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S07.E07: September 7, 2021

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29 minutes ago, Jax7917 said:

Also , Becca with her  “ I’ve never not gotten a rose” and “ I’m not used to the possibility of being sent home “ dialogue … shut up . 

No kidding! If Becca is so great, why’s she slumming it on BIP. I find her pretty average in looks and personality and I wouldn’t even notice if she went home. 

I don’t usually follow any reality “stars” on Instagram but I followed Natasha out of principle. 

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2 hours ago, LakeGal said:

This show is so high school.  I watch how everyone reacts and it reminds me of teenagers.  Girls grouping to talk about their crush.  The men sitting at another table holding court.  Dating several different people that your friends have dated.  It is quite hilarious and sad at the same time.  

I wish this show would have something else for them to do.  Maybe have competitions or scavenger hunts.  Let the people win a date.  The date cards are so random.  I wish they had to work for the dates.  Plus when are they having another rose ceremony?  It is strange we have several episodes with no rose ceremony.  I really need to see some of these people dropped from the show.    

This is what Bachelor Pad was, but for some reason they reconfigured to ensure the show was about “love,” not money. Though, they still should have kept the concept of partnering in challenges to win dates rather than just giving a date card to someone most likely to break up another couple. If I recall correctly, if you lost the challenge you ran the risk of being sent home. But they could still have the people DO something here! They’re bored out of their minds—but I guess this is what keeps them all on the verge of a nervous breakdown, just as they like them.

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1 hour ago, SHD said:

Boy, is that group a bunch of terrible actors. There's no way any of them knew who Tituss Burgess was. Even the one woman explaining it could hardly get out the name "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt".

I cracked up at the expressions on their faces because most of them had no clue who he was.  I know I didn't. 

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If any of these people were genuinely looking for love, they'd trudge through the bleak world of dating apps and singles mixers like everybody else.  I have a feeling that they're all here "for the wrong reasons" 😄!  Also, did anybody catch the feral dogs eating Chris and Ayala's food during their make out?!

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I think the whole situation with Chris and Alana (?) was hilarious. I don't remotely remember either one of them from their seasons. Chris dumping Jessenia immediately, his pathetic "I"m so in my head" comment (WTF does that even mean???), the new couple thinking they had it made and then their spectacular uncoupling was awesome. Obviously, if you aren't one of the cool kids, you get chased off the beach. Chris thinking Alana would be overjoyed to leave with him. I know I shouldn't love this situation, but it completely entertained me.

Now they can kick Brendan and Pieper off -- they are vile.

They need to do something to fix this show -- it's one thing to have met someone and hope they'll be there, but another to have a relationship and just want a free trip and hurt people while waiting for your boo to arrive. Don't love people coming to paradise to work out their relationship (like Colton and Tia) or a messy triangle (Stagecoach Blake and his harem). The earlier seasons were trashy fun and didn't feel as manipulated (just like the Bachelor and Bachelorette).

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This is the first season I've watched, but after seeing a few episodes, and reading some behind the scenes notes on what it's like to film a season, all I can say is...gross. Everything is just so disgusting looking. Those couches and things must be moldy by the end of the season.

They do nothing except sit around, go on the occasional date, cry, and wander off to talk or make out, lol. I would be weepy too.

I feel bad for Demi, actually. Her trying to "win" a guy with sex is so sad. She's obnoxious as hell, but that scene with Kenny was uncomfortable. 

Becca is beautiful. Natasha deserves better.

Alana and Chris...who? I swear they both looked like giant vapid dolls. Her not wanting to leave her paid vacation was pretty hilarious though. 

No clue why Joe and Riley were policing everything all of the sudden.

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I’m just now watching this since I only caught the first thirty minutes last night so just a few random comments. The only newcomer I remember was Chelsea out of the three (four?) girls.

Becca saying “Let’s Partay” sounded like if you heard your mom say that to your friends in high school. Just don’t, it’s embarrassing. 
I’m still pissed that Brendan said, “why is she still here?” about Natasha, like she should be the one to tuck tail and go home. I’m don’t think so!

