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S10.E11: Andi Then We Came To The End/S10.E12: After The Final Rose

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Can't believe the end of the season is finally here.  Seems like its been forever since the show first started.  Maybe its cause I'm just impatient for the studpidity of Bachelor in Paradise to start and that's making Andi's season drag by!  


Happy viewing everyone tonight.  Hope Papa Hy delivers during the "meet the parents" stage!

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I hope it's Nick (though I think it'll be Josh). I like Nick and find his nervousness endearing and genuine. On the other hand, everything about Josh turns me off - his over-confident jock personality, his making everything about him and his baseball career, his repeated "I'm going to make her my wife" (and never once "I want to be her husband"). Ugh.

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I always want the Bachelor/ette to pick the least predictable "winner", but that doesn't happen very often.  That being said, it will probably be Josh.  Whatever, I'm not particularly into either of the final two. 

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Very telling that on these dates either Nick or Andi is looking away from the other while talking, whereas Andi and Josh can't take their eyes off each other and can't stop beaming. On a show where they barely ever even eat on dates, Andi is spending more focus pealing a mango than on Nick. (And she doesn't even know the trick of cutting the flesh against the pit and then cutting the flesh down to the skin to create cubes.)

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Hey guys!  Most of the "Bachelor favorites" in the audience tonight are also appearing on Bachelor in Paradise starting next week!  Or else are strong candidates to be the next Bachelor.  Huh.  What are the odds?  


Am I the only one who thinks Andi looks like almost a different person in this scene where she's dumping Nick?  She's either wearing no makeup, or very little, which has only drawn attention to the fact that she normally wears so much.

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Nick said "you took it too far". I have such mixed feelings about this because as we all know the bachelorette has to make the audience wonder who she will pick, and the people who sign up for this show should know what they are in for. But does the bachelorette/bachelor unfairly lead on the person they are not going to choose?

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Chris Harrison: "Wow, I'm guessing no one suspected that shocking twist when Andi knocked on Nick's door! Except everyone kind of knew it was coming because the background music randomly dropped out right before the camera panned to the door... But still, what a shocker! Let's cut to commercial and then interview everyone in the audience what they think will happen, even though everyone knows that Andi is there to break up with Nick. But I'm going to spin my questions in a way to make it seem like Nick still has a chance! And we'll find out if he still has a chance... after another commercial break."

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Nick said "you took it too far". I have such mixed feelings about this because as we all know the bachelorette has to make the audience wonder who she will pick, and the people who sign up for this show should know what they are in for. But does the bachelorette/bachelor unfairly lead on the person they are not going to choose?


Depends really. I always thought it was shitty of Andy Baldwin to tell Devin he loved her too during their last day together when he knew he was going to pick Tessa. I don't know if I'm fully ready to say Andi "went too far" but there was the moment during their date when he told her he loved her and she made a comment about wishing there were things she could have said back to him and then during the night, he expressed some fears and she told him he didn't have to be scared. Again not necessarily cold but yeah at that point, could have been more vague. 

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The lines of Andi's final rose ceremony dress are lovely.  I wonder who designed that?


Do you think Fleiss had production flunkies operating a rain machine to make Nick's Balcony Scene appropriately dramatic?  And I wonder how much he paid those sailboat operators to sail back and forth in the background of the FRC?


Nick said "you took it too far"



I'm guessing that's partly the "you slept with me even though you knew you weren't going to pick me" thing coming up again.  I don't know for sure what she was thinking at that point, but I do think the producers really want us to believe that Andi was conflicted up to the last day and only chose that morning.  That way she doesn't seem like a wanton woman (cause heaven forbid she have sex with two different guys just because she wanted to).


Wow, that was a pretty beautiful proposal, I have to admit.  If it were in any context other than this show I would almost believe it was genuine.

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Andi said she remembered Nick saying when he got engaged he woke up one morning and realized it wasn't right. She woke up that morning and realized that something was not right. He said he wished she hadn't led him on. When they were in teh water he said he loved her and she said she wished she could say stuff back to him. He said he knew it was hard on her to have that conversation with him. She cried. He gave her a half hug and she left. In the car later he said he felt like a fool.

