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S11.E11: Teresa in Love

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These Ho’s look so bad at Jen’s mommy party.  Margaret and Dolores should be on RH Atlanta with their breasts, except the ladies of Atlanta wear supportive garments.  Melissa with the two-piece outfit with the same ugly pattern that looks like it came off the same bolt of fabric—oy.  Jackie’s fake braid that is one shade away from her real hair, Jennifer with the really cute dress, but the camera zooming right at her bra with the smooshed boobs...maybe Teresa left because of all of the visual carnage.  

Dolores has some dramatic features that make her seem beautiful to me, but her age is really starting to show.  Maybe that is why she is freaking out and getting all the surgery.  

Margaret’s breasts at Jen’s house, I cannot believe them.  I felt like she is trying to breastfeed me through the camera; it’s no longer passive-aggressive, it’s aggressive.  Why does she do this shit?  At last season’s reunion, they asked her why her breasts were so out, and she asked rhetorically, what do they want her to wear, a turtleneck?  Well, that would be a good start.  A burka might complete the look.  Is she so afraid that Marty was right that a man in a room wouldn’t look at Margaret twice, and she is overcompensating?  Well, good job Marge.  Everyone’s eyes are on you now—men, women, children, and, especially, hungry babies.  

I am pointedly ignoring the men.  

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11 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

These Ho’s look so bad at Jen’s mommy party.  Margaret and Dolores should be on RH Atlanta with their breasts, except the ladies of Atlanta wear supportive garments. 

Margaret’s breasts at Jen’s house, I cannot believe them.  I felt like she is trying to breastfeed me through the camera; it’s no longer passive-aggressive, it’s aggressive.

I am sick of all the “boobage” across all the RH . You are right, if you are intent on displaying your “boobage” you should at least use supportive undergarments.

That being said, I beg Bravo, please make it stop before this nightmare becomes a national emergency.

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Michelle the really pretty realtor (real-a-tor?) is the person Melissa wanted to be, it is crystal clear.  Michelle has more character, substance, and smarts in her little finger than Melissa will ever have. 

The scene with Teresa revealing her boyfriend to Michelle was so staged, just like last week’s scene of Teresa talking about her boyfriend “spontaneously” on the yacht.  There is something very stilted there, like the show has absolutely nothing else to do, so they are going to tease us with Teresa’s boyfriend forever.  It had the effect of making me not care.  My care is null and void because it’s been dragged out too long.  The show spoiled this for me.  Thanks, show.  😔

If Melissa and Joe actually started cheating on each other, I would be here for it with bells on!!  That could freaking save the show.  

I agree with Melissa that the men are gross.  And, may I add, ridiculous characters, dancing for the audience like monkeys, hoping to get that cash.  Margaret keeps telling us that “people” are waiting for their second stimulus check.  Would those “people” include Marge and Joe? 🤔

For a show that is supposed to be about rich women, why can’t we see Jackie and more of her “winning” money?  Why is it one woman’s entire storyline that she is going to the doctor?  On RHBH, two women went to the doctor, and they only made one segment of it.  My, how the boring have fallen.  

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So while on the boat when Jen gave that invitation on to all the ladies to the mother/daughter event, did production cut out a part where she possibly added "except you, Lexie"?  

Does anyone think those four gossiping jamokes never got anywhere beyond the tee we were shown and basically were there just for lunch?

Is Evan not allowed to drink at home?  I mean he was excited about being able to go to that party because he could drink?

Classy Marge with that amusing tale of Joe needing a shower after they first had sex so that his wife would not smell another woman on him.  

1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Is she so afraid that Marty was right that a man in a room wouldn’t look at Margaret twice, and she is overcompensating?  Well, good job Marge.  Everyone’s eyes are on you now—men, women, children, and, especially, hungry babies.  


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Evan really doesn’t miss an opportunity to tell the world he was drowning in pussy in another life, huh?  I guess one good turn deserves another, after last season with Jackie telling us twice that Evan had to sign a prenup and that she got a ring from another guy.  I wonder if that guy is still single.  Maybe he can hook up with Dolores. 

I really don’t see yet another doctor running in to swoop Dolores up.  She is shallow, materialistic, always looks like she’s sucking a lemon, no spring chicken (they say men in their thirties want women in their twenties, and men in their forties want women in their twenties and thirties), has a loud voice with an obnoxious accent, and talks only about house renos and other people’s relationships.  I have never heard her voice an original thought.  The only time she was good was when she was running across the parking lot of Rails, after Jacqueline, and Siggy asked what to do if they step on broken glass, and Dolores, mid-stride, yelled, “then you pick it out!”  I couldn’t imagine having a conversation with her.  She’d purse her lips, say something generic, and look into the near-distance blankly until I asked her about her damned cabinets.  Riveting, that one.  

Holy shit, Margaret is the woman with two faces from Seinfeld—she looked fucking smoking hot at Michelle’s cocktail party with the long pony, red lip, and chic black dress with no cleavage.  What the hell happens to her the other half of the time??

