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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Racism is racism.  It's prejudice, discrimination, or dislike directed against a person based on their race.

It can be applied to any race.  If it's applied to white people it's still racism

Not exactly. Its more complicated than that.

Wikipedia:Racism is the scientifically false belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. 

Mirriam webster: 

Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.


You may disagree, or have a different definition,  and that's fine.  But I don't agree that the cookout is racist by the definition that I have always known.



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20 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Yeah, I’d thought about that – but still:

  1. We only have one season to go on with the new casting director, and there are still a couple of duds in here.
  2. AG still holds sway over all.

Didn't they do OTT? I didn't watch it, but it seems like they did a good job from what I've heard about that season.

8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

OK, so after insisting that Tiffany can NOT give Claire any small indication of what is happening, X is now talking to Deref about whether he should give Alyssa a heads up and what would be the best time.


Seriously, does he think Alyssa is really that stupid?  She has made numerous observations about what is going on.  Girl knows she is on borrowed time since she's half-white.  Fuck X - now I hope Alyssa wins HOH Thursday and I really don't care who in the CO goes out the door behind Claire.

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Best case DE scenario for me is Hannah HOH, Alyssa veto. Hopefully X goes, but more likely it’s Deref or Ky. But it’s a CO man and that’s all I want lol.

Second best case is X accidentally winning HOH (he’s throwing it) with him really breaking the CO and trying to evict Tiff but Tiff wins veto.

I also am not opposed to Alyssa as HOH as long as Tiff wins veto so X doesn’t get what he wants.

And honestly just Alyssa getting evicted works for me too.

Lots of potential with this DE but since I never get what I want Alyssa will win HOH and Tiffany will get evicted.

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12 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Not exactly. Its more complicated than that.

Wikipedia:Racism is the scientifically false belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race over another. 

Mirriam webster: 

Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race.


You may disagree, or have a different definition,  and that's fine.  But I don't agree that the cookout is racist by the definition that I have always known.



Not sure if you purposely ignored the other definition or "racism" from Webster's  Dictionary or if it just didn't come up in your Google search like it did mine. Either way, I believe if we're going to use definitions, we should use all of the available ones (except for a Wikipedia definition that carries less than zero credibility).

Per Webster's Dictionary:



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prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

"a program to combat racism"


I know several people will point to the last part that says "typically one that is a minority or marginalized," but "typically" doesn't mean "always." X is my favorite houseguest this year, and I've mentioned multiple times on here how Azah (as annoying as she is) looks very similar to my wife. So before I get roasted for being a "closet bigot" or whatever else we're gonna call anyone who calls the Cookout racist, according to that definition, the term could definitely apply.

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2 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

X is my favorite houseguest this year, and I've mentioned multiple times on here how Azah (as annoying as she is) looks very similar to my wife. So before I get roasted for being a "closet bigot" or whatever else we're gonna call anyone who calls the Cookout racist, according to that definition, the term could definitely apply.

Based on my personal experience with interracial relationships in my own life, family, etc.  Having friends, spouses or kids of a different race does not preclude anyone from being a "closet-bigot".   In no way inferring anyone is bigoted, sometimes I just read to much into the written word 🙂

It's totally OK to be uncomfortable with the CO's mission.   That discomfort should also help one empathize with their mission.  The discomfort felt is similar to what many have felt watching how minority players have been treated on this show over the years.

Still curious why all girls alliances get a pass on being sexist though.   


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13 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh, they don't.  Every time they attempt to form, there will be a few folks who say it's just as sexist as a male alliance.  

Maybe a few.  But definitely nothing like the reaction to the CO.  Even within discussion of this season recently there has been discussion that the remaining ladies should all ban together against X, Ky, and DereK.   And I haven't seen anyone calling that sexist.  

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4 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Not sure if you purposely ignored the other definition or "racism" from Webster's  Dictionary or if it just didn't come up in your Google search like it did mine. Either way, I believe if we're going to use definitions, we should use all of the available ones (except for a Wikipedia definition that carries less than zero credibility).

Per Webster's Dictionary:



Learn to pronounce


prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

"a program to combat racism"


I know several people will point to the last part that says "typically one that is a minority or marginalized," but "typically" doesn't mean "always." X is my favorite houseguest this year, and I've mentioned multiple times on here how Azah (as annoying as she is) looks very similar to my wife. So before I get roasted for being a "closet bigot" or whatever else we're gonna call anyone who calls the Cookout racist, according to that definition, the term could definitely apply.

Yes and I fear ( heck I know) some people are viewing me as racist because I think the cook-out is racist  because it discriminates against white people.  I'm not denying all the times black people have been discriminated against in the past. and I actually like the cook-out members.

I just think if you believe, as I do, that it's is deeply wrong to judge people by skin color, then you ought to admit that its wrong all the time.

