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S09E08: Better Days Are Coming


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I'm not surprised C and T haven't voted. And I'm actually okay with it, to be honest. I'm not all for the push to vote just for the sake of it. If a person is not informed or doesn't care enough to vote, I'd actually prefer that they DIDN'T. I don't want people voting who don't know why they're doing it and might change their mind in a year. And there's nothing wrong with changing your mind when you become more educated. But if you're not ready, you're not ready. 

And I'm keeping in mind that these two didn't have the best role models. It can't be an excuse foreverything, but I'm glad they're finally growing up, how ever long it takes, and I'd rather they skip the voting than just go with whatever someone in their lives (Butch, for example) tells them to vote for. 



  • Love 15

Mackenzie, a guy can be a good Dad and a crappy husband.   You need to get over this guy and stop trying to make yourself part of the deal.  

Cheyenne, you need to ask for what you want; which apparently is to get married before Baby #2.  This guy is going to drag his feet as long as you let him.  Don't just sit there.   Also, any ring will do.  It can always be replaced with a bigger one later.  

Catelynn , I'm proud of you for voting and teaching your daughters how important it is.  When we know better, we do better.  I'm impressed you stood your ground and didn't let your in-laws push your buttons. That's more than a lot of people can do.   

Amber, listen to your mother:  Your child will always be your 'problem'.   She should know.   You have waaaay too much time on your hands.

Maci, clean your house.   The Big Pile O'Crap is expanding to all the counters.


Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 15

I just don't see any spark between Cheyenne and Zach. It seems like she has an agenda and she "rekindled" her relationship with Zach because he was available. She wanted another baby ASAP...she didn't want to wait around for Mr. Right and go through the dating game and all the steps that may or may not lead to a pregnancy. Zach was convenient, pliable and she could hit the ground running with him. She has a checklist: baby #2...check; ring? eventually if she will take a smaller more affordable one; house? hmmm...not quite there. This guy is way too submissive...her family is way too involved in her life. And the nagging from all of them, including Zach's father, about getting married is obnoxious and none of their business. I feel a little sorry for this guy...he is being bullied by her family to do things that he is not in control of due to their interference and pressure. Why can't these two just let their relationship and decisions about their future just happen organically? Cheyenne, tell your family to back off and let Zach have some breathing room and allow him to be a man and make decisions about your future as a couple. I don't know what Zach does for a living but maybe he can't afford the blingy ring she wants AND a house at this time...these are big expenditures for most young men that aren't being supported by wealthy parents or have trust funds. 

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Please someone tell me what Leah said...

I'll take a stab at it, although I was half-watching the episode and half-surfing the Internet.  Amber was supposed to go over and teach Leah how to apply makeup (which in itself is a scary thought).  Amber called and canceled because she wasn't feeling well, and of course had to mention COVID just because.  When Amber tried to reschedule, Leah told her she'd let her know next time she's available. 😄  

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8 minutes ago, Mothra said:

Never thought I'd say it, but good job, Maci!  She chose not to respond to the shit in the tabloid, and good for her.  The only people who care are the people who watch the show, and we all know what happened.  Way to stop a shit storm in its tracks.

I used to like Larry and Jen but this season I'm soured on them. As a grandfather, what could he possibly gain from blabbering to a tabloid? It seems like a huge betrayal to Bentley and a slap in the face to Maci. What does he get out of this? Maybe they paid him for his comments or maybe he just wanted to lash out...I don't know. But it wasn't a cool thing to do, especially to expose Bentley to this kind of scurrilous one sided public ridicule. To grouse publicly about the mother of your grandchild was selfish and wrong. If you have a problem, then sit down and hash them out in private...maybe Maci and Jen and Larry should have a few sessions with a therapist to discuss their grievances with each other. It's hard to take their complaints about Maci and Taylor seriously when all we see is their lard ass drug abusing loser son sit on couch each week looking more disheveled and out of it. It's almost comical that bitter Mac proclaims week after week that she's "done" with Maci and the drama and then proceeds to call Maci a bitch. Ryan nodding his head "yes" after she says it. Ryan is a bad father to Bentley and has, on camera, made disparaging and cruel comments about and to Bentley. I would have to say he is verbally and emotionally abusive to Bentley and has done little to bond with him as he has grown older.