PS Michelle, you can put your girls away too.  Just cause you can doesn’t mean ya should.  Dolores, thank you for putting the girls away for the first time all freaking season.  Jen, I don’t need to see your abs every time you go to a formal event, but the skirt was super cute.  Melissa’s dress looked cheap at first glance, but it fit her so perfectly that it looked either custom made or tailored to within an inch of its life, and I appreciated that.  Teresa and Jackie looked smoking hot, in slightly similar, yet different ways.  Party of one, maybe, but I don’t think that Jackie looks disturbingly thin when she wears clothes, I think she looks heroin chic.  It’s when she wears swimwear that it looks like something insidious might be going on.  But she looks really pretty and young with her hair like that.  Why doesn’t she always wear it like that??  Jackie and Margaret, live these looks from the party!!!

Teresa really needs to see a voice coach about that squeak in her voice.  It’s really disturbing.  I can’t think of another woman across the franchises who has an annoying tick that they don’t work on over the course of 11 seasons.  Not even Ramona.  In addition to Dolores, I don’t think men are falling all over themselves to date Teresa.  The baggage to brains ratio isn’t favorable.  I’m sure her boyfriend is happy with her.  I think she would be a loyal woman who would be good to a man, but, again, what does a conversation with her look like?  I shudder to imagine.  Dave, who is, what, 30, is not lining up to date Teresa or Dolores.  I’m not biting.  

This episode was all about Joe Gorga’s ass and Teresa’s boyfriend who was as present on the show as Gina’s husband Matt from RHOC, which is not at all.  Show, I’m not mad, just disappointed.  The last 15 minutes were the only part that was redeemable.  The first 45 minutes were a snooze.  

Margaret is such an angry bitch.  She hates men that aren’t pussies. Hates them.  It’s very obvious that she has an unresolved issue with men that needs to be worked out in therapy, probably going back to childhood.  She is so controlling when it comes to other people’s marriages—first Jen’s, lately Melissa’s!  Down, girl.  

Also, Marge, when are you going to realize you don’t get to have it both ways?  You told everyone you cheated on your husband, and then got mad when Jen said you cheated on your husband.  You told everyone you slept with your boss and then got mad when Jen said you said you slept with your boss.  Tonight she joked about the first time she had sex with Joe was in Jan’s house.  Guess what, bitch?  Someone is gong to fucking use that info as the butt of a joke!  And you’re going to go slack-jaw AGAIN.  What does she not understand about this process?  Margaret, queen of the passive-aggressive jab, cannot seem to allow anyone to hold a freaking mirror up to her and it’s ugly.  Look in the mirror, bitch!  Face your weaknesses.  That’s actually a beautiful human moment when you let your guard down. 

Dolores loves to give opinions unsolicited, but when someone else does it to her, she takes her toys and goes home.  I think Dolores is somewhat broken.  Holy shit, I agree with Joe Gorga.  I think he is correct that she has a “scarred heart.”  Yes, Dolores, you’re on a reality show, that means that people get to have opinions on you, duh.  I have to hand it to this cast—they finally confronted Dolores with her bullshit in a respectful way, and she showed her true colors.  She’s a total bitch. Team Gorgas on that one, kill me.  She totally uses Frank as her shield.  That’s not being a strong woman.  Her tag line is bullshit. 

Michelle’s home is so nice.  She can join Jen (and possibly Jackie) in the group that actually has a few coins.  I just hope, for her own sake, that her husband doesn’t start to let these husbands rub off on him.  Figuratively and literally I guess.  😀

Jackie, with her hair down and wavy in a dress that slayed, drunkenly leaning on her fairly attractive husband (he’s Fabio compared to the guys in this group) not saying a word was the most I liked her in a season in a half.  I am just going to pretend they left the cocktail party, went into NYC and got involved in some sordid Eyes Wide Shut shenanigans.  I bet there is a lot going on in that marriage that would be really interesting to follow in a seedy, voyeuristic, peering through your fingers whilst nervously shredding a tissue with your fingers way, soooo...of course we don’t get that, we don’t get to be a party to their dark dysfunction, we get a video of Joe’s ass.  Gee, I wonder why interest in this show seems to be waning. 🤔

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18 minutes ago, ichbin said:

She said something about being postpartum.  I'm figuring the too tight clothes are because she was expecting to lose the baby weight soon.  

Gotcha.  But...doesn’t she own a three-way mirror?  She seems to have a lot of money.  Doesn’t she have her outfits that make her look hot when her weight is up, in addition to the ones that are for down weight times too?  I think most non-rich women have several sets of wardrobes—hot, sensible, stuff we’ll fit into someday, stuff we wear when we feel fat, and, probably most ubiquitous, that one LBD (or black sweater and slim black pant if the situation is really dire) she can wear that will mask all the flaws, even if it’s not hot off the runway or anything.  

Kelly Clarkson has made a career out of wearing outfits that make it simply impossible for one to ascertain what her body looks like—it’s actually quite a phenomenon and a little scary how she will be singing on a stage and I just can’t see her body and she looks like a floating head like she’s on Wheel of Fortune in the 1980s—and Michelle has a much better body than KC.  Like, throw on a blazer like Aviva Drescher, even, and close a few buttons and it will make all the difference, whilst also showing tons of sexy leg with a bright high heel, like Kristen Taekman.  I dunno.  She has a good body.  She has an amazing face.  I wish she would wear the clothes and not let the clothes wear her, but I’m not overly concerned.  She’s not a fashion victim like some of these women on other franchises who consistently wear terrible clothes, like Kyle.

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I honestly really don't need to see Joe Gorga's butt ever, ever again - I am really tired of it - we've seen it at least five times every season since they've been on, and it's becoming tiresome.  It's not funny or cute or sexy - it wasn't the first time we saw it and it certainly isn't now, after about 1,000 views.

