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S11.E16: Threats and Promises

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Jeebus. Are there tire tracks on Sutton’s back? She got thrown under the bus at least twice, thanks to Rinna and Kyle.

I don’t think Garcelle was setting up anything with the Gucci pants comment — she realized as soon as she said it that she shouldn’t have brought it up. But there was Rinna, gleeful as usual, filling in Erika. At least that pot o’shit didn’t get stirred — yet.

I am SO glad Garcelle brought up the auction. It’s always bugged me that Kyle was so quick to basically accuse Garcelle of welshing, without: 1) waiting for the charge to be posted; or 2) asking Garcelle privately about it. But Kyle has bought with hardly a question whatever Erika’s selling — which is a lot worse. 

It’s now clear that everyone has doubts about Erika, and they’re using Sutton as a human shield to take the heat because they don’t have the guts to confront her themselves. No, Kyle, that is not being a good friend. Air quotes were appropriate. 

Rinna and the food. I’m sure she has the same reaction to a sleeve of saltines. She just doesn’t like to eat. Period. Still, her attitude at Garcelle’s table seemed to me a bit rude, but at least she didn’t spit out anything into her napkin, as other Howives on other franchises have done. Live a little, Lisa. Try new things. Haitian food is delicious — just do more Insta bump-and-grinds to work it off.

Erika seemed genuinely disappointed that Sutton showed up at Garcelle’s. The threats and bared teeth didn’t work. And how much did that mini glam squad cost?

Dorit looked pretty at the dinner, and I’m glad she didn’t go into a full play-by-play of her and PK’s courtship.

3 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Who is in favor of getting rid of everyone aside from Sutton, Garcelle, and Kathy? I just can’t with the rest of them. 


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14 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

Who is in favor of getting rid of everyone aside from Sutton, Garcelle, and Kathy? I just can’t with the rest of them. 

I'd love this but unfortunately I think at least Kyle, Lisa and maybe/possibly Dorit will continue. I bet Erika will want to continue because she doesn't have any other source of income (that we know of...) but it all depends how fast things play out with her lawsuit(s). 

I bet Crystal thought she was going to be a part of the Fucked Up Five, and she might've been, but other than her tiff with Sutton her entire storyline has been that of a lackey. 

Obviously fan favorites Sutton and Garcelle are locked in, but I wonder if Garcelle will have the energy to endure another season, I just don't think she's that invested. I know they are all co-workers and not friends, but Garcelle only seems to have a soft spot for Sutton and barely tolerates the rest. 


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3 hours ago, TheCouchPotato said:

Who is in favor of getting rid of everyone aside from Sutton, Garcelle, and Kathy? I just can’t with the rest of them. 

I wouldn't even blink.  I'd forget all of them like I did Teddy.  Only because of flashbacks do I remember that she exists.  

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6 minutes ago, charliesan said:

I'd love this but unfortunately I think at least Kyle, Lisa and maybe/possibly Dorit will continue. I bet Erika will want to continue because she doesn't have any other source of income (that we know of...) but it all depends how fast things play out with her lawsuit(s). 

I bet Crystal thought she was going to be a part of the Fucked Up Five, and she might've been, but other than her tiff with Sutton her entire storyline has been that of a lackey. 

Obviously fan favorites Sutton and Garcelle are locked in, but I wonder if Garcelle will have the energy to endure another season, I just don't think she's that invested. I know they are all co-workers and not friends, but Garcelle only seems to have a soft spot for Sutton and barely tolerates the rest. 


Not a fan of Crystal’s, but I’m willing to give her another season. This one’s been too contaminated by Erika’s drama to really get a sense or who/what she is. If there is any justice in this world, Erika would not be back. (So…she’ll be back.) I can definitely see Garcelle leaving. She doesn’t need this shit.

Dorit, Rinna, and Kyle will be there for as long as the franchise lasts, unless they pull a Vicki Gunvalson and insult Andy. That, plus they really have nowhere else to go.

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4 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I wouldn't even blink.  I'd forget all of them like I did Teddy.  Only because of flashbacks do I remember that she exists.  

I had forgotten the way Erika took out after Teddi — over what I forget, but I think “liar” came up. (Erika, why do you always get so bent out of shape about your truthiness?) That attack was worse than what happened to Eileen, IMO.

The show is doing a great job of showing her MO when she’s questioned. That alone speaks volumes.

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1 minute ago, RoseAllDay said:

Not a fan of Crystal’s, but I’m willing to give her another season. This one’s been too contaminated by Erika’s drama to really get a sense or who/what she is. If there is any justice in this world, Erika would not be back. (So…she’ll be back.) I can definitely see Garcelle leaving. She doesn’t need this shit.

