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S11.E06: The Liberation of Erika Jayne

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8 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

That was not my impression. I thought she knocked, did not get a response, went in the room to put the coat down and then saw her naked. Embarrassed, she made a joke about it. There is a slight delay after she goes in before we hear conversation, iirc. I am assuming because she did not see Chrystal as soon as she opened the door.

Is Chrystal a friend of Teddi’s? Seems like Teddi would have had the same reaction with making a mountain out of a molehill. 

Watch the video she knocks opens the door pauses cause crystal says something she doesn’t turn around and continues on in the room with her whatever you are doing in here comment.  

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4 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

All of these women have skeletons in their closet, skeletons that Erika would not hesitate to drag out into the light and in front of the camera to take them down with her.  And the women know that.  

All of them, except for Garcelle.  Well, maybe Sutton has no skeletons in her closet, but she doesn't have the social skills to hold anyone's feet to the fire.

If any of them are going to nut up and go toe to toe with the odious Erika, I believe Garcelle could hold Erika's feet to the fire and verbally take her down, smiling sweetly the entire time without backing down.  

Or maybe I'm biased because I happen to love Garcelle.  



And Rinna listening so intently and agreeing with Erika.  She’s a girls best friend. She probably hates Erika.  When I look at Rinna, all I see is lips and that crazy hair.  I can’t stand her either, with that loud annoying screeching laugh.  Why is she still on here?  

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17 minutes ago, lilmarysunshine said:

That was not my impression. I thought she knocked, did not get a response, went in the room to put the coat down and then saw her naked. Embarrassed, she made a joke about it. There is a slight delay after she goes in before we hear conversation, iirc. I am assuming because she did not see Chrystal as soon as she opened the door.

Is Chrystal a friend of Teddi’s? Seems like Teddi would have had the same reaction with making a mountain out of a molehill. 

In the first place, why return a coat at that time of night when everyone was getting ready for bed?  A closed door no less.  Did she think she was going for a walk?  No excuse.  Poor judgement or a set up.

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1 minute ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

I totally believe Crystal felt uncomfortable. I would've too, especially if I barely knew the person and any shared moments we'd had were mostly at odds.

Where I have an issue with Crystal is she told Sutton that she accepted the apology, and said  "I'm not talking about it with any of the girls, it's not a big deal at all" then she proceeded to talk about it (and embellished it) which made it a larger deal.

Right, I think that is a completely fair critique, as I said in the post you quoted. But her initial feelings of discomfort are also very valid, in my opinion, regardless of how anyone here would feel about the situation if it happened to them. 

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2 minutes ago, eleanorofaquitaine said:

Right, I think that is a completely fair critique, as I said in the post you quoted. But her initial feelings of discomfort are also very valid, in my opinion, regardless of how anyone here would feel about the situation if it happened to them. 

Same page, we're on one, lol! Crystal is totally entitled to how she felt.

I hope they can come to some sort of peace and not have this as a topic the whole season. I'd rather they all gang up and take down Rinna 😆 

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15 minutes ago, Persnickety1 said:

Maybe just me, but I thought Sutton was at least half drunk and it seemed like more of a snarky move to take the coat to Crystal, "that's what girlfriends do, right?" 

My impression was she was doing it to prove some vague point about what a good "friend" she could be to Crystal, not being sincere but more of a "I'll kill her with kindness and show her" type of maneuver.

It ended up biting her right in her proper southern ass, though, as she didn't have the courtesy to wait until she got a response from Crystal that she could enter.  

I hope that reads somewhat coherently.  Suffice to say, I think with the tone of the conversation taking place immediately before #coatgate and the tone in which Sutton stated she was taking Crystal her coat because "that's what girlfriends do," just didn't seem genuine at all to me.  

(And now it's off to work for me...have a great Thursday, fellow posters!)

That's my thought too.

Sutton was clearly in the wrong opening up the door w/o someone saying to come in.  Then her asking what was going on in there, also rude AF.

That said, the more it gets talked about the more you wonder what she *was* doing in there.  Maybe being walked in on is the bulimic's nightmare and she's held onto that fear for so long that it was traumatizing to her while she's in recovery.