Chris is an ass.  At least be a little discreet about making out the first five minutes.  Such a lame “I don’t know where I am” breakup with Jesennia. 

Noah has turned out to be such a dud. He can’t even feign any excitement about Abigail after going in hard and fast for her in the beginning and she thinks she’s the problem.  Girl, just no.  

Demi is so pathetic, she’s like a little girl playing at being a woman and getting it all wrong. I can’t believe she’s so hurt that someone wouldn’t automatically fall in love with her because she went to the boom boom room. You can’t have it both ways. 

That party sucks. My high school prom thirty years ago was nicer.  

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9 hours ago, LBS said:

Funnily enough it was Becca’s season.

I think my main issue with Chris, Jessina, and Alana thing is that Chris shouldn’t have made out with Alana in front of everybody.  It’s totally fine to feel a bigger ‘spark’ with someone else. Jessina had the spark with Chris over Ivan.  But she didn’t maul Chris in front of Ivan.  Chris showed a lot of disrespect to her.  However as soon as someone literally said ‘BRB’ to me, any sort of a spark would of left my body immediately. 😂

Demi continues to infuriate and sadden me.  I feel that she needs a lot of therapy.  She desperately wants to be the manic-pixie fun girl but I think she has too much insecurity to pull it off.  She attacks when her ego gets bruised.  

So glad Natasha finally said something to the group when they were done eviscerating Chris for the same thing (much more actually) Brendan did.

ETA: that party resort was super creepy!  At one point, they showed a window that was papered over.  I’m sure they were just glad to be in AC.

I still resent Demi for pretending she was gay to garner all kinds of spotlight and it was so obvious she was just there for the story . I know that a lot of folks have people to “ hate watch” but i truly do not want to see her on my screen ever again. And she snarks about gaydar . She is one of the nastiest people i have ever seen. 





Did i hear Becca say last nite “ let’s do the thing “ ughhh

  • Love 14
2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

And I'm still wondering why Maurissa broke down crying.  Was it the sweat, heat and alcohol--or just a grab for attention?

Talk about Mental.  Could you imagine being in a relationship with someone like that and  the drama having to deal with someone freaking out like that ?  No thanks.

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2 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

And I'm still wondering why Maurissa broke down crying.  Was it the sweat, heat and alcohol--or just a grab for attention?

I was wondering too! Was it because she felt bad for Jessenia and/or Natasha and/or Tammy or seeing others pairing off with someone new made her feel vulnerable with Riley? Probably the latter, she has major insecurities. I could live without seeing her suck whipped cream off Riley’s toe next week though because that might make me cry. That is just NASTY!

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2 minutes ago, greeneyedscorpio said:

Brendan trying to do damage control.  Why did it take until Wednesday night (and a loss of 80K followers) to take the snarky post from Monday down?  Too little too late, imo.  He's shown us who he really is.  863320146_ScreenShot2021-09-08at7_58_26PM.png.e993e9dc9d2c3fe3f3f172180540b177.png

My guess is that when his followers kept going down and down he spent yesterday watching and slowly absorbing just how big a mistake he made…otherwise he would have taken down that “here for the wrong reasons” post a heck of a lot sooner.  

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9 hours ago, chocolatine said:

"I had no idea of the magnitude of hurt that I caused" = "I had no idea of the number of followers I would lose"

Yeah, I mean, if you are truly a decent person you can't act the way he did and really think you wouldn't hurt or upset someone.  Come on.... even a child knows better.  He literally had just bragged about his couple status with Natasha hours before Pieper came on, and then still proceeded to say those things to Natasha as if she had imagined it all.  We all know it wasn't some great love story, but you can still respect the person.  

As for Pieper, I am not sure why he is taking her off the hook as part of the issue was the instagram follower plot, which she was a part of, and that is a big thing many took issue with.  So she is not innocent either, and she posted on her insta as well basically bragging about the situation.