The constant attacks on Maci by Ryan and the rest of this clan for creating an atomsphere of parental alienation is really counter productive and untrue. It is clear that Jen and Larry have chosen to side with Ryan and Mac...no one "wins" in this mess and the biggest loser is Bentley. If Jen and Larry truly loved Bentley then they would shut their pie holes, go to counseling with Maci and iron this situation out and tell their son to get his act together and try to patch up his relationship with his first born son. They just can't seem to be strong parents and do the right things with their son...they continue to enable him and don't press him to be better or go to counseling with Bentley. Mac is just as awful as ever and also enables him. 

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, Snarky McSnarky said:

I'll take a stab at it, although I was half-watching the episode and half-surfing the Internet.  Amber was supposed to go over and teach Leah how to apply makeup (which in itself is a scary thought).  Amber called and canceled because she wasn't feeling well, and of course had to mention COVID just because.  When Amber tried to reschedule, Leah told her she'd let her know next time she's available. 😄  

Omg I love it and knew Leah was going to get sick of her mother saying she is too sick to come see her. She is already pulling the same shit with James, but then wants to pull the dad didn't let me see them card to her public. She's too lazy to see her kids because that requires effort and anything  that is hard or requires effort is just too much for her. That is why she will never finish college.

  • Love 10
53 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

It's hard to take their complaints about Maci and Taylor seriously when all we see is their lard ass drug abusing loser son sit on couch each week looking more disheveled and out of it

Yeah, what the heck was going on with Ryan's hair and part beard?   Was that part of a Halloween costume (I'm thinking this was filmed around the end of Oct).   Yikes.   Mac just looks right at him, with baby #2 on her hip no less, and acts like nothing is wacked or that Ryan looks okay.  Which he must to her because I don't know how she kept a straight face looking at that mess. 

Larry effed up and he knows it.  If they want to have/keep a relationship with Bentley they need to stop trashing his mother.  Period.   Listen, my sister in law is uh, not my favorite person but I've kept my mouth shut about it for 20 years and consequently have enjoyed a really good close relationship with my nephew and niece from the start. 

You cannot win by bashing a kids mom even if she deserves it.  I think Gary knows that and I'm glad Leah has him and Kristina to give her a safe place to share her feelings.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 14
2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Why do any of these people think Leah needs a makeup lesson at 11???

I'd guess it was just something fun they could do together - at Leah's house with just Amber and Leah.  Too bad Amber blew it off.  Again. 

I wasn't much older than Leah when my aunt used to let me try out her makeup and show me how to do it (no youtube in those days😉).   I couldn't wear it out of the house.  But it was fun.  And Leah was clearly looking forward to it. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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4 hours ago, Mothra said:

Never thought I'd say it, but good job, Maci!  She chose not to respond to the shit in the tabloid, and good for her.  The only people who care are the people who watch the show, and we all know what happened.  Way to stop a shit storm in its tracks.

Agree, her non-response was the best response. Let the entire Edwards family look like fools.

So sad to hear how Larry & Jen responded to Bentley's request that Ryan attend counseling with him.  Imagine how much it hurt him to prioritize Ryan's potential hurt feelings over his own. Not to mention Larry said as much on camera in an earlier episode. Mark my words, their relationship with Bentley is on thin ice.  He's now old enough to see that while they do love him, they'll always be on Ryan's side.  

Someone who hasn't matured one bit?  Amber. Her attitude about Leah is all about how if affects her.  Even her shitty mother called her on that one. 

Good on Tyler/Caitlyn for voting and for sticking up for their beliefs living in a area where they're not always valued.  

