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Trials and Tribulations of Juicy and Tre...

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Before they were indicted there was a big story about Joe and Teresa not paying the power bill and the power bill was shut off at the apartments above the pizzeria.   He tried to fit them with generators that produced noxious fumes.  At the time they owed over $50 grand in power bills.  I believe the tenants even went so far as to put up a sign at the gates of the mansion.


I keep hoping this season of RHONJ is such a bust these people have to live off Joe's prison wages.  Of course there are any number of reality shows out there for Teresa to turn to, unfortunately most of them are romance based and she is just not going to leave Joe.  My other thought is she will be petitioning again to go on Dancing with the Stars.  Fingers crossed she doesn't get on.

Was that the "environmental" spill? Awesome (except for the tenants). I thought it was maybe Juicy being an idiot and paying cash he didn't bother (or knew better) to check the state database for existing ones. If there was a lender they would have and wouldn't provide a mortgage until resolved. But a title company wouldn't provide clean title. They all list "exceptions" that you have to accept and see aforementioned idiot I thought he might have gone "fugettaboutit".

I'm really dying to know what the insane lien on the monstrosity to the commercial laundry company was.

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Interesting blind item from All About the Tea


The site doesn't allow you to copy and paste, so you have to click the link.   Basically everyone guessing is saying it's Teresa.


Yep, I also say its Teresa G. But who is the guy ready to marry her that has been "defending her". Has to be her lawyer, who has been on camera featured in the Teresa Checks In 3 episode series last fall, James Leonard Jr.





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Here is an interview where she claims she is in good financial shape.  She says that all their restitution is paid off and she did not believe she was breaking the law when she was signing documents.

  • Love 4

But what about the IRS and the bankruptcy debt? Wasn't that like 11 MILLION or something outrageous ? I can't imagine she has even begun to see daylight. I think staying on the property is a mistake. I think she will lose it anyway so why pour more cash into it. The monthly expenses alone would keep me up at night.


By candlelight!  

  • Love 7



Here is an interview where she claims she is in good financial shape.  She says that all their restitution is paid off and she did not believe she was breaking the law when she was signing documents.

Basically, she said whatever she had to say to get her plea deal, despite not believing she'd broken any laws (I'd call it lying, but I have a different moral code than she).  Which I guess means she'll always do what she needs to do to get what she wants.  I'm hopeful that will land her in trouble down the line, or that she won't be able to manage all those kids (at least one is going to go off the rails, like their mother and uncle), because I still have irrational levels of hate/disgust for this woman.  The whole situation feels unfair to me.  Since she hasn't learned from our government's attempt at punishment, in fact she's parlayed it into a book tour, I want to see her legit punished in near mythological/divine ways.

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...because I still have irrational levels of hate/disgust for this woman.  The whole situation feels unfair to me.

So much word to this phoenix780!


The next installment of RHONJ will be her coming home and how hard it was for her to be away and then it will be the preparation for Joe to go away and how hard it will be for them when he's gone.  All of which will be trying to engender sympathy in someone who is completely unsympathetic!


I still scratch my head over their finances.  Do they still owe all the back millions from their bankruptcy?  So they caught up on their mortgage payments, but they will still need to pay them moving forward, right?  I don't understand how they live.  Even with the Bravo money, they are living a millionaires lifestyle on not a millionaires salary.  It doesn't compute.

  • Love 3


...because I still have irrational levels of hate/disgust for this woman.  The whole situation feels unfair to me.

So much word to this phoenix780!


The next installment of RHONJ will be her coming home and how hard it was for her to be away and then it will be the preparation for Joe to go away and how hard it will be for them when he's gone.  All of which will be trying to engender sympathy in someone who is completely unsympathetic!


I still scratch my head over their finances.  Do they still owe all the back millions from their bankruptcy?  So they caught up on their mortgage payments, but they will still need to pay them moving forward, right?  I don't understand how they live.  Even with the Bravo money, they are living a millionaires lifestyle on not a millionaires salary.  It doesn't compute.

I do not enjoy watching people suffer.  However, what bothers me is that this woman has no remorse or guilt for what she has done.  The big bad government is being mean to her for no reason.  It is like she thinks she is Christ on the cross.


Has she ever apologized to the families that had to live in her nasty rentals or how about the small businesses she screwed by not paying her bills?  She has not even apologized to her kids for the situation that was caused by nothing more then greed and entitlement.