Plus, aside from seeing it live and in person (well, on film, anyway) - I did NOT need to see the video replay over and over again.  

All I keep thinking about is those poor kids....between filming Antonia's "sex talk" (which was about four years too late, at Antonia's age) and seeing their Dad's butt on national TV, those kids have to be the most embarrassed kids in their schools.  Maybe the boys can get a pass because of their ages, but Antonia has to be mortified.  

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1 hour ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Holy shit, Margaret is the woman with two faces from Seinfeld—she looked fucking smoking hot at Michelle’s cocktail party with the long pony, red lip, and chic black dress with no cleavage.  What the hell happens to her the other half of the time??

She opens her mouth and starts talking.

50 minutes ago, LibertarianSlut said:

Gotcha.  But...doesn’t she own a three-way mirror?  She seems to have a lot of money.  Doesn’t she have her outfits that make her look hot when her weight is up, in addition to the ones that are for down weight times too?  I think most non-rich women have several sets of wardrobes—hot, sensible, stuff we’ll fit into someday, stuff we wear when we feel fat, and, probably most ubiquitous, that one LBD (or black sweater and slim black pant if the situation is really dire) she can wear that will mask all the flaws, even if it’s not hot off the runway or anything.  

Exactly what I was thinking.  She was obviously uncomfortable with it during the party because I kept noticing her pulling at the top trying to keep things covered.  All I could think is that she imagined the clothes to be so outstanding that the fact she was squeezed and spilling would be overlooked.

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Dolores is a big girl, she can make her own decisions and take care of herself. And she got a Porsche for her birthday? God Bless!

Neanderthal Gorga was gross for calling her broken. 

It was good to hear Dolores voice how Frank is a great guy but she was really hurt in that relationship - maybe now people will stop wanting her to get back together with him. Dolores and Frank have a great non-romantic partnership, what they have works for their family. 


Edited by funnygirl
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12 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

I am sick of all the “boobage” across all the RH . You are right, if you are intent on displaying your “boobage” you should at least use supportive undergarments.

That being said, I beg Bravo, please make it stop before this nightmare becomes a national emergency.

I stopped {again} watching RHOA because of all of the "vagina".  Someone went to have that recharge-retighting procedure with someone ( non family mbr) who was " all up in her stuff". Then later told the other wives. Somethings really need to be kept to yourself.

I can't fault Kandi for the millions she made of her sex toys business. Maybe Tre should give her a call if she still is trying to figure out how to support her 4 daughters and pay old bills. Got to be some money to be made in breasts, as the main featured product.

I'm ok with M2M have discussions as two of them are ob-gyns.  They probably also limit discussions so one can buy a latest side-by-side, a book ( link )  for details

Edited by sATL
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I wanna know where JoeGo gets bathed in wax. And if Mel fantasizes that she's gettin banged by a horny little dolphin.

Jackie's synthetic braid crown was cheap Renaissance Festival costume quality. Her too dark foundation and black eyeshadow look like schmutz on her face. 

Marge takes so much pride in her affair with Joe. He washed her stench off before going home to his wife. What a thoughtful guy. 

Delores can't handle the truth. I don't care if David ever gives her a ring, but she needs to face the fact that she's changing what she wants in order to make the relationship work, instead of pretending its what she wants too. If she just said...I'm settling and I'm good with it...maybe everyone would quit harping on subject.

Tre couldn't manage to muster up much fake anger around JoeGo spreading her bf business. Not sure how long it'll last, but for the moment we're seeing happy, fresh start Tre and everything's coming up pineapple puss.

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18 hours ago, LibertarianSlut said:

These Ho’s look so bad at Jen’s mommy party.  Margaret and Dolores should be on RH Atlanta with their breasts, except the ladies of Atlanta wear supportive garments.  Melissa with the two-piece outfit with the same ugly pattern that looks like it came off the same bolt of fabric—oy.  Jackie’s fake braid that is one shade away from her real hair, Jennifer with the really cute dress, but the camera zooming right at her bra with the smooshed boobs...maybe Teresa left because of all of the visual carnage.  

Dolores has some dramatic features that make her seem beautiful to me, but her age is really starting to show.  Maybe that is why she is freaking out and getting all the surgery.  

Margaret’s breasts at Jen’s house, I cannot believe them.  I felt like she is trying to breastfeed me through the camera; it’s no longer passive-aggressive, it’s aggressive.  Why does she do this shit?  At last season’s reunion, they asked her why her breasts were so out, and she asked rhetorically, what do they want her to wear, a turtleneck?  Well, that would be a good start.  A burka might complete the look.  Is she so afraid that Marty was right that a man in a room wouldn’t look at Margaret twice, and she is overcompensating?  Well, good job Marge.  Everyone’s eyes are on you now—men, women, children, and, especially, hungry babies.  

I am pointedly ignoring the men.  

I agree about Marge and her ample bosom...it's just vulgar at this point. It's an all ladies tea...dressing like that for an afternoon tea is just totally gross and inappropriate. 

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17 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Teresa in Love, I guess there are guys that are into repulsiveness. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I see red flags flying all over the place with this guy...assaulted another driver because he had a bout of road rage; former fiancee had to get a restraining order...all things point to a controlling guy with a bad temper. What a catch Teresa!

