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S01.E06: All-New Halloween Spooktacular!

Message added by formerlyfreedom

General spec is fine in the episode topic, but if you're going to speculate based on the comics, please consider taking it to the MU/MCU topic or spoiler tagging it in here. Posts with comic-based spec may be removed. Thank you.

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21 minutes ago, Snapdragon said:

Quick question: Was anyone able to catch what Quicksilver had tattooed on his upper arm at the beginning of the episode?  I could see it was a word but I couldn't make out what it was.  

According to a video I watched, it is Evan Peters' own tattoo, "MOM."

It was speculating that in the context of the show,


maybe it was really "HOM" as in "House of M" (an important Wanda comic arc) or "MOM" as in "Multiverse of Madnesss." (the next Doctor Strange movie, in which Wanda has a role) 


Edited by saoirse
spoiler tag added to spec based on comics
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34 minutes ago, rozen said:

Hayward is a jerk, but honestly if we'd seen the widescale massive destruction that the Avengers have caused (purposefully or inadvertently) over the years there would absolutely be large swaths of people who hate their guts. The Avengers forced people to face the idea that they are not alone in the universe, and, not only that, they are hopelessly outgunned. I can absolutely see lots of people used to wielding power going "enough" especially when some washed superheroine decides to work through her grief by (seemingly) taking an entire town of innocent people hostage. Sure he almost certainly has a nefarious plan to make Vision into a robot supersoldier or something. But I don't find the blind seething hatred of "powered" people unrealistic.

All of that would be fine, except literally the only thing Hayward has done since he's been on the scene is poke the wasp's nest until something worse happens, and in this episode he had the people who were actually trying to solve the problem (Monica, Jimmy, Darcy) kicked off of "his" site. Monica's his co-worker, if a subordinate one, Jimmy works for the FBI, and while Darcy might be private sector she has a doctorate. It's not like they're just nobodies or newcomers, but you'd think they were with the way he acts towards them. Who died and left him in charge when all he does is exacerbate the situation?

I would add that he acts like he wants Wanda back in the Raft with a shock collar around her neck, and if you're right about him trying to re-fashion Vision into a superpowered guard dog, then it isn't really the power thing he's having a problem with. It's superpowered people he can't control. Just like Thunderbolt Ross, he's fine with them as long as he can keep them on a leash.

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1 hour ago, Snapdragon said:

Quick question: Was anyone able to catch what Quicksilver had tattooed on his upper arm at the beginning of the episode?  I could see it was a word but I couldn't make out what it was.  

That's just Evan Peters actual MOM tattoo. He has a tattoo on his hand as well.  I've seen people speculating about that lol. I guess they don't watch American Horror Story lol. 

2 hours ago, rozen said:

Hayward is a jerk, but honestly if we'd seen the widescale massive destruction that the Avengers have caused (purposefully or inadvertently) over the years there would absolutely be large swaths of people who hate their guts.

And as much of a jerk as he is, he's right. Wanda doesn't know what is going on when she expands the hex. Even though she is supposedly in control of things here her own husband just walks to the other side of town and almost kills himself trying to get out and what does she do? She pulls the entire SWORD team into her fantasy bubble. This episode firmly establishes that the people of Westview are not enjoying their part in this and Wanda just added a whole bunch more hostages because she got mad and made an assumption.

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3 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

All of that would be fine, except literally the only thing Hayward has done since he's been on the scene is poke the wasp's nest until something worse happens, and in this episode he had the people who were actually trying to solve the problem (Monica, Jimmy, Darcy) kicked off of "his" site. Monica's his co-worker, if a subordinate one, Jimmy works for the FBI, and while Darcy might be private sector she has a doctorate. It's not like they're just nobodies or newcomers, but you'd think they were with the way he acts towards them. Who died and left him in charge when all he does is exacerbate the situation?

I would add that he acts like he wants Wanda back in the Raft with a shock collar around her neck, and if you're right about him trying to re-fashion Vision into a superpowered guard dog, then it isn't really the power thing he's having a problem with. It's superpowered people he can't control. Just like Thunderbolt Ross, he's fine with them as long as he can keep them on a leash.

I mean, the way he's acting is not unlike how world powers treat hostile developing nations with nukes/nuclear capability. I don't agree with it, I just find it highly realistic that he wants absolute capitulation or to nuke it from orbit with no middle option.

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I now think Hayward knew something more was up with Westview than just a missing person. He had to have tracked Vision's body there after Wanda took it.

