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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

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Ky tells Christian he should get his team to bed so they’re well rested for tomorrow. Ky already took a nap and now he’s going to keep certain others up late, talking, so they’re tired. Christian thinks Ky’s a genius.

More royal titles talk. Derex proposes calling themselves the Royal Flush. Tiff does not like the way that sounds. But when they explain it’s a winning poker hand and nothing to do with a toilet, she’s on board.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Whitney’s hair is mostly extensions. Alyssa is shocked she couldn’t tell.

59 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

If they call Hannah "Duchess" I might be out.  She already resembles Meghan Markle, plus she's a student at Northwestern (Meghan's alma mater).  

Hannah’s not in the Royal alliance. She heard Tiff refer to herself as Duchess, but Tiff thinks she covered her mistake by saying it’s a Queen team thing. She better hope Christian doesn’t also slip and refer to himself as Prince, because Hannah’s no dummy.

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Christian to Hannah: Is everyone aware of my relationship with Alyssa? “Yes.”

Should I stop spending time with her? “Maybe be more discreet. Don’t nap together on the living room sofa.”

Do people want to vote us out? “You’re not on anyone’s radar yet. But nobody’s taking a showmance to the end.”

He is dismayed to learn that people see him as a puppy dog, following Alyssa around. Hannah says their showmance is kind of a joke now, but it will make them targets later on. Christian is grateful for her insight/ advice, and HOW DUMB IS HE THAT HE DOESN’T ALREADY KNOW ALL THIS.

He says Hannah’s the most knowledgeable about the game. She says Alyssa has actually seen more seasons, but he says that doesn’t mean she retained them all. Heh.

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Looks like Hannah and Whitney are first on Ky’s Keep Them Up Late list.

He asks them about Brent (main targets are Britini, Claire, Azah, in that order; all the women except for Alyssa hate him); people who may be targeting him (Britini); could they possibly convince Brent to throw the HoH comp? (Maybe, if they play to his ego and say he needs to hide his super manly muscles lest they make him a target).

Ky: “I have trouble talking to women. I should get Brent up here to explain it to me.”

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Brent tells Derex the vote against Frenchie should be unanimous, and if there are rogue votes they would have to come from Deref and Azah.

Methinks Brent is considering throwing a vote and pinning it on Azah.

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Back to HoH room. Ky wonders how worried he should be about an all girl alliance. Whitney and Hannah assure him that if came down to it, he and Derex would the last guys on anyone’s list. Because what else are they going to say?

Whitney says her team might be willing to throw the comp tomorrow if they get assurances from the Kings that if one of them wins, they will put up Brent.

As far as I can tell, nobody actually wants to win this one except Britini, Claire, Tiffany… and Brent. If they don’t watch out, they’re going to make it easy for Brent to win. And that could make for a very interesting (aka terrible) week.

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Ky’s final HoH monologue: He thinks he either has a great handle on where everything stands in the house… or he’s completely clueless. 

His targets going forward are Brent, Whitney and Britini. He likes Britini, but she’s driving everyone crazy with the singing and the loud and he thinks she could drag him down. He thinks he’s in a good position. He thinks Deref is doing well, Azah less well. Tiffany is making herself look like a big threat.

He is happy to ride with the Royal Flush for as long as it lasts. He rejected the title of King Kyland that Tiffany tried to bestow because he doesn’t want to be seen as a leader. He’s happy being a knight: Sir Kyland.

He doesn’t think Christian and Alyssa are actually in a showmance. It looks more brother and sister to him. 

Its killing him that he doesn’t know who the 2 votes were. His guess is Britini and either Deref or Tiffany.

Ultimately, he hopes the Cookout makes it to the end, and makes history.

He’s happy with how his week went, but not arrogant to think he can coast. He accomplished his first 2 goals: win HoH in the first 2 weeks and stand up to bullies. He follows Dale Carnegie principles and will continue to do that. He lost his 6-pack before the game (strategy) but is feeling the lack of exercise.

He’s not here to be famous. He wants to win the game and inspire people.

Until you play, people can never know what it’s like in the house. But in general, he thinks the game has had a more positive effect on this group than negative. It’s helping them all grow.


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Good morning! All quiet in the BB house! Camera 1 treats us to the sight of Brent sleeping in the Have Not room, so let's quick move on to Camera 2. Still in the Have Not room, we can see Whitney sleeping in the bed perpendicular to the others. Someone else in the corner, could be Hannah. And you will all be glad to know Brent sleeps in black socks.

Camera 3 is on the HOH room. Close up of Kyland. Camera 4 is more of a wide angle HOH room shot. These guys are not early birds like last year's crew.


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So, I've been more out of the loop since the veto comp on feeds stuff, but it sounds like the players are starting to look at next week, which is good.

