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S09.E15: Valentines and Birthday Whines

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Shannon is an ass.  Cannot stand her.  The Michigan-potato thing was totally idiotic.  Last week she was wowing us with her impressive verbal skills, talking about "humaness."  Humanity is the word you're looking for, child.  I am hoping against hope that she opts to drop out -- Go work on that marriage and get off the screen.  Insufferable. 


Why these men and women think we want or need to hear about whether they go anal is beyond me.  Way way way too much information.  Do they ever have an intelligent conversation about anything?  Oh wait, I know the answer.  


At least we'll get some Bali next week and the usual displays of crass ignorance that these ladies are famous for. 

  • Love 7
Hearing that Tamra and Eddie are fans of anal certainly won't help the "Eddie is gay/bi" rumors.


Does he makes her wear a Ryan beard?  Oh, not necessary, eh?  


Hey, anyone catch the look on Danielle's hubby's mug when they mentioned anal?  Dude looked like he was bouncing outta his seat.  Andy, you bitch, why didn't you let him talk?

  • Love 5

I'm completely on Shannon's side regarding her interactions with Tamra and Heather, but I was disappointed with her a few times tonight.   She, yet again, admonished David for his eating habits, and she made eating a potato seem like such a serious matter, even saying that he's setting a bad example for their three daughters because she doesn't want them to think it's okay to eat starch.  She shames him so much, and he looks kind of dumbfounded.  To me, all the vitamins and holistic preparations she packed for her young, healthy daughter are more concerning, as, in my opinion, she is likely passing on her neuroses, which is more serious than a child seeing her father eat a Michigan-style meal.


Unless it was poor editing, at the airport when David hugged her and said he loved her she didn't say anything back.  When her daughter said she was going to miss her and asked if Shannon would miss her too, Shannon was a bit aloof.   David and the daughters all seem affectionate, and they would probably really like it if she said loving things in return.  


And, as mentioned above, Shannon should not have referred to her daughter possibly becoming a woman.  A young girl really needs that subject to remain private.

  • Love 12

What a shock, Eddie likes anal.  Love the shoes, love the purse, love the bike seat.  Cancel! 


Exhibit 2,320,320,231,926 of Simon's declaration.  Have fun Simon's attorney, she handed you a muffin basket :)  Eat up buttercups!  "Show you pubes" and now anal.  Evil devil eyes.  What a twat.  His kids must be so proud.  I cough and my 16 year old says gross. 


I despise Tampron, but now, this just made me just shake my head.  She's disgusting.  She needs an elephant in Bali to spit some moisturizer on her face while she's there.  


Is this the porn channel?  What did I miss?

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 8

Does he makes her wear a Ryan beard? Oh, not necessary, eh?

Hey, anyone catch the look on Danielle's hubby's mug when they mentioned anal? Dude looked like he was bouncing outta his seat. Andy, you bitch, why didn't you let him talk?

Yes!! I couldn't believe it. I am both laughing and mortified for this dude. Seriously, why isn't Danielle a housewife? Especially with all the off camera drama that happened with her? I mean, they make public statements of defense regarding his sexuality, the editors put in a shot immediately after the question about anal and they aren't even on the show? What?

  • Love 2

So Shannon, who probably gets short of breath after running up the stairs, dislikes David's Midwestern eating habits, even though he is in terrific shape.  That dude can't win.  Most husbands his age use their abdomen as a shelf for their beer and remote control while they're watching football games all weekend.  Let him eat a damn potato in peace already.


Good job stereotyping Michigan women.  Right up there with Vicki's ignorant comments about Oklahoma and Tamra exclaiming that Auburn is still in the 19th Century because it is a small town.  Those women act like OC is cutting edge, but people in L.A. have always viewed the place as one big bedroom community.

  • Love 17

So Shannon, who probably gets short of breath after running up the stairs, dislikes David's Midwestern eating habits, even though he is in terrific shape.  That dude can't win.  Most husbands his age use their abdomen as a shelf for their beer and remote control while they're watching football games all weekend.  Let him eat a damn potato in peace already.


Good job stereotyping Michigan women.  Right up there with Vicki's ignorant comments about Oklahoma and Tamra exclaiming that Auburn is still in the 19th Century because it is a small town.  Those women act like OC is cutting edge, but people in L.A. have always viewed the place as one big bedroom community.


