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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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29 minutes ago, greekmom said:



They rented an apartment for Ari and Bini to get them started but something tells me it will be the gift that keeps on giving, those parents will be supporting them for a very long time.

They are enablers.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Even before it starts, SHUT THE FUCK UP, AREOLA.

"WAKE UP WE'RE IN NEW JERSEY!" Jesus, what the hell is wrong with her?

"We got Avi a basketball because I think that he'll have a natural predisposition for it"

"So, Binyam, you have to admit that its better than the open sewer you expected my daughter to live in in that third world shithole country you call home, amirite?"

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Just now, kacesq said:

Bini can’t work Janice and you know that. So is Ari going back to her lucrative job managing daddy’s practice?

Ari's passive/aggressive lifetime of sponging off her parents makes me angry.  

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1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:


They rented an apartment for Ari and Bini to get them started but something tells me it will be the gift that keeps on giving, those parents will be supporting them for a very long time.

They are enablers.

And these “loans” have ALL strings attached.

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2 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

Ha Ha - broke Janice expects to be relieved from the payments.   TLC money  to the rescue.  That apartment is easily $2,000 a month.

At least! In and around Princeton, NJ? Not cheap.

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1 minute ago, For Cereals said:

Are we really having this farce?  They have show money and Ari’s strange OF pics…they have some money

Ew... she's on Only Fans???  Who the hell is paying to see that????

Edited by TazDevil
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35 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And they all cop to it. They're like hostages. 

Grandma looks so much like mom! Emily going to look the same. 

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Spoiler: They'll NEVER be able to "take over the payments," and nothing will happen and Ari's parents will guiltily support them forever.

Ari is on the parental gravy train for life.   I'd love to hear Dr. Dad Ari's unguarded opinion on how his daughter turned out. 

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Wow...  Mom Ari did well in finding an apartment for them and setting it up and paying for it and... there goes Ari whining again.

1 hour ago, OoogleEyes said:

Happy birthday, fellow Tauren! Mine was Friday the 13th. Another turn around the sun.

Thanks, and happy birthday to you too! And to all other Taurus and May Babies. There are a lot of us out there must be a spring thing lol.

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

@Bees52 What kind of cake was it?  AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Homemade pistachio pudding cake. Old, er, vintage recipe from the 70's.

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Sometimes I wonder if this original trip to Africa was Ari's last hurrah before her parents were going to make her grow up and support herself/start a career/go to school or SOMETHING and she was like "Nu UH, I'm going to come back PREGNANT!" And it was all just a spoiled princess move on her part to keep that bankroll going.

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15 minutes ago, magemaud said:

Rumor has it (don’t look if you don’t want to be spoiled) 

  Reveal spoiler

He got back with Liz after he contacted her about Teddy’s passing and they’re now engaged 


Ed makes me want to resort to violence. He is like a virus that I want to wipe out in my lifetime. 

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