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The View: Week of 5/10/2021

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These Congressmen who are rewriting the history of 1/6 are unbelievable. How can they say these things with a straight face?

And Meg completely changes the conversation because she can’t find words to justify her tribe on this. And FTR, Meg, the pipeline is flowing again. You know, the one that had nothing to do with Biden.  Quit trying to distract and divert from the actual topic.

Go, Sunny!

Edited by Haleth
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It's just a shame that McCain frequently goes at her co-hosts and the show / network itself by name, whereas the others are never allowed to do the same to her by calling her a liar who is deliberately obfuscating and attempting to misinform.

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11 minutes ago, Haleth said:

These Congressmen who are rewriting the history of 1/6 are unbelievable. How can they say these things with a straight face?

They get plenty of practice by appearing on FOX NEWS all the time. Practice makes perfect!

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2 hours ago, Tammy12 said:

Has there ever been a cohost who consistently refuses to discuss the topic at hand as frequently as Meghan? 

Nope! I remember Elisabeth would often do the "But the Democrats..." thing, but she would stay within the realm of apples and apples. Even she would have had enough of a brain--or decency, take your pick--not to compare inflation and a hacked pipeline company to an attempt to murder the Speaker of the House and the Vice President. If her intention is to say the former are "equally bad" things done by President Biden as the latter done by Trump, then she's admitting Trump tried to overthrow our government, one, and, two, asserting that that wasn't a horrible thing that would have affected all Americans.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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23 minutes ago, Haleth said:

And Meg completely changes the conversation because she can’t find words to justify her tribe on this. And FTR, Meg, the pipeline is flowing again. You know, the one that had nothing to do with Biden.  Quit trying to distract and divert from the actual topic.

I'm in Metro Atlanta. I was able to get gas on Tuesday, no problem. But then, I'm not trying to hoard gas in garbage bags. 

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Meg has given up trying to understand the covid messaging. How many times has it been explained to her but she refuses to listen?  Certainly more than once a week. 

Edited by Haleth
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16 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

It's just a shame that McCain frequently goes at her co-hosts and the show / network itself by name, whereas the others are never allowed to do the same to her by calling her a liar who is deliberately obfuscating and attempting to misinform.

Could you imagine the blowback if any other woman on that panel would lie daily?  I mean for fuck sake Joy has to apologize for unintentionally saying something.

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1 minute ago, Haleth said:

Meg has given up trying to understand the covid messaging. How many times has it been explained to her but she refuses to listen?

It's either willful ignorance or what she thinks is plausible deniability.  She is still trying to keep her place amongst conservatives.

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Why should we keep talking about the insurrection? Sure, trump tried to overthrow the government and people died, but under president Biden, there are long lines at gas stations!!!  THIS IS A REAL ISSUE!  Meat and potatoes! I want my meat and potatoes!!


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I hope Meghan wrote down Sanjay’s response so she doesn’t have to bring up “not understanding” and why the “goal posts” move all the time. I feel like I can recount at least 2 times someone on the show has said almost the same thing he said about why things aren’t back to normal yet. And Meghan, since you dislike Dr. Fauci so much, don’t worry about whether he eats indoors or takes his food home.

And go, Sunny, go!!!

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Just now, Haleth said:

Meg has given up trying to understand the covid messaging. How many times has it been explained to her but she refuses to listen?

She should give up. She’s incapable of understanding the most basic information.  Also, that boring old thing that happened at the Capital four months ago?   MegaMouth said nothing was going to happen, trump was a has-been, let’s get on with hating the new administration!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be so consistently wrong.

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6 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:



"meat and potatoes"

"move the goal posts"

I'm just waiting for "didn't move the needle either way" and I'll have BINGO !

I am still stuck on " thread the needle from both sides"  

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7 minutes ago, LetsStartTalking said:



"meat and potatoes"

"move the goal posts"

I'm just waiting for "didn't move the needle either way" and I'll have BINGO !

It sounds like you are getting ready for The Princess Drinking Game!! 😉😂

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2 hours ago, ifionlyknew said:

Could you imagine the blowback if any other woman on that panel would lie daily?  I mean for fuck sake Joy has to apologize for unintentionally saying something.

