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Romantic Comedies

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I adore What's Up, Doc?!


I think my guiltiest romcom pleasure is Green Card.  It's not very good; in fact, I have to fast forward through some of the more awful parts but there's just something about it.  Pretty people in pretty places wearing pretty clothes.  Sometimes, that's all it takes.

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I remember really enjoying A Walk in the Clouds when it came out. I know Keanu Reeves is never going to get an Oscar (not that that means anything ) but it was a pretty movie and it was nice to see a Mexican family that were doing well in America. There weren't a lot of movies in the 90's that had that.

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I absolutely love Hitch, and will watch it anytime it's on TV. Same with The American President.

I don't know if this classifies as rom com but I really liked Can't Hardly Wait. I miss those dumb high school movies that throw some romance in it (I did like the Duff but don't think it's a rom com).

Edited by twoods
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I absolutely love Hitch, and will watch it anytime it's on TV.

Me, too. I caught the 2nd half this weekend on 'Country Music TV' of all places. I'd forgotten how much on-screen chemistry Will Smith and Eva Mendes have. And Kevin James was absolutely hilarious.


And it reminded me that there are too few romantic comedies featuring people of color that aren't also burdened by commentaries on violence, racism, poverty, drug use, etc. I know these are realities for POC, but the reason I watch romantic comedies is so I won't have to think about such heavy topics for 97 minutes.

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My favorite of all time is A Life Less Ordinary with Cameron Diaz & Ewan McGregor. McGregor is fantastic in his role and lol hilarious. It's streaming on US Netflix and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching.

Edited by turbogirlnyc
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I'm less positive about this one but I like the actors in it.

I don't know. It's another movie about pretty people saying clever things and always being witty and funny.



Ooh, just found another one. I like this less than the first but better than the second.

This one looks funny and different. I'd see it just for Jessica Williams (Daily Show alumn). Although the actress playing her mom, Regina Hall, is only 45 and seems much too young to be her mother.


--I just IMBD'd Jessica Williams. She's only 26, so I guess Regina technically could be her mother But they certainly don't look 19 years apart.

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On a whim, I watched a movie this morning called Words and Pictures with Juliette Binoche & Clive Owen.  It's a movie that depends largely on dialog, so if that isn't your thing, don't watch it.




Both Clive and Juliette are pretty excellent in this sleeper movie, I highly recommend.  Anyone else see it?

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Would Harold and Maude count as a romantic comedy? Because I just discovered it for the first time and it kind of grew on me. I thought I would be put off by the glaring May/December thing, but the way it was done was surprisingly tasteful. And while the humor was a bit dark and quirky, I thought it had a good message about really living.

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Words and Pictures, huh? I like Music and Lyrics because of the dialogue; I should give that a try.

Highly recommend, it has stayed with me since I saw it, just a feel good movie.

Totally forgot about Music and Lyrics, thanks for the reminder!

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Was just talking about Meg Ryan in another thread and I decided to watch When Harry Met Sally. I loved it! I had seen it before of course but not in a long time. Meg and Billy had such a great rapport, I'm actually surprised they never worked together again (to my knowledge). Although I guessed it'd be constantly compared to When Harry Met Sally..

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This is always a good topic to bring back, Craphole Island.  I was going to start listing stuff, but if I started that list, it would be 100 movies long.  So I'll just focus on one theme.  In honour of the late Brittany Murphy, I'll point out some of her lesser known films that I enjoy and that also fit this topic.


1.  Sidewalks of New York, 2001, directed by Ed Burns.

This is a movie I've always liked.  It was released just 2 months after 9/11 so I don't think it's as well known.  It's about a few intertwined couples in New York.  Actors like Brittany Murphy, Heather Graham, and Rosario Dawson act in much more subdued than usual roles against Stanley Tucci, David Krumholtz and Ed Burns himself.  I always like movies that seem to really mimic real life.  It's subtle and mockumentary style in tone.  It's just a sweet, simple movie that I always liked.


2.  Just Married, 2003, Brittany Murphy and Ashton Kutcher

This is just a lighthearted 'romp' from when these two were dating.  Don't expect some amazing filmmaking -- it's just goofy and fun.  A couple that gets along brilliantly gets married plans to go on a beautiful, picturesque honeymoon through Europe but everything that can go wrong, does.


3.  Love and Other Disasters, 2004

Now this is an interesting one.  This one is a very "posh", fashionable, London, England-based romantic comedy.  Brittany actually plays British here, and not that I'm a great judge of it, but I think she does a good job.  It's very stylish because her character works at Vogue, plus lots of cute European men.  Just my kind of movie.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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OMG Just Married. I used to love that movie. This is actually hilarious/sad but I saw Just Married 3 times in theaters. HEAR ME OUT!! I was in like 7th grade and it was one of those situations where I was seeing it with all different people (friends, then cousins, then other friends) so I just kept being like "sure, I've got nothing else to do", plus I had my parents' money heh. This also happened with the movie Stuck On You (the Matt Damon/Greg Kinnear movie about conjoined twins.) Don't ask me how or why but all I know is I was young enough that I never actually had to pay for any of them with my own money. It's just so odd that those are two of the only movies I've seen more than once in theaters (let alone twice!!) because they aren't even favorites or anything. The only other movies I've seen more than once in theaters are superhero fare like X-Men and Batman. Anyways, sorry for the rant but yes I know Just Married (clearly).