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11 minutes ago, Feech said:

What was out of proportion was what Crystal called Sutton. Manic. Mentally ill. Every diagnosis you could google on WEB MD. She tried to attack and shame Sutton by saying she was mentally and that she didn’t want to deal with her. It was remarkable on its viciousness from a first year student. 

I think that really backfired for Crystal. If somebody called her that she'd probably be upset because she wants to be seen as more together, so she'd act that much more controlled. But Sutton wasn't going to feel bad about someone suggesting she was emotionally unpredictable. It didn't make Sutton try to be more controlled, it just gave Sutton something else to be victimized about. (Sutton similarly thinks Crystal should feel ashamed at being too direct, which she doesn't.)

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6 minutes ago, WhatAmIWatching said:

Same page, we're on one, lol! Crystal is totally entitled to how she felt.

I hope they can come to some sort of peace and not have this as a topic the whole season. I'd rather they all gang up and take down Rinna 😆 

Crystal was on WWHL and evidently once she actually saw the footage she realized that Sutton hadn't been doing anything nefarious or saying something out of line and that Crystal overreacted. She said they now talk and are in a good space.

I have no idea how this whole thing will be prolonged as Puppygate was. I have to assume that the producers of the show realize that the audience is there for Erika's lies and how everything goes down with her and anything else is filler and of little interest except for the fun glam kind of stuff. If they continue to go down this ridiculous violated meaningless thing, they rightfully deserve to lose any viewers who hung on through Puppygate and the idiocy of Denise

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3 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

That's my thought too.

Sutton was clearly in the wrong opening up the door w/o someone saying to come in.  Then her asking what was going on in there, also rude AF.

That said, the more it gets talked about the more you wonder what she *was* doing in there.  Maybe being walked in on is the bulimic's nightmare and she's held onto that fear for so long that it was traumatizing to her while she's in recovery.

How about locking the door. Locks are for privacy.

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Crystal and Kathy were on WWHL. Kathy came across as very charming and chatty so I wonder if the short hand speak is all an act on the show. She also won the poll of favorite sister over Kyle and Kim.

Crystal said all was fine with Sutton and she regretted how she acted and the way she treated Sutton in Tahoe. She said the incident with Sutton seeing her naked was more an issue with her eating disorder and body dysmorphia she has. Also, that her and Sutton now talk all the time. So from now on if there’s anymore  negative drama with Crystal and Sutton I’m going to side eye it as fake. 

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I don't think it is fake so much as they are in a different place now.  And I don't think Crystal was doing *anything* but being alone in her hotel room with a closed door and then having someone barge in unexpectedly. Quite honestly, I would have been upset by that, too.

I honestly don't think Sutton had any real bad intentions in that moment, though I also don't think she had some noble, selfless intentions, either. And I do think she was honestly sorry that she made Crystal feel uncomfortable at that moment. But I don't think Crystal is some kind of bad guy for feeling uncomfortable based on Sutton's actions. 

But it's good that they are talking and seem to be in a better place now. I still like Crystal more than Sutton because Sutton's studied fragility bugs me. But I don't think she's fundamentally a bad person. 

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2 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

The punishment apparently is Crystal being called a bitch and at fault for being in her own room with the door closed. It’s kinda funny that Sutton is getting a pass when she is the one that instigated the whole issue but it’s Crystal who is the bad and wrong one.  Again the white lady who cries gets a pass and the PoC is once again held at fault ... That whole weekend it was Sutton again coming for crystal but its crystal that is being a bitch in holding Sutton at arms length because she was acting unhinged towards her /......

Well Crystal is wrong cause she's being a bitch about it. It really isn't for such a huge crucifixion. Sutton made a mistake. Crystal vilified her for that mistake on more than one occasion to the other ladies. The idea that any of these ladies are "trapped" with Suttons ways is laughable to me. Suttons awkward and expresses her discomfort and somehow that's some burden to grown women to maneuver around. Oh please, At most Suttons behavior (minus that first interruption during Crystal and Kyles conversation) is eyeroll worthy at most. Just sayin'.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

Well Crystal is wrong cause she's being a bitch about it. It really isn't for such a huge crucifixion. Sutton made a mistake. Crystal vilified her for that mistake on more than one occasion to the other ladies. The idea that any of these ladies are "trapped" with Suttons ways is laughable to me. Suttons awkward and expresses her discomfort and somehow that's some burden to grown women to maneuver around. Oh please, At most Suttons behavior (minus that first interruption during Crystal and Kyles conversation) is eyeroll worthy at most. Just sayin'.