2 hours ago, Quilty said:

Why does JoGo keep acting like a child? What grown men challenge each other to pull their pants down in public? I hope he ends up in jail for exposing himself in public. And fuck off Bravo we do NOT want to see literal ass kissing.

I'm sure the other golfers at that club were thrilled to see this spectacle.

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2 hours ago, Raiderred said:

I don't give two shits about seeing or knowing about Teresa's boyfriend!  Bravo, please stop this nonsense now!

Then you might honestly want to tune out, because that's all this show has to offer this year. I like Tre, but this season especially, it's the Teresa show, and it exposes how weak this cast is. The only real plotlines offered by cast members (and not their extended fam, a la Jen's parents) were the Evan rumor (spread by Tre) and Tre's new boyfriend. So Tre is responsible for the entire season. That's not great TV.

All anyone talks about is Teresa. Good or bad. For some reason, all OTHER drama (Joe B. repeating and cosigning the existence of the Evan cheating rumor, Joe Gorga owing some guy 10s of thousands, Mel and Joe's "troubled marriage" baloney) has been swept under the rug within one episode. 

If Dolores thinks everyone is up in her business about David, well, she should be grateful, because that's her only storyline, and she's not even bringing it to the table. 

The old shots of Tre moving into her big marble mansion reminded me of how golden this show once was. Season 2, with 4 cast members, was one of the strongest seasons of reality TV ever produced. THINGS WERE ACTUALLY HAPPENING. They need to recast - dump Mel, Marge, Jackie, and Dolores, and rebuild with Jennifer and Teresa. Hell, bring back Caroline if you have to. We need someone with an actual life happening - not 10 people speculating on whether a woman whose husband was away for 4 years and then deported is finally getting laid. It's creepy. 

And shout-out to the person who mentioned that if Jackie supposedly has so much cash, maybe she should do something with it. Money does not make you an interesting person. Mad respect to someone who wants to just put it in great stocks or in a bank, but that person should not be on a reality TV show - especially when they're bringing nothing else to the table. Gina from OC is the brokest woman in Ho'wife land but she's got more going on for filming than the entire OC cast combined. It's not always about the dollars when it comes to good TV. 

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4 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

What's with these moms that are literally separated from their husbands and are living in separate homes? Are they just too lazy to get divorced? It's weird...

My parents are actually doing this.  They are both retired and my mom had a state job so her benefits cover my dad too.  If they got divorced he'd lose them so they just live apart.  So she doesn't kill him.  Good times.

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3 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

My parents are actually doing this.  They are both retired and my mom had a state job so her benefits cover my dad too.  If they got divorced he'd lose them so they just live apart.  So she doesn't kill him.  Good times.

Mine did the old fashioned way...contentious divorce and fights over alimony and division of property...lots of fun.

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15 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

What's with these moms that are literally separated from their husbands and are living in separate homes? Are they just too lazy to get divorced? It's weird...

Also, it's NORTH JERSEY - some of the most expensive real estate and taxes in the world!! How do they afford two separate households on fixed incomes?? They're not all Vanderbilts. 

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WTF ?! How old is Jennifers mother? She would probably be in her 60s? And Jennifer says that she’s getting old and starts falling asleep while driving two hours to see her? Well guess what Jennifer, that’s not old age.  you better get your mother to a doctor to be checked because she’s way too young to be falling asleep in the car while driving a couple of hours. 

These women look absolutely horrifying . What is happening to Teresa‘s body? Between the plastic surgery,make up, the ill fitting ugly clothes,  the boobs hanging out inappropriately anywhere and everywhere even the saggy overly large ones, do they actually honestly think that all that make up and plastic surgery makes them  look good? Once again,  my husband passed through the room and said those women are disgusting looking, what have they done to themselves?. I agree. 

22 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

My parents are actually doing this.  They are both retired and my mom had a state job so her benefits cover my dad too.  If they got divorced he'd lose them so they just live apart.  So she doesn't kill him.  Good times.

That makes sense. 

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Jen scoffed - who cares if married people live apart.  Someone make a big deal about Jackie’s parents. I thought it was Jennifer, but it could have been mean girl Tre. 

I get that Dolores is sick of people bugging her about David, but if memory serves, D has made a big deal about getting a ring in the past. That Jen is trying to portray herself as a supporter of the relationship - on WWHL - is comical. 

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2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

What's with these moms that are literally separated from their husbands and are living in separate homes? Are they just too lazy to get divorced? It's weird...


2 hours ago, TexasGal said:

My parents are actually doing this.  They are both retired and my mom had a state job so her benefits cover my dad too.  If they got divorced he'd lose them so they just live apart.  So she doesn't kill him.  Good times.

I posted the same last week (or the week before)  - when they had the Mothers' day brunch.. I've been doing research on retirement planning, and making cost decisions now while one is late in their working careers. Benefits are just one part of making sure $$, and hopefully happiness, last until ____

People are living longer now.... it is possible that one could be in their post-retirement years almost as long as your working years.. taking social security at 62 might not be the answer anymore.. might make $$ sense to wait.

Edited by sATL
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1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Also, it's NORTH JERSEY - some of the most expensive real estate and taxes in the world!! How do they afford two separate households on fixed incomes?? They're not all Vanderbilts. 

Jennifer’s father lives with her so there aren’t two houses. 