Everyone looked so good in their comic book costumes, especially Wanda.

Great seeing Jimmy kick ass.

The claymation 90s commercial was spot on.

I always wish they had used Teyonah Parris more on MAD MEN so it's awesome that she now has an important part in the MCU.

Really curious to what Darcy is changed into considering were already at the 2010s in the next episode. A waitress? *wink*.

Edited by VCRTracking
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4 hours ago, rozen said:

Hayward is a jerk, but honestly if we'd seen the widescale massive destruction that the Avengers have caused (purposefully or inadvertently) over the years there would absolutely be large swaths of people who hate their guts. The Avengers forced people to face the idea that they are not alone in the universe, and, not only that, they are hopelessly outgunned.

They are indeed hopelessly outgunned but Hayward doesn’t seem to have actually internalized this part, not when he brought a couple dozen small arms to meet one of the most powerful supers in the world. It was a plan guaranteed to fail and of course he did it because he’s a terrible boss who actively shuts down alternative thinking rather than incorporate it.

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36 minutes ago, VCRTracking said:

I now think Hayward knew something more was up with Westview than just a missing person. He had to have tracked Vision's body there after Wanda took it.

The question is how did he get the body?  Because, there's no way in hell that any Avenger would let him take Vision's body.  And Tony damn sure wouldn't let them take the last remnants of JARVIS.  So, he definitely stole the body.  Had the rest of the  Avengers known, they would have beat his ass, it wouldn't have just been Wanda breaking Vision out.

He's a lot more shady than he's letting on.  He was doing something to Vision that went against Vision's living will, and what the Avengers wanted.  Hell, wouldn't be surprised if Vision was buried alongside Tony's mother and father, and Mr and Mrs Jarvis.

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Regarding the movies…I mean "The Incredibles" and "Parent Trap" have something in common in that they both feature parents who sort out their differences at the end of the movie. And naturally The Incredibles is about Superhero movies. But I am wondering if The Parent Trap is also foreshadowing something, since it is not just about twins, but specifically twins which are split apart and have to spend huge chunk of their live without being aware that the other even exist.

8 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

In regards to Pietro, I'm wondering if maybe he's Peter from the X-Men universe but with someone else possessing him?  I mean, having Evan Peters play Quicksilver here and not have him end up being X-Men Quicksilver would just be a weird choice.  And from the perspective of the character, I find it hard to believe that someone would be powerful enough to infiltrate Wanda's make-believe world and mimic Quicksilver's powers but can't change their appearance to look like her actual brother.  There's got to be a reason why he doesn't look like MCU Pietro and right now that's all I can come up with.


7 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

I still think that this is Pietro from X-men but semi merged with Wanda's Pietro. I think there are limits to to what Wanda can change. Hence why Pietro is the other Pietro. She doesn't have Pietro's body. I think Pietro was brought back to Wanda to keep her in line when Vision starting unraveling things in the last episode.

I feel like one of these two things or something similar has to be the case. If they cast Evan Peters as the recast Pietro and have him not be the X-Films character then it was a decision made for no reason other than to mess with the viewing audience, even worse it hints at something much bigger but just ends up being a meta joke/reference, which would be a huge disappointment IMO.

I do think that we've seen suggestions that the other residents seem to have 3 personalities. The full on sitcom character, the original/true personality that is in pain and horrified by what is happening to them, and the personality that seems to be more like an actor playing the part of the sitcom character that has some ability to break from the script or question things, but still isn't their true self.

So far I think we've seen Pietro the character and Pietro the actor, but not his true personality.

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15 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I am worried that going through the barrier may be a prelude to them getting superpowers, though...Or maybe it takes two trips through the barrier for that. Or maybe Wanda changing the nature of the Hex borders will mean that Monica can get powered up but people who are getting engulfed in it now won't. 

I wondered the same thing.  But cells changing doesn't have to mean superpowers, either.  We know that's the case with Monica, but what about the citizens?  Could this have a radiation/cancer-like effect?

It's too convenient that Agnes was at Ellis Ave.  Also, when Vision said he didn't know his past, Agnes' tone seemed almost accusatory.

I am really in awe of Wanda's power.  When Jimmy said the town was moving, I didn't realize that Wanda was actually expanding Westview.  Even if she can't control every citizen, it's just damn impressive.  She really could have taken out Thanos on her own.

Although Heyward's turn to villainy still seems a little too pat for me, he was dead wrong when he threw that jab at Monica about her mother, then abandoned Darcy when Westview started expanding.  Coward.