Well, what I heard, the freeways are a bitch.  Traffic is a nightmare.  I just drive to Walmart when I wake up at noon.  ;)    So there is no way I'd run into Heather or Shannon.  Tamballs~yes (outside Pavilions), Vicki~yes (Mexican restaurant), Jeanna many times (local steak house).   This area outside of Coto, Rancho Santa Margarita is so B.O.R.I.N.G.   The wait at BJ Restaurant is so funny.  B.O.R.I.N.G. 


I have a girlfriend who lives in Coto.  She bitches about when they run out of milk.  "Sigh, I have to go down the hill."  Oh poor poopy baby.  Don't forget to press the gate open....and enjoy those property taxes.  She also has her trainer show up on mornings and she does squats down the middle of her street.  I take my lab to poop.  But we are not upside down or losing our home...just sayin.  Bedroom community, perfect description of Coto though, not my city, outside the gates. 

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 5

I'm taking Lizzie saying Vicki was "yelling" as code for producers telling her.

Vicki told Brooks the dumb and dumber comment, but she wasn't yelling.

Hmmm, I thought Vicki and Tamra were dumb and dumber?

I agree about Danielle, what the hell did she do to producers to edit her out? It's so janky, you see her here and there but she barley speaks. In last nights episode with Lizzie and Danielle in the SUV, it made no sense. Either cut her out completely or show her at Lizzie's party. Why give us tid bits of her that are all jumbled up.

Tamra disgusts me! Not because of the anal thing, I don't care what people do sexually. She disgusts me because she is a terrible person.

Just a few episodes ago she liked Shannon so much, and couldn't stop talking shit about Heather. Now that Tamara was outed as a liar, she tries to throw Shannon under the crazy bus every 5 minutes. Shut up Tamra!

Not nice Shannon, you will get some backlash about the Michigan women thing.

I don't live in Michigan but very very close. And as a Midwesterner I should be offended by the "younger" thing. Is she right? Idk? There are heavy people that live in the Midwest sure, but hell I was just in California a few months ago and there were not so "young" looking women in California too.

Please stop with all the blanket statements, OC women.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

What a shock, Eddie likes anal. Love the shoes, love the purse, love the bike seat. Cancel!

Exhibit 2,320,320,231,926 of Simon's declaration. Have fun Simon's attorney, she handed you a muffin basket :) Eat up buttercups! "Show you pubes" and now anal. Evil devil eyes. What a twat. His kids must be so proud. I cough and my 16 year old says gross.

I despise Tampron, but now, this just made me just shake my head. She's disgusting. She needs an elephant in Bali to spit some moisturizer on her face while she's there.

Is this the porn channel? What did I miss?

Heeeeee! Did you call her Tampron???

You win the internet for Tuesday. I'm not gonna read shit else today, because girl, today is your day!

My male gay friends don't even like it when I discuss cramps or any period related stuff, so how on earth can Eddie stomach his own personal Tampron?

I guess the anal overrides it all.

  • Love 6


Per a recent Radar story, the Tamra vs. Lizzie feud heats up because Tamra claims that Lizzie asserted off-camera that Eddie wants to fuck her. So I assume the clips from the next ep depicted Tamra attempting to commiserate with Vicki ie "How would you feel if I said, 'you're just jealous because Brooks wants to fuck me?'"


I hope that's it, because if not, Tamra has sunk even lower than I thought possible. I cannot stand that woman. And who is she kidding, she would pose nude for free if Playboy offered just to prove how "hot" she is.  And those flowers - bet Bravo paid for them, because I don't think Eddie cares anymore.  She cries and cries about Simon wanting full custody and yet every episode is just more fodder for him. She is her own worst enemy. Don't know how old those kids and how much they know, but mommy is truly cringe worthy.


Way for Shannon to insult every woman in Michigan.


Heather really does drone on and on.  Blah Blah Blah.  When she was talking at the restaurant about Bali  - shut up and just invite Shannon.   The whole "girl's trip" looks to me like another "intervention"- like the time Heather and Tamra set up Alexis.  


Bravo needs to stop messing with my head by making Vicki the reasonable one.

