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S10.E24: MIA


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Sorry, but you don't send a couple addicts to pick up your narcotics. Jade's lucky they stuck around long enough to drive her back to the house.  They're on the mattress in the back of the minivan popping percocets. 

Apparently Kail was cut from the episode because she refused to show Chris beating on her? (According to Briana) it appears she returns next week. 

  • Love 8

So I see Brianna got back at Kail for Kail interviewing Briannas baby daddy with her above love note about Kails abuse.

This should make for a great tell all!

Did Jade really think Mom would take care of her?  That mother looked like she was on something when she showed up at Jades rental. I thought what’s wrong with her!  She was acting a fool back then! 

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, snarts said:

Apparently Kail was cut from the episode because she refused to show Chris beating on her? (According to Briana) it appears she returns next week. 

Hell, I didn’t even notice Kail was missing tonight until I read this. 

I think I’d rather see her than Ashley though. She drove me nuts talking about getting a house her kid “deserves”. Her kid deserves a functional family more than a fancy house. They couldn’t have our picked a more interesting person from TM: Young and Pregnant? Like that super trashy family (Rachel?). It was like getting 2 for 1 with her teen mom sister.

Poor Jade, but really? Why do people do this to themselves? I get someone getting a nose or boob job here or there but these full body elective surgeries just don’t seem worth it. Also, has she not seen Brianna’s ass?? It was really on display in those leopard print shorts. It looks awful. 

Edited by Ladystardust
Adding a word
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Ok here to defend Christy.  I used to take Percocet for chronic pain and yes I have had to drive an hour to get them.  Most pharmacies don’t carry them or they only have a limited supply.  AND if you call a pharmacy they won’t tell you over the phone if they have them, to prevent robberies.  So you have to drive to the next one.

I absolutely believe she couldn’t find them.  Especially in FL after the crackdown.

She should have gone to a hospital pharmacy, they carry the good stuff.

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1 hour ago, Ladystardust said:

 Also, has she not seen Brianna’s ass?? It was really on display in those leopard print shorts. It looks awful. 

I was thrilled with every minute of Jade's segments.  Made all these years of watching this shit worth it.  Was the surgery performed in a storage room?  And what was all that crap in the parking garage, including some person in a weird robe and lime green socks?  As if that's not enough, the angle on that hatch-cam was genius, with Jade lying there like a beached whale.

And all that pain just to look like that nightmare Brianna in the leopard print shorts!!!  Well, and the opportunity to moan, "Why does this always happen to meeeee?"

I'm going to hell, but I don't care.  It's worth it.

  • LOL 12
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Why does it take two drug addicts to pick up one prescription?  Sean was left alone to handle both Jade and Kloie while Christy and the stepdad, both active addicts, went to find percocet.  Okay then.

I'm not sure what the drug rules for narcotics are in Florida. In Oregon when I had my surgery (not plastic) the doctor was allowed to call in a prescription to be picked up by someone other than the patient for only 24 hours post surgery. My son picked it up for me while I was in the recovery room and had it already when he drove me home. Under different circumstances such a prescription can only be filled with a written prescription by the patient in person.

My big problem was that this full body surgery was performed outpatient and as soon as she was conscious again they hustled her out the door again with a quickness.  Almost all of her interactions were with nursing (?) staff and not the doctor himself. Every question or concern she had was met with a variation of 'don't worry about it'.  Was the doctor even board certified or was he one of the many who took a weekend class on plastic surgery for fun and profit? We don't know. But the whole thing makes my skin crawl.  Also I would never go to Florida for plastic surgery due to the huge amount of skeezy plastic surgery done there.  I don't trust.

Finally, Brianna's ass.  Look and beware.

  • Love 21
9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Was the surgery performed in a storage room? 

It sure looked like it. As soon as I saw that shot I thought the same thing, as in "How can that storage room be a sterile OR?!    It looked like some back-alley office running sub-par surgeries.   Would a legit MD do that many procedures at once?  

Most doctors can electronically "phone" in prescriptions so they are ready when you arrive.   

I was so glad to see Larry the Producer explain to that waste of space Sean that he needed to make a grownup decision and call 911 because I would have done it as soon as I saw what condition they sent Jade home in - in the back of a damn van for crying out loud.  

