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Actors You Just Can't Stand

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See, I enjoyed him in that secret agent movie he did. Oh, well.

I can't stand Jonah Hill, and I'm glad he put back on all that weight he lost. Although to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he was told to do it because of the types of roles he plays. He just looked weird skinny. He is never going to pull off a Chris Pratt and suddenly be a hunk if he lost weight and got shredded.


Caveat: Scarlett Johansson is probably a very nice person. At the very least, she's managed to remain more grounded and scandal-free than most Hollywood actors. That being said, I don't understand why she's so highly regarded as an actress. Her acting is okay, and I actually found her the most tolerable aspect of the horrible Lucy movie. But nothing about her performances blow me away, and as far as actresses go, I personally don't think she has the dramatic range of an Angelina Jolie or a Keira Knightley. YMMV, of course. 

As someone once put it to me, Scarlett is like an exotic Nordic beauty, which should be an oxymoron but isn't in her case. I think because of that beauty, people expect her to be a terrible actress because of dumb blonde stereotypes, but because she's actually competent, people really hype up her talent.

The only role I ever really liked her in was Lost In Translation, but she's more or less capable, just not someone I'm expecting me to blow her away. I do absolutely love this picture of her. She looks like a 1960's movie star there.

Edited by methodwriter85
  • Love 2

Seeing Will Smith slam him reminded me of my hatred for Jared Leto. What a pretentious, misogynistic pile of garbage. He sent a used condom to a cast member/crew member on Suicide Squad, and I believe he also sent a rat and a dead pig. I actually hate all actors who use Method acting as an excuse to behave like assholes. 

Claire Danes, who always struck me as having limited range and is one of the worst criers in the business. (I never watched My So-Called Life so I have no attachment to her.) Not to mention she's a C grade human being. I remember when she was promoting Brokedown Palace and she said Manila "smelled like cockroaches" and that there were rats everywhere and that people didn't have arms and legs. Her films were banned in the Philippines and she was too, if I recall correctly. Not to mention her starting an affair with Billy Crudup (another average actor who's a crappy person) who was with a seven months pregnant Mary Louise Parker.

  • Love 7
29 minutes ago, slf said:

Seeing Will Smith slam him reminded me of my hatred for Jared Leto. What a pretentious, misogynistic pile of garbage. He sent a used condom to a cast member/crew member on Suicide Squad, and I believe he also sent a rat and a dead pig. I actually hate all actors who use Method acting as an excuse to behave like assholes. 

Claire Danes, who always struck me as having limited range and is one of the worst criers in the business. (I never watched My So-Called Life so I have no attachment to her.) Not to mention she's a C grade human being. I remember when she was promoting Brokedown Palace and she said Manila "smelled like cockroaches" and that there were rats everywhere and that people didn't have arms and legs. Her films were banned in the Philippines and she was too, if I recall correctly. Not to mention her starting an affair with Billy Crudup (another average actor who's a crappy person) who was with a seven months pregnant Mary Louise Parker.

Jared Leto. SMH. Today I watched Viola Davis on "Live with Kelly," and she talked about Jared's method acting. One day he had someone bring a dead pig to the set and drop it front of the actors--that poor pig. And on another day he sent a box to the set that was filled with bullets, and the bullets were labeled with the names of each cast member. And she said he refused to rehearse with the rest of the cast before filming began. What a self-important jerk. 

I didn't know that stuff about Claire Danes. She was a talented child/teen actress, and I like her on "Homeland." But she sounds like a terrible person. I'll never look at her the same way again.  

  • Love 5

I haven't seen Claire Danes in much since My So-Called Life, and I continue to adore her as Angela Chase, but fucking around with someone while his long-term partner was pregnant was bad enough, but then even many years later talking about it like, "Oh, oops, I was young and that was a hard time for me" rather than "I was part of something really shitty, regret it, and wouldn't do that again" has made me glad I haven't seen her in much of anything since then.   I remember reading she turned around and cheated on Crudup with her now-husband, but I've never seen that confirmed.  

Jared Leto, by multiple personal accounts over the years, has always been an asshole.  And presumably will always be an asshole; it's quite the consensus.  I still have a MSCL marathon every couple of years, but, yeah, it is a little hard to preserve those two in amber as their teenage characters. 