I do love Tiffany and Claire. I get they may be feeling themselves right now, but they deserve to, I think. Women don't often dominate the house in the way that the men do, and it's still early so they could flame out, but I'm still impressed with their work so far. 

I still hope Brent goes, but if Whitney goes instead, that's no loss. She's just as bad as he is, and way more dangerous since she doesn't have an army of women (sorry, FEMALES) gunning for her like Brent does.

Even if Brent wins HOH next week and sends a woman home, he's not making it to jury. The women hate him enough where they won't let that happen. 


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I randomly checked out the feeds out twice yesterday. Both times there was one camera on Brent being a pick and another of someone talking about his prickishness. I pray he's not long for this game which means he will probably win.

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Everyone's up now! Sarah, Xavier, Alyssa, Christian I think (face hidden by a pillow) are in the wave room. They were talking about how the lights in the room don't go out until Christian is in bed. While I was typing this Britini wandered in and Sarah left, wrapped in a gray ribbed blanket.

In the bathroom we see Brent, wearing a white Rambo headband, Derek X, Tiffani, Whitney and someone else. Azah just came in. She has trouble sleeping.

Derek X and Tiffani are talking about who to get out, maybe who to put up next to Brent. They are thinking Sarah Beth for the HOH after the next one. Tiffani says all the guys like Sarah Beth and would see her as a pawn. Alyssa's name was mentioned, too. They use the chess pieces to illustrate their moves.

Haven't seen or heard French Toast yet. Since this is probably his last day I think Toast is appropriate. 

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Finally heard French Toast's voice. He is still packing. Britini is going on about somebody taking away the beds. They are going to ransacked and pillage all their beds. She is ranting about this. Derek F and French Toast are trying to calm her down. Derek F asks if he should be a Have Not this week or the week after. He wants a week where he doesn't have to cook.

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4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Britini is going on about somebody taking away the beds. They are going to ransacked and pillage all their beds. She is ranting about this.

I believe it was actually Azah that was going on about this, which makes much more sense since she never leaves her bed lol.

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French Toast asks if dark blue OK to wear today. Derek F is concerned that when he is a Have Not he won't get his bed back, the blue sofa by day and the Coffin bed by night. It's the only bed he can fit into. Britini is practicing her good-bye rap in whispers.

Camera switches to HOH room. French Toast is there to take his last shower before his execution, I mean eviction.

Back to blue sofa room. Derek F still talking about Have Nots and beds.

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Tiffani says she's not going to talk about how she needs the money or tell a sob story, she's playing a game and if she wins, she wants it to be because of how she played and not because they feel sorry for her. She gives Kyland a pep talk about how getting out French Toast is a good game move for him. It will look good for him that he used his HOH to take out a threat like French Toast. Tiffani wants to work with Kyland because she respects him.

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I thought feeds were downloaded the rest of the day, but no, they're back. Tiffani is braiding Hannah's hair. Now they switched to French Toast finishing up his packing. The camera.follows him to the Cross bedroom. He's checking to make sure he's left nothing unpacked.

Back to the bathroom where Tiffani's put all of Hannah's braids into a bun. Now she's taken out all the braids and is brushing her hair. Also in the bathroom: Sarah Beth, Kyland, Whitney, Christian. There's someone else--oh, it's Claire. Xavier tells Christian he still thinks Christian is handsome. French Toast is sitting there, listening sullenly to the cheeriness of the others. Brent's in the shower. Xavier says he's going to put Tippytoes hair products on the market. French Toast says if Whitney ever designs men's swimwear he will help her sell it.

Britini and Derek are chatting in the blue sofa room. Azah, of course, is lying on the bed. Britini says French Toast told her he's asking her an unanimous vote. Azah's and Britini's voices are similar to me. Alyssa joined them. They are discussing what to wear for the live show, but they don't know what type of comp HOH is.

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Claire says to not drink any water after 2:30, because it might be endurance and you don't want to pee on national TV.

Now it's bubbles.

Edited by Lamb18
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5 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Azah just came in. She has trouble sleeping.

Not surprising. Have you heard Deref snore?? All that’s missing is the train whistle and flashing lights.

39 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

They are discussing what to wear for the live show, but they don't know what type of comp HOH is.

Considering how many times Frenchie has said he really really really wants to do a wall comp, I hope tonight, after Frenchie leaves, they do… a wall comp. 

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Everyone just being 100% about targeting Brent and just throwing him utb left and right this morning was very fun. Watch Brent win HOH lol.

Whitney is now like the #1 Brent hater. It's too bad she's a Sandy Hook denier because she could really be worth rooting for.

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Brent said he definitely pee himself if he absolutely had to in an endurance competition. Claire asks what if she falls in it? That's what she fears.

