could be a life partner for him, or not. He seems to be a more modern Muslim man - living with his divorced mother. However, he still lives with his mom and it's her house and her rules. Memphis wants sexy time and to test drive the merch. Who cares about the religion and the value system there? I get her wanting to kick the tires and such but he does live in a conservative culture. He didn't seem happy that she was a little chubby. So what? Move on and don't waste either of your times. Memphis' fairy tale may turn in to the Cinderella pumpkin at midnight.

Kimberly and Usman: Oy. Sounds like she is spending a small fortune in order to be a potential girlfriend for him. I get him wanting to be cautious after the first US wifey, but he should have made it clear to her what he wants and not string her along. A celebrity like him, if he is one, should have lots of women wanting a piece of his star pie, and someone like Kimberly would not be the usual choice. He seems to like older women - don't know if he expects them to pay his way, or they won't be dragging him to bed five times a day, or whatever. Kimberly should wear another band's t-shirt and not him. For a celeb, he certainly doesn't have female fans hanging around the airport or hotel. Only Kimballlly. His friends/manager didn't like her, called her Superfan. Again, she should have been more assertive in asking them to call her Kimberly or Ms. Whatever her last name is.  She is planning romancing the dude, and he seems disinterested. She went way out of line in bringing him very expensive gifts that she probably cannot afford. A potential girlfriend does not shower the King of Africa superstar with a PS5 and MacBook Pro. A $25-50 gift would have been more appropriate. He'll take the electronics and run. And she will be no closer to being Mrs. Usman.  Find a less expensive room and get your expectations way down. He used his first wife and chances are, you will be number two.

Caleb and Alina: The dude did not do his homework. Some can be an excuse of not sleeping for almost two days and he is empty and exhausted. Well, both of you find your own hotel for a couple of days and meet in a public place. I don't think he is prepared or suited for a life of caring and assisting Alina. She is a bit independent in that she can drive but she still has struggles and I don't think he has the patience or maturity level to be in a real relationship with her. He was moody and irritable. He goofed up the hotel? Uh, get a good night's sleep and find a suitable one the next morning - with an elevator and an accessible room. For someone so pop-spiritual, he is failing miserably. He met her 13 years ago and has no idea what sort of assistance she needs - helping her get dressed, reach the shower in the bathroom, reach the toilet, etc. He puts himself first and now being second will be a challenge for him and he will run. Not hugely impressed by him right now. Hope he really isn't a jerk and starts to step up. Poor Alina was looking for a hug or a small kiss or some affection. May not happen.

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50 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Kimberly and Usman: Oy. Sounds like she is spending a small fortune in order to be a potential girlfriend for him. I get him wanting to be cautious after the first US wifey, but he should have made it clear to her what he wants and not string her along. A celebrity like him, if he is one, should have lots of women wanting a piece of his star pie, and someone like Kimberly would not be the usual choice. He seems to like older women - don't know if he expects them to pay his way, or they won't be dragging him to bed five times a day, or whatever. Kimberly should wear another band's t-shirt and not him. For a celeb, he certainly doesn't have female fans hanging around the airport or hotel. Only Kimballlly. His friends/manager didn't like her, called her Superfan. Again, she should have been more assertive in asking them to call her Kimberly or Ms. Whatever her last name is.  She is planning romancing the dude, and he seems disinterested. She went way out of line in bringing him very expensive gifts that she probably cannot afford. A potential girlfriend does not shower the King of Africa superstar with a PS5 and MacBook Pro. A $25-50 gift would have been more appropriate. He'll take the electronics and run. And she will be no closer to being Mrs. Usman.  Find a less expensive room and get your expectations way down. He used his first wife and chances are, you will be number two.


They were called groupies when I was in a band, oh & I was a lot younger back then. They came in all shapes & sizes and were generally after one thing so that they could say they had fucked a band member. If the musicians were famous they may even get to marry one or two like Marianne Faithful, showing my age a bit there.

Sorry if this is politically incorrect & offends some of you but that's the way it was and probably still is except we thankfully didn't have video evidence like today.


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Alina is so pretty and she doesn't have some of the facial features that one might associate with being a little person, so I bet Caleb thought she was a more typical little person from the neck down, but her condition is more complicated below the waist. I hope that makes sense. That being said... holy cow he's a rude jackass. She seems like a lovely person, and if they've known each other that long, he could at least be friendly to her. He was acting like an entitled, petulant brat. Run Alina. Run. 