Edited by alexa
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Comment removed because I mixed up contestants  

Btw, apparently after, in early June, US Magazine stated that Brendan and Pieper had been seeing each other since April (taking turns flying to Boston/New York), Pieper had a follower increase of 10,000.   Could this have been what inspired the plan?

Edited by DEL901
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1 minute ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Every person on this show is a fame whore so I guess I have a problem distinguishing between the good ones and the bad ones. It's okay if you don't talk about it? 

They're supposed to pretend that they're there to find love. If they get more followers and/or other media opportunities in the process, that's a nice side effect, but not supposed to be the ultimate goal.

And the people with the most followers and media success are the ones who pretend not to care about it all, like Grocery Joe, so anyone who's smart knows not to talk about those things on camera.

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Well, I’m stupid and don’t know how to insert a link, but I just read an article in Us Weekly titled “Pieper James Wants to Make Things Right” and she further declares “I’m not an extension of Brendan.”

The really disingenuous part is where she says  she was excited to see “ a guy that I had connected with” before the show, and “was looking forward to see if that connection could grow into something more.” That sounds exactly the reverse of when she scolded Brendan for downplaying that they were fully boyfriend and girlfriend already. Also that they congratulated each other on what they thought were their superlative game-playing skills.

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1 hour ago, Arkay said:

Well, I’m stupid and don’t know how to insert a link, but I just read an article in Us Weekly titled “Pieper James Wants to Make Things Right” and she further declares “I’m not an extension of Brendan.”

The really disingenuous part is where she says  she was excited to see “ a guy that I had connected with” before the show, and “was looking forward to see if that connection could grow into something more.” That sounds exactly the reverse of when she scolded Brendan for downplaying that they were fully boyfriend and girlfriend already. Also that they congratulated each other on what they thought were their superlative game-playing skills.

Especially since they apparently flew to each other’s city to see each other over a two month period. 

Edited by DEL901
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One of the things that i find interesting about these two (Alana and Chris are just less competent) is that they organize their lives so that they can be within the bachelor bubble and make money off of their “fame” within the bubble yet forget that that means they are constantly being observed.  

i realize that this is true of some actually famous people who resent being famous.  But they tend to be famous for doing something—even if it for being in movies or tv where publicity is a constant thing.  But these people are really “barely famous” for being part of a television space which operates on the lack of privacy.

They also violated the pretense that the bachelor cares about them.  They got burned not only because they were dumb and cruel in their actions but because they tried to play the producers.  And they paid for that. 

But the whole narrative of “I watched it back and now see that i said nasty things” speaks to how much the bubble makes them ignore that they are interacting with real people.  And being observed like rats in a maze.

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10 minutes ago, nlkm9 said:

Is anyone else incredibly irritated by Tammy? Be tween her  blown up lips and her constant butting on everyone’s business , i guess i don’t understand how she holds a guys interest . We’ll at least she doesn’t speak with a vocal fry , that’s a plus !

I'm really irritated by her fake eyelashes. Every time she's on screen I want to reach through the TV and pull them off. They're so distracting, I can't even pay attention to anything she's saying.

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14 minutes ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

Speaking of Tammy, why is she even still there??? There's a few other people who haven't made a connection , why are they still there?   This show needs more rose ceremonies to eliminate some of the tossers and make room for new competition. 

The show has had 2 rose ceremonies and 5 or 6 episodes.   What the heck…?

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1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

I'm really irritated by her fake eyelashes. Every time she's on screen I want to reach through the TV and pull them off. They're so distracting, I can't even pay attention to anything she's saying.

I think she may not be used to false eyelashes, or maybe she uses ones that don't fit her well.  I noticed that when she was crying, the lashes were hanging off weirdly, and yeah, it was distracting.  maybe the BEACH isn't the place to wear fake lashes?  (I don't know, I"ve never even tried to wear them)

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12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I'm really irritated by her fake eyelashes. Every time she's on screen I want to reach through the TV and pull them off. They're so distracting, I can't even pay attention to anything she's saying.

see its her lips that irritate me lol. an example of a person who is attractive but as soon as she speaks.....