  • Love 5

Sorry, I keep thinking of that stick that Heather is supposed to have somewhere.

Guess that frequent characterization of Heather as having a stick up her rear end will have to endure some revision in light of this specific information directly from the source.

How could Heather fit a dick if she's still clinging to the stick?

  • Love 5

Why these men and women think we want or need to hear about whether they go anal is beyond me.  Way way way too much information.  Do they ever have an intelligent conversation about anything?  Oh wait, I know the answer.  


At least we'll get some Bali next week and the usual displays of crass ignorance that these ladies are famous for. 


Thank you, and this is the reason that I don't, for a minute, believe that Madame puppet/Grinch Heather is in any way a part of the intelligentsia or even remotely erudite. You're a silly old hag like backdoor Tamballs, Grinch. And thanks for exposing yourself even more as a rube by sharing that the world is the street where you live, and you have little or no knowledge about anything outside of 'Merica. I also find it outrageous that she would disparage Shannon for dabbling in non-Western medicine while she and her nitwit fame-whoring husband describe themselves as "Bu-Jews." Neither of you hogs has one single quality of either of those two beautiful religions...or as you call them, "CUL-chuuures." Have a seat, MADAME. I wish someone WOULD give you a dirty sanchez.

  • Love 12

I really cannot stand the way Tamra is trying to paint Shannon with the "crazy, marriage-in-trouble" brush. Yes, it's quite common for someone having relationship issues to blow up easily and take their problems out on others. But she's ignoring the fact that Shannon does have REAL issues with Heather. They may be petty or blown out of proportion, but I honestly think a lot of that is just how Heather has handled it. If she could EVER just own an iota of her responsibility in these issues, I really think Shannon would just let it go and move on. But please don't try and act like Shannon is just lashing out at everyone because of her troubled marriage. 


I don't really find Shannon to be "crazy". I think she's pretty neurotic and quirky, but the way Tamra acts like she needs to be committed to the hospital is crazy. I actually find a lot of her quirks endearing. I'm a bit of a neurotic packer myself, so I was giggling quite a bit while she was preparing her daughter for her trip. I don't like all the ridiculous fights or the tension with her husband, but during those "zany" family moments, I really enjoy Shannon. And this may be minor, but the way her and David hugged goodbye at the airport - I saw a real closeness there. I think those two really do love each other at the core, they have just gotten into a very bad rut and can't seem to get back out of it. I hope they can, though. If they just step back and look at the big picture, they really do have a lovely family and life. 


Lizzie's Bravo birthday party was pretty pathetic. Are they not allowed to mix real friends and work friends anymore? Because I have a hard time believing Lizzie couldn't find anyone to show up for that. Also, can we drop all these stupid pretenses for going on trips? "I haven't had a honeymoon yet" - "And I won't be doing anything to celebrate my 15th anniversary" - "Oh hey, let's randomly celebrate those romantic moments with each other instead of our partners!" - "Oh, cool, and let's invite all the other girls too". Can't we just say, "Bravo is making us go on a trip and this year we're going to Bali"? Ha! I can dream, right? 


Maybe I'm a total prude, but I would be so uncomfortable discussing whether or not my husband and  I have anal sex at the dinner table. I did get a good laugh, though, when Tamra yelled, "do you do anal???" at Danielle and her husband's sad face said it all. 


I don't really have any illusions that this truce between Shannon and Heather will last - especially when Heather made a "yelling" crack ten seconds after they had agreed to move on. 


I AM looking forward to this trip, though, because I'm pretty sure that's going to be where Tamra runs away. I really need to see that! I bet it was an editing trick, but if Tamra really told Vicki that Brooks wants to sleep with her.....that's just wrong. So wrong. 

  • Love 10

Wow Tamra gets worse every episode and I didn't think that was even possible. I loved Vicki pointing out that Tamra was flip flopping between Heather and Shannon at that party. And if your child was sick Tamra then at least call the birthday girl and apologize - not just not show up.


The whole anal discussion was odd but it did at least seem like a genuine funny moment. 


Shannon annoys the hell out of me with all this holistic crap. Ugh. Don't want to listen to that anymore. And leave your freaking husband alone for crying out loud. Also, why did she keep saying "I haven't been away from her for longer than six days." about her daughter. It just seemed weird. You were just away from her to go to Mexico. 