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3 minutes ago, jackjill89 said:

Alina is so pretty and she doesn't have some of the facial features that one might associate with being a little person, so I bet Caleb thought she was a more typical little person from the neck down, but her condition is more complicated below the waist. I hope that makes sense. That being said... holy cow he's a rude jackass. She seems like a lovely person, and if they've known each other that long, he could at least be friendly to her. He was acting like an entitled, petulant brat. Run Alina. Run. 


I bet he still has sex with her for the convenience and novelty factor before he dumps her.

17 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

They were called groupies when I was in a band, oh & I was a lot younger back then. They came in all shapes & sizes and were generally after one thing so that they could say they had fucked a band member. If the musicians were famous they may even get to marry one or two like Marianne Faithful, showing my age a bit there.

Sorry if this is politically incorrect & offends some of you but that's the way it was and probably still is except we thankfully didn't have video evidence like today.


It is still pretty bad today but as you say, a lot more is documented with social media.

I have no idea of Usman's fan base or music demographic and I don't know if he actually attracts youngish girls in the 12-17 range. I would think he plays more in adults only venues and may attract a 17 plus legal age type groupie.

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52 minutes ago, Welshman in Ca said:

They were called groupies when I was in a band, oh & I was a lot younger back then. They came in all shapes & sizes and were generally after one thing so that they could say they had fucked a band member. If the musicians were famous they may even get to marry one or two like Marianne Faithful, showing my age a bit there.

Sorry if this is politically incorrect & offends some of you but that's the way it was and probably still is except we thankfully didn't have video evidence like today.


I do know who Marianne Faithful is and have you watched  "The Dirt"?  No surprises there.  A great Netflix movie!

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3 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

 But no, Sweet Mom with the farm sheets, the meals, the love, she gets cast under.  Then he suggests Memphis (used to like that city, now I am not so sure.  I mean, it DOES have Graceland, which, to me, is the Holy Grail) might be a bit chunky.  You didn't realize that when she was showering on camera and doing a love dance for you, naked?  So Memphis is settling for an unemployed lying man who thinks she is fat?  

Not to mention that Hamza's mom bought the flowers that he took to the airport! I thought that was really sweet!

Also, he didn't realize she was a bit chunky when she was showering for him because the huge shower cap distracted him!! It's a classic ploy where I come from, when you don't want your boyfriend/fiance/future husband to think you are chunky!! And in Pittsburgh, if you really want to throw a guy off, dry off with a Steeler terrible towel!

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5 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Not an argument, but how is this racist?  She has a preference.  She is allowed that, isn't she?  Part of the intrigue/attraction for her is the culture which is okay too.  People like what they like.  Also, I think he's attractive.   I am, however, appalled by the revelation in public that she posts naked vids for him while he masturbates.  I don't care that they do that, only that she revealed it....on TELEVISION!!!!


2 hours ago, Granny58 said:

I don't see it as any different than a Francophile.  

It's like Ella decided she likes France and everything French but is mad at her friend for marrying a man from Ireland because "I like Europe and you don't even want to visit the Eiffel Tower!". Then she proceeds to date a Russian... because she loves baguettes. Finally she starts dating an Italian. All because she loves France. 😬 


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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

A celebrity like him, if he is one, should have lots of women wanting a piece of his star pie, and someone like Kimberly would not be the usual choice.

You would think that Kimberly would try and dress better if she wants Usman to notice her. As someone that has surpassed the teeny-bopper category, she should dress like a grown woman and make herself visible. Tee-shirts don't make it. She even changed into her "better" tee-shirt for their gift-giving session. I'm sure Usman didn't even notice her, although he sure tuned into his expensive gifts. He can't stomach the thought of bedding down with Kimmy.


2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

He met her 13 years ago and has no idea what sort of assistance she needs - helping her get dressed, reach the shower in the bathroom, reach the toilet, etc.

Caleb isn't interested in her day-to-day life; probably never inquiring about how she manages, what help she needs, what she does, offering support, etc. I wonder what they talked about for 13 years. Probably Caleb.

Edited by Breedom
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I think Caleb totally had a vision of himself as a knight in shining armor who would provide a level of support and romance that would show the world (well, the t.v. viewing audience) how enlightened he was.  Then, when he arrived, the legendary image he created of himself burst when he realized Alina had limitations for which she would need help.  He constantly complained (both implicitly and explicitly)-he gave off exasperated sighs and looks when he had to carry luggage up and down steps outside of the hotel and then in the hotel.  He didn't help Alina out of the taxi, and just seemed like a spoiled little boy who didn't get the Christmas presents that he wanted.  Although my heart hurts for Alina (but maybe, just maybe, she didn't share all of her needs), I find humor in the fact that Caleb is not coming off as he thought he would in the show.