Because crystal isn’t crying fake tears and rolling her face to “soothe” herself and isn’t being over emotional in her reactions to a woman who is acting unhinged she is a bitch? No she just isn’t acting just as unhinged as Sutton. 

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38 minutes ago, amarante said:

Crystal was on WWHL and evidently once she actually saw the footage she realized that Sutton hadn't been doing anything nefarious or saying something out of line and that Crystal overreacted. She said they now talk and are in a good space.

I have no idea how this whole thing will be prolonged as Puppygate was. I have to assume that the producers of the show realize that the audience is there for Erika's lies and how everything goes down with her and anything else is filler and of little interest except for the fun glam kind of stuff. If they continue to go down this ridiculous violated meaningless thing, they rightfully deserve to lose any viewers who hung on through Puppygate and the idiocy of Denise


36 minutes ago, Straycat80 said:

Crystal and Kathy were on WWHL. Kathy came across as very charming and chatty so I wonder if the short hand speak is all an act on the show. She also won the poll of favorite sister over Kyle and Kim.

Crystal said all was fine with Sutton and she regretted how she acted and the way she treated Sutton in Tahoe. She said the incident with Sutton seeing her naked was more an issue with her eating disorder and body dysmorphia she has. Also, that her and Sutton now talk all the time. So from now on if there’s anymore  negative drama with Crystal and Sutton I’m going to side eye it as fake. 

Thank you so much! I don't watch WWHL, unless it gets tacked onto the end of the actual show. Good job, Crystal!

All of this just cements to me that I would never, ever go on a 'reality' show, especially on Bravo, unless they gave me millions per episode. I'd put up with a lot for millions, lol, they could even edit me into my own something-gate.

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6 hours ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Crystal, carefully not talking about the Sutton late night walk-in, has managed to do a lot of talking about it! It’s gone from it being “not a problem” to her being “violated”.  

Sutton seems to divide opinion here. Awkward innocent versus perpetual manipulative victim. Someone else saying “whatever you’re doing in here” might be creepy, but with Sutton she’s trying to be funny to cover up her embarrassment. Actually… think about it like this: someone who has Autism/is Autistic (fierce debate about the two options so I’m covering both bases) will say things in a way that is awkward and we don’t (shouldn’t) judge them if we understand that they just don’t have the social skills to be diplomatic/not seem creepy, etc. I’m not saying Sutton has Autism, I’m just saying her *awkwardness* and different *social skills* mean her walk-in encounter with Crystal was innocent and, sure, ended up being weird for both of them… but to label it “creepy” and a violation is gas-lighting Sutton.

disclaimer: I don’t mean to bring pathology into this but I thought it was a good example of understanding context about social skills to inform how we judge someone….  I have a son with Autism.


Crystal has pretty much PEGGED Sutton for being awkward and weird (weird isn't a nice word but Crystal chose that route, oh well, what a sweetheart) but then wants to fein confusion about Suttons odd reaction to walking in on Crystal. Crystal is CHOOSING to be all kinds of "freaked out" in order to paint Sutton in as bad a light as possible. And why? Because Sutton annoys her. I find that to be just wow. I totally believe Crystal is trying to gaslight Sutton and as awkward as Sutton is I do see that she's recognizing it. Problem is Sutton knows that she's already considered "emotional" so I predict that any time Sutton tries to shed light on the bullshit, between her awkwardness and her reputation it may not go well. I'm hoping that Garcelle comes to the rescue cause it does look like Garcelle is a very level headed, no nonsense person that hopefully won't allow the nonsense regarding Sutton to get out of hand. I like that Garcelle keeps it real and doesn't dance around stuff. She's loving said things to Sutton in ways that addresses the oddness or awkward moment but also in a way that's disarming as to not trigger Sutton. I really do appreciate care she takes when dealing with these women. 

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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

She's also tried to vilify Suttons actions with her retelling of the incident. Like geez louise. I have no problem with her feeling a certain kind of way about how vulnerable she was in that situation but to continue to present it like some malicious behavior on the part of Sutton is just so fucked up.

