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MTV Video Music Awards - General Discussion

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I feel like this is a Lisa Frank inspired bad acid trip

I mistakenly flashed to Lisa Loopner on a bad acid trip and that was hysterical!  Toooooddddd!


I don't know who Lisa Frank is off the top of my head.

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Kanye is not a millennial either. He was born in '77, he's a Gen X'er.


I'm just glad he's not in my generation, not a boomer!  Yay.  


But, it was a boomer who started MTV I think so....yuk.


I think Kim's dress was made out of polyester.  She looked AWFUL and her ass looked faker than normal.  I think she and Nicki Minaj have a contest as to who can have the largest behind.  


The only things I like about Taylor Swift are how she did those ads for NYC and she's a cat lady.  I can't hate a cat lady!  Other than that, Taylor should just stay in NYC and never sing again.


This show felt like Famewhores on Parade.

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That was way too much Miley broken up by Kanye rambling.  I did find it funny that they talked about his fashion brand and he was wearing sweats.  I was doing laundry today and looked better than he did.  Even Pharrell put on his big boy pants.  And I really don't care what new outfit Miley wears.  That is the laziest form of emceeing -  ooh, aren't I shocking in my skin tight/half sheer/barely existing outfit.  You are not shocking.  You are annoying and soul sucking. 

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We get it, Miley. You're no longer Hannah Montana.


I suppose this is what happens when you so repress a teen's natural tendency to rebel a little bit, as Disney must have required of Miley for years.  It all gets bottled up and explodes.

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The Nicki minaj/Miley exchange was so stilted and awwkward.

It so pales in comparison to the madonna and Courtney love exchange back in 1995. Madonna wad being interviewed and Courtney was tossing compact mirrors up to the interview booth...then she gets incited up...and the exchange was just awesome.

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Yes, the Courtney/Madonna thing was AWESOME. And 100% real.


I remember Kurt Loder being none too thrilled with Ms. Love, too, but he seemed to be trying to stay in professional mode, as much as a reporter for MTV could be, anyway.


But yeah, that was an authentic rivalry. While it's for the best Courtney Love wouldn't be at the VMAs anymore, it just highlights how insular MTV's brand of music is now. All pop/hip hop, autotune and image. You'd never have Hole, Pearl Jam, or Nirvana there anymore.


Oh yeah, feuds: Mentioned pages back, but don't forget that old chestnut of the members of Guns 'N Roses and Motley Crue getting into a fistfight backstage. More bands who'd never fit today's VMA climate.


Those were the days. Nicki and Miley look like the kids in the sandbox next to the rest.

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 I know she has a feud with Katy Perry (I don't know how that started but I...can see why someone wouldn't like Katy Perry, so I don't blame her)

Basically Taylor said Katy tried to sabotage her tour by hiring some of her dancers away from her.

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Basically Taylor said Katy tried to sabotage her tour by hiring some of her dancers away from her.


And even then, I wonder if the real issue is that they have both dated John Mayer, and Taylor's upset that Katy started dated him sometime after they broke up.


I will say this, though: Katy has largely stayed silent about the whole thing, and as a result, I think has largely wound up looking more mature in comparison; Taylor was the one who brought it up in the first place. Of course, Katy being almost 31 to Taylor's almost 26 should mean she should keep quiet anyway to avoid embarrassment, but I think she's a better person than she has often been given credit for, if her mostly staying out of the Bad Blood mess is any indication (and I go back and forth on Taylor, anyway: I don't doubt that she may be a nice person overall, but the "bitch in sheep's clothing" trope exists for a reason: a bitchy person who acts/dresses nice is often more dangerous, because they often fool more people, and they can stab you in the back so fast you almost have no chance to react to it).


YMMV, of course.

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I haven't watched this in forever... Seems no one else is watching either. Happened to catch the second hr (aka Beyonce concert and Britney comeback special). Beyonce had the most spirit I've ever seen from her. I say this as someone who hadn't seen or heard any of Lemonade Formation or whatever it's called before. All that passion and fire only made me sad for Britney to perform afterwards. She had none of it. 