Kim is also really into the fantasy of her (non-existent) relationship in terms of how she sees it versus how it really is.  Her quick temper came out when they called her a superfan.  She sees herself as "potential" girlfriend but until then, isn't that what she is?

Oh, and Hazan's mom seems sweet.  I think she really wants him to get to the U.S. and start sending money home.

I was surprised how easily Ximena demonstrated that all she wants is Mike's money.  She gave it all away when she said that she still loved the younger son's father (in prison) and that Mike was financing her life.  

None of these participants ever listen to their friends/family members who speak the truth.  You go Grandpa Mike!

  • Love 16
6 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Ooohhh...we have a cruise scheduled for January.  Worried about foul ups re covid.  Any problems?

One of our three ports was canceled due to a small outbreak on the ship. We still had a great time, though.


4 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

In a previous episode she showed that they are sort of fused in a way that makes it difficult to pick things up or grab onto things like a pen.

She can move her fingers and grasp large objects but cannot bend her fingers very well.

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10 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

It’s hard to believe that in 13 years Caleb never asked Alina’s actual height.  Even if she normally keeps the cam framed at her chest and above, if she disclosed the height he should be able to visualize things.  Maybe she used metric measurements and he was too lazy to convert them to feet and inches.

See that, right there is why I question just how well they know each other, if they have known each other for 13 years then why is this the first he is learning of her physical limitations, why wouldn't they have real conversations about her everyday struggles in a normal size world? Why wouldn't she tell him of all the things she would need in order to be able to be comfortable...elevators, HC accessible rooms, help with her wheel chair, it is like they only talk about how they can't wait to meet in person and you look so hot type of conversations. Ugh, I blame Alina for not communicating with Calub about her needs and I blame Calub for being surprised that he would have to be hands on help.  I do believe that they both are seeking their 15 minutes of fame.

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4 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Okay, that's understandable!

Aaaand now I am home!  Tee hee!

Per Ella:  sooooo.....is Johnny coming here to be your chef? You can't learn to prepare better food by yourself?  Or have friends help you?  Take a class?  YouTube?

Is all these fools do is kiss at the screen, say I love you and I miss you?  And apparently strip and masterbate?

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3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

13 years they have been talking on line and not once had she ever mentioned what her challenges are in a regular size world, not once did she ever mention her limitations and what she needs to just get from point A to point B? 

13 years he has known her and he had never seen any of her burlesque photos that shows her hands and feet?

All this planning for the meet up and she never told Calub to make sure that the hotel had an elevator or even an HC accessible room? Like that is the stuff she would be very specific about, right?  It is not like she wanted an ocean view if it was available, this is not trivial stuff that she needs.

I am suspicious of this set up, it seems that production may have had a hand in it.

As a disabled woman myself, I think they're actually together and probably a loving couple, but the producers gave them a script like David/Annie and Libby/Andre. Putting them in an inaccessible hotel is a plot to sensationalize her dependence and exaggerate her disability. Claiming "Caleb booked it" and having Caleb initially friendzone her (supposedly...really unnaturally) is just a ploy to rile the audience up against Caleb's ignorance and encourage them to pity "poor disabled girl" Alana by painting her as at best lovesick and at worst woefully unaware of her "unattractiveness" (read: having visible disabilities). It's pretty gross and reeks of ableism. But hey, whatever it takes to get a disabled person on the 90 Day gravy train, I guess. You're not flying to Turkey to stay in the same hotel room with a friend whose attraction you don't reciprocate. They'll probably be on Pillow Talk next season. 

From Kaiser Permanente website:

In most infants with diastrophic dysplasia, the first bone within the body of each hand (first metacarpals) may be unusually small and "oval shaped," causing the thumbs to deviate away (abduction) from the body ("hitchhiker thumbs"). Other fingers may also be abnormally short (brachydactyly) and joints between certain bones of the fingers (proximal interphalangeal joints) may become fused (symphalangism), causing limited flexion and restricted movement of the finger joints. 

