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S10.E10: The Future Perfect

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This seemed like a lackluster ending to the story. It feels like there should be one more episode to show us what Earth is like after the aliens took over.

It also felt like Sarah Paulson had an outsized role in this story, but it occurs to me that Ryan Murphy has to keep her happy so she keeps doing these things. I did get a kick out of her obsession with establishing holidays.

That scene with Nixon praying with Kissinger really happened in real life, although I can't remember where I read that. I don't know why they introduced those lizard aliens in the final episode though.

And did they refer to the aliens as Thetans? Is that a deliberate reference to Scientology?

Wasn't Theta an alien-human hybrid herself? Why did they let her live?

Unanswered questions. Sort of the hallmark of this show. They never seem to stick the landing anymore.

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1 hour ago, peridot said:

Is that it? This ending just petered off.

Yeah, I kept looking to see if my DVR had cut off before the final segment. I really liked the historic stuff and frankly I think they should've just pulled the trigger and ended it by tying the pandemic into the alien stuff and left an ambiguous ending -- not sure why they got nervous about tying any historic events past 1979 to the alien treaty, they could've done a fun montage.

This way was just weird, and they really should've just had the present day stuff for like the last 5 minutes of each episode.


But I'll always appreciate Lizard Kissinger.

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yeah that was a total crash and burn finale. The only good parts was Sarah and Cody. Well that and finding out Tricky Dick got anal probed (BTW Cody had to have cracked up laughing at the "medical procedure" line)

Edited by madhacker
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Of all the possible historical people Ryan Murphy and Co. might have wanted to stick it to, Mamie Eisenhower would never had been on my list. I get that Sarah needs a juicy part and all that. But still that was an unflattering depiction to say the least.

That said, I wanted to know more about the lizards. Kissinger seemed very loose with showing his tongue around Nixon. What was their agenda? Was it like a V situation where they wanted food?  

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5 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

What was that? I have a fairly low bar for entertainment (I mean, I still watch Riverdale)...but this was just bad. 

I did enjoy Cody Fern, but even he couldn't save this.

Riverdale is hilarious! I can't wait for it to start up again so I can wash the taste of this out. What a disappointment when it started so strong. This started the best in years I thought only to fizzle out like a wet fuze.

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They're confirmed for 3 more seasons?!!🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯

Yeah... I think I'm gonna pretend the aliens actually did wipe us out, therefore I am dead and unable to watch anymore of this show. Human race extinct, series finale.

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People complained about the ending of Red Pill.  It might have been messy but it had a fun ending.  This was just pointless and sad.    I would have preferred if Mamie Eisenhower had turned out to be eviler then the aliens in some way but this was just boring and stupid. 


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Ok now I can tell my theory as to the ending. I was wrong but it would have been hilarious. I knew I hadn't nailed it when they said the first perfect alien baby would be born in 2021. Who knew what year it was before they said that?

Anyway, I thought it would be that the grown-up perfect alien babies were the Kardashians and Bachelor/ette contestants.

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2 hours ago, Chaos Theory said:

People complained about the ending of Red Pill.  It might have been messy but it had a fun ending.  This was just pointless and sad.    I would have preferred if Mamie Eisenhower had turned out to be eviler then the aliens in some way but this was just boring and stupid. 


Red Tide. A title which implied way more connection to the ocean than there was. The pills were black. Now you have me thinking of an AHS/Matrix crossover.

Yeah, she even said there was going to be a twist and then there wasn't.

3 hours ago, Daltrey said:

Riverdale is hilarious! I can't wait for it to start up again so I can wash the taste of this out.

Plus, Sabrina is coming.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness
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I should have known better than to trust AHS, I should have known better.  BUT I still loved the first few episodes of this season, so fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

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I thought the last five minutes would've shown us a little of the world either being taken over or post-taken over. I don't expect great things from AHS anymore--the only season since Hotel that I've truly liked was Apocalypse (barring 3 or 4 episodes), and I think that only happened because it was tied to my favorite season, Coven--but this was just weird.