I don't think Lizzie heard that Vicki comment outside the bus. There is no way she would have been able to cover that easily and appear happy the rest of the night I don't think. Producer involvement for sure there. 

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Tonight she made me livid, disparaging the women of Michigan vis-a-vis their carbohydrate intake.  When she said we should compare her and her friends to Michigan women and we would see who looks "...younger" she clearly meant "thinner" but knew that would play poorly.  I hope even she's not moronic enough to think she looks young.  She has the classic OC plastic surgery face, where age becomes irrelevant because 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds, and 50-year-olds ALL look 50.  (Note: I'm not from MI, but as far as she's concerned, I might as well be.  I'm a fat, but I look a hell of a lot younger than I am.)


Yay!  I’m beyond delighted to log on this morning to see many other posters hating Shannon’s moronic statements about those “gals” from Michigan. 


Shannon you IDIOT !!  Until last night I was actually rooting for you to work it out with David.  I was born and raised in Michigan.  I’m 2 years older than you and I still look at least 5 years younger than your ass. However, we all know what you were really referring to is “fat” and not “younger".  Unlike you I actually work out and my body is in much better shape than yours.  I’d never body shame ANYONE,  but you asked for it with your lunacy.  And No, I don’t need a “BIG POTATO” everyday.     Michigan does have grilled food, veggies and fruit, believe it or not.  Ever hear of famous Michigan cherries and apples?  Nope. Didn't think so because you're an ignorant snob.   Why do these women seem to think anyone outside the pearly gates of Orange County must be hillbilly country folk?   Also, she didn’t acknowledge the most glaring error in her statements was sitting right across from her.  Who is she to chastise him for eating potatoes when he looks 10 years younger than her ?  His body is way more smoking hot (in those Hawaii pics.) than hers.  So she’s an idiot for complaining about his eating habits. 


Oh and Shannon,  I'd like to blast you for a few other things, you out of shape neurotic bitch....


Nice way to embarrass your daughter about becoming a woman in front of her Dad.  Poor girl.   

And your black nail polish looks stupid,  along with your hideous fashion choices.


I really lament marriages breaking up, especially with kids involved.  However, now I’m rooting for David to dump her.   If I wasn’t married, I’d scoop him up.  I’d say he’s the hottest RH franchise husband. I love his Michigander ways. 


Heather !  Please. Stop. Over enunciating. And. Talking. Like. This.  You are a freakish cross between a Who from Whoville and one of those scary garden gnomes.


Tamra and the anal discussion was just attention seeking blah blah blah.   STFU Tamra.

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 10

Holy crap, did anybody see Vicki's hair with its purple streaks on Watch What Happens? Not good.

She also looks like she's had more work done. Her eyes were really swollen looking.

Yes, I caught it. I thought she looked horrible, too. Her eyes did look swollen, and of course she denied any work.

I noticed she changed the subject when a caller (or a tweet) asked her about her relationship with Brooks. Are they still together?

On the affront to Michigan side of things, my sympathies, truly.  I am waiting for the day when the entire state of Virginia gets trashed by one of these dimwits.  (Wouldn't be hard to do but that's another story.)


The only reason Shannon (or Shanne as the ladies now call her because pronouncing the entire name just takes too long) -- I digress -- The only reason Shannon thought to mention Michigan is because that's where David comes from.  And here's her big problem -- She's one of these people who always has to be right. Doesn't matter how ridiculous or petty the matter at hand -- and doesn't matter what the ultimate fallout might be for her where her marriage is concerned. Being right and schooling the population is what turns her on.  Shannon is going to set the world straight come hell or high water on anything and everything -- from who said what to whom in the latest inane gossip round to the dangers of potato-eating. 


She pretends otherwise but the world revolves around her and what she thinks and believes. Her husband is a tool but her constant nagging and disrespect ain't going to flip his switch. There's a real compulsion there -- Maybe therapy would help.  I can totally see him hooking up in Italy with one of the chaperone moms. 