Example; I taught my son that it was wrong to get in fights or bully people.  Because he was the last in his class to go through puberty he was bullied and shamed by the other guys for years.  When he did finally bloom he shot up to 6"4" of muscle.  He could have then bullied the bullies, but he never would have because he knew it was wrong, always wrong.

1 hour ago, After7Only said:

 And I haven't seen anyone calling that sexist.  

I've always hated every all girl alliance here or on Survivor and any and all talk about girl-power as if women are better (more sympathetic, smarter etc.) than men.  it's just not going on this year. (Yet.)

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Claire went to pitch Alyssa on keeping her instead Alyssa pitched Claire on not going after her in the double which left Claire confused. 

Claire goes to Hannah to tell her this and Hannah has been playing up her F2 deal to Alyssa all day. Hannah is doing a good job pumping Alyssa up letting her to think she was the one who got Claire on the block.

X doesn't want to tell Claire about the cookout because of the battle back. Can the producers please tell them there is no battle back?

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The worst part about The Cookout is that we didn't get to see Tiffany play her own game and she is one of the best female players we have seen since Vanessa. 

As a white women, I don't know if The Cookout is necessarily racist it is hard for me to sympathize with Claire since she has played such a bad game. She could easily go to Alyssa right now and tell her what Tiffany told her and she hasn't. She should be filling Alyssa's head with doubts about X and she hasn't. 

Ultimately this is a game and people have been super loyal to people for worse reasons aka Cody giving up half a million.

It also helps that I enjoy the Cookout and I think Tiffany, Kyland and a lesser extent Hannah and X are the best players this season so I hope we get to see the end game play out. 


Edited by choclatechip45
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6 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

Not sure if you purposely ignored the other definition or "racism" from Webster's  Dictionary or if it just didn't come up in your Google search like it did mine.

NO, I said in my post that the person I was replying to might disagree.  I was giving the definition as I have always understood it, as it has been defined in sociology and psychology books and classes ,  to illustrate that the poster's definition of racism was not necessarily the definition agreed-upon by everyone.   My post was not intended to list every possible definition, but to back up my point that the "simple" definition was not the only one.   Now, you're saying that MY definition isn't the only one.  yes, I know that.  I was saying that HER definition was not the only one.  

Edited by tinkerbell
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5 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

NO, I said in my post that the person I was replying to might disagree.  I was giving the definition as I have always understood it, to illustrate that the poster's definition of racism was not necessarily the definition agreed-upon by everyone.   My post was not intended to list every possible definition, but to back up my point that the "simple" definition was not the only one.   Now, you're saying that MY definition isn't the only one.  yes, I know that.  

Alright. I was being genuine when I said that I didn't know if you purposely left the other definition out. Obviously, none of us know each other, so we don't know the intent of posts on a forum like this. 

2 hours ago, After7Only said:

Based on my personal experience with interracial relationships in my own life, family, etc.  Having friends, spouses or kids of a different race does not preclude anyone from being a "closet-bigot".   In no way inferring anyone is bigoted, sometimes I just read to much into the written word 🙂

It's totally OK to be uncomfortable with the CO's mission.   That discomfort should also help one empathize with their mission.  The discomfort felt is similar to what many have felt watching how minority players have been treated on this show over the years.

Still curious why all girls alliances get a pass on being sexist though.   


By all means, it's fine to speak from your own experiences. Hell, my wife has relatives who won't speak to her because she married a white guy. If my grandfather was alive, I'm sure he would object to my being married to a black woman. I was simply pointing to the fact that I obviously don't have issues with African Americans. 

I do find the point that my "discomfort" with their mission should make me feel a certain way about the alliance a bit presumptuous. However, I too can read too much into the written word. I'm not sure you were actually trying to tell me how I should feel and what I should think, so I won't respond as such. My wife pegged the CO as racist on the episode where the rolled the idea out. While I have my own feelings on topics, I generally take her opinion into deeper consideration on things like this. 

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1 minute ago, JayDub1987 said:

Alright. I was being genuine when I said that I didn't know if you purposely left the other definition out. Obviously, none of us know each other, so we don't know the intent of posts on a forum like this. 

OK - let me make myself clear.    Someone posted that the definition of racism is A.   I said, no, it's more complicated than that -  look at definitions B and C.  And then you argue that I didn't include definition A .   Yes, I was giving alternatives to A . 

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25 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

My wife mentioned to me that no one cares about her company doing "Women leadership groups," but I then asked, "But what if the CEO, CFO and General Counsel of your company were suddenly women?" and she said, "Yeah, people would flip the fuck out."