  • Love 3

I remember someone relaying an anecdote on the old site about how they were auditioning to play Claire's friend in something (possibly Brokedown Palace?), and they thought they could bond with Claire by asking her about how she felt about them cutting up Juliet's suicide speech in Romeo and Juliet. Being that Claire's comprehension of Shakespeare was really, really bad, the idiot didn't even realize that, and thus got really pissed. You can imagine that the actress didn't get that role.

Claire was also apparently WAY over her head at Yale, which was also relayed by people who claimed to be classmates. I mean, it's kind of backed up by the fact that she didn't make it to junior year.

In any event, eh. Karma did bite her pretty hard career-wise for a good while until she got Homeland.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, topanga said:

Jared Leto. SMH. Today I watched Viola Davis on "Live with Kelly," and she talked about Jared's method acting. One day he had someone bring a dead pig to the set and drop it front of the actors--that poor pig. And on another day he sent a box to the set that was filled with bullets, and the bullets were labeled with the names of each cast member. And she said he refused to rehearse with the rest of the cast before filming began. What a self-important jerk. 

Gah, poor Viola Davis. Poor everyone who had to work with him. Who the hell has a pig killed just to prank their coworkers? 

The thing is, I think he's actually a pretty good actor (a standout in Panic Room) and I always wondered why he doesn't get more work in bigger projects and I'm starting to think he must have a terrible reputation. 

7 hours ago, Bastet said:

I haven't seen Claire Danes in much since My So-Called Life, and I continue to adore her as Angela Chase, but fucking around with someone while his long-term partner was pregnant was bad enough, but then even many years later talking about it like, "Oh, oops, I was young and that was a hard time for me" rather than "I was part of something really shitty, regret it, and wouldn't do that again" has made me glad I haven't seen her in much of anything since then.   I remember reading she turned around and cheated on Crudup with her now-husband, but I've never seen that confirmed.  

Oh God, yeah, I remember seeing her attempts to rationalize that. I think she also said something like "I was really in love and I needed to explore that." Yikes. She still can't admit that was a terrible thing to do and she was utterly in the wrong. 

6 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

Wow, I knew about her and Billy Crudup (poor Mary Louise Parker, I'm sure she's much happier now) but this other stuff sounds bad. But she's married to Hugh Dancy who seems delightful, so perhaps she's matured now? Does this mean I should start rethinking my opinion of him too? 

No one involved has ever said anything that I'm aware of. It could just be people assumed she cheated on Crudup because "once a cheater always a cheater" (she had been involved too, with a musician, at the time of that affair) and liked the idea of Crudup getting screwed like that. She and Dancy did a movie together (Evening) and then they announced their relationship like right after she broke up with Crudup, so everyone immediately went to "it was an affair". Dancy has always seemed like a good guy though, so who knows?

  • Love 1
14 hours ago, slf said:

Seeing Will Smith slam him reminded me of my hatred for Jared Leto. What a pretentious, misogynistic pile of garbage. He sent a used condom to a cast member/crew member on Suicide Squad, and I believe he also sent a rat and a dead pig. I actually hate all actors who use Method acting as an excuse to behave like assholes. 


I despise Will Smith maybe even more than Jared Leto, but give Leto time and probably he'll catch up:



If your co-worker mailed you a potentially used condom, that co-worker would likely be fired more quickly than you can say “severe HR violation” or, more appropriately, “what?”

If you’re in David Ayer’s upcoming film “Suicide Squad,” which hits theaters Friday, you laugh about it on talk shows and in magazine profiles.

Stories keep mounting of the strange, dark and, at times, downright harrowing experience the filming of “Suicide Squad” seemed to be. It was perhaps a way to generate buzz around the film, which might be dearly needed. Critical reviews started trickling in Wednesday, and they are not good, to say the least.

As of Wednesday morning, the film had an abysmal 35 percent onRotten Tomatoes.