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Currently watching Knocked Up. I love this movie and find it really sweet. I love how as it progresses, it's really not hard to see how Alison could fall for Ben. It's not so much the "Beauty and the Beast" trope that they set up in the beginning

Edited by spaceytraci1208
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I've always been fond of Harrison Ford's romantic comedies like the Sabrina remake and Working Girl, and while Empire Strikes Back is by no means a romantic comedy, Han and Leia's romance in that movie was wonderfully reminiscent of the 30's/40's screwball comedies. Those two just had IT.

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Currently watching Knocked Up. I love this movie and find it really sweet. I love how as it progresses, it's really not hard to see how Alison could fall for Ben. It's not so much the "Beauty and the Beast" trope that they set up in the beginning


It may not be a fashionable opinion, but I'm right there with ya. It's one of very few romantic comedies that I really like. Sure, there are bits I could do without, but overall I just really enjoy it.

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You were in 7th grade... in 2003... (does some math).... Whoa ;)  


They would have been the class of '08, I believe...I was '05 so they would have been "my" freshman. (Or they could be an '09 kid, and we just missed overlapping high school.)


"Leap Year", where Amy Addams plays a woman so desperate to get Adam Scott to marry her that she follows him to England to propose to him on Leap Year because of an old Irish tale, but has to go on a road trip with a rugged Matthew Goode instead never fails to get me. Amy's character is extremely annoying, but she had great chemistry with Matthew Goode.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I've always been fond of Harrison Ford's romantic comedies like the Sabrina remake and Working Girl, and while Empire Strikes Back is by no means a romantic comedy, Han and Leia's romance in that movie was wonderfully reminiscent of the 30's/40's screwball comedies. Those two just had IT.

I don't know anyone else who even remembers the Sabrina remake, much less enjoys it! I love that move, love Julia Ormond, love Paris, love Harrison, love Greg Kinnear, love the slow and stately pace of it, all quiet epiphanies instead of over-the-top fighting and drama. I think is an adorable movie.

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On the one hand, Ryan Gosling's voice is surprisingly pleasant in this trailer. On the other hand, I'm not that excited about another primarily white fantasy version of NY or LA, even if it is a musical.

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I really like Life Partners on Netflix.  It stars Leighton Meester and Gillian Jacobs.

On 1/29/2016 at 9:52 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

Yes, the quote boxes here make sense.  Yes.  thank you for adding them PTV

On 1/29/2016 at 9:52 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:


Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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It's not exactly a typical romantic comedy but I adored Punch-Drunk Love. When Sandler confronts Phillip Seymour Hoffman's character:


I have a love in my life. It makes me stronger than anything you can imagine.

Very sweet line, for a "Paul Thomas Anderson makes an Adam Sandler movie" kind of way. 

edit: A thought occurs - Anderson uses so many lens flares in that movie it may be legally obligated to be part of the new Star Trek franchise. 

Edited by PatternRec
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12 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

The bombing of Bridget Jones 3 made me sad. It was so good and such a good send-off to the series!

At least it is doing very well abroad, though. The second movie didn't do particularly well in the US, either.

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I love Murphy's Romance.  It was on TCM tonight, and I was reminded of just how fabulous James Garner was -- in this role and in general.

Edited by Browncoat
Because AMC does not equal TCM, and it's generally better to know which channel you're watching.
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On 10/2/2016 at 8:12 PM, methodwriter85 said:

The bombing of Bridget Jones 3 made me sad. It was so good and such a good send-off to the series!

And the Blu-Ray is already up for preorder at Amazon. Being released in December.

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I always liked One Fine Day with Michelle Pfeiffer and George Clooney. It was a nice movie with two adult characters who mostly acted like adults and not like brainless twelve year olds. The leads had good chemistry, their conflicts made sense and were resolved through communication and there wasn't any drawn out misunderstanding and stupidity involved. The child actors weren't too irritating. Even with their differences you could see why the Michelle and George might be attracted to each other and it ended on a pleasant note without going overboard for some grand happy ending. Basically what I want from rom coms.

Edited by katha
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While you were sleeping is on Netflix.  Watched it last night.  Love that movie.  Sandra's character was so sad and alone yet so loving and lovely.  Peters family was quirky, loving and fun.   Bill Pullman finally gets the girl.  This movie just had the right amount of silliness and heart in it 

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I was watching the movie Wedding Date, where Debra Messing pays a man (Dermot Mulroney) to pose as her wedding date. It was funny because I kept thinking about how much in this movie she was channeling Amy Adams, and then Amy actually shows up as her sister! (Blonde, though.) Amy's character was a total bitch, though.

The really hot blond guy in Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn" video shows up as a vapid hot guy, so it was a fun watch.

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17 hours ago, Bastet said:

To me, Bill Pullman has an astounding ability to be completely lacking in chemistry with every woman he shares the screen with, so that one does not work for me.

