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S01.E03: The Hunt

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With the survivors' food supply dwindling, Eve and Ty venture into the forest on a risky hunting expedition. As an unlikely rescue mission comes to fruition, Gavin must put his faith -- and the fate of his family -- in the hands of an old friend.

Airdate: Tuesday, 12 Oct 2021

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Just how dumb are these people? Did I miss something or do the present day people have no idea that the hole takes them back into the past? What was the point of carbon dating the ring then? They were acting like the pilot was dead when in reality they would have no idea what had happened to him unless they saw wreckage or the plane blowing up in the present. Did they really think they would keep communications with him if he were going thousands of years into the past or even if he was going to some mystery location? I guess it's too much to hope that they set up a way to communicate at least one way with the pilot leaving marked stones or something in a designated spot for them to find in the future. Thank goodness they have a psychic to tell them what's happening.

I find it weird that there are a bunch of people in the clearing with little to no speaking lines. At the end there were a bunch of people sitting around the campfire like NPCs while the main characters all talked. I guess there have to be some extras for the bears, tigers and wolves to eat from time to time. It was also funny how perfect the campfire was with the stones around it all the same basic size and shape.

Australian Stoner Guy continues to be the best. "Can I talk now?"

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At first I thought it was interesting that they were showing people in regular modern LA, but now I think it is a mistake. They can't rescue anyone since it ends the show, so they will have to continually fail. This will make them look stupid, and they already look pretty stupid. This rescue mission seems so badly planned. They send the guy alone? Shouldn't they have two people so one can be back up if something goes wrong? Shouldn't he go in the daytime so he can see better? I hope they at least sent him with supplies in case anything went wrong. Even if nothing went wrong it would be smart to send him with supplies because they don't know what animals he will face, the condition of the survivors, or how long it will take to get everyone out.

I liked stoner guy in this episode. But maybe they could have just taken some of the heroin for medical use and not tipped off the drug dealer?

I thought drug dealer guy was the smartest of the group, leaving the clearing to look for who set the traps. We know they are in 10,000 BC/BCE but I wouldn't believe that and for all they know they just have to hike a few miles back to civilization. They should be exploring. 

It was smart to get out of the cave through the water, but diving into the pond without checking the depth first seemed a bit hasty.

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Hmm. I was thinking of dropping the series, but shit just got kinda interesting! Premed dropout drains fluid from dad's back. Although, as much of a fraidy-cat as she is, dropping out may have been the wisest choice. She'll probably have an epiphany and decide to go back to med school.

Eve and co find a dead guy in a cave. They are not the first! Why didn't they check for his ID? It could have provided useful intel: a timeline or perhaps his disappearance was in the media, so they kinda know what happened and when? I'm also surprised they didn't circle back around to see if the rocks had fallen on the bear. Plenty of meat on that sucker for all! Oh, well. Mushrooms are pretty tasty, too. Eve's capable ex side piece shows up in a jet. Whoo hoo!

Edited by Ms Lark
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23 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I hope they at least sent him with supplies in case anything went wrong. Even if nothing went wrong it would be smart to send him with supplies because they don't know what animals he will face, the condition of the survivors, or how long it will take to get everyone out.

Or, IDK, AIRDROP SOME SUPPLIES DOWN THE HOLE VIA PARACHUTE? They know that humans survived just dropping 20K feet (?) into the light and are walking around. Send medical supplies, food and water for now. Tents or pre-fab housing. Weapons. 


Also, I hope they go clear out Dead Cave Guy. The gang is going to need more secure, defensible housing SOON. If the sloths here can fuck you up and the most defensible things you have are cars, they're just going to be snacks.

Edited by CoyoteBlue
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16 minutes ago, Ms Lark said:

Eve and co find a dead guy in a cave. They are not the first! Why didn't they check for his ID? It could have provided useful intel: a timeline or perhaps his disappearance was in the media, so they kinda know what happened and when? I'm also surprised they didn't circle back around to see if the rocks had fallen on the bear. Plenty of meat on that sucker for all! Oh, well. Mushrooms are pretty tasty, too. Eve's capable ex side piece shows up in a jet. Whoo hoo!

Yes, that would have been smart. I don't know if he would have had ID after years in the past, but at least look. Maybe the person is not even a dead guy, but a dead woman?

13 minutes ago, CoyoteBlue said:

Or, IDK, AIRDROP SOME SUPPLIES DOWN THE HOLE VIA PARACHUTE? They know that humans survived just dropping 20K feet (?) into the light and are walking around. Send medical supplies, food and water for now. Tents or pre-fab housing. Weapons. 