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8 hours ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

Plus, Sabrina is coming

I couldn't get past the first three episodes of Sabrina but I like the actress and I'm interested to see what they do with the character. I have high hopes for some more pure insanity, lol!

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8 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I thought the last five minutes would've shown us a little of the world either being taken over or post-taken over. I don't expect great things from AHS anymore--the only season since Hotel that I've truly liked was Apocalypse (barring 3 or 4 episodes), and I think that only happened because it was tied to my favorite season, Coven--but this was just weird.

For me it was the last one, 1984. I dug the nostalgic Crystal Lake/Jason slasher vibe. And I actually quite liked the Red Tide half this season, it reminded me a bit of The original Pet Sematary.

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Yeah, I kept looking to see if my DVR had cut off before the final segment. I really liked the historic stuff and frankly I think they should've just pulled the trigger and ended it by tying the pandemic into the alien stuff and left an ambiguous ending -- not sure why they got nervous about tying any historic events past 1979 to the alien treaty, they could've done a fun montage.

They should have gone full on War of the Worlds and had it where after all that planning the aliens were suddenly wiped out by something minor, trivial or— better yet, stupid that humans did (and with the last half decade of real-life idiocy there’d be a lot to choose from for some fun social satire).   But noooooooooo, we get this “wait, that’s it?” cop-out of an ending?

Or tie it back into the first half of the season; just when the aliens think they’re winning, the zombified masses from Part 1 over-run Area 51 and mess everything up.  They could have done something, anything, other than making the whole of the second half of the season pointlessly go from Point A to Point A. 

Ryan Murphy’s shows are notoriously bad with endings— I’d say about 85% of his shows seriously mess them up— but both halves this season were particularly lame.


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Murphys shows went from not being able to deliver past 1 season to not even being able to deliver past 2 episodes. 


Still not sure why some humans were killed while others were used to breed countless failures. And if they didnt need them alive, why not just chop off all their heads and place a tin bowl on top to keep the bodies repopulating.

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I feel like they banged out this last story line as an afterthought. My 10 year old could come up with something more interesting, and less idiotic. I'm willing to tolerate garbage, because I like to be distracted while I'm on my stationary bike, but this was truly bad. 

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Yeah... that wasn't very good. 

Things I liked:

I like the mention of the Reptloids. In ufo "history", the Reptloids are the accepted enemy of the Greys and our aliens were clearly Greys. I also liked that this didn't in any way reference AHS: Asylum because I want those aliens to be free of this.

Loved the guy playing Eisenhower. I think the actor knew it was a shitshow but still played the hell out of it. 

Anal probing Nixon to resign was hilarious.

Things I think were meh:

I don't see why people like Cody Fern. I know he was playing the alien Mr. Data but really.

Things that sucked:

Really, Mamie wanted to live forever in a warehouse with absolutely no freedom? Really?

While neither female modern actress playing the pregnant girls were "good", it wasn't helped that the alien chick and Leslie Grossman were just phoning it in.

Why did the alien baby kill Troy? Why did the alien chick just dispose of the A Team? Why did they leave the bodies lying there for the pregos to find?

If the Greys can live on Earth for sixty years doing their secret breeding... why can't they just live on Earth? Why do they need a hybrid race when they clearly find humanity inferior?

Red Tide was better. Roanoke was still worse but...

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Kaia Gerber ending up as an actual robot-human hybrid seems a *little* on the nose.

It’s a little late in the run to introduce the reptilians but I still would have liked to know more about them - namely, why can they pass as human but the Greys have to hybridize?

Did Ryan Murphy’s dad vote for Eisenhower or something and Ryan never forgave him?  I would not have picked Mamie, of all people, to get such a revisionist treatment but I thought it was mostly fun and clearly Sarah Paulson knows which side her bread is buttered (Roanoke dissing aside.)

I liked Neal McDonough a lot too.