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18 minutes ago, Lyinfait said:

I haven't watched this in forever... Seems no one else is watching either. Happened to catch the second hr (aka Beyonce concert and Britney comeback special). Beyonce had the most spirit I've ever seen from her. I say this as someone who hadn't seen or heard any of Lemonade Formation or whatever it's called before. All that passion and fire only made me sad for Britney to perform afterwards. She had none of it. 

No one tuned in even with the promise of 4 minutes of uncensored Kanye?.........or was it because of the promise of 4 minutes of uncensored Kanye?

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Beyonce is just...on a whole different level. She has no peers. No one comes close, you have to go back 20-30 years to find a performer who can compete with the performances she's putting on. She's amazing but it's actually sad.

Especially following that with Britney gyrating in front of a sheet.

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43 minutes ago, iwasish said:

No one tuned in even with the promise of 4 minutes of uncensored Kanye?.........or was it because of the promise of 4 minutes of uncensored Kanye?

LOL! I happened to tune in just in time for the Kanyeliloquy. It started out ok, then he was kind of riffing like a first-time podcaster who had to fill the last five minutes of his show.  I have to say, it wasn't THAT bad, but it definitely didn't sound super prepared. Which, on reflection, sounds like Kanye--confident that he'd come across perfectly without polishing his speech. 

And Kim looked pretty with subdued makeup. *Checks out the window for pigs flying*

But GEEZ people, a tshirt and a dress that looked like it was bought at Forever 21? Step it up a *little,* folks!

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I know the joke is tired as hell, but it really isn't a joke: MTV barely shows music videos anymore, so I'm at a complete loss as to how the VMAs are still a thing.

I think it stopped being a real "event" once the '90s ended, with the '80s (Madonna writhing in a wedding dress singing "Like A Virgin" during the very first VMAs in '84 forever sticks in my then-impressionable 12-year-old mind...and Jon Bon Jovi and Ritchie Sambora's acoustic take on "Living On A Prayer"/"Wanted Dead or Alive" [back when they didn't dislike each other - sigh!] in '89 was another thrill, and spawned the idea for "Unplugged"!) up to '92 (when both Pearl Jam and Nirvana performed!) being its heyday period.

I know tastes change and generations come and go, but it just seems to be a ghost of what it once was, to me.

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Wait Richie and Jon hate each other now? That makes me so sad.  I remember a lot of memorable VMAs from 2000s but now outside of Beyoncé no one can really put on a showstopping performance. And I love Rihanna's music but her live is never all that.

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24 minutes ago, pivot said:

Wait Richie and Jon hate each other now? That makes me so sad.  I remember a lot of memorable VMAs from 2000s but now outside of Beyoncé no one can really put on a showstopping performance. And I love Rihanna's music but her live is never all that.

Maybe I was too strong with "hate" (well, dislike, but close enough!), but Ritchie left the band and there was...some acrimony involved, I guess. The fact that it stuck makes me think they have "issues", if not completely are against each other now.

But I agree it's sad.

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8 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

I know the joke is tired as hell, but it really isn't a joke: MTV barely shows music videos anymore, so I'm at a complete loss as to how the VMAs are still a thing.

I think it stopped being a real "event" once the '90s ended, with the '80s (Madonna writhing in a wedding dress singing "Like A Virgin" during the very first VMAs in '84 forever sticks in my then-impressionable 12-year-old mind...and Jon Bon Jovi and Ritchie Sambora's acoustic take on "Living On A Prayer"/"Wanted Dead or Alive" [back when they didn't dislike each other - sigh!] in '89 was another thrill, and spawned the idea for "Unplugged"!) up to '92 (when both Pearl Jam and Nirvana performed!) being its heyday period.

I know tastes change and generations come and go, but it just seems to be a ghost of what it once was, to me.

That's true.  I know that I am not the audience for this.  It's not that no one's watching it's that no one HERE is watching.  

I smile when people talk about the 80's and 90's.  Yes, that was a different time, but it's over now.  Everybody gets their day in the sun, it's like the "circle of life."

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1 hour ago, Watermelon said:

VMAs are still definitely an event. Just go to twitter.  It doesn't have the spark anymore that would drive loads of message board traffic, though.