She is still going on talk shows with her $5,000 hairdo, professional makeup, and expensive clothes hoping to live the good life.


I have not watched anything related to NJ since T went to prison and have no intention to do so going forward, as long as she is involved.

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I will probably be the only one watching. I do not hate Teresa, nor do I like her. I will admit she was practically the only reason why I tuned in RHoNJ for that last couple of seasons. I pretty much hated the rest of the cast especially Caroline, Melissa, and Jaq. Hell, I actually rooted for Teresa during that season where everyone hated her. I guess if they actually cast more likable people I would be less indifferent on Teresa. I hate what she and Joe did, but I do think she is still interesting to watch. I always thought Teresa would diminish the severity of their situation at least on camera and in the public. Behind closed doors it could be different or it might not. I do not know. I probably should have followed the whole mess closer then I probably would hate her too.

  • Love 4

So much word to this phoenix780!


The next installment of RHONJ will be her coming home and how hard it was for her to be away and then it will be the preparation for Joe to go away and how hard it will be for them when he's gone.  All of which will be trying to engender sympathy in someone who is completely unsympathetic!


I still scratch my head over their finances.  Do they still owe all the back millions from their bankruptcy?  So they caught up on their mortgage payments, but they will still need to pay them moving forward, right?  I don't understand how they live.  Even with the Bravo money, they are living a millionaires lifestyle on not a millionaires salary.  It doesn't compute.

Yes, they still have to make their monthly mortgage payment AND they have NOT paid anyone back what they tried to steal via Bankruptcy Court, they also still owe the IRS and NJ State and Local taxes. I hope all the people they owe come at them for all they have. JMO

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Five minutes of WWHL and I have all I need to know.  She's full of BS.  She's says she acknowledges what she did wrong.  She is responsible for looking at something before putting her John Hancock on something.  She just continues to sell her 'innocence'.  Pleazzze.  Give me a break.


And her lease ran out on her car, so Joe got her a new lease.  On a Lexus.  The dealer put the bow on it.  Yup.  Scammed people out of millions and is so totally innocent about the car.  I hope her book flops big time.

  • Love 7


And her lease ran out on her car, so Joe got her a new lease.  On a Lexus.  The dealer put the bow on it.  Yup.  Scammed people out of millions and is so totally innocent about the car.  I hope her book flops big time.


Still not buying her story about the car.  I think the lawyer gave it to her.   Along with the blind item I posted earlier, and some recent pictures of her and the lawyer out and about, and Joe going to prison, I suspect a divorce is in the near future.




Edited by mwell345
  • Love 6

Still not buying her story about the car.  I think the lawyer gave it to her.   Along with the blind item I posted earlier, and some recent pictures of her and the lawyer out and about, and Joe going to prison, I suspect a divorce is in the near future.




It seemed she rarely mentioned Joe until she was prodded by Andy. You would have thought she would have said something like "We are preparing for Joe to go away by having a lot of family time" or something like that. No, it was all about her.

I thought it strange that Joe's brother, Pete, was on her visitors list. She made a big deal that she had to take Pete off the list to get her brother Joe on it.

It drove me nuts when her & Andy were discussing how much Bravo they watch at Camp & the mail Andy sent her like he was sending a care package to a college student. She said she did receive the Bob Harper DVDs & watched them /did exercises 3xday. Guess she had to talk "her girls" into using the DVD player.

I really think she doesn't have a clue what she did wrong & why she was punished besides signing papers she shouldn't have. Oh, she did say she apologized to the judge so that makes things right. I don't think she is playing dumb, she just is.

Part II is on tonite, following the replay of Part I. I hope they get more into what her daily life was at Camp. Or do I have to read the new book to get that exciting info?

  • Love 5

So sick of hearing, "....my dawdders."


Yep, not enough contrition there. Maybe a few brief glimpses of humility, but not nearly enough appropriate to the crime. 


Her crime according to her: "I signed some papers". She's been saying that the last 3 years. Puhleeze. Even if she would say something to the effect of  "... and I understand that it hurt alot of innocent people." That would be some level of contrition. But no.


Andy's questions came close to being pretty much what I wanted asked. He was pretty direct and got to the heart of the matter. But he could have followed up better as in, " We understand you need a car, but...why couldn't you get a less expensive car for lease. " More importantly, how about, "do you understand what the result of 'signing papers was' as it hurt other innocents financially. That makes many of our viewers furious."