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OMFG - less than ten words into his proposal and he already uttered the word "baseball". Staaahp it, Josh. No seriously.


Also, did his suit shrink? I kept waiting for a seam to rip when they were randomly rocking back and forth mid-proposal.

Edited by Stella MD
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Of COURSE Josh's proposal started off with, "When I gave up my first love, baseball..."! Noooo! Thankfully it went uphill from there, but that's going to grow old real fast. How long before Andi screams, "Get over yourself! You're washed up!"

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Have they ever done a retrospective on the F2 guy like this before at the ATFR?  I can't remember it.  Interesting.  Please tell me they're not setting him up as the next Bachelor.  Although I can't imagine they won't choose Chris, as long as he agrees.


Of COURSE Josh's proposal started off with, "When I gave up my first love, baseball..."! Noooo! Thankfully it went uphill from there, but that's going to grow old real fast. How long before Andi screams, "Get over yourself! You're washed up!"



SO MUCH THIS!!!  I actually threw my shoe at the TV when he said "my first love baseball."

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What Andi did to Nick was foul.  Knowing that it was Josh all along, she shouldn't have told him to trust her.  No wonder Nick was so confident.  He was the backup just in case Josh didn't feel the same way.  I wonder what Nick was referring to when he said she took it too far and that she shouldn't have said some of the things she said or did some of the things he did. 

Edited by Adeejay
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Also, did his suit shrink?

Ha, seriously! It looked really akward. He should've just unbuttoned it.


Josh/Andi's proposal was nice, sort of, but Josh's speech sounded so rehearsed, he was just rushing the words out in such an over-practiced way. I really don't like him, but they did seem very sweet and she seemed genuinely happy once she was able to get all of her feelings out. Their whole kissy "I love you more!" "No, I love you more!" was so irritating that I had to mute the TV. Ugh.

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Nick wants to talk to Andi to make her feel as bad as he does. More sour grapes. He can't stand the fact that she's happy with her decision.


She just wasn't THAT into him. \


He's looking pathetic.  And desperate.  Why does he want a woman that doesn't want him?

Edited by leighdear
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Poor Nick. He was a nice guy. Josh? eh, kind of a tool. The good thing about this dumb show is that thousands of girls will have seen this and he'll find the real right one. And she will already love him. And someday he'll say "Andi who?"

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What Andi did to Nick was foul.  Knowing that it was Josh all along, she shouldn't have told him to trust her.



Yeah, that was cold. I never liked her that much as the Bachelorette, but that really brought her down in my eyes. She deserves that loud, chaotic, sweaty guy that she choose. 


I just think she is going to get super annoyed with Josh...he's just on all the time and obnoxious. 

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So this basically ended up being the least climactic season ever with Andi basically picking exactly who many predicted she would from day one and essentially her just wasting 6 weeks of the other bachelors time - well they did get awesome vacations out of it so not entirely a waste. Not to mention that this was the most spoiled season ever, between Nick's plane video and Josh's entire family, friends, college coach, etc. basically all but tweeting out for weeks he was the winner. 


Meanwhile, as a Nick fan, all I wanted was for him to move on with his life and get back to reality. Instead, I suspect Fleiss and company were REALLY pissed off at him for blabbing too loudly on the plane and giving RS that spoiler gem and basically told him "we own you". And now they have him acting like some lovesick guy who can't let it go and Andi's telling stories about him coming to Mexico after her while she and Josh were vacationing there, so now everyone can be even more convinced he's some psycho stalker. I however call complete bullshit on that. 


Pray tell, how would Nick have known where Andi and Josh would be going considering how covert everything has to be with the Bachelorette and her pick so as to not spoil who was picked, unless a Producer let him know. Also, this little dramatic thing they have going on there right now with his family, was filmed a week and a half ago because some people got pictures of the filming while it was happening. This is all so staged imo. I'm sorry, I saw that plane video and Nick didn't even seem completely heartbroken - annoyed, sure. But I got no impression that he harbored any hope of Andi changing her mind or his planning to try and change her mind. 