Also, I hope they go clear out Dead Cave Guy. The gang is going to need more secure, defensible housing SOON. If the sloths here can fuck you up and the most defensible things you have are cars, they're just going to be snacks.

Yes, dropping supplies would be a great idea. Better than losing that fancy plane. 

I agree they need better housing, but I'm not sure they would fit in the cave. Unless they were on the side with the caved in door, that area had tons of space. It had me wondering where in LA is a big underground cave?

Edited by KaveDweller
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"Oh no, the sloth ate all of our food! What will we do?"

Me: We're going to eat it.

It's LA. You just know some Youtubers were YOLOing livestream parachute/wingsuit/parasailing into the pit, perimeter security be damned.

This show is so stupid, I am actually enjoying it.


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36 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

It was smart to get out of the cave through the water, but diving into the pond without checking the depth first seemed a bit hasty.

Brain tumor guy was the self-appointed depth checker for the algal pond.
I was more impressed that 4 out of 4 people on the LA turnpike were scuba divers. 

So now we don't have to worry about brain tumor Ty accidentally shooting anyone with the gun he was carrying around like a water bottle or a cell phone.


17 minutes ago, CoyoteBlue said:

Or, IDK, AIRDROP SOME SUPPLIES DOWN THE HOLE VIA PARACHUTE? They know that humans survived just dropping 20K feet (?) into the light and are walking around. Send medical supplies, food and water for now. Tents or pre-fab housing. Weapons. 


Yes to airdropping medical supplies, food, water, and shelter. But weapons? Maybe stun guns. 
Jesus? Airdrop? Not Buddha? 🙃

The amount of shrooms they brought back looked like barely a few bites for all the red shirts.

If they can get vegan sloth to eat the heroin, there's a lot of meat on him/her. 

But, actually, am I the only one that was wondering what were the odds that the heroin doctor dad took for his surgery was laced with lethal amounts of fentanyl? 

And wouldn't Doctor Dad's daughter have tied her hair back for surgery? My hair was like hers at that age, and I would've.

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Have they tried lowering a rope with a basket of food and a note attached to it ?  Seriously, no one at DHS thought to try that.

Why did the DHS people expect anything different to happen to that plane than what happened to the drone ? 
Because they lost contact with drone in a similar fashion.

Despite several of these people having guns, nobody shot the giant sloth.   A slow moving target.
That sloth would have fed all of them for a while if they managed to dry it/preserve it.  Sloth jerky anyone ?

Why did we not get sabretooth rabbits ?  Come on show, that would have been awesome.

Now that everyone got out of the cave they should remove the rockfall from the entrance, eat the bear (as mentioned above), and setup camp in in the cave because they literally turned into Camp Dinner Bell this episode.

Eve's son healed quickly -- like really, really, really quickly. You would barely know that he still has a massive sutured gash across his abdomen.

So, Eve was having sexy time with Levi when Izzy got in the accident and lost her leg.  No wonder she feels guilty.  Combine that with the guilt Izzy has for losing grip on her mom's hand -- and I say they call it even.

Here's a question -- is time moving at the same speed in the past as it is in the present day ?  Or, are both locations moving forward in time at the same pace ?  Because that would throw a whole new wrinkle into things if time was moving faster/slower in the past.

The giant sloth CGI was ok, but the bear CGI was pretty bad.

So, do we now get a 'Super Ex-Navy Seal Doctor Dad hooked on smack' sub-plot ?

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3 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I agree they need better housing, but I'm not sure they would fit in the cave. Unless they were on the side with the caved in door, that area had tons of space. It had me wondering where in LA is a big underground cave?

Its still a bad idea to live in caves in a seismically active area. 

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2 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Have they tried lowering a rope with a basket of food and a note attached to it ?  Seriously, no one at DHS thought to try that.

Why did the DHS people expect anything different to happen to that plane than what happened to the drone ? 
Because they lost contact with drone in a similar fashion.

Despite several of these people having guns, nobody shot the giant sloth.   A slow moving target.
That sloth would have fed all of them for a while if they managed to dry it/preserve it.  Sloth jerky anyone ?

Do they make ropes that are more than 20,000 feet long? I am sure DHS could commission one, but it may take awhile. I have no idea why they thought the plane would go better than the drone. I think because of the psychic guy? I'm not sure how that was supposed to help if he wasn't the one flying.