Depends on which message board, on LSA there are a lot of posts about the VMA's and the red carpet. 

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I couldn't understand half of what anyone sang and less than that of what they said. Subtitles please.

Was Rhianna's song getting bleeped or did she lose the sound for few seconds here and there?

Was the guy on the line to the men's room doing a Kanye impression? What was that all about? 

Poor Kim, so clear Kanye has it bad for Beyoncé.  

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I had no idea it was even on until I decided to check out  twitter.  And then I followed only on twitter just to see what the buzz was.  So I tuned in just in time to see Beyonce and Rihanna's 2nd and 3rd set. So glad I did!  I enjoyed those performances.  Went to bed right after 'Bitch Betta have my Money' was too tired to watch more and honestly it was enough just to see Bey do her thing.

Had to cut away a couple of times.  I have a soft spot for Kanye, but no, not even that would make me listen to him give a free-form speech for minutes on end.  And I had to change the channel when Britney came on.  Given how much they were completely hyping her, there was no way she could deliver up to expectation esp. given that she performed right after Beyonce.  Poor thing.  Seriously, Bey is at the top of her creative form right now, Britney would have had to have been absolutely spectacular to follow that and not invite comparisons.  So no, I had to cut away for a bit.

Maybe it is just the folks I follow on twitter (I follow lots of authors and WOC actors, activists) but I got a lot of 'Damn, I feel old' and 'Who are these people?' LOL.

I also experienced second hand embarrassment for Key and Peele just for the few segments I saw.  Man they bombed hard!  And it is a shame because those two are legitimately funny.

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19 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

and Jon Bon Jovi and Ritchie Sambora's acoustic take on "Living On A Prayer"/"Wanted Dead or Alive" 

Oh, I loved that performance. I have the Young Guns soundtrack cassette and I always wish for those beautiful harmonies. Wanted!

That said, Madonna's Vogue was the performance we loved growing up. As a teen/young adult, there were still some memorable performances: Slave 4 U, Gonna Be Me/Bye Bye Bye spring to mind...back when pop ruled the world I guess. I loved when unlikely collaboration happened. Hip hop meets rock and other such good stuff. Remember how then the performance would go into regular video rotation? Beyonce was the only one I saw last night that I know I would watch again as a video. 

8 hours ago, iwasish said:

I couldn't understand half of what anyone sang and less than that of what they said. Subtitles please.

Was Rhianna's song getting bleeped or did she lose the sound for few seconds here and there?

Was the guy on the line to the men's room doing a Kanye impression? What was that all about? 

Definitely sounded like she was getting bleeped on my west coast feed! 

I thought he was doing a Jay-z impression. I don't know the point of it. I may or may not have wandered away and come back halfway through the skit.

Edited by Lyinfait
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Britney looks fabulous and I admire that how well she was able to pull herself back together after 2007. MTV was wrong for having her perform after Beyonce. Not even Britney in her prime could follow Beyonce. What's sad about Britney is that she was always known as better dancer than singer and now she's she's so stiff moving....its cringe inducing to watch.

Beyonce was good but I still feel her performance was over-hyped.  "Hold Up" is my jam, though, and I wish she would finally release it as a single. I am so over "Sorry".  Also, B looks great but I wish she would retire those tired ass onesies. I really didn't appreciate B showing me her ass, LOL.

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 Britney who? As someone who still watches the VMAs, I thought that Beyonce' killed it, buried it, resurrected it and killed it again.   As far as I'm concerned, that performance proved that Bey's not only at the top of her game, she is the game.

On 8/29/2016 at 0:20 AM, Dancingjaneway said:

Compared to Beyonce Brittney Spears looks like she's auditioning for a High School Dance Troupe. 

   A high-school dance troupe would have done way better than Britney Spears did. Given that this was Britney's first VMA performance in almost 10 years, she should have stepped it up but she failed, to put it mildly.  Whomever on Britney's team thought it was brilliant to 1) Have her follow Beyonce' and 2) Use shadow puppets should be fired. 