Saddling her very young daughter with all kinds of supplements -- the child appears to be perfectly healthy -- heedless of what various interactions might be is just plain dumb.  I'm sure that if she were asked, Shannon would insist that she's checked all this out with her team of faux mytics and herbal experts but I think she's doing the old smorgasboard approach with this stuff.  A little of this, a touch of that.  I do some of this myself, to be honest, but I sure as hell don't impose it on my son.  Taking a dose of fish oil is one thing -- sending the kid off with a toilette bag full of bottles should raise an eyebrow. 


I've learned to kind of tune out both Tamra and Heather so they don't bother me too much.  Tamra will do and say anything to stay on the show and Heather is play acting, hoping for a better gig.  Neither of the husbands is attractive so they join the ladies in being background scenery. 


So dear state of Michigan -- I know it's hard but don't take it personally.  The woman is off her rocker.  And Madonna would beg to differ and put the ninny in a yoga chokehold to shame the devil. 

  • Love 5
I'm originally from Michigan and Iwould love to take the "Pepsi challenge" with Shannon. I am about ten years younger than her, but in ten years I am positive I will look better than she does now.


What's the Pepsi challenge? 


I can't believe LIzzie actually went through with that party even though no one showed up.  Seriously?


I actually think Shannon is an attractive woman, but her schoolmarm personality and strange plastic surgery certainly don't help.


I liked her until her comment about the potato.  First off - if you hate the fact that your husband is from the Midwest, then why did you marry him?  In my experience, if you start a relationship on the basis of resentment, it never really gets better.  Just embrace your differences and move on.  It reminds me of two friends of mine - she's a chain smoker and her husband despises cigarettes.  There is a continual loathing that is always present in their relationship that nothing can fix.


And since when is it bad for a girl to have a baked potato every day?  What the hell?  God forbid they grow up to be strong, healthy women who don't think deprivation is the ultimate way of life.


Has anyone else noticed that Vicki's given up her signature drink? 

Edited by misschung
  • Love 1

I have to add to the irritation with Shannon and the Michigan comment. It was even bad the way she said it.... California "people" and Michigan "gals".

Vickie drives me crazy with her acting so high and mighty telling everyone to be nice. I appreciate that she is standing up for Shannon, but I still remember how NASTY she has been to a large majority of the women on this show. It will take a lot more than a few episodes of her being "the voice of reason" for me to forget.

I thought at the end Heather was referring to Vickie yelling at her for being a know it all... How could I have forgotten so fast that Shannon yells?!

  • Love 3

Also - Tamra is going on a honeymoon and Heather is celebrating 15 years of marriage.  Yet they are going away without their husbands.  That makes sense.


I really didn't need to hear all the sex talk between these women.  Seriously, my mom is in her 50s and I can't imagine her and her friends speaking this way.  Heck, I'm 30 and I don't talk about this stuff in mixed company, but maybe I'm a prude. 


Also - I must have missed the flashback to Briana and Ryan bc I didn't see it in this episode. 

Edited by misschung
  • Love 5

I totally missed this Shannon vs. the potato thing. Did it happen during one of those little snippets they shove in to give us more commercials? Because sometimes when I'm watching with my DVR I totally miss those.

You didn't miss much. The potato just went on and on about Shannon yelling at it, wait a minute, that was Heather.

Never mind......

  • Love 14

So the trip to Bali is girls only? Are the boys joining later? I thought Miss Terry was going to be calling David a penis in Bali. Keep it classy Terry. So much for Hindu culture reincarnating, eh Heather. Terry still seems to be an ass or will he be transforming into a giant family size bottle of Summer's Eve® with extra vinegar.


Can't wait for this trip. The OC ladies have had a lot of trips this season though. More than the Bravo ratings juggernaut ATL and I wonder why being as how these trips ain't cheap


They showed a flashback of Tamra and Miss Terry from the dinner party both stating that Shannon's problem was clinical. I don't remember that being shown during the original airing. It made me all the more livid because Terry is a doctor and he shouldn't be tossing that word around willy nilly. Terry shouldn't be making any assertions about someone's so called mental issue being clinical because 1. being a doctor it gives that notion more force; 2. that isn't his patient;  and 3. he is a fucking plastic surgeon not a psychiatrist.