  • Love 16
39 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

My big problem was that this full body surgery was performed outpatient and as soon as she was conscious again they hustled her out the door again with a quickness.  Almost all of her interactions were with nursing (?) staff and not the doctor himself. Every question or concern she had was met with a variation of 'don't worry about it'.  Was the doctor even board certified or was he one of the many who took a weekend class on plastic surgery for fun and profit? We don't know. But the whole thing makes my skin crawl.  Also I would never go to Florida for plastic surgery due to the huge amount of skeezy plastic surgery done there.  I don't trust.

Exactly how I felt too!   Another clue would be that they were scheduling surgeries at all - although I realize this is South Florida.  I'm not sure when this was, but In my state I couldn't get a knee surgery for most of last year.  I guess a back-room surgery office wouldn't really care about that though. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7

Did Corey say Alli's wheelchair cost $50,000?!?!  Please tell me he said $15,000 and I misheard.  15k is insane, nevermind $50,000, even if it's top of the line.  I wonder what a base model is, still five figures I'm sure.  The profit margin must be huge.  There is also a lot of technology in newer cars that cost less than that.  IMO, this is straight up taking advantage of disabled people who need these chairs to function.  Disgusting. 


Everything involving Jade was just shocking.  Everything.  I cannot believe the way they sent her out the door.  I guess it's better for them if the patients code off the premises.  No reputable healthcare provider would send someone out on an air mattress in the back of an SUV.  They wanted her out, and fast.  Sickening. 

I'm sure the Air B&B owners were thrilled to see their bed was being used as a recovery bed for a woman who was bleeding and draining fluid everywhere.  Yuck. 


  • Love 15
31 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

So why couldn't they pick up Jade's prescription on the way back to the Air B-N-B? Also, why couldn't the doctor call in the prescription  to a local pharmacy?

I think she mentioned when they were picking her up that they tried to do that, but the pharmacies near the medical center didn't carry it.


27 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:


I'm not sure what the drug rules for narcotics are in Florida. In Oregon when I had my surgery (not plastic) the doctor was allowed to call in a prescription to be picked up by someone other than the patient for only 24 hours post surgery. My son picked it up for me while I was in the recovery room and had it already when he drove me home. Under different circumstances such a prescription can only be filled with a written prescription by the patient in person.




16 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

It sure looked like it. As soon as I saw that shot I thought the same thing, as in "How can that storage room be a sterile OR?!    It looked like some back-alley office running sub-par surgeries.   Would a legit MD do that many procedures at once?  

Most doctors can electronically "phone" in prescriptions so they are ready when you arrive.   

I was so glad to see Larry the Producer explain to that waste of space Sean that he needed to make a grownup decision and call 911 because I would have done it as soon as I saw what condition they sent Jade home in - in the back of a damn van for crying out loud.  

There are different rules state to state.  The whole country has cracked down though.  In Illinois, I wasn't able to have a narcotic called in, but now they can send it electronically.  BUT, sometimes when they send it electronically, I call that pharmacy and they tell me they don't have it in stock.  So, I have to then research where I can get it before they retract and resend to another pharmacy.  It can take a whole day to do this.

Trust me, dealing with these types of prescriptions has turned into a nightmare.  

You can usually get them at a hospital in-house pharmacy but it is a bit more expensive.  But I wish someone told Jade, et al about that.

All of this being said, I CANNOT believe that they did this surgery as a day-surgery and sent her home in THAT condition.


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Watching Jade being shoved out of that "surgery center" and transported on an air mattress to a vacation rental for recovery reminded me of poor Donda West:

According to the autopsy report, "West was able to walk out of the clinic after 5 1/2 hours of surgery, heavily bandaged, and prescribed Vicodin for pain. She opted to return to her home for care even though she was advised that she receive post-operative care at another facility." She was apparently, as per the autopsy report, cared for by an "experienced nurse" and other family members at home.

As far as we know, Jade wasn't even advised to seek post-op care at an actual medical facility, and there certainly was nobody with her that had a whit of common sense, let alone medical training.  How are these doctors allowed to do extensive surgery in an outpatient setting and immediately discharge the patient?  Hospitals have recovery rooms where all patients are sent for observation, no matter how minor the surgery.

Donda West article quoted above:


  • Love 2

I read somewhere recently (last four months or so I think) that since the DEA etc were cracking down on pharmacy pill mills and due to robberies some pharmacies just refused to stock narcotics any longer in response. But I would expect that the doctor/surgery clinic would have dealt with this situation and be aware of what pharmacies they can send people to for their prescriptions etc and do advise them. Sending someone in that condition out the door with a written prescription and no pharmacy to fill it at is just evil IMO. Nothing about this surgery was done appropriately by my standards but it's Florida and they have lax standards for almost everything there.