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1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Why did the alien baby kill Troy? Why did the alien chick just dispose of the A Team? Why did they leave the bodies lying there for the pregos to find?

1. Because it was a dangerous anomaly.

2. Because they shot the baby too instead of just their friend.

3. No idea.

1 hour ago, EllaWycliffe said:

If the Greys can live on Earth for sixty years doing their secret breeding... why can't they just live on Earth? Why do they need a hybrid race when they clearly find humanity inferior?

We didn't see any actual Greys living there.

18 minutes ago, Lethallyfab said:

It’s a little late in the run to introduce the reptilians but I still would have liked to know more about them - namely, why can they pass as human but the Greys have to hybridize?

From different environments.

Edited by Noneofyourbusiness
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7 hours ago, bobbyjoe said:

Or tie it back into the first half of the season; just when the aliens think they’re winning, the zombified masses from Part 1 over-run Area 51 and mess everything up.

I love that idea! As a matter of fact... F it, as far as I'm concerned, that's cannon.🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏👍

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5 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Yeah... that wasn't very good. 

Things I liked:

I like the mention of the Reptloids. In ufo "history", the Reptloids are the accepted enemy of the Greys and our aliens were clearly Greys. I also liked that this didn't in any way reference AHS: Asylum because I want those aliens to be free of this.

Loved the guy playing Eisenhower. I think the actor knew it was a shitshow but still played the hell out of it. 

Anal probing Nixon to resign was hilarious.

Things I think were meh:

I don't see why people like Cody Fern. I know he was playing the alien Mr. Data but really.

Things that sucked:

Really, Mamie wanted to live forever in a warehouse with absolutely no freedom? Really?

While neither female modern actress playing the pregnant girls were "good", it wasn't helped that the alien chick and Leslie Grossman were just phoning it in.

Why did the alien baby kill Troy? Why did the alien chick just dispose of the A Team? Why did they leave the bodies lying there for the pregos to find?

If the Greys can live on Earth for sixty years doing their secret breeding... why can't they just live on Earth? Why do they need a hybrid race when they clearly find humanity inferior?

Red Tide was better. Roanoke was still worse but...


All of this.

100% every bit of this.

Roanoke was the absolute worst.

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8 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

Kaia Gerber ending up as an actual robot-human hybrid seems a *little* on the nose.

It’s a little late in the run to introduce the reptilians but I still would have liked to know more about them - namely, why can they pass as human but the Greys have to hybridize?

Did Ryan Murphy’s dad vote for Eisenhower or something and Ryan never forgave him?  I would not have picked Mamie, of all people, to get such a revisionist treatment but I thought it was mostly fun and clearly Sarah Paulson knows which side her bread is buttered (Roanoke dissing aside.)

I liked Neal McDonough a lot too.

I remember reading years ago that Mamie was intensely jealous of the attention Jackie got during the election and was furious she was going to take Mamie's "position". When the Kennedy's visited the Eisenhowers after the election, as was customary, it was 2 weeks after Jackie had given birth via a C-section  and Jackie had very difficult pregnancies. Kennedy's people had requested a wheelchair for Jackie when Mamie gave her the tour. The wheelchair was provided by the WH and Mamie hid it in a closet. Jackie was too polite or too embarassed to ask, so the tour took quite a toll on her physically. Later, when this came out Mamie was asked why she did it and she responded that Jackie never asked for it. So, while I doubt she was as bad as this show portrayed her, she was not a very nice person. On that note  my favorite line of the night was when they were discussing getting Nixon to resign and Mamie says "can't you just kill him?" I really did lol at that one  And Mamie as Deep Throat? Too funny. OTOH, I did think Eisenhower was portrayed as a fairly decent guy-other than that when selling American citizens to Aliens-but at least he felt bad😀😃 My second favorite line if the night was when he said, basically I don't know what I regret the most, the Alien Tracy or paving the way for HIM to be President. Maybe Murphy should try comedy?