The dumb and dumber comment. Wow! That was a case of production truly showing their ass. Who the hell heard this comment? It was a whispered comment outside any cast members range of hearing. Danielle wasn't even there to begin with and Lizzie was out of earshot on the party bus with no party. How dreadful! So how the hell did anyone know about this but for production passing it on to start some shit! Sloppy, Bravo. Very sloppy. If there was every any question as to whether production fans the flames or intervenes, there aren't any now for me. I do like that Lizzie wanted to move on from it and maybe Vicki changed her mind after hanging out with her without the distraction of the other girls.


Lizzie is a serious runtelldat. 


That scene of Shannon turning her daughter into an over the counter drug mule was some WTF'ery. Who the hell needs all that shit for a 10 day trip. Shannon does realize the black plague hasn't been a problem in Europe for centuries right.


Shannon needs a hobby. I think she should follow her daughter's advice but not necessarily write a book but probably go back to school and get certification or a degree in naturopathy or whatever the hell they do for non-MDs who want to enter the holistic medicine field. That seems to be her passion and main interest so she should try to find her happy that way.


When Shannon was talking about her young daughter becoming a woman I thought at first she meant sex and was outright appalled. Then I realized she meant get her 1st period and calmed down and than appalled again.


The St. Regis setting was gorgeous. Loved the tablescape and lighting.


Heather used so many words to say absolutely nothing. Well actually to say she wasn't really at fault. What a surprise.


Heather Dubrow organizing a game with risky sex questions just does not compute for me. At all.


I thought the Dolphin sex joke was funny but just a bit too crass for such elegant surroundings.

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 9

So Tamara only likes anal when she's drunk. But she seems to like to get blackout drunk an awful lot. Like all the time. I did like how Lizzie threw it back at her after she put Danielle on the spot to try to embarrass her. It was so funny that Eddie responded before Tamara could and just threw Tamara on the bus. I've always felt bad for Tamara's children, but it's reaching new heights.

  • Love 4

Just in case Tampron or even Tamballs (which is fitting since Eddie likes anal and therefore likes balls!) removes her FB post.


I submitted my BRAVO blog, but here are a
few facts that I am sure Bravo will take out of my blog when they post it:

1. production knew my daughter was sick and I could not make it to Lizzie's birthday party. They asked me to wait until the cameras were up in the limo to let Lizzie know. then they had her call me and say "how rude that you didn't call me".

2. As soon as Vicki and Shannon found out I was not going they both called me (yes me and shannon were friendly even though they make it out that we are not at this point-Just a few days prior we were rock climbing together). Shannon told me she was sick too and was told by producers that she had to go. I told her that was not right and she needed to be strong with them.

3. Vicki was pissed that she had to go alone! She told me she did NOT want to hang out with Dumb and Dumber (referring to Lizzy and Danielle) She asked me how she could get out of going. I jokingly said "tell production you have a yeast infection, its not like anyone is going to check". Vicki had No REAL reason not to go and ended up going …...2 hours late.

4. I never told Vicki I did not want to go to the party. But I did tell her that we don't usually go out when we have the kids and I did not feel right going to LA in party bus even if my daughter wasn't sick.

5. I have NO words for Vicki! She was so nice to my face and talked so much crap behind my back, then cries "Tamra ruined Brooks reputation" No Brooks ruined his own reputation when he was recorded by your son n law calling you names and saying you needed to be beat.

6. Briana knew about Brooks and disliked him years before I ever met him. NO I DID NOT PERSUADE YOUR DAUGHTER TO NOT LIKE BROOKS.


I really feel for Shannon's daughter. Way to put so much pressure on her with taking all that crap. And David...RUN! Run far away and enjoy your meat and potatoes! Shannon sucks the life out of the world so much.

  • Love 3

I have thought Shannon was a dingbat from the word "go."  I am firmly in Camp Heather, as least as far as it applies to Shannon being a gullible dipshit who will patronize any snake-oil salesman who rolls his wagon into town.  Tonight she made me livid, disparaging the women of Michigan vis-a-vis their carbohydrate intake.  When she said we should compare her and her friends to Michigan women and we would see who looks "...younger" she clearly meant "thinner" but knew that would play poorly.  I hope even she's not moronic enough to think she looks young.  She has the classic OC plastic surgery face, where age becomes irrelevant because 30-year-olds, 40-year-olds, and 50-year-olds ALL look 50.  (Note: I'm not from MI, but as far as she's concerned, I might as well be.  I'm a fat, but I look a hell of a lot younger than I am.)