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 7

I really think she doesn't have a clue what she did wrong & why she was punished besides signing papers she shouldn't have. Oh, she did say she apologized to the judge so that makes things right. I don't think she is playing dumb, she just is.


So much this.  From their attempt at hiding jewelry and other assets from the auditors, I thought it was clear that she didn't come close to comprehending what the problem was nevermind the reason she was being implicated and prosecuted.  Not then, not when legal team #1 explained it to her, not when the judge softball explained it, she just flat out didn't get it.  She would have to be a genius or a seriously good actress for this to not be genuine obliviousness and I just don't think she's either.   


Andy's questions came close to being pretty much what I wanted asked. He was pretty direct and got to the heart of the matter. But he could have followed up better as in, " We understand you need a car, but...why couldn't you get a less expensive car for lease. " More importantly, how about, "do you understand what the result of 'signing papers was' as it hurt other innocents financially. That makes many of our viewers furious."


= is why you shouldn't be allowed to interview your friends.  Not on some real life serious stuff.  If ever there was a time for Anderson Cooper to sub in or cohost, last night was that night.  It doesn't even have to be hard hitting, just a simple "Teresa, signing papers doesn't land you in jail" - you brought us all this way for some bullshit, Cohen.  I could've used that extra 1/2 hour to do something important like drain my ear wax.

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Wandered over to Amazon and read her book reviews.  One of her former inmates pretty much discredited Teresa's account of things.  Big shock convicted of fraud and perjury and she lied!!!!!!!!!!


Andy's how was awful.  It would have been better to take live call ins.  Is there anyone she won't bash?  I see RHONJ going the way of RHOM.  Zero authenticity.  Why is it after ignoring most of these people Teresa expects all of this contact with them?


I wish there was a way to bring Rino back without his sister in law.  Nice of the guy to send dinner over for the old con on her release.

  • Love 3

I now wish I didn't know what Tre's daily life was at the Big House: Get up, check email, breakfast, exercise, walk, lunch, exercise, number check (or whatever they call it), dinner.

When asked what her job was, I almost threw something at the TV. Oh, she had to wipe the tables off after breakfast & lunch.

This is a much easier day than most of have & they call it punishment. At least Martha Stewart taught knitting to her fellow inmates.

I can't believe she left off Gia's graduation when asked what were the occasions she missed. She included Gia's dance but not graduation.

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It is painfully obvious that Teresa has learned nothing, hasn't changed a bit, accepts zero responsibility for her actions, and will continue to blame her "celebrity" status for landing in jail. I refused to put on WWHL (either episode) and I won't watch the upcoming season of RHONJ. The local NY radio station that I usually listen to in the morning was promoting the fact that Teresa was going to be on today and I immediately turned it off.


I hope the book flops, the ratings for RHONJ are abysmal, and she and her four booteeful dawters ride off into the sunset of obscurity.

  • Love 5

Is Tre serving any kind of probation or parole? She of course wants to vote for Trump, but in NJ, your voting rights are not restored until all phases of your sentence are complete (incarceration, probation, parole). Just wondering...

She is on probation for 2 more years. As a convicted Felon in NJ, she is not allowed to vote until her entire sentence, including probation, is finished and then she has to reregister.

  • Love 4

As I watched the special with Teresa I noticed that she may have a learning deficit. In addition, a woman her age to say gossip spread through the jail like "wild flies" instead of "wild fire" was revealing. I'm beginning to wonder if her IQ is low resulting in her anger issues, lack of knowledge and self awareness. She may also suffer due to a lack of reading and writing skills. How much does she comprehend, especially about falsifying jobs and her salary on loans taken out in her name? This is not a woman of average intelligence which leads me to believe she may look to others (like Juicy) for assistance in understanding complex issues. Her vulnerabilities may also result in a suspicious nature believing others are out to get her.

Another point is how she seemed to defer to Gia on an episode when making a decision about her interactions with Melissa. I remember she and Gia were shopping and Gia took over Teresa's cell phone to set up a meeting with Melissa.

Medical Definition of intelligence. 1a: the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations b: the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests) 2: mental acuteness.