Jackie’s family has lots of money as Jackie inherited money so they hav3 plenty to support more than two houses if they want. 

Dolores’s parents have been separated for years. I think the father lived  town where he was a police officer even when she was a child. Dolores’s mother’s house seems very modest. Is her father even alive. She never mentions him. 

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1 hour ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Also, it's NORTH JERSEY - some of the most expensive real estate and taxes in the world!! How do they afford two separate households on fixed incomes?? They're not all Vanderbilts. 

In some jurisdictions' - when you become 62/65/67/70 you can apply for lower taxes as a senior. For example they will remove school tax which could be a chunk of your tax bill. All of which goes into planning where/how you want to live post working years.

It pays to plan and research - ahead of time.

with that said - should you pay 2 of something, even when its less, when you only could be paying one ?

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Who cares about Delores' relationship with David? Whatever works.  People have beliefs of their own about what relationships after divorce or widowing looks like for them. It's personal.  Yes, she spoke differently last season and is "fine with things" this season. So freakin what? Can't be that invested in it. But of course the other women will gossip about it because that's their friend/coworker and they a) are literally paid to gossip and b) it's human nature.  

Can't believe how far I've gone. I like Jen and dislike Marge. I used to really like Marge. If I need cosmetic procedures at any point, Dr. Aydin would be at the top of my list because he's not that far, he gets good reviews, & I like the guy.

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3 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

What's with these moms that are literally separated from their husbands and are living in separate homes? Are they just too lazy to get divorced? It's weird...

Eh, some people just don't like living with another person (or, with a specific other person, as the case may be). I sometimes wonder if I am one of them and if I might like having a separate home from my BF like I used to (or maybe a duplex or the condo unit right next to ours, haha!). If it's a matter of just that, for some couples, I really don't see why they should get a divorce. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, amarante said:

Jennifer’s father lives with her so there aren’t two houses. 

Jackie’s family has lots of money as Jackie inherited money so they hav3 plenty to support more than two houses if they want. 

Dolores’s parents have been separated for years. I think the father lived  town where he was a police officer even when she was a child. Dolores’s mother’s house seems very modest. Is her father even alive. She never mentions him. 

Didn’t Dolores go to lunch with her dad a season or two ago?  

13 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Eh, some people just don't like living with another person (or, with a specific other person, as the case may be). I sometimes wonder if I am one of them and if I might like having a separate home from my BF like I used to (or maybe a duplex or the condo unit right next to ours, haha!). If it's a matter of just that, for some couples, I really don't see why they should get a divorce. 

There’s a song called Live Close By, Visit Often.  The refrain:

Live close by, visit often

That’ll work, that’ll work for me

Live close by, visit often

Save us both a lot of misery


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8 minutes ago, AryasMum said:

Didn’t Dolores go to lunch with her dad a season or two ago?  

There’s a song called Live Close By, Visit Often.  The refrain:

Live close by, visit often

That’ll work, that’ll work for me

Live close by, visit often

Save us both a lot of misery


I believe Dolores said her father was the Police Chief in Paterson. That’s a pretty big job so I imagine that her parents have sufficient funds. Also. I thought Jackie’s family money was the result of some very successful software written by her mother.

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Eh, some people just don't like living with another person (or, with a specific other person, as the case may be). I sometimes wonder if I am one of them and if I might like having a separate home from my BF like I used to (or maybe a duplex or the condo unit right next to ours, haha!). If it's a matter of just that, for some couples, I really don't see why they should get a divorce. 

These women don't fit the demographic for this kind of situation...they seem older and more into "traditional" type of man/woman relationships. It's just odd that two of these mothers have had this "arrangement" for a long time. Delores's mother seems to be over her marriage and maybe it's a religious thing with her. I don't know...Jackie's mom must have her own little nest egg that she lives on...not sure how Jennifer's mother is getting along in terms of her financial situation. 

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Can we talk about Joe Gorga's caveman 1950's Don Draper attitude about working women? And his misogynistic comment about Delores being "broken"...this guy is really a relic. He should be grateful that Melissa has her own business and is doing something productive. In a few years all her kids will be grown and gone..now's the time to develop a business and grow it. The kids aren't babies anymore...he wants her to be like his mother? I think he feels she's abandoning him and won't need him if she continues to have her business...obviously a guy that is threatened by her being independant. And the comment to Delores was just insane. I view Delores as a strong woman who was crushed by Frank's infidelity and lies but survived it and raised two great kids and moved on with her life. She's not bitter or "broken" from what I see...she seems to have a good relationship with Frank, they have a bond and a friendship. He fucked up and she was hurt but they seem to be determined to patch it up and co parent the kids. Joe Gorga just can't seem to wrap his head around the idea of a woman being  her own person. 

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Why haven’t they’re ever gone on another trip to Jackie’s Hamptons house?  Is it because it’s a rental?  Which is fine but then don’t act like y’all got there ever my other weekend.  For someone who is SO RICH she acts like a complete prude.  Let me throw a pizza a the floor and cut your hair on the driveway.  Hey Jackie you can spend $20 at sports clips and you won’t go broke.

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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

Why haven’t they’re ever gone on another trip to Jackie’s Hamptons house?  Is it because it’s a rental?  Which is fine but then don’t act like y’all got there ever my other weekend.  For someone who is SO RICH she acts like a complete prude.  Let me throw a pizza a the floor and cut your hair on the driveway.  Hey Jackie you can spend $20 at sports clips and you won’t go broke.