Vulture’s David Edelstein called it “the year’s most muddled piece of storytelling.” Time’s Stephanie Zacharek wrote that “by the end, it’s as if you’ve seen nothing.” Hollywood Reporter’s Todd McCarthy wrote that it’s a “puzzlingly confused undertaking that never becomes as cool as it thinks it is.”

With the stream of bad reviews, one can’t help but wonder if all the backstage nastiness actually hurt the production.

The film, starring, among others, Will Smith, Margot Robbie, Viola Davis and Jared Leto, is about a group of supervillains that share the same world as Batman and Superman. Most well-known among these anti-heroes are the Joker and Harley Quinn.

The film is gleefully dark — uncomfortably dark, really, given recent current events. Apparently attempting to draw this darkness out of his actors, Ayer encouraged them to live out the more unseemly aspects of their characters.

To make sure that didn’t cause any lasting damage, he kept a “kind of therapist” on set, according to Adam Beach, one of the film’s actors.

“David Ayer is about realism,” Beach told E! News. “So if your character is tormented, he wants you to torment yourself. He wants the real thing.”

That might sound like traditional press tour, pre-screening movie fodder, until you hear the actors’ experience.

Jared Leto’s antics, in particular, stand out as ghastly and potentially illegal. Leto is the first person to play the Joker since the late Heath Ledger was awarded a postmortem supporting actor Oscar for his shocking, tremendous turn in “The Dark Knight.”

To get into character — or for some other reason that we’re probably all better off not considering — Leto sent his castmates a number of increasingly bizarre, disgusting items. Will Smith received a set of bullets. To Margot Robbie, he gifted a dead rat. The whole cast got a shared gift, although it’s unlikely they’ll be fighting over it: It was a dead pig.

Those aren’t even the weird ones.

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje received sticky Playboy magazines. Then, as a horrible denouement, Leto sent the rest of the cast anal beads and used condoms.

“I did a lot of things to create a dynamic to create an element of surprise, a spontaneity and to really break down any kind of walls that may be there,” Leto told E! News. “The Joker is somebody who doesn’t really respect things like personal space or boundaries.”

The making of ‘Suicide Squad’ was awful and so is the movie, reviewers say



It is glaringly apparent that Jared Leto doesn't know anything about the Joker (much like whoever designed Leto's Joker look).    The Joker has a madman's sense of humor.  He would never resort to something as tawdry and obvious as locker room humor.   The only thing Leto accomplished with these pranks is to demonstrate how petty and unimaginative he is.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, slf said:

No one involved has ever said anything that I'm aware of. It could just be people assumed she cheated on Crudup because "once a cheater always a cheater" (she had been involved too, with a musician, at the time of that affair) and liked the idea of Crudup getting screwed like that. She and Dancy did a movie together (Evening) and then they announced their relationship like right after she broke up with Crudup, so everyone immediately went to "it was an affair". Dancy has always seemed like a good guy though, so who knows?

I'm going to go with the assumption that while feelings may have arisen on that shoot, my movie boyfriendHugh Dancy is too much of a gentleman to have actually acted on them until Danes was single again.

Edited by Bruinsfan
  • Love 5

I knew nothing about Jared Leto before Dallas Buyer's Club, hadn't even heard of him, but I was so damned impressed with him in that movie that I was really interested in his interpretation of the Joker.  I hated what I was starting to hear and now that I'm hearing everything, I'm really disgusted.  Who does that kind thing?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Bruinsfan said:

Man, I feel sorry for the people who had to work with him, Jake Gyllenhaal, AND Jeremy Piven on Highway. That set must have been a nightmare.


1 hour ago, JustaPerson said:

What's wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal? I've heard about Jeremy Piven's mercury incident. Aw man, is JG also a secret asshole? Is that Taylor Swift wrote a song about him?

I think Bruinsfan meant Jake Gyllenhaal having to work with Leto.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 1

I have a completely irrational hatred towards Nicholas Cage. Every. Single. Thing. About Him makes me what to hit him with my car and run over him a couple of times. His voice, his face, his acting. And I'm sure he's a perfectly fine actor (so I've been told), I'm sure he's a lovely person, he's even in movies I would probably enjoy very much. If he wasn't in them. I actually tried with National Treasure one night. My friends are all "You'll love it, he's great in it, you won't even notice and then you'll like him!!" Nope- I just kept asking why did he have to be in a scene (he's the lead), I was so irritating after a while they gave up. 