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9 hours ago, Granny58 said:

Not an argument, but how is this racist?  She has a preference.  She is allowed that, isn't she?  Part of the intrigue/attraction for her is the culture which is okay too.  People like what they like.  Also, I think he's attractive.   I am, however, appalled by the revelation in public that she posts naked vids for him while he masturbates.  I don't care that they do that, only that she revealed it....on TELEVISION!!!!

Ooohhh...we have a cruise scheduled for January.  Worried about foul ups re covid.  Any problems?

I don't really want to jump on the bandwagon here, but it's clearly a fetish and the way she applies it makes me think she's not very bright.  There are plenty of people who are fanatical about Japanese culture (Weeabos), and that's nothing to be ashamed of, per se, but lumping every Asian culture (and person) together is a bit much.

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6 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Gino and Jasmine: Did it ever dawn on you to maybe change your clothes before you went out to dinner? You know, have a shower, and smell fresh? Make a decent impression? The restaurant may have been show shenanigans. It sure was empty. Of course, healthy Jasmine had a vegetarian wrap and Gino had a burger with American cheese. Jas, if you do marry him, he will not be eating veggie meals and you will have to cook meat or he cooks his own food. The jealousy was over the top. Americans tip a lot. Minimum wage is low and tips make up a server's income. Gino stupidly probably didn't look up tipping and service in Panama and no, he was not having a thing with the server. It is what he is used to. The hat in the restaurant was also poor manners. Going back to the hotel or airbnb suite - Jasmine changes in to a sexy little nightgown and stinky Gino crawls in to bed with his clothes on? And hat on? Ugh. Both of them can annoy themselves with their little annoying laughs. Maybe Gino will run, maybe Jasmine will earn every dime she gets.


The restaurant struck me as a hotel bar, which would explain the limited menu and emptiness.  I don't know if we'll ever find out about the hat.  I have my theories.  This relationship doesn't seem like it will make it to Happily Ever After..  The tip part felt weird, but maybe that's cultural.  I've never been to Panama.  If tipping is not normally accepted though, you'd think there may not be the form on the credit card receipt?

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17 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Lifelong horse person here.  
She had a good seat, good hands, good center of balance on her horse.  Nothing poor about that horse, she’s a good rider and it’s obvious to me she’s been riding for a long time. 
I taught riding lessons for many years. Even a skinny little person with no seat, hands, or balance can be more painful and jarring to a horse than a heavier person who had riding skills. 

First thing I said when I saw that scene was, "That girl can RIDE."  I was impressed with her ability.  

16 hours ago, Wollstonecraft said:

Please enlighten me because I don't know.  Did Alina ever show Caleb her whole body or say how tall she was? I must have missed it. I do know they've been communicating for a time.  I think just about everyone knows about little people because of all the shows today and there are different types of dwarfism.  I wonder if he ever put thought into what she was like from the waist down - her disability, what she required and, yes, even being intimate.  Idk, but I wonder if meeting up with males like her woukd be easier? At least they would know how she feels and what it's like.  Guessing being her companion would be like a caretaker or not?  She was nervous about this at the start so I wonder why she's even a bit surprised.


14 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

Alina is so pretty and she doesn't have some of the facial features that one might associate with being a little person, so I bet Caleb thought she was a more typical little person from the neck down, but her condition is more complicated below the waist. I hope that makes sense. That being said... holy cow he's a rude jackass. She seems like a lovely person, and if they've known each other that long, he could at least be friendly to her. He was acting like an entitled, petulant brat. Run Alina. Run. 


I think Caleb was expecting an Elena Gant (Little Women LA season 1).  



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On 12/24/2021 at 11:26 PM, Frozendiva said:

I watched the preview.

Gino and Jasmine went to some noticeably empty restaurant. She had a vegan wrap and he had a burger. Jasmine, if you do not want a meat eater, either accept it or pass. Gino, of course, is used to tipping, and leaves a tip for the server. Jasmine get jealous and is infuriated by it. Please ask the server about any tipping policy. If the tip is not included, I think it is 10% in Panama. No need for Jasmine to think Gino and the server have a thing going. I was turned off by Gino wearing his cap in the restaurant.

Kimberley has landed in Zanzibar and is staying at some really nice resort. Usman will arrive the next day. She went off-budget and booked the honeymoon suite. A bit presumptuous. A higher grade room may have been more suitable. 

We are then introduced to Ella who loves all things Asian. Cosplay, dragons, samurai, etc. She meets Johnny from China. Unfortunately, her size may limit her dating opportunities. The discrimination for weight is not right, but that is the current world. Johnny is hoping to get a tourist visa to go to Idaho to meet her.