I agree with this. She is able to feel violated if that is how she feels.  I also think she is blowing it way out of proportion. In my opinion, it wasn't even a big deal. It was awkward and accidental, and nowhere near the way Crystal is making it seem. I would hope Sutton would think twice about walking in on her from now on, so lesson learned. I'm not completely on Sutton's side either. I don't think she should have even taken her the coat in the first place since they were already not getting along, but it is what it is. 

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15 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Because crystal isn’t crying fake tears and rolling her face to “soothe” herself and isn’t being over emotional in her reactions to a woman who is acting unhinged she is a bitch? No she just isn’t acting just as unhinged as Sutton. 

Unhinged? So people with anxiety and social awkwardness aren't allowed any sort of compassion, understanding or basic niceness? Cause the word unhinged, to me, describes someone who isn't well. So even if it was accurate that Sutton is unhinged (i.e. unhealthy) those are grounds to be unkind to her? 

See this is where Crystal looses me. I do think unhinged is an exaggeration of Suttons behavior but if it were true it's really not a good look to be so exasperated to the point of meanspiritedness towards someone you believe is mentally and emotionally unstable. But that's just me and my empathetic ways. I dunno. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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1 minute ago, Yours Truly said:

Unhinged? So people with anxiety and social awkwardness aren't allowed any sort of compassion, understanding or basic niceness? Cause the word unhinged, to me, describes someone who isn't well. So even if it was accurate that Sutton is unhinged (i.e. unhealthy) those are grounds to be unkind to her? 

See this is where Crystal looses me. I do think unhinged is an exaggeration of Suttons behavior but if it were true it's really not a good look to be so exasperated to the point of meanspiritedness towards someone you believe is mentally and emotionally unstable. But that's just me and my empathetic ways. I dunno. 

Unhinged… I have ptsd and depression and have manic mood swings I can say 100 % she was unhinged in her reactions to not being in on the joke AND butting into a conversation that she had NOTHING to do with between Crystal and Kyle. She interjected and tried to brush away Crystals POV like it didn’t matter. She is used to using her emotions and crying to get her way. Watch her on that boat talking to crystal the MOMENT she realizes that her tears arnt working they magically disappear … 

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13 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

Well Crystal is wrong cause she's being a bitch about it. It really isn't for such a huge crucifixion. Sutton made a mistake. Crystal vilified her for that mistake on more than one occasion to the other ladies. The idea that any of these ladies are "trapped" with Suttons ways is laughable to me. Suttons awkward and expresses her discomfort and somehow that's some burden to grown women to maneuver around. Oh please, At most Suttons behavior (minus that first interruption during Crystal and Kyles conversation) is eyeroll worthy at most. Just sayin'.

"Huge crucifixion" and "vilified" because Crystal TALKED about feeling uncomfortable? Those are some strong words for what was basically some conversation. Sutton hasn't been nailed to the Cross and Crystal isn't claiming that Sutton intended to do her harm, so I don't think by any stretch of the imagination is Crystal "crucifying" or "vilifying" Sutton. 

I think Crystal IS talking about it but thinks she isn't, and fine, one can be critical of her about that. But she's not going around insisting that Sutton be arrested or saying that Sutton attacked her. She's saying that Sutton barged into her room while she was naked and made an awkward comment that made her feel uncomfortable. All of which are things that happened.

Crystal probably should have said, "yeah, you know what, I talked about it because even though I accepted your apology, the incident still bothered me." Which is IMO a completely valid stance to take. So you know, I can ding her on not knowing her own mind when it comes to this but that's about it. 

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1 hour ago, Hangin Out said:

In the first place, why return a coat at that time of night when everyone was getting ready for bed?  A closed door no less.  Did she think she was going for a walk?  No excuse.  Poor judgement or a set up.

I don’t know. I would not have done it but I would also NEVER sign myself up for a reality show so don’t really get the mindset, anyway. Particularly when you have as much money as these women supposedly do. 

Maybe she was looking for a reason to engage in conversation about whatever issue there was and that was an excuse to make contact?

I just think accidentally walking in on someone naked is an uncomfortable moment but it does not need to be a federal case, either.

Let the mouse go!

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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Punishment?  Crystal went out in front of the group with the intention of SOLVING this problem with Sutton in front of everyone.  Little did she know that Sutton was going to take her to task for every single thing Crystal has ever said to her but now, with an audience.