Completely irrational. 


I also really can't stand Susan Lucci. I think it comes from her enormous (and IMO completely undeserved) popularity on All My Children.  In the same soap opera vein, I really cannot abide the guy who plays Sonny (it's like Bloody Mary, you can't say the name too many times otherwise he'll appear) mainly due to the fact that he destroyed any enjoyment in a show I had watched religiously since the 80's (Frisco and Felicia Forever). 

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, millennium said:

Cameron Diaz and Kirsten Dunst ... and aren't they the same person anyway?

Cameron Diaz always struck me as a mean girl who can play nice when she needs to--like a tall Regina George. 

Kirsten Dunst always struck me as the girl who hangs out on the fringes of the popular crowd but desperately wants to become It Girl. She's basically a nice kid but will laugh at pranks pulled on the unpopular kids if it means Regina George will notice her. 

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, JustaPerson said:

What's wrong with Jake Gyllenhaal? I've heard about Jeremy Piven's mercury incident. Aw man, is JG also a secret asshole? Is that Taylor Swift wrote a song about him?


13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I think Bruinsfan meant Jake Gyllenhaal having to work with Leto.

Nope. Gyllenhaal is by all accounts a sweetheart off set, but he's one of those super Method-y actors and actually snapped and attacked a nearby costar on Jarhead after chipping a tooth with his rifle. And on this movie he was playing a scuzzy drug dealer.

On 8/2/2016 at 7:40 PM, slf said:

Seeing Will Smith slam him reminded me of my hatred for Jared Leto. What a pretentious, misogynistic pile of garbage. He sent a used condom to a cast member/crew member on Suicide Squad, and I believe he also sent a rat and a dead pig. I actually hate all actors who use Method acting as an excuse to behave like assholes. 

Claire Danes, who always struck me as having limited range and is one of the worst criers in the business. (I never watched My So-Called Life so I have no attachment to her.) Not to mention she's a C grade human being. I remember when she was promoting Brokedown Palace and she said Manila "smelled like cockroaches" and that there were rats everywhere and that people didn't have arms and legs. Her films were banned in the Philippines and she was too, if I recall correctly. Not to mention her starting an affair with Billy Crudup (another average actor who's a crappy person) who was with a seven months pregnant Mary Louise Parker.


Not only that, but when she was on Howard Stern recently, she appeared to have little to no sympathy for MLP, and relied on the "young and stupid" excuse. You were 24, Claire. I knew better at that age (only 3 years ago for me, admittedly) not to get involved with married men (or Billy's case, men in long-term relationships with a HEAVILY PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND).



I will say that when Olivia de Havilland turned 100 (!) last month, there was a story abut how Jared Leto came to visit her in France once and thanked for her the lawsuit she had against Warner Bros. (or MGM? I can't remember) that changed the rules on movie contracts. Apparently the quote from her was that she was "enchanted" by him.


Make of that what you will. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, UYI said:


I will say that when Olivia de Havilland turned 100 (!) last month, there was a story abut how Jared Leto came to visit her in France once and thanked for her the lawsuit she had against Warner Bros. (or MGM? I can't remember) that changed the rules on movie contracts. Apparently the quote from her was that she was "enchanted" by him.


Make of that what you will. 

It was Warner Bros. I have no opinion of Leto one way or other; from what I can glean, he's either an asshole with nice moments, or a nice guy with utterly abominable, apeshit moments. All I can say is, I'm glad he'll never be a co-worker of mine.



Not only that, but when she was on Howard Stern recently, she appeared to have little to no sympathy for MLP, and relied on the "young and stupid" excuse. You were 24, Claire. I knew better at that age (only 3 years ago for me, admittedly) not to get involved with married men (or Billy's case, men in long-term relationships with a HEAVILY PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND).



Yeah, but how old was Crudup? 36, 37? I'm not saying Danes was completely innocent, but I maintain that Crudup was the real asshole of this piece; after all, he was the one with the pregnant girlfriend. 

