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S09.E04: Cindy's Story LIVE CHAT

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"This is so hard!"   "I need more time, this is just too much"     She's right, it's not too hard for her, but for the ambulance crews who probably all have multiple hernias now, and really want to never get assigned to do her transport again. 

At least Sandy has most of her covered up in a dress. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Congratulations! I'm super happy for you! You must feel great!

I do thanks ! ..I think I mentioned before I wanted to get back into the education sector...this job is exactly what I wanted...I am beyond happy. You all kept me laughing during the rough times so thanks to all of you for that!!

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So, Cindy has already set us up that she hasn't lost much weight which ... isn't really Cindy's fault here since she's not the one cooking it or buying it. This is allllll on the the caretaker who sure was quick to throw shade on the last one for doing the same exact thing.

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Thanks, it is in the education sector ( post secondary), unionized, pension, benefits....exactly what I wanted

That's fantastic!

3 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

Good god those nailed up sheets over the windows.

Do any of these people know what a "curtain rod" is? Perhaps they're sold in the aisle that contains "bed sheets" and "healthy food."

And "plates" and "glasses"

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She is awful. Sandy is too good for her and for the rest of the world. Sandy is wasted on this fat awful women who does nothing but complain. What does she need more time for? She is going to die and soon and she needs more time??


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6 minutes ago, magemaud said:

One time they showed him driving to someone’s house wearing his lab coat and stethoscope I need the car. 

Mr FB! Welcome and hope you’re enjoying this forum. Tell everyone how you visited Dr. Now’s office for a photo op! 

Thank you very much @magemaud   !!!  I think I mentioned it last week, but Mrs. FB and I did indeed go to Dr. Now's office in Houston about six weeks ago.   We had a great time, but unfortunately no one was checking in at the time, so we had to be satisfied with taking selfies!

Edited by Floatingbison
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1 minute ago, Kid said:

We are only in munt 2???

Munt 2, munt 202, what difference does it make?  Her friend tried, but it ain't happening.  I guarantee you she's gonna end up back home with those feeders from the county social services dept.  One day she won't wake up.  End of story.  

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

And "plates" and "glasses"

It's actually consistent in studies that people eat 1) at the table 2) with their family 3) off real plates 4) using real utensils weigh less.  If the food is homemade, then it's even better, but even fast food is better if eaten as above. 

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I am still laughing about the hairy cooch. My husband thinks I have lost it.

well, we needed some humor from this boring episode.  

is it tomorrow yet?  asking for a friend, a very bored friend

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OMG I can't with heifer Caretaker #2. I think she was doing a whooooooole lot of projecting when she proclaimed the other woman had financial motivations for overfeeding bed-hostage Cindy.

I seriously doubt she's warehousing the carcass of Cindy for free.

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Just now, Twopper said:

well, we needed some humor from this boring episode.  

is it tomorrow yet?  asking for a friend, a very bored friend

I've moved on to googling Dennis Quaid circa 1990

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Cindy hasn't lost an ounce.

And she's GAINED weight! 

Sandy is another incompetent moron.

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1 minute ago, Giant Misfit said:

OMG I can't with heifer Caretaker #2. I think she was doing a whooooooole lot of projecting when she proclaimed the other woman had financial motivations for overfeeding bed-hostage Cindy.

I seriously doubt she's warehousing the carcass of Cindy for free.

I was just wondering what's in it for her. I mean, it's nice that she cares but to upend your whole life, as well as your daughter and son-in-law, for someone who doesn't care enough to even do the bare minimum to help herself....why?

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1 minute ago, Hellga said:

It's actually consistent in studies that people eat 1) at the table 2) with their family 3) off real plates 4) using real utensils weigh less.  If the food is homemade, then it's even better, but even fast food is better if eaten as above. 

I was discussing this today with a friend.   How we had to sit up straight at the table, couldn't lean over our plate.  

I sometimes use paper plates, but I always have flatware.  I prefer to use my Chantilly and most of the time we eat off Solitaire by Lenox because that's the way I grew up.   I know most of these pounticipients don't have that, but there's no reason most of them can't eat at a table.

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