Nobody but Dorit is taking Crystal's side on this.  Everyone seems to be punishing Crystal.  Gabrielle and Kyle both seem to feel that Sutton never has malicious intent in any situation at all, which honestly is pretty condescending to Sutton.  

Crystal needs to figure out that you can't have good intentions with Sutton.  She'll find a way to tear you down in front of everyone.

Well first of all Crystal was dishonest about not talking to any of the others. So that right there tells me she's a liar. Crystal is angling to be the wronged one as if a mistake= being wronged. Yes, she was on the other side of very embarrasing moment and mistake but she's handling it like Sutton needs to be called out for something. I mean, I'd be confused too. If someone was coming for me about something I didn't mean to do and kept behaving like I deliberately targeted her and meant to cause her distress. I would feel bad, apologize and be sorry but other than that what else is there? Crystal keeps recounting the story as if she wants to see consequences I.E. the other ladies chastising Sutton and because that's not happening Crystal is getting even more defensive about it. It even seemed like she kept tweaking the story so that it lands the way it needs to in order to try and incite the ladies. 

I think Sutton had a moment in front of everyone where it sunk in that Crystal was really going around implying what Sutton did was malicious and decided to share her experience with Crystal. I feel like Sutton felt she needed to put Crystal on blast a bit for the very rude and condescending things she had to say to Sutton when they had their talk to counter some of the stuff Crystal was saying about her. I feel like that was Suttons way of saying, hey ladies before the next annoying thing I do becomes Crystals next mean girl campaign against me let me tell you the type of chick she is. The type to call another woman manic and crazy when she sees them emotional and anxious. I for one am glad she called her out in front of the others about that. Crystal had no problem trying to make Sutton look bad to them when she keep retelling that story and making it sound more sinister each time. Ehhhh, Sutton is NOT wrong. Crystal IS a mean girl. Us socially awkward folks who've been on the other end of mean girl ways can spot that shit right away. 

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1 hour ago, Hangin Out said:

In the first place, why return a coat at that time of night when everyone was getting ready for bed?  A closed door no less.  Did she think she was going for a walk?  No excuse.  Poor judgement or a set up.

I suspect this was producer driven. They often prod or coach the women into doing things. Otherwise why would they have bothered to follow her with the camera for such an innocuous statement that she would take the coat to her

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5 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

I believed Erika as far as how Tom treated her but I believe it didn’t matter as long as the money was flowing her way. I’m sure they lived separately enough for her to basically have her own freedom.  If he were that controlling I doubt he would have allowed her to dress up and sing such gems like the one where she says her kitty is a python.

Bingo! I agree! I think she already had that house all set up a long time ago. She deserves an award for best BS actress. I wish I could say more but the mods here say we can’t for right now.

And as far as the other women supporting her and being sympathetic Kyle was on WWHL and said when this was filmed over six months ago they didn’t know all the other allegations we can’t talk about yet. 

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2 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Has Crystal never been to a gym or a spa???  He she never been to a European beach?? There are so many routine occasions when friends (and strangers) see you naked, I just don't understand why she thinks this is a big deal.  (I think it is funny too that she likely didn't hear the knock and Sutton's call becuase she was busy on the phone with her friend criticizing all the women.)

Granted I grew up with sisters and went to a single sex college, but this over the top reaction to someone seeing you naked just seems put on to me (and absurd).  Especially after seeing how close she is with her female cousins.  Instead of "dropping to your knees and covering yourself", how about just turning around, grabbing a towel or going into the bathroom ..... what is she hiding, a tail?

My brother-in-law walked in on me in an outdoor shower on a beach vacation, I turned around, he said sorry, closed the door and it was never mentioned again ... because it is not a big deal!!!!!

Not to say that she couldn't have had a bad reaction to Suttons mistake but I agree that she seems to be trying very hard to make it seem like such a traumatic event and I honestly believe 100% that's it is being done to make Sutton look bad and that's it. I truly do believe that is all that is. 