Edited by snarts
  • Love 16
57 minutes ago, snarts said:

Someone who hasn't matured one bit?  Amber. Her attitude about Leah is all about how if affects her.  Even her shitty mother called her on that one. 

Agree.  Leah has never been a big priority for Amber.  Long before Dimitri and Andrew and that other scumbag (whose name I can't remember) Leah came after Amber's drugs, her sleeping, and her drama.   And Leah is getting old enough to vocalize it to her.   Amber needs to suck it up and try to make it up - for Leah's sake.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 11
5 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I used to like Larry and Jen but this season I'm soured on them. As a grandfather, what could he possibly gain from blabbering to a tabloid? It seems like a huge betrayal to Bentley and a slap in the face to Maci. What does he get out of this? Maybe they paid him for his comments or maybe he just wanted to lash out...I don't know. But it wasn't a cool thing to do, especially to expose Bentley to this kind of scurrilous one sided public ridicule. To grouse publicly about the mother of your grandchild was selfish and wrong. If you have a problem, then sit down and hash them out in private...maybe Maci and Jen and Larry should have a few sessions with a therapist to discuss their grievances with each other. It's hard to take their complaints about Maci and Taylor seriously when all we see is their lard ass drug abusing loser son sit on couch each week looking more disheveled and out of it. It's almost comical that bitter Mac proclaims week after week that she's "done" with Maci and the drama and then proceeds to call Maci a bitch. Ryan nodding his head "yes" after she says it. Ryan is a bad father to Bentley and has, on camera, made disparaging and cruel comments about and to Bentley. I would have to say he is verbally and emotionally abusive to Bentley and has done little to bond with him as he has grown older.

The constant attacks on Maci by Ryan and the rest of this clan for creating an atomsphere of parental alienation is really counter productive and untrue. It is clear that Jen and Larry have chosen to side with Ryan and Mac...no one "wins" in this mess and the biggest loser is Bentley. If Jen and Larry truly loved Bentley then they would shut their pie holes, go to counseling with Maci and iron this situation out and tell their son to get his act together and try to patch up his relationship with his first born son. They just can't seem to be strong parents and do the right things with their son...they continue to enable him and don't press him to be better or go to counseling with Bentley. Mac is just as awful as ever and also enables him. 

I agree with all of this.. And if it weren't for Maci and Bentley, Mac, who actually is a bitch, would actually have to get a job because Ryan is basically unemployable.

  • Love 16

Honestly, if Cheyenne really wants a husband, she needs to set her expectations a bit lower. There is no way a young man, who as far as I can see, does not work or if he does it’s not that high paying, can afford 60 k for an engagement ring, looking to buy a house, having another child and then the expense of the kind of wedding she’s going to want - I think most young men would be hesitant if not heading for the hills.

  • Love 14
52 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Honestly, if Cheyenne really wants a husband, she needs to set her expectations a bit lower. There is no way a young man, who as far as I can see, does not work or if he does it’s not that high paying, can afford 60 k for an engagement ring, looking to buy a house, having another child and then the expense of the kind of wedding she’s going to want - I think most young men would be hesitant if not heading for the hills.

Yes!! She is quite the diva. The whole family is all about Cheyenne. I felt a little bad for her sister when Cheyenne was explaining the rules of the delivery room and picked her mother to be the support person over her sister...her demeanor changed and she seemed visibly sad...you can tell the big deal in that family is Cheyenne...her sister is second fiddle. As for Zach...life with Cheyenne the diva will be difficult. She wants what she wants. She doesn't seem like the kind of girl who compromises too much. I guarantee that if they do get married it will be paid for by MTV. Zach will cut a break on that at least.

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4 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

Agree.  Leah has never been a big priority for Amber.  Long before Dimitri and Andrew and that other scumbag (whose name I can't remember) Leah came after Amber's drugs, her sleeping, and her drama.   And Leah is getting old enough to vocalize it to her.   Amber needs to suck it up and try to make it up - for Leah's sake.  