Dorit, Rinna, and Kyle will be there for as long as the franchise lasts, unless they pull a Vicki Gunvalson and insult Andy. That, plus they really have nowhere else to go.

One thing has to happen for me - Erika needs to be gone (in my dreams she is doing the Cell Block Tango for real). She contaminated relationships (some weak women, but still…) this season.

I, too, am willing to give Crystal another season, even though I haven’t been a huge fan.

Sutton and Garcelle need to come back.

I would like Vyle to be fired. She is not a “true friend” (air quotes or italic quotes). 

Lipsa is awful, but not as two-faced, but I would like her gone.

Dorit is annoying but not inherently mean.

Kathy Hilton’s butler(?) needs to be a friend of…



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7 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Erika crossed many lines last night. Viciously teething at someone like Mike Tyson is not ok. This is what? The fourth time she's done this? First Eileen, then Teddi, then Garcelle, now Sutton. When will the coven put her in her place? Why is this behavior ok?

I'm disgusted with all of them even more than Erika. We all know what Erika is. It's well-documented. Why do they allow it? Why the fuck didn't Kathy Hilton tell Erika to take her threats, promises, and spittle out the damn door? Condoning this behavior is despicable.

Thank God Garcelle has some sense.

Crystal is still hanging on to beef with Sutton, and using this situation to beat up on her by proxy. In the process, she's aligning herself with a horrid human being.

Sutton didn't back down and she was not intimidated. She attempted to have an adult conversation with Erika. Erika declined. That's IT. You don't just get to scream at and word-vomit on someone who has made clear they do not want to talk to you. Erika declined the conversation; Sutton took the social cue and disengaged. That was appropriate. The problem was that Rinna and Kyle don't have the balls to be straight with Erika, so they sent Sacrificial Lamb Sutton in to do their dirty work. 

As hostess, Kathy should have put a stop to Kyle's antics like they did with Dorit. Then, once Erika's fangs were activated like a busted True Blood extra, Kathy should have had the butler buttle her bubble butt right out the damn door. 

I can see why Sutton was too in shock to respond properly. It's NOT normal to encounter that kind of viciousness in a large group and have NO ONE really try to put a stop to it. Even Garcelle should have said more in the moment.

Lawd help me when Dorit was the only one willing to point out to Mistress of the Dark that making such threats is exactly why Sutton wanted to consult a lawyer in the first place.

Also, Sutton simply pointed out she didn't believe ALL of Erika's stories. She was honest about it, to the group and Erika. She didn't make any bombshell allegations about Erika. She owes zero apologies... especially to Kyle. Kyle didn't act like a friend and I was screaming at my TV when Sutton apologized to her. Blech. Kyle becoming like Bethenny and I'm NOT here for it.

Newsflash, harpies: You can call someone a liar and make your views clear WITHOUT screaming at them like a shrew. All Sutton did was keep it classy. Guess they couldn't possibly recognize that.

The anger belongs squarely on Kyle for that dinner debacle. She engineered it right in the open. By the way, it is NOT weak or cowardly to remove yourself from the path of a human tornado psychopath. When someone's teeth are in my face, I walk away. Especially when 6 other women are watching and condoning it. No one deserves or should allow themselves to be subjected to that kind of abuse and disrespect. You pull a Meredith Marks, calmly get up, and disengage. It demonstrates self-respect. 

Now kids, let's pull out our history books,  because after the last two seasons I didn't threaten - I promised - that I'd come for these women if they pulled their coven act again. And I'm here to deliver:

2019: LVP, after recently losing her brother to suicide, is mercilessly beat up on by this group for... outing a dog-dumper. They are CERTAIN she planted the story and refuse to believe anything she says. In the process of shouting for "truth," they SIDE with a woman who DUMPED A DEFENSELESS DOG. Kyle literally walks into her bff's home for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of calling her a liar, and that was cool, but Sutton saying she thinks Erika lied to the group about a few things? Worthy of bussing and allowing Erika to verbally abuse her. Got it. 

2020: Denise was publicly, relentlessly accosted at every meal last season because the Vacant Parasite reappeared and decided she wanted more camera time. An alleged sexual encounter, which could have ruined Denise's marriage and family and affected exactly ZERO of her co-stars, was worthy of trying to destroy Denise now matter how many times she UNEQUIVOCALLY denied it. They just all  believed she was lying, so nothing was off limits. They called her a liar every fucking day, and she never threatened them or nearly bit their faces off. Bravo Bravo Bravo reminds me of simpler days.