She was cutting hair herself because during the pandemic salons and barber shops were closed. 

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, amarante said:

She was cutting hair herself because during the pandemic salons and barber shops were closed. 

I am aware.

 But from the looks of her boys, she continued to do it herself even after lockdown was lifted.  Her kids and husband look like ragamuffins (TM RHOBH).  Then you see her ratchet extensions and clip on butter braid.  Open the wallet, Jackie!  Miss so so rich.  I’m not saying she has to drape herself in fake Versace like her bestie Melissa, but quit playing the martyr at every turn.

22 hours ago, sATL said:

stopped {again} watching RHOA because of all of the "vagina".  Someone went to have that recharge-retighting procedure with someone ( non family mbr) who was " all up in her stuff". Then later told the other wives. Somethings really need to be kept to yourself.

I could have gone my whole life not knowing about Marge seniors vag refresh.  WHY???  🤮. And it’s like both the Marges think it’s endearing.  IT IS NOT.

  • Love 9
On 4/28/2021 at 10:20 PM, ichbin said:

Classy Marge with that amusing tale of Joe needing a shower after they first had sex so that his wife would not smell another woman on him.

You know she'll get all offended and bent out of shape (worse than her plastic surgery) if/when someone mentions that comment, especially if it's Jen.


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I don't want to do this but Bravo keeps forcing my hand. It's time for another round of "If Joe Giudice had said it." If JoeGi spoke to any woman calling her broken Andy would spend an entire segment at several reunions to bringing it up. But it's Joe Gorga and that's just how he is and we're all supposed to think it's great because he'd literally kiss Andy's ass to stay on the show, hell, maybe he actually does. Thank God they didn't show the ass kissing on camera. You don't call a woman broken, I don't give a fuck what her relationship is like. Once again he slams working women. I know the David thing is Dolores' one story but that's uncalled for. What ever happened to Dolores and Melissa hating each other? Can that get reignited because of this? 


Also gross was Marge laughing about Joe B showering during their affair. The woman who judges literally everyone and everything yucking it up about being with a married man is trashier than they furniture she always criticizes Jen for having.  


I liked Michelle's house and so far she's an okay 'friend of.' Jackie wasn't annoying this episode but she doesn't bring anything to the table and Marge is gross, let them go and give Michelle a shot, I say.

  • Love 15
On 4/28/2021 at 10:20 PM, ichbin said:


Classy Marge with that amusing tale of Joe needing a shower after they first had sex so that his wife would not smell another woman on him.  


I was shocked that Marge told that story in a humorous manner, expecting everyone to laugh!  Kind of makes me think that Marge doesn't really value marriage vows (well, we know that she doesn't, because she cheated on Jan - not only with Joe B. but supposedly with the rock star, too, according to her book).  I wonder if Marge would have been so cavalier about that if Dolores had been there - Frank cheated on Dolores many, many times - that was one of the reasons they divorced.  Can't imagine Dolores would have thought that comment was funny.  

If Joe B.'s ex-wife is watching the show, or his kids - don't you think they would be a little offended at that?  I mean, they know he cheated with Marge, but to hear it laughed about or joked about?  Kinda shitty, imo.

I'm really not impressed with this "new" Marge - new face, new boobs, new insensitive attitude - not loving her at the moment.

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 19
12 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

These women don't fit the demographic for this kind of situation...they seem older and more into "traditional" type of man/woman relationships. It's just odd that two of these mothers have had this "arrangement" for a long time. Delores's mother seems to be over her marriage and maybe it's a religious thing with her. I don't know...Jackie's mom must have her own little nest egg that she lives on...not sure how Jennifer's mother is getting along in terms of her financial situation. 

Maybe they “fit,” maybe they don’t (and I know that I don’t fit into supposed demographics so it’s not implausible that they don’t either). I don’t know them from a can of paint, so I am not about to guess how “traditional” they are. The fact that they’re in this kind of arrangement says to me that, for whatever reason, it works for them. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Maybe they “fit,” maybe they don’t (and I know that I don’t fit into supposed demographics so it’s not implausible that they don’t either). I don’t know them from a can of paint, so I am not about to guess how “traditional” they are. The fact that they’re in this kind iof arrangement says to me that, for whatever reason, it works for them. 

I guess you told me...SNAP!

  • LOL 2
11 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I guess you told me...SNAP!

Haha, no! Was I being snippy? I didn’t mean to. If I was, I’m sorry (maybe I forgot to “turn it off”; I’ve been leaving most definitely snippy comments in editorial jobs at work all week!)—if I do it again, please feel free to say “is bitch better?” In your reply, haha!

  • LOL 8
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I would have more sympathy for Dolores about being confronted about David in front of everyone if she wasn’t such a busybody about everyone else’s relationship.  

The best example I can think of—the one that still makes me mad to this day—was in season nine, when Teresa was all over Melissa’s shit in a very aggressive way about Joe spending time with Giacinto, and when Dolores began to chime in on another character’s personal family matter in front of the whole group on multiple occasions, Melissa very politely asked her to stay out of it.  So Dolores stopped speaking on it, apologized for sticking her nose in, and urged Teresa to change the subject.  