Same basic concept. People are okay with women's groups or Blacks groups, until they actually have some power and then it's "Whoa, whoa, wait a second here, this is unfair." 

reminds me of this:  

“When I'm sometimes asked when will there be enough [women on the Supreme Court] and I say, 'When there are nine,' people are shocked. But there'd been nine men, and nobody's ever raised a question about that.”
― Ruth Bader Ginsburg

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1 minute ago, tinkerbell said:

NO, I said in my post that the person I was replying to might disagree.  I was giving the definition as I have always understood it, to illustrate that the poster's definition of racism was not necessarily the definition agreed-upon by everyone.   My post was not intended to list every possible definition, but to back up my point that the "simple" definition was not the only one.   Now, you're saying that MY definition isn't the only one.  yes, I know that.  

Yeah, of course, there's more than one definition. There's the accurate ones and there's the ones that the "rules lawyers" of the world try to use to basically make the term useless. Webster actually just recently changed theirs to be more accurate (by including the "inherent superiority of one race" aspect) specifically BECAUSE people were telling them how people were using the previous "dictionary definition" of racism to skew arguments.

"Racism" has no purpose as a term if it just applies to everything. What in the world is even the point of a term saying people treat people differently based on race? That's LIFE. That's REALITY. Calling that "Racism" is pointless.

So there's Racism as an actual problem in society, which is based around White Supremacy, and then there's Racism as a "let's not change anything" term, which is "Any time you make any decisions based on race, you're racist," which makes all discussions of race devoid of meaning. 

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She could easily go to Alyssa right now and tell her what Tiffany told her and she hasn't. She should be filling Alyssa's head with doubts about X and she hasn't. 

Why God WHYYYYY. There is literally no reason she shouldn't be telling Alyssa what she knows it's is literally the entire point of this fucking game. She isn't betraying Tiffany by doing so, she is helping Tiffany!!!!! How is a fan this big and this well educated in STEM this remedial re: game theory?

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

OK - let me make myself clear.    Someone posted that the definition of racism is A.   I said, no, it's more complicated than that -  look at definitions B and C.  And then you argue that I didn't include definition A .   Yes, I was giving alternatives to A . 

I got you. I thought you were dismissing A, which can easily be applied to the CO. 

Damn, after tonight, X is even a bigger dick than Derek F. And I loved him even a week and a half ago. But it’s just another example to me that the closer any of these people get to the end and can start visualizing the win, and the longer they’re away from people who would easily call them on their shit, the worse they get. This show fucks people up. I guess it’s why we watch, but I hate it when people I root for turn douche. 

And Claire is absolutely lovely. And I’m still not upset with her leaving. 

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3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

My wife mentioned to me that no one cares about her company doing "Women leadership groups," but I then asked, "But what if the CEO, CFO and General Counsel of your company were suddenly women?" and she said, "Yeah, people would flip the fuck out."

Same basic concept. People are okay with women's groups or Blacks groups, until they actually have some power and then it's "Whoa, whoa, wait a second here, this is unfair." 

Speaking for myself, I don’t see people saying that black people holding power is unfair. I think they’re saying that it’s unfair that the CO sees Claire and treats her as if she was Ginamarie. The CO sees non-black people as a racial collective instead of individuals, and are painting them with the same characteristics as some of the most racist people on this show, and these individuals don’t deserve that, because they are not that. Claire is so loyal to Tiffany that she would probably vote for her in F2 even though Tiff will be the one to end her game. That’s not someone who’s threatened by black power, but she’s treated as if she is. It has happened on BB before but never celebrated as it is now. Celebrating the same thing that we’ve railed against in the past feels wrong.

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3 minutes ago, LeDucDiableBleu said:

Speaking for myself, I don’t see people saying that black people holding power is unfair. I think they’re saying that it’s unfair that the CO sees Claire and treats her as if she was Ginamarie. The CO sees non-black people as a racial collective instead of individuals, and are painting them with the same characteristics as some of the most racist people on this show, and these individuals don’t deserve that, because they are not that. Claire is so loyal to Tiffany that she would probably vote for her in F2 even though Tiff will be the one to end her game. That’s not someone who’s threatened by black power, but she’s treated as if she is. It has happened on BB before but never celebrated as it is now. Celebrating the same thing that we’ve railed against in the past feels wrong.

I like Claire she is one of my favorites, but it's hard for me to feel bad for her and DX because they played so badly.  Maybe if they went out like Kaysar did last year (figuring it all out and dealing with people who wouldn't believe them) I would have more sympathy. 

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I think the fact that Claire herself says that she understands and respects the mission shows that she doesn't feel marginalized by the way she is leaving the game.   As much as it may hurt on a personal level, she is able to accept that it's a necessary roughness for something that is more important on a community level.  

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33 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

I like Claire she is one of my favorites, but it's hard for me to feel bad for her and DX because they played so badly.  Maybe if they went out like Kaysar did last year (figuring it all out and dealing with people who wouldn't believe them) I would have more sympathy. 