About the sloth being slow moving....that reminds me of the old game Oregon Trail. When you hunted in it, the rabbits were really fast and hard to shoot. The buffalo was super slow and everyone could hit it. The sloth is like the buffalo. They totally should have shot it, and I say that as a vegetarian. It ate all their food, it's self defense.

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16 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

Yes to airdropping medical supplies, food, water, and shelter. But weapons? Maybe stun guns. 
Jesus? Airdrop? Not Buddha? 🙃

Heh, given the wildlife, grenades might be necessary. Steel machetes, boar spears, recurve bows with steel-tipped arrows, weapons that can last without running out of "ammo". Land mines might not hurt for a defensive perimeter. And nah, Jesus can take care of himself :)

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Nobody better kill my sloth! I love sloths! 😄❤️🦥 

Yeah, I don’t know why they didn’t extrapolate what happened to the drone to what would happen to the fancy jet.

Stoner Scott, Eve, and Ty are my faves. I’m enjoying the show as escapist fun. I also like that they have an actress who has a disability (amputee) in it in a major role.

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48 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

Do they make ropes that are more than 20,000 feet long? I am sure DHS could commission one, but it may take awhile. I have no idea why they thought the plane would go better than the drone. I think because of the psychic guy

I don't know if I can bring myself to watch this episode but these comments are hilarious! People dropping suppliers through the hole into the past? Giant sloths? Drug dealers and psychics? Dead guys in caves? I'd say sign me up, but on second thought I'll just keep visiting this thread. I'm enjoying it way more than I was enjoying the show. 

Snark on. 

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The present day folks can drop food, water, medicine, maybe some garden tools, seeds to plant food, weapons to hunt and skin the animals. Ice may be a challenge. Maybe some battery operated generators, a few tents, etc.

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Ty resurfaces in the cave:  "I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that there is a way out of the cave here.  The bad news is that we end up in Mojave."

I liked where Eve was conflicted about killing the rabbit, until the bear showed up.  Then it's "Go.  Run.  Be part of the food chain."

The clan people are probably watching the goings on and whispering to themselves, "Is this what we evolve into?  Really?"

Deputy was obviously downcast when Eve found the mushrooms.  Her position as self-appointed Keeper of the Food has been eliminated.

Stoner Scott is off my 'must die' list, to be replaced by whiny drug dealer.

It seems to be that it would have been far more efficient to design a system where they could lower 20,000' of communication cable, supported by cables, into the abyss.  It would take some serious engineering, but no more than the high tech Osprey that they just threw away.  Of course, it was necessary to complete the love triangle necessary for shows like this.

3 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

And wouldn't Doctor Dad's daughter have tied her hair back for surgery? My hair was like hers at that age, and I would've.

Considering that she put her dirty thumb over the top of the hypodermic sheath when his spinal fluid started leaking out, that's probably a moot point.

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So I really dislike the son, he's a bit of a jerk.. And that the show seems intent on throwing the doctors daughter and him together, when it would be a refreshing change of pace to see her with the stoner kid ( skipping past the racial implications) upsets me... That said I'm enjoying the show and will be back next week

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Any wagers on whether this show is going to even address the "butterfly effect" of all these people, vehicles, building bits, etc. falling 10,000 years into the past? 

I'm guessing no.

Starting to miss Land of the Lost. Might start skipping this -- except for the snark factor in here, it's pretty boring. 

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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Stoner Scott, Eve, and Ty are my faves. I’m enjoying the show as escapist fun. I also like that they have an actress who has a disability (amputee) in it in a major role.


10 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

You know, maybe I'm just nostalgic since I turn fifty tomorrow but dumb as it is, this is exactly the sort of show I would have adored as a kid. 

Stoner Guy is fun. 

I am digging this show so, so much. I just love TV shows that are a real escape from current reality, and have no issue ignoring the CGI, or questionable science. 

Love Scott (stoner dude). He's someone I'd totally be friends with and if we're going to have people hooking up, I'd like to see him with Riley. 

I'm glad they didn't show Eve killing the bunny, or the bunny dying. I realize they have to eat, but they don't have to show the process on TV.

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13 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

You know, maybe I'm just nostalgic since I turn fifty tomorrow but dumb as it is, this is exactly the sort of show I would have adored as a kid. 

Stoner Guy is fun. 

Happy Birthday!!

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12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Brain tumor guy was the self-appointed depth checker for the algal pond.
I was more impressed that 4 out of 4 people on the LA turnpike were scuba divers. 