Erm, wait, no, none of that happened.  Melissa very politely asked Dolores to stay out of Melissa’s private family matter in front of the group, Dolores shut up for one second, and then when Teresa could not defend her indefensible position, Dolores began speaking on Teresa’s behalf, under the auspices of being close to the family!  Ummmm...Teresa, who was right there, is in the family, as is Melissa, so they don’t need a representative or a liasion, especially when that person was in the pocket of one of the parties.  This is actually what led to the big Jackie moment of “would your husband be in jail...”.  No one was willing to shut the fuck up about stuff that wasn’t their business, beginning with Dolores.  To quote a two year old, “she started it.”

Dolores survived four-plus seasons on this show minding other people’s business.  She is like a prettier Caroline (and, has anyone seen Caroline lately—she looks like William Forsythe 😄),


but Caroline wasn’t as opaque about her storyline as Dolores.  Caroline was clearly keeping shit hidden, but she put it out there—son failing out of law school, daughter’s weight loss surgery, absent husband who might have had affairs, etc.  The only thing that she was closed up about was her feud with Dina, and I still feel like I know more about that than I do about Dolores.  

So I give the entire cast a lot of leeway for talking to Dolores about Dolores’s shit for the first time in five seasons.  I read an article that they are looking to cut her from the show.  Maybe this was some kind of Hail Mary pass (doubtful; Joe Gorga is probably talking about this selfishly so that he can stay on the show, but it’s a possibility...).  Dolores gets to skate on what she shows and what she hides more than pretty much any Housewife I’ve ever seen.  She makes Bethenny Frankel, who got to keep her kid and her multiple partners off the show, look like Danielle Staub, who told us every time she gave phone sex.  

(Speaking of Danielle, I hated the way Dolores treated her.  I’m not saying anyone needs to be friends with Danielle—they should stay away from her—but, for instance, the way Margaret treated Danielle after their friendship died was so much more humane.  Dolores, if I think about it, had such low character when it came to Danielle—before the show filmed, she wanted to use Danielle’s connections to Marty to get her own son ahead, so she was fine socializing with Danielle off-camera.  That was good, because it was benefiting Dolores.  But as soon as Danielle said something on-camera that Dolores didn’t like, she went ape shit, screaming, fingers in faces, making Teresa and her wine-throwing look demure in comparison, and shouting “welcome back scumbag!” like a wild banshee...because Danielle told Teresa that Dolores said to watch out for Teresa and she only cares about money.  If it wasn’t at least partially true, if Dolores had said nothing of the sort, she would not have freaked out like that.  I think Dolores gossiped a little behind Teresa’s back.  I don’t think she had bad intentions, and she was very embarrassed that it came back to bite her, but that’s not the way a hinged person, as opposed to an unhinged person, reacts.  Two things can be true at once—Danielle and Dolores can both be unhinged, to differing degrees).  

Then Dolores freaked the fuck out that Danielle was talking about Frank being disbarred, so she was mad at an enemy for speaking about what was public knowledge and record, but she didn’t get mad at Frank, she said him failing to tell her was him “taking it like a man.” 🤮 Dolores is so that chick that will say a woman deserved it if her husband gives her a black eye, but I digress.

So Joe Gorga finally said what was on his mind about Dolores and it was probably the wrong venue, but I give him credit for saying it to the sacred cow to her face.  I applaud people who aren’t afraid of the big, scary Dolores with the waving arms and the big mouth.  Everyone has to talk about their relationship and their bullshit on this show.  Joe and Melissa are putting so much out there this season that many of us don’t believe they have these problems that they are claiming to have!  So I think Joe, who has known Dolores since childhood, has some latitude in opining on a situation that causes people to scratch their heads.  If Dolores wants to live a private life, she is perfectly entitled to do that—there is this thing called not being on a TV show that billions of people practice all day, every day, and we all manage.  

Of course, most of us don’t have a second closet in our second residence that is reserved for our “A-list” outfits only.  If Dolores wants to have all these closets and A-list outfits as a product of being in “the business,” which is a direct quote from Dolores, then she has to put her story out there!  It’s so obvious.  It’s what the economist Thomas Sowell calls incremental trade-offs.  Even if we’re not all economists, I think most sane people of sound mind understand this concept.  To quote another economist, there is no such thing as a free lunch.  Either deliver on reality TV or live a private life.  Elegant in its simplicity.  

Everyone else on this cast has been exposed raw.  I mean, do I have to go through the list?  Margaret and her cheating and bankruptcy and broken family.  Melissa perhaps having been a stripper (a rumor not originated or perpetuated by Teresa), getting four nose jobs, and not being able to afford to live in Franklin Lakes.  Jackie has a husband with a possibly wandering penis, a refusal to give blowies (likely because she can’t justify the caloric intake of swallowing), in addition to her eating disorder.  Jen had a kid who got bullied, a rumor that her husband sleeps with his girlfriend, and that her house overlooks a cemetery.  Do I even have to go into how much Teresa has put out there over the years?  I’ll get carpal-tunnel syndrome.  

So what has Dolores ever shown us?  As Judge Judy would say, “bupkus.”  Not fair.  She gets paid just like everyone else. 