The other scumbag was Matt. Amber has always put guys before Leah. Her expectation was that Leah would just have to make the adjustment to her new boyfriends and deal with it. And when you see Leah as a little girl being so uncomfortable around Matt it was crystal clear that she didn't want to be there and looked terrified of him...I don't blame her. Amber is just not good mother material...it's not instinctual for her. If the pandemic was gone tomorrow and she could hook up with someone from Instagram and have them move in with her...she would totally do it. 

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Why did Taylor’s mom have 3 computer screens. What is she doing with them? 

i have a theory based only on my gut. I think Larry was trying to impress a pretty, young, female reporter when he gave that interview.

As much as I think Maci is an unpleasant pain in the ass, Ryan’s lack of a relationship with Bentley is on him. He never really did the parenting. Now Bentley is just old enough to know that “time with dad” means “time with Jen and Larry.” He doesn’t feel like lying about that anymore. Even with the birthday party he went to the one at Larry and Jen’s because that’s who he has a relationship with. I understand that it is hard for Larry and Jen to accept that their son doesn’t love his own son, but that’s the situation and blaming Maci won’t change it.

Same with Amber. Blaming Leah won’t change her into a good mother. She doesn’t care about Leah enough to do any real work as a mother and Leah is old enough to call a spade a spade.

Oh Mac. You sweet dumb little thing. You and Josh are not going to last. My guess is he ran out of money and that’s why he came running back.

Cheyanne and Zack are fine. Normal, functional people. Good for them. Bad for TV.

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At this point, I'm really intrigued by Ryan. WTF is going on with him/his family? Obviously, it's scheduled in advance when MTV comes to shoot him and, obviously, his/Mac's/his parents' goal is to make him look good and use his segments as an opportunity to tell his side of the story and counter Maci's (alleged) smears. So, obviously, he and Mac do whatever they can to present the best face during their segments. Yet, he can't even comb his fucking hair?! I can't believe that Mac didn't say, "Hey, Ry, the MTV people will be here in 20 mins., why don't you comb your hair?," so I can only assume that he cussed her out and refused to do it and/or he was holed up somewhere in their house getting high behind closed doors and only emerged (super high) after the MTV people were already there and Mac figured her best bet was to go ahead with filming the scene without mentioning his hair. At least she got him to hold their baby (along with the dog) for a couple of minutes this time.

Where the fuck do Mac, Larry, and Jen think this situation is headed? Do they imagine that Ryan (who seems to be a selfish, spoiled manbaby, in addition to a far gone addict) will wake up one morning and decide to get his life together? Has Mac ever known Ryan as a functioning adult? She has not only had unprotected sex with him when there was ample reason to believe he was an active IV drug user, but she continues to pretend that everything is fine with them/their family while Ryan is a train wreck visible from 28 miles away on national TV every week. It's weird to me because she doesn't strike me as a tenderhearted sap who's deeply in love with Ryan (the only comprehensible reason to be with someone as far gone as him).

  • Love 18
3 minutes ago, TheRealT said:

At this point, I'm really intrigued by Ryan. WTF is going on with him/his family? Obviously, it's scheduled in advance when MTV comes to shoot him and, obviously, his/Mac's/his parents' goal is to make him look good and use his segments as an opportunity to tell his side of the story and counter Maci's (alleged) smears. So, obviously, he and Mac do whatever they can to present the best face during their segments. Yet, he can't even comb his fucking hair?! I can't believe that Mac didn't say, "Hey, Ry, the MTV people will be here in 20 mins., why don't you comb your hair?," so I can only assume that he cussed her out and refused to do it and/or he was holed up somewhere in their house getting high behind closed doors and only emerged (super high) after the MTV people were already there and Mac figured her best bet was to go ahead with filming the scene without mentioning his hair. At least she got him to hold their baby (along with the dog) for a couple of minutes this time.