Right on!  And she was saying something to David at the dinner table along the lines of ... "Well I don't want out girls to grow up with a COMPLEX...."  Um, bitch, if you are the ones telling them that having a frickin' POTATO for dinner is a bad thing, who, pray tell, do you think is giving them the complex?


And Shannon?  Thanks to the tabloids, we've seen both you and David in your bathing suits.  Let's just say perhaps you *should* have eaten a potato or 2, Ms. Shannon because your hubby's 50-something "Michigan physique" is blowing your 50-something SoCal one out of the water.   

  • Love 11

No, Heather can't... she would have to remove the stick and it is frozen up inside her.

I agree Heather is a stuck up prude. But, I swear I heard her say "she's a spinner" about wanting to go to Bali with Tamara at the dinner table. I certainly am not a prude, but calling another woman a "spinner" just isn't in my vocabulary. Did anyone else catch this? Was it Heather who said it?

  • Love 4

I'm really more concerned about the insult to potatoes than to the lovely state of Michigan, which is sophisticated and majestic enough not to be bothered by the latest RH's diss to a state other than The Republic of Orange County.


Potatoes are actually good for you -- high in potassium and low in calories.  And they are delicious -- a person incapable of appreciating and relishing a potato isn't going to recognize the real pleasures of this life.  If David were forced to choose, I'd say the spud prevails.


I'd be willing to bet a nickle that if you put Shannon in front of a map and asked her to point to Michigan she'd be flummoxed.  So much for Cotillion.

  • Love 9

I'd be willing to bet a nickle that if you put Shannon in front of a map and asked her to point to Michigan she'd be flummoxed. So much for Cotillion.

Can we put a picture of a potato and the state of Michigan in front of Shannon and see if she knows which is which?

Or witch is witch, this is the Real HoWives after all.....

  • Love 4
I agree Heather is a stuck up prude. But, I swear I heard her say "she's a spinner" about wanting to go to Bali with Tamara at the dinner table. I certainly am not a prude, but calling another woman a "spinner" just isn't in my vocabulary. Did anyone else catch this? Was it Heather who said it?


I think it was Heather who said it. And I don't think she's as prudish as she wants us to believe. She totally looked like she was acting and feigning ignorance over all the sexual terms in the little question book she was looking at with her assistant. Then she supposedly Googled one term and looked shocked, but it didn't seem like she had enough to time to actually Google it and read what it said. Maybe production edited it so that we didn't have too long of a pause, but it didn't SEEM edited to me. Anyhow, her husband was ALL OVER that anal talk at the table, and later he calls David a "penis". They're not as classy as they would want us to believe, IMO. 

  • Love 5

I'm completely on Shannon's side regarding her interactions with Tamra and Heather, but I was disappointed with her a few times tonight.   She, yet again, admonished David for his eating habits, and she made eating a potato seem like such a serious matter, even saying that he's setting a bad example for their three daughters because she doesn't want them to think it's okay to eat starch.  She shames him so much, and he looks kind of dumbfounded.  To me, all the vitamins and holistic preparations she packed for her young, healthy daughter are more concerning, as, in my opinion, she is likely passing on her neuroses, which is more serious than a child seeing her father eat a Michigan-style meal.


Unless it was poor editing, at the airport when David hugged her and said he loved her she didn't say anything back.  When her daughter said she was going to miss her and asked if Shannon would miss her too, Shannon was a bit aloof.   David and the daughters all seem affectionate, and they would probably really like it if she said loving things in return.  


And, as mentioned above, Shannon should not have referred to her daughter possibly becoming a woman.  A young girl really needs that subject to remain private.

Shannon is just a frigging moron with her husband.  The man likes potatoes.  Who cares?!  In the entire universe of things he could like that aren't great for him, which we've already heard about tequila (and again, (1) who cares?!  and (2) David, call me if you need a tequila drinking partner, kiss kiss), unless he's got a serious drinking problem or maybe a drug problem don't nag his ass!  He's a grown man.  And, as others have pointed out, in pretty damn good shape.  Let him eat a flipping potato everyday if he wants.  