  As for Kanye's latest rant, it was as shallow, boring, self-indulgent and pointless as he is.  Teyana Taylor's body and her dancing were by far the best things about it. 

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Re Drake & Rihanna, I'm rooting for them. They have great chemistry, they look great together, they sound great together & I think they love each other.  To paraphrase Kathrine Hepburn re Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, "He gives her class; she gives him sex-in more ways than one, re the latter." Drake's giving Rihanna the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard award and professing his love for her was sweet. However, I'm glad Drake didn't propose to Rihanna because I don't think they're ready for marriage yet since I think they've still got some wild oats to sow. When it comes to men, Rihanna not only can do way worse than Drake, she has done way worse, aka Chris Brown.

  It's a shame that there were no tributes to David Bowie nor Prince. They made amazing contributions to music and music videos and were huge influences to many of the stars there, whether they were nominated or not.

Edited by DollEyes
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Anybody else watching?

The pre-show was stupid, fake, and mostly pointless, like it always is. Cardi B did her Lil Kim kid-sister act with Bodak Yellow, Bleachers performed (Lena Dunham's boyfriend looks like an actor playing a nerd), and Khalid performed. Khalid has a nice voice, but he was mumbling through his performance. I could barely understand him. Then he started hi-kicking it with cheerleaders. It was...actually kind of embarrassing.

Nicki Minaj is here and is dressed in a hot pink body suit. She looks like she's gonna get a bubble-gum flavored yeast infection.

The award show just started. Kendrick Lamar opened the show. It was pretty exciting, but Kendrick's a solid, exciting performer. Loved hearing him do Humble. I was sitting here rapping right along with him.

Ed Sheeran did that song that you kinda like but got tired of after about the fourth time you heard it. Then Lil Uzi Vert came out and his Lil song about Lil things. I have no idea what it was about.

Fifth Harmony won another freaking award. Those heifers STAY winning awards. They have a pretty loyal fanbase. Why did J Lo Redux leave?

Aaaand we just saw Tay Tay's new video for "Look What You Made Me Do" and it was crazy...like her. It was like she is. The ending was pretty funny, though. It was her in all of her old looks doing this meta shit like she's in the joke that everybody thinks she's playing the victim again. Taylor? Just because you're joking about it doesn't make it not true. Still, the video makes me like the song .5% better.

Julia Michaels performed that little quirky song she does, but I have to go to the MTV website to hear the rest of it. Nuh uh.

Shawn Mendes...sounded the best. Let that sink in. He's kinda boring, but he has a good, live voice.

Oh, and Katy Perry is hosting. It's as funny and cutesy and pettily political as you might think it is.

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Is it wack or actually kind of cool that Lourde danced clumsily to her own song and didn't even try to sing? Part of thinks that performance was pointless, but part of me thinks it was meant to troll other artists who would rather dance than sing live to their own song.

Teyana Taylor is so sexy, it's actually kind of hard to deal with. That voice, that face, those boobs, the abs. It's ridiculous.

Alessia Cara is so cute. So glad you won a VMA. You deserve it!

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Supposedly Lorde has the flu and is on vocal rest.  I don't know why the producers didn't replace her with something else, but it was very weird.

The Martha Stewart/Snoop commercial made me laugh harder than I have in a really long time.  That was awesome.

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So that Taylor Swift video...I see.  The ending with her multiples/clones/past reputations was pretty decent ("Stop acting so surprised!") but the rest was pretty bad.  

And Katy Perry is not doing any better. 

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I'm watching...while putting away laundry.  Right now 4/5 Harmony is "performing". 

I thought Lorde was so cute, and so is Alessia Cara.

Didn't like Tay Tay's video until the very end with all her past  video selves.  The song sucks, it sounds like Britney Spears before she went nuts.

Why does Joe Jonas have a pornstach?

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I have it on in the background. I don't like Katy Perry. Her hosting is annoying me.

I really just wanted to see Ed Sheeran perform and see what craziness Taylor Swift would put out so I could turn it off, yet I still have it on. 

The Lorde performance was interesting. That makes sense that she didn't sing if she's on vocal rest, but I couldn't figure out the point of it in the moment.

I know more songs and people there than I thought I would. 

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