2021: Erika is embroiled in a massive fraud case involving stolen funds that were meant for widows, orphans, burn victims, and plane crash survivors. She rewrites the last 3 years of Tom's medical history, the last decade of their marriage, presents new medical issues on his behalf, offers proof of a mean man with a mistress, then advocates for a demented old man who just doesn't know better, has money, doesn't have money, doesn't know how to use a bank card after 30 years of living as a middle-class worker, never mentions the victims, knew what she was doing when she left, had no choice, wants to talk about it, can't talk about, won't let anyone else talk about it... and one person pointing out her stories aren't straight is just too much. Bitch please.

As Bethenny always said, you can't play smart and stupid at the same time. The fact that everyone is so afraid of her and refuses to question her, and won't stand up to her when she behaves like a savage, are just too much for me. Contrast this with what went on over in NJ 8 years ago, and the fucking hypocrisy is stunning. They had Tre in jail for decades... but add several tens of millions and a lear jet, and we just have to sit tight and let Erika Jayne tell her story. FUCK THAT.

Fuck me, PK reading the situation to Dorit makes me want to hug him. Amazing that it will be the husbands holding the purse strings who ultimately tell these cows to pull their public support of EJ. 

Their collective stupidity, on display for the last three years, is shocking. They are not only tone-deaf but dumb as stumps. I include Cystal in this. She made me want to skip the season, but I dislike Erika more than I dislike her, so I stayed. 

*slow claps for this perfection above*

7 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Car A is traveling at 25 mph along 6% slope switchbacks. There are 7 switchbacks. Bitch B is at home reading text from her husband's lover on his cellphone at a rate of 5 texts per minute. Crook C somehow flips Car A 6 times down a hill where he is unconscious, bleeding, and pantsless (Idk why - but in this equation, I keep seeing him pantsless) for 12 hours at the bottom of a 500-foot cliff with a 90% slope and 16 tree stumps, 2 boulders, and a prairie dog. After 12 hours, Crook C wakes, calls Bitch B using the cellphone she is reading texts on. Given the data in this story problem, solve for Bitch B and how much of Crook C's ill-gotten gains she may or may not have received using common core math. Show your work. 

OMG, you win the internet for the week! I bow to your prowess.

6 hours ago, NoWhammies said:

Careful now. Tom is reading this forum, as is Erika. And they are coming for you. That's not a threat. It's a promise. 🙄

He's coming for you if you talk...until he forgets because he has advanced sudden onset of dementia. Except when he's reading or hearing comments from bitches, then he's going to sue you for all you have, because he has a litany of lawyers with nothing else to do and mountains of money to sue you, except when he no longer has any money because, dementia.

Edited by gingerella
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1 hour ago, RoseAllDay said:

Rinna and the food. I’m sure she has the same reaction to a sleeve of saltines. She just doesn’t like to eat. Period.

And it shows!  She has become soooo thin!  With her bony body and her hair, she looks like a scarecrow with osteoporosis.  If she plans on starving herself down to her birth weight, she should at least have her (ridiculous) clothing tailored so that it's not hanging off her.  She truly looks unhealthy.  

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1 hour ago, RoseAllDay said:

I had forgotten the way Erika took out after Teddi — over what I forget, but I think “liar” came up. (Erika, why do you always get so bent out of shape about your truthiness?) That attack was worse than what happened to Eileen, IMO.

The show is doing a great job of showing her MO when she’s questioned. That alone speaks volumes.

Oh really? I hated how Erika spoke to Teddi. It was OTT and a bully move, but she was legit frightening with the way she spoke to poor Eileen. 

1 hour ago, Stats Queen said:

One thing has to happen for me - Erika needs to be gone (in my dreams she is doing the Cell Block Tango for real). She contaminated relationships (some weak women, but still…) this season.

I, too, am willing to give Crystal another season, even though I haven’t been a huge fan.

Sutton and Garcelle need to come back.

I would like Vyle to be fired. She is not a “true friend” (air quotes or italic quotes). 

Lipsa is awful, but not as two-faced, but I would like her gone.

Dorit is annoying but not inherently mean.

Kathy Hilton’s butler(?) needs to be a friend of…



Yeah Erika's gotta go. No explanation needed if you've watched this season. 

Crystal reminds me of Teddi. Not the most exciting, but seems like she might be nice and normal. Then she ends up wanting to be part of the mean girls clique. I can take her or leave her. 

Sutton and Garcelle are the only two I like. 