At the airport, it looked to me like she was trying not to let any emotion show because if she did she was going to crack entirely.  So, I can't bust her chops for that.  

  • Love 1

Oh Shannon. As soon as she started slamming the mid west women I knew she was in for a huge helping of humble pie. I like her but this really turned me off. And I don't even live in the Midwest! Hey Shannon I'm 56 And I look 10 years younger then you....Probably because I don't spend my days on quacks and other crazy crap I actually ride a bike everywhere and go boogie boarding every day. It's called exercise. Try it.

And David? I'm single and you're gorgeous---Come on out to the East coast and I'll make you chips and dip every day and join you in that big ole potato---oddly, if you exercise you CAN eat anything!!!!

Yes we "older" woman talk about sex---but not at dinner---ugh. No Klass these people.

Why is Eddie always cracking up? Methinks the boy needs acting lessons stat.

And pageant girl? She brings nothing to the party at all. Heck even her coworkers couldn't be bothered to have the oh so valuable screen time if t meant going out with her-on her birthday no less. Sad. She isn't pretty either. Way to much make up on such a young woman. Makes her look hard.

  • Love 3
DO we actually know that Vicki was talking about Lizzie and Hubby with the Dumb And Dumber comment? Other couples were supposed to be there but cancelled.Vicki might not have known this yet.


That's a good point. Although, Vicki calling anyone "dumb" just makes me laugh. Are blogs up yet? I wonder if/how Vicki will address this. I always wait for my fellow posters to give the dirt, because my computer seems to hate the Bravo site. 

  • Love 2

DO we actually know that Vicki was talking about Lizzie and Hubby with the Dumb And Dumber comment? Other couples were supposed to be there but cancelled. Vicki might not have known this yet.


According to Tamra's Facebook post that Crankyone was kind enough to post upthread, she was referring to Lizzie and Danielle.


3. Vicki was pissed that she had to go alone! She told me she did NOT want to hang out with Dumb and Dumber (referring to Lizzy and Danielle) She asked me how she could get out of going. I jokingly said "tell production you have a yeast infection, its not like anyone is going to check". Vicki had No REAL reason not to go and ended up going …...2 hours late.


  • Love 2

I think it was Heather who said it. And I don't think she's as prudish as she wants us to believe. She totally looked like she was acting and feigning ignorance over all the sexual terms in the little question book she was looking at with her assistant. Then she supposedly Googled one term and looked shocked, but it didn't seem like she had enough to time to actually Google it and read what it said. Maybe production edited it so that we didn't have too long of a pause, but it didn't SEEM edited to me. Anyhow, her husband was ALL OVER that anal talk at the table, and later he calls David a "penis". They're not as classy as they would want us to believe, IMO. 

I don't think anyone "classy" would even think about being on one of these shows

  • Love 4


They showed a flashback of Tamra and Miss Terry from the dinner party both stating that Shannon's problem was clinical. I don't remember that being shown during the original airing. It made me all the more livid because Terry is a doctor and he shouldn't be tossing that word around willy nilly. Terry shouldn't be making any assertions about someone's so called mental issue being clinical because 1. being a doctor it gives that notion more force; 2. that isn't his patient;  and 3. he is a fucking plastic surgeon not a psychiatrist.

 I didn't remember it either. Last episode when they were talking about calling the ambulance I thought "Good for Terry for not chiming in on that since that would stretch his credibility as a physician." But no - here's Miss Terry once again in the thick of it with the other hens. I should have known better than to give him credit for restraint and professional ethics.

  • Love 10

 I didn't remember it either. Last episode when they were talking about calling the ambulance I thought "Good for Terry for not chiming in on that since that would stretch his credibility as a physician." But no - here's Miss Terry once again in the thick of it with the other hens. I should have known better than to give him credit for restraint and professional ethics.

Right! And, I don't know if there is a way to hold him liable--there are probably a million releases one signs before appearing on these shows--but I thought to myself that Miss Terry may be putting himself in some dangerous territory by barking up about a medical condition of someone who is not his patient--especially since it's a completely baseless contrivance of Backdoor Tamballs and Madame/Grinch. Classless trash--and so unethical. Count me in as another who doesn't remember seeing this scene in the original broadcast.

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