What was even more ridiculous was how he refused to remove his cap when he was in bed making out with the bully, and she backed off from asking him to do so and accepted it.

That's what this woman is - a mentally abusive bully.  I wonder if hidden deep down somewhere inside Gino is a back bone that will ultimately enable him to stand up to her and/or quit her.  Based on his talking head comments, he clearly is aware that how she behaves is not right, but the big question remains as to if he will ever stand up to her.  God forbid they finally have sex, because I think at that point she truly will own him, as I see him as someone who can most definitely become p---y whipped.


On 12/24/2021 at 11:26 PM, Frozendiva said:



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On 12/25/2021 at 5:52 AM, greekmom said:

Watched the preview last night.

Gino and Jasmine. I think we have someone more crazier than Larissa and Jess combined. I honestly don't understand her obsession with Gino flirting with everyone. He's no prize. 

Kim. I think this woman is living out her MJ fantasy with Usman. Not surprised she was in the military but I agree, the photo of her back then, she wasn't as unfortunate looking as she is now.  If she wasn't chasing her dream of becoming a Banger Sister, she could have someone back in the States. I'm thinking that Usman will not do the deed.

Ellie. Damn I do feel bad for her in one way but in another way girlfriend can find someone who shares her love for all things anime and geek in a comic con in her State or a nearby State. 

I don't understand why these people decide to look outside of the US instead of just looking outside of their State?!?!


Don't forget of her primary love for Asians and Asian culture.  I wouldn't be at all surprised if we come to learn that she's also a hardcore fan of K-pop.

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On 12/26/2021 at 8:44 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Okay.......Caleb and Hamza, so far, are tied for douchebags of the episode.

Allina is going to get her heart broken and I think she is realizing this now.

Idaho girl:  please get with Stitch Fix, get a make up tutorial and get some self confidence.  Yes you are overweight, but you can dress in a waaaay more flattering fashion.

Hamza and Memphis:  He has a CLEAR agenda that he will share tonight.

Usman and Babygirl 2.0:  Cringy scene in her hotel room.  Like high level cringe, which is really saying something!

Domestic Abuser and Gino:  HE WON'T TAKE OFF HIS HAT FOR POSSIBLE SHIM SHAM.  And we are treated to the warm to possible coitus.  Don't be consuming food.  In fact, I suggest a libation.  Perhaps more than one.

Ximina had her first son at 15.  You will all love how son number 2 came to be.

Alina is such a sweetie, that it would also break my heart on her behalf for her to have her heart broken by New Age wannabe Caleb.  I too am in Arizona, and would LMAO if I ever saw him in person, which is highly unlikely as we live in completely different parts of the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

I didn't find Hamza as objectionable as I did Ximina though.  She definitely has one of the clearest self-serving agendas that I've ever seen on all variations of the 90 Day shows.  And boy is she not at all attractive in real time.  She looked so much better in photos, but she's truly homely IMO.  Perhaps it's because all of the inside ugly is already seeping out with her stories of how she got pregnant both times, and how obviously she IS one of those kind of foreigners that all of the friends and family members of these idiot Americans warn the idiots about, which is someone who is trying to use someone to get herself and her kids to the U.S. so as to live there on the other person's dime.  Mike is definitely looking at future heartache.

I feel exactly the same way, Mrs. Hanson.  Jasmine is an abusive, bullying thug.  All the attractiveness in the world can't cover up her true ugly nature.

  • Love 13
On 12/26/2021 at 8:00 PM, FrancescaFiore said:

Jasmine thinking Gino wants to fuck the waitress because he left a tip... good lort.  And then trying to devour him sexually. She a loon.

Oh dear, it's not looking good for Alina & Caleb, is it? That's the long and short of it. Ba-DA-tss!

I feel like Memphis has too much responsibility to be fucking about with some guy in Tunisia. How does she expect Hamza to help raise her kids when he doesn't speak English? Is she just a straight idiot?

Mike. Mike, Mike, Mike. Ximena is no bueno.  

Ella.. I'm gonna try to pretend I didn't see her segment because it's so problematic on so many levels. The stereotypes, the racial clichés.. it's all too much for me so I just kinda noped out. 

Usman is so damn transparent in his using of Kimberly. Even as he opened the PS5, he said,  "You're really a potential now," but then he proceeded to kiss the box, not the woman who gave it to him. He's a lowdown dirty dog.