Kyle's gotten too big for her britches. She and Dorit both seem to live in this alternate universe. The way they use the words two-faced, honest, bully, none of it is correct. I agree that Kyle has more of a meanness. I can't make up my mind about Dorit. She does seem like one of the nicer ones (bar being set low), but she seems to lack emotional intelligence. She sees Erika as this poor sweet girl just looking out for Tom and Garcelle as a bully. I'm glad she finally spoke up a bit about Erika. 

I'd love more of Kathy's butler. I also think she should continue as friend of. 

I wish we'd get Camille to return. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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4 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Erika crossed many lines last night. Viciously teething at someone like Mike Tyson is not ok. This is what? The fourth time she's done this? First Eileen, then Teddi, then Garcelle, now Sutton. When will the coven put her in her place? Why is this behavior ok?

I'm disgusted with all of them even more than Erika. We all know what Erika is. It's well-documented. Why do they allow it? Why the fuck didn't Kathy Hilton tell Erika to take her threats, promises, and spittle out the damn door? Condoning this behavior is despicable.

Thank God Garcelle has some sense.

Crystal is still hanging on to beef with Sutton, and using this situation to beat up on her by proxy. In the process, she's aligning herself with a horrid human being.

Sutton didn't back down and she was not intimidated. She attempted to have an adult conversation with Erika. Erika declined. That's IT. You don't just get to scream at and word-vomit on someone who has made clear they do not want to talk to you. Erika declined the conversation; Sutton took the social cue and disengaged. That was appropriate. The problem was that Rinna and Kyle don't have the balls to be straight with Erika, so they sent Sacrificial Lamb Sutton in to do their dirty work. 

As hostess, Kathy should have put a stop to Kyle's antics like they did with Dorit. Then, once Erika's fangs were activated like a busted True Blood extra, Kathy should have had the butler buttle her bubble butt right out the damn door. 

I can see why Sutton was too in shock to respond properly. It's NOT normal to encounter that kind of viciousness in a large group and have NO ONE really try to put a stop to it. Even Garcelle should have said more in the moment.

Lawd help me when Dorit was the only one willing to point out to Mistress of the Dark that making such threats is exactly why Sutton wanted to consult a lawyer in the first place.

Also, Sutton simply pointed out she didn't believe ALL of Erika's stories. She was honest about it, to the group and Erika. She didn't make any bombshell allegations about Erika. She owes zero apologies... especially to Kyle. Kyle didn't act like a friend and I was screaming at my TV when Sutton apologized to her. Blech. Kyle becoming like Bethenny and I'm NOT here for it.

Newsflash, harpies: You can call someone a liar and make your views clear WITHOUT screaming at them like a shrew. All Sutton did was keep it classy. Guess they couldn't possibly recognize that.

The anger belongs squarely on Kyle for that dinner debacle. She engineered it right in the open. By the way, it is NOT weak or cowardly to remove yourself from the path of a human tornado psychopath. When someone's teeth are in my face, I walk away. Especially when 6 other women are watching and condoning it. No one deserves or should allow themselves to be subjected to that kind of abuse and disrespect. You pull a Meredith Marks, calmly get up, and disengage. It demonstrates self-respect. 

Now kids, let's pull out our history books,  because after the last two seasons I didn't threaten - I promised - that I'd come for these women if they pulled their coven act again. And I'm here to deliver:

2019: LVP, after recently losing her brother to suicide, is mercilessly beat up on by this group for... outing a dog-dumper. They are CERTAIN she planted the story and refuse to believe anything she says. In the process of shouting for "truth," they SIDE with a woman who DUMPED A DEFENSELESS DOG. Kyle literally walks into her bff's home for the EXPRESS PURPOSE of calling her a liar, and that was cool, but Sutton saying she thinks Erika lied to the group about a few things? Worthy of bussing and allowing Erika to verbally abuse her. Got it. 

2020: Denise was publicly, relentlessly accosted at every meal last season because the Vacant Parasite reappeared and decided she wanted more camera time. An alleged sexual encounter, which could have ruined Denise's marriage and family and affected exactly ZERO of her co-stars, was worthy of trying to destroy Denise now matter how many times she UNEQUIVOCALLY denied it. They just all  believed she was lying, so nothing was off limits. They called her a liar every fucking day, and she never threatened them or nearly bit their faces off. Bravo Bravo Bravo reminds me of simpler days.

2021: Erika is embroiled in a massive fraud case involving stolen funds that were meant for widows, orphans, burn victims, and plane crash survivors. She rewrites the last 3 years of Tom's medical history, the last decade of their marriage, presents new medical issues on his behalf, offers proof of a mean man with a mistress, then advocates for a demented old man who just doesn't know better, has money, doesn't have money, doesn't know how to use a bank card after 30 years of living as a middle-class worker, never mentions the victims, knew what she was doing when she left, had no choice, wants to talk about it, can't talk about, won't let anyone else talk about it... and one person pointing out her stories aren't straight is just too much. Bitch please.