Joy has had to apologize for things she didn't even say before, too, actually. I suppose the other ladies should take it as a badge of honor that they generally tell the truth so the few times they slip up it's noticed, whereas McCain is such a dumpster fire people already know to expect nothing but lies from her.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Was there a reason to book Joe Lieberman?  Couldn’t they find anyone a little more relevant to discuss the Israel/Palestine situation?  Was it Meg’s idea?

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12 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Was there a reason to book Joe Lieberman?  Couldn’t they find anyone a little more relevant to discuss the Israel/Palestine situation?  Was it Meg’s idea?

They were hoping to have a seance with The Late, Great Senator John McCain of Arizona for his insightful input on the situation, but he didn't come through. (Meganutz said he was probably busy on 'the other side' working on the pipeline crisis). So Lieberman was a last-minute fill in for his friend The Late, Great Senator John McCain of Arizona.

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Meghan better get to work on that Viking funeral if she is going to keep flaunting Covid restrictions. Also I would like to volunteer to shoot flaming arrows at Meghan's dead body. Perhaps The View could have a contest offering 20 viewers a spot on the flaming arrow team.

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20 minutes ago, Haleth said:

Was there a reason to book Joe Lieberman?  Couldn’t they find anyone a little more relevant to discuss the Israel/Palestine situation?  Was it Meg’s idea?

Of course it was Meghan's idea.

Meghan is so exhausting.  She changes the subject, and dosen't discuss her team , she's a coward. And a liar. Biden has done a brilliant job and she knows it. This gas issue has nothing to do  with him.  She is scared she won't get to work lol, she can work from home , idiot. And the gas crisis is already over. It does my head in when people start losing their mind over something before they get the facts. My mil called me a couple days ago to urge me to get gas,, huh?  She asked if i haven't been watching the news? I said of course. I explained to her i have a full tank and we live in ohio so we dont live in the 7  affected states. She actually wanted to go buy extra gas cans to fill. 🤦‍♀️ I told my husband to call his mother, she's about burn her house down. Sorry to rant it's just people drive me crazy  and Meghan is one of them lol.

Sunny is so amazing I'm glad she usually answers after the princess. 

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59 minutes ago, 2JEWELL said:

She should give up. She’s incapable of understanding the most basic information.  Also, that boring old thing that happened at the Capital four months ago?   MegaMouth said nothing was going to happen, trump was a has-been, let’s get on with hating the new administration!  I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone be so consistently wrong.

Yes - the topic was how the republicans are denying, distorting, and minimizing the insurrection.  And Meghan's response to the topic was to deny, distort, and minimize the republican's tactic to do so.  

she thinks she has her finger on the pulse of "real Americans"  in "Mid-America".  does she really think that we're all OVER the insurrection, and ready to move on?  Our democratic system is at risk with people insisting the President is an illegitimate leader who stole the election.  BUt according to Meghan, we're all just wringing our hands about the price of gasoline and having to wait in line  (newsflash Meghan, when you work from home and get groceries delivered, a tank of gas lasts a long time)

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

McCain, you're the only one lying here. I mean, acting like the president has any control over a pipeline being hacked is ludicrous. Thank God Sunny is going last to clean up this shit-flood of lies.

A President does in a sense, but not barely more than a hundred days into office, with an obstructionist other party who's slowing appointments and virtually all laws being passed. 

In other words, the last guy had plenty of chances to affect stuff like this and didn't, and to be fair, so did the guy before that. 

Letting these utility companies get away with cheaping out on any number of things is what I'm talking about specifically. People haven't been talking about the oil pipelines specifically, for example, but they've been consistently talking about how vulnerable the computers of our electric grid are for at least a decade, yet nobody's made them do the necessary upgrades. Biden is the last in a chain of Presidents, but also Congress and State Legislatures as well. But Biden's had less time to even try. 

This is also a related concern to the Texas power companies not being made to fully weatherize. Same overall problem (lack of proper regulation), different manifestation. 

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3 hours ago, mtlchick said:

Sanjay Gupta had this look of “oh God, her” when Meghan asked her question. 