I thought last week had more 90s vibes near the end, so it wasn't surprising to see this one based in the 2000 decade.  


5 hours ago, Snapdragon said:

Quick question: Was anyone able to catch what Quicksilver had tattooed on his upper arm at the beginning of the episode?  I could see it was a word but I couldn't make out what it was.  

It looked like it said "Mom".

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It’s also a little weird that for a town inside a hexagonal barrier that Wanda just told the kids not to go past the one street that probably doesn’t border all six sides. I know, tv storytelling needs shortcuts and I don’t want two minutes of Wanda detailing just how far they can go in any direction. And, her kids would probably be pretty suspicious if she flat out gave them a hexagonal or even circular boundary not to go past. Esp now that Tommy has super speed and could (barrier aside) run to the next town over in seconds.

I believe that someone in the forum suggested that perhaps Agnes was trying to escape while Wanda was distracted.  Sorry, I forgot who.  That idea sounded interesting, then I remembered "Fred".  There is a lot of speculation about who he really is or if he even exists.  If he is real, then why would she ever try to leave without him? 

When Billy explained to the camera that his parents were not-exactly-fighting, Pietro looked over at him with a sort of questioning/semi-disdainful look. I never really watched MITM, was that a thing? I would have assumed (much like, say, when Zack Morris did it on SBTB) that every other character was unaware of the fourth wall breaks.

1 hour ago, arc said:

When Billy explained to the camera that his parents were not-exactly-fighting, Pietro looked over at him with a sort of questioning/semi-disdainful look. I never really watched MITM, was that a thing? I would have assumed (much like, say, when Zack Morris did it on SBTB) that every other character was unaware of the fourth wall breaks.

I've seen the gimmick of another character being aware of a protagonist's fourth wall breaking. I think I've seen it more in comics than in TV or movies. However it's not typically the second character also being aware of the fourth wall, but instead just of the breaking behavior.  A character who's meant to come off as relatively sane, like She-Hulk, will fourth wall break completely unobserved. One who's character is seen as insane, let's say Deadpool, will have stories where they just assume Deadpool is muttering to himself or is manifesting an imaginary friend or something. 

With Pietro and the kid it might be simpler. None of this is totally real. Pietro is probably in on this in some way.  So he hears the talking to the camera. 

3 hours ago, arc said:

It’s also a little weird that for a town inside a hexagonal barrier that Wanda just told the kids not to go past the one street that probably doesn’t border all six sides. I know, tv storytelling needs shortcuts and I don’t want two minutes of Wanda detailing just how far they can go in any direction. And, her kids would probably be pretty suspicious if she flat out gave them a hexagonal or even circular boundary not to go past. Esp now that Tommy has super speed and could (barrier aside) run to the next town over in seconds.

It looked like the road continued in a straight line, so maybe it actually encircles the town - sort of like Main Street in Pleasantview:  "Why, everyone knows that the end of Main Street - is just the beginning again!"

Edited by jcin617
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I believe that someone in the forum suggested that perhaps Agnes was trying to escape while Wanda was distracted.  Sorry, I forgot who.  That idea sounded interesting, then I remembered "Fred".  There is a lot of speculation about who he really is or if he even exists.  If he is real, then why would she ever try to leave without him? 


I think you're referring to my comments about Agnes possibly trying to escape. As for "Fred" I think you mean Ralph, Agnes's husband. (Although I can't recall if she ever actually specifically called him her husband, maybe she's just letting everyone assume that's who he is.) Anyway, I know nothing of the comics aside from what people mention on this forum, but there's speculation that Ralph is a specific comics Bad Guy, potentially with control over Wanda, so maybe she's trying to escape from both of them. Or if we assume Agnes and Ralph are just normal people, they might be working under the "One person leaves to go get help to save all of us" premise.

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6 minutes ago, Enigma X said:

I honestly do not remember which X-men movie Evan Peters was in or what year it came out. I did watch it. But I was shocked that he seems much older than I expected. This is more a commentary on me than him and how time flies by.

Evan Peters was initially in X-men: Days of Future Past which mostly took place in the 1970s (since Nixon was President and the Vietnam War peace talks were taking place in Paris -- which would put it around 1973). Peter was supposed to be in his late teens at that time.

One of the names on the tombstones where Pietro was thrown -- Janell Sammelman -- is the name of the First Assistant Director.

The license plate on Agnes' Volvo was 0A1B2C -- not quite sure what to make of that, other than being the decimal number 662316 when converted from hexadecimal.