As Bethenny always said, you can't play smart and stupid at the same time. The fact that everyone is so afraid of her and refuses to question her, and won't stand up to her when she behaves like a savage, are just too much for me. Contrast this with what went on over in NJ 8 years ago, and the fucking hypocrisy is stunning. They had Tre in jail for decades... but add several tens of millions and a lear jet, and we just have to sit tight and let Erika Jayne tell her story. FUCK THAT.

Fuck me, PK reading the situation to Dorit makes me want to hug him. Amazing that it will be the husbands holding the purse strings who ultimately tell these cows to pull their public support of EJ. 

Their collective stupidity, on display for the last three years, is shocking. They are not only tone-deaf but dumb as stumps. I include Cystal in this. She made me want to skip the season, but I dislike Erika more than I dislike her, so I stayed. 

Excellent recap and assessment.  Thank you.



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23 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

You guys win.  The hate train is too strong.  One sweet day, when all of this is over, I'm going to remember who was against us.

I love that most fans pick their faves and are ride or die. Makes the show more fun to watch (and bitch about). True story, I liked Brandi (when she had her original face) and will always be 100% #TeamKim. Talk about hate trains! lol



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I haven't read your comments yet, I only started watching the episode. Kyle is the biggest shit stirring hypocrite! She threw Sutton under the bus. And then in her TH she says she thinks Erika's bark is worse than her bite. Oh yeah? When has she ever had the guts to go against Erika herself? 

I can't believe it's taken me so long to see her true colors. She always has that smug face when other people are fighting. And even  bigger smug face if she managed to start it for someone else, and can then sit back and watch the show. I mean it wasn't this episode that made it very clear to me, I saw it before but not until a season or a few ago. I feel like a fool. 

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I understand why all y'all want Kyle gone after this episode, but you should prepare for disappointment.  She really is the primary now that LVP is gone.  BRAVO is not going to fire her so far based on a single thing she's done or slight she's committed, real or perceived, they are too normal mean-girl, not batshit mental patient stalker Housewife.  Think of all that had to happen for Gunvalson to be booted, or Brandi.  Kyle's not even in that zip code.

Edited by Lassus
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If there is any way to shake up this cast, I would love to see Kyle receive some negative  consequence,  like a demotion to "Friend of" and then an exit a la Vicky G. on RHOC, but I don't see it actually happening.   Rinna adds nothing and has become a caricature of the person she was when she began this gig. Once upon a time, she provided some comedy and benign shit-stirring but now she's just awful.  Contrary to popular opinion, Dorit had a few interesting moments, some real as opposed to manufactured issues to work out (ex. her total underestimation of Garcelle) and I do enjoy her crazy fashions / get rich schemes with PK. Plus, her kids are adorable. Crystal's participation  is net loss-- just another younger woman who married a rich older man and thinks his accomplishments make HER accomplished, doesn't do or say anything interesting and has proved herself to be a  snotty, elitist mean girl/flying monkey for the Wicked Witch of Pasadena. She is  one to go, for sure. I simply can't abide another season of Erika Jayne Girardi and her big bag of bullshit. Sutton and Garcelle are great. Kathy is an add-on with Kyle, can't see her point as a cast member without Kyle,.  Time for a serious re-boot of this cast.

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14 minutes ago, BluishGreen said:

Contrary to popular opinion, Dorit had a few interesting moments, some real as opposed to manufactured issues to work out (ex. her total underestimation of Garcelle) and I do enjoy her crazy fashions / get rich schemes with PK. Plus, her kids are adorable.

I agree, as opposed to Kyle (sans her trouble with her sisters) and Lie-sa, I don't think Dorit is as manufactured as them, I believe she's so unaware that her drama seems unintentional. Of course, I could be totally wrong. 

But with Kyle and Rinna, you just know they're completely trying to stir the pot and are mean to their shallow core. 

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1 hour ago, Lassus said:

I understand why all y'all want Kyle gone after this episode, but you should prepare for disappointment.  She really is the primary now that LVP is gone.  BRAVO is not going to fire her so far based on a single thing she's done or slight she's committed, real or perceived, they are too normal mean-girl, not batshit mental patient stalker Housewife.  Think of all that had to happen for Gunvalson to be booted, or Brandi.  Kyle's not even in that zip code.