Its a freeway but they were on surface streets here in LA, most likely Wilshire Blvd.  As for scuba diving, its extremely popular out here. Several doctors I work with along with some paramedics, fire fighters, fellow nurses and even the priest at our parish all scuba dive. We are right by the Pacific Ocean so that's not so abnormal. In fact in the mornings when I am leaving work I will see several vehicles/SUV's that all have the scuba symbol on the back. So when the earth isn't opening up and swallowing people and transporting them back to 10,000BC they are donning scuba tanks and diving off the coast. 

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15 minutes ago, Nicmar said:
13 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

You know, maybe I'm just nostalgic since I turn fifty tomorrow but dumb as it is, this is exactly the sort of show I would have adored as a kid. 

Stoner Guy is fun. 

Happy Birthday!!

I second that Happy Birthday! Woo hoo!

I was only partly watching this episode but my first thought when the giant sloth moved in was shoot it. Doesn't someone have a gun in that group?

Then the giant bear knocked down some rocks in the cave entrance and no one thought between all of them they couldn't move a rock or two and shimmy out through the hole? And no one noticed the hole in the cave roof shown in the background, the one that had sunlight shining through it? And how does algae grow in a pond that gets absolutely no sunlight? Maybe those were lily pads, which makes it even weirder than algae. Algae/lily pads can be eaten, unless it's blue-green algae, in which case these people are dead so it's a moot point.

The dead guy in the cave ... did anyone think to take his/her gun?

Do these folks have knives to skin out a giant beast and slice it up? I'm waiting for the batteries to run out in those flashlights. They really should have had some solar lamps along.

I'll try to pay more attention next week.

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1 hour ago, MyArchangel said:

Its a freeway but they were on surface streets here in LA, most likely Wilshire Blvd.  As for scuba diving, its extremely popular out here. Several doctors I work with along with some paramedics, fire fighters, fellow nurses and even the priest at our parish all scuba dive. We are right by the Pacific Ocean so that's not so abnormal. In fact in the mornings when I am leaving work I will see several vehicles/SUV's that all have the scuba symbol on the back. So when the earth isn't opening up and swallowing people and transporting them back to 10,000BC they are donning scuba tanks and diving off the coast. 

Except that 2/4 swimmers aren’t even from LA. Drug dealer and momcop are out-of-towners 

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2 hours ago, MyArchangel said:

Its a freeway but they were on surface streets here in LA, most likely Wilshire Blvd.  As for scuba diving, its extremely popular out here. Several doctors I work with along with some paramedics, fire fighters, fellow nurses and even the priest at our parish all scuba dive. We are right by the Pacific Ocean so that's not so abnormal. In fact in the mornings when I am leaving work I will see several vehicles/SUV's that all have the scuba symbol on the back. So when the earth isn't opening up and swallowing people and transporting them back to 10,000BC they are donning scuba tanks and diving off the coast. 

I suspended all LA reality when 24 decided you could 1) get cell service with Sprint in the subway (back then Sprint SUCCKKKKEDDDD) and 2) could get from the harbor to Burbank in like 20 minutes.


2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Thanks folks! For the record, my birthday wish was for Bill Shatner to not die on re-entry so I saved Captain Kirk!

Thank you for saving Capt. Kirk (and happy birthday)!

1 hour ago, Amy Beth said:

Except that 2/4 swimmers aren’t even from LA. Drug dealer and momcop are out-of-towners 

People from out of town can swim. Maybe they were on swim team, or played water polo, or used to live in LA or at another beach, or SCUBA as a hobby.

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I'm kind of getting into this show, although I find the surface stuff is kind of boring.  Is it great?  No, but for now in a safe predictable network way, it's kinda fun.

5 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Love Scott (stoner dude). He's someone I'd totally be friends with and if we're going to have people hooking up, I'd like to see him with Riley.

He's turning into one of my favorite characters.  I think he has better chemistry with Riley than Josh.

2 hours ago, saber5055 said:

The dead guy in the cave ... did anyone think to take his/her gun?

I thought Drug Dealer Son took it.

15 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

About the sloth being slow moving....that reminds me of the old game Oregon Trail. When you hunted in it, the rabbits were really fast and hard to shoot. The buffalo was super slow and everyone could hit it. The sloth is like the buffalo. They totally should have shot it, and I say that as a vegetarian. It ate all their food, it's self defense.