  • Love 8
17 hours ago, Mkay said:

This is the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever seen or heard. She's so full of crap...she should be shit canned today. So she's going to dictate to MTV what they air? Say what? And she makes more money on her stupid podcast than filming Teen Mom? Really? Fire her...today. And boycott her podcast. Why would anyone want to listen to what she has to say...enough!

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, Mkay said:

The reason Kail won’t be on tonight. The arrest of her assaulting Chris would have been aired. She doesn’t want people to see that.  


I'm pretty critical of Brianna but I agree 100% with what she wrote here. Kail wants everyone to think her life is hunky dory and the kids are all perfect and she has this great relationship with all her baby daddies. She wants to control the narrative...not MTV. That's not what she originally signed up for when she started with this show...all the girls show the bad stuff but Kail is exempt? And she's bragging how she makes more money with her stupid podcast? MTV should fire her and move on. Since when do they allow a cast member to dictate content? And frankly, Brianna seemed like a pretty stand up person last night...the way she helped Jade and was instrumental in getting Jade the help she needed was awesome. She may be a lot of other things but she seems like a pretty selfless person when it comes to helping her friends...Kail is selfish, self absorbed brat who doesn't have any friends at all...the only people that hang around her are on her payroll. 

  • Love 16
23 minutes ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I read somewhere recently (last four months or so I think) that since the DEA etc were cracking down on pharmacy pill mills and due to robberies some pharmacies just refused to stock narcotics any longer in response. But I would expect that the doctor/surgery clinic would have dealt with this situation and be aware of what pharmacies they can send people to for their prescriptions etc and do advise them. Sending someone in that condition out the door with a written prescription and no pharmacy to fill it at is just evil IMO. Nothing about this surgery was done appropriately by my standards but it's Florida and they have lax standards for almost everything there.

I was appalled by the entire situation here. The doctor met her just before the surgery and explained NOTHING! All he said was "You've probably read about this and understand what will be done"...or words to that affect. And then when Jade expressed her anxiety and fears about the procedure he said "You'll be fine"and left the room...OMG!!!!! Then when it was over, he did not meet with her parents and had two "nurses" give a brief explanantion and instructions that were scanty. She's sent home in pain, swollen, open wounds and no meds. This "clinic" should be shut down. It was appalling. And they couldn't give her a week's supply of Percoset on her way out? They couldn't have the script phoned in or electronically sent to a pharmacy they use? This was third world country shit...Dr. Chang should have his license pulled and the "clinic" should be shuttered. And Jade should not have been sent home! She should have stayed over night at the very least after this butcher job...good grief...she needed a Registered nurses, wounds cleaned and monitored for infection and pain medication. This entire part of the show should be sent to the authorities for review of Chang's medical license. 

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4 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I think she mentioned when they were picking her up that they tried to do that, but the pharmacies near the medical center didn't carry it.




There are different rules state to state.  The whole country has cracked down though.  In Illinois, I wasn't able to have a narcotic called in, but now they can send it electronically.  BUT, sometimes when they send it electronically, I call that pharmacy and they tell me they don't have it in stock.  So, I have to then research where I can get it before they retract and resend to another pharmacy.  It can take a whole day to do this.

Trust me, dealing with these types of prescriptions has turned into a nightmare.  

You can usually get them at a hospital in-house pharmacy but it is a bit more expensive.  But I wish someone told Jade, et al about that.

All of this being said, I CANNOT believe that they did this surgery as a day-surgery and sent her home in THAT condition.


I’ve had a few surgeries, and doctors have always called the prescriptions into the pharmacy afterward. Jade’s doctor has presumably done many of these surgeries and would know which pharmacies carry those medications. This seems like a contrived MTV storyline.

2 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I read somewhere recently (last four months or so I think) that since the DEA etc were cracking down on pharmacy pill mills and due to robberies some pharmacies just refused to stock narcotics any longer in response. But I would expect that the doctor/surgery clinic would have dealt with this situation and be aware of what pharmacies they can send people to for their prescriptions etc and do advise them. Sending someone in that condition out the door with a written prescription and no pharmacy to fill it at is just evil IMO. Nothing about this surgery was done appropriately by my standards but it's Florida and they have lax standards for almost everything there.