I agree with this. Quite honestly, I doubt there will be any huge shake up after this season, unless it originates with the cast member herself. In other words, I can see Sutton saying she doesn't want to deal with this anymore, but not because Bravo is pushing her out. (Or Erika might recognize that being on the show isn't helping her legal case, but that doesn't seem to be in the cards, either). They aren't going to shake things up when it seems like things are working. 

It seems really unlikely that Kyle is going to face "consequences" for doing what they want her to do on the show - keeping things moving. And it's not like Kyle is acting like Vicki (involved in an outright scam) or Nene (involved with a physical assault on production) or Dorinda (relentlessly threatening and bullying someone). Viewers may not like it but it doesn't really rise to the level of "firing," IMO. Plus I suspect that Kyle isn't difficult to deal with behind-the-scenes, and I still think that plays a big role in who stays and who goes.

In other words, they are probably thinking "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and they are pulling higher ratings, so I wouldn't anticipate any major changes.

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33 minutes ago, BluishGreen said:

If there is any way to shake up this cast, I would love to see Kyle receive some negative  consequence,  like a demotion to "Friend of" and then an exit a la Vicky G. on RHOC, but I don't see it actually happening.   Rinna adds nothing and has become a caricature of the person she was when she began this gig. Once upon a time, she provided some comedy and benign shit-stirring but now she's just awful.  Contrary to popular opinion, Dorit had a few interesting moments, some real as opposed to manufactured issues to work out (ex. her total underestimation of Garcelle) and I do enjoy her crazy fashions / get rich schemes with PK. Plus, her kids are adorable. Crystal's participation  is net loss-- just another younger woman who married a rich older man and thinks his accomplishments make HER accomplished, doesn't do or say anything interesting and has proved herself to be a  snotty, elitist mean girl/flying monkey for the Wicked Witch of Pasadena. She is  one to go, for sure. I simply can't abide another season of Erika Jayne Girardi and her big bag of bullshit. Sutton and Garcelle are great. Kathy is an add-on with Kyle, can't see her point as a cast member without Kyle,.  Time for a serious re-boot of this cast.

The thing is, I think they all become just a wee bit too comfortable on these shows. See, for instance, Vicki Gunvalson and Tamra Judge on OC. They began to think of the show as “theirs” and came pretty damn close to making it unwatchable. Same here with Kyle and Rinna, especially. 

I think a casting reboot every few seasons would do these franchises a world of good, but that would be too much like work for Andy and Bravo, so we’re stuck with the same old people and their rapidly decompensating personalities until they get on Andy’s last nerve and he fires them. Look, for instance, at how compelling MTV’s “The Real World” was back in the early years, when we saw new people and new situations every season, instead of the same old, same old. I realize a lot of these women have deep fan bases, but I think most viewers would like seeing new faces and new places instead of the usual suspects who have taken unwarranted ownership of these shows. Nobody is indispensable — not even the OGs of the Howives.

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59 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

Same here with Kyle and Rinna, especially. 

I can see it with Rinna, maybe, if I squint, but not really with Kyle.  Also, Rinna is still massively popular twitter-wise, constantly showing up in the Yahoo news feed and various other starfucker compilers.  There was really never any of that to this level for Tamra or Vikki.  She has retained general popular likability despite being a more or less horrible person, due to her WACKY WACKY WACKINESS, which is something those other two never had.

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1 hour ago, RoseAllDay said:

I think a casting reboot every few seasons would do these franchises a world of good, but that would be too much like work for Andy and Bravo, so we’re stuck with the same old people and their rapidly decompensating personalities until they get on Andy’s last nerve and he fires them.

In fairness to Andy and Bravo, I simply don't think it's that easy to recast these shows with any level of success.  I am STUNNED they've frequently failed with their greatest rotating opportunity of renewable faceless youths, Vanderpump Rules.  Now all the pretty boys and girls are house-owning married parent people?  SNORE.  Perhaps they're incompetent, but BRAVO's been in this game a long time now, and I feel like it's not as easy as it seems to get new folks who are interesting and willing and make them properly mesh.

Edited by Lassus
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2 hours ago, Lassus said:

I understand why all y'all want Kyle gone after this episode, but you should prepare for disappointment.  She really is the primary now that LVP is gone.  BRAVO is not going to fire her so far based on a single thing she's done or slight she's committed, real or perceived, they are too normal mean-girl, not batshit mental patient stalker Housewife.  Think of all that had to happen for Gunvalson to be booted, or Brandi.  Kyle's not even in that zip code.