But, hey, Parker and Danes both got successful TV series, and Crudup hasn't done anything truly interesting in a dog's age. 

  • Love 3
39 minutes ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

It was Warner Bros. I have no opinion of Leto one way or other; from what I can glean, he's either an asshole with nice moments, or a nice guy with utterly abominable, apeshit moments. All I can say is, I'm glad he'll never be a co-worker of mine.

Yeah, but how old was Crudup? 36, 37? I'm not saying Danes was completely innocent, but I maintain that Crudup was the real asshole of this piece; after all, he was the one with the pregnant girlfriend. 

But, hey, Parker and Danes both got successful TV series, and Crudup hasn't done anything truly interesting in a dog's age. 

Oh, he's totally the biggest dick of the whole situation, and it could be argued that Claire winding up with Hugh Dancy after him was a huge part of his karma.

But I was still floored by Claire's attitude of the whole situation. I suppose it could be because she can't bring herself to admit how terrible the whole situation was, but I feel like I'm being generous in thinking that. 

  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, UYI said:

Oh, he's totally the biggest dick of the whole situation, and it could be argued that Claire winding up with Hugh Dancy after him was a huge part of his karma.

But I was still floored by Claire's attitude of the whole situation. I suppose it could be because she can't bring herself to admit how terrible the whole situation was, but I feel like I'm being generous in thinking that. 

Fair enough. I don't know if this whole "no apologies, no regrets" mindset is a modern day societal thing, or most common with famous people. 


Moving along, whenever someone calls Nicholas Cage one of the all-time great actors, I have to refrain from getting into a screaming, spittle-flecked, Lewis Black-style rant about why they're wrong.


I'm a horrible, horrible person... I'm desperately hoping that the wretched, superfluous "Alice" sequel permanently sinks Mia Wasikowska's career. I think she's a drab, vacant-eyed zombie posing as a human being, has the charisma of a pen cap, and is incapable of expressing emotion stronger than "dull surprise". She's the most boring Jane Eyre, the dullest Emma Bovary, and she has none of the awe and wonder that is needed to play Alice. I thought she was decent in The Only Lovers Left Alive, but that's because it was a small and interesting part. 

Okay, so maybe her career shouldn't sink... she just shouldn't be allowed to be a lead.

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
  • Love 1
On ‎08‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 3:34 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I remember someone relaying an anecdote on the old site about how they were auditioning to play Claire's friend in something (possibly Brokedown Palace?), and they thought they could bond with Claire by asking her about how she felt about them cutting up Juliet's suicide speech in Romeo and Juliet. Being that Claire's comprehension of Shakespeare was really, really bad, the idiot didn't even realize that, and thus got really pissed. You can imagine that the actress didn't get that role.

Claire was also apparently WAY over her head at Yale, which was also relayed by people who claimed to be classmates. I mean, it's kind of backed up by the fact that she didn't make it to junior year.

In any event, eh. Karma did bite her pretty hard career-wise for a good while until she got Homeland.

I recently saw the episode of Law & Order she was in - the first time I've seen it in several years - and she was terrible in it.

  • Love 1
On 8/3/2016 at 10:50 AM, Wiendish Fitch said:

Billy Crudup is on my list for cheating on his pregnant girlfriend with the younger Claire Danes. What an asshat. Also, he was awful in Watchmen (granted, that movie is flawed as all get-out, but my point stands).

He was just one of those mediocre, "intellectual", pretty boys that Hollywood fawned over for a year or two but never amounted to anything (Wes Bentley was another). And one of the few male cheaters who actually lost everything, when it's usually the woman he stepped out with who takes the fall. What kind of garbage has an affair with a costar and then goes home to his pregnant girlfriend? Yikes.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, slf said:

He was just one of those mediocre, "intellectual", pretty boys that Hollywood fawned over for a year or two but never amounted to anything (Wes Bentley was another). And one of the few male cheaters who actually lost everything, when it's usually the woman he stepped out with who takes the fall. What kind of garbage has an affair with a costar and then goes home to his pregnant girlfriend? Yikes.