I mean, I like Claire. But I still wanted Big Meech to fall in her pile of vomit during that one comp and I was a huge Big Meech fan (she slept 18 hours a day, woke up to eat the entire house and shit talk and cry, and then went back to bed - it was basically watching myself play Big Brother) so I will definitely be on team FALL IN YOUR PEEEEEE but that's just because it brings back such warm, fuzzy memories of all of us all caps yelling and then all caps cheering when Jackson finally did fall in his pee.


1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Everyone just being 100% about targeting Brent and just throwing him utb left and right this morning was very fun. Watch Brent win HOH lol.

Brent or a member of his team. I'm hoping for a Knockout/Questions HoH. My fantasy HoH is final round Hannah versus Deref and she's forced to win it and keep Brent safe for the week. The angst! The drama! Brent thanking his Hannah Banana while she makes faces and wants to die!

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16 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I mean, I like Claire. But I still wanted Big Meech to fall in her pile of vomit during that one comp and I was a huge Big Meech fan (she slept 18 hours a day, woke up to eat the entire house and shit talk and cry, and then went back to bed - it was basically watching myself play Big Brother) so I will definitely be on team FALL IN YOUR PEEEEEE but that's just because it brings back such warm, fuzzy memories of all of us all caps yelling and then all caps cheering when Jackson finally did fall in his pee.

Claire was afraid of falling into Brent's pee. But I bowdlerized this a bit. They ended up talking about pooping during an endurance/wall challenge and Brent said he'd do it if he had to. So Claire was afraid of falling into Brent's poop. She was probably afraid of falling into his pee, too, as the big puddle would spread. 

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2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Brent said he definitely pee himself if he absolutely had to in an endurance competition. Claire asks what if she falls in it? That's what she fears.

Ahhh, memories....



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All of French Toast's false promises. He can't have all of their backs.

Who can this celebrity be? Dr. Will in his bathrobe? Will he stand on the balcony and beam his shiny face over a darkened backyard?

Since this is a beachy Big Brother he could be a human lighthouse.

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The orange ribbed blanket made its way to the HOH room.

That is very sad about Sarah Beth's father.

Kyland is very empathetic.

Brent in his navy Rambo head scarf. Brent's thinking "yeah right" about promising Kyland safety. 

Christian is channeling his inner Johnny Depp.

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That rap wasn't too bad. She has a good sense of rhythm.

Claire: French Toast

Sarah Beth: French Toast

Xavier: French Toast

Derek F: Britini

Christian: French Toast

Whitney: French Toast

Azah: French Toast

Derek X: French Toast

Tiffani: French Toast

Brent: French Toast

Hannah: French Toast

Alyssa: French Toast

Brent looks like a chipmunk. Who is Tom Green?

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Just now, Lamb18 said:

I know, but who is he?

I feel so old right now. 

Tom Green was once married to Drew Barrymore and was a pretty big mtv Star/comedian back in the 90’s. 

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4 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

I know, but who is he?

Tom Green is primarily known for being (a) a former MTV VJ and (b) Drew Barrymore’s ex.


ETA: Jinx!

Edited by Nashville
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9 minutes ago, zorak said:

Derek F. so far is the only one to vote to evict Britini.

6 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

He's an idiot.  Loved Hannah's outfit.

4 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I suspect Derek F did so solely to spare Frenchie the embarrassment of a unanimous eviction.

He might be an idiot for having sworn his loyalty to Frenchie last week but I can respect him for staying loyal to the bitter end.  As much as we complain here about "voting with the house" we should be applauding Deref for choosing to go against "the house" and voting to keep Frenchie over Britini if that's who he would rather remain in the house.



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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

He might be an idiot for having sworn his loyalty to Frenchie last week but I can respect him for staying loyal to the bitter end.  As much as we complain here about "voting with the house" we should be applauding Deref for choosing to go against "the house" and voting to keep Frenchie over Britini if that's who he would rather remain in the house.



I see what you’re saying but I think I can only respect it if he owns it.  But if he did it to cast suspicion on someone else, that’s a totally different deal.

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Just now, zorak said:

I see what you’re saying but I think I can only respect it if he owns it.  But if he did it to cast suspicion on someone else, that’s a totally different deal.

Fair point!  If he doesn't own it then he's dead to me.  Especially because everyone is going to know that he's the one who voted to keep Frenchie.  Last week he had plausible deniability in the rogue vote.  This week?  No one in that house would believe him if he tries to deny it.

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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Is it wrong that I found Britini more annoying than Frenchie and wanted her evicted?

Simply for that rap sequence I just sat through (I'm running behind) I wanted her OUT!

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Fair point!  If he doesn't own it then he's dead to me.  Especially because everyone is going to know that he's the one who voted to keep Frenchie.  Last week he had plausible deniability in the rogue vote.  This week?  No one in that house would believe him if he tries to deny it.

That's why it such was a stupid gesture.  It's a game, not real life.  I've had to kick friends to the curb and have also been kicked to the curb by "friends".

I get that "going with the house" gets boring, but here it was the smart way to go.

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