The problem (besides the thick hide and the claws that can tear apart trees) is that once it's dead, they're going to have to move about 4 tons of meat before a lot of predators smell it and come for it.  Actually, they should keep all their food somewhere safe like that.  Aren't there any food trucks that fell through the sinkhole?

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So the giant sloth moves really, really slowly but . . . eats really, really fast. Seriously. He snarfed down their entire food supply in about 2 seconds. What is his mouth made out of, a vacuum cleaner?

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21 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

So the giant sloth moves really, really slowly but . . . eats really, really fast. Seriously. He snarfed down their entire food supply in about 2 seconds. What is his mouth made out of, a vacuum cleaner?


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1 hour ago, Lugal said:

The problem (besides the thick hide and the claws that can tear apart trees) is that once it's dead, they're going to have to move about 4 tons of meat before a lot of predators smell it and come for it.  Actually, they should keep all their food somewhere safe like that.  Aren't there any food trucks that fell through the sinkhole?

Hmm, good point. I guess they can find something smaller to feed off of. 

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I kind of like drug dealer son…. Although I’m not convinced he is drug dealer as much as he was getting rid of his dads drugs ( the dad his mom shot? ) although it seems like he could deal OR  get rid of the drugs in Louisiana rather than driving a car with a trunk of heroin to California? Not so  impressed with his mom

Dead cave guy had been alive there for years in a pretty intact sweatshirt and the college name was still readable?  But no ID to indicate when/where he was born? 
Also since he was there for years and he killed himself,  the guy in the furs from episode 1 isn’t a killer? 

Is there a real reason why Gavins best friend had to have an affair with his wife?  Other than to add one more thing to the plot?  I really liked the idea of Gavin and Eve coming out of this together 



Edited by mythoughtis
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17 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I don't know if I can bring myself to watch this episode but these comments are hilarious! People dropping suppliers through the hole into the past? Giant sloths? Drug dealers and psychics? Dead guys in caves? I'd say sign me up, but on second thought I'll just keep visiting this thread. I'm enjoying it way more than I was enjoying the show. 

Snark on. 

I think by next episode I will no longer be watching but continuing to hang with you in this thread. I can put up with a fair amount of TV nonsense, but after this episode--and especially the introduction of the angsty triangle between Eve, Gavin, and his best friend Levi--I was thinking "Do I really want to waste a few hours of my remaining years of life on this?" However, my husband has a higher tolerance for TV nonsense than I do, so I may end up watching just to keep him company.

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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Dead cave guy had been alive there for years in a pretty intact sweatshirt and the college name was still readable?  But no ID to indicate when/where he was born? 
Also since he was there for years and he killed himself,  the guy in the furs from episode 1 isn’t a killer? 

Maybe the guy in the furs is the killer and he set it up to look like a suicide in case a bunch of people from the future ever came back and found the body? 

I'm guessing we will learn more about the dead cave guy at some point. Or someone else will find him and get angry at the others for keeping it secret.

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5 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Maybe the guy in the furs is the killer and he set it up to look like a suicide in case a bunch of people from the future ever came back and found the body? 

I'm guessing we will learn more about the dead cave guy at some point. Or someone else will find him and get angry at the others for keeping it secret.

I’m disappointed in the reaction to dead cave guy. The lack of curiosity about the idea of this happening before and what the circumstances were was odd. Every scrap of information would be helpful and they were only focused on the fact he failed to get home.

Edited by Amy Beth
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1 hour ago, mythoughtis said:

Is there a real reason why Gavins best friend had to have an affair with his wife?  Other than to add one more thing to the plot?  I really liked the idea of Gavin and Eve coming out of this together 

It was a little gratuitous, I agree. I do think it means Best Friend Pilot will align with Eve in the ensuing power struggle that is sure to happen. 

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46 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

Every scrap of information would be helpful and they were only focused on the fact he failed to get home.

It's the old "I/we have some secret information that we cannot possibly share with everyone else because..."  I'm looking at you, Lost.

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My first thought was echoed by many - why did they think a plane would make it when a drone didn't?  Although, I fully expected Psychic Dad to be flying the plane for some reason, maybe that beer Pilot Guy drank (!) when they were chatting.   I guess they're saving him flying down there for sweeps week.  Or the season ending cliffhanger, which will really be a series ending cliffhanger because these types of shows don't last on networks.

I did not think of them lowering food, supplies, etc. down the hole.  That's a great idea,  so it won't happen.