The fact that MLP wrote about the situation in her recent autobiography without calling them toxic dumpster fires of human beings shows how much character she really has. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

To be fair to Wes Bentley, his derailment was based on a crippling drug addiction. He seems like a nice enough fellow, and he HAS put in a lot of hard work in whatever he can get to put his career back together.

Wow, really? That might well explain all the reports of him being an asshole over the years. (Admittedly, it's been awhile since anyone's said anything negative about him.) 

Tobey Maguire. I can't stand his dead stare acting and I really dislike his Peter Parker.

Mark Wahlberg (actually all of the Wahlbergs). Terrible actor and he has this really, I'm not sure how to say it, obnoxiously macho vibe about him like he really believes he's the sort of tough 'badass' he likes to play. Jeremy Renner - who I used to adore - has developed this same vibe. 

  • Love 6

Mark Wahlberg (actually all of the Wahlbergs). Terrible actor and he has this really, I'm not sure how to say it, obnoxiously macho vibe about him like he really believes he's the sort of tough 'badass' he likes to play.

I enjoyed his performance in Three Kings, but since then, increasingly not.  I think you've put your finger on why.  I still think Donnie Wahlberg is a good actor, although admittedly I haven't seen him in anything lately, but the relationship with/marriage to Jenny McCarthy has put me off him entirely.

Edited by proserpina65
Because 'have' and 'haven't' mean totally different things
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, slf said:

Wow, really? That might well explain all the reports of him being an asshole over the years. (Admittedly, it's been awhile since anyone's said anything negative about him.) 

Tobey Maguire. I can't stand his dead stare acting and I really dislike his Peter Parker.

Mark Wahlberg (actually all of the Wahlbergs). Terrible actor and he has this really, I'm not sure how to say it, obnoxiously macho vibe about him like he really believes he's the sort of tough 'badass' he likes to play. Jeremy Renner - who I used to adore - has developed this same vibe. 

I am not a fan of these three. I just find Maguire boring.

In my opinion, Wahlberg and Renner are mediocre to bad actors.

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, slf said:

Mark Wahlberg (actually all of the Wahlbergs). Terrible actor and he has this really, I'm not sure how to say it, obnoxiously macho vibe about him like he really believes he's the sort of tough 'badass' he likes to play.

I think the only thing I've like of Wahlberg's is Boogie Nights and that was more for the rest of the cast and the overall movie rather than him specifically. He was once on Graham Norton's chat show and he seemed very drunk during the taping. He was a an ass to everyone and sat on Graham's lap. It was one of the only times I've seen Norton uncomfortable as he is usually unflappable and quick to diffuse awkward guests. Probably one of the rudest appearances by an actor I've seen on any talk show. Since then, I've been truly turned off by Wahlberg. He also gave the world "Entourage" so make of that what you will.

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, slf said:

Mark Wahlberg (actually all of the Wahlbergs). Terrible actor and he has this really, I'm not sure how to say it, obnoxiously macho vibe about him like he really believes he's the sort of tough 'badass' he likes to play.

He's just an awful person and it bleeds into everything he does as an actor. As a teen, he threw rocks and yelled racist things at school kids. Then there was the time a few years later he attacked a Vietnemese man with a stick and in getting away from that attack punched a different man and blinded him in one eye. And then a few years after that, he fought a security guard and his victim has to have his jaw wired shut. And yes, those things happened years ago but they're awful enough that I don't see that as a valid excuse. 

  • Love 9

As someone once put it to me, Scarlett is like an exotic Nordic beauty, which should be an oxymoron but isn't in her case.

Exotic Nordic beauty? When did the North European standard become exotic? 

Anyway, I don't hate her, but much like Margot Robbie and Jennifer Lawrence, I've never seen this amazing thespian on screen.  Perfectly fine, sure.  Agreed with topanga about Lucy - based on what I've seen to date, it was her best. 

Billy Crudup is an intellectual? Learn something new everyday. 

Still can't differentiate between Carey Mulligan and Mia Wasikowska.

I've never, ever understood the Jared Leto appeal, but I never watched My So-Called Life, either.  