Exactly - they have cracked down but doctors who do lots of these surgeries know which pharmacies they can use. I call BS on this storyline.

Edited by Cinnabon
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2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I'm pretty critical of Brianna but I agree 100% with what she wrote here. Kail wants everyone to think her life is hunky dory and the kids are all perfect and she has this great relationship with all her baby daddies. She wants to control the narrative...not MTV. That's not what she originally signed up for when she started with this show...all the girls show the bad stuff but Kail is exempt? And she's bragging how she makes more money with her stupid podcast? MTV should fire her and move on. Since when do they allow a cast member to dictate content? And frankly, Brianna seemed like a pretty stand up person last night...the way she helped Jade and was instrumental in getting Jade the help she needed was awesome. She may be a lot of other things but she seems like a pretty selfless person when it comes to helping her friends...Kail is selfish, self absorbed brat who doesn't have any friends at all...the only people that hang around her are on her payroll. 

Isn’t this EXACTLY what Chelsea also does/did? Tried to control the narrative. 

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12 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

I’ve had a few surgeries, and doctors have always called the prescriptions into the pharmacy afterward. Jade’s doctor has presumably done many of these surgeries and would know which pharmacies carry those medications. This seems like a contrived MTV storyline.

I mean, yeah it is probably contrived, knowing MTV.  And the whole ambulance screeching up with the music... they have no other "drama" to show, so they need to create it.

But again, not to take up for fricken Christy, but the rules are different state to state AND they have changed a lot in just the last few years, due to the opioid issues.  Florida was a hot spot for pill mills, a lot of lawsuits later, it is hard to get the prescription filled.

The doctors don't know what pharmacies carry the medications.  My doctor who is basically a pain specialist doesn't know.  They send electronically where I ask them to, and if that pharmacy doesn't have it, I have to call around, the pharmacists don't want to tell me if they have it in stock, I tell them who I am so they can look me up so they know I have a legitimate prescription, etc.  It is a whole long process.  Maybe your state is how mine used to be before all of this, I don't know.

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This whole Jade situation is completely ridiculous. Now that posters are enlightening us, Christy may have had a hard time filling it, but she also didn't handle it properly. Wouldn't Christy after going to the 2nd pharmacy think it might be a good idea to call the surgical facility for help or call Sean and let them know what is going on. Isn't there a generic version of Percocet they could of given her to substitute? 

Who made the damn call to send Christy in the first place? Why wasn't Jade sent home with a couple of pills to get her through the night? 

  • Love 9

Dr. Chang is being disciplined by the Florida Department of Health for refusing to respond to a patient after a "suction assisted lipectomy of the abdomen, flanks, lower back, and chin.''  The patient noted bleeding from the operation site on her way to her hotel and lost consciousness. Shortly thereafter, she arrived via ambulance at a hospital, where she was diagnosed with hypovolemic shock and was given multiple blood transfusions. Later, she was transferred to another hospital for additional treatment.  Dr. Chang reportedly failed to respond to multiple attempts to contact him with regards to the patient's condition.  The prevailing professional standard of care required Dr. Chang to be available and/or to have a designee available in the event of an emergency or complication.

There's a recent (March 2021) article about this in the Miami Herald, but it is a pay site.  If this link works, it shows the actual DOH document.  Go to Discipline/Admin Action:


Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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3 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Dr. Chang is being disciplined by the Florida Department of Health for refusing to respond to a patient after a "suction assisted lipectomy of the abdomen, flanks, lower back, and chin.''  The patient noted bleeding from the operation site on her way to her hotel and lost consciousness. Shortly thereafter, she arrived via ambulance at a hospital, where she was diagnosed with hypovolemic shock and was given multiple blood transfusions. Later, she was transferred to another hospital for additional treatment.  Dr. Chang reportedly failed to respond to multiple attempts to contact him with regards to the patient's condition.  The prevailing professional standard of care required Dr. Chang to be available and/or to have a designee available in the event of an emergency or complication.

There's a recent (March 2021) article about this in the Miami Herald, but it is a pay site.  If this link works, it shows the actual DOH document.  Go to Discipline/Admin Action:


No surprise there but thanks for the research! It looks like this was in 2018, so I'm guessing Jade limited her research to talking to Brianna and youtube.  

2 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

His degree is from a school in Grenada, West Indies in the Caribbean.  🤨Just sayin'.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Cinnabon said:

Isn’t this EXACTLY what Chelsea also does/did? Tried to control the narrative. 