Huh. I'm sad to hear that. What about the scene where Jack walked Lucy home, and they both slipped on the ice outside her apartment building? "If you fit into my pants, I will kill myself"? Or what about the New Year's Eve party outside her building--when Jack leaned?   Or when Lucy asked Jack to give her one good reason why she shouldn't marry his brother, and he said, "I can't" but then walked out her apartment in a huff and slammed the door?  Those did nothing for you????

Edited by topanga
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Those did nothing for you????

Nope.  I find him dull as dishwater in general, and, as I said, completely incapable of generating romantic chemistry despite a long list of attractive (physically and otherwise) female co-stars. 

So any movie predicated on his character's romance is destined to fail for me.  I'm not sure I'd have been all that enamored of this one with another actor, though; Bullock has her usual charm and I like the supporting cast of older characters, but I don't think I care for the script all that much more than I do for Pullman.  It's just sort of there.

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Chris Evans has a romantic comedy called "Before We Go" currently on Netflix. It's about a musician who meets a troubled young wife one night at a train station, and they wind up having adventures over the course of the night in New York City.

It is such a shame that Chris doesn't get to do more romantic roles...he's so good at them.

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7 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

Chris Evans has a romantic comedy called "Before We Go" currently on Netflix. It's about a musician who meets a troubled young wife one night at a train station, and they wind up having adventures over the course of the night in New York City.


It is such a shame that Chris doesn't get to do more romantic roles...he's so good at them.

It sounds like "Before Sunrise: New York City." I'll have to check it out.

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On 10/12/2016 at 11:29 PM, methodwriter85 said:

It is such a shame that Chris doesn't get to do more romantic roles...he's so good at them.

I had some free time this afternoon, so I decided to watch Before We Go.  I wasn't a fan of it, but it was enough for me to think that with the right vehicle,  he could be a wonderful leading man for romantic comedies.  He's good looking, charming, believable and a pleasure to watch.  Watching the movie made me realize just how much I miss good romantic comedies. 

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On 10/10/2016 at 1:24 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I was watching the movie Wedding Date, where Debra Messing pays a man (Dermot Mulroney) to pose as her wedding date. It was funny because I kept thinking about how much in this movie she was channeling Amy Adams, and then Amy actually shows up as her sister! (Blonde, though.) Amy's character was a total bitch, though.

The really hot blond guy in Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn" video shows up as a vapid hot guy, so it was a fun watch.

I kind of strangely love that movie for it's terribleness.  It sort of stands out to me as an example of how poor editing can turn a mediocre movie into a bad movie -- it's been a while so I can't remember exactly what it was but I remember watching it and just knowing that there were scenes on the cutting room floor that would have made the whole film just slightly less idiotic.

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That movie really does feel like a time capsule for all those terrible romantic comedies that came out in the 2000's during the "waning" side of the trend, doesn't it? Complete with Michael Buble singing.

It's more of a teen movie than a romantic comedy per se, but Valley Girl from 1983 is surprisingly good. Nic Cage and Debra Foreman had mad chemistry in that movie, and it was a surprisingly good social commentary on the pressures of high school social conformity. (Honestly done better than the heavy-handed way it was done in Pretty In Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful.)

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9 minutes ago, methodwriter85 said:

That movie really does feel like a time capsule for all those terrible romantic comedies that came out in the 2000's during the "waning" side of the trend, doesn't it? Complete with Michael Buble singing.

It's more of a teen movie than a romantic comedy per se, but Valley Girl from 1983 is surprisingly good. Nic Cage and Debra Foreman had mad chemistry in that movie, and it was a surprisingly good social commentary on the pressures of high school social conformity. (Honestly done better than the heavy-handed way it was done in Pretty In Pink and Some Kind of Wonderful.)

Oh, speaking of teen movie/rom coms did anyone see The Duff?  I have trouble with characters embarrassing themselves on screen, so it was very difficult for me to sit through but Robbie Amell is 1000x kinds of adorable in it and he and Mae Whitman had impressive chemistry -- it might go down as the only teen movie and/or romantic comedy where the final kiss really looked liked they were going to drop out of frame and go at it on the floor.

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He was so cute in the Accidental Tourist. I was happy he and Amy Wright's characters got married in that movie.

See? He got the girl at one point before! :)

ETA: Sorry, Bastet. 

I quoted you before I realized you said you think he LACKS chemistry with his leading ladies. :)

Edited by UYI
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On 10/10/2016 at 0:24 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I was watching the movie Wedding Date, where Debra Messing pays a man (Dermot Mulroney) to pose as her wedding date. It was funny because I kept thinking about how much in this movie she was channeling Amy Adams, and then Amy actually shows up as her sister! (Blonde, though.) Amy's character was a total bitch, though.

The really hot blond guy in Natalie Imbruglia's "Torn" video shows up as a vapid hot guy, so it was a fun watch.

Amy's actually a natural blonde, believe it or not. She dyed her hair red because she thought it suited her look and personality better than blonde. And I actually think she's a good example who looks better with a hair color they weren't born with (see also: Sarah Michelle Gellar). 

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