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, vibeology said:

He's just an awful person and it bleeds into everything he does as an actor. As a teen, he threw rocks and yelled racist things at school kids. Then there was the time a few years later he attacked a Vietnemese man with a stick and in getting away from that attack punched a different man and blinded him in one eye. And then a few years after that, he fought a security guard and his victim has to have his jaw wired shut. And yes, those things happened years ago but they're awful enough that I don't see that as a valid excuse. 

I did not know about any of this and when I was googling it to see if he got any kind of punishment (served 45 days in prison, gee) I found this real gem:

Mark Wahlberg is one of many lucky people who nearly ended up on one of the hijacked 9/11 planes. Wahlberg was scheduled to fly on one of the doomed flights from Boston to L.A., but decided to leave a week earlier in order to see a friend’s movie at the Toronto Film Festival. But Wahlberg has never stopped thinking about what could have been. No, not his tragic, untimely death. Wahlberg thinks he could have defeated the hijackers and landed the plane, according to an online excerpt of an interview in Men’s Journal:

On being scheduled to be on one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center
“If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.’”

Wow. That's...wow. 

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, slf said:

I did not know about any of this and when I was googling it to see if he got any kind of punishment (served 45 days in prison, gee) I found this real gem:

Mark Wahlberg is one of many lucky people who nearly ended up on one of the hijacked 9/11 planes. Wahlberg was scheduled to fly on one of the doomed flights from Boston to L.A., but decided to leave a week earlier in order to see a friend’s movie at the Toronto Film Festival. But Wahlberg has never stopped thinking about what could have been. No, not his tragic, untimely death. Wahlberg thinks he could have defeated the hijackers and landed the plane, according to an online excerpt of an interview in Men’s Journal:

On being scheduled to be on one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center
“If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.’”

Wow. That's...wow. 


Does he think he's still Brock Landers?  Wow indeed.

  • Love 5
On 06/08/2016 at 1:49 AM, slf said:

I did not know about any of this and when I was googling it to see if he got any kind of punishment (served 45 days in prison, gee) I found this real gem:

Mark Wahlberg is one of many lucky people who nearly ended up on one of the hijacked 9/11 planes. Wahlberg was scheduled to fly on one of the doomed flights from Boston to L.A., but decided to leave a week earlier in order to see a friend’s movie at the Toronto Film Festival. But Wahlberg has never stopped thinking about what could have been. No, not his tragic, untimely death. Wahlberg thinks he could have defeated the hijackers and landed the plane, according to an online excerpt of an interview in Men’s Journal:

On being scheduled to be on one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center
“If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.’”

Wow. That's...wow. 

What a complete tosspiece. I've never liked Wahlberg, because it always seemed like he was the sort of air-headed jock he's played so many times, and his acting performance are uniformly bland and forgettable (seriously, he seems like the A-lister that producers turn to when everyone they actually want has said no). But this just cements my negative opinion.

I can only imagine that his success is based on a similar philosophy to Keanu Reeves' (who I think is an awesome guy, even if not a good actor), in that he's really easy for directors and actors to work with.

Also, regarding method actors, the Leto stuff is ridiculous. In my view, if you need to really disappear into the character full time or live that life for real, just to be able to play it, then you're not that talented an actor. I'm far more impressed by someone who can turn it on and off at will, becoming a character and the director shouts 'action' and then being a normal person after they shout 'cut'. Method acting seems like pretentious, self-important bullshit.

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

In my view, if you need to really disappear into the character full time or live that life for real, just to be able to play it, then you're not that talented an actor. I'm far more impressed by someone who can turn it on and off at will, becoming a character and the director shouts 'action' and then being a normal person after they shout 'cut'. 

Like Sir Ian McKellen. His acting process is a very simple one. (I couldn't resist. It was the first thing that came to mind, heh.)

I'm actually kinda surprised and disappointed to hear about Mark Wahlberg. For some reason I've always pictured him as someone with a sense of humour about his own image, but that sure doesn't sound like it.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Also, regarding method actors, the Leto stuff is ridiculous. In my view, if you need to really disappear into the character full time or live that life for real, just to be able to play it, then you're not that talented an actor.