I agree with you that Bravo will not get rid of Kyle, or anyone else.  Good news is, viewers can walk away, if we are offended.  I couldn't stand the cackling coven choosing to gang up on someone every season to boot them out and left, only to come back to watch the Girardi train wreck.  I will be walking away again after the Reunion because I can't stomach watching the ganging-up and all the support they are giving Erika.  I thought stealing from widows and orphans would be the bridge too far for the coven, and they wouldn't be able to support Erika, but wow, was I wrong! 

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Personally, I'm so shallow I'd keep Rinna around just to see more of the dresses in the garage.

Sutton really is quite delightful even without the only thing remotely resembling a social conscience that any of the Housewives has (always excepting my new celebrity Best Friend Garcelle, of course.). I LUV Sutton, social awkwardness, face massager, wacky couture, impulse buys that would pay for two months of my mortgage and all.  There need to be more rich people like Sutton—and Kathy, too!—and I need to be able to watch them, 24 hours a day if I want to.  Maybe we exempt them from paying taxes if they allow us to wire their mansions with spycams and put them on 24-hour video feed.

My big takeaway from this episode, though, is that it's quite possible Dorit comes by that accent naturally.  I didn't realize her father was Israeli, and her mother was born in Tangiers.  When you grow up around parents who are not native English speakers, you do tend to internalize some of their weirder inflections.


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2 hours ago, BluishGreen said:

Crystal's participation  is net loss-- just another younger woman who married a rich older man and thinks his accomplishments make HER accomplished, doesn't do or say anything interesting and has proved herself to be a  snotty, elitist mean girl/flying monkey for the Wicked Witch of Pasadena. 

Yes she is a elitist snob and if she doesn't know who you are in advance-then you are not worth knowing.  It's hard to believe anyone could be so simple-minded AND shallow but Crystal is.  I cannot stand her and hope she doesn't come back.  Bring back Camille and get rid of wannabe Crystal. 

16 hours ago, charliesan said:

I bet Crystal thought she was going to be a part of the Fucked Up Five

The Fucked Up Five - perfect!!!

15 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Kyle's gotten too big for her britches.

Indeed she has.  I thought the gold pants she was wearing that the others were salivating over were way too tight and she looked like the proverbial ten pounds of sausage in a five pound casing.  Kyle usually does though.  Somebody needs to tell these "ladies" that when the buttons on their shirts are straining then the shirt is too damn tight.  Jeeze.

15 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

I had forgotten the way Erika took out after Teddi — over what I forget, but I think “liar” came up.

Teddi accused her of having "pretend amnesia" aka liar and Erika went ape-shit.

1 hour ago, Mar said:

Honestly, if I were Sutton, I’d be afraid. Bark worse than her bite? I’m not sure about that.

Imo Erika is the junk yard dog with no teeth.  I'm a Sutton fan but I wish when they were at Kathy's she had stood up-lightly tossed her napkin in Erika's face-and challenged her to a duel at sunrise-after all they are southerners-anything but leaving while crying.  That is exactly what the junk yard dog wanted and got.  Chalk one more up for Erika and her insane rage. 

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35 minutes ago, BluishGreen said:

...I would love to see Kyle receive some negative  consequence,  like a demotion to "Friend of" 

Ah to dream...that would be just too satisfying. Fuck I hate her.

Does Kyle have any fans left? Show of hands.

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1 minute ago, Shannah Banana said:

Indeed she has.  I thought the gold pants she was wearing that the others were salivating over were way too tight and she looked like the proverbial ten pounds of sausage in a five pound casing.  Kyle usually does though.  Somebody needs to tell these "ladies" that when the buttons on their shirts are straining then the shirt is too damn tight.  Jeeze.

Thank you for saying this!  I hated those pants, and thought they looked awful on Kyle especially because they were too tight.  She needs to learn not to look at the sizes on clothes, and pay more attention to actual fit.  She really needs a stylist.  She is terrible at dressing herself even though she has a nice figure.  But she wants to dress as though she has a different shape and size.

5 minutes ago, Shannah Banana said:

Imo Erika is the junk yard dog with no teeth.  I'm a Sutton fan but I wish when they were at Kathy's she had stood up-lightly tossed her napkin in Erika's face-and challenged her to a duel at sunrise-after all they are southerners-anything but leaving while crying.  That is exactly what the junk yard dog wanted and got.  Chalk one more up for Erika and her insane rage. 

Sutton laughed when Kyle told her Erika expects an apology.  I wish she had laughed in Erika's face just like that when she was baring her teeth.

I need a gif of that laugh!

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1 hour ago, Mar said:

It took me a minute, but then I remembered that Lisa was upset that Garcelle had not thanked her a second time for Harry’s sauce

Now in my head I keep hearing Erika saying "Harry's sauce Harry's sauce" instead of "Harry's meat Harry's meat."  I'm not sure which one sounds worse but maybe it's just my potty brain...lol.