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23 hours ago, Bobcatkitten said:

Every person on this show is a fame whore so I guess I have a problem distinguishing between the good ones and the bad ones. It's okay if you don't talk about it? 

I guess they're all there for clout but I guess the rule is you have to be at least be open to forming a love connection on the beach--so single.

Brenda and Pieper, from an audience perspective, are bad because of the way they lied to and used Natasha.

Chris and Alana are bad from a beach perspective because they're thirsty for followers I guess?  And they think Chris and Alana knew each other from before.  I think they probably got a raw deal as it seems like Chris knew both Alana and Jessinia but didn't date either one before BIP.

15 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

I guess im trying to figure out how pieper and alana are ok with their boyfriends making out with other people. I cant imagine.

Well, for Alana, he isn't her boyfriend.  And Brendan held back from Natasha for a long time.  Natasha said on a podcast the other day that he broke out the


"want to take it slow because of my divorce" excuse again.

I put that bit in spoilers because I can't remember if it was mentioned on the show.

Edited by Irlandesa
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33 minutes ago, Starlight925 said:

Wow!  You go Natasha!  I DM'd her.  I simply said "Grace + Class = YOU!"

By contrast:


The best part…she started with around 64,000 followers and he was over 349,000.  

23 minutes ago, LilDumplin said:

Thanks you all for the links to those trackers, I have been living for them the last few days!!!  

Me too

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So, are we just not going to talk about the randomness of "Kate Walsh" from Cruel Summer showing up as a singer at the lame VIP party? Was this filmed before CS aired or something, seems like her career is too good to be appearing on a crap show like this.


Jessenia, who is wearing a long-sleeved shirt, looks at Alana wearing a bikini top and wrap skirt and snarls, “Why is she wearing a gown?! It’s hot out!” That just made me laugh that she’s trying so hard to hate any and every random thing about this girl. Oh, jeez, Chris didn’t really need to make a big proclamation that everyone will be mad, but I’m following my heart! Okay… Becca and Joe’s re-enactment was pretty funny.

That was my favorite moment of the episode, the delivery was so funny. Like she knew she was being petty and couldn't help herself. And I'm enjoying Becca and Joe's vibe, they do seem like they're having some fun just hanging out and watching the drama.


I don’t think 3 contestants can just up and decide to kick 2 other contestants off the show—but, damn, it worked! That was cold-blooded of Alana! Chris seemed content to leave with her and date in the real world, but she was pissed that she had to leave within 24 hours “because of him”—and wouldn’t even let him sit in the same car! Mind you, had she played it cool and not zeroed in on kissing him and not even letting Jessina talk to Chris at the party, then their cover wouldn’t have been blown and all would have assumed they made a new connection, so Alana was really the one who blew up their cover. And now Natasha is pissed that no one grabbed their pitchforks after Brendan on her behalf.

Alana came across sooooo desperate, like she'd worked for months on her looks, her outfits, her nails, she was ready for her close-up and it went SO sideways, SO fast. 

What the eff was up with that hand-holding proposal moment they did on the return from their date?? Did they think that up or did some cruel producer tell them to do it, knowing that the pitchforks were awaiting them down on the beach? If it was their idea, I guess it was part of the plan to become the new Jade and Tanner or whatever. 

I knew before she even said anything that she wasn't down for leaving early, her speech on entry was about having gone home night 1 and wanting to make an impression this time. But oops, night 1 exit again! How she thought she was going to salvage the experience after Chris left was beyond me, glad she wised up and left, that would have been hard to watch.


These people are so stupid to come here to date someone they already like.  Just date the person in real life.  Duh.  I mean in the end you might get better attention for striking up a romance post Bachelor.  Other couples do…better than looking like idiots.  