Edited by chlban
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6 minutes ago, chlban said:

I remember reading years ago that Mamie was intensely jealous of the attention Jackie got during the election and was furious she was going to take Mamie's "position". When the Kennedy's visited the Eisenhowers after the election, as was customary, it was 2 weeks after Jackie had given birth via a C-section  and Jackie had very difficult pregnancies. Kennedy's people had requested a wheelchair for Jackie when Mamie gave her the tour. The wheelchair was provided by the WH and Mamie hid it in a closet. Jackie was too polite or too embarassed to ask, so the tour took quite a toll on her physically. Later, when this came out Mamie was asked why she did it and she responded that Jackie never asked for it. So, while I doubt she was as bad as this show portrayed her, she was not a very nice person. On that note  my favorite line of the night was when they were discussing getting Nixon to resign and Mamie says "can't you just kill him?" I really did lol at that one  And Mamie as Deep Throat? Too funny. OTOH, I did think Eisenhower was portrayed as a fairly decent guy-other than that whole selling American citizens to Aliens-but at least he felt bad😀😃 My second favorite line of the night was when he said, basically I don't know what I regret the most, the Alien treaty or paving the way for HIM to be President. Maybe Murphy should try comedy?


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11 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I don't see why people like Cody Fern. I know he was playing the alien Mr. Data but really.


While neither female modern actress playing the pregnant girls were "good", it wasn't helped that the alien chick and Leslie Grossman were just phoning it in.


The reasons I like Cody Fern - (a) he's relatively new blood in the cast, and (b) he's pretty.  Same reasons I'm hoping Neal McDonough becomes a regular part of the troupe.

It's odd, because the one actress plays young Beth in This Is Us and she's fine in that.  Maybe Ryan Murphy silliness is not her thing.

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This was a lame season finale, but there were a few hilarious scenes and nice touches. I LOLed when Kaia Gerber's head was replaced with a giant ball. And Nixon getting anal probed was pretty funny too. I think the actor portraying Nixon is great, as well as the Eisenhower actor. They brought gravitas to a throwaway back half of the season that seemed like it was made just to fill airtime. I wanted to know more about the lizard people. Maybe that will be explored in a future story. Also, I wished the 2 parts of the season would have connected, but oh well. It's AHS so I don't have any high expectations for it anymore.

Edited by Mattipoo
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4 hours ago, TexasGal said:

The reasons I like Cody Fern - (a) he's relatively new blood in the cast, and (b) he's pretty.  Same reasons I'm hoping Neal McDonough becomes a regular part of the troupe.

It's odd, because the one actress plays young Beth in This Is Us and she's fine in that.  Maybe Ryan Murphy silliness is not her thing.

Cody Fern is one of my favorites of the present cast along with Evan Peters, Finn Wittrock and Frances Conroy. I love Sarah Paulson, too, and don't want her to go away at all, but I admit I feel a little overdosed on her. Macaulay Culkin was a really good addition; I hope he'll be back again. I wonder why Billy Porter hasn't been back since Apocalype for that matter--or Leslie Jordan? I miss Bates, Bassett, and Lange a great deal. When Lange first left, I was fine with that because all her characters started to feel the same in Freak Show. I wish she'd return for a season now and again though. I know Murphy talked about doing another season based on Coven at the end of Apocalypse; whenever the show ends, I would love it to be the final season and for Lange to come back for it.

I forgot to say in my last post, but as I was watching, I really thought the woman who had that weird detail about how she was allergic to some guy's sperm was going to end up being the Prize Cow that delivered the alien hybrid, not the Luddite.

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I agree they should have played with the idea of the aliens creating all kinds of distractions for the Americans so they wouldn't notice the alien baby laboratory. They could have shown how each year, each generation they kept having to up the ante and the distractions, culminating with the Trump presidency and the ultimate distraction of the Covid lockdowns. It was a letdown of an ending, but I was mostly entertained. 