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Lips acts like Harry's sauce comes with a diamond at the bottom of the bottle. Gar said thank you in person. Its not an "OMG, i can't believe you did this and I'm going to gush on and on about it" kinda gift. Its tomatoes and herbs stewed in a pot. Thoughtful, but not worthy of the bow down gratefulness Lips wants. Its pathetic that the best she can come up with for how Gar wronged her is this. Harry Hamlin is in Bulgaria (or wherever) pounding it out with a local and not giving 2 shits about Lips or her howife drama.

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3 hours ago, Mar said:

Honestly, if I were Sutton, I’d be afraid. Bark worse than her bite? I’m not sure about that.


One more thought on this. Although she had good reason to leave the dinner no matter what was said, is this why she was so adamant with Kyle about wanting to leave when Kyle was arguing with her to stay? Yeah, this kind of scene has happened before, but this just felt different (to me). 

I’m guessing she didn’t inform production about this, or if she did, production looked the other way. I mean, if it was that bad that she now doesn’t want to repeat it ever, something should have been done and I’m sorry if she thought the show wouldn’t have her back on this. Nobody — nobody — deserves to be bullied, harassed, or threatened, especially by the likes of trash like Erika Jayne. 

1 hour ago, Shannah Banana said:

Now in my head I keep hearing Erika saying "Harry's sauce Harry's sauce" instead of "Harry's meat Harry's meat."  I'm not sure which one sounds worse but maybe it's just my potty brain...lol.

“Harry’s pies”?

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16 hours ago, Dutchgirl said:
On 9/8/2021 at 9:51 PM, Talented Tenth said:

You guys win.  The hate train is too strong.  One sweet day, when all of this is over, I'm going to remember who was against us.

I love that most fans pick their faves and are ride or die. Makes the show more fun to watch (and bitch about). True story, I liked Brandi (when she had her original face) and will always be 100% #TeamKim. Talk about hate trains! lol



Not even going to pretend that I wasn't against Kim, but she does have the best insults and she was pretty dead-on when Taylor left Russell while the women were in Hawaii, she commented "maybe she wants to be invited to parties and vacations". I mean, that was as harsh and hilarious as it was true. 

But back on topic, Erika sucks. 

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36 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

One more thought on this. Although she had good reason to leave the dinner no matter what was said, is this why she was so adamant with Kyle about wanting to leave when Kyle was arguing with her to stay? Yeah, this kind of scene has happened before, but this just felt different (to me). 

I’m guessing she didn’t inform production about this, or if she did, production looked the other way. I mean, if it was that bad that she now doesn’t want to repeat it ever, something should have been done and I’m sorry if she thought the show wouldn’t have her back on this. Nobody — nobody — deserves to be bullied, harassed, or threatened, especially by the likes of trash like Erika Jayne. 

“Harry’s pies”?

Yes, yes! Harry is a master of the meat AND the pie...with his special sauce delivered piping hot.   

Okay, this is a gross comment. Fuck it! Its Fat blunt friday and all the other dirty minds out there might get a laugh. 

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2 hours ago, J80134 said:

Lips acts like Harry's sauce comes with a diamond at the bottom of the bottle. Gar said thank you in person. Its not an "OMG, i can't believe you did this and I'm going to gush on and on about it" kinda gift. Its tomatoes and herbs stewed in a pot. Thoughtful, but not worthy of the bow down gratefulness Lips wants. Its pathetic that the best she can come up with for how Gar wronged her is this. Harry Hamlin is in Bulgaria (or wherever) pounding it out with a local and not giving 2 shits about Lips or her howife drama.

Not only that, it looks like Rinna made a special trip over to Garcelle's place just to tell her that.  Good grief!

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1 minute ago, Cosmocrush said:

Not only that, it looks like Rinna made a special trip over to Garcelle's place just to tell her that.  Good grief!

That's the mean girls for you. It's like when LVP wasn't doing well because she lost her only sibling to suicide, and Kyle said she had her shit too. We all know it would have been something like dealing with the stress of her husband's shadiness. But okay. 

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On 9/8/2021 at 11:39 PM, Lady of nod said:

Because there isn’t really anything  I can say about the human trash that is Erika that hasn’t been said, I’ll just say this.  Kyle, stfu you 2 faced shit stirring dumb ass hypocrite. When is someone going to finally come for her and Rhinna?…Should we bring back Camille and her friend Alison?

Haha Alison. Wait, was Alison the e-cig alcoholic psychic or the sycophant mousy BFF?

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