I can understand why they'd rather come on the show than just date in real life. They get to be on TV, probably get paid (right?) and have opportunities to make money on social media later. 

Also, for complete nobodies who went home night 1 (Grocery Store Joe excepted), nobody cares who they date in real life, so the Chrises and Alanas would never get any attention for striking up a romance in real life. There's a reason the Men Tell All and Women Tell All shows are always loaded with Night 1 eliminees trying to grab that spotlight for a little longer despite not having been there for most of what happened.


All I can think off is that a) Natasha defended herself just fine, b) Chris, unlike Brendan, pissed off the guys with his questions about followers and c) the producers put the guys up to it since Chris is a nobody in Bachelor Nation snd Brendan was top 4. . 

Chris and Alana were easy pickings for the mob. Nobodies who were so obviously thirsty to become Bachelor Nation famous. Chris and Chasen came in trying to become a known bro couple and that flamed out, so Alana was plan B. But neither one of them really had the charisma to make the kind of splash they want to, so their dreams of being relevant were quickly dashed.


Demi is calling Mari mean and evil?! She’s the one who’s always insulting everyone and acting like she’s better than everyone. He took you to the Boom Boom Room?! Is that why the cameras show us you begging to go to the Boom Boom Room every time you talk—and Kenny keeps coming up with excuses to slip away from you?

She's starting to scare me a little. I assumed that she was a savvy player in this reality TV world and most of what she said was basically an act. But the crying and trying to trash Mari to make herself seem better, I don't think she's acting. I'm stunned that she doesn't realize how transparent and, frankly pathetic, she's coming across. 

Also, who knew Kenny would end up being a relatively good guy? I guess I'm judging him by his Jersey Shore-esque appearance, but I've been pleasantly surprised at how much effort he seems to put into not being a jerk to any of the women in his orbit and trying to space out his interactions so he's not hopping from one to the other in front of anyone. 

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On 9/9/2021 at 8:10 AM, alexa said:

Yeah, I mean, if you are truly a decent person you can't act the way he did and really think you wouldn't hurt or upset someone.  Come on.... even a child knows better.  He literally had just bragged about his couple status with Natasha hours before Pieper came on, and then still proceeded to say those things to Natasha as if she had imagined it all.  We all know it wasn't some great love story, but you can still respect the person.  

As for Pieper, I am not sure why he is taking her off the hook as part of the issue was the instagram follower plot, which she was a part of, and that is a big thing many took issue with.  So she is not innocent either, and she posted on her insta as well basically bragging about the situation.

Brendan's divorce is suddenly making a lot of sense, he sure has a knack for being an asshole while pretending to be thoughtfully communicating. 

This little gesture of falling on his sword for Pieper is just another backdoor way of trying to come out looking like the good guy to overshadow what a dick he was earlier. Katie should take note, THIS is what a gaslighter looks like. 

He's purporting to take her off the hot seat, but banking on the idea that the gentlemanly gesture will subtly earn him back some goodwill. 

Interesting that he paused his Cameo, I wonder if it was just people paying $9 for the chance to tell him he was an asshole to his face. 


My guess is that when his followers kept going down and down he spent yesterday watching and slowly absorbing just how big a mistake he made…otherwise he would have taken down that “here for the wrong reasons” post a heck of a lot sooner. 

Yeah, that shit should have come down the minute he saw the episode. Ideally, it would never have been posted at all, but given everything else he's done, I can't expect that much from this guy. 

I guess he was banking on the "any publicity is good publicity" premise, which typically is true, but the Unfollow campaign gained traction and started to hit him where it hurt. The internet giveth and the internet taketh away...

Also, " a full statement and apology will follow..." What exactly was that long ass message? And please have a seat with the gravitas, Mr Bachelor in Paradise contestant. It's not that serious to anyone but you. People are enjoying the schadenfreude for the moment, but they'll move on and you'll still have torpedoed your own opportunities.

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