I don’t know…did she?

14 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

No surprise there but thanks for the research!

His degree is from a school in Grenada, West Indies in the Caribbean.  🤨Just sayin'.  

O dear god…why am I not surprised.

  • Love 6
56 minutes ago, justduckey said:

I have minimal sympathy for these girls putting themselves thorough these ridiculous procedures. Therapy to find their self worth/esteem would be a better use of time and money.

I agree but blame a lot of it on the MTV/Kardashians/social media environment for this explosion of cosmetic procedures to look better. I would join a gym, get a trainer and nutritionist rather than go through the hell that Jade seemed to be in. Doing some consistent exercise and eating healthy would not only help her look better but would have mental health benefits as well as physical health benefits for the present and future. And honestly, when you see Brianna’s ass it really is gross…and she’s had two procedures to make it look that way. 

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Why does it take two drug addicts to pick up one prescription?  Sean was left alone to handle both Jade and Kloie while Christy and the stepdad, both active addicts, went to find percocet.  Okay then.

I'm not sure what the drug rules for narcotics are in Florida. In Oregon when I had my surgery (not plastic) the doctor was allowed to call in a prescription to be picked up by someone other than the patient for only 24 hours post surgery. My son picked it up for me while I was in the recovery room and had it already when he drove me home. Under different circumstances such a prescription can only be filled with a written prescription by the patient in person.

My big problem was that this full body surgery was performed outpatient and as soon as she was conscious again they hustled her out the door again with a quickness.  Almost all of her interactions were with nursing (?) staff and not the doctor himself. Every question or concern she had was met with a variation of 'don't worry about it'.  Was the doctor even board certified or was he one of the many who took a weekend class on plastic surgery for fun and profit? We don't know. But the whole thing makes my skin crawl.  Also I would never go to Florida for plastic surgery due to the huge amount of skeezy plastic surgery done there.  I don't trust.

Finally, Brianna's ass.  Look and beware.

Yes, yes and yes to everything you said! 

  • Love 4

I admit to assuming Jade’s parents filled the prescription and were using it themselves. I didn’t get why Sean didn’t go get the prescriptions. Normally, a mom would want to stay behind to help her daughter in case she needed to go to the bathroom or whatever, especially in a situation where some might find it embarrassing to need the help. I even felt bad for Sean because he was trying to help but had no idea what to do. 

I can’t believe I am saying this but Briana was the only one with any common sense in all this craziness. I firmly believe the producers wouldn’t have done anything if Briana hadn’t been there trying to get people to take the situation seriously. She was the only one asking the right questions. She had been through the surgeries so she knew this was going in the wrong direction. I feel like MTV would have been more than happy to film Jade going into shock or bleeding out or dying. Talk about a way to revive a dying franchise. 

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

Dr. Chang is being disciplined by the Florida Department of Health for refusing to respond to a patient after a "suction assisted lipectomy of the abdomen, flanks, lower back, and chin.''  The patient noted bleeding from the operation site on her way to her hotel and lost consciousness. Shortly thereafter, she arrived via ambulance at a hospital, where she was diagnosed with hypovolemic shock and was given multiple blood transfusions. Later, she was transferred to another hospital for additional treatment.  Dr. Chang reportedly failed to respond to multiple attempts to contact him with regards to the patient's condition.  The prevailing professional standard of care required Dr. Chang to be available and/or to have a designee available in the event of an emergency or complication.

There's a recent (March 2021) article about this in the Miami Herald, but it is a pay site.  If this link works, it shows the actual DOH document.  Go to Discipline/Admin Action:


I've had better veternarians than this Chang guy...he's a butcher...not a physician.

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On 6/9/2021 at 11:38 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

My big problem was that this full body surgery was performed outpatient and as soon as she was conscious again they hustled her out the door again with a quickness.  Almost all of her interactions were with nursing (?) staff and not the doctor himself. Every question or concern she had was met with a variation of 'don't worry about it'.  Was the doctor even board certified or was he one of the many who took a weekend class on plastic surgery for fun and profit? We don't know. But the whole thing makes my skin crawl.  Also I would never go to Florida for plastic surgery due to the huge amount of skeezy plastic surgery done there.  I don't trust.