From the map of the Hex in Hayward's tent, Ellis Avenue runs along one side of the Hex only.

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2 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Evan Peters was initially in X-men: Days of Future Past which mostly took place in the 1970s (since Nixon was President and the Vietnam War peace talks were taking place in Paris -- which would put it around 1973). Peter was supposed to be in his late teens at that time.

I know that. I guess I am saying the actor who is playing Peter looks older than I expected him to look (regardless whether he was portraying a teen) and that could be because I did not realize how long ago it was.

12 hours ago, Dani said:

The similarities to Alf were also clear enough that it had to be deliberate

Can anyone give some examples of the similarities to Alf? I didn't catch any, but I'm not as well versed with that show. I did watch Malcolm in the middle on first run and a binge watch since - the coloring, font style, music style, and filming concept were all strongly mirrored in the opening of the in-world Wandavision episode. Billy talking to the camera at the start of the episode mirrored Malcolm introducing what would be the plot of the MitM episode at the start. Those references were a lot more visually obvious, so I'm wondering if any Alf references were more subtle?

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1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

I know that. I guess I am saying the actor who is playing Peter looks older than I expected him to look (regardless whether he was portraying a teen) and that could be because I did not realize how long ago it was.

He did appear much older in the episode 5 teaser ending. 

BTW am I crazy or did his hair go from silver to blonde and back to silver (when he was in costume)? I swear the opening scenes from this episode he was blonde

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1 hour ago, Enigma X said:

I honestly do not remember which X-men movie Evan Peters was in or what year it came out. I did watch it. But I was shocked that he seems much older than I expected. This is more a commentary on me than him and how time flies by.

Days of future past came out in 2014 and Apocalypse was 2016. Evan Peters is 34. 

Since Darcy was handcuffed to a truck maybe she can have a cupcake food truck. 

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Here's the Alf opening:

The opening in this ep is very MITM and obviously that's the main style the episode is representing. It seems like perhaps MITM was paying a bit of an homage to the Alf opening rather than WV referencing Alf.

I love this show so fucking much. This episode knocked me out lol. I was literally screaming through the last few minutes and I yelled NO! when the 'Please Stand By' screen appeared. I'm so bummed there's only 3 eps left.

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14 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love this show so fucking much. This episode knocked me out lol. I was literally screaming through the last few minutes and I yelled NO! when the 'Please Stand By' screen appeared. I'm so bummed there's only 3 eps left.

It’s so deceptive when the timer says the ep is 37 minutes long, but there’s five or six minutes of credits!

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Nah, WV is clearly referencing Alf directly, too. I mean, I guess they might have lifted the fond from Malcolm, and the fast title music (though frankly, it reminds me more of 1990s Intros with the one, two, three, four in the beginning...you know when they switched from everything having to be instrumental to everything has to be fast and cool), but the visuals are all Alf. Yes, Malcolm had those sequences taken with a hand-held camera too, but as far as I remember, it was mostly fast cuts of different scenes, with anime and computer stuff thrown in-between. WandaVision has someone running through the house with a camera, and that is all Alf. There are even roughly the same people at the different stations (Kate/Wanda in the bathroom, Willie/Vision in the living room, Brien/Tommy and Billy in the kitchen), and the whole thing is concluded with a group shot outside and the "troublemaker" joining the family picture.

56 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love this show so fucking much. This episode knocked me out lol. I was literally screaming through the last few minutes and I yelled NO! when the 'Please Stand By' screen appeared. I'm so bummed there's only 3 eps left.

Only three episodes, but those total three hours!  So the final 3 eps will have around as much screentime as the first six.

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9 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:


I feel like one of these two things or something similar has to be the case. If they cast Evan Peters as the recast Pietro and have him not be the X-Films character then it was a decision made for no reason other than to mess with the viewing audience, even worse it hints at something much bigger but just ends up being a meta joke/reference, which would be a huge disappointment IMO.

I do think that we've seen suggestions that the other residents seem to have 3 personalities. The full on sitcom character, the original/true personality that is in pain and horrified by what is happening to them, and the personality that seems to be more like an actor playing the part of the sitcom character that has some ability to break from the script or question things, but still isn't their true self.

So far I think we've seen Pietro the character and Pietro the actor, but not his true personality.

I agree and more importantly hope this is the case. If they just cast Evan Peters for a wink and a nod it would be a bit disappointing.  I trust they have a bigger plan and it will be part of a larger story. If not and this was just stunt casting that would be a letdown. 