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So he stalked Andi & Josh when they were vacationing in Mexico? 


I'm sorry, there's just something not right with him. Over 2 months after the end, and he's sill a basket case.  I feel more pity for him than anything. 

Reality Steve is probably laughing his ass off at the doubters. 

Edited by leighdear
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If the producers really cared about secrecy of the outcome then they would air the show as it happened, not weeks/months afterward.


The first 25 minutes of this After the Final Rose episode was a colossal waste of time. Why mess around for that long? Just bring her out already.


Frankly, Nick doesn't need to talk to Andi. He needs a friend...someone to explain to him that this show is set up to crush the runners up through no fault of their own (except signing up for the show in the first place.)

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Even if Chris Harrison wanted to milk Nick's pain for drama, you'd think that SOMEONE in his life would say, "She made her decision, she doesn't want to see you, don't be THAT guy," or "dude, you look like a stalker." You'd think that Mom would get over her son feeling sad and tell him to be a gentleman and leave Andi alone, that she raised him to respect a woman's wishes.


And are there really so few women out there that he's still pining? Andi always struck me as pretty inarticulate for someone who's a lawyer. And the constant hair touching during their last scene - ugh.


Speaking of ugh, I am a softie for these endings but could have done without all the lip smacking noises and the "I love you," "no, I love YOU," stuff.

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"I wasn't in love with him.  That's why I didn't tell him I loved him."  Did she seriously just say that?  Does she think we're all idiots?


And he just put it on blast that she fucked him...DAMN!!! Told you she slept with them both. And I love her indignant "well first of all that should be private..."


Here's my thing...I get that there is some level of "leading on" that goes into the show but if Andi's sitting there now acknowledging that she knew her feelings for Josh for so long, knowing how clearly all in Nick was and she wasn't feeling the same, why not send him home at F3. She should have said the same thing to him she she said to Marcus. Because that's why she sent Marcus home at 4. That she wasn't where he was at in her feelings. Why bring him all the way to the end and reassure him everytime he questioned her feelings. 


That said, maybe I'm being delusional on this but I'm still calling bullshit on some of this. The fact of the matter is once Andi picked Josh which every blind person predicted from the first episode and Nick just left, they were left with a pretty standard/boring finale. But then Nick unthinkingly goes and blabs on a plane and causes a spoiler of how the show ends to fall right in RS's lap, likely pissing off Fleiss and company. So at that point he's pretty much stuck with doing whatever they ask of him. I still want someone to explain to me how Nick would know where Andi and Josh were going off to vacation without some producer telling him. 


This seems so fakey. Gotta be producer-driven.



Reminds me of the whole Arie leaving his journal for Emily deal that many were convinced the producers were behind and encouraged him to do. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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This certainly isn't making Andi look even a tiny bit sympathetic. Did she seriously just tell him that he should be happy that she made him realize that he can fall in love, even if it wasn't reciprocated? Also, her body language could not be more hateful. What a bitch.

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What a dick.  That's the first time anybody ever said that on that stage.


Below the belt is an understatement.  She tried to save him the embarrassment, but he's just blown it all.


I repeat, he's a dick. 

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Do you think Fleiss had production flunkies operating a rain machine to make Nick's Balcony Scene appropriately dramatic?  And I wonder how much he paid those sailboat operators to sail back and forth in the background of the FRC?

I was wondering about the boats too - until I noticed that 30 seconds later they actually had two sailboats strategically placed on the sand for the perfect backdrop. And then, after the rainy downpour with Nick they flashed to Andi standing on the sunny beach in the same outfit. Was that shot on a different day? 4 hours later? Does the weather in the DR change as often as Andi changes bed partners? (only kidding)

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I think his reasoning if I'm going to be with someone it's because I love her. He feels used and let the Whole world know. That Was the bleach able moment. Lol Josh must be having a meltdown. Run Nick Run.

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