What I find completely ironic is that Crystals elaborate and intense reaction to what happened leans on the idea that people have a right to feel what they want to feel and that having a visceral reaction to something that triggering shouldn't be denied or criticized and yet she was quick to mock Suttons fragile emotional state and how she copes. A lot of people are failing to see what's the big deal while others understand what triggers one person may be completely benign (and laughable) to someone else.  Crystal wasn't able to offer up that sort of understanding in Suttons case and yet she feels completely justified in thinking that her experience would be accepted as something that was obviously traumatic. Well the same way Crystal didn't understand Suttons anxiety and fragility there are those who don't get what could be so traumatizing about someone walking in on you by accident. This is a teaching moment. Maybe, don't dismiss people's discomforts and anxieties if you expect to be in your own feels about something that not everyone can get on board with or see the severity. 

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46 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Because crystal isn’t crying fake tears and rolling her face to “soothe” herself and isn’t being over emotional in her reactions to a woman who is acting unhinged she is a bitch? No she just isn’t acting just as unhinged as Sutton. 

FYI, my daughter who has anxiety and panic attacks, was told by her therapist when she has those sessions to put something cold against her skin.  

So it may seem "unhinged" but it helps those who have such issues.

Edited by Boo Boo
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1 hour ago, Feech said:

What was out of proportion was what Crystal called Sutton. Manic. Mentally ill. Every diagnosis you could google on WEB MD. She tried to attack and shame Sutton by saying she was mentally and that she didn’t want to deal with her. It was remarkable on its viciousness from a first year student. 


Like she was so mean about it in that moment. Who does that? So yes, Sutton hasn't been "positioning" herself as a victim she's actually had someone be deliberately mean directly to her with no remorse. I mean it's the oldest insult in the book and in these times a HUGE NO NO! With all the mental health awareness and suicide awareness we don't go around shaming women who have emotional quirks, anxieties and coping mechanisms. Not to say that it can't and isn't used as a manipulative tool but you can't go around jumping straight to "feeling manipulated" and launching insulting labels. I think that's shitty move people with no patience make when they just don't want to extend a little grace to situation. Nothing wrong with smoothing over a situation with kindness EVEN IF you do believe the person is trying to be manipulative. What's crazy to me is how justifiable people seem to think it is to be nasty and mean in response. I know how to deal with manipulatively emotionally people with kindness. Why the hell not? They are obviously lacking somewhere if they feel they need to go to such measures for positive reinforcement. It's not like Sutton is abusive with it, she just really seems to have legit emotional fragility. What are these women gonna do? Order her to just stop having her anxieties? Doesn't work that way and EVERYONE knows this. Why society continues to pretend not to know this is beyond me. 

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The punishment apparently is Crystal being called a bitch and at fault for being in her own room with the door closed. It’s kinda funny that Sutton is getting a pass when she is the one that instigated the whole issue but it’s Crystal who is the bad and wrong one.  Again the white lady who cries gets a pass and the PoC is once again held at fault ... That whole weekend it was Sutton again coming for crystal but its crystal that is being a bitch in holding Sutton at arms length because she was acting unhinged towards her /......

I think it is really a stretch to try to insinuate race into the Sutton/Crystal incident.  I don't see how either of their ethnic backgrounds played any part whatsoever in what happened with the coat in the bedroom!

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Garcelle talking about men: "Well, there is such a thing as being too big". Snort! Love her. 

Kathing speaking in code. I'm convinced she's high AF all day every day on Xanax or some other prescription. Keep living your dreamy Hilton care free life, Kath!

p.s. I don't think Kath likes Erika which makes me like her even more. 

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15 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:


Like she was so mean about it in that moment. Who does that? So yes, Sutton hasn't been "positioning" herself as a victim she's actually had someone be deliberately mean directly to her with no remorse. I mean it's the oldest insult in the book and in these times a HUGE NO NO! With all the mental health awareness and suicide awareness we don't go around shaming women who have emotional quirks, anxieties and coping mechanisms. Not to say that it can't and isn't used as a manipulative tool but you can't go around jumping straight to "feeling manipulated" and launching insulting labels. I think that's shitty move people with no patience make when they just don't want to extend a little grace to situation. Nothing wrong with smoothing over a situation with kindness EVEN IF you do believe the person is trying to be manipulative. What's crazy to me is how justifiable people seem to think it is to be nasty and mean in response. I know how to deal with manipulatively emotionally people with kindness. Why the hell not? They are obviously lacking somewhere if they feel they need to go to such measures for positive reinforcement. It's not like Sutton is abusive with it, she just really seems to have legit emotional fragility. What are these women gonna do? Order her to just stop having her anxieties? Doesn't work that way and EVERYONE knows this. Why society continues to pretend not to know this is beyond me. 