Where the fuck do Mac, Larry, and Jen think this situation is headed? Do they imagine that Ryan (who seems to be a selfish, spoiled manbaby, in addition to a far gone addict) will wake up one morning and decide to get his life together? Has Mac ever known Ryan as a functioning adult? She has not only had unprotected sex with him when there was ample reason to believe he was an active IV drug user, but she continues to pretend that everything is fine with them/their family while Ryan is a train wreck visible from 28 miles away on national TV every week. It's weird to me because she doesn't strike me as a tenderhearted sap who's deeply in love with Ryan (the only comprehensible reason to be with someone as far gone as him).

I get fascinated by it too. For many of the same reasons. That family films for what? A couple of hours a week? Tops? And that’s only during the scheduled filming season which I think is usually about 4 months. It’s baffling to me that between Larry, Jen, and Mac they can’t find a way to make Ryan look like less of a lost  cause for what I’m guessing is around 30 hours a year total. That’s less time than the average adult pulls their shit together for work every week. What is going on in that family? What level of denial have they all reached that they think they are presenting some sort of convincing argument for the cameras? It’s just crazy to me that their rebuttal to Maci is propping Ryan up in a chair like Weekend at Bernies and pretending no one notices the addict in the room. Also is Ryan wearing a wig? What’s up with his hair?

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On 3/17/2021 at 11:25 AM, BrownBear2012 said:

I used to like Larry and Jen but this season I'm soured on them. As a grandfather, what could he possibly gain from blabbering to a tabloid? It seems like a huge betrayal to Bentley and a slap in the face to Maci. What does he get out of this? Maybe they paid him for his comments or maybe he just wanted to lash out...I don't know. But it wasn't a cool thing to do, especially to expose Bentley to this kind of scurrilous one sided public ridicule. To grouse publicly about the mother of your grandchild was selfish and wrong. If you have a problem, then sit down and hash them out in private...maybe Maci and Jen and Larry should have a few sessions with a therapist to discuss their grievances with each other. It's hard to take their complaints about Maci and Taylor seriously when all we see is their lard ass drug abusing loser son sit on couch each week looking more disheveled and out of it. It's almost comical that bitter Mac proclaims week after week that she's "done" with Maci and the drama and then proceeds to call Maci a bitch. Ryan nodding his head "yes" after she says it. Ryan is a bad father to Bentley and has, on camera, made disparaging and cruel comments about and to Bentley. I would have to say he is verbally and emotionally abusive to Bentley and has done little to bond with him as he has grown older.

The constant attacks on Maci by Ryan and the rest of this clan for creating an atomsphere of parental alienation is really counter productive and untrue. It is clear that Jen and Larry have chosen to side with Ryan and Mac...no one "wins" in this mess and the biggest loser is Bentley. If Jen and Larry truly loved Bentley then they would shut their pie holes, go to counseling with Maci and iron this situation out and tell their son to get his act together and try to patch up his relationship with his first born son. They just can't seem to be strong parents and do the right things with their son...they continue to enable him and don't press him to be better or go to counseling with Bentley. Mac is just as awful as ever and also enables him. 

Right.  And Larry tried to play it off "oh I just answered some questions when someone called me" but then right after said he wants people to know.



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I see people giving credit to Tyler and Cate voting.  Not fucking me, man!!  The way they seemed relieved "Oh phew we never have to talk about politics again" which is not surprising to me that they don't give time to educate themselves but also disappointing.  They have a large platform and could use it to make some change.   Well, that might not make sense because Cate is not the leader in mental health like she thinks she is. 

Mackenzie and Josh are the most miserable couple.  As soon as he got in the car they were both super irritated.  There was no love or excitement.  He will never give her that spark that she wants.   How come none of the other girls have a friend like Kayla?  Kayla was direct and didn't coddle Mackenzie.  They all need someone to hold them accountable.  