Why were they keeping all of the food in the middle of the clearing, anyway?  Why wasn't it in one of the trucks or spread among a few cars?  By the by, I would have shot that sloth and got as much meat off of it as possible, as well as that hide.  Could make a bunch of clothes out of that.  Drag it far away from camp (there's enough red shirts to do that), butcher it and leave what you can't handle for the predators.

Despite some stupidity, I'm good with the show for as long as it lasts.  Probably.


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2 hours ago, Amy Beth said:

I’m disappointed in the reaction to dead cave guy. The lack of curiosity about the idea of this happening before and what the circumstances were odd. Every scrap of information would be helpful and they were only focused on the fact he failed to get home.

Scott woulda been asking all the questions... But they didn't take him.. They forced him to be a weird sidekick to annoying son.. And his longing looks at Riley.. Ugh

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18 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Considering that she put her dirty thumb over the top of the hypodermic sheath when his spinal fluid started leaking out, that's probably a moot point.

That was the cleanest thing that she did. First, don't remove a sterile needle from it's plastic case until you are ready to use it. Don't hold it in front of three people for several minutes while you have a conversation with spit droplets landing on the needle. Then don't run your dirty finger along the entire length of the needle before you insert it into a persons body. I don't think putting her dirty finger in the fluid coming out of the needle would have had any negative effects.

9 hours ago, saber5055 said:

And no one noticed the hole in the cave roof shown in the background, the one that had sunlight shining through it?

This is what I was thinking, there were several beams of light shining from the roof of the cave, some of them were quite large. There was also water flowing from the cave into the pond, check for the source.

I am kind of surprised there are not more animals running around. If they are eating and cooking food, something large or small should be curious. They should find a source of water, there should be plenty of animals hanging around there. Throw all the food you don't want into a pit and something will come to check it out.

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I've been watching this, and I only have one thing to say:

Why do they keep having these moments where a threat appears, and someone will say "Don't move!", and then a few moments later "Run!"?  It's like the same scene over and over, with the same bad dialogue.


That giant sloth was kind of cool though.

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17 hours ago, UnoAgain said:

So I really dislike the son, he's a bit of a jerk.. And that the show seems intent on throwing the doctors daughter and him together, when it would be a refreshing change of pace to see her with the stoner kid ( skipping past the racial implications) upsets me... That said I'm enjoying the show and will be back next week

Racial implications? Huh? What racial implications? 

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17 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

Racial implications? Huh? What racial implications? 

White girls rarely get hooked up with non white boys on network tv. Stoner guy is handsome and actually more clever and useful than Eve's son, and more age appropriate as well, but the SEAL doctor's daughter isn't being pushed at Stoner Guy by the writing but to Eve's son... because they're white. 

I hope to be wrong but thats the racial implications I saw. 

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31 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

 the SEAL doctor's daughter isn't being pushed at Stoner Guy by the writing but to Eve's son... because they're white. 

Assuming they aren't white-washing Jon Seda, Failed Pre-Med is at least half Latinx. 

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I thought the family said they had just moved to LA, I had wrongly assumed that they moved there to get away from wherever they were living with the father, but the 14 months ago flashback showed the dad living in the house as well. I am guessing that the dad moved out, but I am not even sure of that. He seemed pretty comfortable there after the wife disappears. I still don't understand how they can afford that house.

If all the anomalies are giant holes in the ground, I don't see how the one in the Mojave desert closed up or did they just cover it up with something to keep it secret?

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9 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Racial implications? Huh? What racial implications? 


8 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

Assuming they aren't white-washing Jon Seda, Failed Pre-Med is at least half Latinx. 


9 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

White girls rarely get hooked up with non white boys on network tv. Stoner guy is handsome and actually more clever and useful than Eve's son, and more age appropriate as well, but the SEAL doctor's daughter isn't being pushed at Stoner Guy by the writing but to Eve's son... because they're white. 

I hope to be wrong but thats the racial implications I saw. 

Not sure if they're whitewashing him... I doubt it... But yes.. The prioritizing of the white male as the love interest over the POC...especially when it's men.. TV shows don't mind as much having a white man and a WOC... But two POC's... Or a White Woman and a POC... Doesn't pop up as much... I mean look at Chicago PD... They don't even let Atwater be alone with Hailey.. He never seemed to speak to Erin and how often is he with Burgess nowadays.. I'm hoping I'm wrong.. Scott would also be against norm TV tropes as well even if he was white I'd still feel like the show was angling the son and Riley and right away it feels forced

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