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4 hours ago, Abra said:

I think you're referring to my comments about Agnes possibly trying to escape. As for "Fred" I think you mean Ralph, Agnes's husband. (Although I can't recall if she ever actually specifically called him her husband, maybe she's just letting everyone assume that's who he is.) Anyway, I know nothing of the comics aside from what people mention on this forum, but there's speculation that Ralph is a specific comics Bad Guy, potentially with control over Wanda, so maybe she's trying to escape from both of them. Or if we assume Agnes and Ralph are just normal people, they might be working under the "One person leaves to go get help to save all of us" premise.

Thanks for clearing up my mistake with the name, whoops.  I was just thinking that if she was married she wouldn't leave without her loved ones.  So maybe he wasn't real.  I personally know nothing of the comics so I have to go by what others say.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Abra said:

you're referring to my comments about Agnes possibly trying to escape. As for "Fred" I think you mean Ralph, Agnes's husband. (Although I can't recall if she ever actually specifically called him her husband, maybe she's just letting everyone assume that's who he is.

Agnes constantly refers to Ralph as her husband. Using that word specifically. 

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59 minutes ago, swanpride said:

Frankly, I hope that he is just a wink and a nod….I don't want Fox X-men in the MCU, I want Marvel creating a proper version of the X-men.

I understand but just because we are seeing Quicksilver doesn't mean we are going to see every other previous X-men actor. 

We have 3 episodes left if Evan Peters is in all 3 or even 2 of them that is a story arc and definitely more then a wink lol. So time will tell. 


1 hour ago, swanpride said:

Frankly, I hope that he is just a wink and a nod….I don't want Fox X-men in the MCU, I want Marvel creating a proper version of the X-men.

I agree. I really hope this is just a fun Easter egg for the fans. Like the way sitcoms love to have those close to the actors in real life guest star. For example, Patricia Richardson on Last Man Standing or Ray Romano on the Middle. 

Hayward: “He really does want out, doesn’t he.”

To me, that sounds like someone who knows more than just watching the censored episodes broadcast out of the anomaly plus even having some system to track Vision’s movements within Westview. It sounds to me like someone who had at least partially succeeded in bringing Vision back to life before his corpse was stolen back.

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I'm wondering if the people who are under Wanda's control remember what they were doing when they were controlled.  Agnes acted as if she didn't know that Vision was in town, but when she was under control, she knew very well that Vision was there.

If the controlled people remember what they're doing, then she was lying.


Edited by Silver Raven
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1 hour ago, arc said:

Hayward: “He really does want out, doesn’t he.”

To me, that sounds like someone who knows more than just watching the censored episodes broadcast out of the anomaly plus even having some system to track Vision’s movements within Westview. It sounds to me like someone who had at least partially succeeded in bringing Vision back to life before his corpse was stolen back.

For him to be tracking Vision (and he was, when Darcy pulled up the info on the laptop, Vision's "dot" was far from the city center, so it wasn't Pietro or Wanda or the kids) you'd suspect that Vision has some device implanted. Including something that allows them to see other people, as their were slow blue dots at the edge of the city. I'm down for Hayward to be connected to the season's Big Bad, since I am still in Camp "Wanda Isn't Thoroughly Evil, Just Confused and Hurting".

Also amusing - Wanda asking Pietro where his accent was, when hers is completely gone. But her voice is definitely different inside the bubble versus outside or in moments when she isn't part of the Westview "illusion."

I wonder if Loki ties in at all? Because this does seem right up his skillset, even if I can't see how this benefits him in any way.

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1 hour ago, WildPlum said:

you'd suspect that Vision has some device implanted

According to Darcy it's tracking the "decay signature" of vibranium, which is probably just tv sci-fi for "we're tracking vibranium". ("decay signature" is real but -- not that I know the relevant science -- I don't think it applies to conventionally stable materials. Then again vibranium makes no scientific sense at all anyways.)

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1 hour ago, arc said:

According to Darcy it's tracking the "decay signature" of vibranium, which is probably just tv sci-fi for "we're tracking vibranium". ("decay signature" is real but -- not that I know the relevant science -- I don't think it applies to conventionally stable materials. Then again vibranium makes no scientific sense at all anyways.)

It was also tracking other people though - there were a bunch of blue circles. Unless, of course, by whatever mystic process vibranium decays, it lightly contaminates any living beings in a couple mile radius and makes them show up as well. I don't put that beyond comic book science.