In your posts you have hit the nail on the head with regards to why I am appalled at Crystal's attempts to demean Sutton. If Crystal did/does have bulimia, she also has a mental disorder. How would she have felt if, after sharing with the women, one of them called her the names she called Sutton? Glass houses, Crystal, glass houses. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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6 minutes ago, Feech said:

I wouldn’t minimize someone working in the sex industry where so much exploitation occurs. Certainly if you have no problem sending someone off to suck a guys dick in a hotel room you really have no standing to pretend to be the Virgin Mary.

It doesn’t wash.

This is a hyperbolic statement tho so is everyone that is catholic responsible for priest molesting people? Are they giving their ok because they are catholic??  She is no no way responsible for what other adults do of their own free will.and she has never once said she is ok with people being trafficked. 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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48 minutes ago, Feech said:

It is pretty amusing that Crystal was so traumatized by someone seeing her naked when her first career choice as a young woman was to pimp out young girls who were being sexually exploited and forced to get naked and have sex with strangers.

When did she get so sensitive all of a sudden?

It doesn’t ring true. Her bitchy attitude on the other hand comes out loud and clear.

One and done like sunglasses girl.

It is pretty amusing how much you want to make this a thing. But sure, I'll play along. For one, as noted, she herself was not a sex worker. For two, she was 18. For three, say that she was a sex worker. Or say that she did exploit these other women, as you claim. Does that mean she somehow forfeited the right to set boundaries around who sees her naked? Do sex workers lose the right to feel violated because they have been in sex work? That makes for a nice attitude on The Handmaid's Tale, not so much on RHOBH. 

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Just now, TattleTeeny said:

I think Crystal is a jerk -- except for her enthusiasm for dumplings, which I am going to try to make.

I actually laughed out loud when Kyle said that making the dumplings seemed like a lot of work. As someone who hates to cook (and pretty well doesn't, as my hubby enjoys it) I can relate.  I actually thought Kyle was hilarious in this epi, and loved her impersonation of Kathy.

My biggest surprise is that Tom's 16,000 square foot house only has 4 bedrooms. I like Erika's new rental. And I like that she dropped Tom off at work and then moved out. I think one of the headlines they showed on the episode about their split may be closer to the reason she left. I don't think she and Tom planned the split together. 

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4 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I think Crystal is a jerk -- except for her enthusiasm for dumplings, which I am going to try to make.

The dumpling making was fun to watch! I love when they do these types of activities. Though I do wonder about them monogramming everything, what's up with that? Even down to their tiny slices of cake! It reminds me of when I taught preK and we had to label everything to help keep order, as well as help the kids learn to recognize and spell their names.

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I’m an OK cook for what I need to do, but invariably confused about anything outside my comfort zone (and I HATE baking), but the dumplings looked easy enough to me (especially because I’m the lazy ass who buys prechopped vegetables).

Regarding Tom’s house, I was also surprised by the lack of bedrooms. Maybe it has other rooms that are called something else but could conceivably be BRs?

And regarding Erika fleeing the home, I kept thinking “isn’t there some ancient, right-hand-man type of servant in there who would tip off Tom immediately?” Haha, maybe I’m adding some kind of nonexistent gothic VC Andrews drama to this whole thing!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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2 minutes ago, UsernameFatigue said:

My biggest surprise is that Tom's 16,000 square foot house only has 4 bedrooms. I like Erika's new rental. And I like that she dropped Tom off at work and then moved out. I think one of the headlines they showed on the episode about their split may be closer to the reason she left. I don't think she and Tom planned the split together. 

And didn't it have 9 bathrooms?? That's just odd to have more bathrooms than bedrooms!

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56 minutes ago, Yours Truly said:

 Crystal IS a mean girl. Us socially awkward folks who've been on the other end of mean girl ways can spot that shit right away. 

As a very quiet and socially awkward person too, I can sniff a mean girl a mile away. I've had to deal with them my whole life since I am considered an "easy" target. 

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