IMO Teresa's jail bird status is the result of below average intelligence, a lousy education and a bad choice of husband. The girls do not seem to share their mother's learning disability.

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Teresa is still lying to her daughters?  Mommy is writing a book about being in prison?  Are her girls mentally deficient?  Oh and Joe is going away to work.  She acknowledges they see the sign that says PRISON.  Somehow that doesn't sound like someone who has learned anything.

Yep, it sounds like. So instead of sitting your children down and explaining to them what is happening, you simply say you are going to work, then it's no longer your problem or responsibility. They will just find out on their own. Nice.


As far as her daily routine, "camp" offers more than exercise classes. Could she have spent a damn minute taking an English class, perhaps? Or read a book? It sounds like her days consisted of email, meals, exercise classes and TV. LOL, that's not much different than her life on the outside! And her job was wiping the tables 3x a week? That's it? 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 6


As far as her daily routine, "camp" offers more than exercise classes. Could she have spent a damn minute taking an English class, perhaps? Or read a book? It sounds like her days consisted of email, meals, exercise classes and TV. LOL, that's not much different than her life on the outside! And her job was wiping the tables 3x a week? That's it?


Agreed. How she spent her time in jail. No reading (except emails)....? Some exercise is understandable, but who doesn't read with all that time? 


I also studied her face in the WWHL interviews. Something was different. I couldnt put my finger on it. Her countenance was a bit more serious, maybe humbled bit so a lack of over smiling/laughing. Maybe she has indeed aged a bit from the stress. Maybe it was the 8 lb weight loss. Maybe a bit less makeup (no garish false eyelashes). 


But there was something with her teeth. I think that's it. In fact a caller even asked her if she had done something with her teeth. She said she had invisible braces (behind the teeth) and she has had them since before prison. She also said she saw a dentist once in prison. 


The braces may be the truth, ....but I suspect she has new upper front teeth veneers. My point being in this whole rant is: veneers are EXPENSIVE ! How about $800 - $1500 a tooth - especially in New Jersey. So for 6 teeth - that could cost $5 - 7 K. And braces are expensive too. Its common for adults to get them to correct a bite for cosmetic purposes.  But its rarely a necessity. I wouldnt call cosmetic dentistry a high priority in her current financial condition. 


Count me in as one of many who don't get the Guidices' current state of finances and how they get to spend on this stuff while covering living expenses. AND take care of 4 kids. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
  • Love 9

Eh, I couldn't care less whether she's exhibiting "appropriate" remorse--like anyone who already criticizes every breath the woman takes would believe it if she were. And what is appropriate, really? If you (the universal "you") hate her, fine, but don't pretend she's wrong for doing activities that are perfectly sanctioned in the prison--and who cares if she chose to work out and not read books (the latter of which we don't know is true anyway)?


For the record (and as a preemptive snark strike), I do think she deserved to be there. But it's not her fault our penal system doesn't flog people daily. She was doing what many people in her place would and did do, and if that's yoga and wiping tables, well, that's hardly her influence making that happen. Disliking her and her criminal activity is one thing; acting like she's on a second crime wave for working out while incarcerated is pretty petty. Whether or not we approve of her debt (so to speak) to society, she paid it per our system--and that's coming from someone who approves of the death penalty (in theory, that is; in practice as it stands in this country, it's extremely fucked up).


Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6

Eh, I couldn't care less whether she's exhibiting "appropriate" remorse--like anyone who already criticizes every breath the woman takes would believe it if she were. And what is appropriate, really? If you (the universal "you") hate her, fine, but don't pretend she's wrong for doing activities that are perfectly sanctioned in the prison--and who cares if she chose to work out and not read books (the latter of which we don't know is true anyway)?


For the record (and as a preemptive snark strike), I do think she deserved to be there. But it's not her fault our penal system doesn't flog people daily. She was doing what many people in her place would and did do, and if that's yoga and wiping tables, well, that's hardly her influence making that happen. Disliking her and her criminal activity is one thing; acting like she's on a second crime wave for working out while incarcerated is pretty petty. Whether or not we approve of her debt (so to speak) to society, she paid it per our system--and that's coming from someone who approves of the death penalty (in theory, that is; in practice as it stands in this country, it's extremely fucked up).