I missed it, that must've been hilarious. I usually only give the show full-focus for the first segment or two (if that) these days. I imagine most guests are thinking it even if they don't show it. Most of the people who come on this show would naturally receive push back, but it must suck to feel inclined to kiss the ring of some dead politician every time they drop by.

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The show was interrupted for Biden's remarks on the pipeline so I missed most of it today. I did see Megun completely ignore answering the question about the capital attack to rant about Biden instead. 

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1 hour ago, Axie said:

Sunny is on FIRE!!!

Sunny on fire is sheer beauty!!! I sure hope she's being paid fairly, because when she brings it, it's often in a way none of the others can. 

Also, Don Lemon, a grown man, one who's been called out for allegedly being too hard on police, chocked up on CNN seeing that officer brutally attacked. Meghan doesn't care because this was four months ago?! Miss I respect police and authority?? The same chick who took awhile just to admit there's a problem with racism and police brutality? What happened??? Gee, I wonder. 

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19 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

It is not just the ladies of the view who are doing this, it is all over the internet and I just want to scream shut the hell up..

Yes I wish one of them had just noted that she supported Trump longer than she hasn't and that she also helped spread lies about Pres. Obama. Sure it's good that someone speaks out, but she helped create the monster that's now turned on her.  Not one of the panelists noted this in their praise of her.  It often seems that no one does any real research on these topics but just glide over them superficially.  Don't they have staff who can research issues for them?  So many times they've let MM's lies slip by and I often think it's because no one's provided them with any rebuttal info.

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2 hours ago, Tammy12 said:

Has there ever been a cohost who consistently refuses to discuss the topic at hand as frequently as Meghan? 

If she doesn't want to talk about the topics at hand, she should call off. I would have much rather heard from Ana anyway.

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If I recall correctly, Meghan was completely and thoroughly outraged at the time of the insurrection.  She went on and on about how these people broke into the Capitol, how they desecrated the "place where she grew up - running around and playing in the halls" (or words to that effect).  She was appalled, as was the rest of normal Americans.

So, now, four months later, it doesn't matter as much as current events???  Give me a fucking break!  Yes, the pipeline issue could have become something very serious, but the gas is now running.  At least she didn't make that totally about her not being able to get a tank of gas to get to work.  Israel is a sad and scary state of affairs that does need to be addressed, and President Biden will do what he thinks is best.  

I hate when Meghan doesn't answer the question asked, and she does it repeatedly.  Because SHE doesn't want to talk about something, she just chooses to say what she wants to say, regardless of the topic being discussed.  "Meghan, what do you think about that beautiful blue sky today?"....Meghan's reply - "The blue sky??  Who has time to talk about that, when we have so many other things to blame on my Uncle Joe (she's not calling him that anymore) the current President who is doing nothing that I asked demanded of him.  What about Navalny?  What about no more masks?  What about forcing Dr. Fauci to sit inside a restaurant and eat?  What about my wanting to go to a bar and do shots?  That's my answer to a enjoying a beautiful blue sky."

I am all for and enjoy hearing different, intelligent perspectives/opinions on topics, in fact, I always try to educate myself on opposing viewpoints.  Ana is a perfect example of giving an opposing view with an educated response.  But, Meghan is so ill informed and uneducated in what she speaks of, and so outrageous with her non-answers, I sometimes wonder if she actually didn't go to Columbia and is, in fact, a "graduate" of Trump University.

Loved Sunny's clapback at Meghan today, and I noticed that Whoopi just seemed completely fed up and exasperated, yet again.  Whoopi is a horrible moderator and Meghan going "off script" as usual, makes Whoopi look even worse.

Edited by njbchlover
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31 minutes ago, Rainyhawk said:

.  It often seems that no one does any real research on these topics but just glide over them superficially.  Don't they have staff who can research issues for them?

That would require them to actually, you know, work.  I don’t think any of them put in much time once the cameras are off. Certainly no more than the average person who may read a couple articles on the internet, just enough to say something relevant in their minute it two to speak during hot topics. Joy reads the NYTimes, Meg goes to Fox, Sunny and Sara may glimpse at some sources but are too busy with kids and chickens, and Whoopi? Please.

Whoopi, as moderator, needs to ride herd on Meg when she strays from the topic. 

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