As sweet and facially drop dead gorgeous I find Alina to be, I can totally see where watching her walk and maneuver her body so as to climb the stairs might be the death knell of their not-yet romantic relationship.  And trust me, I feel like a POS for saying this because I do adore this brave little person, and totally believe she deserves all the love in the world, as well as nothing but good things to happen to her.  But as dear, sweet, smart, funny, intelligent and darling a person as she is, the reality of how our world works makes me think that she's in for extreme heartache, because as someone who loves everything about her, if these awful thoughts could cross my mind then they likely have crossed other minds as well, including Caleb's.  He seemed to be trying too hard to stall for time so as to not have to get intimate or romantic, and even his admission about needing time to adjust his mindset was one of the biggest red flags.  I am glad, though, that he addressed the issue of not having been aware of no elevators, and not having even thought to question if there were any.

I may be in the minority here about Memphis, but I just don't like her, and just don't care if she makes a lifelong love connection or not, primarily because of her stubbornness about being determined to marry him during her trip over there no matter what.  That to me is complete and utter disregard for her children, and shows her to be a dummy when it comes to life decisions.  Yes, she pulled herself out of the crappy foster care life caused by her drug addict mother to become a respectable and admirable PA, but whereas she seems to have made amazingly great educational and professional decisions in her life, something tells me that she has a pattern of picking shitty men.  Not that I think Hamza is shitty as yet.  I do, however, think he's lazy and spoiled thanks to his foolish mother who has catered to him probably all his life as the "man of the house" that she makes him out to be.  Despite the mother's lovely thought to give Hamza a bouquet of flowers to bring to Memphis at the airport, she likewise expects to teach Memphis how to treat her son, so that he can continue to be pampered and spoiled in the future as well.  If Memphis and he ever do get married, I totally foresee him loafing around her house all day and night, playing computer games, or going to a gym to work out on the regular without devoting any time to help Memphis with her kids or anything.  She has ridiculous ideas of what she thinks her future will be with him, coercing him into fatherhood with "sexy time", which totally grossed me out when she had that so unattractive shower cap covering her hair as she concurrently flashed him her "big boobies".

Kimberly is another moron that will receive ZERO SYMPATHY from me for her insanely foolish decision to pursue Usman the User.  I agree with you totally, Mrs. Hanson, about Usman being a "lowdown dirty dog," but Kimberly pursued this "lowdown dirty dog", and is hell bent on insinuating herself in his life and world as a lover and NOT as a "Super Fan". 

  • Love 19
19 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Lifelong horse person here.  
She had a good seat, good hands, good center of balance on her horse.  Nothing poor about that horse, she’s a good rider and it’s obvious to me she’s been riding for a long time. 
I taught riding lessons for many years. Even a skinny little person with no seat, hands, or balance can be more painful and jarring to a horse than a heavier person who had riding skills. 

That horse was fine. It's a ranch horse, and they are rugged and meant to do work. It is also likely conditioned to her size and ability quite well.  She is a very experienced and capable rider. 

18 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Memphis is probably the most educated person on here (that I can recall) with a very decent salary.  She does not need the TLC money. 

I am stumped on Memphis, I think this wild decision is her past trauma with relationships and growing up and STRESS. Working in the medical field the past 2 years has to take a toll. Particularly on someone with deep trauma from childhood. It's like she wants to put everything aside and have the fairy tale. If I went to school to be a PA or NP (whichever she is) and I started my dream career in a pandemic I would want to put everything aside and have the fairy tale (career wise) too that I've been dreaming of. That's all I can come up with for her. I think she's also taking advantage of his conservative cultural upbringing w/attitudes about sex to control him to do what she wants for the stability she seeks in a  man (again past trauma).  Memphis needs serious therapy. I think she needed it to begin with, then the pandemic hit her career and ripped open some scabs. Tough times. 

17 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Where to start?  Mike and Ximena: Mike seems like a nice guy, but way too naive. 



Caleb and Alina:  Poor Alina was looking for a hug or a small kiss or some affection. May not happen.

I actually like Mike. I hope he finds love. I did some internet sleuthing and he and his friends are big time into cars and that's all I'll say. He has strong friend connections in real world but the nose, the baldness and the glasses are hard to get past to see the real Mike inside who I think is actually a cool, introverted guy. 

Remind me. Caleb has stated he loves Alina and considers them gf bf? He came across a LOT like Usman. Like Alina is just a prospect. I mean, not even a kiss! ? Pretty low. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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