1 hour ago, arc said:

According to Darcy it's tracking the "decay signature" of vibranium, which is probably just tv sci-fi for "we're tracking vibranium". ("decay signature" is real but -- not that I know the relevant science -- I don't think it applies to conventionally stable materials. Then again vibranium makes no scientific sense at all anyways.)

A decay signature is measurable emitted energy from the breakdown of a substance. Usually it's something radioactive, but I think it can more generally be used to describe any molecular breakdown. 

The revelation that the people on the outskirts of town are just kind of "stuck" was horrifying. I know time works a little differently inside the Hex, it seems like been at least several days inside (putting aside all the decades passing and the kids aging up), while Darcy or Woo said it had only been a day or two outside at some point (maybe?). I wonder if Wanda's magic is sustaining the people or if they're at risk of exhaustion or dehydration. Definitely more of an immediate problem beyond just the ethical ramifications of hijacking the lives of a whole town to play out sit-coms. I know "Pietro" said that she was running her bubble as "ethically" as possible, but like a lot of people here I don't trust him and definitely get the vibe that he's not who he says he is.

Loved seeing little Wiccan and Speed getting their powers, they're so adorable and hope to see them really shine when more conflict inevitably arrives. Kick ass, little hellspawn!

1 hour ago, arc said:

According to Darcy it's tracking the "decay signature" of vibranium, which is probably just tv sci-fi for "we're tracking vibranium". ("decay signature" is real but -- not that I know the relevant science -- I don't think it applies to conventionally stable materials. Then again vibranium makes no scientific sense at all anyways.)

17 minutes ago, Kromm said:

A decay signature is measurable emitted energy from the breakdown of a substance. Usually it's something radioactive, but I think it can more generally be used to describe any molecular breakdown. 

This seems pretty significant, it might mean that Vision is still "dead" and "decaying/degrading" as a "corpse" (as much as any corpse of pure vibranium would, I imagine) even when he's in the Hex, and that Wanda's dreamland was never really sustainable. It's still an unknown how he's "alive" in the Hex, why he has his personality but not his memories, etc. I half-expected him to revert to his "crushed head corpse" form and drop immediately after leaving the magical boundaries, but seems his body was still mostly "whole" (including the "Mind Stone," most likely just a replicate?) albeit intrinsically tied to to the Hex and unable to leave.

I really hope there's a happy ending to this, where the town is freed but Vision can still live. Just let Wanda and Vision and their babies be happy, Feige, please I'm begging. 😭

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1 hour ago, WildPlum said:

It was also tracking other people though - there were a bunch of blue circles. Unless, of course, by whatever mystic process vibranium decays, it lightly contaminates any living beings in a couple mile radius and makes them show up as well. I don't put that beyond comic book science.

The MCU has gone all-in on vibranium as a magic wonder material. It’s all over Wakanda and makes many of their super science tech possible. But ordinary Wakandans (as far as we know, not that Black Panther got into it a whole lot) probably don’t have any significant positive or negative effects from vibranium contamination.

I’m gonna fanwank that they had other methods to track normal humans inside, but Hayward clearly has a special interest in Vision and so they came up with a way to specifically track him.

1 hour ago, Kromm said:

A decay signature is measurable emitted energy from the breakdown of a substance. Usually it's something radioactive, but I think it can more generally be used to describe any molecular breakdown. 

Yeah, but vibranium is supposed to be super durable (or really, super at whatever quality an MCU writer needs at the moment), which is why I would think it’s not decaying. And even regular non-radioactive elements don’t decay, really.

5 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

I'm wondering if the people who are under Wanda's control remember what they were doing when they were controlled.  Agnes acted as if she didn't know that Vision was in town, but when she was under control, she knew very well that Vision was there.

If the controlled people remember what they're doing, then she was lying.

We know from Wanda's movie appearances that she's able to make her targets hallucinate, pretty much, or relive their worst memories. Since Agnes' place in all of this seems unclear, I would hedge and say she might be somewhat protected from the effects and so is faking a bit. She's not totally throwing the script out the window the way Pietro is, but there are places where she's either 'broken character'  or pops up just in time to push Wanda in a certain direction. There's no way she could have known to be almost right at the barrier for Vision to investigate further without knowing or suspecting that he and Wanda had a falling out, since Wanda didn't even know he wasn't where he said he'd be until he was trying to leave the Hex.

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Message added by formerlyfreedom

General spec is fine in the episode topic, but if you're going to speculate based on the comics, please consider taking it to the MU/MCU topic or spoiler tagging it in here. Posts with comic-based spec may be removed. Thank you.

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