Has she paid her debt to society, IMO, NO. Has she paid her debt to the government via her sentence, again, NO, she is still on probation and until that is over, she still has to toe the line. Her debt to society, that is beyond the Federal court case/sentence, IMO, is that she needs to repay everyone she/Joe tried to rip off via the fraudulent BK and truly live within their means and she/they have NOT done that or even tried to do that yet. I'm not asking that they live in squalor, but that they downsize and live a much lesser lifestyle so that they are able to repay what they stole. JMO 

  • Love 10

Your points are perfectly valid to me, though, with all due respect, her punishment doesn't appear to require her to live within her means. Granted, it would indeed be a great plan, but she's not technically breaking the law (yet...) by not doing so. We don't get to decide that her--or any released prisoner's--debt is not paid (as much as I sometimes wish we did). It's the posts faulting her for working out instead of reading when she was apparently free (more or less) to do with her time what she wished, and the ones getting pissy about table-wiping, of all things. I mean, would any of us have requested to scrub the toilets with bare hands and a toothbrush after finding out that our superiors decided that cleaning up after meals would suffice? (And, yes, yes, of course...none of us would be in this position...I know, I know). I mean, I despise Melissa Gorga pretty much (based on what I see in the relatively few minutes of her life that I am privy to via Bravo, at least), but if she were in Teresa's jail shoes, I wouldn't feel that it was her fault that she was not assigned a worse prison chore!


​In addition, a woman her age to say gossip spread through the jail like "wild flies" instead of "wild fire" was revealing. I'm beginning to wonder if her IQ is low resulting in her anger issues, lack of knowledge and self awareness.


If that's revealing somehow, then I at my age (about the same as hers) should be worried, I guess; I mix up metaphors and shit like that in conversation all the time...and I write for a living. In fact, "fireflies" (not "wild flies") seemed completely normal to me for a second or two before I realized that was not the usual idiom--I even pictured it a little, haha! And my IQ is not low (though I have my moments).

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 4

As I watched the special with Teresa I noticed that she may have a learning deficit. In addition, a woman her age to say gossip spread through the jail like "wild flies" instead of "wild fire" was revealing. I'm beginning to wonder if her IQ is low resulting in her anger issues, lack of knowledge and self awareness. She may also suffer due to a lack of reading and writing skills. How much does she comprehend, especially about falsifying jobs and her salary on loans taken out in her name? This is not a woman of average intelligence which leads me to believe she may look to others (like Juicy) for assistance in understanding complex issues. Her vulnerabilities may also result in a suspicious nature believing others are out to get her.

Another point is how she seemed to defer to Gia on an episode when making a decision about her interactions with Melissa. I remember she and Gia were shopping and Gia took over Teresa's cell phone to set up a meeting with Melissa.

Medical Definition of intelligence. 1a: the ability to learn or understand or to deal with new or trying situations b: the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (as tests) 2: mental acuteness.

IMO Teresa's jail bird status is the result of below average intelligence, a lousy education and a bad choice of husband. The girls do not seem to share their mother's learning disability.

Teresa keeps saying she just signed some papers.  That is incorrect she was under oath on the stand and continued to lie about the existence of her company, her salary and various other matters.  I wonder if she is still suing her BK attorney?  It would seem she can rehash all the times she was present and directed to tell the truth.  Fingers crossed she continues the lawsuit and gets the floor wiped with her continual dishonesty.

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I was one that commented on Tre's job of table wiping & realize she was assigned the job & wouldn't ask to trade it with something harsher. I just wished she would have gotten one of the dirtier jobs like toilet scrubbing to put her down a notch. She just came across that her prison life was so terrible yet she was able to do things (walking & exercise 3x day) that most of us don't have time for on the outside real world. We have to work & make a living among other things. She doesn't realize it could have been much worse.

  • Love 3

I really did not see any of that in her demeanor on WWHL at all; she sounded, to me, pretty matter of fact about it all with very little complaining about how terrible life was while she was away (other than it being difficult to be separated from her daughters). I saw no "woe is me" from her account of prison life; she merely stated that she wiped tables with no editorializing on it. She didn't even make a big deal about squatting and coughing (oof) other than mentioning it was pretty humiliating.