I don't feel sorry for her or anyone who has the chance to be in the BB house and play. And I totally get how she's saying that she's ok with going out now and understands the mission of the CO. If she didn't she would be canceled so I totally don't blame her for taking it the way she is. As far as her game play, I see her like Nicole A, someone who had potential but threw her game away for someone she trusted and who took advantage of her. I really hated Cliff.

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I appreciated that Kyland zing on tonight's episode but I feel like that was meant for the live feed bunch and while I appreciate being seen and I wear my "I survived two Kyland HoH reigns and all I got was this nervous breakdown" shirt proudly... has it ever been referenced on the show? I've missed a few because scrubbing out my oven seemed like the more exciting option.

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9 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

has it ever been referenced on the show?

No, I don't think so. I was glad of the zing because otherwise episode-only viewers wouldn't have a clue what the others have had to suffer through. But as another poster here mentioned, how could they show this on the episodes without handing a whole hour over to Ky for a lengthy dissertation on... just about anything, including why he chose Rice Krispies over Corn Flakes. They had to tell, not show. 

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1 minute ago, Melina22 said:

They had to tell, not show. 

I don't know about that. There were plenty of opportunities during both of Kyland's HoH weeks to slip in a little filler package of Ky talking and talking and talking, with wacky cuts to the HGs yawning and secretly rolling their eyes or talking about it with each other. By just throwing it out there as a zing with no background but then following it up with a parade of "Yeah, he talks too much!" in the DR, the whole audience isn't in on the joke, you know? It makes it less funny. I think that's one of the reasons why Zingbot comes across as so tame and boring now. It's not just that they took his bite. It's that they took away the background and personality behind the zing. When he nailed Frankie Grande for living in his sister's shadow or that epic and fucked up Christine's husband zing, we had seen those things happen and build on the show so everyone was in on the punchline. I'm sure there are probably quirks they could have used that have been shown before or could have been shown in wacky montages tonight but they just had DR reactions after the fact to shoehorn it in. "It's funny, trust us, the context is there... you just don't know it."

Instead they went for an easy but generic age crack on Tiffany, referenced something that never got air on the show with Kyland, and I was a little confused about Xavier constantly admiring himself because I didn't know if that was a thing or not. Claire's was a generic tall girl joke (ask me how I know!), Hannah's was the annual "wait, you're still here?" joke, and Deref's was pretty generic as well. Azah's was probably the sharpest of the bunch. Alyssa's not being able to understand Zingbot through the voice filter that was played for laughs helped with hers but without that reaction and Xavier telling her to "Ouch" for the cameras, it would have just been "Hey, you're stupid" without context.

I dunno, I'm the biggest Zingy fan out there but that was a super poor showing.


I think it might be time to throw Zingy on the same recycling pile as the old key wheel and the vacuum they gave them three years straight that broke the first year and never got fixed. I think Hide and Go Veto and the Slip and Slide comp are also there. (Fuck Big Jeff Brett and his DEFENSE WINS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS strategy for breaking the comp, it's all his fault.)

Yes, I just wrote an essay on Zingbot. I don't know either.

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1 hour ago, Figster said:

Somehow I suspect Clare & the non-CO HGs will have the same public reaction/face when dealing with the CO revelation, as summed up by the adults dealing with this kid in this Twilight Zone episode.  "It's a very good thing, oh just the best!"  

And for those not following along this little boy (Anthony) in the clip represents cancel culture/Twitter LOL. 😅

Indeed!  One of the best TZ's

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok Azah's a nice girl but this isn't cool.

<tweet snippage>

I don't like her implying that Ky is somehow "less" deserving because ... why? He's mixed race? 

This is not cool, no matter who does it. It wasn't cool when Day did it to David and it's not cool now. 

I don't think Azah was referring to his racial identity as to what she "can't see". From the conversation surrounding it, it was a discussion about loyalty and trust and dogged devotion to the Cookout over personal game. I think it was just awkwardly phrased and cherry-picked a bit. I expect this to happen a lot once we hit F6.

Edited by Callaphera
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21 minutes ago, Coco88 said:

What usually happens after a double eviction?  I can’t remember.  Do they play the next HoH that same episode or later that night or the next day?

Typically later that night. 

23 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

It's nuts that the person with the least devotion to the Cookout (X) is the person they protect the most. 

I do not get this. At all. X is only loyal to the CO as far as it advances his game. He'd definitely throw HOH to Alyssa so Alyssa could put Tiff up and out.

He's a dominating personality. It's annoying, but he's really controlling them all. 

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24 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

He's a dominating personality. It's annoying, but he's really controlling them all. 

Derrick's at home, chalking this one up as a win in his column since everyone says Xavier is playing Derrick's game. The motherfucker is going to win. Again. For the third fourth (!!!) time.

Edited by Callaphera
forgot to count Derrick's own win in his win tally. Heh.
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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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