I thought it was pretty blatantly unethical for Jade's doctor to do the surgeries for so many reasons, not the least of which is that it seems unlikely that the mother of a toddler would opt to get all of that work done at once if the work weren't being done for free (and, presumably, getting it all done at once was a condition). Plus, everything else. On top of all of that, it was... stunning to see Briana walking around in those leopard skin leggings shorts and realize that Jade was doing all that to get an ass that looks like Briana's. And I'm a big ass fan (and possessor), but still. And Jade's mom has an even bigger (though, presumably, natural) version of Briana's ass, so Jade can probably look forward to developing it naturally over time. Just, why???

On 6/9/2021 at 3:06 PM, Cosmocrush said:

I thought he said $80K.   I agree it's pricey but I'm sure they paid little if anything out of pocket for that. 

I rewound it and that's what I heard too. I'm sure manufacturers of high-end wheel chairs price the hell out of them. There's a limited market in general, but probably even more so for child-sized chairs and they're probably almost always paid for by insurance.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 6
13 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

No surprise there but thanks for the research! It looks like this was in 2018, so I'm guessing Jade limited her research to talking to Brianna and youtube.  

His degree is from a school in Grenada, West Indies in the Caribbean.  🤨Just sayin'.  

Nothing wrong with a medical degree from the West Indies. BUT I do think Jade’s doctor is horrible separate from that. Who sends a patient home in that condition on a mattress in the back of a van? She did do it to herself (Brianna’s butt looks horrible so good luck with that Jade) but I actually teared up. Between manipulation from likely her parents and MTV, a callous doctor and a useles boyfriend, this poor girl was left in pain for hours. Brianna surprisingly was the only helpful person there. But overall it felt like everyone there was there for selfish reasons and no one seemed to really be there sincerely for Jade, does she have any real friends/family or just hanger-ons? Yikes even D list celebrity seems lonely. 

  • Love 9

Why did Jade decide to do all of these in one day?  Was it because of the discount she may have gotten for using his services?  I would say this does not reflect well on him and his clinic, really bad advertising.  I just can't imagine not thinking it through and considering you would be chopped on your front and back and have no way to lay down.  I absolutely do not feel sorry for Jade at all because this was an elective surgery that was completely unnecessary.  If she lays there moaning like a puffy whale then so be it.  It seemed dirty and shady to be thrown in the back of a van.   I think Christy being gone that long is a mixture of her being unfamiliar with the area and being a fucking idiot. 


I did not notice Kail was missing until it was brought up here.   Totally knew something was up when she tried to claim Chris had an issue with DV and we had never heard about it before.  Because it was her!  LOL


  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

This was just a typical day for Jade. The whole trash circus probably moved into her house when they got back from Miami.

Leah you're not fooling me, you're still dumb as a post. I can't FF fast enough when her never worked a day in her life ass comes on my TV screen.

Yeah, honestly I don't even watch this anymore (since a previous reunion turned into a vintage Jerry Springer episode and then Chelsea left)  but came upon it and the Jade story made me stop and watch, frankly in horror.  How did this show devolve into this?!?   I  FF through all the rest.

Trash Circus is the perfect description.  In hindsight, the entire 'event' was ill advised and I couldn't figure out why they ALL went to Florida (never mind that Jade shouldn't have been there in the first place) except it was a free vacay and probably $$ for the worthless parents and boyfriend.   At that age it was completely inappropriate to bring the baby, but I guess Jade wisely knew she couldn't leave her with any of those worthless people.   I'm going to assume it all turned out okay (don't follow any of the TM) and that this episode served as a huge warning to young women looking to fix their self-esteem with discount plastic surgery. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 7
20 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I mean, yeah it is probably contrived, knowing MTV.  And the whole ambulance screeching up with the music... they have no other "drama" to show, so they need to create it.

But again, not to take up for fricken Christy, but the rules are different state to state AND they have changed a lot in just the last few years, due to the opioid issues.  Florida was a hot spot for pill mills, a lot of lawsuits later, it is hard to get the prescription filled.

The doctors don't know what pharmacies carry the medications.  My doctor who is basically a pain specialist doesn't know.  They send electronically where I ask them to, and if that pharmacy doesn't have it, I have to call around, the pharmacists don't want to tell me if they have it in stock, I tell them who I am so they can look me up so they know I have a legitimate prescription, etc.  It is a whole long process.  Maybe your state is how mine used to be before all of this, I don't know.

I’m assuming the trashy parents stole her medication.  Surgeons would know which pharmacy carries a basic medication like Percocet.   

If you take a medication on a regular basis wouldn’t you have a relationship with a certain pharmacy that you use every month? 

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