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1 hour ago, GiandujaPie said:

I agree they should have played with the idea of the aliens creating all kinds of distractions for the Americans so they wouldn't notice the alien baby laboratory. They could have shown how each year, each generation they kept having to up the ante and the distractions, culminating with the Trump presidency and the ultimate distraction of the Covid lockdowns. It was a letdown of an ending, but I was mostly entertained. 

It wouldn't be that hard as long at they keep releasing a new iPhone every year.

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1 hour ago, GiandujaPie said:

culminating with the Trump presidency and the ultimate distraction of the Covid lockdowns.

I'm extremely glad they DIDN'T do this. I'm so tired of the pandemic and Trump and modern day, real world politics in general being crammed into every piece of so called entertainment. It's supposed to be escapism, a brief respite from the realities of life and the human condition, not a reminder of the crap we have to deal with on a daily basis. Granted, in some cases it's appropriate and has been done well - the final season of Shameless comes to mind -  but at the end of the day, I just want to take my brain somewhere else and be entertained.

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On 10/22/2021 at 1:14 PM, Daltrey said:

I'm extremely glad they DIDN'T do this. I'm so tired of the pandemic and Trump and modern day, real world politics in general being crammed into every piece of so called entertainment. It's supposed to be escapism, a brief respite from the realities of life and the human condition, not a reminder of the crap we have to deal with on a daily basis. Granted, in some cases it's appropriate and has been done well - the final season of Shameless comes to mind -  but at the end of the day, I just want to take my brain somewhere else and be entertained.

I generally feel that way too but I think in this case, it could have been funny. I mean, what could have been a bigger distraction from the alien baby laboratory than fighting each other over Covid? LOL And it would have given a nod to those who believe in Covid conspiracy theories. 


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1 hour ago, GiandujaPie said:

I generally feel that way too but I think in this case, it could have been funny. I mean, what could have been a bigger distraction from the alien baby laboratory than fighting each other over Covid? LOL And it would have given a nod to those who believe in Covid conspiracy theories. 


I'll agree that the potential was there...but I wouldn't have trusted these writers to handle it competently or make it work, lol. Ultimately, the best thing about this season, for me, is that they didn't even attempt to incorporate any of that.

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This show is just about incapable of sticking the landing, I admit I put off watching this because I didn't want to be disappointed...and now I'm disappointed. I was actually liking this season, especially the campy 50s/60s scenes, but the ending was so abrupt it almost felt like we got cut off before the actual finale. I thought a similar way about Red Tide, a lot of good build up but with a pointless and random ending. They also ended on such needlessly depressing and mean spirited notes where nothing that happened actually mattered and with every remotely sympathetic character dead, just making the whole story feel like a waste of time with a cruel twist ending. Its especially disappointing as I was liking this double feature concept, it seemed like a shorter season was helping the show avoid falling into the usual traps of useless padding and an ending that is usually somehow both abrupt and meandering, and for awhile it was, but then both petered out at the end. I can think of about thirty endings better then this off the top of my head, whoever wrote this is definitely going to have a future as a Pale One if they ever take any magic talent pills.  

Nixon getting probed was funny at least, and it probably says something about the episode that the highlight was an ass shove. 

Edited by tennisgurl
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I finally finished this one. Well, what can I say? Well, that was. And now it's done. As many have said, that was weird. Wish Samantha Mulder had been there. The X-Files, summed up in 4 weird episodes. Chris Carter should sue.

Love Neal M in everything he does, even when he's the bad guy. Mamie should come back from the dead and sue. My husband wants to know if Nixon was really a Quaker. I tried to explain logic flew out the window on this one. Where do the men gestate these little Cthulu babies anyway? Just cut it out without any thoughts about how you're going to stop the bleeding. Did ya bring sutures? All women who have had babies should sue.

Steve Jobs is an incubator? He should sue.

SOMEONE SHOULD SUE! MAKE RYAN MURPHY PAY!! I want my 2 hours back! The black and white parts had promise, until Mamie's hot pink moo moo ruined it.


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