It's a funny thing because, since the beginning of the bankruptcy and the fraud charges (and Joe's alleged cheating) way back on TWOP, people have faulted her for having her head in the sand, or acting like everything is fine when it's not, or seeing her positivity as delusional. And maybe it is, but then when she is shown having moments of weakness and worry (praying on the bedroom floor in pajamas front of that bizarrely large mirror!), she's wrong for that too? Whatever, though--I watched both parts and really didn't see any wailing and complaining about the conditions in prison. In fact, if anything, she came across to me as content enough, which is one thing I kind of admire about her; call me crazy, but I find it somewhat impressive that some people can keep up a brave face and simply proceed or whatever you want to call it, no matter how much of the mess was her own doing.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Here's the thing- She did her time, she claims she has paid the restitution. So basically it's over. You can't sentence people to being remorseful. You can't explain to her that she didn't "just sign papers". You don't go to prison for signing papers. She went to prison for committing fraud creating and  signing fake pay stubs, W-2, and whatever other documents were used to claim income she didn't have. Just saying that you are ignorant of what you sign or ignorant of the law isn't an excuse. That's why you go to prison.


I'm a believer in the free market. She did her time, she's done in the eyes of the criminal justice system once she completes her probation. As far as remorse, the only remorse she might feel is if the viewing audience (i.e. free market) rejects her and the ratings tank and she loses her Bravo paycheck. Then she might be remorseful. But that has nothing to with her sentence. 


I don't like her. I think she's a grifter and coniver and greedy and her actions hurt people. Just because she did her time, doesn't mean I have to like her or forgive and I can continue to make fun of her for being stupid, which I intend to

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 15

She keeps saying that Joe leased her the Lexus.  I thought that they weren't allowed to take on new debt as part of their plea deal or sentencing.  So, how is it that Joe was able to sign a lease for a new Lexus?  

On WWHL Andy alluded to having a new Lexus with a bow on it delivered as a welcome home gift might turn her fans off and she defended it by saying that they didn't put the bow on the car but that Lexus did because they knew they'd get press. Yep that Tre really gets it...its all about the bow.

  • Love 7

On WWHL Andy alluded to having a new Lexus with a bow on it delivered as a welcome home gift might turn her fans off and she defended it by saying that they didn't put the bow on the car but that Lexus did because they knew they'd get press. Yep that Tre really gets it...its all about the bow.

Teresa is the embodiment of "you can't fix stupid"

  • Love 9

She keeps saying that Joe leased her the Lexus. I thought that they weren't allowed to take on new debt as part of their plea deal or sentencing. So, how is it that Joe was able to sign a lease for a new Lexus?

I thought that too. But it wasn't mentioned in the plea agreement (I did just re-read to make sure) maybe sentencing?

Funny thing is definitely mentioned in plea agreement was if they were found to hide their assets in the final asset statement DOJ had the right to withdraw the plea agreement. G's did (once again) but DOJ didn't pursue it. I'm guessing they were done with the whole thing at that point and felt vindicated enough that she got some prison time?

My question is - don't you need credit to lease a car? I actually really don't know - always paid cash for slightly used cars (IMO best way to go). I can only imagine what the Giudice's credit score looks like.

  • Love 4

^^they are probably getting someone to co-sign. Lawyer, family member, someone from bravo, take your pick.

Also remember that the judge was all set to give her home confinement to serve her sentence. It was her and Joe's blatant disregard of the terms of the plea agreement that landed her in prison. She can blame her lawyer and accountant all she wants but at the end of the day we are all responsible for our own actions.

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

TattleTeeny - I totally agree! Baffling is pretty much the perfect word that sums it up to me. Both how and why. I fully admit to being pretty much financially irresponsible though my early 20's. I figured it out though pretty quick when I realized even if I wanted credit it would be incredibly expensive and worked diligently from then on to solve the problem. I also pretty much fell into (I often think unfortunately) a financial profession. That's why I always tend to giggle at them and their excuses. My unfortunate financial expertise is commercial real estate and my unfortunate best friend is Excel and a RE program called Argus (I'll be nice and call them "frenemies").

That's the baffling point - besides all the previous bad decisions they're in their 40's (as I am now unfortunately too - but almost perfect credit score!) and RHNJ and memoirs ain't lasting forever. I understand wanting to keep the monstrosity while they can (see limited other options given credit and liens that really don't matter until you sell except for IRS/NJ income taxes), but I still don't get the Lexus (and likely other ridiculousness yet to come). I'd diligently be saving every penny I could. See baffling.

But you're right - it's their choice. Godspeed Giudice's!

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