While I was highly impressed with Jared in Dallas Buyer's Club, I completely agree with you.  My husband used to work in the industry and worked with a few method actors and said they are kind of a pain in the ass.  There's a story that when Dustin Hoffman was doing Marathon Man, he had to do a scene where he was sweaty and out of breath, so he went outside and ran laps around the parking lot as fast as possible.  Apparently, Lawrence Olivier looked at him afterward and said "my dear boy--it's called acting".  Which brings me to this:

1 hour ago, Schweedie said:
4 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

In my view, if you need to really disappear into the character full time or live that life for real, just to be able to play it, then you're not that talented an actor. I'm far more impressed by someone who can turn it on and off at will, becoming a character and the director shouts 'action' and then being a normal person after they shout 'cut'. 

Like Sir Ian McKellen. His acting process is a very simple one. (I couldn't resist. It was the first thing that came to mind, heh.)

My husband did work with Ian McKellen and said that one of the most amazing things was to see him to a gut wrenching emotional scene, then, when the director yelled "cut", he looked up and said "Right then, what's next?" He said it was like someone had flipped a switch.

Mark Wahlberg--Eh, I know he's an idiot, but I don't mind him in movies.  I thought he was great in Boogie Nights.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Shannon L. said:


Mark Wahlberg--Eh, I know he's an idiot, but I don't mind him in movies.  I thought he was great in Boogie Nights.

I'm going to be a contrary so-and-so and state that one of Paul Thomas Anderson's greatest gifts as a director is that he coax a good, if not great, performance out of anyone. When I say anyone, I mean anyone. Not only was Wahlberg great in Boogie Nights, but so was that vacant-eyed human mannequin Heather Graham (who normally couldn't act hot and thirsty in the Sahara). Anderson made a real actor (albeit briefly) out of Adam freakin' Sandler, for God's sake. 

  • Love 8

Method Acting: this may be my bias and refusal to believe anything negative about him, not to mention that I've never read or heard anything negative about him, but: ❤️❤️Daniel Day-Fucking!-Lewis.❤️❤️

i don't think he's full of shit or an asshole. And he comes from the RSC and method acting. Maybe he's the exception to the rule.

Not that I'm biased or anything.?

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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On 8/2/2016 at 6:40 PM, slf said:

Seeing Will Smith slam him reminded me of my hatred for Jared Leto.

Say about Jared Leto what you will, and obviously you just did, but Will Smith is the one encouraging his Light-Eating kids to be self-important little idiots. Jaden is 18 and Willow is 15, and they're well on their way to being Hollywood brats through and through. I consider it a worse offense that he's elected to pass on such entitlement to the next generation.

23 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Also, regarding method actors, the Leto stuff is ridiculous. In my view, if you need to really disappear into the character full time or live that life for real, just to be able to play it, then you're not that talented an actor. I'm far more impressed by someone who can turn it on and off at will, becoming a character and the director shouts 'action' and then being a normal person after they shout 'cut'. Method acting seems like pretentious, self-important bullshit.

Which brings us to Daniel Day-Lewis.

Sorry to any fans of his, but anybody who's walking around dressed up as Abraham Lincoln for weeks on end and asking his castmates to call him 'Mr. President' needs to take a breath and calm down. Yeah, he can act, but it seems a little off-kilter that he literally had to become Lincoln in order to pull off the role.

Snap, @GHScorpiosRule! :-D

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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5 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

Which brings us to Daniel Day-Lewis.

Sorry to any fans of his, but anybody who's walking around dressed up as Abraham Lincoln for weeks on end and asking his castmates to call him 'Mr. President' needs to take a breath and calm down. Yeah, he can act, but it seems a little off-kilter that he literally had to become Lincoln in order to pull off the role.

I guess I could have left the Will Smith stuff in. I find him, his wife, and his kids (not the oldest one) annoying. I must say that he and his wife surprise me at times with some entertaining performances.

I know at some point in the past I stopped liking Leto but started again. I don't know what prompted both changes. Now that I am hearing this method acting thing he does, I am back to not liking him so much.

And this method acting thing is the reason why I never cared for Daniel Day-Lewis. I don't pretend to understand how an artist prepares himself for his craft. For Lewis and Leto this process may be legit and needed. But, by all that is sane, it is annoying. For that reason alone, I say yuk!

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