So even if Joe G wasn’t perfect in his delivery, he started a conversation that I think was sorely overdue.  And Melissa continued the conversation in a very nonjudgmental way, but she came with an opinion (remember, Dolores thinks she is allowed to give her opinion on Melissa’s family in front of the group, after being asked to refrain), and that opinion was that there was something awry or amiss with what Dolores is telling us—there is something about her storyline that doesn’t add up, to break the fourth wall, and instead of having a calm conversation about it, Dolores bolted.  I don’t want her back next season.  She offers nothing.  I think that she is either involved with Frank beyond what she tells us, and she is too embarrassed to share, or she is using him to stay on the show, as someone to bounce stuff off of, when Housewives do solo scenes.  Everyone else has a husband, and Teresa has her kids.  That keeps them interesting.  So Frank is playing a role on reality TV, but...we’re not allowed to talk about it.  Not acceptable.  

If we think Dolores is somewhat boring now, can we imagine how boring she would be without a person to film with?!?  I can say exactly how boring it would be—it would be season two Dina, sitting in her cluttered house watching her cats before she quit the show mid-season. That would be Dolores without Frank.  But he’s not her husband!  And she has a boyfriend!  That is info coming straight from Dolores, not conjecture, and she doesn’t have a good explanation that would not break the fourth wall, so she just refuses to give one.  

I urged Margaret upthread to look in a mirror aka to own her shit.  I have had a hard-on for Margaret all season long (and before), but she could turn that all around in a minute if she would just get honest and let people opine about her the way she opines about them, the way she was when she first came on the show.  Dolores doesn’t even have that track record of honesty.  She never gave us a thing to work with, other than the fact that Frank cheated on her and they divorced.  Jackie was right last season in Jamaica when she said that there is something off about someone—she was talking about Dolores—who can be cheated on at nine months pregnant and not be fazed.  I think Dolores is fazed, I think Joe Gorga was right on the fucking money when he said Dolores had a “scarred heart,” and that hit so close to home that she freaked out and ran like a thief in the night.  

I remember when Dolores first came on the show, she at least went to a therapist and talked about her just broken off engagement and that never went anywhere.  But at least she was willing to open up a little.  Four seasons later, it is just “Frank, I need cabbinnnettts!” In a voice that is not very distinguishable from Jill Zarin’s.  As someone who grew up on Long Island and the daughter of a man who had a contracting business—I feel like I have heard this exact demand in this exact voice way more than my quota for life.  Twenty years later, I don’t want to turn on TV and have to hear it all over again.  It’s not entertaining, it’s fucking annoying.  I also do not give one fuck about her volunteering, and I doubt many other viewers do either.  If she had an interesting personality, like Kelly Dodd, who knows?  But I don’t tune in to see Dolores hugging underprivileged kids and getting a mammogram, because she’s already boring, and this is not helping.  I’m much more interested in Jennifer’s William Hickey-looking old dad and his Turkey stories, if they can’t fill an hour. 

If Dolores can’t take the heat and will only talk about basic things and Teresa (there is a joke somewhere in there, but I’m not making it, because I think Teresa is actually complex and way more interesting than Dolores), she needs to be in the third reunion chair—I have no idea why she keeps getting that second reunion chair, especially last year, when her storyline was whether her father was following his diet—and then she needs to be off the show . 

I’ve been complaining for years that Melissa is boring, and she is.  But Melissa is a freaking three ring circus compared to this other one.  I’m tired of it.  I am on the team of anyone who is going to poke Dolores, just because she needs a really good poking.  In several ways.  

Edited by LibertarianSlut
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Why doesn’t everyone just back off of Dolores. Who cares how she wants to be with David. It’s not like he’s beating her. Move on. If she says she’s fine with it then let her be. Jeez.

Joe Gorga can shut the fuck up. He’s a dumb fucking neanderthal. He’s trying to lecture Dolores on love and relationships. I rather be alone forever then be with some gross pig like Joe Gorga.

Teresa’s voice somehow gets screechier every episode.

They should get rid of Jackie and add Michelle as a housewife. I don’t know if Michelle would be a good housewife but she’s gotta be better then Jackie who brings nothing to the show.


Edited by Marley
  • Love 11
9 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Maybe they “fit,” maybe they don’t (and I know that I don’t fit into supposed demographics so it’s not implausible that they don’t either). I don’t know them from a can of paint, so I am not about to guess how “traditional” they are. The fact that they’re in this kind of arrangement says to me that, for whatever reason, it works for them. 

I just wish they would explain how, in plain US dollars and cents, how it works and makes good financial sense. Some things might make a little sense in your 40s... but pushing 70s & possible heath issues.. ummm

And how long they have been doing this.. Like I said a last week or so - how do they handle romantic interests - any of the 6 have side squeeze?

To really add to my nosy-ness - I guess it would be enlightening to know just what act or acts started all of this - live separate and close to equal - to make it cool to live apart, but not legally divorce. What did Delores dad become chief and he had to get a house in that jurisdiction and he just stayed? They wanted get a house so the kids/grandkids go to a good school district? I mean you just don't go buy another house b/c someone snores, farts or nags the hell out of you...

Now I can see getting ONE large house/duplex , so you don't have to see each other .... and pray that you can come together on bills like taxes, home owners ins, HOA, etc. But if you can't agree enough to live under the same roof, why  you can all of a sudden agree for one or the other to write a check on a place they don't live in ? 

Just because hubby was a good provider doesn't mean I want his $$ to pay for me to be in a house while he uses the rest of his fortune to lay up with another woman, possibly starting another family and/or running up bills/bad credit/ill-advised investments and we are still married..

Edited by sATL
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