I want to live long enough to see Amber have to get an actual job.   This is going on my bucket list.   Add Ryan being sober to it too.

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14 hours ago, IDreamofJoaquin said:

I see people giving credit to Tyler and Cate voting.  Not fucking me, man!!  The way they seemed relieved "Oh phew we never have to talk about politics again" which is not surprising to me that they don't give time to educate themselves but also disappointing.  They have a large platform and could use it to make some change.   Well, that might not make sense because Cate is not the leader in mental health like she thinks she is. 

I agree with this. If BLM was an important issue to them, why are they just now caring? I get a lot more people are informed this past year which is great. But I hope they don’t just drop it and jump on the next important political issue by next election. Then Caitlyn wears her t-shirt, yet doesn’t want to talk “politics” at her in-laws. For one, BLM isn’t politics. She knew wearing the tee would garnet a reaction out of them. I really hope this stays important to them and they educate themselves. 

All of the adults in Bentley’s life need to STFU. Maxi and Taylor included. Here Larry is going to the tabloids, yet here’s Tyler calling that side of the family idiots on national TV. Bentleys going to see all this. 

As @BrownBear2012 said, I think Cheyenne picked Zach because he was there and single. She was pushing the last boyfriend to knock her up. She wants a baby, a ring, a house, the white picket fence all in a year. Things take time. It shouldn’t be forced. She’s blaming her parents (and they are to blame too) on the pressure to get married. Tell your parents it won’t be this week, end of story. Did he really need to sit through a live infomercial of a $60K engagement ring? Especially when you have a baby coming? 

  • Love 4

So Ryan SCARED me when he appeared on screen.    You ask why Larry and Jen and Mac allow him to appear like that.  $$$$$  They can't do anything with him so they don't 'poke the bear'.  If they did he might refuse to participate and they could kiss that sweet check goodbye.  So there we are.

Re Cheyenne and what's his name.  They aren't in love.  There is absolutely no spark between those two.  Cheyenne wanted a second baby and now she has one coming.  Marriage just isn't in the cards for these two.  If Cheyenne and Zack wanted to be married they would be married.  He'll be gone after the baby arrives.   Cheyenne gets pregnant with men that will never marry her.  Heck maybe she doesn't want marriage herself???

Leah speaks. 

Finally.  Amber has been just the worst mother to her and is only showing attention now when there is no fellow in her life.  Thank goodness Gary and Kristina are stepping up and providing some kind of support for Leah. 

I'm kind of surprised Amber didn't chew her mother out with one of her rages when mom spoke the truth. 

I never paid much attention to Maci's mess but after reading about it I was watching to see.  Lordy what's wrong with them.  They have a beautiful home and keep it like that???   Maybe they're too busy.  lol

  • Love 7
On 3/20/2021 at 10:55 AM, ShaNaeNae said:

I agree with this. If BLM was an important issue to them, why are they just now caring? I get a lot more people are informed this past year which is great. But I hope they don’t just drop it and jump on the next important political issue by next election. Then Caitlyn wears her t-shirt, yet doesn’t want to talk “politics” at her in-laws. For one, BLM isn’t politics. She knew wearing the tee would garnet a reaction out of them. I really hope this stays important to them and they educate themselves. 

I guess I'm a cynic because I don't think they care about BLM at all. I think Cate wore the shirt on camera because they thought it would make them look good in front of their "fans".

It always irks me a little when Cheyenne talks about giving Ryder a sibling when Ryder already has one. Why the heck were they looking at rings? What is Zach's job??

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10 hours ago, MaggieG said:

I guess I'm a cynic because I don't think they care about BLM at all. I think Cate wore the shirt on camera because they thought it would make them look good in front of their "fans".

It always irks me a little when Cheyenne talks about giving Ryder a sibling when Ryder already has one. Why the heck were they looking at rings? What is Zach's job??

Do any of them work once they get on the payroll?

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